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Nội dung

Ss: Answer the teacher’s questions T: correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Elicit new words from Ss.. Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual2[r]


Unit : FRIENDSHIP Period 01

READING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - understand the passage about friendship - identify the main idea

- guess the meaning in context

- express their ideas about friendship

II Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette Students : Textbook , schoolthings

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance Old lesson : No

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Ask Ss work in groups

Stick the pictures of things on the board Ask Ss to name them and find out What the pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name from the pictures

Ss: Work in groups and following the teacher’s requirement

 The group that can first find out the word will be the winner

T: Checking Ss’ understanding the instruction

T: Ask Ss to answer some questions Ss: Answer the questions

T: Introduce the lesson

T: Elicit some new words from Ss Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual

Correct Ss’ pronunciation

Warm – up

Picture Talk

Key : FRIEND Lead-in :

- Do you have a lot of friends ?

- How many close friends you have ? - What you think are the quanlities of

friendship ?



T: Tell Ss to read the text silently and check if SS have the same ideas from the ideas in the text

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs Do task in the textbook to guess the meaning of the words in the box

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Move around class to give help Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud

T: Ask Ss to read the text again and find the main idea

Call out their answers

T: Ask Ss to read through the questions

Ask them to work in pairs In turn to ask and answer the questions in task Ss: Do following the teacher’s


T: Move around to give help T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions and write them on the board

Ss: write the answers on the board T: Give comments on Ss’ answers

- sympathy (n) While – Reading

Activity : Read and check Ss’ answers

Activity : Gap-fill Answers :

a mutual

b incapable of c unselfish

d acquaintance – friend e give and take

f loyal to g suspicion Activity : Answer :

B – conditions of true friendship Activity : Questions and answers Suggested answers :

1 The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness.It tell us that a man who is concerned only with their own interests and feelings can not be a true friend Changeable and uncertain people are

incapable of true friendship because they take up an interest with enthusiasm , but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new objects

3 The third quality for true friendship is loyalty It tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them

4 There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other his or her secrets


T: Ask Ss to choose one of the topics below to discuss in groups

Ss: Share ideas One secretary from each group takes notes the group’s ideas

T: Move around to give help if necessary

Ask a representative of each group reports their group’s ideas in front of the class

Give comments on their presentations

6 The last quality for true friendship is sympathy It tells us that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your

friend.Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends there’s no true friendship Post – Reading


Why we need to have close friends ? “ A friend in need is a friend in deed” What you think about this proverb ?

What quanlity of friendship is the most important to you ? Why ?


Unit : FRIENDSHIP Period 02


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - describe physical characteristics - Discuss personalities

- Talk about a famous / close friend

II Preparations :

Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, pictures

Students : Textbook , schoolthings

III Teaching steps :

Class order : greeting and checking attendance

Old lesson : Vocabulary and questions

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Divide the class into groups of or

5 Give each group one card containing words whose letteres are jumbled and ask Ss to rearrange the lettere to make good words The group which finish the task first with the most correct words will be the winner

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Elicit new words from Ss

Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual

Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and look at the pictures on page 15

Ask one S to try to describe one of the four people in the pictures, the other has to guess which person his partner is talking about

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement in pairs

Warm – up

Jumbled Words MUIDEM



- nose : straight, crooked - hair : blond, long, wavy - Face: oval, large, round - Forehead: broad, high While-speaking

Activity 1: Describing people


T: Ask S A to thinks of his close friend and draws his face on face 1, S B will ask S A about A’s close

friend’s appearance and S A has to describe him/her B listens and draws A’s friend on face

The Ss hace to compare the faces to know if they are the same after three minutes

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering the following questions about your partner’s close friend

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to play the role of a journalist and an

interviewee whose friend has won the first international prize in maths In conversation, Ss should mention the following things

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have some pairs to act out in front of the class

Correct their mistakes if necessary

Activity : Draw and compare

Face Face Questions :

1 What’s his / her name ?

2 Where did you first meet him/her ? How long have you known each other ? What qualities you admire in your best

friend ? Post-speaking

Questions Answers What is his / her name ?

2 Where and when was he born ? What does he/she look like ? What are his/her hobbies ? What made him/her successful

in maths ?

6 What you often with your friends ?

7 Which characters you share in common ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to write a short paragraph (100 words) about one of their best friends


Unit : FRIENDSHIP Period 03


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - Identify specific details

- Take notes

II Preparations :

Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, pictures, cassette

Students : Textbook , schoolthings

III Teaching steps :

Class order : greeting and checking attendance

Old lesson : Ask Ss to talk about their close friend

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Ask Ss to list the characteristics

that they expect in their best friends

Write down all vocabulary on the board

Let Ss take out a piece of paper and copy down characteristics that they like best

Read out characteristics that T likes best Any Ss who have or more choices the same as the T will shout “ Bingo” and they are the winners

T: Elicit new words from Ss

Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual

Correct Ss’ pronunciation

 Have Ss read and task before listening T: Have Ss listen to the tape and check their answers

Let Ss listen for the second if necessary


Alternative : Bingo Expected answers :

Caring Supportive Helpful Honest Good-nature Quick-witted Humorous Friendly Pre-listening

Pre-teach vocabulary

- apartment building (n) - guitarist (n)

- sence of humor (n.phr) - rough time (n)


Activity : True/False statements Expected answers :


T: Let Ss listen again and circle the correct answers

Ss: Listen and circle the correct answers

T: Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Go over the answers with the class

T: Ask Ss to listen again and note the ideas in the table in task2 p.18 Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read their notes

Ss: Read the notes

T: Give feedback and correct answers

Activity : Multiple choice ( worksheet) Ha’s family moved to Hai Phong in (a.1983 b.1995 c.1985)

2 People think that Hai Phong people are (a cordial b.friendly c.friend)

3 When Lan first went on a trip to Do Son, a.she rode to Ha’s house to meet her

b.she and her family came to Ha’s house

c.Ha rode to Do Son right after Lan gave her a ring

4 Long is good at (a.painting b.singing c.playing guitar)

5 Minh is not only a good listener but also a helpful friend

Minh doesn’t really like to listen to Long’s problem but he always helps Long

Minh is a good listener, but he doesn’t always help Long

Keys: 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.a Activity : Taking notes

How and where did

they meet What they like about their friends ?

Lan They used to live in the same apartment building in HaNoi Lan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to help her

Ha is very friendly and helpful

Ha is sociable She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around

Long They met in college Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer

They worked together

Minh has a sense of humour

Minh likes to go to plays and movies Minh is a good listener


T: Have Ss interview their partners about their best friends

Ss: Interview the best friends

T: Move around to control and give help if necessary

Call on some Ss to report what they have known from their partners’ friend

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask for Ss’ comments

Give comments on what Ss have reported


Speaking : Interviewing Suggested questions :

1 How long have you known your best friends ( or a good friend ) ?

2 How did you meet this friend ?

3 What you remember about the first time you meet ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn the new vocabulary and make some sentences with them.Ask them to write a short paragraph about their best friends based on the suggested questions in the post-listening


Unit : FRIENDSHIP Period 04


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - Describe a friend of theirs

- Talk about their friends

II Preparations :

Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, handouts

Students : Textbook , schoolthings

III Teaching steps :

Class order : greeting and checking attendance

Old lesson : Ask Ss to talk about their close friend

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Introduce

Monday October 15th ,2007

Unit :


Period 16

Lesson : WRITING

I/ Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :

- Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation

- Write an informal letter of invitation II/ Materials

Textbook , handouts , extraboard III/ Teaching steps

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Old lesson : Ask a st to go to the board and describe Mai’s birthday party New lesson : Unit – lesson


T: Divide the class into groups of four or five.Deliver handouts with sentences and phrasrs.Ask ss to read and find the correct word to fill in the numbered rows

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask them to make three words with the underlined letters

Ss: make three words T: Correct Ss’ words

T: Introduce the lesson by asking Ss some questions

Ss: Answer the questions and listen to the teacher’s introduction

T: Set the scene

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Get Ss to work out the content of their letters by answering the

questions in Task

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions and elicit more ideas from the class

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the letter of invitation and complete it with the words or phrases given Ss: Do following the teacher’ s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers.Go over the answers with the class

T: Get Ss to read Task and work out the questions

Warm-up : Can you find these three words ? L E G S

2 S I T T I N G D O E R

4 O F T E N I N V I T E V I E T N A M T I M E

8 S O N

Answer: Letter of invitation

Lead-in :

- Have you ever invited your friend to a party?

- How you say to invite a friend of yours to the party?

Today , you will learn how to write an informal letter of invitation to invite a person to a party

Pre- writing

“You are going to write a friendly letter to invite your classmates to a party that you hold.”

- Occasions for giving parties: birthday, graduation, wedding anniversary, Christmas, ……

- Dressing codes:

Formal : dresses, suits,… Informal: jeans,T-shirt,skirt

- Presents to give: books,CDs, flowers,pens, hats,bags…


1 at my house to come refreshments to cook winners by Monday  While- writing A sample letter:


It’ll be my birthday next …………


Ss: Read Task and work out the questions

T: Go around to check and offer help

T: Get Ss to write their letters in ten minutes, based on the outlines they have produced

Ss: Write the letter in 10 minutes T: Ask Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other T: Go around to offer help

T: Ask Ss to combine the fragments below to form a letter of invitation to lunch

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ answer if necessary

cake, and buy candies,snacks and fruit.There will be dancing and karaoke competition So,there’ll be a lot of fun

Can you come to join us? Give me a call before…………

Hope to see you then Best wishes,


Post-writing a Yours

b Dear David

c It is such an age since we met and I am very anxious to hear how things are with you d Let me know if this is convenient for you

e I shall be in London for a couple of two days next week and I was wondering if you could have lunch with me

f What about Friday , 16th February?

g If this would suit you , I suggest we meet in the bar of the International Hotel at 12.30

h Pierre

4 Homework: Ask Ss to revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions and submit for marking in the next lesson

Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson : Unit 3-Lesson : Language Focus Comments:


Unit 3: PARTY Period 17:

Lesson : LANGUAGE FOCUS I/ Objectives

By the end of the lesson.Ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the sounds /l/ , /r/ , /h/

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

- Distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices

- Use these structures to solve communicative tasks

II/ Materials

Textbook , handouts , extraboard

III/ Teaching steps:

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Old lesson : Ask Ss to present how to write a letter of invitation 3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Model the three sounds /l/, /r/ , /h/ for a few times and explains the differences in producing them Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Play the tape (or read) once for Ss to hear the words containing these three sounds.Then T plays ( or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape ( or T)

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times.Then call on some Ss to read the words out loud

Ss: Read the words in chorus then in

Pronunciation * Listen and repeat

/ l / / r / / h / lunch pretty hit lovely Europe house lemonade parent holiday jelly really hospital glass restaurant husband salad library helicopter

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson


T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and take

* Practise reading aloud these sentences


turn to read aloud the given sentences

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Go around to listen and take notes of the typical errors

Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provide corrective feedback

Ss: Read the sentences again

T: Review the verbs that are

followed by an infinitive, a gerund, and both

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Get Ss to exercise

individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback

T: Review the forms of passive infinitive and gerund and emphasises their uses

Ss: Listen to the teacher

eleven o’clock

2 I’d like a plate of salad, a glass of lemonade, a slice of melon and some jelly, please

3 Laura is a really pretty librarian in the public library

4 Her parents own a restaurant in a country in central Europe

5 ………


* Infinitive and gerund

- Infinitive only: agree,arrange, ask,choose,decide,demand,

deserve,expect,fail,hesitate,hope, intend, learn,manage,offer,plan, refuse,seem,wait

- Gerund only: admit,avoid,deny,enjoy,keep, verbs that are followed by prepositions

- Both: begin,start,continue, stop,

love,like,hate,remember, forget,regret,try Answers:

1 having getting to tell practicing to see

* Passive infinitive + Form:

- Passive infinitive: to be + P.P

- Passive gerund: being + P.P + Use: To emphasise the action/event

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to exercise

individually and then fine a partner to check their answers with

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

rather than the agent Answers:


T: Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback

T: Get Ss to Exercise in pairs Ss: Work in pairs to complete the sentences

T: Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback

5 A

* Passive infinitive and gerund Answers:

1 D C B B C 4 Homework

Ask Ss to rewrite the sentence, beginning as shown ,so that the meaning stays the same:

a) I must see the manger

I demand……… b) I’m quite happy to be kept waiting I don’t mind ………

c) “ Shall I carry that bag for you?”said Pauline Pauline offered………

d) They said they would like me to stay with them in Florida They invited………

e) It’s very kind of you to give me a lift I appreciated………

Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson Test yourself A


Monday October 15th ,2007.

Period 18 + 19 : Test and correction I/ Objectives

By the end of the test , Ss will be able to review the vocabulary and structures they ‘ve learnt from unit to unit

II/ Preparations : Teacher: tests

2 Students : studying and preparing the lesson at home III/ Content and keys :

I/ Chooose one word whose underlined part pronounced differently :

1 A heat B scream C meat D dead A subject B just C put D discuss A men B pen C women D send A teacher B camera C together D term II/ Pick out the word that has the stress parttern different from that of the other words A usually B afternoon C family D buffalo A announce B typical C harrow D alternate A profession B semester C ambitious D background A develop B exactly C determine D interest III/ Choose the sest answer to complete the sentences

1 There is so ……….on the road nowadays


A read B write C have D Big C supermarket is always ……… with shoppers

A crowd B crowded C crowding D to crowd

4 If two people speak the same language , they usually have ………… attitudes and opinions A similarity B similar C similarly D different

5 I like ………… best because I enjoy working with numbers

A maths B literature C biology D geography ………do you like learning best at school?

A How B Where C What D Why Could you please stop ……… so much noise?

A make B to make C making D made I tried ……… to him but he refused to listen

A explain B explaining C to explain D explained John often goes to bed early and ………up late

A gets B get C got D to get 10 He often has breakfast ……… 7.30 in the morning

A at B in C on D with 11 After lunch I usually take………short rest

A the B a C an D no article 12 I ………… to school late because the clock didn’t go off

A went B go C had gone D woke up 13 Nam is very good at maths but he ……….at literature

A is hopeful B is hopeless C is hope D is hoping 14 If you use the shower , try to avoid ……… water on the floor

A splash B splashing C to splash D splashes 15 Why you keep on ……….at me like that?

A look B to look C looking D looks 16 Come over here ! I ‘ d like you ………… this

A see B seeing C to see D sees 17 During the break I often drink tea……… my friends

A from B with C for D to

18 They usually spend two hours ……….TV after dinner

A to watch B watching C watch D watches 19 Mr.Hung is a farmer and he is very good at ………

A ploughed B ploughs C to plough D ploughing 20 Although they have to work hard in the field , they still ………

A live very happily B live happy C will live happy D will live happily 21 She can ……… four foreign languages

A say B speak C tell D talk 22 I am a……… I teach Literature at Dam Doi High school

A doctor B student C teacher D worker 23 I love my family ………

A very much B very many C very lots D very a lot 23 Jim sometimes ……… at midnight

A woke B wake C wakes up D woke up

24 ………does she want to learn English ? Because it’s an international language A Where B How C What D Why

IV/ Use the correct form of the verb in brackets

1.Alexander Graham Bell ( already , invent )……… the telephone by the time I was born He (leave )……… London years ago and I ( not see )………him since then I ( go ) ……… on holiday twice a year


Amelia Earhart was a famous aeroplane pilot She was born in Atchison , Kansas in 1898 When she was 22 , she stopped her studies at Columbia University , New York , to learn to pilot a plane Flying lessons were expensive and she took several jobs to pay for them: once she worked as a lorry driver because the pay was good In 1932 she was the first woman to fly her own plan across the Atlantic , from

Newfoundland to Ireland Who was Amelia Earhart ? When and where was she born ?

3 Why did she stop her studies at Columbia University ? What did she to pay for her flying lessons ?

Monday October 22th , 2007. Period 19 :

Unit : VOLUNTEER WORK I/ Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information

- Use the information they have to discuss the topic

II/ Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook, lesson-plan 2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings

Studying and preparing the lesson at home

III/ Teaching steps :

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance

2 Preview of the previous lesson: no

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Show Ss some pictures and ask them question: Ss: Answer the teacher’s question

T: Lead-in : These people are doing the work without being paid for it.What you call this kind of work ?

Ss: Listen to the teacher and answer the question T: Ask the whole class to look at the picture on page 46 and ask them some questions

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the short poem on page 46 and answer the question and discuss its meaning

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Call on some Ss to present their opinion Ss: Present the opinion

T: Give some comments and her suggestion T: Elicit newwords from Ss Ask them to read

Warm-up :

What are the people in the pictures doing?

1. He is helping the blind children to read

2. The Ss are helping the handicapped

3. These people are helping the AIDS patient ( Expected answer ) : VOLUNTEER WORK

I/ Before you read :

Discussing the picture and saying :

- The old woman is teaching the boy to read

- The phrase means that your little contribution and help may lead to significant results/may greatly change a person’s life

- The pictures tells me that everybody , no matter what they are young or old, can volunteer work

Pre-teaching vocabulary :


the words in chorus then in individual Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: May ask some Ss to make sentences with the above words to check their understanding T: Set the scene:

Ss: Listen to the teacher

- orphanage (n)

- The aged (n)

- To over come (v)

- To participate in (n)

- To suffer sth

II/ While you read

“ You are going to read a passage about volunteer work.”

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Elicit different parts of speech of the word “ volunteer” and write these words on the board Then T instructs Ss to read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of the word to fill in each blank

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss to work individually to the task and exchange their answers with others

Ss: Work individually and exchange their answers with others

T: Ask Ss for their answers ans give the correct T: Ask Ss how to this task If they not remember ,T may instruct them to use some strategies to the task

Ss: Listen to the teacher Locate the information in each sentence in the text and read this part carefully.Read the four choices given to choose the most suitable one

T: Ask Ss to work individually to the task,then discuss their answers with their partner

Ss: Do following the teacher ‘s requirement T: Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree Ss: Give the answers

T: Give feedback and the correct answers

T: Instruct Ss to use some strategies to the task

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss to work individually to the task,then discuss their answers with their peers

Ss: Do the task individually and discuss

T: Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Ss: Write the answers on the board and explain

TASK 1 Answers

1 Voluntary Voluntarily Volunteers Volunteered


Instruction: You are going to read the passage and choose the best answer from A,B,C,D for each of the following sentences

1 A ( line – , paragraph ) D ( line – , paragraph ) B ( line – , paragraph ) D ( last paragraph

5 B ( A : too general; C and D : not cover the whole text )


Instruction : You are required to answer the three questions in the book


1 They read books to the people there,play games with them or listen to their problems

2 They give care and comfor to them and help them to overcome their difficulties


T: Give the correct answers areas

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the questions in the book

Ss: Discuss the question

T: Go around to help Ss when necessary Ask every two pairs to share ideas

Ss: Share the ideas

T: Call on some Ss to report their ideasto the class

III/ After you read

Why people volunteer work ? Ss’ answers

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson Unit – Lesson : Speaking


Monday October 22th , 2007

Period 20 :

UNIT : SPEAKING I/ Objectives :

By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to :

Talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work

II/ Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , pictures

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings

Studying and preparing the lesson at home

III/ Teaching steps :

1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson: Ask Ss to answer the question: Why people volunteer work ?

Do you want to be a volunteer / Have you ever done volunteer work ?

