However, if you know the ways to balance between study and work, you are a winner. I hope that you become more successful in campus lives by these tips[r]
(1)Students and part time job
(2)I Introduction
I Introduction
• Topic: part time job
• Parts of presentation;
• -definition of part time job
• -advantages of part time job
• -disadvantages of part time job
• -tips to balance between studying and
(3)(4)II Body
- Part time job is a job which an employee
does fewer hours per week than a full time job
2.Advantages of part time job
- Students gain experiences about their
(5)- Part time can solve financial problem of students
- Do not have enough time to study
- Have some healthy problem
4.Tips to ensure balance between studying and working
- Right hours
- Appreciate your load
(6)III Conclusion
-Part time job has advantages and
disadvantages However, if you know the ways to balance between study and work, you are a winner I hope that you become more successful in campus lives by these tips