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Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2014 june

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PAPER-II SOCIAL WORK Signature and Name of Invigilator (Signature) OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Name) Roll No (Signature) (In figures as per admission card) (Name) J 10 Roll No. (In words) Time : 1/4 hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Instructions for the Candidates [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 ệáỹòừệệÊệàệệở ờỳ ìằệ ìđệÔỡỹệ ệ ệộỹ ờỳ ỳệáỹ ìđệàệệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ ệđệệ áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ ìằệìĩệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệĂệ ệở ệệệệ ệặóỹìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽđệ ặùỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệẽệáỹệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ, ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệệỳệờ Ôờỹ Ôỹò ãệệàệờíệò ệặỹằệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ệệỳệờ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ệÊệệ ệỳò ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ìằệ ìÔỹàệờ ãệệàệởíệờ, ìãệệỳò ãệệẹệ ệệỳệờ ắệàệ ỳáỹđệò ặợỹ : (i) ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệờỳ ỳắệáỹ ệờãệ ệáỹ ằệíệò ỳệíệãệ ỳò ệòằệ ỳệờ ỳệèỹ ằệở ĩệóằệò ặóỹễ àệệ ìệđệệ ỹòỳáỹ-ệòằệ ỳò ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ (ii) ỳắệáỹ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỷệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệđệóệệáỹ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ệộỹ ệÊệệ ệẽđệệở ỳò ệểĩàệệ ỳệờ ỷò ệáỹặỹ ệợỳ ỳáỹ ằệở ìỳ àệờ ệổáờỹ ặùỹ Ôỹệờ ệệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ìãệđệệở ệộỹ/ệẽđệ ỳệ ặỹệở àệệ Ôóỹệệáỹệ ệ íệàệờ ặỹệở àệệ ệòìáỹàệằệ ệở đệ ặỹệở Êệệễệậ ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳò Ăệóìỹệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ ệÊệệ ệò ệệàệ ệờ ằệệợỹệỳáỹ ệờỳ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Ôổỹệáỹò ệặỹò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ằệờ ằệở ệờỳ ìằệ ệệỳệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ìÔỹàệờ ãệệàệởíệờ ệờỳ ệệÔỹ đệ ệệờ ệệỳò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ắệệệệ ằệò ãệệàệờíệò ệợáỹ đệ ặỹò ệệỳệờ ìệìáỹệ ệệàệ ìÔỹàệệ ãệệàệờíệệ (iii) ệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò ẻỳệ ệểĩàệệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệáỹ ểìỳệ ỳáỹ Ôởỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽđệ ờỳ ìằệ ệệáỹ Âệáỹ ìắệỳằệ (A), (B), (C) ệÊệệ (D) ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ờỳ ắệộÂệ ỳệờ ệờđệ ệờ ệáỹỳáỹ ỳệằệệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ãệợệệ ìỳ đệòệờ ìÔỹĩệệàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ : ãệệìỳỳ(C) ệặỹò Âệáỹ ặợỹ ệẽđệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ ờỳắệằệ ệẽđệ ệĂệ I ờỳ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ặỹò ểìỳệ ỳáỹđệờ ặùỹ àệìÔỹ ệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ắệộÂệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ìỳệò đàệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Âệáỹ ìệđệệểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệỳệ ệổằàệệểỳđệ đệặỹ ặỹệờíệệ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệở ỳệờ ơàệệđệệổắệễỳ ệèởỹ ỳệệ ỳệệ (Rough Work) ệ ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ìđệệ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỳáởỹ àệìÔỹ ệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìđệàệệ Êệệđệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ệđệệ đệệệ, áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ, ỳệờđệ đệệáỹ àệệ ỳệờễ ệò ờệệ ìệđệ ìãệệệờ ệệỳò ệặỹệệđệ ặỹệờ ệờỳ, ểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ Êệắệệ ệƯỹ ệệệệ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, àệệ ỳệờễ đàệ đệóìệệ ệệơệđệ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ãệợệờ ìỳ ểìỳệ ìỳàệờ íệàệờ Âệáỹ ỳệờ ìệỹệđệệ àệệ ệờỳÔỹ àệệặỹò ệờ ệÔỹằệđệệ ệệờ ệáỹòừệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệờíàệ ệệờìệệ ìỳàệờ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ắệể ệổằệ OMR ệĂệỳ ìđệáỹòừệỳ ệặỹệờÔỹàệ ỳệờ ằệệợỹệđệệ ệắệàệỳ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệìệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ ệđệờ ệệÊệ ệáỹòừệệ ệắệđệ ệờ ệệặỹáỹ đệ ằệờỳáỹ ãệệàệở ặỹệằệệểìỳ ệệ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệìệ ệáỹ ệổằệ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệÊệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò óỹằệòờỳỹ ệẽìệ ệđệờ ệệÊệ ằệờ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ 10 ờỳắệằệ đệòằệờ/ỳệằệờ ệệằệ ắệệếỹ ệờđệ ỳệ ặỹò ệờệệằệ ỳáởỹ 11 ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳệ ệểíệịệỳ (ợỳằệóỳằệờỹáỹ) àệệ ằệệíệ ờỹệằệ ệìÔỹ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ắệãệệ ặợỹ 12 íệằệệ Âệáỹệở ờỳ ìằệ ỳệờễ đệỳệáỹệệỳ ểỳ đệặỹ ặùỹ 13 àệìÔỹ ểíệẽờãệò àệệ ỉặỹÔỹò ìắệắệáỹịệ ệở ỳệờễ ìắệệểíệìệ ặỹệờ, ệệờ ểíệẽờãệò ìắệắệáỹịệ ểìệệ ệệđệệ ãệệíệệ Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the circle as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the OMR Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the circle in the OMR Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means such as change of response by scratching or using white fluid, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet and Original OMR Sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall You are, however, allowed to carry original question booklet and duplicate copy of OMR Sheet on conclusion of examination 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is no negative marks for incorrect answers 13 In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions, English version will be taken as final J-10-14 P.T.O SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each All questions are compulsory The funding agency formed for fund1 Which is the nodal body for adoption raising and distributing the funds is of children in India ? called (A) NIPCCD (A) Community Welfare Council (B) CARA (B) Community Chest (C) CSWB (C) Neighbourhood Council (D) NCPCR (D) Community Centre The purging of repressed emotions to get relief is called (A) Sublimation (B) Ambivalence (C) Catharsis (D) Fixation The roadmap that guides the behaviour of the members of a society is (A) Groups (B) Culture (C) Peers (D) Religion Language of proximity is also known as (A) Verbal Communication (B) Non-verbal Communication (C) Oral Communication (D) Written Communication Which is not included in community sentiment ? (A) Sense of dependence (B) We-feeling (C) Instability (D) Role feeling Paper-II ‘Social Distance Scale’, developed by (A) Likert (B) Thorndike (C) Bogardus (D) None of the above The process of transforming social policy into social service is (A) Social Welfare Administration (B) Social Aid (C) Social Media (D) Social Justice The theory that is based on rewards and punishment is (A) Trial and Error theory of learning (B) Operant conditioning (C) Social Learning theory (D) Classical conditioning 10 Who is known as the father of ‘intelligence test’ ? (A) Bennett (B) Gesell (C) Villand (D) Wechsler was J-10-14 ÃƯ´ƯƯ•Ư ỳệàệễ ệẽđệệĂệ II ìđệÔỡỹệ : ệ ệẽđệệĂệ ệở ệệệệ (50) ệặóỹ-ìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽđệ ặùỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽđệ ờỳ Ôỹệờ (2) ểỳ ặùỹ ệệò ệẽđệ ìđệắệệàệễ ặùỹ ơệđệ ãệóỹệđệờ ệÊệệ ơệđệ ìắệệáỹịệ ặờỹệó íệìỹệ ìđệìơệàệđệ ệệáỹệ ệở ệệệở ỳệờ íệệờÔỹ ằệờđệờ (àệệ ÔỹÂệỳ-íệẽặỹịệ) ãệờđệò àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? ỳệ ờỳđƯỹòàệ ìđệỳệàệ ỳệợđệ ệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ỳằàệệịệ ệìáỹệÔậỹ (A) đệ.ệ.ệò.ệò.ệò.ỹò (B) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ỳệờệ (B) ệò..ệáỹ. (C) ệẽìệắệờệ (èỹệờệ-ệèỹệờệ) ệìáỹệÔậỹ (C) ệò.ệ.ỹằàệổ.ệò (D) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ờỳđƯỹ (D) đệ.ệò.ệò.ệò.ệáỹ Ôỹệò ệệắệđệệệở ỳò ìệắàệìệ ệờ ặỹằỳệệđệ ệặỹệổệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ÔỹệÂệòỳáỹịệ (B) ôợỹơệắệộìÂệ (C) ệệắệ-ìắệáờỹệđệ (D) ìÊệáỹịệ (A) (B) (C) (D) ệệệệìãệỳ đệòìệ ỳệờ ệệệãệ ệờắệệ ệở ỵệệđệìáỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệẽìẻỳàệệ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệò ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệãệ ỳằàệệịệ ệẽệệệđệ (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ệặỹệàệệệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ệòìỹàệệ (D) ệệệệìãệỳ đàệệàệ ỳệợđệ ệệ ìệăỹệểệ ệóáỹỳệáỹ ệÊệệ Ôểỹỹ ệáỹ ệơệệìáỹệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìơệíệệ ỳệ ềỹệàệằệ ịỹ áỹáỹ ìệăỹệểệ (B) ìẻỳàệệệẽệổệ đệóổỳằệđệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ìơệíệệ ìệăỹệểệ (D) ằệệệòỳằệ àệệ ệểÊệệìệệ đệóổỳằệđệ 10 ệóìăỹệệệ ệìđđệỳỹệệ ỳò ệệệệ ỳệờ ệợáỹ àệệ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ệệìÔỹỳ ệệẽờệịệ (B) ệệìÔỹỳ ệệẽờệịệ (C) ệệợìĩệỳ ệệẽờệịệ (D) ìằệìĩệệ ệệẽờệịệ ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệệắệđệệ ệở àệệ ệệệìắệỹ đệặỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệìệệ ặỹệờđệờ ỳò ệểắệờÔỹđệệ (B) ặỹệ ỳò ệệắệđệệ (C) Êệệìàệắệ (D) ệổìệỳệ ỳò ệệắệđệệ Ôổỹáỹò ệợệệđệệ ìỳệđệờ ệđệệàệệ Êệệ ? ìằệỳễỹ Êệệờđệễỹệỳ ệệờíệệễỹệ ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ ệệệãệ ờỳ ệÔỹàệệở ờỳ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ỳệ ệệíệễÔỹệễđệ ỳáỹđệờ ắệệằệệ ệệđệìệĂệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệổặỹ (B) ệểộỳìệ (C) ệệỳừệ ắàệìệ (D) ơệệễ J-10-14 ệệệệìãệỳ ệáỹòừệịệ ỳệ ãệđệỳ ìỳệờ ệệđệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) (B) (C) (D) ệợđệờỹ íệờệằệ ìắệằệợịỹ ắệợệằệáỹ Paper-II 11 The theory which believes in