3 New lesson :

Teacher ‘s and Ss ‘ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into small groups of 3- Ss and stick the pictures on the board

Ask Ss to describe the activity in each picturein one sentence only

WARM- UP : Competition game – Describing the pictures

1 The St is teaching the poor children

2 The Ss are taking part in directing the traffic The medical Ss are examing the old people


Ss: Do following the teacher’ s requirement Which group finishes first and has the most correct and meaningful sentences will be the winner

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the activities in the book are volunteer works.Ss should also explain why a certain activities is not volunteer work

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Call some Ss to give their answers and asks for comments from other Ss

T: Elicit other volunteer activities from Ss

5 The Ss are taking part in a Blood Donation activity The Ss are collecting the rubbish


Suggested answers

1. The activities which are not volunteer work : taking part in an excursion and participating in an English speaking club

Reason: You take part in these activities for yourself , not to help other people

2. Some other volunteer activities : taking part in environmental conversation activities , donating blood , directing traffic , guiding foreign sports teams around when they go to Vietnam to complete…


Instruction : You are going to make conversations based on the given suggestions

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to read the model conversation on page 50 Then Ss read the list of volunteer activities and the exact things related to them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Explain some words quickly

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Get across to Ss that one activity in the first column can go with several activities in the second column

Require Ss to match each activity on the left with corresponding activities on the right

Ss: Match

T: May design a handput for this activity to help Ss talk more naturally and to lead to the next task

Ss: Choose one or two activities to talk about , and change the role after one activity

T: call on some pairsto act out their conversation Elicit feedback from the class and gives final comments

T: Ask Ss to read through the example in the book.EncourageSs to use transition signals such as also , besides , moreover, ect To make their talk more coherent

Suggested answers:

+ Helping people in mountainous areas

- Teaching the children to read and write

- Giving them money + Helping old or sick people

- Cleaning up their houses

- Doing their shopping

- Cooking meals

+ Helping disadvantaged or handicapped children

- Teaching the children to read and write

- Listening to their problems

- Playing games with them

- Taking them to places of interest

+ Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs

- Listening to their problems

- Cleaning up their houses

- Doing their shopping

- Cooking meals

+ Taking part in directing the traffic

- Directing vehicles at the intersections

- Helping old people and young children to cross the road



Ss: Work in group to talk about one activity their partner takes part in

T: Call on some Ss to talk about the activity they take part in

Correct Ss’ talk if necessary

“ Mai usually takes part in directing the traffic She directs vehicles at the intersections Besides , she helps old people and young children to cross the road She enjoys the work very much.”

3 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson


Sunday October 21th , 2007.

Period 21

Unit : LISTENING I/ Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

II/ Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette, Students : Textbook , schoolthings

Studying and preparing the lesson at home

III/ Teaching steps :

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to talk about a kind of volunteer work they take part in

3 New lesson :

Teacher ‘s and Ss ‘ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask ss to go to the board and match the verbs in column A with the words in column B

Ss following the teacher’s requirement T: Correct Ss ‘ answer if necessary

T: Ask Ss to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure Ss understand all them

Ss: Read through the questions and choices T: Ask Ss to discuss the questions in pairs Ss: Discuss the questions in pairs

T: Call on some Ss to report on their partner’s answers

T: Help Ss to pronounce the words given in the book Read aloud first or play the tape and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually

Ss: Listen to the tape and repeat

T: Teach some of these words and those taken from the listening passage

Ss: Listen to the teacher and repeat

WARM – UP : Matching

Supporting money Helping charities Making the poor Raising donations Helping the elderly

BEFORE YOU LISTEN Discussing the questions

1. How often you support charities ?

2. What ‘s the best way of raising money to support charities ?

3. Which of these kinds of volunteer work you prefer ?

Vocabulary Pre- teaching

- Fund-raising activities - Donation

- Informal school

- Organization for Educational Development - Co- operate


T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary T: Instruct Ss how to the task Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Play the tape once for Ss to the task Ss: Ss: Listen to the tape

T: Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board

T: Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers

Ss: Check the answers

T: Call on some Ss to present their answers Play the tape one or two times and pauses at the answers for them to catch

T: Ask Ss to try to answer the questions with the things they rememberfrom the previous time of listening

Ss: Try to answer the questions

T: Play the tape again for Ss to the task in pairs

Ss: Listen to the tape again and check the answer T: Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit feedback from other Ss

T: Get Ss to work in groups to summarise the story about Spring School , using the suggestions Ss: Summarise the story

T: Call on some Ss to present their summary Ss: Present the summary

T: Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments

- Sponsor


Instruction : You are going to listen to the passage and fill in the missing information in each sentence

Answers :

1 Informal

2 30 street children 250 children 1998

5 volunteer , June


Instruction : You are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions

Suggested answers :

1 It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City

2 Dance,theatre , singing and circus classes were set up in 1999

3 Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes

4 They dance , sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City

5 Because they need help to contact sponsors and expand the school activities


- The aim of Spring School

- The number of children who live and study at the school or attend classes

- The activities the children at the school take part in

- The kinds of volunteers that Spring School requires

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and the exercises in the workbook.p


Signature ( October 22th ,2007 )

Sunday October 28th, 2007

Week - Period 22:

Unit : WRITING I/Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a thank-you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’s contribution

II/ Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , handouts…

2 Students : textbook , schoolthings …

III/ Teaching steps :

1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson: Ask Ss to talk about Spring school

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Prepare handout with a quiz about writing fomal letter in English The quiz

WARM-UP Quiz-A formal letter


consists of several incomplete statements Ss work in group to complete these statements as quickly as possible

Ss: Work in group and complete the statements

T: Correct Ss’ answers The group with the quickest and most correct answers will be the winner

T: Ask Ss to read the sample letter on page 52 and discuss the purpose of the letter in pairs

Ss: Read the letter and discuss

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers Ss: answers

T: Ask Ss to read the letter again and TASK individually When they finish , Ss exchange their answer with another st Ss: read the letter again and task T: T: Check Ss ‘ answers by asking some Ss to read their answers out loud

Ss: Do following the teacher ‘s requirement T: Elicit corrective feedback from other Ss and give the correct answers when


T: Can introduce some other expressions that can be used in this kind of letter

T: Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully Get Ss to write the letter in 15 minutes Go around to observe and offer help Ss: Do following the teacher’ s requirement T: Ask Ss to exchange their writing

withanother St for peer correction Ss: Exchange the writing for correction

the letter

2 The address of the receiver should be written on the left

,starting below our address

3 You can write the date on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to

4 When the letter starts Dear Dr Smith , you end it with

Your sincerely.

5 When the letter starts Dear Sir/Madam,you end it with

Your sincerely.

6. It is not a good idea to use contractions such as I’m or can’t



 The opening of the letter : sentence  The donated amount : sentence

 The way(s) the money is used : sentence  The way the receipt is issued : sentence  The gratitude to the donor : sentence  The closing of the letter : Yous faithfully

+ On behalf of …………., I would like to thank you for your generous donation of $……….Your contribution makes it possible for us to………

+ Thank you very much for your generous donation of $ ………in support of ………


54 Duong Thi Cam Van Street Dam Doi District

Ca Mau

The Director ……… 15 Tran Phu Street

Ca Mau City 29 October 2007 Dear……… ,


T: Write Ss ‘ typical errors on the board and elicit self and peer correction Provide correction only when Ss are not able to correct the errors

T: Collect some writing for quick feedback Provide general comments on the letter

hope to receive more assistance and cooperation from your company in the future

I look forward to hearing from you soon Your faithfully,


Principal of New Future School


Ss’ writing

4 Homework :

Ask Ss to improve their writing,taking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction and the extra exercise.Prepare for the next lesson : Unit – Language Focus


Week Sunday October 28th, 2007.

Period 23 : Unit – LANGUAGE FOCUS I/ Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the sounds /w/,/j/

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

- Use gerunds , present participles , perfect gerunds and perfect participles appropriately

II/ Preparations

1 Teacher : textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students: textbook , schoolthings

III/ Teaching steps :

1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson: Ask Ss to present how to write a fomal letter

3 New lesson.

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Models the two sounds /w/ and /j/ for a



few times and explain the differences in producing them

Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully T: Read once for Ss to hear the words containing these two sounds Then read again and this time ask Ss to repeat

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Read the sentences and ask Ss underline the words with the sounds and write /w/ and /j/ under them

Ask Ss to practice the sentences in pairs Ss: Listen to the teacher and practice in pairs

T: Ask some Ss to read the sentences and give feedback

T: Review the form and uses of gerunds Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully T: Ask Ss to give example Ss: Try to give example

T: Ask Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another st Ss: following the teacher ‘ requirement T: Call on some Ss to read out their answers

/w/ /j/ we yes west year wine yellow wheel use wet young whale York  Practise reading aloud these sentences.

1 We went for a walk in the woods near the railway We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep


3 At about twelve , we had veal sandwiches and sweet white wine , and we watched TV

4 Excuse me Did you use to live in York? Did you use to be a tutor at the university? I raed about Hugh in the newspaper yesterday GRAMMAR

1 Gerund. a Presentation.

A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding “-ing”.The gerund alwayss has the same function as a noun

as the subject of the sentence:

Reading helps you learn English

as the complement of the verb “ to be” Her favorite hobby is reading.

after prepositions

She is good at reading English They are keen on windsurfing.

After a number of “ phrasal verbs” which are

composed of a verb + preposition / adverb.

To look forward to , to give up, to be for / against , to take to , to put off , to keep on

I look forward to hearing from you soon  in compound nouns

a driving lesson,a swimming pool, …  after the expressions

can’t help, can’t stand, …

I can’t stand being stuck in traffic jams

b Practice



Ss: Read out the answers T: Correct if necessary

T: Review the form and uses of the present participles

Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully T: Have Ss give examples

Ss: Try to give examples T: Correct if necessary Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss:Work in pairs

T Ask them to compare answers with another pair

Ss: Compare the answers with other pair T: Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers.Correct if necessary T: Introduce the form and uses of the perfect gerund and perfect participle Ss: listen to the teacher ‘s introduction carefully

T: Give Ss many example to explain how to use perfect gerund and perfect participle clearly

spending waiting starting

2 Present participle : a presentation.

The present participle of most verbs has the form V+ing and is used in the following ways:

as part of the continuous form of a verb. I am working.

She was dancing.

after verbs of movement / position in the pattern :

Verb + present participle.

My mother used to go shopping everyday He came running towards me

after verbs of perception in the pattern : verb +

object + present participle.

I heard someone playing the guitar I can smell something burning

as an adjective

It was an interesting film

It’s a bit worrying when the police stop you

 with the verbs : spend , waste : Verb + time/money + present participle

I spend two hours a day travelling to work Don’t waste time playing computer games

with the verbs : catch and find : verb+ O + present participle.

We founfd our cat lying in the bathroom

to replace a sentence or a part of a sentence He put on his coat and left the house

Putting on his coat , he left the house

b Practice

Exercise :

Answers: Burning/rising Reading lying Shopping preparing Trying modernizing

3 Perfect gerund and perfect participle. a Presentation.

Perfect gerund :

Form : having + P.P Use:

- The perfect gerund can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action EX: he was accused of deserting his ship = He was accused of having deserted his ship


Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to exercise3 individually and then compare their answers with another student

Ss: Do exercise and compare the answers with other

T: Call on some Ss to read out their answers

Ss: Read out the answers

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary

both the past and the future

EX: The retired teacher recalled having taught

Perfect participle Form : having P.P Use:

- The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject

EX: Switching of the lights , we went to bed

Having switched off the lights , we went to bed -The perfect participle emphasizes that the first action is complete before the second one starts

EX: She bought a bike and cycled home Having bought a bike , she cycled home

-The perfect participle is , however , necessary when there is an interval of time between the two actions EX: Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again

b Practice

Exercise Answers:

having Having been having been Having tied Having read having taken

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all grammar notes and prepare for the forty-five-minute test


Sunday October 28th , 2007


I.Choose one word whose underlined part pronounced differently:

1 A honest B honey C homeless D hospital A mother B their C relative D theatre A light B leather C folk D let A window B sword C would D worry


III Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

9 My little boy is expecting ……… to his friend’s party

A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked

10 George always remembers …………in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars A parking B being parked C to park C to be parked

11 ………… TV to the exclusion of all other activities is not a healthy habit for a growing child A To be watched B Watching C Being watched D Watch

12 Mr Jonh doesn’t mind ………….his customers discounts when they buy in large quantities A giving B being given C to give D to be given

13 My mother always uses delicious ………….for covering and decorating cakes

A icing B ice C iceberg D ice-cream 14 The little girl is very ……… of singing and dancing

A interested B enthusiastic C fond D sad

15 The old couple are talking happily because they are having their wedding……… A A birthday B ceremony C anniversary D organization 16 You behaved like a child Don’t be ………

A childlike B childless C childishly D childish

17 He has just passed the exam with excellent marks He is going to………his great success A show B organize C.celebrate D hold

18 I only had time to ………….at the newspaper

A look B stare C investigate D glance 19 The company volunteers ………fifty trucks to help the flooded areas

A donate B lend C loan D sell 20 I thought the programme on wildlife is ………

A fascinated B fascinating C to fascinate D having fascinated 21 After he ………….his English course , he went to London to continue his study

A will finish B had finished C has finished D would finished 22 They had made a lot of ………before the match started

A prepare B preparations C preparated D preparator 23 English is an important language ………

A to master B for us to master C which we have to master D All are correct 24 This ………boy was disliked by the rest of the class

A lovely B interesting C sneaky D humourous 25 Let’s watch television ……… playing cards

A instead of B but C and D or

26 She is eighteen , so by law her father can not ………her marriage A avoid B defeat C prevent D fail 27 He ………….me not to take a lawyer to court with me

A advised B suggested C threatened D insisted

28 A lot of young college and university students ……….helping poor people every summer A take part in B participate in C join in D all A , B , C

29 In the United States , people of all ages ……….birthdays

A organize B hold C celebrate D take part 30 The crowd at a football match are often ………

A excite B exciting C excited D being excited III Choose the underlined part among A, B ,C , D that needs correcting. 31 The customers officers made everyone to wait half an hour


32 I don’t mind to be interviewed in the street by market researchers A B C D

33 Yesterday , we had a man coming and dig some holes in the garden A B C D

34 As soon as the alarm clock had gone off , she woke up and got out of bed A B C D

IV Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense

35 He (leave)………London years ago and I (not,see)………him since then

36 On arrival at home I (find)……….that she (just,go)……… just a few minutes before 37 My brother (smoke)………20 cigarettes a day All the family (try)………… to stop him


V Complete the passage by using the words given :

Challenging doing what abundant attract Contributing have invole or who

More and more young people are (38)……… voluntary work abroad.The wide variety of jobs and destinations (39)………is making it an increasingly attractive option for those (40)………… have just left school and have a year free before university Many choose to (41)………….these twelve months working in poor countries There they will earn little (42)………….no money , but they will be doing something useful-and enjoying the experience

The work may (43)……… of helping local communities , for example by (44)……… to build new roads or provide water supplies to isolated rural villages Other projects may (45)………… more on conversation or environmental protection (46)……… kind of job it is , though , it is certain to be (47)……… and worthwhile , and an experience that will never be forgotten Goodluck to you !

Sunday October 28th, 2007.

Week 8+9 Period +9


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to review how to use perfect gerund and perfect participle by doing exercises

II Preparations:

1 Teacher : Lesson-plan , exercises

2 Students : Schoolthings , reviewing lesson at home

III Teaching Steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Tenses

3. New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T: Review the form and uses of perfect gerund

Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully T: Ask Ss to give some examples Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss ‘ sentences if necessary

S: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to review the form and use of perfect participle

Ss: Review

T: Explain the use of it by giving exampls

Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to complete the sentences -by using the correct form of the verbs

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Ask Ss to compare their answers with the other pair

Ss: Compare the answers with other

T: Ask Ss to go to the board and complete the sentences

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Correct Ss ‘ answers if


1 Perfect gerund :

-Form : having + P.P -Use :

The perfect gerund can be used instead of the present form of the gerund when we are referring to a past action

EX: Finishing my homework , I went to bed Having finished my homework , I went to bed I approve of helping the poor

I approve of having helped the poor

2 Perfect participle :

-Form; having + P.P Use:

The perfect participle can be used instead of the present participle when one action is immediately followed by another with the same subject

EX: She bought a bike and cycled home Having bought a bike , she cycled home

The perfect participle is , however , necessary when there is an interval of time between the two actions

EX: Having failed twice , he didn’t want to try again

Exercise : Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms : infinitive , gerund , or present participle.

1 She likes her children (go)…………to the dentist , but they always resist(go)………there

2 Did nyou advise him (go)………to that university This book tells you how (win)………at games without

actually (cheat)…………

4 I’m not used to (drive)…………on the left

5 Ask her (come)…………in Don’t keep her (stand)……… at the door

6 I didn’t mean (offend)………… anyone

7 Did you remember (give)………him the book? They warned us (not,come)……… near the wire I could hear the bell (ring)…………, but nobody seemed (be)


Answers: to go ,going to go

3 to win , cheating driving

5 to come , standing offending to give not to come ring , to be 10 eating 11 going 12 work 13 to meet 14 thinking

15 spending,arguing,not to go 16 leaving , going to live 17 calling, letting,decide 18 sleeping,tocamp 19 to park

20 smoking, to risk setting , smoke

10 Are you accustomed to (eat)……….this kind of food? 11 I don’t feel like (go)…………to the cinema now

12 He made them (work)………hard during the course 13 Would you like (meet)………… that scientist?

14 I can’t help (think)……… of my parents while I’m away from them

15 After (spend)………… two days (argue)………….about whereto go for their holidays , they decided (not go)……… anywhere

16 He is talking about (leave)………his job and (go)………… (live) ……….in the country

17 He suggested (call)………… a meeting and (let) ………… the workers (decide)……….the matter themselves

18 We suggested (sleep)………….in hotels but the children were anxious (camp)………… out

19 They let us park motorcycles here but they won’t allow us (park)……….cars

20 They don’t allow (smoke)…………in the auditorium ; they don’t want (risk)………(set)……… it on fire,but you can (smoke)……….in the foyerduring the interval

4 Homework : Take notes and learn by heart



(October 29th, 2007 )



1 A D 17 C 26 C 35.Left, haven’t seen

2 C C 18 D 27 A 36.found, had just gone 3 C 10 B 19 A 28 D 37.smokes,are trying 4 B 11.A 20 B 29 C 38 Doing 39 abundant


7 B 15 C 24 C 33 B 45 Attract 46 what 8 B 16 D 25 A 34 B 47 challenging


( October 29th, 2007)

Sunday November 4th, 2007

Week – Unit


Period 26 : READING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Develop such reading micro-skill as scanning for specific ideas , identifying main ideas , and identifying meaning in context

- Use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues

II Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette player

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps

1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : No


Teacher ‘ s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Write the word “ILLITERACY” on the board Divide the class into groups of 10 and introduce the game: The groups should generate as many words related to this word as possible in minutes

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Call on the representative of each group to come to the board and write their list Then get the whole class to count Each correct word gets one point Which group has more points wins the game

T: Get Ss to work in pairs and try to make sence of the picture on page 56 , using the given prompts

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Call on some Ss to describe the picture T may elicit their answers by asking questions

Ss: Describe the picture by answering the questions.Give reasons for the answers T: Check with the class and ask Ss to guess what they are going to read about

T:Get Ss to read the passage silently and then the task Write the given phrases on the boardand ask ss to go back to the passage to locate and read around these phrase so that they can guess their meanings

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Check Ss’ understanding of the phrases by calling on some Ss to tell their

equivalents in Vietnamese

Ss: Tell the equivalents in vietnamese

WARM – UP Suggested answers:

Illiteracy rate , literacy rate , ethnic minority groups , poverty , mountainous areas , remote areas , reading and writing , eradicate / eliminate illiteracy , illiterate , volunteer teacher , drop out , primary education , compulsory education , low – income families …


1.What can you see in the picture ? 2.Who is the teacher ?

3 What about the students ?

4 Where you think the class is taking place ?

Suggested answers:

This is a class for ethnic minority children in a mountainous area Perhaps the class takes place in the morning because I can see the sunlight outside The children are listening very attentively to their teacher , who is wearing a soldier’s

uniform Maybe he’s a border soldier and work as a volunteer teacher There is only one textbook for each desk It seems that this is a very poor area because the class is poorly equipped and the children are wearing old clothes WHILE-READING

Set the scene: You are going to read about education in mountainous areas and the reading tasks that follow

Task : Answers:

1. Pho cap giao duc tieu hoc

2. Hoi khuyen hoc Viet Nam

3. Xoa mu chu

4. Ky thuat canh tac


T: Check the answers with the whole class and give corrective feedback

T: Get Ss to read the task requirement and the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer with

Ss: Read the text carefully and try to summarizes it in the Ss’ own words.Search through the list of main ideas provided in the task to find the most suitable one

T: Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask other Ss to say whether they agree or disagree.Give feedback and correct T: Check if Ss can answer the

comprehension questions in Task3 without having to read the passage again

Ss: Try to answer the comprehension questions

T: Get Ss to check their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Give the correct answers

Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of or and discuss the questions “ How to help illiterate people in the disadvantaged areas to read and write ? “

Ss: Discuss in group

T: Remind Ss of some structures and vocabulary can be used

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Call on the groups to tell and explain their answers

Task : Answer: D

( Option Ais too general ; Option B and C are too specific.)

