4.2. Assessment the status of domestic waste collection in Nuoc Hai town
4.2.2. The amount of waste generated and the components of domestic waste in Status of the management, collection and transportation of domestic
Currently, the management, collection and treatment of domestic solid waste (DSW) in Hoa An area towns, due to the branch of urban environmental
management Hoa An district implementation, under the management of the People's Committee of Hoa An district.
+ Organizational structure:
Figure 4.2. Diagram organizations structure of urban environment branch Hoa An district.
+ The situation of human resources: The total number of employees of the urban environment branch Hoa An district in 2014 was 18 people; including management department has 03 people.
Table 4.6. The human resources serve for the collection, managing and disposal of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town
Education level
No Sources Units Quantity
University College Intermediate
1 Managerial staff Person 03 02 01
2 Environmental
sanitation workers Person 18 Unskilled worker
Car 01
3 Transported
Garbage collection vehicles ( Wagon)
4 Landfill 01
The People's Committee of Hoa An
district The branch of urban environmental
management Hoa An district
Management division Division of labor
The teams collected, transported and disposed The departmental such as
finance, plan administrative, HR organizations
From Table 4.6 we see human source serve for the collection and transportation of domestic waste in Nuoc Hai town effective is not high. Nuoc Hai is the town has a population is quite crowded with a total of 10 population groups, the amount of waste generated daily large, so that garbage collection team only 18 people. Through the investigation to interviews the sanitation worker said: the average of per person per day collecting two garbage handcart, Furthermore some hygiene staff when asked about their current salary are enjoying is very low, no preferential regimes such as insurance, etc. So the enthusiasm in the work is not high. Before this situation requires branch of urban Environment to implement preferential policies for employees, in addition to a number of people also require local governments have supported the regime for sanitation workers (the fee due to the loss health due to the nature of regular career must contact with hazardous matter) in order to attract and maintain personnel involved in sanitation team, ensuring benefits to their employees for enthusiasm, seriously in the work.
Also on the main roads on communes far the town and agencies, schools, markets are arranged many public trash. Garbage in the bins are workers pressed garbage driving to unloaded directly onto the vehicle and transported straight to Khuan Tung landfill to burying. Overall, currently the work of collector’s garbage in Nuoc Hai town is done in the form of primary collection. (The collecting is only effective in the main roads of the town center and remain communal collection efficiency is very low.) The status backlogs of garbage in other regions, cause a direct influence the environment and people of the areas.
a. The collection process
Currently, the work of collected garbage in Nuoc Hai town is made very handmade, simple, the force collected workers less, the areas collectors of wide relativity. The collection teams are 18 participants in the process of collecting and transporting of domestic waste. Including labor contracts with a term of salary is only about 1.2 million VND/ person/ month. With this level of income is too small and cannot require the commitment of forces to collection, by the majority of this family situation more difficult, in addition to their collect time must be to work overtime to earn income, life assurance, etc. The process of collecting domestic solid waste (DSW) in Nuoc Hai area towns - Hoa An is collected occur in the following diagram:
Figure 4.3. The process of collection and transportation of garbage in Nuoc Hai town.
Garbage generated from waste sources (houses, residential, offices, schools, hospitals, medical facilities, etc...) then the amount of this garbage collected by the handcart, trash or gathered at the temporary garbage collecting points. Every day in the morning, garbage trucks will run through the garbage focus point for the collection of garbage and transport to landfills. Time collected in the morning from
Urban environmental
The points are garbage: residential apartments, offices,
Gathering points
Landfill Handcart
5 am - 7 am and this afternoon from 16 pm - 17h pm every day, the amount of garbage being transported by two flights.
According to the statistic of urban environment branch in Hoa An, the number of domestic solid waste is collected in area was only ratio achieve 75-80% of the total amount incurred, primarily in the inhabitants groups favourable on route, populated areas, areas of the People's committee of town, central market and some office. Rest of thinly populated areas, far from the center and a number of agencies, offices domestic solid waste are collected and burned, but not thoroughly and infrequently, usually only 1 to 2 times per month and each time so the smoke, dust and smell of burning plastic, plastic bottles very uncomfortable, affecting the landscape and the lives of people. This requires must be overcome if not will become a habit, leading to widespread, spontaneous, etc.
In summary, the work of the town's collection is also downright sketchy;
lacking the necessary equipment, the conditions of employment of these workers is also very difficult. This should be the competent leaders of interested and have the appropriate investment plans. Retrofit equipment necessary to serve the collection as well as treatment.
b. Transport processes
Currently the process of transporting the garbage in Nuoc Hai town goes as follows: At the household, domestic waste collection are workers to each household to dump their trash to go up handcart then transported to the assembly point finals.
Garbage located in the trash bins public in the major roads, markets, trade area, ...
end of day has 1 truck and 15 handcarts (wagon) will run according to the route to unload garbage from the trash bins and the assembly point finals then transported to the landfill.