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Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 5_Tuần 4_GV: Lê Thị Lan Anh

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- Tell ss that they are going to practice asking and answering questions about past holiday.. - Teach new words: island, ancient town, imperial city - Teach new sentence patterns:.[r]


WEEK 04:

Date of planning : 23/9

Date of teaching : 24/9 - 26/9 Period: 13

UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO YESTERDAY ? Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -know more new words

- ask and answer questions about past holiday -develop listening and speaking skills

II Language focus

- Vocabulary: trip, island, ancient town, imperial city

- Sentence partners: Where did you go on holiday? – I went to _ II

I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV Teaching Procedure

Steps/Activities Work

arrangement 1 Warm up

- Has sts sing a song:’ What you in the morning?’ 2 New lesson

Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat

- Have ss to look at the picture, identify the characters, and what they are doing

- Set the scene

-Have Ss to listen to the recording as they read each line - Elicit the new words and new sentences from ss

- Play the recording again for ss to repeat twice

- Divide the class into two groups One repeat Mai’s part and the other repeat Peter ’s part

- Check some pairs

- Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each



line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation Activity 2: Point and say

- Tell ss that they are going to practice asking and answering questions about past holiday

- Teach new words: island, ancient town, imperial city - Teach new sentence patterns:

Where did you go on holiday? – I went to _

- Have ss to repeat the question and answer a few times - Call one student to read the address under picture a Make question and have one student answer Have choral repetition Then have some pairs to repeat

- Repeat the procedure with the rest pictures

- Get ss to work in pairs Monitor the activity and offer - Call on some pairs to perform their tasks Others give comments

Activity 3: Let’s talk

- Tell ss they are going to practice more with their friends - Ask the first question and have one student answer Write sentence on the board Get ss repeat the sentences a few times Call some pairs to repeat

- Repeat the procedure with other sentence patterns

- Get ss work in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help - Call some pairs to act out Correct pronunciation

3 Home - link

- Practice asking and answering about past holiday

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Pairs


Date of planning : 23/9


Period: 14

UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO YESTERDAY ? Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - listen and read for information

-develop listening and reading skills II Language focus

- Sentence partners: review - Vocabulary: review


I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV Teaching Procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangement 1 Warm up:

- Have ss ask and answer questions about past holiday 2 New lesson:

Activity 1: Listen and match

- Tell ss that they are going to listen to the recording then people to the places

- Have ss to look at the book, and identify people and places - Play the recording to the ss to listen and the task

- Have ss to compare their answers in pairs

- Call some ss to give his/her answers Others give comments - Play the recording again for ss to check their answers

- Ask some questions to check ss’ comprehension Activity 2: Read and match

- Tell ss they are going to read the texts and match - Have ss to the task in pairs

- Go around to offer help, if necessary

- Get ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class Write the correct answer on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Call some pairs to ask and answer the question

T - WC

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups


Activity 3: Let’s play

- Tell ss they are going to play a game called “ Find someone who…”

- Showss how to play game Check ss’ understanding - Have ss to play game in groups

- Have ss from each groups report their results - Check ss’ result

3 Home – link.

- Practice asking and answering about past holiday at home

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

T - WC

Date of planning : 23/9

Date of teaching : 26/9 - 27/9 Period: 15

UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO YESTERDAY ? Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -know more new words

-ask and answer questions about means of transport -develop listening and speaking skills

II Language focus

- Vocabulary: motorbike, coach, underground, get

- Sentence partners: How did you get there? – I went by _ II

I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV Procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangement 1 Warm up:

- Have ss to ask and answer 2 New lesson:

Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat

- Have ss to look at the picture and identify the characters and what they are doing

- Set the scene

-Have ss to listen to the recording as they read the lines - Elicit the new words and new sentences from ss

- Play the recording again for ss to repeat the lines twice

T – WC Whole class


- Divide the class into two groups One repeatsMai’s part and the other repeatsPeter’s part

- Check some pairs

- Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation - Ask some questions to check ss’ comprehension

Activity 2: Point and say

- Tell ss that they are going to practice asking and answering questions about means of transport

- Teach new words: motorbike, coach, underground, get - Teach new sentence patterns:

How did you get there? – I went by _

- Have ss to repeat the question and answer a few times - Call one student to read the phrase under picture a Make question and have one student answer Have choral repetition Then have some pairs to repeat

- Repeat the procedure with the rest of pictures

- Get ss to work in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary

- Call on some pairs to perform their tasks in the front of the class

Activity 3: Let’s talk

- Tell ss they are going to practice more with their friends - Ask the first question and have one student answer Write sentence on the board Get ss repeat the sentences a few times Call some pairs to repeat

- Repeat the procedure with other sentence patterns

- Get ss work in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary

- Call some pairs to act out Correct pronunciation 3 Home - link

- Practice asking and answering questions about means of transport at home

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

T - WC

Date of planning : 23/9

Date of teaching : 27/9 - 28/9 Period: 16

UNIT 3: WHERE DID YOU GO YESTERDAY ? Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6


O bjectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


-develop listening and writing skills II Language focus

- Sentence partners: review - Vocabulary: review


I Resources

- Teacher’s aids: student’s and teacher’s book, CD, cassette - Students’ aids: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV Teaching Procedure:

Steps/Activities Work

arrangement 1 Warm up:

- Have ss to ask and answer questions about where they went on holiday and how they got there

2 New lesson:

Activity 1: Listen and write one word in each blank

-Tell ss they are going to listen and write one word in each blank Give ss a few seconds to read the text

- Play the recording two times for ss to listen and the tasks - Get ss to swap and check their answer before checking as a class Write the correct answers on the board for ss to copy down into their notebooks

- Play the recording and have ss repeat in chorus - Call some ss to read aloud the sentences

Activity 2: Write about your last holiday

- Tell ss that they are going to write about where they went, how they got there, what they did there and whether they enjoyed their trip or not

- Have ss discuss about the questions - Set the time for ss to the task

- Monitor the activity, and offer help if necessary

- Get ss to swap their writing before inviting some ss to read aloud their writing and give feedback

Activity 3: Let’s sing

- Tell ss they are going to sing the song “ How did you get there?” Teach the song

- Read the lyrics and check comprehension Play the recording or sing the song all the way through

- Have ss to choral and individual repetition of the song line after line When they are familiar with the tune, ask a group of three to the front of the class

- Have the class to sing the song again to reinforce learning Home – link.

- Practice singing the song at home

T - WC Whole class

Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups

Whole class Individual Pairs/Groups


Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 22:04