Task :


1 94% of the population ( line 1-paragraph ) The campaign for illiteracy eradication ( lines 1-2

.paragraph )

3 600 in 2000 ( line , paragraph ) and 800 in 2001 ( lines – , paragraph )

4 They willingly / voluntarily spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write ( line 3-4,paragraph )

5 Illiteracy will soon be eradicated ( lines 5-7 , paragraph )


Suggested answers

Many people in disadvantaged areas not have a chance to go to school To help them participate in the society , along with other things , we need to teach them how to read and write.We could this by :

- Opening schools / upgrading schools in these areas

- Sending teachers / volunteer teachers

- Buying books

- Providing individual rewards to families that send their children to school


4.Homework:Ask Ss to summarise the main points of the lesson , exercises in the workbook , prepare for the next lessonb : Unit – Lesson : Speaking.

Comments :

Sunday November 4th , 2007.

Week – Period 27 :

Unit – Lesson : SPEAKING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Talk about schooling and literacy related problems

- Suggest solutions to these problems

II Preparations

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance

2 Preview of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to answer the question “ How to help illiterate people in the disadvantages areas to read and write ? “

3 New lesson :


T: Ask Ss to brainstorm the problem they often encounter at school

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary

T: Introduce the lesson by asking some questions

Ss: Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to match each problem in A with its appropriate solution in B (task , p.59 )

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers Ss: Give the answers

T: Check with the whole class

T: Put Ss into groups of or and get them to define the problems of their own school and suggest as many solutions as possible Ss: Work in groups

T: After checking that Ss have finished the task , call on some different groups to present the problems and solutions they have identified

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Write these ideas on the board as Ss talk Elicit comments from the class and provide feedback

T: Introduce the task Ask Ss to work in group of or and get them to add more problems if they can , and work out the

WARM-UP Brainstorming

Problems :

- cutting classes

- forgetting teasing

- making noise

- cheating

- doing homework

Lead-in :

-Do you meet with these problems your class cope with and ofer some solutions to these problems

-How you solve them?

Today we will discuss the problems your class cope with and offer some solutions to these problems

PRE-SPEAKING Matching –up :

Expected answers :

1.b/g , 2.a/e , 3.d/f , 4.c/j , 5.h/I


Asking for opinion :

What you think we need to / could / should / might want to ?

What you think about ….? What’s your opinion about ….? What you have in mind … ?

Giving suggestions :

Maybe we can… We might want to…… Probably we should …… We could……


solutions Remind Ss of the structures that can be used for expressing opinions and giving suggestions

Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully and following the teacher’s requirement T: Go around and check

Call on each group to report their ideas to the class and elicit comments from the class

Ss: Report

T: Give corrective feedback and final comments

Task :

Suggested answers :

1 Class size : an ideal class size is 20-30 Ss , so the school should recruit more teachers and open new classes T should encourage Ss to work with different groups , not with the same group all the time

2 Desks : buy larger desks or if there are new classes , the current number of desk is adequate

3 Equipment : buy / hire facilities such as computers and OHPs , upgrade the classroom

4 Homework :

Ask ss to write a paragraph about a school problem and one or two solutions to it Ask them to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : unit –lesson : Listening



(November 5th, 2007 )

Week 10 Sunday November 11th, 2007

Period 28 : Unit - LISTENING I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : -Develop extensive listening skills

-Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

II Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to talk about problems their class is experiencing and offer solutions

3 New lesson :


T: Deliver handouts with the above words These words have something in common , but there is one that is different

Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to underline the word that is different in each numbered line

Ss: Work in groups , underline the word that is different in each numbered line

T: Ask Ss to rearrange the initial letters of the words to find out the group word which means: An investigation of the opinions , behavior of a particular group of people

T: Elicit newwords from Ss Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher ‘s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and choose the best option to complete each sentence

Ss: Listen to the tapes and choose the best option to complete the sentence T: Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners.Feedback and give correct answers

WARM – UP Game : Odd man out

1 elephant donkey horse lion packet tin box vase potato carrot tomato raspberry beer soda coke yoghurt sister doctor student teacher 6.tennis swimming uniform football

Key : 1 Elephant Vase Raspberry 4.Youghurt Sister Uniform E, V, R , Y , S , U = SURVEY

PRE- LISTENING Pre- teaching vocabulary

1 self – respect (n) : a feeling of pride in yourself that what you , say etc is right and good Maturity (n) :

3 Weakness (n)

WHILE-LISTENING Multiple-choice

Expected answers

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C

Questions and answers

Expected answers:


T: Let Ss listen to the tape and fine the answers to the questions

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to compare the answers in pairs

Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board.Give feedback

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to discuss the question

Ss: Work in groups , discuss the question

T: Move around to give help if necessary

Call on some group representatives to report their opinions

2 80% of the students

3 They think they should be allowed to give some input into school decision making


Question : What you think is a condition for better learning – good teachers or good textbooks ?

Ss’ answers

4. Homework : Ask Ss to write a short passage to answer the question above Ask them to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson Unit 5-section WRITING. 5 Comments:

Sunday November 11th, 2007

Week 10 Period 29


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Describe information in a table

- Write a paragraph based on the information in the table

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :


2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to present their opinion to answer the question “What you think is a condition for better learning – good teachers or good


3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students Then hang on a chart with the words, Ask Ss to close their books and sort these words into four groups : nouns , verbs , adjectives Adverbs Which group finishes first and has the correct answers will be the winner

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement


-What you think about these words ?

-When we use them?

T: Ask Ss to read the passage and choose a suitable word from the box to fill in each space of the passage Ss: Read the passage and fill in T: Tell Ss to compare the answers in pairs

Ss: Compare the answers in pairs T: Check with the class

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to describe the information in the table

WARM-UP A matching game :

increase slightly a slight increase rise gradually gradual sharp sharply decrease fall decrease drop Expected answers:

Nouns verbs adjectives adverbs

Increase increase sharp sharply Drop drop gradual gradually Rise rise slight slightly Fall fall steady steadily These words are usually used to describe information in a table


Activity : Gap-fill Expected answers:

1 varied 2.rise 3.who Number 5.different 6.between 7.dramatically For WHILE-WRITING

Activity : Describing the table Suggested ideas:


Ss: Work in groups , describe the information in the table

T: Call on some group representatives to report their ideas Ss: Report

T: Give feedback on what Ss have T: Ask Ss to write a paragraph of 100 words to describe the information in the table

Ss: Write

T: Go around to control and give help.Collect Ss’ writing

T: Ask Ss to write his or her writing on the board.Ask the class to read and correct the mistakes

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Give feedback

literacy rates in Sunshine county from 1998 to 2007

- As can be seen from the data in the table , the literacy rates in Sunshine county rose slightly from 1998 to 2002 in Lowland There was a steady rise again and it reach 90% in 2007

- In highland , there was a slight decrease in the first four years from 1998 to 2002 In the last six years , the literacy rates dropped sharply from 45% to 30%

- In general , the literacy rates in Sunshine county had tendency to increase over 10 years Ss’ writings


Corrected writings

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart the words used to describe information in a table and prepare for the next lesson : Unit – language focus


Week 10 Sunday November 11th, 2007

Period 30 – LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- practice pronunciation and distinguish the sounds /pl/ , /pr/ , /br/ and /bl/

- understand and use reported speech with to- infinitive

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III.Teaching steps :


2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to go to the board and write the words used to describe information in a table

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Hang on a chart with the words In the groups of three words , two words rhyme and one doesn’t Ask Ss to work in pairs to circle the one that is different

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Correct Ss’ answers The pairs who has the correct answers and first finishes wins

T: Ask Ss to underline the initial consonant sounds of the words they have just circled

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Introduce the sounds: /pl/,/pr/,/br/ /bl/

Read the words and ask Ss to listen Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Read the words again and ask Ss to repeat

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice reading the dialogue Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class

Ss: Do following the teacher ‘ s requirement

T: Write the sentences on the board Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the second sentences

WARM-UP Game : Odd one out

1 wear please hair bull wool prune brandy flower hour come some blame Expected answers:

1.please brandy 2.prune Blame


Listen and repeat

/pl/ /bl/ /pr/ /br/ pleasure blouse pretty bread play blue precious brother

plenty blow practice broad

Role-play drilling



1 I want to get to the station


Ss: Do following the teacher ‘ s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers

Ss: Give the answers

T: Give feedback on what Ss have T: Ask Ss to underline the reporting verbs in the sentences

Ss: Underline the reporting verbs T: Elicit some more reporting verbs of this kind and present the Reported Speech with To-infinitive

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss to complete each sentence with a suitable reporting verb

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers

Ss: Give the answers T: Check with the class Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to the exercise1

2 Brian wasn’t well

I advised……… Linda had a lot of luggage

She asked ……… Expected answers:

1 A woman told me to turn left after the bridge I advised him to go to the doctor

3 She asked me to help her

 We often report orders , requests , warnings, advice and invitation using the structure :

S + verb + object + To- infinitive.

EX: “ Get out of my room “ , she said She told me to get out of her room

“ Could you carry some bags , Mike ?” I asked mike to carry some bags

PRACTICE Activity : Gap – fill

offer advised told promised threatened invited

1 “ Can I the washing up ? “ I ………… “ I won’t forget the shopping “ , She………… “ Would you like to come to my party ? “ , He… “ I phone the police “ , She………

5 “ You should stop smoking “ , The doctor ……… “ Wait outside !”, I………

Expected answers:

1.offered invited advised 2.promised threatened Told


Ss: Do exercise

T: Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Make corrections if necessary

Expected answers :

1 They promised to come back again

2 The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore

3 John asked Peter to close the window

4 The teacher encouraged Eric to join the football team

5 Homework : Ask ss to exercise 2- p 61 and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - reading


Signature ( November 12th, 2007 )

Week 11 Sunday November 18th, 2007

Period 31 :


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- reduce the meaning of some words in certain context

- scan for specific details

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , pictures

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home


1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Reported speech with to – infinitive

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into groups Show pictures of some popular contests.Ask Ss to identify the names of the contests and memorize them Ss: Work in groups

T: Ask each group to nominate representatives to go to the board to write as many names of places as possible.The group that gives the most correct names of the contests will be the winner

T: Elicit newwords from Ss Ask Ss to read the newwords in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation T: Ask Ss to match the words or phrases on the left with their definitions on the right

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to read aloud the

definitions of each word and give the vietnamese meaning

T: Ask ss to answer the questions in pairs

Ss: Work in pairs

WARM-UP Game: Kim’s game

PRE-READING Pre-teaching vocabulary :

- sponsor (n)

- contest(n)

- judge(n)

- announce (v) announcement(n)

- recite(v)

- apologize (to s.o) (for s.th/doing s.th ) WHILE- READING


Expected answers:

1.d 2.f 3.e 4.c 5.b 6.a


Expected answers:

1 The representative of three classes of the

( speaker’s ) school took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday


T: Have some Ss go to the board and write the answers

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to read paragraph again and complete the sentences


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Tell Ss to compare their answers with their partners.Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Make correction if necessary

English among students

3 The students ‘ Parent Society sponsored the competition

4 They had to complete five activities in all On competition of each activity , they had to answer the questions in the worksheets with in two minutes

5 They had to observe and score the students’ performance A maximum score for each activity was15 At the end of the competition ……… The winner would be awarded a set of CDs for

studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

POST-READING Sentence completion

Expected answers:

1 In Activity , Hung was unable to recite / complete the poem

2 Having achieved the highest score , Group B became the winner of the competition

3 Group C lost the game.They just got 60 points Nga encouraged her group by saying “ For me the

most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it.”

4 Homework : Ask Ss to translate the poem that Hung recited at the competition at the annual final English competition and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Speaking


Week 11 Sunday November 18th, 2007

Period 32 :


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- ask for and give information about types of competitions

- talk about a competition or contest

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan


III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to translate the poem

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Prepare pictures of the famous TV game shows “ Who wants to be a millionaire ? “ , “ vs.100” and talen show “ pop Idol “

Show the pictures to Ss and gets them to say the names of the games in Vietnamese

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Introduce the topic of the lesson : Talking about competitions and contests

T: Introduce the task and get Ss to it individually.Then compare their answers with a peer

Ss: Do the task individually and then compare the answers with a peer

T: Call on some pairs to report their answers

Ss: Report the answers

T: Introduce the task and call on one or two pairs of Ss to read aloud the sample dialogue

Ss: Listen to the teacher and read aloud the sample dialogue

T: Go over the table of useful



- General knowledge Quiz

- English competition

- Art Competition

- Poem Reading / Reciting Competition

- Singing Contest

- Athletics Meeting


Asking for opinions :


expression on page 69 and explain new words to Ss when necessary Elicit the structures that are used for asking for and giving opinions about contests

Ss: Listen to the teacher’s explanation

T: Put Ss into pairs and get them to make similar conversations to the sample dialogue , using the

structures and vocabulary they have learnt

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Put Ss into small groups of or Ask them to talk about a

competition or contest they have recently joined or seen by answering the questions

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

How you feel about …?

Do you like ?

Giving opinions :

I think … is / are good/fun/great/wonderful/perfect/… I think ….is / are boring / silly / dull …


1 Where and when did you see or take part in it ? What type of competition or contestwas it ? Who organized it ?

4 Who won the competition / contest ? Did you enjoy it ? Why or why not ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about a game show / contest they like, using task3 as guiding questions and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Listening


Week 11 Sunday November 18th, 2007

Period 33

Unit – LISTENING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- develop extensive listening skills

- use the information they have listened to for other communicative talks


1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to talk about the game show or contest they like

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into groups of or Give each group one card containing 10 words whose lettere are jumbled and ask Ss to rearrange the lettere to make good words The group which finish the task first with the most correct words will be the winner

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the topic of the lesson Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Help Ss express their ideas and pronounce the words in their book correctly.Model first and then ask Ss to repeat

Ss: Repeat after the teacher T: Get Ss to make sentences with some important words

T: Get Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Play the tape once for Ss to listen

WARM-UP Jumbled words

1 tohamarn - marathon sifihn - finish

3 renurn - runner chiatelt - athletic crae - race

6 conpahim - champion nurning - running centadis - distance storp - sport

10 cirang - racing


What you see in the picture? What even is it ?

Where you think the Boston Marethon might take place ?

Who can participate in it ?


Answers: 1.T



and the task

Ss: Listen to the tape and the task T: Check the answers with the whole class.Play the tape one or two more times if necessary

T: Ask Ss to read through the questions

Ss: Read the questions

T: Play the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions

Ss: Listen to the tape and answer the questions

T: Get Ss to check their answers with a partner.Then T checks with the whole class

T: Show a picture of Do Thi Bong Have Ss work in group to make an interviewing

Ss: Work in group

4.F ( 1967 ) 5.T

6.F ( pass through 13 towns and ends in centre of Boston )


Answers: New York In 1972

4 6164


Who is she ?

Do you know anything about her ?

Suggested ideas :

-Her feeling when receiving the gold medal

-The person she first think of when getting the gold medal

-Her schedule

-The reason why she chooses this sport

4 Homework : Ask ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson Unit – Writing

5 Comments : Signature

( November 19th, 2007)

Week 12 Sunday November 25th,2007

Period 34

Unit 6- WRITING I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a letter to reply to the request of information

II Preparations :


2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to go to the board and write vocabulary

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Give Ss handouts and ask Ss to work in pairs to match the greetings and endings

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Go around and give help if necessary.Ask Ss to write their answers on the board

Ss: Write the answers on board T: Correct if necessary

T: Ask Ss if they want to participate in a competition/ contest , what information about the competition/ contest they would like to know and would look for

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Write the answers on the board Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to indentify who wrote letter,for what puepose , what information she requested and

compare their answers with the ideas on the board

T: Get Ss to read the requirements of Task2 and work out with a peer what

WARM-UP Matching

1 Dear Hellen a Yours(Bob) Dear Sir or Madam b Yours faithfully Darling Rosie c Love ( Peter ) Dear Mr Mc Donald d Lots of love Dear Philip e Your sincerely


When ? ( the date and time ) Where ? ( the venue )

Who ? ( who can participate , who are the hosts / judges , who to contact , etc )

How ? ( how to apply to participate , how the contest proceeds , how the candidates’ performance is assesses , …)

What ? ( what is expected of the candidates , what the award is )


they need to include in the reply letter and what kind of language ( formal ? informal ?) they need to use

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check the answers with the class and gives feedback.Get Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes Ss: Write the letter in 10 minutes T: Ask Ss to get in pairs , exchange their letters and correct each other Ss: Correct the letters in pairs Ss: Go around ot offer help

T: Choose one or two letters and read it /them to the class.Then elicit

corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards

A sample letter :

English for the World

106 Tran Hung Dao St , Hoan Kiem Dist Ha Noi

October 20th, 2006

Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your interest in our English Speaking Competition Here is the information that you request Date and time : 8:30 p.m , Octpber 25th,2006.

Venue : 106 Tran Hung Dao Number of participants : 25

Entry procedure : Candidates fill an application form to participate

For further information , please contact me on 9638188 or email me at English club 06 @ yahoo.com

We wish you good luck at the contest and look forward to seeing you there

Best regards ………

POST – WRITING Ss’ writings

4 Homework : Ask Ss to pay attention to the fomat of the letter , the organisation of ideas and languageuse and prepare for the next lesson : Unit – Language Focus


Week 12 Sunday November 25th,2007

Period 35

Unit – LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :


- Understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative talks

II Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss how to write a letter to reply to the request of information

3 New lesson ;

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Model the three clusters / tr /, /dr/ /tw/ for a few times and explain how to produce them

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Read the words once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters and ask Ss to repeat Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read the words out loud in chorus then in individual

Ss: Read the words

T: Correct Ss ‘ pronunciation T: Review reported speech with gerund

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Explain Ss how to use reported speech with gerund and their meaning

Ss: Take notes

PRONUNCIATION Distinguish sounds

/ tr / /dr / / tw /

traffic drive twenty troops dreadful twelve trousers drink twin

Practice sentences containing the target sounds.

