Skills: - Reading: Read the description of the film Titanic and then answer the questions... Before you write: - Aims: to get Ss to recognise how to describe a film and to - Listen t
Trang 1Giáo án t ếng văn 10
Unit 13: Films and Cinema
Period 81: Lesson 4: Writing
I Objectives:
1 Education Aims: - Students can write a description of
a film
2 Knowledge:
a General knowledge: - The film Titanic
b Language: - Language used to describe a film
- The present tenses
3 Skills: - Reading: Read the description of
the film Titanic and then answer the questions
- Writing: write about a film they have seen
II Anticipated problems:
Trang 2- Students may find it difficult to write about the content of the film
III Teaching Aids: - Board, textbook, chalk
IV Procedures:
Teacher's activities Students'
1 Homework checking :
- Ask one St to talk about Lan
and Huong's plans for the next
- Ask other Ss to listen to their
friend and give remarks
- Check and give remarks
2 Before you write:
- Aims: to get Ss to recognise
how to describe a film and to
- Listen to their friend and give remarks
- Listen to the teacher
Trang 3read the information about the
film Titanic
+ Task 1:
- Introduce the topic of the
lesson: describing a film
- Introduce some new words:
+'tragic (a): bi thảm
+'luxury (n) : sự xa hoa
+'voyage (n): a long journey by
+ ad'venturer (v) : người thích
phiêu lưu
+ be engaged: đính hôn
+ 'iceberg (n): tảng băng trôi
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat and
then copy down these words
- Listen to the teacher carefully
- Copy down the words into their notebooks
- Listen and repeat
- Some Ss stand up and read again
- Read the description of
Trang 4into their notebooks
- Ask some Ss to read these
words again
- Ask Ss to read the description
of the film Titanic in task 1 and
to answer the questions about
the film
- Allow Ss to work in pairs to
ask and answer the questions
- Move around to help if
- Ask Ss to compare their
answer with other pairs
the film Titanic in task 1
and to answer the questions about the film
- Work in pairs to ask and answer and then share their answer with their friends
- Present their ideas
1 The name of the film is Titanic
2 It is a tragic love story film
3 It is about the sinking
of a luxury liner
4 It is made in America
5 It is based on the true
story of Titanic
Trang 5- Get feedback and give
+ Task 2:
- Ask Ss to think of a film they
have already seen and then
work in pairs to ask and answer
similar questions to those in
task 1
6 The main character are Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt Bukater
7 Jack is a young and generous adventurer Jack and Rose fall in love with each other
8 It has a sad ending
- Listen to the teacher
- Think of a film that they have seen
- Work in pairs to ask and answer about the
films they have seen
Trang 6- Allow Ss to work in pairs in 5
- Move around to help if
necessary and to check
- Correct Ss' mistakes if there
are any
3 While you write:
- Aims: Ss practise writing a
description of a film they have
seen basing on the answers
- Ask Ss to write down what
they have discussed into their
- Let Ss write in 10 minutes
- Ask them to refer to the model
description in task 1 if
- Listen to the teacher
- Do the writing task
- Read their writing: ( a sample paragraph)
" Of all the films I have seen, " Gone with the
Trang 7necessary
- Move around to conduct the
4 After you write:
Aims: to get feedback and check
Ss' work
- Get feedback by asking some
sts to read their work aloud
- Ask some other Ss to give
- Check and give the correct
- If there is enough time, T can
have Ss exchange their writing
among Ss within a group so that
they can check their friend's
work and give remarks
wind" is the film I like best " Gone with the wind" is a love story film It is about the change in a woman 's life during the civil war
in America The film is made in America It is based on the famous novel " Gone with the wind" written by
Margaret Mitchell The main character is Scallet O'hara She is a beautiful but ambitious
woman "
Trang 85 Homework:
- Part D (page 79 - workbook)