exemplary punishment to discourage the offender from repeating his crime and sets an example for others to keep away from crime is called (A) Deterrent theory (B) Preventive theory (C) Reformative theory (D) Retributive theory 12 Which of the following constitutional provisions prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in factories, mines or any other hazardous occupation _ (A) Article 14 (B) Article 21 (C) Article 24 (D) Article 45 13 The Human Rights Council meets at (A) New York (B) Vienna (C) Geneva (D) Paris 14 The method that brings about adjustment in personal and social relationships is called (A) Social casework (B) Social adjustment (C) Social group work (D) Defence mechanism 15 According to whom groups must solve two general problems – i.e instrumental and socio-emotional, to maintain themselves (A) Grace Coyle (B) Charles Levy (C) Clara A Kaiser (D) Robert Bales Paper-II 16 Probation is (A) an escape from imprisonment (B) a conditional suspension of sentence (C) an institutional method of correction (D) a life of freedom from any kind of control 17 The three stages of social change – i.e theological, metaphysical and positive are postulated by (A) Nikolai Mikhailovsky (B) Sorokin (C) Auguste Comte (D) Herbert Spencer 18 Which among the following is not a primary source of data collection ? (A) Observation (B) Questionnaire (C) Interview (D) Referral 19 ‘Situation approach’ of leadership is also called as (A) trait theory (B) contingency theory (C) ethical approach (D) functional approach 20 Every element has a known non-zero probability of being sampled and involves random selection at some point (A) Probability sampling (B) Non-probability sampling (C) Both (A) and (B) are correct (D) None of the above J-10-14 11 12 ỳệợđệ ệệ ìệăỹệểệ ệáỹệơệò ỳệờ ệđệệ ệáỹệơệ ệóđệ: ỳáỹđệờ ệờ ặỹệệờệệìặỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ ắệỵệ Ôểỹỹ ệở ìắệắệệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ Ôổỹệáỹệở ỳệờ ệáỹệơệ ệờ Ôổỹáỹ áỹĩệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ Êệệìệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìđệắệệáỹịệệÊệễ Ôểỹỹ ìệăỹệểệ (B) ìđệáỹệờơệỳ ìệăỹệểệ (C) ệóơệệáỹệệỳ ìệăỹệểệ (D) ệẽìệỳệáỹệÊệễ Ôểỹỹ ìệăỹệểệ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệểắệợơệệìđệỳ ệẽệắệơệệđệ ỳệáỹĩệệđệệở, ĩệÔỹệđệệở àệệ ìỳệò ãệệờìĩệệệổịệễ ắàệắệệệàệ ệở 14 ắệệễ ệờ ỳệ ệàệó ờỳ ệệệở ỳệờ ìđệàệệờìãệệ ỳáỹđệệ ìđệệờơệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) đệóờỷÔỹ 14 (B) đệóờỷÔỹ 21 (C) đệóờỷÔỹ 24 (D) đệóờỷÔỹ 45 13 ệệđệắệệìơệỳệáỹ ệìáỹệÔậỹ ỳò ệợỹỳ ỳặỹệẹ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ? (A) đàệổàệệũễỳ (B) ắệòàệờđệệ (C) ìãệđệờắệệ (D) ệờáỹòệ 14 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệò ệăỹìệ ắệợàệìệỳ ệÊệệ ệệệệìãệỳ ệệđơệệở ệở ệệệàệệờãệđệ ằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợàệìệỳ ỳệàệễ (ờỳệ ắệễỳ) (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ệệệàệệờãệđệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ệệổặỹ ỳệàệễ (D) áỹừệệệỳ ỳệàệễìắệìơệ 15 ệệổặỹệở ỳệờ ệđệờ ệệỳệờ ệđệệ áỹĩệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệệệđàệ ệệàệệệở, Êệệễệậ, ỳáỹịệ ỳệáỹỳ ệÊệệ ệệệãệ-ệểắệờíệệệỳ ỳệờ ệóằệệệđệệ ệệìặỹàệờ, àệặỹ ìỳệđệờ ỳặỹệ ặợỹ ? (A) íệẽờệ ỳệũàệằệờ (B) ệệằệễ ằệờắệò (C) ằệệáỹệ ờỳệáỹ (D) áỹệũệễỹ ệờằệ J-10-14 16 ệìáỹắệòừệệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ỳệáỹệắệệệ ệờ óỷỹỳệáỹệ (B) ÔỹịỹệÔờỹệ ỳệ ệẽìệệìđơệệ ìđệằệệđệ (C) ệóơệệáỹ ỳò ệệểÊệệìđệỳ ệăỹìệ (D) ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ờỳ ìđệàệđĂệịệ ệờ ệóìệ ỳệ ãệòắệđệ 17 ệệệệìãệỳ ệìáỹắệệễđệ ỳò ệòđệ ắệÊệệẹ àệệìđệ ơệệễìắệệệđệòàệ, ằệệợìỳỳ ệợáỹ ệỳệáỹệệỳ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ìệơệệìáỹệ ỳò íệễ ặùỹ ? (A) ìđệỳệờằệệàệ ìệĩệờằệệũắỳò (B) ệệờáỹệờìỳđệ (C) íệệ ỳệờỹ (D) ặỹệễễỹ ệùệáỹ 18 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ệẹỳèỹệở ờỳ ệểỳằệđệ ỳệ ệẽệÊệìệỳ ệệờệ ỳệợđệ ệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệằệệờỳđệ (B) ệẽđệệắệằệò (C) ệệừệệỳệáỹ (D) áờỹỳáỹằệ 19 đệờệộắệ ờỳ ìÊệìệ ệệíệệ ỳệ Ôổỹệáỹệ đệệệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìắệệờệệệ (ềờỹỹ) ìệăỹệểệ (B) ệỳìệỳệệ ìệăỹệểệ (C) đệợìệỳ ệệíệệ (D) ệẽỳệàệệễệỳ ệệíệệ 20 ệẽàệờỳ ệÂắệ ệở ệẽìệệàệìđệệ (àệệ đệệổđệệ Ôờỹđệờ) ặỹệờđệờ ỳò ệổđàệờệáỹ ệểệệắàệệệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ệợáỹ ìỳệò ỳ ìệđÔóỹ ệáỹ àệệƠỹìỷỳ ệàệđệ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệểệệắàệệệ ệẽìệệàệđệ (B) ệểệệắàệệệ ệẽìệệàệđệ (C) A ệợáỹ B Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ đệặỹ Paper-II 21 Confrontation focuses on one of the following : 25 The approach to make people ‘whole’, by encouraging them to shed their defences and unlock their potentials is known as (A) Psychodynamic approach (B) Systems approach (C) Person-centred approach (D) Gestalt approach 26 The ‘Task-Centered social work’, has been developed