1 John always enjoys traveling by train Jane’s teeth are troubling her

3 George is driving dangerously Her new dress is an absolute dream She has an amused twinkle in her eyes Think twice before doing something GRAMMAR Presentation

Form :Verb + (object) + Preposition + (not) + V-ing. Meaning and use :

We usually use a gerund structure to report thanking , apologies , accusations , and so on


T: Give them some examples

T: Get Ss to exercise

individually and then find a partner to check their answers

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback

Ss: Take notes

T: Get Ss to exercise

individually and then compare the answers with a partner

Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback

Ss: take notes

assignment late

We thank you for having helped us generously PRACTICE


Answers :

1 John congratulated us on passing our exam Mary apologised for not phoning me earlier Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station The teacher accused the boy of not paying … Bob has always dreamed od being rich

6 I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near … Her mother prevented her from going out that night Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her


Answers :

1. Tom insisted on paying for the meal

2. Mr And Mrs Smith looked forward to meeting…

3. The boy denied breaking the window of the…

4. The policeman stopped the customer from leaving…

5. The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown ‘s car

6. Ann suggested having a party the next Saturday

7. John and his wife were thinking of buying the house

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn all grammar notes by heart and prepare for the next lesson : TESR YOURSELF B


Week 12 Sunday November 25th,2007

Period 36


1 :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities- The content of the lesson

T: Ask ss to listen and choose the best answer A , B , C , D

Ss: Listen and choose the best answer

T: Ask ss to read the answers aloud in front of the class.Correct if necessary

T: Ask ss to read the passage and answer the questions in pairs

Ss: Work in pairs : Ask and answers T: Have Ss practice asking and answering before the class.Correct their answers if necessary

T: Ask ss to listen and choose the right words ( paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined part of the word )

Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to read the answers in front of the class and correct if necessary T: Ask ss to work in pairs : read the text and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to go to the board and write the answers

Ss: Write the answers on the board

LISTENING Correct answers :

1 A B D C B

READING Correct answers :

1 D B B C C


Correct answers :

1 play twice drive proud


Correct answers :

1 talking Saying to go 5.do smoking going


T: Feedback and give correct answers

Ss: Take notes

T: Ask ss to write about one of the competitions for secondary school students on TV

Ss: Write individually

T: Ask Ss to correct their writing with a partner

Ss: Correct the writing each other T: Have one or two Ss write their writings on the board.Correct if necessary

Ss: Take notes

“Road to Mount Olympia” is a very popular

competition for secondary students in Viet nam > It is a general knowledge quiz , which debuted on VTV3 in 1999 and since then has been aired at 10:00 a.m every Sunday on the same channel The show is sponsored by LG Corp and hosted by several popular speakers such as Ta Bich Loan , luu Minh Vu , Tung Chi…

The competition lasts one year and consists of 52 qualifying sessions and a final There are competitors in each session These are the representatives of

different schools around the country They are asked questions about sciencesand arts The winner of each weekly session can go to the monthly session and compete with other students to win a place at the quarterly session The winner of the quaeterly session can go to the final The winner of the final will receive a large cash prize

I like the show very much because I can learn a lot from the questions asked in it

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all grammar notes and vocabulary from unit to unit and prepare for the forty – five – minute test


Signature ( November 26th,2007 )

Week 13 Sunday December 2th,2007 Period 37 +38


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to check their knowledge in unit and and once again understand all grammar notes they ‘ ve learnt at the test correction period

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Questions

2 Students : Schoolthings , studying the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :


I Choose one word whose underlined part pronounced differently.

1 a complete b able c admirable d honourable a threat b those c thank d thin

3 a cheerful b scholarship c chemist d ache a.branch b brand c brash d brake a bridge b bright c brigade d brill

II Pick out the word that has the stress parttern different from that of the other words

6 a attendance b co-operation c performance d requirement a minority b vacation c promotion d voluntary a primary b population c relevant d program a annual b formally c patter d announce 10 a observe b competition c championship d maximum

III Choose the best answers from A , B , C or D

11 Lan told us that she was tired …………the dishes every day

a at washing b of washing c from breaking d of having 12 I …… my friend……….helping me with my homework

a told – for b thanked – for c thanked-to d said – for 13 I … ……….him ……… making a good speech at the meeting

a congratulated –on b thanked –to c accused – of d apologized –for

14 Marie told us ………….if she was late a not to wait for her b not wait for her c don’t wait for her d not waiting for her 15 She begged me ………longer

a.that I must stay b to stay c why I don’t stay d stay 16 ……… the exams , studens must study hard

a To pass b Passing c Passed d Passes 17 They……….… everything by the time I … ……… at the party

a eat/arrive b had eaten/arrived c ate/arrived d had eaten/had arrived 18 When it ………to rain ,they ………through the forest

a started/walked b started/were walking c started/was walking d start/walk

V Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning.

19 He said , “ Don’t sit on my chair!”

He……….me ……… 20.Nam said “ I am doing my homework now.”

Nam said……… 21.“ I’m sorry I didn’t come to the party.”, Mary said Mary……… 22.“ It nice of you to visit me.Thank you,” Mai said to Hung Mai……… 23.“ I have always wanted to be a pilot,” Paul said to me Paul has always………

24.My mother asked me , “ What were you doing at last night ” My mother asked me………


26.“We ‘ll try our best.” , my students said

My students……… 27.“ You should go home and rest for a while,” said the boss

His boss ……… 28.“Would you like to go to the movies?”,Jack said to me

Jack ………

V Complete the text with the word given and then answer the questions.


World sporting Olympia century years

The ancient Greeks first had the idea of getting men together every four years to hold and witness (29) …………events ( in those days women did not participate , though they had their own , independent , events) The idea was to have the best atheles from all over Greece gather in one field and compete every four (30)……… All wars and fighting had to stop while the athletes and their supporters came together in the town of (31)

……… for a few days to compete in a few events , mostly related to warfare ( throwing the javelin , running , wrestling , boxing and chariot racing)

The idea of having the modern Games was suggested in the mid 19th (32)………but

they weren’t a world event until 1896 Besides being postponed because of wars , they have been held since then every four years in different cities around the (33)…………

Questions :

1 Where did the Olympic Games originate ?

2 Did women take part in the ancient Olympic Games ?

3 Which of the following was not an original sport in the Olympic Games? a javelin b running c skating d wrestling When did the modern Olympic Games become a world event ?

5 How often the modern Games take part in ?

Week 13 Sunday December 2nd,2007 Period 39

Unit – READING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context

- use the information they have read to discuss the topic

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette


III Teaching steps:

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : no

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Have Ss guess a word corresponding to 10 dashes

Divide the class into two teams: One st from each team suggest a letter in turn.If the letter appears in the word , the teacher starts to construct gallows for that team.Each team can also make a guess at the word , but only when it is that team’s turn

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have ss look at the pictures in the textbook to describe them

Ss: Look at the pictures and describe T: Have Ss answer the questions given (p.81)

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Go over the answers with the class

T: Elicit new words from ss Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to fill in each blank with a suitable word (change the form of the word and use the dictionary when necessary)


It is a problem that India , China , Vietnam , etc have to solve.

1 10 P O P U L A T I O N


Questions :

1.What does “ population” mean ?

2 What is the population of Hue and of Vietnam ? Do you think it is large or small ?

4 What is the world population nowadays?

Pre-Teach vocabulary

- B.C : Before Christ

- A.D : (Anno Domini)

- Third World : EX : Laos , India , …

- Available (adj)

- Decrease (v)

WHILE-READING Activity : Gap-filling


Ss: Fill in the blanks

T: Ask Ss to refer to the text for the difficult words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Go over the answers with the Ss T: Ask ss to read the passage again and answer the questions.(Use some strategies to the task)

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Ask Ss to discuss their answers with their partner

SsDiscuss the answers with a partner T: Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask them to explain their choices

Ss: Give the answers and explain T: Elicit feedback from other ss and give the correct answers

T: Write the name of ten countries on the board and ask Ss to work in pairs to order these countries according to their population Number is the most populated country Then Ss work out where these countries are and which is the richest, which is the poorest of them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

1 although figures method limit

3 increase international resources control

Activity : Playing with numbers

Correct answers:

1 The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was 10 million ; in 1750 it was 625 million; in 1850 it was 1300 million ; in 1950 it was 2510 million ; in 1985 it was 4760 million ; in 200 it was 6.6 billion by the year 2015 , the population of the world is

expected to be over billion

3 Some scientists say it can , but others say it can’t No, they don’t

5 Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children


Answers :

1 china India United States Indonesian

5 Brazil Pakistan Bangladesh Russia Nigeria 10 Japan

- China , India , Japan , Indonesia , Pakistan and Bangladesh are in Asia

- The United States is in North America


T: Correct ss’ answers if necessary Ss: Take notes

- Russia is in Europe

- Nigeria is in Africa

 The richest country is the United States ; the poorest country is Nigeria

4 Homework : Ask ss to learn by heart all of the new words ; read the passage again and exercises in the workbook

Ask them to prepare for the next lesson ; Unit 7- Speaking


Signature (December 3rd , 2007)


The Olympic Games originated in 776 BC in Olympia, a small town in Greece Participants in the first Olympiad are said to have run a 200-yard race,but as the Games were held every four years, they expanded in scope Only Greek amateurs were allowed to participate in this festival in honor of the god Zeus.The event became a religious , patriotic , and athletic occasion where winners were honored with wreaths and special privileges.There was a profound change in the nature of the Games under the Roman emperors.After they became professional circuses and carnivals , they were banned in 394 AD by Emperor Theodosius The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896 as a result of the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin , a French educator whose desire was to promote international understanding through athletics.Nine nations participated in the first Games ;over 100 nations currently compete

The taint of politics and racial controversy , however ,has impinged upon the Olympic Games in our epoch.In 1936 , Hitler , whose country hosted the games, affronted Jesse Owens , a black American runner, by refusing to congratulate Owens for the feat of having won four gold medals.In the 1972 Munich Games, the world was appalled by the deplorable murder of eleven Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists.The next Olympic Games in Montreal were boycotted by African nations ; in addition, Taiwan withdrew In 1980 , following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,sixty –two nations caused great consternation to their athletes by refusing to participate in the Games

1 The first Olympic Games were held

a for political reasons c as a religious festival

b As an international competition d as a professional athletes ‘ competition Why were the Games discontinued ?

a.They had ceased to be sports events c The emperers hated athletes

b The Romans did not enjoy them d Winners were getting special privileges Olympic games are held

a every decade c every four years b Biannually d perennially 4.The Greek Olympic Games were ………in nature a religious c athletic b national d all of the above

5.The Games were resumed in modern times for the purpose of

a.giving amateur athletes a chance to participate c creating apolitical arena b.promoting goodwill among nations d none of the above

6 You can infer that Hitler ‘s refusal to congratulate Jesse Owens indicate a national pride c personal preference

b jealousy d racial discrimination

7 You can infer that the athletes in sixty –two nations in 1980 were a.terribly disappointed c participants


Week 14 Sunday December 9th,2007

Period 40

Unit 7-SPEAKING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the cause of population explosion , problems of population booms and solutions to these problems

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan


III Teaching steps:

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the questions

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to answer the questions Ss: Answer the questions

T: Note ss’ ideas in the board

T: Tell Ss to read the causes to population explosion in the textbook to see how much of their ideas is similar to the opinions given Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Get ss to put them in order of importance and explain why Ss: Put the causes in order and explain

T: Call on some Ss to explain their priority

T: Ask ss to discuss and list the problems facing poor and over populated countries by combining the vocabulary in the useful


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Encourage ss to think of more problems to add to their list Ss: Add more problems to the list

WARM-UP Questions

1. How many children your parents have ?

2. Do you know any families that have more than 10 children nowadays?

3. According to you , what are the causes to population explosion ?


Introduce the lesson :

Today , we are going to talk about the causes to population explosion and try to find out the solutions to this problem.

Giving opinions In my opinion … As for me……

As far as I’m concerned…

From my point of view , I think… It would seem / appear to me that… WHILE-SPEAKING Activity : Listing the problem Useful language

Poor living condition Low living standards Not enough food

Lack / shortage of school / hospital / teacher / doctor / nurse

Suggested answers

poor living condition Low living standard

Not enough /expensive food


T: Ask Ss to report their results to the class in front of the class Ss: Report

T: Give feedback

T: Ask ss to work in groups Choose a secretary to record the others’ opinions Use the useful language and add more ideas Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have Ss use the expressions to give opinion that they have learnt Ss: Give opinion using the


T: Ask the secretary of the groups to present their groups’ideas in front of the class

T: Ask Ss to work in groups to talk about the problems of

overpopulation and offer

solutions ,using the results of Task and

Ss: Work in groups T: Call on some group

representatives to present and ask others to comment

Unemployment Social evils Illiteracy

Activity : Working out the solutions. Useful language

Raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation

living standards

exercise/implement reward and punishment policies carry out population education


use birth control methods

Suggested answers

Raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation Raise the people’s living standard

Exercise/implement reward and punishment policy Carry out population education program / family planning program

Use birth control methods


First/firstly , second , next…

Also , besides , moreover , in addition , furthermore The first problem is that …./the next solution is that On the one hand , on the other hand , however , but

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 7-Listening


Week 14 Sunday December 9th,2007 Period 41

Unit 7-LISTENING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for general information


1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Have Ss list the populous

countries population.Note down their names on the board.Ask Ss to take out a piece of paper and copy down countries from the list on the board Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Choose countries by marking them.Right after the T marks the last country , any Ss who have all the same choices as the T will say “Bingo” and they win the game T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the following questions

Ss: Work in pairs and discuss the questions

T: Call on some Ss to present their answers

Ss: Present the answers

T: Ask other Ss to add more ideas T:Have Ss listen to the interview once for Ss to the task

Ss: Do task

T: Get Ss to compare the answers with their partners

Check the answers with the whole class


1 China India

3 United states Indonesia Brazil Pakistan Bangladesh Russia Nigeria 10.Japan


1. Do you think that the Third World has high population density?

2. Do you think that our world is overpopulated?

3. What continent has the largest population ? WHILE-LISTENING

Task – Multiple choice Keys:

1 A D 3.C D 5.A 6.B

Task – Questions and answers Expected answers:


T: Check ss if they can answer the questions in Task with listening again Ask Ss to predict the answer Let ss listen to the tape again to answer the question by noting down the answers

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have Ss check their answer with the partner

Ss: Check the answer with a pertner T: Check with the whole class Play the tape again and pause at the difficult point if Ss can’t answer the questions

T: Ask Ss work in groups and have each in the group summarize the text based on the cues given before

listening more time in 5’ Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read their summary in front of the class and give good mark for the good Ss

population of the world is / will be over billion He says that the population growth rates in some

parts of the world are not the same The population grows more quickly in some parts of the world than others

3 According to the expert, the reason for a fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care

4 The problems population explosion causes to the world , particularly to developing countries are shortage of foods , lack of hospitals and schools , illiteracy , and poor living conditions

5 The expert offers solutions They are:

- To educate people to make them aware of the danger of having mare children

- To provide safe , inexpensive birth –control of methods

- To strictly implement a family planing policy

- To exercise strict and fair reward and punishment policies


Population expert – fall in death rates

- World population-problems: food,hospital

- Over billion by 2010 illiteracy,living condition

- Rate of population growth-Aware of the danger

- Not the same : Latin,birth-control method Africa - fair aware and punishment policies Asia

4 Homework : Ask Ss to write their summary in their notebooks and prepare for the next lesson : Unit – Writing


Week 14 Sunday December 9th,2007

Period 42

Unit 7-WRITING I Objectives


II Preparations :

1.Teacher: Textbook, lesson-plan

Students: Textbook , schoolthings, studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to present the sumary of the listening passage

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Prepare a handout with a table of information Divide the class into small groups of Ss and asks Ss to work in groups to transfer the table into a pie chart

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ answers.The group with the quickest and most correct answer will be the winner

T: Have Ss open their books working in pairs, one aks the information in the chart and the other answers

Ss: Ask and answer the questions

T: Check the answers with the whole class

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs , looking at the chart , reading the sentences and putting them in the logical order

WARM-UP Competition –Pie chart drawing

Grade Number of students

Distinction Merit Pass Fail


Activity : Discovering the distribution Suggested ideas

1 What is the topic of the chart? How many regions are there ?

3 Which continent has the largest population ? Which continent has the smallest population? Is the population of Europe larger or smaller than


Expected answers

1 The distribution of world population There are regions

3 South Asia Oceania Larger

Activity : Re ordering

1 north America is home to 514 million (8%)


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read the sentences in the order they arrange and check with the class

Ss: Read the sentences

T: Make questions about the outline and the useful language of a chart description and ask Ss to answer

Ss: Answer

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary

Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to write a paragraph of 100-120 words , describing the information in the chart , based on the analysis of the chart above

Ss: write

T: Remind Ss of the organization of a chart description and the useful language given

T: Get Ss to work in pairs and correct other’s writing

Ss: Work in pairs

3 Europe’s 710 million make up 11% of the world’s population

4 Africa follows with 840 million people , 12% of the world population

5 The chart shows the distribution of world population in 2005

6 Generally, the world population is distributed unevenly through regions

7 China and India alone comprise 20% and 16% respectively

Expected answers : 5-6-2-7-4-3-1 WHILE-WRITING Activity : Question and answer

1 How many parts are there in a chart description? What are they?

2 What should we put in each part ?

3 How should we put the figures , in random or in logical order?

4 What information should we pay attention to a chart ?

5 Should we use personal language or impersonal language ?

6 Which of the following statements should we use? a We can see that…

b I could realize that…

c As can be seen from the chart … d It can be seen from the chart that… (Expected answers : c , d )

Sample writing


T: Move around to control and give help

T: Call on some Ss to go and copy their writing on the board

Ss: Copy the writing on the board T: Ask other Ss to give comments Give feedback and comments

populated region with the smallest percentage of 2% As can be seen , the greatest concentration of the world’s population is in Asia ,with Europe far behind

POST-WRITING Feedback on Ss’ writing.

Ss ‘ writings

4.Homework : Ask Ss to copy the writing on their notebook and prepare for the next lesson

: Unit – Language Focus. 5 Comments:


( December 10th,2007 )

Week 15 Sunday December 16th,2007

Period 43


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the clusters / ll / , / gl / , / gr / , / kw /

- Pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly

- Use conditional sentences ( type 1,2,3 ) and conditional sentences in reported speech appropriately.

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson – plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: greeting and checking attendance. 2 Review of the previous lesson : No

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Model the clusters / kl / , /

gl / , / k / , / gr / , / kw / for a few times and explains how to produce them

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters Ss: Listen to the tape

T: Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individualy

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to practicethe dialogue Ss: Read the dialogue in pairs T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary


Distinguishing sounds

/ kl / / gl / / kr / /gr / / kw / clean glean crowd grow quarrel class glass cranky green quarrel claim struggle crash grouping quality

Practice the dialogue

A: Didn’t you go to the cricket club ? B: Yes , I did go to the cricket club A: Was it crowded ?

B: Quite crowded A: Was Greg there ?

B: Greg was there , yes And robert Queen was there , too

A: Does Robert Queen like cricket ?

B: No , he doesn’t He quarrelled with Greg He want to the pub and drank some glasses of beer

A: Oh dear !

B: Mm.Shall I take your clothes to the cleaner’s?



T: Ask Ss to review the form and use of conditional sentences

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to review the form of tenses if necessary

T: Ask ss to exercise individually

Ss: Do exercise

T: Have Ss compare their answers with a partner

Ss: Compare the answers with a partner

T: Call on some ss to read out the answres and correct if necessary T: Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss: Work in pairs

T: Call on some ss to go to the board and write the answers

Ss: write the answers on the board T: Ask other Ss to feedback and give correct answers

T: Write some conditional sentences in reported speech on the boardand ask ss to comment on the changes of verbs , pronouns , adverbs of time and places

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

Type If – clause , main - clause

1 simple present simple future simple past would + infinitive past perfect would have + P.P

Practice Exercise

Correct answers

1 would drive could

3 is

4 will take closed will come

Exercise Correct answers

1 had been told had realised

3 wouldn’t have been would have bought had studied

2 Conditional sentences in reported speech Presentation

“ If I had a permit , I could get a job ,” he said He said that if he had a permit , he could get a job “ If you had followed my advice , you would have been the winner ,” said her mother


T: Elicit the comments from ss and make clear that

Ss: listen to the teacher carefully and take notes

T: Ask Ss to exercise

individually Ss have to change the conditional sentences into reported speech

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to compare the answers with a partner

Ss: Compare the answers with a partner

T: Call on some ss to go to the board to write the answers

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Ask other ss to feedback and give correct answers

Conditional type 1 : We apply all the necessary changes as usual ( changes of verb tenses , pronouns , adverbs of time and place )

Conditional type and 3 : we not change the verb tenses , but we follow the rules to change pronouns , adverbs of time and place

Practice Exercise 3

Correct answers

1 The man said to her that he would come to see her if he had time

2 He asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet

3 They said to me that if it didn’t rain they would go out with me

4 The man asked the woman what she would if she were a billionaire

5 The man said to me that if I had asked him he would have lent me his motorbike

6 The man said to his daughter that they would be very disappointed if she did not come

7 The boy said to the girl that he was sure they would understand if she explained the situation to them

4 Homework : Ask ss to learn the lesson by heart , exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Reading




I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in the context Use the information they have to discuss the topic

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson :

Ask ss to change the following conditional sentences into reported speech

1 “ If you had dropped the vase , if would have broken,” her mother said to her “ If you have to the washing up , I will help you,”her daughter said to her

3 “We’d have given you a lift if you hadn’t had your bike with you,”my friends said to me

4 “I wouldn’t run away if I saw a spider,”the girl said

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Prepare a tape with pieces of songs.Divide the class into teams Ask ss to listen to each piece of song once and tell the occasion when this song is played

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check ss understanding of the instructions.The winner is the group having more marks

T: Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the two questions

Ss: Work in groups

T: Let ss look at the picture in the textbook to discuss the questions given

Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct ss’ answers

T: Elicit new words from ss Ask them to read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if


Expected answers

1 Happy New Year –New Year’s Celebration Jingle Bells _ Christmas

3 Chiec den Ong Sao – Mid-Autumn Festival Happy birthday – Birthday’s Celebration Wedding March – Wedding’s Celebration


Questions: Do you know any other celebrations in our country and around the world ?

