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Assesment of domestic waste management and treatment in nuoc hai town hoa an districs cao bang province

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY DAM THI HOA TOPIC TITLE: ASSESSMENT OF DOMESTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT IN NUOC HAI TOWN - HOA AN DISTRICT CAO BANG PROVINCE BACHELOR THESIS Study mode : Full-time Major : Environmental Science and Management Faculty : International Training and Development Center Batch : 2010 - 2015 Thai Nguyen, 23/01/2015 i Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management Student name DAM THI HOA Student ID DTN1053040049 Thesis Title Assessment of domestic waste management and treatment in Nuoc Hai town, Hoa An district, Cao Bang province Supervisor (s) Dr Tran Van Dien Abstract Nowadays, domestic waste is an urgent problem that we are facing There are many reasons of domestic waste but the main cause is due to the production activities and human consciousness Especially, in daily life, the huge amount of domestic waste that people discharge which is not treated promptly will cause adverse effects Residential, hospitals, schools, markets… are considered as main sources of domestic waste, particularly the area town where the need of daily garbage consumption of people is very large The large demand for using garbage means that high amount of solid waste will be discharge Untreated or not thoroughly treated garbage which is released from landfill has a bad smell for the people living nearby the landfill Likewise, domestic waste can have negative impacts such as: affect the water environment, soil, air and urban landscape in the town, affecting the health of people and the surrounding environment Besides the management of domestic waste is still loose, the environment awareness of people is not high, the status of litter occurs still frequently The town is populated place, therefore the amount of garbage of people's daily to discharge environment is increasing Garbage treatment method mainly uses simple methods such as bury and burning In addition, methods of biological composting manure also used quite common in our country Key words: Domestic waste, solid waste, domestic waste management, treatment, collected, transported Number of pages: 71 Date of submission: 23/01/ 2015 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the process of implementing the research topics: "Assessment of domestic waste management and treatment in Nuoc Hai town -Hoa An district, Cao Bang province-" I got the guide and help, encouragement of the teachers and the students I would like to express sincere gratitude to: First and foremost, I wish to express sincere thanks to the Director Board of Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, board of managers of International Training and Development Center and all the teachers have dedicated teaching, the scientific knowledge and the valuable experience for me during the training period, learning in school In particular, I take this opportunity to express profound gratitude and deep regards to the supervisor Dr Tran Van Dien who guided wholeheartedly, to advise, imparted knowledge and valuable experience to help me during the study and completed thesis Furthermore, I sincerely thanks to her uncle, elder brother and elder sister officers in Division of Natural Resources and Environment - Hoa An district during the implementing the research topic at the agency and to thanks to the officers of the People's Committee of Nuoc Hai town and the whole households have helped me during the investigation, interviewing, collecting data on Nuoc Hai area towns Finally, I would like to express our gratitude to the family, relatives and friends who have helped me during the internship Due to the short time, limited professional qualification and less experience the report may have inevitable mistakes I very much look forward to the valuable inputs and recommendation of teachers and friends to my thesis more perfectly Thank you very much! Thai Nguyen, 23/01/ 2015 Student Dam Thi Hoa iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PART I INTRODUCTION .4 1.1 Rresearch rationale 1.2 Research’s objectives .5 1.2.1 The general objective 1.2.2 The specific objective 1.3 Research questions and hypotheses 1.4 Significance 1.5 Limitations .6 PART II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Scientific basis of topics 2.1.1 Concepts related to waste .7 2.1.2 Generations sources and domestic waste classification .8 Generations sources Classification of domestic waste 2.1.3 Effect of domestic waste on the environment and human 11 The effect of domestic waste on the environment 11 The effect of domestic waste on public health 12 Domestic waste reduces the urban landscape 12 2.2 The legal basis 13 2.3 Factual basis of the topics .14 2.3.1 Status of domestic waste in the world 14 iv 2.3.2 The management and treatment of garbage in the world 17 2.3.3 Status of domestic waste in Vietnam 20 2.3.4 The situation of management and treatment in Vietnam .25 Some of the methods and the garbage treatment technology in Vietnam 26 Waste management situation in some provinces in the country 28 2.3.5 Status of domestic waste in Hoa An District - Cao Bang Province .31 PART III METHODS 35 3.1 Material 35 3.2 Methods 36 3.2.1 Study secondary data 36 3.2.2 Collecting primary data .36 3.2.3 Determining the volume and composition of waste 37 3.2.4 Data analysis and processing .37 3.2.5 Experts consultation 38 PART IV RESULTS 39 4.1 Natural and socio-economic conditions in Nuoc Hai town- Hoa An disttict - Cao Bang province 39 4.1.1 Natural conditions 39 4.1.2 The socio-economic characteristics of the Nuoc Hai town 43 Population and population distribution 43 Economic conditions .43 Infrastructure 43 Security order problems 45 The collection system and waste disposal 45 4.2 Assessment the status of domestic waste collection in Nuoc Hai town 45 v 4.2.1 Source of domestic waste generated in Nuoc Hai town 45 4.2.2 The amount of waste generated and the components of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town 47 The amount of waste generated .47 The components of waste in town .49 Status of the management, collection and transportation of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town .50 4.3 Assessment of domestic waste management issues and treatment in Nuoc Hai town .55 4.3.1 The management 55 4.3.2 The process of landfill and treatment 57 4.3.3 Assessment of community awareness about the management of domestic waste 60 4.4 Proposed solutions improve the efficiency of domestic waste management and treatment in Nuoc Hai town .61 4.4.1 Management solution 62 4.4.2 Technical solutions 63 PART V: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 66 5.1 Discussion 66 5.2 Conclusion 68 REFERENCES .70 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Chart source of waste generated Figure 2.2 Diagram of waste treatment technology of U.S -Canada 19 Figure 2.3 Technology of domestic waste disposal in China .20 Figure 2.4 Diagram of technology of domestic waste processing, Plant of organic fertilizer Cau Dien - Hanoi 31 Figure 2.5 Diagram of garbage collection system is being applied 34 Finger 4.1 The components of garbage in the town .50 Figure 4.2 Diagram organizations structure of urban environment branch Hoa An district 51 Figure 4.3 The process of collection and transportation of garbage in Nuoc Hai town .53 Figure 4.4 Landfill in Nuoc Hai town 59 Figure 4.5 Some illustrations of dust-hole .65 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 The definition components of domestic solid waste (DSW) 10 Table 2.2 The amount of solid waste generated in some countries 15 Table 2.3 The amount of solid waste generated in urban areas in Vietnam 23 Table 2.4 The situation of solid waste generated in our country (by geographic region) 24 Table 2.5 The situation of waste collection in Nuoc Hai district in the recent years (tons/year) 32 Table 4.1 Land use status in Nuoc Hai town 41 Table 4.2 The volume of domestic waste generated from the sources 46 Table 4.3 The volume of waste generated in Nuoc Hai town 47 Table 4.4 The average volume of garbage generated from households 48 Table 4.5 The components of garbage in the town 49 Table 4.6 The human resources serve for the collection, managing and disposal of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town 51 Table 4.7 The level of fees environmental sanitation collected in Nuoc Hai area towns 56 Table 4.8 Assessment of population community about management system of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town (%) 61 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Meaning DW Domestic waste DSW Domestic solid waste EM Effective Microorganism JICA The Japan International Cooperation Agency MONRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research rationale In recent years, the economic and social development of our country has made remarkable achievements, many lives have been improved Our country is in the process of industrialization, development and modernization and has made great achievements in many fields Along with the rapid progress of the country, the goal of conserving the environment always has been the one of the main interest of different Parties and the entire State Environmental protection is both objective and one of the basic content for sustainable development concerns However, the population and socio-economic growth rate are both growing, people must adopt and their lives should be improved as well in response to the changes, advancements and progress On the other hand, the demands and or daily consumption of everybody are getting bigger; hence, the volume of domestic waste is increasing which indeed causes many serious problems concerning environment protection In Vietnam, in recent years environmental pollution situation has become serious and most commonly lead to degradation of land, water, air, especially in the large places like urban areas The amount of waste is increasing that greatly affect the environmental landscape - changes resulting to negative tendencies and direct impact on the lives of many people Currently, environmental pollution is an urgent matter in almost every country around the world Nowadays, there are many methods to deal with, to mitigate the consequences of this matter In particular, the handling and garbage collection meet many difficulties regarding both means and methods Domestic waste is currently one of the major problems of environmental pollution Domestic waste management is one of the top issues in our community which contributes a lot to many challenges of today’s environment Nowadays, the Figure 4.4 Landfill in Nuoc Hai town As such, the process is too simple disposal as the amount of water leaks, rainwater flows overflowed, odors, fly and bluebottles, from the landfill have caused environmental pollution of land, water and air in the area That's not to mention the landfill is higher than the residential area and is home to a number of slots, creeks, groundwater flow year-round This does not avoid water pollution situation, requires appropriate treatment measures Thus, the disposal of domestic solid waste in the Be Trieu landfill is absolutely no guarantee hygienic environment However, the amount of garbage being dumped on here not high but it impact on the health of people living around Currently, there is no in-depth study to assess the extent of the influence of the landfill on the environment and humans But in reality it has caused environmental pollution: odors, flies