by (A) Reid and Eistein (B) Conard (C) Glenn (D) Waldo 27 Which of the following is not a feature of Standard Deviation (A) It is the best measure of variation (B) It is not much affected by fluctuations of sampling (C) It gives more weightage to extreme values and less to those which are nearer the mean (D) It is the measure for calculating combined standard deviation of two or more groups 28 The disorder which limits food intake is (A) Bipolar disorder (B) Bulimia nervosa (C) Binge eating disorder (D) Anorexia nervosa 29 The number of elements to be included in the study is (A) Variable (B) Hypothesis (C) Sample size (D) Universe (A) Similarity in the statements (B) Congruence in the statements (C) Discrepancies in the statements (D) None of the above 22 Cognitive needs of human beings are (A) the need to develop abilities (B) the need for symmetry order and beauty (C) the need for security and freedom (D) the need to know, understand and explore 23 to The difference between Bhoodan and Gramdan is (A) Bhoodan involves donation from individuals whereas Gramdan involves community action (B) In Bhoodan individual ownership is retained whereas in Gramdan it is abolished (C) In Bhoodan individuals are beneficiaries whereas in Gramdan the beneficiary is whole village community (D) All the above 24 The ‘client-centered approach’ is developed by (A) Kurt Lewin (B) Bandura (C) Homans (D) Carl Rogers Paper-II J-10-14 21 ệẽìệáỹệờơệ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ìỳệ ệáỹ ệểởỳìƯỹệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệệắàệệở ệở ệệệđệệệ (B) ắệệắàệệở ệở ệểíệìệ (C) ắệệắàệệở ệở ìắệệểíệìệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ìỳệò ệáỹ đệặỹ 22 ệệđệắệ ỳò ệểệệđệệệỳ ệắệàệỳệệẹ ặùỹ (A) àệệờíàệệệẹ ìắệỳìệệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ (B) ệóỹệờằệệđệ ẻỳệ ệÊệệ ệệợđÔỹàệễ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ (C) ệóáỹừệệ ệÊệệ ắệệđĂệệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ (D) ãệệđệđệờ, ệệệđệờ ệÊệệ íệắệờệịệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ 23 24 ệổÔỹệđệ ệÊệệ íệẽệệÔỹệđệ ệở ểệáỹ (A) ệổÔỹệđệ ệở ắàệìệàệệở ôỹệáỹệ Ôỹệđệ ìđệìặỹệ ặợỹ ãệệìỳ íệẽệệÔỹệđệ ệở ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ỳệàệễ ìđệìặỹệ ặợỹ (B) ệổÔỹệđệ ệở ắàệìệíệệ ắệệìệắệ ỳệàệệ áỹặỹệệ ặợỹ ãệệìỳ íệẽệệÔỹệđệ ệở àệặỹ ệệệệ ặỹệờ ãệệệệ ặợỹ (C) ệổÔỹệđệ ệở ắàệìệ ằệệệệÊệỏ ặỹệờệờ ặùỹ ãệệìỳ íệẽệệÔỹệđệ ệở ệổáỹệ íệẽệệ ệệóÔỹệàệ ằệệệệÊệỏ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò ằệệệệÊệỏ-ờỳìđƯỹệ ệệíệệ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ìắệỳìệệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) óỳệễ ằệờìắệđệ (B) ệểÔóỹáỹệ (C) ặỹệờệểệ (D) ỳệằệễ áỹệờãệệễ J-10-14 25 ằệệờíệệở ỳệờ ệđệò áỹừệệệỳ ệẽìệìẻỳàệệệở ỳệờ àệệíệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệẽệờệệìặỹệ ỳáỹờỳ ệợáỹ ệđệò ểệ:ệìệàệệở ỳệờ ệẽỳỹ ỳáỹờỳ đặởỹ ệệổịệễ ệđệệđệờ ỳệ ệệíệệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệđệệờíệàệệệỳ ệệíệệ (B) ắàệắệÊệệệáỹỳ ệệíệệ (C) ắàệìệ-ờỳìđƯỹệ ệệíệệ (D) íệờỹệằỹ ệệíệệ 26 ỳệàệễ-ờỳìđƯỹệ 27 ệệđệỳ ìắệệằệđệ ỳò ìắệệờệệệ ỳệợđệ ệò đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) àệặỹ ìắệệáỹịệ ỳệ ệờỹ ệệệ ặợỹ (B) àệặỹ ệẽìệệàệđệ ờỳ ệệáỹ-ệèỹệắệệở ôỹệáỹệ ìơệỳ ệẽệệìắệệ đệặỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ (C) àệặỹ ệáỹệ ệệđệệở ỳệờ ãàệệÔỹệ ệệáỹ Ôờỹệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ãệệờ ệệơàệ ờỳ ệệòệ ặùỹ đặởỹ ỳệ ệệáỹ Ôờỹệệ ặợỹ (D) àệặỹ Ôỹệờ àệệ ãàệệÔỹệ ệệổặỹệở ờỳ ìệìệệ ệệđệỳ ìắệệằệđệ ỳệ ệìáỹỳằệđệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳệ ệệệ ặợỹ 28 ệặỹệáỹ ờỳ ểệíệẽễặỹịệ ỳệờ ệòìệệ ỳáỹ Ôờỹđệờ ắệệằệò ìắệộỳìệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệò ặợỹ ? (A) ìôỹơệéóắệòàệ ìắệộỳìệ (B) ừệóơệệìệệàệ đệắệệỡệệ (C) ỉệãệ ĩệệđệờ ỳò ìắệộỳìệ (D) đệệờáờỹìệàệệ (ừệóơệệằệệệ) đệắệệỡệệ 29 ệắệỡừệịệ ặờỹệó ơàệàệđệ ệở ệệệìắệỹ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ắệệằệờ ệÂắệệở ỳò ệểĩàệệ ặợỹ (A) ệáỹ (B) ệìáỹỳằệđệệ (C) ệẽìệÔỹệễ ỳệ ệỳệáỹ (D) ệệìỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ìắệỳìệệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) áỹòỹ ắệể ỹòđệ (B) ỳệờđệệễỹ (C) íằệờđệ (D) ắệệằỹệờ Paper-II 30 31 32 33 34 The scale in which numbers are used to rate the objects which have numerically equal distance are termed as (A) Nominal scale (B) Ordinal scale (C) Interval scale (D) Ratio scale (A) Social situation and family role Evaluation of clients’ present problem the way he is experiencing is (A) Etiological diagnosis (B) Clinical diagnosis (C) Dynamic diagnosis (D) Social diagnosis Which is not the nature community ? (A) Geographical area (B) Common ties (C) Social interaction (D) Individualism (B) Demand reduction and supply reduction of drugs (C) Characteristics of the drug and characteristics of the user (D) Marketing of drugs and role of drug mafias 35 of Which