In your opinion , what is the most important occasion in our country?

- Are they familly ?

- What are they doing ?

- What are on the table ?

- What tree is on the right / left of the picture ? Pre-Teach vocabulary

-grand (adj) -banner(n) -agrarian(adj) -pray(v)





T: Write the words on the board Instruct Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings

Ss: Guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the


T: Check that ss understand the words correctly by asking them to provide the Vietnamese equivalents to the words

T: Ask ss to work in pairs , read the text and answer the true/false


Ss: Read the text and answer the true/false statement in pairs

T: Get ss to check their answers with a friend Call on some Ss to present and explain their answers

T: Check if ss can answer the questions in task without reading the text again

Ss: Answer the questions without reading the text again

T: Ask ss to compare the answers with a partner

Ss: Compare the answers with a partner

T: Call on some ss to read their answers and ask them to explain if necessary.Give feedback

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to work in groups and tell each other about your last Tet

holiday , focusing on the following main points

Ss: Work in groups

T: Call on some Ss to report their ideas in front of the class

1 Grand : impressive and large

2 Banner : a long piece of cloth with a message on it that is carried between two poles or in a public place to show support for sth

3 Sugared apples: tao dam duong

4 Agrarian : connected with farming and the use of land for farming

5 Pray: to speak to God , especially to give thanks or ask for help

6 Excitement : the state of feeling excited

Task : True/False statements. Correct answers

1 F ( it falls between 19th january and 20th February)

2 F ( it’s just for agrarian people ) T

4 F ( according to the passage , lucky money tends to be given to children)

5 T T


Correct answers

1.It sometime between 19th January and 20th February

2.Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months

4. They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners

5. They buy gifts , clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods

6. It is made from sticky rice , green beans and fatty pork

7. Mut is candied fruit

8. Visiting friends and other family members , exchanging wishes , going to the pagoda , playing games


- how you prepared for Tet

- how you decorated your house

- who you visited

- what special foods you ate


4 Homework : Ask ss to learn by heart all of the new words , read the text again and exercises in the workbook Ask them to prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Speaking 5 Comments :

Week 15 - Period 45 Sunday December 16th,2007


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities

II Preparations :

1 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preapring the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to talk about their last Tet holiday

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into small groups of 4-5 ss Distribute the following handout for Ss to in their own groups

Ss: Match the pictures on the left with the words on the right

T: Correct ss’ answers.Which group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner

T: Ask the whole class to read the dialogue silently and ask them what points are mentioned in the


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

Ss: Practice the dialogue in pairs T: Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue and give comments



Mai: Do you know that Tet holiday is next month? Ann : What is Tet?

Mai: It’s the time when Vietnamese people celebrate the beginning of spring.It’s also the star of the lunar new year

Ann : When is it exactly?

Mai: Well , this year it’s on the 9th of February.

Ann: Whatdo you usually at Tet ?

Mai: Well , we eat a lot of special foods , we dress up and visit friends and relatives , and we also play some traditional games


T: Ask ss to look at the pictures on page 93 and work out the name of each holiday

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Check with the whole class and give out the correct answers

T: Get Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the holidays in task Ask them to add any information about the holiday they knowto make the dialogue more interesting

Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Goes around to observe and offer help give ss some background

knowledge of the holidays or provide Ss with some vocabulary items

Ss: Listen to the teacher and take notes

T: Call on some pairs to act out the conversation and ask other Ss to comment

Ss: Act out the conversation

T: Correct some typical errors in the end

Task 2 Answers: 1. c C

2. a A

3. b B


Useful expressions

What you know about ….? When is it exactly ?

What people often at …? Oh, that sounds really interesting

Suggested answers

T: What you know about Mid-Autumn Festival ? S: People celebrate the largest full moon in the year and it’s a special day for children

T: when is it exactly ?

S: It falls on / comes on the fifteenth day of the 8th

lunar month

T: What people on that day ?

S: People eat mooncakes , fruits , drink tea and admire the full moon


4 Homework : Ask ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit – Listening





Week 16 Sunday December 23rd , 2007

Period 46

Unit 8: LISTENING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop the listening micro-skill of intensive listening for specific information

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to ask and answer about the holidays

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss ‘ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to answer some questions in groups about the New Year holiday in Japan

Ss: Answer the questions in groups T: Correct ss ‘ answers if necessary

T: Introduce the listening passage Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Help ss to pronounce the words given in the book T may read the words first and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words

Ss: Read the statements and underline key words Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words

Warm – up

Question and answer

1 What is special about the New Year holiday in Japan?

2 Can you guess what Japanese on these days ?


Pre-teaching vocabulary

- shrine

- longevity

- pine tree

- constancy

- represent

While – Listening


Corrected answers

- They put on special clothes


T: Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board.Check Ss’ answers by calling on some Ss Play the tape again for Ss to catch the difficult phrases

T: Ask Ss to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Play the tape again for Ss to the task.Get Ss to work in pairs check their answers

Ss: Listen to the tape and check the answers in pairs

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit feedback from other Ss

T: Get Ss to work in pairs to compare the aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one Ss: Work in pairs

T: Elicit the phrases to talk about the similarities and differences between two things

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Go around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes.Call on some pairs to present their answers

Ss: Present the answers in pairs T: Elicit feedback from the class and gives final comments

- They drink rice wine - They catch television - They eat a special meal


Suggested answers

1 Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the new year

2 From television or the radio Kimonos or special dress

4 No.New Year is mostly celebrated among family only


1 To show similarities - Similarly

- Likewise - Whereas - Like

2 To show differences

- a different view is nevertheless - however in contrast

- alternatively but - on the contrary unlike

- conversely on the other hand - yet differ from

Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Writing


Week 16 Sunday December 23rd, 2007

Period 47

Unit _ WRITING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a description of a popular celebration

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to talk about the aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one


Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to listen and say when these activities take places

Ss: Listen and answer the questions T: Correct ss’ answers if necessary

T: Ask ss to tell some festivals in Vietnam that they know

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to answer some questions

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Deliver handouts with a passage about a festival and comprehension questions Ask Ss to read and find the answers in minutes

Ss: Read the handout and find the answers

T: Ask Ss to work individually and write a passage about one of the popular festivals in Vietnam Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Go around and give help when necessary

T: Ask Ss to swap their papers and the correction.Get some Ss to

Warm –up

1 It’s a national holiday Schools and offices

close.There are parades along the streets , meetings , celebrations to member those who died for the

country’s independence

2 Children gather at night , going round with their colorful lanterns , watching lion or dragon dance , sharing mooncakes in the full moon light

3 Husbands , sons , lovers buy flowers or gifts for their mothers , wives or lovers They also offer to the cooking for the whole family on this day

4 Students visit their teachers with flowers , cards or small gifts to show their gratitude


Festivals : Mid-fall festival, Independence Day, Tet holiday, …

Questions :

1. What people usually on these festivals ?

2. What are some traditional foods people often cook ?

3. Do you like these festival ? Reading Task :

1.What festival is this ?

2 When does it usually occur? 3What people celebrate it for ?

4.What are some popular activities on this festival ? 5.How does the writer feel about the festival ?

While – Writing Suggested letter:


read aloud their writings Feedback

T: Ask Ss to imagine they are in certain festivals and they are going to send greeting cards to one of their friends or relatives

Get Ss to make a simple card with paper and colors they can find and write wishes on them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Collect the cards and deliver them randomly to Ss Ask the st who receive cards will read aloud their friend’s wishes for them Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

It’s always celebrated on a fixed day in November It’s the 20th of the month It’s been celebrated in Vietnam for

many years to show respect and love to teachers On this occasion , schools often have meetings for teachers and talks about Teacher’s Day Students often give their beloved teachers flowers and beautiful wishes I myself enjoy the festival very much as it’s a chance for friends to gather and visit our teachers.We always have a great time

Post writing

Ss’ cards

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson :

Unit – Language Focus. 5 Comments :

Week 16 Sunday December 23rd,2007

Period 48

Unit 8-Language Focus I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly and use one(s), someone , no one , anyone , and everyone


II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette.

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :


2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to present one of the popular festival in viet Nam

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Model the clusters for a few times and explain how to produce them Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters and ask Ss to repeat

Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Ask Ss to read the words in each column out lout in chorus for a few more times.Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given dialogue on page 97

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Call on some Ss to read the

dialogue again and provide corrective feedback

T: Write some sentences on the board and ask Ss to comment on the use of one(s) , someone , no one , …

Ss: Work in pairr to work out the use of the pronouns

T: Check with the whole class Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to exercise1 individually And then compare the answers with another st

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read out the answers.Give correct answers

T: Ask ss to exercise in pairs Ss have to rewrite the sentences , using the pronoun one/ones

Ss: Do following the teacher’s


Listen and repeat

Fly fry thrive Flower frozen threaten Flu fruit through Overflow afraid overthrow  Practice

A: Don’t throw these little flags onto the floor , Fred B: Oh , I’m sorry, Florrie.I’ll pick them up

A: That’s right,Fred.Are you hungry ? Dinner’s ready B: Oh,good!What shall we have for dinner today , Florrie?

A: We’ll have three dishes : French fries , fried fish and cauliflower

B: Good! I like all three of them.What about dessert? A: I’ve made a fruit cake But first , have some fruit juice.It’s good for your throat and keeps away the flu B: Thanks , Florrie

Grammar and vocabulary a Presentation

-I don’t like the red shirt ; I prefer the blue one -Don’t buy the sour oranges Buy the sweet ones -There’s someone waiting for the director in the office -Did someone call me last night?

-Have you meet anyone like him ? -Don’t tell anyone my secret -No one likes her story

b Practice Exercise Correct answers anyone someone anyone someone no one everyone no one

Exercise Answers:



T: Ask them to compare answers with another pair

Ss: Compare the answers

T: Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Ask other ss to feedback and give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to work individually to finish the exercise and then compare their answers with the person sitting next to them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers and give feedback Ss: Take notes

2 Mai is making a fruit cake Huong is making one , too

3 I like reading books , especially the ones about the natural world

4 I don’t have a computer , and my father doesn’t want me to have one

5 They let me choose a pencil , and I took the red one

6 There are several national celebrations in Viet Nam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday

7 We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives

Vocabulary Exercise


1 traditional grand gifts

4 celebrating polite good luck excitement

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all the lesson and try to review for the coming examination.



(December 24th,2007)

Week 19 Sunday January 13th,2007

Period 55

Unit – READING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- deduce the meaning of some words in certain context

- Scan for specific details

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps:


2 Review of the previous lesson : no

3. New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Show ss a letter and ask Ss some questions

Ss: Look at the letter and answer the questions

T: Correct Ss ‘ answers and lead in the new lesson

T: Elicit mew words from Ss Ask them to read the words in chorus then in individual Ss: Read the words in chorus then in individual

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary T: Ask Ss to list out as many services as they know

T: Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Ss: Read the text and check the prediction T: Ask some Ss to repeat

Ss: Repeat

T: Ask Ss to read the text again and find the answers to the following questions Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss to compare the answers with a friend Then ask them to write the answers on the board

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend then write them on the board

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Ask Ss to work in pairs again and find evidence in the text that support these statements

Warm – up

- Where can you post a letter ? ( At the post office )

- How far is it from your house to the nearest post office ?

- How often you go to the post office ? What for ?

- What services you think the post office offer ?


Pre-teach vocabulary

- equip (v)

- express (a)

- transfer (v)

- notify (v)

- recipient (n)

Guessing : What services Thanh Ba post office offer to customers ?

While – reading

Activity : Checking prediction Answer keys :

 Mail and parcel service  Express money transfer  Phone calls and faxes  Press distribution

Activity : Wh – Questions Expected answers

1 It is equipped with advanced technology and a spacious and pleasant front office

2 They are sending letters by air , surface mail or express mail It is used for notifying the recipient of the time and place to

receive the call

4 I’ll have to subscribe to my favorite newspapers or magazines

Activity : Finding evidence in the text to support these statements


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Get Ss to report their answers chorally Ss: Report the answers chorally

T: Feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to read the text individually , try to guess the meaning of some words from the context and exercise

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Get them compare their answers with their partners

T: Give Ss some cues and ask them to make sentences about Thanh Ba post office

Ss: Make sentences about Thanh Ba post office by using cues given

T: Ask Ss to write their sentences on the board Encourage Ss by giving them good marks

1 It opens daily from a.m to p.m

2 They offer a very competitive rate for parcels under 15 kilos

3 They have Express Mail Service and your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest possible time

4 The money will sent in less than 24 hours

Activity : Guessing meaning from context. Answer keys

The antonym of “spacious” is “cramped” The antonym of “courteous” is “rude” The antonym of “speedy” is “slow” The antonym of “original” is “changed”

Post – reading Speak – it – up

Cue : advanced technology Cue : staff

Cue : mail and parcel service Cue : Express money transfer Cue : hpone call and faxes Cue : press distribution

4 Homework : Ask Ss to write about Thanh Ba post office using the cues above or their own words.Ask them to learn by heart all the new word , read the text again and translate it into vietnamese Have Ss prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Speaking


Week 19 Sunday January 13th,2008

Period 56

Unit – SPEAKING I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make requests and talk about different postal services

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance


- Which service provided by Thanh Ba Post Office you think is the most important and why ?

- What services you think Thanh Ba Post Office should have in the future ? New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Give out a list of jumbled words Ask Ss to prepare individually in two minutes and then ask them to go to the board to write down the correct words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Give feedback and introduce the lesson T: Give instruction

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss to listen again and answer some questions

Ss: Answer the questions T: Give feedback

T: Ask Ss to open their books and practice the dialogue between tne man and the clerk in open pairs, then in closed pairs

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Correct Ss’ answer

T: Draw on the board two faces and introduce the scene

Ss: Listen to the teacher ‘s introduction T: Get Ss to practice in open pairs , then in closed pairs

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Correct Ss’ mistakes and their


T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and make a similar dialoguage using one of the two

Warm – up Jumbled words

1 amli

2 nomye trerfans xaf

4 repss deervyli

Pre-speaking Listening task

A man is at the post office and he’s taking a postal service Listen for the first time and answer the following questions What service is the man taking ?

2 What does he want to fax ? What is his fax number ? How much is this service ?

5 What exactly did the man say to make the request ?


Activity : Controlled speaking Correct answer :

The service the customer is taking is the fax service

Activity : Mapped Dialogue Example dialogue

B: Good morning

A: Good morning Can I help you ?

B:Yes.I’d like to have a telephone line installed at home , please A: Yes, sir What ‘s your address please?

B: 234 Tran Hung Dao street When will it be installed,please ? A: We’ll make it ready one week after registration

B: Can you make it on Friday ?

A: Certainly Do you have a telephone ? B: Yes.How much is that ?

A: It’s 200.000 dongs You can see the rates on the desk.Would you please fill in this form?


situation given in their books Ss: Make a similar dialogue in pairs T: Go around the class and give help when needed

Call on some pairs to act out their conversation

Ss: Act out the conversation

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary T: Ask Ss to think of situations that they themselves need to go to the post office Get them act out the conversations that may happen there in front of the class Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Correct Ss’ conversations if necessary


Suggested conversation

A: Good morning Can I help you ?

B: I would like to subscribe to Lao Dong daily newspa[er A: Yes How long would you like to subscribe to it ? B: For a year , please

A: Where would you like to get the newspaper ? B: At home , please I live at 67 Ngoc Ha Street A: OK 67 Ngoc Ha Street

B: Oh, can I get the newspaper every morning before 6.30? A: OK , that’s fine.Thank you

B: Right.Can you just fill in this form ?

Post-speaking Ss’ conversations.

4 Homework :

Ask Ss to find some more expressions to make request Ask them to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit – Listening


Week 19 Sunday January 13th, 2008

Period 57

Unit – LISTENING I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen to a monologue about the development of Vietnam ‘ s telephone system for details

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan, cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :


2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to present some expressions to make request New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Give cues and ask Ss guess what the thing is by raising Yes/No questions

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement T: Have Ss answer some questions to lead in the new lesson

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask them to read the words in chorus then in individual Ss: Read the words in chorus then in individual

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Ask Ss to read through the statements in the Multiple Choice section and predict the answers

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss to compare their prediction with their partners

Ss: Compare the prediction with partners T: Write Ss ‘ prediction on the board T: Ask Ss to listen to the monologue and check their prediction

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss listen for three times

Ss: Listen at the first time , take notes at the second and third time.then compare the answers with a friend

T: Ask Ss to report the results.Give feedback

T: Run through the questions and make

Warm-up Cues :

1 It was invented in the 1870

2 It was invented by Alexander Graham It is used to transmit speech in along

- Is your family on the phone ?

- What is your phone number ?

- When did your families have it at that time ?

- How about now ?


Pre-teach vocabulary

-commune (n) -rural network (n) -capacity (n) -subscriber (n)


1 According to the passage , Vietnam ranks …for growth in telephone numbers

2 Vietnam is among the ….countries in the world that have more than million telephones

3 In 1996 , Vietnam began upgrading its….networks

4 According to the interview , at present , ….% of communes across Vietnam have telephone services

5 Which aspect of development in Vietnam ‘s

telecommunications is not mentioned in the listening passage ?

While – listening

Activity : Checking prediction Answer keys :

1 second 30

3 fixed telephone 93

5 the change of international telephone system


sure ss understand all of them.Ask them to listen to the tape again ( once or twice )and fine the answers to the questions given Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T:Get Ss to compare the answers with friends Then tell them to ask and answer these questions in open pairs and closed pairs

Ss: Compare the answers with friends.Then ask and answer the questions in pairs T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Ask ss to summarise the main ideas of the listening passage.using the hints given Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

Expected answers

1 China has the best growth in telephone numbers

2 In the early 1990s , there were only 140.000 telephones in Viet Nam

3 In 1996 , the fixed telephone numbers were changed from six to seven digits in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh as well as five to six digits in orther provinces

4 In 2001

5 There are 6.014 communal post offices in Viet Nam


1 Vietnam’s rapid growth in telephone numbers

2 The addition of digits to exiting telephone numbers to meet the increasing demands

3 The reduction in monthly telephone fees

4 The expansion of the telephone networks to Vietnam’rural areas

Homework : Ask Ss to write the summary in their notebooks Ask them to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit - Writing

Comments :

Signature ( January 14th,2008 )

Week 20 Sunday January 20th,2008

Period 58

Unit 9-WRITING I Objectives

By the end of the lessons , Ss will be able to write a letter to express satis faction or dissatisfaction

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :


2 Review of the previous lesson : Vocabulary and questions :

- Which country has the highest growth in the number of telephone subscribers ?

- How many telephone were there in Vietnam in the early 1990s ?

- How were the fixed telephone numbers changed in 1996 ? New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to read the adjectives and underline those can make people / things satisfied

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Go around and provide help

Ask Ss to exchange their answers with the others

Ss: Exchange the answers with another st T: Call on some Ss to present their answers in front of the class

T: Set the scene and give out the topic for the discussion

Ss: Listen to the teacher T: Have Ss work in pairs Ss: Do the task in pairs

T: Have Ss compare their answers with another pair

Ss: Compare the answers with another pairs T: Ask Ss to present their ideas in front of the class

T: Act as an instructor and write shortly Ss’ ideas on the board

T: Revision of writing a letter showing satisfaction or dissatisfaction

Ss: Listen to the teacher and take notes T: Ask Ss to write the letter on a sheet of


Read the following adjectives and underline those can make people / things satisfied.