are dispersed with increasing scope broadened Although the pollution caused by the domestic waste in particular towns area not yet to hazardous levels, but if there are not interest and proper investment then the serious 59 pollution will be inevitable Therefore need to have strategic projects in the management and disposal of domestic waste Immediate plans to build landfills of hygienic domestic waste for both the town area and the surrounding area In summary, the management of household waste in Nuoc Hai town is also difficult shortcomings Due to lack of manpower and means of collection, transport, and simultaneously aware of people not high recommended intake of garbage generated has not been collected thoroughly So to good management of this waste sources, which requires the competent authority should especially pay more concerned and put forward appropriate minimize measures contribute to reducing environmental pollution by waste caused 4.3.3 Assessment of community awareness about the management of domestic waste The community has a great role in protecting the environment Sources of waste arise from human activities Thus for transporting, collecting, disposal of garbage is good, has effectively requires the joint contribution of all people In the course of the research survey I conducted investigated to collect opinions of the general population community in terms of waste management system in local Specifically: + In the household I investigated by questionnaires the survey for about 60 households + In the government office, interviewed some agencies such as the People's Committees of town, schools, hospitals, etc + At the market: Interview with management board and some household of business sales at the market 60 + At the landfill: interview with some households living near the landfill Table 4.8 Assessment of population community about management system of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town (%) Population opinion Population Good Average Poor Household 25 70 Offices 30 67 Market 10 73 17 community (Source: General data through questionnaires surveys, 2014) Look at the summary table of the opinions of population community about management system for domestic waste in Nuoc Hai towns new in average (67-73%) In the household and the market of management system is not high (5-17%) The reason of population communities reviews like this because of the following reason: - Natural factors affecting the problem of collecting, transporting and disposal as the hot and humid climate much rain - Status littering is quite popular, many place of which become landfill as the pond, lake and wasteland - The force of the management team was still thin and weak, were difficult in the collectors and necessary equipment 4.4 Proposed solutions improve the efficiency of domestic waste management and treatment in Nuoc Hai town Before the pressing situation of domestic waste was urgently required in the management of garbage in Nuoc Hai town, so have to have the appropriate solution 61 Currently assigned to the branch with the urban environment Hoa An district in charge of collecting, transporting and treatment waste generated in the town area to disposal Household waste in the town of majority is collected and managed well, but there are still some shortcoming as the garbage transport trucks to breakdown, or unfavorable weather (rain, storm, ) garbage not be collected to stagnant day by day, many stagnant amount of waste stinking smell affects the environment, people health and reduce the urban landscape So to ensure the management and disposal of domestic waste in area towns we should have the following solutions: 4.4.1 Management solution a The policy solutions To successfully implement the aim of garbage management, waste environmental protection must necessarily have the active participation of the people, on the other hand should be held you monitoring implementation closely the garbage collection, waste At the same time to propaganda educate the community on the consciousness of environmental protection in which the problem of garbage, waste water and industrial Policy solutions help for classifying, collecting and treatment of garbage, waste in the manufacturing agriculture, industrial, trade, services increase the effectiveness; in order to protect the environment, enhance quality of life for the people The policy requires covers many issues from the classified of garbage, the garbage collection, agricultural waste transported to where processed products, after disposal the product consumption Finally maintain the disposal of garbage, waste, appropriate disposal, and protection of the environment b Investment solutions 62 - Facilitate financial support for the first phase of propaganda classification, collection, transport, garbage disposal for the equipment and supplies needed - Call for funding source for collecting, transporting, garbage disposal - The authorities, organizations and individuals involved creating more conditions about the material and spiritual for the people protection environment + Solutions for education propaganda Need to quickly more conduct educational activities and advertising to propaganda for improving of the population awareness in protecting the environment as well as the classification and waste collection at the source as follows: - Regularly launch a movement for the environmental protection green, clean and beautiful by the form of total school hygiene as well as in addition the street The organization brought competitions nature of environmental protection such as: to learn about the environment, painting contest the mass organizations, agencies, enterprises factories need to organize environmental hygiene at the weekend to mobilize all the everyone involved -The area in town need