of the following is not true in relation to significance of NGOs role in mental health ? (A) Gross scarcity of psychiatrists and other trained personnel Arrange the following steps in relation to self-help groups in correct sequence : Lending, repayment and maintaining accounts and records Arranging regular meetings with the group Identifying the area and forming a group of women with common interests Training and capacity building for sustenance and empowerment Deciding on the amount for contribution and pooling the money Codes : (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-II To study the consequences of psychoactive drug use the two variables are (B) Availability of sufficient government funds for NGOs (C) Scarcity of cost-effective strategies and interventions (D) Lack of public awareness and social stigma attached 36 Arrange the sequence of authorities in setting industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act Board of Conciliation Works Committee Conciliation Officer Court of enquiry Codes : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-14 30 ìãệđệ ắệệóệở ỳò ệểĩàệệệỳ ỵệ ệờ ệệệđệ Ôổỹáỹò ặỹệờệò ặợỹ đặởỹ ệờịệòíệệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ìãệệ ệệệđệò àệệ ệợệệđệờ ệở ệểĩàệệệở ỳệ ệàệệờíệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ, ệờ àệệ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) đệệìệệ ệệệđệò (B) ẻỳệệổệỳ ệệệđệò (C) đệáỹệằệ ệệệđệò (D) đệóệệệ ệệệđệò 31 ằệệệệÊệàệệở ỳò ắệệễệệđệ ệệàệệ ìãệệ ệẽỳệáỹ ệờ ắệờ ệỳệ đệóệắệ ỳáỹ áỹặờỹ ặùỹ, ỳệ ệổằàệệểỳđệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ặờỹệóìắệệệđệòàệ áỹệờíệìđệÔỹệđệ (B) ìệìỳệệệỳ áỹệờíệìđệÔỹệđệ (C) íệàệệệỳ áỹệờíệìđệÔỹệđệ (D) ệệệệìãệỳ áỹệờíệìđệÔỹệđệ 32 ệệóÔỹệàệ ỳò ệẽộỳìệ àệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệợíệệờìằệỳ ừệờĂệ (B) ệắệễệệệệđàệ ệệđơệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ểệ:ìẻỳàệệ (D) ắàệìệắệệÔỹ 33 ắệàệể-ệặỹệàệệệ ệệổặỹệở ờỳ ệệđơệ ệở ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ỳệờ ệặỹò đệóẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳòìãệàệờ : ơệệáỹ Ôờỹđệệ, ệóíệệệđệ ệợáỹ ĩệệệệ ắệể ìáỹỳệũễỹ ệđệệ áỹĩệđệệ ệệổặỹ ờỳ ệệÊệ ìđệàệìệệ ệệệẹ ệàệệờìãệệ ỳáỹđệệ ừệờĂệ ỳò ệặỹệệđệ ệÊệệ ệắệễệệệệđàệ ìặỹệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệìặỹằệệệở ỳệ ệệổặỹ íệìỹệ ỳáỹđệệ ệẽìệệệằệđệ ệợáỹ ệệìệỳáỹịệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệẽìệừệịệ ệợáỹ ừệệệệ ìđệệệễịệ àệệờíệÔỹệđệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ áỹệìệ ỳệ ợỳệằệệ ỳáỹđệệ ệÊệệ ơệđệ ỳìĂệệ ỳáỹđệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-14 3 3 5 1 1 34 ệđệệờệìẻỳàệ ệợệơệ ờỳ ệẽệệắệệở ỳệ ơàệàệđệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ỳệợđệ ệờ Ôỹệờ ệáỹệở ỳệ ệàệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ìÊệìệ ệÊệệ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ỳò ệổìệỳệ (B) ệệÔỹỳ Ưỹắàệệở ỳò ệệẹíệ ệở ỳệò ệÊệệ ệỳò ệệổệ ệở ỳệò (C) ệệÔỹỳ Ưỹắàệệở ỳò ìắệệờệệệẹ ệÊệệ đặởỹ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáỹđệờ ắệệằệờ ỳò ìắệệờệệệẹ (D) ệệÔỹỳ Ưỹắàệệở ỳệ ìắệệịệđệ ệợáỹ ệệÔỹỳ Ưỹắàệ ệệìỳàệệ ỳò ệổìệỳệ 35 ệệđệìệỳ ắệệÊàệ ệở đệ.ãệò.ệờ àệệ ằệệệỳệáỹò ệểíệỹđệệở ỳò ệổìệỳệ ờỳ ệặỹÂắệ ờỳ ệệđơệ ệở ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệàệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệđệệờìệìỳệỳệở ệÊệệ đàệ ệẽìệìừệệ ỳệàệệở ỳò ệệáỹò ỳệò (B) ằệệệỳệáỹò ệểíệỹđệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệàệệễệ ệáỹỳệáỹò ơệđệ ỳò ệằệơệệệ (C) ằệệíệệ-ệẽệệắệò áỹịệđệòìệàệệở ệÊệệ ặỹệừệờệệở ỳò ỳệò (D) ằệệờíệệở ệở ãệệíệỵỳệệ ỳệ ệệắệ ệợáỹ ệệờ ãệóèỹệ ệệệệìãệỳ ằệệểỷđệ 36 ệợêệờìíệỳ ìắệắệệÔỹ ìơệìđệàệệ ờỳ đệíệễệ ệợêệờìíệỳ ìắệắệệÔỹệở ỳệ ìđệệỹệáỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ệở ệẽệìơệỳệìáỹàệệở ỳệ đệóẻỳệ ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳòìãệàệờ : ệóằệặỹ ệệờễỹ ệểỳệễ ệìệìệ ệóằệặỹ ìơệỳệáỹò ỳệờễỹ ệũỳ đệắệũáỹò ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-II 37 Which is the correct sequence in social case work process ? (A) Intake, investigation, diagnosis, treatment (B) Intake, diagnosis, investigation, treatment (C) Intake, diagnosis, treatment, investigation (D) Intake, investigation, treatment, diagnosis 38 The sequential phases in a social action method are I Sensitization II Awareness Building III Mobilization IV Mass Action Codes : (A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, I, III, IV (C) III, I, II, IV (D) I, II, IV, III 39 Assertion (A) : Psychosomatic problems are addressed by the case workers Reason (R) : Psychological aspects can have influence on the physical conditions of an individual Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) Paper-II 10 40 Assertion (A) : A scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation of a phenomenon which still has to be rigorously tested Reason (R) : A working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis proposed for validation Codes : (A) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not an explanation of (A) 41 Assertion (A) : Tribal people live in a scattered habitation Reason (R) : Tribal society is relatively isolated when compared to other societies In the context of above two statements which one of the following is correct ? Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct (D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct 42 Assertion (A) : Recording in social group work is significant for achieving the objectives of the group Reason (R) : Records enable the worker to work out programmes and plan of action for future Codes : (A) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct (B) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) J-10-14 37 ệệờệằệ ờỳệ ắệễỳ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ỳệờ ìệệ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳòìãệàệờ : (A) ểệ:íệẽặỹịệ, đệóệểơệệđệ, ìđệÔỹệđệ, ệệệáỹ (B) ểệ:íệẽặỹịệ, ìđệÔỹệđệ, đệóệểơệệđệ, ệệệáỹ (C) ểệ:íệẽặỹịệ, ìđệÔỹệđệ, ệệệáỹ ,đệóệểơệệđệ (D) ểệ:íệẽặỹịệ, đệóệểơệệđệ, ệệệáỹ, ìđệÔỹệđệ 38 ệệệãệ ìẻỳàệệ ệăỹìệ ệở ệđệóẻỳìệỳ ệáỹịệ àệệ ặỹệờ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ? I ệểắệờÔỹđệệòằệ àệệ ệóíệẽệặỹò ệđệệđệệ II ãệệíệỵỳệệ ìđệệệễịệ III ằệệệệểÔỹò IV ãệđệ ỳệáễỹắệệễ ổỳỹ : 40 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ắệợệệìđệỳ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ ệìáỹệỹđệệ ỳò ệẽệệìắệệ ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ, ìãệệỳệ ệò ệò ỳèỹệễ ệờ ệáỹòừệịệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệìáỹỳằệđệệ đệìáỹệ ỵệ ệờ ắệòộỳệ ệìáỹỳằệđệệ ặợỹ, ìãệệờ ệíệờ ệợáỹ ệệờơệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệẽệệìắệệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) íệằệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ 41 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ãệđệãệệệòàệ ằệệờíệ ìệĩệáờỹ àệệ ìỷệáờỹ ặóỹ ìđệắệệệ Êệệđệệở ệở áỹặệờ ặùỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : đàệ ệệệãệệở ỳò ệóằệđệệ ệở ãệđệãệệệòàệ ệệệãệ ìắệằệíệ ặợỹ ệàệóễệ Ôỹệờ ỳÊệđệệở ờỳ ệểÔỹệễ ệở ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ổỳỹệở ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệặỹò ặợỹ ? ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò đệặỹ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ 42 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệệổặỹ ờỳ Đờỹàệệở ỳệờ ệẽệệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệệệìãệỳ ệệổặỹ ỳệàệễ ệở ìáỹỳệũỹíệ ệặỹÂắệệổịệễ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ìáỹỳệũễỹậệ ỳệễỳệáỹ ỳệờ ệìắệàệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ỳệàệễẻỳệ ệợàệệáỹ ỳáỹđệờ ệÊệệ ỳệàệễ àệệờãệđệệ ệđệệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệừệệ ệđệệệờ ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệặỹò đệặỹ ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, I, III, IV (C) III, I, II, IV (D) I, II, IV, III 39 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệđệệờÔợỹìặỹỳ ệệàệệệở ờỳ ệệệơệệđệ ặờỹệó ắệợàệìệỳ ỳệàệễỳệệễệở ôỹệáỹệ đệ ệáỹ ìắệệệáỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ắàệìệ ỳò ệệáỹòìáỹỳ Ôỹệệệở ệáỹ ệđệệờắệợệệìđệỳ ệặỹằệổ ệẽệệắệ ỹệằệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò đệặỹ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ J-10-14 11 Paper-II 43 45 Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II : List – I List - II a Provision for just Article and humane 40 conditions of work and maternity relief b Right to work, Article education and 41 public assistance in certain cases c Living wages etc Article for workers 42 d Organisation of Article Village Panchayats 43 Codes : a b c d (A) (B) (C) (D) following is CPM Congress BJP CPI Read the passage given below and answer the following questions as per the understanding of the passage (Question Nos 46 to 50) : The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms that it is not an unfortunate aberration but systematically entrenched in culture and society, reinforced and powered by patriarchy Violence against women maintains the structures of gender oppression; be it carried out by individuals in private and/or by institutional forces in the public sphere Families, communities, and social, legal and civic institutions may covertly and overtly endorse it Whilst violence commands greater attention and fear; sexism and misogyny their share to shape inequality, by defining and upholding restrictive gender norms Patriarchy is about the social relations of power between men and women, women and women, and men and men It is a system for maintaining class, gender, racial and heterosexual privilege and the status quo of power – relying both on crude forms of oppression, like violence; and subtle ones, like laws; to perpetuate inequality