Polite , rude , cold , helpful , spacious , cramped , large , small good , bad , reasonable , expensive , cheap , arrogant , punctual , reliable

Pre-writing Class discussion

Satisfied Dissatisfied The opening

houses ? v v(close too early)

The security v(noone looks after condition the the motorbikes )

The attitude of v(polite , ……… the staff ? thoughtful)

The prices ? …… …… The punctuality … ……… ……… of delivery of letters

and newspapers ?

The position of the …… ………… Post office ?

The quality of ……… ……… the equipment

While – writing Example writing

Dear Mr.Director ,

I am writing about the quality of the services of your post office



Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement T: Go around and provide help when necessary

Ss: Write the letter individually

T: Ask Ss to swap their papers and the correction

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Collect all the papers and the

correction at home

However , there is still something that i am dissatisfied with Firstly , the post office is closed too early Sometimes I need to make an emergent phone call after and this service is not available.

Secondly , the prices for sending oversea mails are far too expensive compared with other post office in the district Finally , there is no one to look after the motorbikes of the customers Therefore , we are always nervous when leaving the motorbikes outside

I would suggest that the post office should open until 10 p.m and that there should be someone to keep an eye on the motorbikes of customers

I’m looking forward to hearing from you Yours sincerely,


Post – writing Peer correction

Ss’ writings

4 Homework : Ask Ss to rewrite the letter at home , exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 9-Language Focus


Week 20 Sunday January 20th,2008

Period 59

Unit – LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - Distinguish the sounds / / , / / and / /

- use defining and non-defining relative clauses appropriately


1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : greeting and checking attendance Rewiew of the previous lesson : no

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into groups and ask ss to close their books.Ask each group to write on the board

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Set the time limited in minutes The group who first finishes wins

T: Read the words and ask Ss to listen Read the words again and ask Ss to repeat

Ss: Listen to the teacher and repeat

T: Call on some Ss to read aloud the words Ss: Read alout the words

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue

Ss: Practice the dialogue in pairs

T: Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue In front of the class

Ss: Act out the dialogue in front of the class T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Ask Ss to explain the words using the phrases from the box

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Have Ss write the answers on the board Ss: Write the answers on the board

T: Ask Ss the Vietnamese equivalent of the words Check with the class

T: Veview of defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses

Ss:Listen to the taecher

T: Get Ss to exercise individually Ss: Do exercise individually

T: Ask them to find a partner to check their answers with

Ss: Check the answers with a partner

Warm – up

- four words containing the sounds /sp/: speak , speech , speedy , spacious

- Four words containing the sound /st/ : street , stand , stop , best

- Four words containing the sound /sk/ : ask , skim , disk , dusk


Listen and repeat

/sp/ /st/ /sk/

speak stand ask speed stop disk crisp text school

Practice reading the dialogue Grammar

Expected answers

1 A burglar is someone who breaks into the house to steal things

2 A customer is someone who buys things from a shop A shoplifter is someone who steals things from a shop A coward is someone who is not brave

5 A tenant is someone who pay rent to live in a house or a flat

Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses Activity : Sentence completion

Correct answers


T: Go over the answers with the class Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to the following exercise individually

Ss: Do the exercise individually

T: Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner

Ss: Compare the answers with a partner T: Have Ss to present their answers in front of the class

Ss: Present the answers in front of the class T: Have Ss explain the answers if necessary Ss: Do following the taecher’s requirement T: Feedback and give correct answers T: Tell Ss to join the sentences by using relative pronounces

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ash Ss to compare their answers with a partner

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Ask Ss to write the answers on the board Have them explain their answers if


Ss: Write the answers on the board and explain

T: Feedback and give correct answers

2 whose whom whose whom

Activity : The use of commas with relative clauses Expected answers

1 I’m having a visit from my favorite aunt, who lives in London

2 T T

4 The match will be played at Lord’s , which is the home of English cricket

5 T

6 Marian Evans , who wrote under the name of George Eliot , was a great novelist

7 The new college , which cost $80 million to build , opens this week

8 T

Activity : Sentence combination Expected answers

1 I was sitting in a chair which suddenly collapsed

2 Mary and Margaret , whom you met them yesterday , are twins

3 The student who sits next to me is from China The professor whose course I’m taking is excellent I saw a lot of people and horses that went to market This doctor , whom you visit yesterday , is famous Shakespeara who is the world’s greatest dramatist and

poet , was born at Stratford on Avon

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercise and (textbook , p.109 ,110) and prepare for the next lesson : Testyourself C


Week 20 Sunday January 20th,2008

Period 60


Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to listen to the conversation and put these telephone expressions in the order they hear.from 1-11

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement T: Play the tape twice and ask Ss to the exercise in pairs

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Have Ss listen again and compare the answers with another pair

Ss: Listen again and compare the answers with another pair

T: Ask ss to present their answers Feedback and give correct answers

T: Elicit new words from Ss

Ask Ss to read the new words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Read the words chorusly then individually

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciaiton Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to read through the questions and find out the answers

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Have Ss compare the answers with a friend

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions in pairs

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Correct Ss ‘answers if necessary

T: Ask Ss to listen and put a tick (v) in the right box Ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined part of the words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask ss for the answers

Feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to join the sentences by using who or which

Ss: Join the sentences

Listening Correct answers g b e f d j h k c 10 a 11 i Reading

Pre-teach vocabulary

- Custom(n)

- Symbol (n)

- Koran (N)

- To embrace (v)

Correct answers

1 They gather before midnight and select twelve grapes from a large bunch

2 Because the twelve grapes are symbols of the twelve months of the year

3 In Iran

4 It lasts for thirteen days

5 They read from the Koran , then all embrace each other and say , “ May you live 100 years.”

Pronunciation and grammar

a) Listen

1 glean clean fly fry drive thrive overflow overthrow


T: Have Ss compare their answers with a partner and then write the answers on the board

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement T: Ask Ss to match the clause in column A with the one in column B to make a

complete conditional sentence

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask Ss to read aloud their answers in front of the class

Ss: Read aloud the answers

T: Feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to write a paragraph on what they like and don’t like about Tet holidays using the given cues

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Notice Ss that their writing should include the activities people often before and during Tet , the food and weather at Tet

Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully

T: Go around and provide help if necessary T: Ask Ss to read aloud their writing and mak correction

Correct answers

Earth is a planet which can support life

The book is about a girl who runs away from home

A dictionary is a book which gives you the meaning of words c) Matching

Correct answers

1 b c a


Suggested writing

Tet is one of the most important traditional holiday in our country.It celebrates the Lunar New Year Actually Tet starts on the first day of the lunar year, however people always prepare for it well in advance The house is usually cleaned and decorated with beautiful things such as flowers and pictures Peach flowers and kumquat trees are very typical at Tet Almost every househas at least either peach flowers and kumquat trees, some even have both in their houses at Tet During Tet people enjoy traditional foods such as Banh

Chung , fruit jam , ….On the first day of the Lunar New Year , people often go to pagodas or churches then they visit their relatives I enjoy Tet holidays because we often have “ lucky money “ at Tet and we can get up leter than usual.The only thing I don’t like at Tet is that the weather is wet and cold

4 Homework : Ask Ss to prepare for the next lesson : Unit 10 – Reading 5 Comments :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Give Ss some information about Cat Ba National Park and ask them to guess what national park is

Ss: Listen to the teacher and try to guess

Warm-up : Guessing game

It has a lot of tropical forests , beautiful landscapes , rare animals

It is in the North – East of Vietnam


T: Ask for Ss’ answer and correct T: Elicit new words from Ss Have them read the new words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs , taking turns asking answer about Cat Ba National Park , using the information in the text book

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Move around to give help or correction

T: Elicit from ss what they would include in a description of a location: Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to write a short description of Cat Ba National Park , using the

following prompts

Ss: Write a short description T: Go around to give help

Ask Ss to exchange their writings and give corrections

Ss: Take notes

Expected answer: It is Cat Ba National Park


Pre-teach vocabulary

1 coastal water(n) abundant(adj) Ha= hectare stone tool (n) human bone (n)

Questions and answers

1 Where is Cat Ba National Park ? Where is it located ?

3 What are the special features of Cat Ba National Park ?

4 How large is it ?

5 What you know about the animals and plants in Cat Ba national Park ?


1 location total area

3 special features animals and plants historic features

While – writing

Writing a description of a location

Cat ba National Park / situated / Cat Ba island 120 km / Ha Noi / 20 km east / Hai Phong Cat Ba / the only site / Vietnam / endowed / tropical forests / coastal waters with white sand beaches / , / abundant natural resources / , / landscapes / rare animals / plants / It / cover / 15.200


T: Divide the class into four teams Give each team a large piece of paper and a maker

Ss: Each team choose one of the two national parks , using the information below to write a description of Ba Be National Park or Cuc Phuong National Park

T: Ask Ss to hang them on the board Give comments and correction if necessary

limestone cave / reveal / people / inhabit / 6.000 years ago

Post- writing Group writing

Ss’ writing


1 Homework : Ask Ss to write the description of one of the two national parks into their notebooks, exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 10-Language Focus.


Sunday January27th,2008

Week 21

Period 65

Unit10-LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- distinguish the difference between the consonant clusters / sl / , / sm / , /sn/ , /sw/

- understand the use of Relative Pronouns with prepositions

- Write the sentences with relative pronouns with prepositions

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings, studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask ss to write their description on the board New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Read the sounds three times and ask the whole class to repeat

Ss: Listen to the teacher and repeat

Presentaton : Pronunciation


T: Ask some Ss to repeat the words The others listen and give remarks if they are pronounced correctly

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to make new sentences which contain as many sounds above as possible

Ss: Work in groups

T: Ask Ss to read aloud the new sentences

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to exercise1

Ss: Do exercise in pairs

T: Give enough time for Ss to it Move around to help if necessary Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud , others listen and give


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Copy the example on the board , explain how to the exercise and make a model

Ss: listen to the teacher carefully

T: Ask Ss to exercise individually Move around to help if necessary Ss: Do exercise individually T: Ask Ss to compare their answers together

Ss: Compare the answers together T: Call on some Ss to read the sentences

Others listen and give comments

T: Ask Ss to complete the sentences , using who , whom ,which , that

slave smart sneeze swing slim smell snookers switch slice smoke snow swear slow smile snap swallow

Presentation : Reading aloud the sentences

Practice Exercise :

1 whom which whom who that whom which Exercise

1 The man to whom I talked yesterday was very kind

2. The man about whom I told you works in the hospital

3. The woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English

4. The movie about which they are talking is fantastic

5. The picture at which she was looking was beautiful

6. I’ll give you the address to which you should write



Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to say out their answers Ss: Say out the answers

T: Give correction if necessary

4 whom which which who

4 Homework : Ask Ss to make true sentences about things around them , using

relative pronouns with prepositions , exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 11- Reading


Signature ( January 27th,2008)

SundayFebruary 17th,2008


Period 66

Unit 11-READING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- understand the passage

- identify the main idea

- guess the meaning in context

- express their own ideas about sources of energy

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan,cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : relative pronouns and relative pronouns with prepositions

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Prepare a poster of a word grid with rows

Ask Ss to work in groups and take turns to choose a numbered row If Ss guess the word correctly, they will get one mark.If not , another group can give the answer and score the point

The group that has more points will win the game

T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the sources of energy on page 124 and name them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Elicit new words from Ss Have Ss read the new words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read the text silently and answer the pre-questions with a partner Ss: Read the text and answer the

questions in pairs


Oil coal wind

Source of

Natural nuclear


Pre-teach vocabulary

1 alternative (adj) reserve (n) to exhaust (v) released (adj)

Activity : Answer the Pre-questions

1 Which one you think is the alternative source of energy ?


T: Ask some Ss to answer the questions and correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Divide the class into five groups Copy the table below on the board Ask Ss to scan the passage to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative source

Ss: Work in groups and following the teacher’s requirement

T: Go around to give help

Ask each chooses one source of energy and write downits advantages and disadvantages

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Ask Ss to work in groups and take notes their groups’ ideas

Mix the groups to share ideas

Ask a representative of each group to come to the front of the class and present their group’s ideas

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Give comments on their ideas

Sources of advantages disadvantages


Nuclear unlimited very dangerous


Geothermal available possible heat

Solar energy not only plentiful possible in the and infinite but day time also clean and safe

Wind power clean and no wind – no unlimited wind energy Water power clean and expensive unlimited


Which of these alternative energy sources is the most feasible in Vietnam ? Why ?

Ss’ answers

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 11-Speaking


Sunday February 17th,2008

Week 22

Period 67

Unit 11- SPEAKING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources

- express their own ideas about alternative source of energy

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students : Textbook, schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps:

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the questions What is our major source of energy ?

Is this major source limited ? Why ?

How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text? New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to work in groups.Stick the word “limited” or “unlimited” on the board.Say out some sources of energy randomly

Ask Ss to listen and decide which

energy is limited and which is unlimited Ss: Work in groups , listen to the teacher and following the teacher’s


T: Correct Ss ‘ answers

T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in


Ss: Do following the teacher’ requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs ,decide which statement is about the advantages and which is about the disadvantages of


Limited unlimited

Oil wind power Coal natural gas Nuclear power Solar energy Water power


Pre-teach vocabulary

- renewable

- reactor

- radiation

- hydro electricity



various sources of energy Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Have Ss repeat the dialogue after the teacher

Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Ask ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

Ss: Practice in pairs

T: Call some pairs to the front of the class to act out the conversation

T:Ask Ss to work in pairs to substitute the underlined words with suitable words or the words suggested in the useful language to make new


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have Ss act out their new conversations in front of the class

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four or five to express their belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future , using the ideas in task and task

Ss: Work in groups Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of five to make a list of things the family should to save energy

Ss: Share ideas with the others

4.A 5.D 6.A 7.D

While –speaking Activity : Repetition Activity : Substitution

A: I think / believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy

B: Why you think / believe so ?

A: Because our major source of energy is running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited

B: I know it is also clean and safe to the

environment How ever , it is not available when there is ni wind


A: I believe that the use of solar energy should be the alternative source of energy in our country

B: I agree with you It is the most feasible way to have solar energy in our country because

Vietnam is a tropical country…

Post-speaking : Group discussion Ss’ ideas.

4 Homework: Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 11- Listening


Sunday February 17th,2008

Week 22

Period 68

Unit 11- LISTENING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- listen to specific information

- express their own ideas about how to protect environment

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Useful language to make conversation New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to work in groups.Prepare some pieces of paper on which there is one word : ocean / sun / land / grass / air / coal / oil / …

Give a piece of paper to one person in each group This person doesn’t show it to the others in his /her group, then explain the word by drawing The group that gets more right words will win the game

T: Ask Ss to answer the question in pairs

T: Elicit new words from Ss Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Ask Ss to listen and check their guessing


Ocean Sun land

coal air

Which of them are renewable and which of them are non renewable?Why ?


Pre-teach vocabulary

1 ecologist(n) to conserve(v)


Have Ss listen to the recording twice At the first time , ask Ss to list all the resources they hear.At the second time Ss tick which resource is renewable and which is


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Let them compare their answers Ss: Compare the answers with a friend

T: Check the answers with the class T: Ask Ss to read task carefully , guess the answer listen to the tape and circle the word they choose Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Give Ss three minutes to read the paragraph carefully and guess the missing words

Ss: Read the paragraph and guess the missing words in three minutes

T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps with the words they have heard

Let them call out their answres T: Ask Ss to work in groups of five to discuss the questions

Ss: Discuss the questions in groups

Activity : Table Completion

Natural Renewable Nonrenewable Reasons


Grass V grow

quickly Air V


Coal V it take some of years to coal solar energy V

Fossil fuel V

Activity : Multiple Choice

1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B

Activity : Gap-Fill

1 unlimited atmosphere may

4 gases amounts

Post- listening : Discussion

What can we to keep the resources renewable ? What should we to protect our environment?

4 Homework : Ask ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 11-Writing


Signature ( February 18th,2008 )


Sunday February 23rd ,

2008 Week 23

Period 69

Unit 11-WRITING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read the information from a chart and write a description from a chart

II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , hand outs , posters

2 Students : Textbooks , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order: Greeting and checking attendance Review of the previous lesson : Vocabulary

- Ecology - ecologist

- resources

- renewable

- fertilized New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Write the words whose letters are not in order on the board Ask Ss to go to the board and reorder the letters to make words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ words if necessary T: Hang the chart on the board and explain the information in the chart Ss: Look at the chart carefully and read the passage , contrasting the chart with the passage to find out the missing information

T: Call on some Ss to read out the answer

T: Elicit the tense and the language which is used in the passage from Ss Ss: Take notes

Warm-up : Jumbled words



Pre-writing Key:

1 100 million tons

2 Nuclear and Hydroelectricity 18 million tons

Useful Languages

- use simple past tense

- to be under / over + figure

- to make up the largest…

- to account for / to take the smallest…

- There was/were + noun/noun phrase


T: Ask Ss to write a description of the trends in energy consumpion in the year 2005 in Highland based on the chart in the textbook on page 130

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Set the time limited in five minutes Move around to give help

Ask Ss to exchange their writings , comparing and giving corrections Ss: Compare the writing with a friend and give corrections

T: Have Ss work in pairs to describe the chart , using similar function of language Give correction if necessary

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement

T: Divide the class into groups Deliver a large piece of paper for each group Ask ss to compare the amount of energy consumption in the two years 2000 and 2005

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement

T: Set the time limited in 10 minutes Move around to give help if necessary Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board

Ss: Stick the posters on the board T: Give correction and comments on their writing

- As + noun/noun phrase + as

While-writing Activity : Sample writing

The total energy consumption in 2005 was over 140 million tons/under 160 million tons.Nuclear and Hydroelectricity made up the largest amount of this figure.There was nearly as much

petroleum used as coal which only made up the smallest proportion of the total about 41 million tons

Activity : Ss’ description Activity :

Suggested writing

There was an upward trend in the consumption of coal and nuclear and hydroelectricity but there was a sharp decrease in the use of petroleum The amount of coal used increased by 20 million tons and the consumption of nuclear and

hydroelectricity went up dramatically by 54 million tons.However , the amount of petroleum consumed in 2005 fell by 15 million tons

4 Homework : Ask Ss to rewrite the comparison of the chart into notebook ,

exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 11-Language Focus


Sunday February 23rd,2008

Week 23

Period 70

Unit 11-LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- distinguish the consonant clusters / / , / / , / /

- understand the use of Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives - write the sentences with relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives. II Preparations :

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students : Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1.Class order: Greeting and checking attendance

2.Review of the previous lesson : no

New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Hang on the chart with the sounds Point to each sound and read it aloud three times

Ss: Look at the chart and listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss to repeat the sounds Call on some Ss to pronounce them Ss: Repeat the sounds and pronounce them individually

T: Read out some examples of the sounds

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss to add some more words that contain the sounds

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to practice reading aloud the sentences

Ss: Read aloud the sentences T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Write the sentences on the board Ask Ss to go to the board and rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning


/ / / / / / shred split spray shrill splash spread shrug spleen sprain shrink splutter sprat


1 They were all shrieking with laughter He shrugged ( his shoulders ) , saying he

didn’t know and didn’t care My dad hates shrimp paste What a splendid spring day !

