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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Period 79: A.Reading - Nguyen Duc Long

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- Ask students to read the passage again and choose the best title for the passage - Call some students to answer and explain by giving information from the passage... - Read the passage[r]

(1)Date of preparing: Date of teaching : Subject : English 10 Time allowance : 45' Teacher : Nguyen Duc Long UNIT 13: FILMS AND CINEMA Period 79: A READING I.Objectives Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, student will be able to: Enrich their vocabulary by guessing the meaning of the words in the context Understand the history of films and cinema Do the exercise of finding words, answering the questions and identifying the main idea Skill: Throughout the lesson, students will be able to develop reading skills and related skills: speaking skills, listening skills and writing skills Attitude: Students develope theỉ love for film and cinema topics and are interested in them II Teaching method Communicative, approach III Teaching aids Textbooks, chalks, board, computer, project IV Anticipated problem Some students may not know some vocabulary items in the text, so teacher should be ready to introduce and explain to them V Procedure Class organization ( minutes) Greeting ( minute) Attendance ( minute) Teaching date Class Attendance Checking homework ( no) Lop10.com (2) New lesson ( 38 minutes) Stage /Time Warm- up ( munites) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Teacher shows the videos and - Watch videos carefully ask students answer a question: - Work individual What are the kinds of film? - After counting “1,2,3, go”, the fastest student who raises his hand will answer Cartoon Love story film Funny film - Lead to the new lesson: Now let's start our new lesson today : " Films and cinema" This lesson will help us understand more about films and the history of film industry Pre- Reading ( 12 munites) a Discussion - Give the answers - Ask students to work in pairs I want to see a film on and answer the questions: TV at home, because I fell - Ask some students to give more comfortable and free from the noise answers I've seen some films such as: "Zippo, Mù Tạt Và Em", The Descendants Of The Sun and She Was Pretty I like to see science film because these films reflect Lop10.com (3) the facts in real life and - Give feedback and answers convey moral ideas in the film stories, and in science b Vocabulary - Provide students with some films I can learn more new words: about things around us sequence (n) ['si:kwəns]: a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other decade (n) ['dekeid]: a period of ten years, especialy a period such as 2000 to 2010 replace (v) [ri'pleis]: to put someone or something new in the place or position of (someone or something) motion (n) ['mouʃn]: an act or process of moving - Read new words - Ask students to listen and repeat new words - Leave students munite to selfpactice - Ask some students to read all the words aloud in front of the - Listen and repeat after teacher class - Check students understanding - Practise by playing a remember game - Read the words aloud Lop10.com (4) - Task 1: Find the word in the passage that can match with the definition on the right column - Ask students to work in pairs and Task - Have students compare the answers with a friend - Call students to write their answers on the board While- Reading ( 12 minutes) - Work independently and Task - Compare the answer with a friend - Go to the board and write the answers cinema sequence decade rapidly scene - Give feedback and correct character answers Task 2: Answer these questions - Ask students to read the passage again - Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer these questions - Check answers by game: Lucky - Play game star - Guide student the game rules: 1.The history of cinema began in the early 19th century At the time, scientists discovered that when a sequence of still picturea were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movenment No, they didn't Audiences were able to see long films in the early 1920s Lop10.com (5) The sound was introduced at the end of the 1920s As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones, the musical cinema appeared - Give feedback and correct answers Task 3: Decide which of the options below is the best title for the passage - Ask students to read the passage again and choose the best title for the passage - Call some students to answer and explain by giving information from the passage Post- Reading ( minutes) - Read the passage and the task - Answer and explain: B A Brief History of Cinema Work in group: Talk about the passage using the cues below - Ask sudents to work in groups, read the passage again and find the information to talk about the passage using the cues - Go round and provide help - Work in groups - Call some sudent to talk - Answer in front of the class 19th century: Cinema Lop10.com (6) began 1905: films were about 5-10 minutes long 1910s: The first long films were made 1915: Films became even longer and better Cinema were first built 1920: Sound was introduced and old silent films were replaced by the - Feedback spoken ones Consolidation ( minutes): Summary the main content of the lesson - Ask sts to an exercise - Practice reading skills through matching and find the best title for the passage excercise Homework ( minutes): Ask students to read and translate the passage into Vietnamese and learnt all of the new words by heart Ask studentss to prepare the next lesson, B Speaking VI Comment Good point: Bad point: Lop10.com (7)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 20:00