Patriarchal beliefs of male, heterosexual dominance lie at the root of gender-based violence 44 Match the following and select the answer from the codes given below : List – I List – II a The Minimum Wages 1926 Act b The Maternity 1951 Benefit Act c The Plantation Act 1948 d The Trade Unions 1961 Act Codes : a b c d (A) (B) (C) (D) Paper-II Which among the wrongly matched ? – AITUC INTUC – BMS – CITU – Codes : (A) 1, and (B) 2, and (C) and only (D) and only 12 J-10-14 43 44 ệổệò I ệở Ôỹò ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệàệờ : ệổệò I a ỳệàệễ ỳò đàệệàệệờìệệ ệÊệệ ệệđệắệòàệ ìÊệìệàệệẹ ệÊệệ ệệệộ ìặỹệằệệệ ỳệ ệẽệắệơệệđệ b ỳệàệễ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ, ìệừệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ ệợáỹ óỳỷ ệệệằệệở ệở ệệắệễãệìđệỳ ệặỹệàệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ c ỳệễỳệáỹệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ãệòắệđệ ìđệắệệễặỹ ệãệÔổỹáỹò àệệìÔỹ d íệẽệệ ệểệệàệệệở ỳệ ệểíệỹđệ ổỳỹ : a b c d (A) (B) (C) (D) II ệở Ôỹò ệÔỹệở 45 ệổệò II đệóờỷÔỹ-40 đệóờỷÔỹ-41 b c d (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-14 àệóíệ íệằệệ ệờìằệệ ệò.ệò.ệ ỳệẹíệẽờệ ệò.ãệờ.ệò ệò.ệò.ệễ đệóờỷÔỹ-42 đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ỳệờ ệìèỹ ệợáỹ ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ờỳ ệệáờỹ ệở ệđệò ệệệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệẽđệệở (46 ệờ 50) ỳệ Âệáỹ Ôỹòìãệ : ãệởỹáỹ ệơệệìáỹệ ỉặỹệệ ỳò ìệặỹệìệỳ ệẽộỳìệ ệỳò ệóìỹ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ìỳ àệặỹ Ôóỹệệễíàệệổịệễ ệìệệẽểệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ệáỹđệó ệểộỳìệ ệợáỹ ệệệãệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỵệ ệờ ệăỹệổằệ ặợỹ, ệợáỹ ìệệộệÂệệ ôỹệáỹệ ệóđệệễìằệệ ệÊệệ ệìệ ệẽệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ìĂệàệệở ờỳ ìắệạýăỹ ỉặỹệệ ãệởỹáỹ ệòèỹđệ ỳò ệểáỹệđệệệở ỳệờ ỳệàệệ áỹĩệệò ặợỹ; ệệặờỹ ắệặỹ ắàệìệàệệở ôỹệáỹệ ỳệìđệỳ ỵệ ệờ ệợáỹ àệệ ệệắệễãệìđệỳ ừệờĂệ ệở ệệểÊệệìđệỳ ệìệàệệở ôỹệáỹệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ệìáỹắệệáỹ, ệệóÔỹệàệ, ệệệệìãệỳ, ìắệìơệỳ ệÊệệ đệệíệìáỹỳ ệểÊệệẹ íệóệ ỵệ ệờ Êệắệệ ệóắàệệ ỵệ ệờ ệỳệ đệóệệờÔỹđệ ỳáỹ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ỉặỹệệ ãệệìỳ ắệộặỹÔỹệáỹ ắệơệệđệ ệÊệệ ỹáỹ ỳò ìơệỳệáỹò ặợỹ; ỉằệíệắệệÔỹ ệÊệệ đệệáỹòôờỹệ ệẽìệệểơệệệỳ ãệởỹáỹ ệệđệỳệở ỳệờ ệìáỹệệìệệ ỳáỹờỳ ệÊệệ đặởỹ ệệđàệệệ Ôờỹỳáỹ ệệệđệệệ ỳệờ ệỳệáỹ Ôờỹđệờ ệở ệặỹệệìíệệệ ãệèỵáỹ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ ìệệộệÂệệ ệóạýệệở ệÊệệ ìĂệàệệở, ìĂệàệệở ệÊệệ ìĂệàệệở ệợáỹ ệóạýệệở ệÊệệ ệóạýệệở ờỳ ệòệ ệÂệệ ờỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệệđơệệở ờỳ ệệáờỹ ệở ặợỹ àệặỹ ắệíệễ, ãệởỹáỹ, ệẽãệệệòàệ ệÊệệ ìắệệệỉằệíệòàệ ìắệệờệệìơệỳệáỹ ệợáỹ ệÂệệ ỳò àệÊệệệổắệễ ìÊệìệ ỳệàệệ áỹĩệđệờ ỳò ệẽịệệằệò ặợỹ - ãệệờ ệệệđệệệ ỳệờ Êệệàệò ệđệệ áỹĩệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệệệáỹ ờỳ ệàệ ệáỹòỳệở, ãệợệờ ỉặỹệệ ệÊệệ ệìáỹộỳệ ệáỹòỳệở, ãệợệờ ìỳ ỳệđệổđệ Ôỹệờđệệở ệáỹ ệìệệ áỹặỹệò ặợỹ ệóạýệ ờỳ ìệệộệÂệệệỳ ơệệáỹịệệẹ, ệáỹỉằệíệò ệẽệóắệ, ãệởỹáỹ-ệơệệìáỹệ ỉặỹệệ ỳò ãệèỹ àệệ ệổằệ ệở ìÊệệ ặợỹ đệóờỷÔỹ-43 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ỳệ ìệằệệđệ ỳòìãệàệờ ệợáỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ ổỳỹệở ệờ ệđệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệđệ ỳòìãệàệờ : ệổệò I ệổệò II a đàệổđệệệ ệãệÔổỹáỹò ìơệìđệàệệ 1926 b ệẽệổìệ ệẽệóìắệơệệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1951 c ệệíệệđệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1948 d ắàệắệệệàệ ệểệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1961 ổỳỹ : a ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ỳệợđệ ệệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ? .ệễ.ỹò.àệổ.ệò ệễ.đệ.ỹò.àệổ.ệò ệò.ệ.ệ ệò.ệễ.ỹò.àệổ ổỳỹ : (A) 1, ệợáỹ (B) 2, ệợáỹ (C) ỳờắệằệ ệờợáỹ (D) ờỳắệằệ ệợáỹ 13 Paper-II Patriarchy is a structural force that influences power relations, whether they are abusive or not Power sets the agenda for patriarchy But, conflating it with abuse or masculinity is problematic and we need a more complex analysis of the typical power and control explanations Feminism, which is about women claiming their rights to self-determination and equality, confronts gender conformity and aims to replace relationships of power with relationships of meaning 47 An unfortunate aberration II Systematically entrenched culture of patriarchy III Reinforced inequalities IV All the above Men and women II Women and women III Men and men IV All the above (A) I and II are correct (B) II and III are correct (C) III and I are correct (D) IV is correct 48 Complex analysis of the typical power and control helps us to understand (A) Patriarchy (B) Feminism (C) Both (D) None 49 The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms it as I I Codes : Culture is used to justify gender inequality and violence by evoking traditional cultural