5 The stream splits into three smaller streams at this point

6 The house has a narrow front but it splays out at the back


1 Active participles

- The girl who is playing with the dog is Lan’s sister

- The girl playing with the dog is Lan’s sister


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask ss to talk about the differences between the two sentences

Explain them how to use active participle , passive participles and infinitive

relative clauses

Ss: Listen to the teacher and take notes T: Elicit the rules from Ss

T: Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in exercise , using present participle phrase

Ss: Rewrite the sentences in exercise , using present participle phrases

T: Move around to give help

Have them exchange their answers to check

Ss: Exchange the answers to check T: Ask Ss for the answers and correct if necessary

T: Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in exercise , using past participles phrases

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Move around to give help

Have them exchange their answers with another student

Ss:Exchange the answers with another student

T: Ask Ss to write the answers on the board.Feedback and give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences in exercise , using infinitive phrase Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: ask Ss to come to the board and write them down

Ss: Write the answers on the board

- The picture which was drawn by a blind has won the first prize

- The picture drawn by a blind has won the first prize

3 Infinitive relative clauses.

- Which was the first country which won the world cup ?

- Which was the first country to win the world cup ?


1 The boy playing the piano is Bend

2 Do you know the woman coming toward us ?

3 The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet

4 The scientists searching the causes of cancer are making progress

5 The fence surrounding house is made of wood

6 We have an apartment overlooking the park


1 The ideas presented in that book are interesting

2 I come from a city located on in the southern part of the country

3 They live in a house built in 1890 The photographs published in the

newspaper were extraordinary The experiment conducted at the

University of Chicago was successful They work in a hospital sponsored by the


Exercise 3

1 John was the last man to reach the mountain

2 The last person to leave the room must turn off the lights

3 The first person to see is Mr.Smith This is the second person to be killed in

that way


T: Check Ss ‘ tasks and give corrections

4 Homework : Ask Ss to make sentences relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives,do exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson :

Test yourself D 5 Comments :

Sunday February 23rd,2008

Week 23

Period 71-TEST YOURSELF D I Objectives

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to review all grammar notes and vocabulary they have learnt in unit 9,10,11

II Preparations :

2 Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

3 Students : Textbook, schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home

III Teaching steps :

1.Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss rewrite some sentences with relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives

- The girl who is playing badmimton in the yard is my sister

- Do you know the boys who are talking to our form teacher over there.?

- Do you come from a city which is located in the southern part of the country? - Most of the goods which are made in this factory are expected

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to listen to the passage about water conversation and complete the following sentences

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss for the answers and correct if necessary

T: Ask Ss to read the passage in pairs

I Listening

1 can not live it rains

3 planting vegetation hold back the water use in dry seasons


Ss: Read the passage in pairs

T: Explain them some new words if necessary

Ss: Listen to the teacher and take notes T: Ask Ss to answer the questions Ss: Try to answer the questions individually

T: Ask Ss compare their answers with friends

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Ask Ss to write the answers on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Ask Ss to complete the sentences , using the correct form of the verbs in the box

Ss: Read through the sentences and complete them ,using the correct form ( to-infinitive or participle ) of the verbs T: Ask for Ss’ answers and correct if necessary

T: Ask Ss to read the cues given first to make sure that they know how to make sentences by using them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquireemnt

T: Ask Ss to write a paragraph of 120 words about the measures to protect the environment

Ss: Write individually

T: Go around to give help when necessary

Ask Ss exchange their writings for corrections

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Collect some Ss’ writing and correct

Correct answers.

1.Aie , water , and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things

2.Badly polluted air can cause illness , and even death Polluted water kills fish and other marine life Pollution of soil reduce the amount of land that is available for growing food

3 Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example , exhaust from automobiles provides transportation for millions of people

4 They would have to stop using many things that benefit them

5 Government can pass and enforcelaws that require businesses and individuals to stop or cut down on certain polluting activities

III Pronunciation and grammar.

1.living 2.ringing 3.to leave to drink invited blown

IV Writing

We are trying to find solutions to environmental pollution problem People should stop cutting trees or destroying for timber Instead , they should plant more trees and forests.They should reduce using cars and motorbikes that cause noise and air pollution We should prevent farmers from using fertilizers and pesticides that damage the soil People should not scatter junk and litter on the land and in the water We should prohibit factories from dumping industrial wastes

Into rivers and lakes


to stop or cut down on polluting activities

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all the lesson and review for the coming forty-five- minute-test.


Signature ( February 24th,32008)

Sunday February 2rd , 2008 Week 24

Period 72-73 : Test and correction

I/ Objectives

By the end of the test , Ss will be able to review the vocabulary and structures they ‘ve learnt from unit to unit 11

II/ Preparations :

1.Teacher: tests

2.Students : studying and preparing the lesson at home III/ Content and keys :

I Pick out the word that has the stress pattern differently from that of the others.

1 A plentiful B energy C release D fossil A chemical B factory C planet D survival A pollutant B environment C destroying D national A technology B equipment C express D pleasant

II Choose the best answer ( A , B , C or D ) that best complete each sentence This is Mr.Jones , ……… invention has helped hundreds of deaf people


The Earth will be a happy planet where human beings , animals and plants ……… coexit

A peaceable B peaceful C peace D peacefully Many species of rare animals are in …………of becoming extinct

A dangerous B dangerously C endanger D danger The sun , water , and the wind are other ………sources of energy A alternative B transforming C changing D changeable 10 All national parks are in danger of ………

A to be destroyed B being destroyed C destroying destroyed 11 Monica , ………is my new boss , is very easy to work with

A whose B that C who D whom

12 We decided to visit the school ………my father had gone as a child A to which B at which C in which D from which

III Choose the underlined part ( A , B , C or D ) that needs correcting

13 This is the boy who sister studied with me in high school A B C D

14 You could save some money if you send a parcel which is under 15 kg in weight A B C D

15 The song to that we listened last night was beautiful A B C D

16 He is the second person be killed in that way A B C D

IV Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

17 Mary ( find )………….a five – pound note while she ( walk ) ……… to school yesterday

18 I ( just finish ) ……….reading War and Peace It’s a brilliant book 19 I ( not be ) ………… at work tomorrow I’m taking the day off

20 She always ( remember )………the names of the people that she meets 21 I usually read the newspaper while I (wait)………….for the bus

22 If I ( not be ) ………busy last night , I ( come ) ……… to visit you 23 If I ( be ) ……….you , I ( spend ) ……….time learning English

V Combine the following sentences , using relative clauses and commas if necessary 24 The new stadium will be opened next month It can hold 90.000 people

The new stadium……… 21 I couldn’t understand the woman I talked to her on the phone


27 London was once the largest city in the world The population is now falling London ……… 28 That’s the house I lived in it when I was young

That’s the house……… 29 The boy is very nice I go to school with him

The boy ………

VI Complete the following passage by using the words given , and then answer the questions below

energy electricity survive fuels alternative develop

We can develop (30)………sources of energy, and unless we try we’ll never succeed Instead of burning fossil fuels we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because (31)……… can be produced from any sources of energy

If we didn’t waste so much energy, our resources would last longer We can save more energy by conservation than you can produce for the same money Unless we research on solar (32)………… , wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric plans…, our fossil fuels will run out and we’ll all freeze or starve to death

Many countries are spending much more on research because energy from the sun, the waves and the wind lasts for ever We really won’t (33) ……….…unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy

34.What can electricity be produced from ?

35.What will happen unless we research on solar energy and other alternative soureces of energy ?

36.What are many countries doing ?



1 C 17 found

2 D 18 was walking D 19 have just finished D 20 remember

5 C 21 am waiting

6 D 22 hadn’t been , would have come D 23 were , would spend

8 D 24 The new stadium which can hold

9 A 25 I couldn’t understand the woman to whom I talked on the phone 10.B 26 John , whom I have known for a very long time , is one of my 11.C closest friend

12.A 27 London , whose population is now falling was once the largest city

13.B in the world

14.A 28 That’s the house in which I lived when I was young 15.B 29 The boy with whom I go to school is very nice 16.B 30 alternative


34 It can be produced from any sources of energy 35 Our fossil fuels will run out

36.They are spending much more on research

37 We really won’t survive

THE FORTY – FIVE MINUTE TEST Name :……….Class :11………

I.Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1 I ( study ) ……….English for 10 years but I ( never , speak )………English with a foreigner yet

2 Don’t make noise The children ( sleep )……… He ( sleep ) ………… for hours Wake him up now

4 When I ( walk ) ………home , it ( start ) ………to rain heavily Sometimes he ( get ) ………up before the sun ( rise )……… Before he ( die ) ……… , he ( be ) ………….ill for ten years

7 If I ( know )………… his address , I ( tell )……… you but I’m afraid I don’t

8 If the driver ( drive ) ………… more slowly , the accident ( not , happen ) ……… I saw him driving at 80 kilometres per hour


10 If she ( take ) …………some exercise , she ( feel ) …………better But she is always busy

11 If I ( have ) ……….enough money on me , I ( buy ) ………that nice dress I was short of money then

II Combine each pair of sentences , using relative clauses

12 The room is painted yellow Nobody has slept in the room for years The room in………

13 The postman realized I was on holiday You had sent me a parcel The postman left it next door

The postman………

14 I bought my car from a woman She lives in a house You can see the house over there The woman I ……… 15 My neighbors had three small children The children make a lot of noise My neighbors never apologize

My neighbors , ………

III Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others

16 A agriculture B nature C mature D structure 17 A thousand B throughout C zoo D food 18 A surface B shape C space D outdated 19 A without B within C although D method 20 A solar B ballon C major D amount IV Reading

Two of the topics that we need to find (21)…… for are the destruction of the rainforest and thinning of ozone layer Neither of these two ( 22 ) ……catastrophes are (23)……they are both caused by our disregard for nature and the world that (24)…….us In the last ten years the levels of (25)………have doubled and yet we seem to be oblivious to this (26) ……… of our planet

There are a number of (27)………thathave been campaigning and protesting against this (28)……….behaviour But , untimately , it is up to us as individuals to take action

The (29)……….of such action depends on a concerted effort to make people more aware of the consequences of our failure to (30)………….our world against ourselves

31 A solved B solutions C soluble D solving

32 A environment B environmental C environmentalist D environmenting 33 A accidental B accident C accidents D accidentally 34 A surrounds B surrounding C surround D surrounded 35 A pollute B polluted C pollution D polluting 36 A poison B poisoning C poisonous D poisonously 37 A organises B organised C organizations D organizing 38 A deatroy B destructive C destruction D destroying 39 A success B successful C unsuccessful D successfully 40 A protect B protected C protection D protecting V Vocabulary and grammar


A until B when C unless D if 42 The three friends all ……… for the same job

A.requested B applied C invented D referred 43 His parents never allowed him ………

A smoke B, smoking C smokes D to smoke 44 Do you know the girl ……… Tom is talking to

A which B whose C what D whom 45 Did ……… phone me when I was out ?

A anyone B someone C everyone D no one 46 She has sons Both of ……… work abroad

A who B whom C them D, people

47 It is estimated that no more than 200 Siberian tigers …in the wild A lived B leaving C living D left

48 Is it true that this kind of soap can protect us ………….bacterid ? A away B from C out of D for

49 His laziness resulted ……….his failure in the final exam A from B of C in D by

50 Many efforts have been ……….to protect rare animals A done B taken C made D given

V Choose the underlined part ( A , B , C or D ) that needs correcting

60 More people are protecting the killing animals for fur and skin A B C

61 I’m afraid you are in danger losing your job more than ever A B C B

62 There are about a thousand of students in this university A B C D

63 Thirty billions dollars will be invested to build a high –speed train in Vietnam A B C D


Sunday March 2rd , 2008 Week 24

Period 74

Unit 12-READING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- understand the passage

- scan for specific information

- guess the meaning in context

- remember some events about Asian games

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan,cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : no

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Show some pictures of Ly Duc and Van Mach then ask some questions about them

Ss: Look at the pictures shown by the

Warm – up Game : chatting

1 Who are they ?


teacher and answer the questions T: Correct Ss’ answers and lead-in Ss: Listen to the teacher carefully T: Ask Ss to answer the two questions Ss: Answer the questions

T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask them to read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Domfollowing the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary T: Ask Ss to read the words given and make sure that they know how to use them.Then ask them to read through the sentences , explain some new words if necessary

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to task individually Ask them to exchange their answers with a friend

Ss: Do the task individually and then exchange the answers with a friend T: Call on some Ss to read aloud the answers Give feedback

T: Ask Ss to reread the passage to scan for specific information

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read through the table and complete it in pairs

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Have Ss exchange their answers with another pair

Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to write their answers on the board

2 What they ? (They are athletes

3 What they have in common ?

(They have won gold and silver medals in bodybuilding in the Asian Games)


1 What you know about Asian Games ? How often are the Asian Games held ? Pre-teaching vocabulary

1 effort (adj) aquatic ( adj ) appreciate (v) advance (v) facility (n) enthusiasm (n)

While –reading

Task : Filling the blank with a suitable word Correct answers facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appreciated

Task : Completing the table Correct answers

1 1951

2 the 2nd Asian Games in Malina , the

Philippines in 1954 1958

4 Squash , rugby and mountain biking were introduced at the 13tth Asian Game in Bangkok , Thailand

5 2002

Task :

Correct answers

1 The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia In this multi-sport event , young people from all over Asia gather together to compete

2 9919


Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Feedback and give correct answers T: Ask Ss to work in groups : name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games

bodybuilding , billiards and women’s karatedo at the Games in Busan , Korea

Post – reading

Name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at Asian Games

Ss’ answers

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all vocabulary and structures in the lesson and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 12 – Speaking



( March 3rd,2008 )

Sunday March 9th,2008

Week 25

Period 75

Unit 12-SPEAKING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- ask for and give some information about Asian Games

- express their ideas about sport results and about their favourite games or athletes

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to go to the board : write vocabulary,read the text and answer some questions about Asian Games

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to rearrange the words to make the meaningful sentences without

Warm – up : Sentnece completion


looking at the book

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to write their sentences on the board

Ss: Write the sentences on the board T: Correct Ss’ sentences

T: Ask Ss to work in groups to find out the answers

Ss: Work in groups

T: Have groups find the countries and two groups find the sports

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to copy them on the board Check Ss’ answers then practice speaking

Ask Ss to open their books and look at the information about the Asian Games in the table to check which countries have been the host countries in the Asian Game until now

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Ask Ss to look at the dialogue on page 139 and repeat the conversation Ask Ss to use the information in the table to substitute for the suitable information

T : Go around to give help Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask some pairs to come to the front of the class and act out their


T: Ask Ss to take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietname athletes at 14th Asian Games , using the

Games , when , and ?

2 countries , in , how , the , part , many , took , Games ?

3 were , at , Games , sports , many , completed , how , the ?


What Asian countries have taken part in the Asian Games ?

Asian countries Sports

-Useful Language

Simple past tense : V2/V-ed

Passive voice : was/were + V3 / V-ed

While –Speaking

Activity : Repetition and substitution Example :

A: When and where were the 2nd Asian Games

held ?

B: They were held in 1954 in the Philippines A: How many countries took part in the Games? B: 18

A: How many sports were there at the Games ? B:

Activity : Reporting Example


information from the table on page 140-task

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Have some Ss come to the board to the report

in bodyduilding , the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal In billiards , they won one gold medal and one silver medal

Post-speaking Ss’ reports

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the work book and prepare for the next lesson

: Unit 12-Listening


Sunday March 9th,2008

Week 25

Period 76

Unit 12-LISTENING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - listen to specific information

- express their own ideas about

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan ,cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to answer some questions about Asian Games

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to write down nine words of


Say out words of sports randomly Ss: Look at the words , listen and tick the word they have on their list.When make a straight line with all the words ticked , they shout BINGO to win the game T: Lead-in by asking Ss to answer the question

Ss: Answer the question

T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the text book and answer the questions Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Elicit new words from Ss Have Ss read the words in chorus then in


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Give Ss minutes to read task carefully

Ss: Read task carefully

T: Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and circle the best answer

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Ask Ss to compare their answers Have Ss read out their answers

Ss: Compare the answers and then read out

T: Let Ss listen again to check the answers

Give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to read the questions carefully before they listen to the recording again ( twice )

Ss: Do following the teacher’s

Aquatic sports Rugby Bodybuilding football Fencing hockey Gymnastics tennis Squash

Lead-in : Which sport from your list you like best ? why ?


What are the names of these sports ?

Have you ever watched sports like these on television ?

Pre-teach vocabulary

- to come live

- freestyle (n)

- gymnasium = gym

- bar (n)

- to land (v)

While – listening

Activity : Multiple Choice Answer key:

1 C A B B D

Activity : Question and answer Suggested answers



T: Tell them to listen and take notes the answers to the questions

Ss: Exchange the answers

T: Check if Ss have the same answers Ask Ss to listen to the recording for the last time and check their answers

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

Ss: Play the role of an interviewer and an ethlete who has just taken part in the Asian Games interview him/her to ask about his / her experience …the feelings after the moment

2 they have won six gold medals

3 He took part in the long jump twice High-jump

5 He looked very disappointed

Post-listening Role-play

Ss’ conversation

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the work book and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 12-Writing


Sunday March


Week 25

Period 77

Unit 12-WRITING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- read the information from a chart

- write a description from a chart

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : No

New lesson :


T: Write the words whose letters are not in order on the board Ask Ss to go to the board and reorder the letters to make words

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ words if necessary T: Ask Ss to work in groups and answer the questions

Ss: Answer the questions in groups T: Ask Ss for the answers

T: elicit new words from Ss

Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T: Ask Ss to look at some activities suggested in the box , the sample writing and elicit some useful languages from Ss

Copy on the board

T: Ask Ss to use the information in the box and write a meaningful sentences , combining the verb in column with the phrases in column

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Go around the class to give help Ask Ss to compare their answers Ss: Compare the answers

T: Have Ss write the answers on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board T: Give comments

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four to

Warm-up : Jumbled words

1 dliub edargpu

3 nediw piuqe esitrevda tiurcer dloh

Lead-in : What facilities you think we need to have for the Asian Games ?

- National stadium / local stadium

- National sport center

- Training areas

- Sport buildings and roads to sport buildings

- ………


Pre-teach vocabulary

- to upgrade (v)

- to promote (v)

- to recruit (v)

Useful languages : Sequence adverbs

First / firstly / First of all… Then,

Next , … After that,…

While – writing

Activity : Writing sentences Suggested sentences

a) One more national Stadium needs to be built

b) National sports centers and local stadium need to be upgraded because they are not in good conditions c) We have to build more hotels and


write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations for the coming Asian Games in Vietnam Ss: Do following the teacher’s erquirement

T: Go around to give Ss help if necessary

Give Ss the limited time

Ss: Exchange the writing to correct T: Ask Ss to give comments on the other’s writing


Activity : Writing a composition Suggested answers

To prepare for the coming Asian Games , we have a lot of things to

First of all , we will build one more National Stadium , some sports buildings and car parks The National sports centers and local stadium need to be upgraded because they are not in good conditions

Then , we will widen the training areas and the roards to the sports buildings We have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities…………

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the work book and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 12-Language Focus.