to strengthen the dissemination of documents, the provisions on the protection of the environment on the radio in the early morning or in the evening on the day of the week by "the continuous rains long way" 4.4.2 Technical solutions Currently there is a lot of technology for the treatment of domestic waste in particular and waste general But to choose the optimal solution must be based on the specific conditions of each locality, so that the least inexpensive choice, hygiene and environmental protection 63 - Technology sanitary landfill: This is a common form in many provinces in the country - Making compost: This technology has been used in many provinces in the country and is highly effective in the treatment of garbage - SERAPHIN processing technology: this technology is the first garbage disposal in Vietnam by the people Vietnam study, fabrication and assembly production line, capable of recycling 90% the amount garbage including inorganic and organic garbage Garbage is processed immediately during the day should reduce the land area of landfill garbage, save land This technology has been Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam by patented invention Used to classify and treatment garbage by mechanical equipment and pressure to recycle almost entirely, garbage volume based on the principle: the Junk manure into types: - Type of organic matter to decompose easy - Type of inorganic matter - Types of waste plastics + Solution building “mobile dust-hole” garbage for households: is a new model very simple, easy to use, less expensive to reach more high effectively, the cost of mobile garbage hole just around 100,000-150,000 dong and initial costs for garbage hole cover about 30,000-50,000 dong 64 Figure 4.5 Some illustrations of dust-hole Garbage consists of two parts: the barrel and lid, garbage barrel was land hole dug with a depth of 1.5 - 2.5 m The cover lids are made of compost material not degradable, size of the pits surface depending on the barrel and the pit lid The average of garbage pit of each household had time use from 6-8 months The cover garbage lids mobile can be non-biodegradable compost material in a damp environment, hard plastic or senior mobile garbage lids can be used for so many years The garbage pit after it has been filled with garbage lid will be relocated to other pits and garbage pit will be leveled again After some time when decomposing garbage can grow root crops will show high productivity And so this garbage dust-hole lids can be moved and used many times 65 PART V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Discussion One of the aims of this thesis was to understand the main issues that related to the assessment of domestic waste management and treatment in Nuoc Hai town, Hoa An district, Cao Bang province The domestic waste management issues and treatment in town are many difficult through two aspects: advantages and disadvantages + Advantages In the work of collected domestic waste in here, most of the people are actively involved People's consciousness about the environment is relatively high The means collected quite full, communication route favorable serve for the transport of garbage to the landfill The funding source serve the garbage collection is the source of the State budget + Disadvantages Through practical investigation on the management of domestic waste in the town, beside to the achieved results, the status of management and treatment still exist some difficulties and limitations are as follows: - Garbage has not been classified at the source - The means of collected shipping not standard: most the means of transport and collected garbage are old and damaged - The sense of people is not high; most are very indifferent and have no sense of environmental protection - The treatment of garbage stills many obstacles and difficulties due to the work of sorting the garbage had not been conducted before and after the collecting 66 The waste is still dumped general together, this leads to quality of inorganic waste is capable of recycle and organic waste significantly decrease Besides, garbage collection process plays an importance role in the waste management and treatment, it determines the feasibilities of recycling and biological composting fertilizer in an efficiency way It also significantly influences the quality of the recovered materials, and in turn the quality of the recycled products and their market values Therefore, garbage collected is the contact point between domestic waste sources generated and the domestic waste management requires careful management Methods of waste treatment is applied mainly in the town are burial, therefore waste management effective is not high and the awareness of human that improper waste management leads to illnesses or diseases This high level of knowledge on the effects of waste management and treatment does not correspond with the observed The domestic waste generated at home was largely food debris and plastic, which are disposed without separation and stored in trash bins Some of the waste is disposed appropriately at communal sites, while some of it is disposed by the landfill The majority of the households were aware of the protection environmental Proper waste management can lead to improvement in the quality of the environment while, on the other hand, poor waste management can lead to air pollution, water and urban landscape and is the place breeding of mosquitoes, thus causing disease So, the linkage between environmental education and the level of education, it is reasonable to explain that the low participation of the human in waste management is due to lack of environmental education The same explanation 67 holds for the observation across the education category, which primarily underscores the need for more