beliefs about how women should be treated The defence of the culture of a place, country, religion, etc., is in fact a defence of the culture of patriarchy in that country, religion, identity; and the culture of violence everywhere The culture of patriarchy is not static : its manifestation on an army base differs from that in a rural town; just as the culture of patriarchy in U.S differs from that of Gulf, or India 46 Patriarchy is about social relations of power between _ is used to justify gender inequality and violence (A) Sexism (B) Culture (C) Religion (D) Region 50 Feminism refers to Codes : (A) Superior status of women (A) I and II are correct (B) Replacing relationships of power with relationships of meaning (C) Status quo of power (B) II and III are correct (C) I and III are correct (D) IV is correct Paper-II (D) Fighting against patriarchy 14 J-10-14 ìệệộệÂệệ ệểáỹệđệệệỳ ệằệ ặợỹ ãệệờ ệÂệệ ệệđơệệở ỳệờ ệẽệệìắệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ, ệệệđệãệđệỳ ặợỹ àệệ đệặỹ ìệệộệÂệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ỳệàệễệổệò ệÂệệ ìđệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ệờ Ôóỹắàệễắệặỹệáỹ Êệắệệ ệóạýệắệệậệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệìệìệệ ỳáỹđệệ ệệàệệãệđệỳ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ặỹệở ệẽệỵìệỳ ệÂệệ ệÊệệ ìđệàệđĂệịệ ờỳ ệỹòỳáỹịệệở ờỳ ãàệệÔỹệ ệểìằệỹ ìắệằệờệịệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ ặợỹ đệệáỹòắệệÔỹ, ãệệờ ìĂệàệệở ờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ắệ-ìđệịệễàệ ệÊệệ ệệệđệệệ ờỳ ệđệờ ìơệỳệáỹệở ệáỹ Ôỹệắệệ ỳáỹđệờ ệờ ệệđơệ áỹĩệệệ ặợỹ, ãệởỹáỹ ệệệđệóạýệệệ ỳệ ệóỳệệằệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ệÂệệ ờỳ ệệđơệệở ỳệờ Êệễệổịệễ ệệđơệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệẽìệÊệệìệệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳệ ằệừàệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ãệởỹáỹ ệệệđệệệ ệÊệệ ỉặỹệệ ỳệờ đàệệàệ ệểíệệ ỹặỹáỹệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệểộỳìệ ỳệ ệàệệờíệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ, ệợáỹ àệặỹ, ìĂệàệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ìỳệ ệẽỳệáỹ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệđệệ ệệìặỹ, ờỳ ệệáờỹ ệở ệệáỹệìáỹỳ ệệểộỳìệỳ ơệệáỹịệệệở ỳệ ệặỹệáỹệ ằệờỳáỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ Êệệđệ, Ôờỹệ, ơệệễ àệệìÔỹ ỳò áỹừệệ, ắệệệắệ ệở, ệ Ôờỹệ, ơệệễ, ệặỹệệđệ ệở ìệệộệÂệệ ỳò ệểộỳìệ; ệợáỹ ệệệ ãệíệặỹệở ệáỹ ỉặỹệệ ỳò ệểộỳìệ ỳò áỹừệệ ặợỹ ìệệộệÂệệ ỳò ệểộỳìệ Êệợìệỳ đệặỹ ặợỹ ệợìđệỳ ậỹờỹ ệáỹ ệỳệ ệẽỳỹòỳáỹịệ íệẽệệòịệ ỳệờ ệở ệờỳ ệẽỳỹòỳáỹịệ ệờ ìệđđệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ; ỹòỳ ệò ệáỹặỹ ãệợệờ ìỳ àệổ.ệ ệở ìệệộệÂệệ ỳò ệểộỳìệ íệằỳ (ĩệệèỹò), Êệắệệ ệệáỹệ ệở ệểộỳìệ ệờ ìệđđệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ 46 ãệởỹáỹ ệơệệìáỹệ ỉặỹệệ ỳò ìệặỹệìệỳ ệẽộỳìệ ìỳệỳò ệóìỹ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ? I Ôóỹệệễíàệệổịệễ ệìệệẽểệ II ìệệộệÂệệ ỳò ắàệắệìÊệệ ỵệ ệờ ệăỹệổằệ ệểộỳìệ III ệóđệệễìằệệ ệệệđệệệẹ IV ệàệóễệ ệệò ổỳỹ : (A) I ệợáỹ II ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) II ệợáỹ III ệặỹò ặùỹ (C) I ệợáỹ III ệặỹò ặùỹ (D) IV ệặỹò ặợỹ J-10-14 15 47 ìệệộệÂệệ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ìỳệờỳ ệòệ ệÂệệ ờỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệệđơệệở ệờ ệệìđơệệ ặợỹ ? I ệóạýệ ệợáỹ ìĂệàệệẹ II ìĂệàệệẹ ệợáỹ ìĂệàệệẹ III ệóạýệ ệợáỹ ệóạýệ IV ệàệóễệ ệệò ổỳỹ : (A) I ệợáỹ II ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) II ệợáỹ III ệặỹò ặùỹ (C) III ệợáỹ I ệặỹò ặùỹ (D) IV ệặỹò ặợỹ 48 ệẽệỵìệỳ ệÂệệ ệÊệệ ìđệàệđĂệịệ ỳệ ãệìỹằệ ìắệằệờệịệ ặỹệở àệệ ệệệđệờ ệở ệặỹệàệệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìệệộệÂệệ (B) đệệáỹòắệệÔỹ (C) Ôỹệờđệệở (A) ệợáỹ (B) (D) ỳệờễ đệặỹ 49 ãệởỹáỹ ệệệđệệệ ệÊệệ ỉặỹệệ ỳệờ đàệệàệệểíệệ ỹặỹáỹệđệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ìỳệỳệ ệàệệờíệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ỉằệíệắệệÔỹ (B) ệểộỳìệ (C) ơệệễ (D) ừệờĂệ 50 đệệáỹòắệệÔỹ ìỳệệờ ệệìđơệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìĂệàệệở ỳò ệệáỹ ệẽìÊệìệ (B) ệÂệệ ờỳ ệệđơệệở ỳệ Êệễệổịệễ ệệđơệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệẽìệÊệệệđệ (C) ệÂệệ ỳò àệÊệệệổắệễ ìÊệìệ (D) ìệệộệÂệệ ờỳ ìắệạýăỹ ằệèỹệễ Paper-II Space For Rough Work Paper-II 16 J-10-14 .. .SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each All questions are compulsory The funding agency... feeling Paper- II ? ?Social Distance Scale’, developed by (A) Likert (B) Thorndike (C) Bogardus (D) None of the above The process of transforming social policy into social service is (A) Social. .. about adjustment in personal and social relationships is called (A) Social casework (B) Social adjustment (C) Social group work (D) Defence mechanism 15 According to whom groups must solve two

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 19:08