( March 10th,2008)


Week 26

Period 78

Unit 12-LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- distinguish the difference between the consonant cluters /str/,/skr/,/skw/

- revise the use of Relative clauses

- understand and write sentences with omission of relative pronouns

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : No

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Hang on a flipchart with these sounds on the board and introduce the sounds to the Ss.Read the sounds three times

Ss: Look at the chart and listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss listen carefully and repeat after the teacher

Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Ask the whole class to p[ractice reading aloud the sentences in the book

Ss: Read aloud the sentences

T: Ask Ss to work in groups to make sentences that contain the sounds the group that can make a meaningful sentence which has more sounds above will win the game

T: Ask Ss to recall the use of relative clause

Ss: Recall the use of relative clause T: Copy the sentences on the board Ask Ss to read it carefully Elicit the use of relative pronouns as subject or relative pronouns as object


/ str / / skr / / skw /

street scream square strong screen squeeze strange screw squash strength scratch squeak


1 There was a strong man on the street at night The man was eating the ice-cream ,

squeezing the doll and it was squeaking Theman was screaming while walking to the



Relative clauses and the omission of relative pronouns

a) Relative pronouns as subject

The woman who / that lives next door is a doctor Where is the chese which/that was in the fridge?

b) Relative pronouns as object

The woman who /whom /that I wanted to see was away

You can get back the tax which/that you’ve paid


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Elicit when we can leave out the relative pronouns

Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to complete each of the sentences in exercise ( page 144) to make a relative clause without a pronoun , using a suitable sentence in the box on page 144

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Ask Ss to read out their answers Ss: Read out the answers

T: Give correction if necessary T: Ask Ss to complete each of the sentences in exercises using a

suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause with a preposition Ss Do following the teacher’s requirement

T Ask Ss to read out their answers Give correction if necessary

T: Ask Ss to look at the two sentences and tick the sentence in which the relative pronoun can be omitted Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Ask Ss for their answers and correct if necessary

Thewoman Gary met knows your sister

The dress Ann bought doesn’t fit her very well

Exercise : Answer key :

1 Have you found the bike you lost ? Most of the classmates he invited to the

birthday party couldn’t come

3 the short stories John told were very funny The dictionary I bought yesterday is

expensive , but very interesting

5 I didn’t like the man we met this morning The beef we had for lunch was really


Exercise : Answer key :

1 I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with

2 The dinner party we went to wasn’t very enjoyable

3 The house we are living in is not in good condition

4 I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about

5 He didn’t get the job he applied for The bed I slept in was very modern

Exercise : Answer key:

1 The girl who we are going to see is from Britain

3 What was the name of the man who you met yesterday ?

5 Do you know the girl who he is talking to ? This is the novel that I’ve been expecting

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn the lesson by heart , exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 13-Reading



Week 26

Period 79

Unit 13: READING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- read about hobbies

- scan read for specific ideas

- skim read for general ideas

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Relative clauses

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Tell the whole class that he has a 7-letter word in his mind He will give some clues about the word and Ss have to guess the letters forming that word

Ss will have to give letter by letter , if they give the correct one , T will write it down in the correct position, if they give the wrong answer , T will draw the head ( the arm , the body , the legs)

If they are able to tell what the word is before the hanged man is drawn , they win the game

T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Read the words chorusly then individually

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Give Ss handouts and ask them to work in pairs to complete the

sentences using the words/phrases they have just learned

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary

Warm – up : Hangman game Clues:

- It is a noun

- It is a way to relax ourselves

- It is related to free time

- Collecting stamps, reading books , going fishing are examples of this noun

Key : HOBBY Pre-Reading

Pre-teach vocabulary

1 guitarist (n) glass fish tank admire (v) throw st away


1 My uncle is a good ………He often

accompanies his wife singing with his guitar Almost everyone in my class…………Hoa

because she is very good at maths We keep fish in a …………


T: Ask Ss to skim read the text and the matching test in pairs

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some pairs to read aloud their choices

Go over the answers with the class T: Give handouts Ask Ss to read the text individually to decide if these statements are true or false

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask for Ss’ answers Have Ss explain their answers and correct the false statement

T: Divide the class into groups of four

Ask each group to read the text again and write down the answers to the following questions

Ss: Read the text again and write down the answers

T: Ask Ss to write the answers on the board

T: Feedback and give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk about their hobbies , mentioning the following things

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to talk about their hobbies in front of the class Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary

While – reading Activity :

Suggested answer : 1.b 2.e 3.g 4.f 5.d 6.c a

Activity :

1 The writer is an accomplished guitarist

2 The writer didn’t collect fish from the rice field The writer has more local stamps than foreign


4 The writer is an avid stamp collector

Expected answers : 1.F ( his uncle is ) ; 2.F ( he did ) ; 3.T ; 4.T

Activity :

Questions and answers Suggested answers :

1 It is playing his guitar

2 Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people by his guitar It is keeping fish

4 He collects stamps from discarded envelopes , his relatives and his friends

5 He keeps the less common ones inside a small album The common ones he usually gives away to others or throws them away


- What your partner’s hobby is

- How much time he/she spends on it

- Ask whether he/she collects anything as a hobby

- Ask if he/she shares the same hobby with any member of his/her family / class

- How much money he/she spends on his/her hobby

4 Homework : Ask Ss to learn by heart all the new words , reread the text , exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 13-Speaking



Week 26

Period 80

Unit 13: SPEAKING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- talk about a hobby

- talk about collections

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to reread the text and answer some questions


New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into two groups Each group nominates one


Ask each representative to mime some activities , and the members of his/her groups will have to guess what the activity is.The two representatives take turns to the miming four times.The group which has more correct answers will win the game Declare the winner

T: Ask Ss to answer the questions Ss: Answer the teach’s questions T: Correct Ss’ answers

T: Elicit some new words from Ss Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requireemnt

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation

T:Ask Ss to work in pairs :read the dialogue then ask and answer questions

Ss: Ask and answer in pairs


Miming game

- Swimming

- Fishing

- Stamp – collecting

- Mountain-climbing

- Playing computer games

- Reading books

- Watching TV


- Do you often watch TV in your free time ?

- How much time you spend on it every day ?

- What are your hobbies ? Do you spend much money on them ?

Pre-teach vocabulary

- second-hand book stall

- pen-friend

- classify

- landscape


Activity : Question and answer


T: Have some pairs practice in front of the class

Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary Ss: Take notes

T: Ask Ss to play the roles of Nam and Nga

Ask Ss to ask about their friend by using the five questions ( Activity ) Ss: Do following the teacher’s


T: Move around to offer help if need be Listen to Ss and collect their mistakes for indirect correction

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of five to talk about their hobbies , using the following questionnaire as help Ss: Work in groups and following the teacher’s requirement

T: Go around to give help when necessary

Ask some Ss to make a report on their friends hobbies , using the result of the questionnaire in activity

2 What question does Huong make to ask about Lan’s ways to collect books ?

3 What does Huong say to ask about the place Lan bought her book ?

4 What question does Hoa put to ask about Lan’ ways of organizing books ?

5 What does Huong say to ask about Huong’s plan for the future ?

Activity : Role-play

- Hobby : stamps

- How to collect stamps : buy from post office , get stamps from oversea pen friends

- How to organize stamps : classify stamps into categories : animals , landscapes , birds…

- Where to keep stamps : in album

-Plan for the future : collect more stamps


Find someone who

1 What is your hobby ?

2 How much time / money you spend on your hobby ?

3 Do you collect anything as a hobby ? Where you get them and where you keep them ?

4 Do you know anyone who keeps animal as a hobby ?

5 Do you think good friends should have the same hobbies ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 13-Listening



Sunday March 23rd ,

2008 Week 27

Period 81

Unit 13-LISTENING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - listen about collection

- listen for specific information - listen for general ideas

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan ,cassette , handouts

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to talk about their hobby

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into two groups Give them some information about the word

Ask Ss to listen and stop at any

information they hear to guess what the word is

The first group to tell exactly what the word is wins the game

T: Introduce the lesson by asking Ss to answer some questions

Ss: Answer the teacher’s questions T: correct Ss’ answers if necessary T: Elicit new words from Ss

Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Draw a boy reading a book

Ask Ss to look at the picture and ask

Warm – up

What is it ?

1 It is a noun with four letters

2 It can be your friend or even your teacher It gives you knowledge about the world It can be found in a library

Answer key : BOOK

Do you read book ?

How often you read them ?

Do people collect books as a hobby ?


Pre-teach vocabulary

1 gigantic (adj) fairy tale (n) profitably (adv) bygone days


them to answer some questions

Ss: Look at the boy and answer the questions

T: Ask Ss to listen to the boy talking about his hobby of reading books and decide if the statements are true or false Ss: Do following the teacher’s


T: Give ss handouts of T or F test Play the tape twice

Ss: Listen to the tape carefully

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers Ss: Give the answers

T: Go over the answers with the class T: Give Ss handouts of activity Ask Ss to listen to the rest of the

listening text again and work in pairs to write the missing words

Ss: following the teacher’s requirement

T: Have Ss listen to the tape twice Ss: Listen to the tape carefully T: Call on some pairs to give the answers

Ss: Give the answers

T: Go over the answers with the class T: Give Ss situation of the writing Ask ss to read through the situation Ss: Read through the situation

T: Ask Ss to write Lan a letter to point out the disadvantages of over-reading Ss: Do following the teacher’s


T: Ask ss to write their letters on the board if there ‘s enough time

Correct Ss’ letter if there is any mistakes

What is he doing ? ( He is reading )

Yes , he is very absorbed in reading , eh ? Do you think reading is his hobby ?

Suggested answers :

1 T F F F T T T F

Activity : Gap – fill Suggested answers:

1 wonderful disease jungle certainly ignorantly profitably

Post-listening Writing


Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson :

Unit 13-Writing Comments :

Sunday March


Week 27

Period 82

Unit 13-WRITING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- Write about a collection

- Work in pairs / groups effectively

- Do the tasks set by T correctly

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , handouts .

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : No

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into two groups Ask Ss of each group take turns to choose numbers ( for each number there is a clue about the

corresponding word )

Ask Ss to tell the right word.(Ss can guess the key word at any time ) They will get mark if they tell the right word and marks if they tell the correct key word

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Introdu the lesson by asking some questions

Ss: Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

T: Elicit new words from Ss Have them to read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following th eteacher’s


1 ….(cook) …… (leg) …(orange) …… (eel) ……(tea) ……… (ink) ……… (candy) ………(oil) ……… (nest) 10.……….(lend)

Lead – in

Do people collect something as a hobby ?

Can you tell me something that they often collect ?


Pre-teach vocabulary

- be crazy about (exp)=very interested in

- Provide s.o with sth

- Enable s.o to sth (exp)



T: Elicit ideas from Ss

Ask Ss to discuss in groups “ What you would like to know when you are interested in someone’s collection” Ss: Discuss in groups

T: Ask Ss to work in groups : Making the detailed outline

Ss: Work in groups

T: Explain some structures that they can use to write

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Go around to give help when necessary

T: Ask some groups to present their detailed outline before the class Correct their mistakes when necessary

T: Ask Ss to write about their

collection , real or imaginary , using the ideas mentioned in the detailed outline

Ss: Try to write individually T: Go around to offer help Take notes of Ss’ mistakes for indirect correction

T: Call on two Ss to go to the board to write down their work

T-Ss: Find out the mistakes and correct them

T: Give feedback on Ss’ work Point out some common mistakes made by Ss when doing this writing task

T: Give handouts to Ss Ask Ss to work in groups Of four

Activity : Brain-storming

- name of the collection - how he collects them - how he keeps them

- when he started his collection - how he classifies them

- why he collects them - his plan for the future

While – writing Activity : Writing

 Making the detailed outline

- Name of your collection (stamp collection)

- When you started your collection ( …years ago)

- How you collect them ( Both local stamps and foreign stamps from the letters of friends and relatives)

- How you classify them ( Into categories / put stamps of animals , flowers,birds,landscape , heroes on different pages)

- How you keep them (into albums , one for local and the other for foreign ones )

- Why you collect them ( Keep beautiful pictures on the stamps / broaden knowledge about the world/an effective way to be good at geography)

- Your plan for the future ( Join the stamp exhibitions to learn from experienced stamp collectors / can expose collection at an exhibition in the future)

Suggested writing

My hobby is collecting stamps I have been

collecting both local stamps and foreign stamps for more than years so I have a great collection now My hobby got started when I was a little boy I had always wanted the beautiful pictures on the stamps so I thought of a way to keep them.At first I only collected local stamps which I got from the letters of my friends and relatives Then my relatives went abroad so my collection of foreign stamps started to increase


Post – writing : Correcting mistakes


To find

Out the mistakes in the essay

Given , adding that there is only one miatake in each paragraph

2 learn-to learn many-much although-because

4.Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 13-Language Focus


Sunday March


Week 28

Period 83 - Unit 13: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- distinguish the four sounds / pt / , / bd / , / ps / , /bz /

- Know how to use cleft sentences : subject focus, object focus , adverbial focus

II Preparations: 1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : No

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Teacher’s and Ss’ activities

T: Hang on a flipchart with these sounds on the board and introduce the sounds to the Ss.Read the sounds three times

Ss: Look at the chart and listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss listen carefully and repeat after the teacher

Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Read the sentences aloud , then ask Ss to listen and repeat

Ss: Listen and repeat

T: Ask the whole class to practice reading aloud the sentences in the book

Ss: Read aloud the sentences T: Call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud , correcting their mistakes if necessary


/pt/ /bd/ /ps/ /ps/ /bz/

stopped robbed stops stops robs jumped stabbed steps maps bribes

stepped grabbed maps maps rubs trapped bribed shops shops clubs

Practice reading aloud these sentences.

1 She was robbed He stopped smoking Lan dropped the teapot

4 The boy jumped out into the road and bumped into an old man

5 She’s been to a number of shops and clubs He rubs his hands because he wants to

interrupt their talk



T: Explain ss when to use cleft sentence

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Explain ss how to write cleft

sentence with subject focus Give the formation and examples

Ss: Listen to the teacher and take notes T: Explain Ss how to write cleft

sentence with object focus by giving some examples and then give the the formation

Ss: Try to write cleft sentence with object focus and take notes

T: Ask Ss to write some cleft sentence with the given sentences

Ss:Do following the teacher ‘s requirement

T: Explain how to write cleft sentence in case you pay attention to adverbial modifier of the sentence

T: Give them some example to help them understand clearly

T: Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss: Work in pairs

T: Go around to offer help

Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Call on some Ss to read their

answers aloud

Ss: Read the answers aloud

T: Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary T: Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss: Work in pairs

T: Go around to offer help

Have Ss exchange their answers with a friend

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read their answers aloud Ss: Read the answers aloud

T: Feedback and give correct answers

It is /was + subject + that + verb ….chinh lam gi …

EX: It os my mother that loves me most It is our neighbour that often complains about the noise at night

2 Object Focus

It is / was + object + that + subject + verb ….chinh / mot cai gi / mot da lam … EX: It is my mother that I love

It was this doll that I always kept besides me

3 Adverbial Focus

It is / was + adverbial of place + that + subject + verb + ( object )

Chinh luc nao do / mot cai gi lam gi…… EX: It is in this house that I was born

It is in this restaurant that we often gather for dinner


Exercise : Suggested answers :

1 It was the boy who visited his uncle last month

2 It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday

3 It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party

4 It was Nam’s father who got angry with him

5 It was the boys who played football all day long

6 It was the girl who received a letter from his friend yesterday

7 It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the boy

Exercise : Suggested answers :

1 It is English that the man is learning It was the book that the woman gave him It was the postcard that she sent her friend It was the book that Hoa borrowed from


5 It was his grandfather who(m) the little boy greeted in a strange language

6 It was the policeman who(m) the pedestrian asked a lot of questions


T: Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss: Work in pairs

T: Go around to offer help

Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend

Ss: Compare the answers with a friend T: Call on some Ss to read their

answers aloud

Ss: Read the answers aloud

T: Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary


Exercise : Suggested answers :

1 It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog It was for tea that she made some cakes It was for him that his father repaired the


4 It was on his birthday that she presented him a book

5 It was in Britain that he met his wife It was from the shop that she bought that


7 It was at 8.00 am that the meeting started

4 Homework : Ask Ss to make five cleft sentences about themselves, exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 14-Reading


Sunday March 30th ,


Week 28

Period 84

Unit 14: READING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to :

- read about friendship

- scan read for specific ideas

- skim read for general ideas

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Cleft sentences

New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Divide the class into two teams Hang a picture hidden by six pieces of paper

Ask Ss to take turns to choose the number , Give them the question corresponding to it

If they give the correct answer , they get one mark And one piece of the picture will be uncovered

Members of the two groups can guess what the picture is about at any time If they get it right , they get three marks The

Guessing game

1 Something that you and your family together after dinner ( watch TV)

2 Something you to keep fit ( play sports )

3 something you at a library ( read book )

4 Something most women like doing at weekends ( shopping )


group which has more marks wins the game

T: Ask Ss to answer some questions Ss: Answer the questions

T: Ask Ss to work in groups : look at the activities from to and decide which activities most British people often in their freetime

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to present their answers before the class

Ss: Read out the answers T: Elicit new words from Ss

Have Ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss read the text in minutes and tell which of their guesses are right Ss: Read the text

T: Call on some Ss to give the answers T: Make a tick at the right guesses , and a cross at wrong ones

T: Ask Ss to read the reading text and then work in pairs to the multiple choice test

( task – page 156 ) Ss: Work in pairs

T: Call on some pairs to give the answers Give feedback

6 something that only people and birds can ( sing )

Pre-reading Questions :

Do you often listen to music in your freetime ? How much time you spend on it everyday ? How often you meet friends ?

What you often when you meet together ?

What most British people often in their freetime ?

EX: - watch TV

- Shopping

- Meeting friend

- Playing sports

- Singing

- Reading books

Pre-teach vocabulary:

- pastime (n)

- household (n)

- course (n)

- apart from

While- reading

Activity : Having a quick check

Watch TV x Shopping x Meeting friend x Playing sports x Listen to music v Reading books v

Activity : Multiple choice test Suggested answers :

1 A B B A B A

Activity : Questions and answers Suggested answers :


T: Divide the class into groups of four Ask Ss to read through the questions Have Ss read the text again and work in groups to answer the questions

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers Feedback and give correct answers

T: Ask Ss to work in groups of four to discuss one of the three topics

Ss: Discuss in groups

become dull/bored

2 Football and rugby in winter , and cricket and athletics in summer Walking and swimming

4 This is a new kind of entertainment They give them pleasure

Post – reading: Group discussion

Should students play computer games to relax ?

The bad effects of watching TV

Among the most common leisure activities in Britain , which you like best ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to write a paragraph about one of the three topics given in the activity above and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 14-speaking


Sunday March 30th ,2008 Week 28

Period 85

Unit 14: SPEAKING I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to express agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and starting the reasons

II Preparations:

1 Teacher: Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette

2 Students: Textbook , schoolthings , studying and preparing the lesson at home. III Teaching steps :

1 Class order : Greeting and checking attendance

2 Review of the previous lesson : Ask Ss to reread the text and answer some questions


New lesson :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson

T: Ask Ss to look at the two pictures in the last period – reading ( P1 : Doing home improvements ; P2 : Watching TV)

Have Ss work in pairs and answer the questions

Warm-up : Questions and answers

1 What leisure activities you see in these pictures ?

2 Do you think English people often them in their spare time ?


Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to read out their answwers Ss: Read aloud the answers

T: Correct Ss’ answers if necessary Introduce the new lesson

T: Ask Ss to read through the phrases thatb can be used to express agreement or disagreement

Ss: Read through the phrases T: Ask them to put A beside an agreement expression and D beside a disagreement one

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers and explain if necessary T: Elicit new words from Ss

Have ss read the words in chorus then in individual

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary

T: Introduce the situation Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Ask Ss to practice in groups of three Ss: Work in groups of three

T: Go around to offer help

Remind Ss how to use “can” and “if-clause type 1”

Ss: Listen to the teacher

T: Have some groups practice the dialogue before the class

T: Introduce the situation

Ask Ss to read through the phrases in the table and try to guess the meaning of them

Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement

T: Ask Ss to work in groups and

continue the discussion of class 11A2 –

like these activities ?

Answers :

1 P1 : Doing home improvements P2 : Watching TV

2 Yes, I or I think so

3 Yes , I think so / No , I don’t think so

Pre-Speaking Task

Suggested answers : A D A A D A A Pre-teach vocabulary

- tent (n)

- equipment (n)

- scenery (n)

- effective (adj)

While – speaking Task 2

A: Let’s go camping

B: Yes , let’s that Then we can rest and enjoy ourselves in the quiet countryside

C: Oh , I don’t think it’s a good idea If we go camping , we ‘ ll have to bring a lot of equipment with us

Task : A model :

A: We are going to have two days of next week Have you had any plans yet ?

B: Yes , let’s go camping in the countryside A: Yes , that’s a good idea then we can rest and enjoy ourselves in the quiet countryside


express their agreement or disagreement

T models first Ss: Work in groups

T: Call on some groups to act out the conversation

Correct their mistakes when necessary T: Ask Ss to report their discussion to the class

Go around to offer help

Call on some Ss to report before the class

there , we’ll have to hire a bus and it will be rather expensive



Report your discussion to the class

Do the members of your group agree to go camping at last ? Why ? Why not ?

4 Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in the workbook and prepare for the next lesson : Unit 14-Listening



Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 17:34

