2.3. Factual basis of the topics
2.3.1. Status of domestic waste in the world
The amount of domestic waste generated depends on many factors economic - social and living conditions, habits and perceptions of communities of different countries.
According to Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa (2006), the higher urbanization level, the increasing amount of waste per capita, some specific examples are now following countries:
Canada is 1.7 kg/ person/ day; Australia is 1.6 kg/ person/ day; Switzerland is 1.3 kg/
person/ day; China is 1.3 kg/ person/ day. With the increase of garbage, then the collecting, sorting and garbage disposal is something that all countries need to attention.
Nowadays, in the world there are many ways to handle domestic waste such as biotechnology; technology uses heat, Seraphin technology. Urbanization and economic development is often associated with the consumption of resources and the rate of solid waste generation increases per capita. The population in the developed country incurred
more waste in developing countries fold 6 times, in particular in the developed countries was 2.8 kg/person/day; In the developing countries is 0.5 kg/person/day Management costs for waste disposal in developing countries can be up to 50% of the annual budget.
Infrastructure, secure destruction of garbage is often deficiency. Approximately 30-60%
of municipal waste not provides collection services.
The proportion of solid waste activities in the municipal solid waste (MSW) follow varies between countries. According to estimates, the rate of up to 60-70% in China;
accounting for 78% in Hong Kong, 48% in the Philippines and 37% in Japan, accounting for 80% in our country. According to the World Bank, high - income countries only about 25-35% of the waste in the entire follow of urban solid waste.
Table 2.2. The amount of solid waste generated in some countries
Country name The current urban population (% of total)
The amount arises present urban solid waste (kg/person/day)
Low-income countries 15.92 0.40
Nepal 13.70 0.50
Bangladesh 18.30 0.49
Vietnamese 20.80 0.55
India 26.80 0.46
Middle-income countries 40.80 0.79
Indonesia 35.40 0.76
Philippines 54.00 0.52
Thailand 20.00 1.10
Malaysia 53.70 0.81
High-income countries 86.3 1.39
Korean 81.30 1.59
Singapore 100 1.10
Japan 77.60 1.47
(Sources: World Bank, 2009)
Around the world, the developed countries had the classification model and garbage collection is very effective:
+ England: statistics total amount of waste in the UK shows that British Commonwealth annual creation of 307 million tons of waste, including estimated 46.6 million tons of bio-waste and waste similar to arise in Britain, of which 60%
landfill, 34% are recycled and 6% are scorching. Only food waste under the project implemented from October, 2006 - March, 2008, food waste from households is more than packaging waste than accounted for 19% of urban waste. Every year in the UK households generated 6.7 million tons of food waste, in England to be 5.5 million tons, of which 4.1 million tons of food that can be used. On average each household emission 276 kg of food waste per year or 5.3 kg per week, of which 3.2 kg can still is used.
+ US: Every year, the garbage of the American cities amounted to 210 million tons. On average, Every American people garbage discharged 2kg/ day. Most components of the waste on American soil without the gap too large, the highest is not organic ingredients as other countries that are components of inorganic waste (paper types accounted for 38%), this is easy to explain the development and habits of Americans is the frequent use of canned food, food materials available along the material of inorganic origin. In the composition of domestic waste food only accounted for 10.4% and the rate is quite high metal is 7.7%. Thus, type of domestic waste in the United States can be classified and handled fairly high proportion (types is difficult or impossible to classification, such as metal, glass, ceramic, porcelain accounted for approximately 20%) ( Dang, 2010).
+ Singapore: This is the 100% urbanized countries and was the cleanest city in the world. To obtain such results, Singapore invested in the work of collecting, transporting and disposal. At the same time, construction of a strict legal system as a prerequisite for waste treatment processes better. Garbage is collected in Singapore and classification by nylon bags. The waste can be recycled, are taken to recycling plants and other types of waste are taken to other plants to burn. In Singapore there are two main components involved in collecting and processing of domestic waste from residential areas and company, more than 300 private companies specializing in industrial waste collection and trade. All these companies are licensed to operate and be subject to direct supervision of the Department of Science Technology and Environment. In addition, households and companies of Singapore are encouraged to self collect and transport the waste for households in companies ( Mai, 2009).