efforts to increase environmental education campaigns in order to get people involved in waste management Thus, the environmental education perspective of domestic waste management and treatment is intricately linked to all the other factors that influence of the human participation in waste management 5.2 Conclusion During the months research documents, study and survey practice, assessment of domestic waste management in area towns I have obtained the following results: Nuoc Hai town is center towns of the district, are place have favourable positioned to exchanges socio-economic development - with the local within and outside the province In recent years the steps have development of socioeconomy The life of the people in the town are increasingly improved, the quality of the service of people's lives high increasingly The volume of garbage generated is increasing Each day the Nuoc Hai towns eliminate are about 2.5 tons of domestic wastes; including garbage composition is organic waste dominated (58 %), inorganic waste by 21 % and paper, mental, glass by 17 % The amount of garbage generated from various sources such as: households, markets, commercial areas, restaurants, offices, schools, in which the source of generated primarily from household take up 44.92% The collection, transporting and treatment of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town by Branch of Urban Environment undertaken Service resources for the work of collection and transportation of garbage consists of 18 environmental sanitation 68 workers, 15 trolleys (wagon) in order to collect garbage and one truck to transport garbage Currently the system equipment, labour safety as well as the preferential regulations for environmental sanitation workers has not been guaranteed Garbage collectors in the town are not yet classified, the amount of garbage generated daily are collected almost everything except for some residential, consciousness of some people is not high The management system is still weak and functioning not efficiently due to lack of manpower The work of collecting, transporting waste has many inadequacies due to lack of equipment, manpower and funding The garbage of disposal measures is implement not irrational, yet higher disposal efficiency and pollutes the surrounding environment The awareness of people about garbage management in the area towns relatively good Many people have a good sense of the collection, sorting, garbage treatment, which is the condition help the domestic waste management in areas easier 69 REFERENCES Center for Science and Technology of Vietnam, solid waste management in China, Warmer No 43, 11/2005 Dang, N.T (2010) Lecture biological measures, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry DANIDA project (2007) Improve capacity planning and management of urban environment, publisher Hanoi Architecture University Department of Environmental Protection.(2008) the project "Model construction and piloted the classification, collection and disposal of domestic waste for new urban areas" Department of Environmental Protection Vietnam.(2008) Report on the environmental status of Vietnam 2007 Government, Decree No 59/2007/ ND-CP dated 9/4/2007 of Solid Waste Management, 2007 Huy, H.Q (2008) 3R project of solid waste urban management JICA.(2011) Research Report of solid waste management in Vietnam Mai, L.H & Phong, M.N (2009) "Socialize environmental protection, international experience suggest to Vietnam", Journal of Natural Resources & Environment, 2009 (35) page 12 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (2010) National Environment Report 2010 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Environmental status reports Vietnam in 2006 MSc Chi, H.K (2009) A number of measures to improve the collection of domestic waste in Ho Chi Minh city Nguyen, N.X & Huy, T.Q (2004) Technology and disposal garbage and solid waste, Publisher Science and Technology Hanoi Phuoc, N.V.(2009) Solid Waste treatment, Polytechnic University of Ho Chi Minh City 70 Quan, P.T (2007) Survey system for collection of domestic waste and propose solutions to sorting waste at source in the city of Phan Rang - Thap Cham in Ninh Thuan province Report of socio - economic for 2010, 2011, 2013 of the People's Committee of Hoa An district Socio-economic report for 2009 of Nuoc Hai town Thanh, N.X (2003) Technology Micro-organisms in agricultural production and environmental pollution treatment Tchobanoglous, G., & Kreith, F (2002) Handbook of solid waste management (pp 110) New York: McGraw-Hill The branch of Urban Environment - Hoa An district (2013) Trang T (2010) Website Dong Nai province: http://hdnd.dongnai.gov.vn/thongtinhoatdong/thongtinchung/m/news-2010-0125.0234844118 (accessed on 22/11/2014) UNEP, ( 2009) Development integrated solid waste management plan: training manual Vol.4 ISWM Plan UNEP DTIE International Environmental Technology Centre, CTI/1140/JP 71 Appendices Some pictures of internship series Picture The gathering point garbage Picture Current status of domestic waste in Khuan Tung landfill 72 Picture domestic waste treatment Picture Handcart (wagon) 73 ... of Nuoc Hai town Therefore the research topic: “Assessment of Domestic Waste Management and Treatment in Nuoc Hai town - Hoa An district - Cao Bang province? ?? was conducted in Nuoc Hai town under... socio-economic conditions in Nuoc Hai town Hoa An district - Cao Bang province - To investigate and assess the status of the collection, sorting and disposal of domestic wastes in Nuoc Hai town + To identify... collection and transportation of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town .50 4.3 Assessment of domestic waste management issues and treatment in Nuoc Hai town .55 4.3.1 The management

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