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Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Signature) (Name) (Signature) (Name) J 10 Roll No. (In words) PAPER-II SOCIAL WORK Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Instructions for the Candidates Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered in the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item B C A Example : D where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet and OMR Answer sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is no negative marks for incorrect answers D-0109 J-10-10 (In figures as per admission card) Test Booklet No Time : 1/4 hours] Roll No [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 ệáỹòệệÊệàệệở ờỳ ìằệ ìưệÔỡỹệ ệặỹằệờ ệộỹ ờỳ ỳệáỹ ìưệàệệ Êệệưệ ệáỹ ệưệệ áỹệờằệ ưệệáỹ ìằệìệ ệ ệẽưệ-ệĂệ ệở ệệệệ ệặóỹìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽưệ ặùỹ ệáỹòệệ ệẽệáỹệ ặỹệờưệờ ệáỹ, ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ệệỳệờ Ôờỹ Ôỹò ệệàệờệò ệặỹằệờ ệệẹệ ìệưệỹ ệệỳệờ ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ệệờằệưệờ ệÊệệ ệỳò ìưệưệìằệìệệ ệệẹệ ờỳ ìằệ ìÔỹàệờ ệệàệởệờ ìệệỳò ệệẹệ ệệỳệờ ắệàệ ỳáỹưệò ặợỹ : (i) ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ệệờằệưệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệờỳ ỳắệáỹ ệờệ ệáỹ ằệệò ỳệệệ ỳò ệòằệ ỳệờ ỳệỹ ằệở ệóằệò ặóỹễ àệệ ìệưệệ ỹòỳáỹ-ệòằệ ỳò ệóệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ ưệ ỳáởỹ (ii) ỳắệáỹ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỷệờ ìưệÔỡỹệệưệóệệáỹ ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ờỳ ệộỹ ệÊệệ ệẽưệệở ỳò ệểàệệ ỳệờ ỷò ệáỹặỹ ệợỳ ỳáỹ ằệở ìỳ àệờ ệổáờỹ ặùỹ Ôỹệờệệổệễ ệóệỳệ ìệưệệở ệộỹ/ệẽưệ ỳệ ặỹệở àệệ Ôóỹệệáỹệ ệ ệàệờ ặỹệở àệệ ệòìáỹàệằệ ệở ưệ ặỹệở Êệệễệ ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳò Ăệóìỹệổệễ ệóệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ ưệ ỳáởỹ ệÊệệ ệò ệệàệ ệờ ằệệợỹệỳáỹ ệờỳ Êệệưệ ệáỹ Ôổỹệáỹò ệặỹò ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ằệờ ằệở ệờỳ ìằệ ệệỳệờ ệệẹệ ìệưệỹ ìÔỹàệờ ệệàệởệờ ệờỳ ệệÔỹ ưệ ệệờ ệệỳò ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ắệệệệ ằệò ệệàệờệò ệợáỹ ưệ ặỹò ệệỳệờ ìệìáỹệ ệệàệ ìÔỹàệệ ệệàệờệệ (iii) ệ ệệẹệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ỳò ẻỳệ ệểàệệ OMR ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ểìỳệ ỳáởỹ ệợáỹ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò ẻỳệ ệểàệệ ệ ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ệáỹ ểìỳệ ỳáỹ Ôởỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽưệ ờỳ ìằệ ệệáỹ Âệáỹ ìắệỳằệ (A), (B), (C) ệÊệệ (D) ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ờỳ ÔỹòệễắệộÂệ ỳệờ ệờưệ ệờ ệáỹỳáỹ ỳệằệệ ỳáỹưệệ ặợỹ ệợệệ ìỳ ưệòệờ ìÔỹệệàệệ ệàệệ ặợỹ C B A D Ôỹệặỹáỹệ : ệệìỳ (C) ệặỹò Âệáỹ ặợỹ ệẽưệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ ờỳắệằệ ệẽưệ ệĂệ I ờỳ ưÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ Âệáỹ-ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ặỹò ểìỳệ ỳáỹưệờ ặùỹ àệìÔỹ ệệ Âệáỹ ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ ÔỹòệễắệộÂệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ìỳệò ưàệ Êệệưệ ệáỹ Âệáỹ ìệưệệểìỳệ ỳáệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệỳệ ệổằàệệểỳưệ ưệặỹ ặỹệờ ệệ ưÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ ìưệÔỡỹệệở ỳệờ ơàệệưệệổắệễỳ ệởỹ ỳệệ úƯ´Ư (Rough Work) ÃƯ ¯ƯãÛÃƯúƯ êú ÛƯ´Ư ¯ƯéÂü ¯Ư¸ü ú¸ëü àệìÔỹ ệệ Âệáỹ-ệóệỳệ ệáỹ ệưệệ ưệệệ àệệ ờệệ ỳệờễ ệò ìưệệệưệ ìệệệờ ệệỳò ệặỹệệưệ ặỹệờ ệờỳ, ìỳệò ệò ệệệ ệáỹ Ôỹệệễệờ àệệ ểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ ệệờ ệáỹòệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệờàệ ệệờìệệ ỳáỹ ìÔỹàệờ ệệàệởệờ ệệỳệờ ệáỹòệệ ệệệệ ặỹệờưệờ ệáỹ ệẽưệ-ệóệỳệ ắệể OMR Âệáỹ-ệĂệỳ ìưệáỹòệỳ ệặỹệờÔỹàệ ỳệờ ằệệợỹệưệệ ệắệàệỳ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ệáỹòệệ ệệệệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ ệưệờ ệệÊệ ệáỹòệệ ệắệưệ ệờ ệệặỹáỹ ưệ ằệờỳáỹ ệệàệở 10 ờỳắệằệ ưệòằệờ/ỳệằệờ ệệằệ ắệệếỹ ệợưệ ỳệ ặỹò ệờệệằệ ỳáởỹ 11 ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳệ ệểệệỳ (ợỳằệóỳằệờỹáỹ) àệệ ằệệệ ờỹệằệ ệìÔỹ ỳệ ệẽàệệờệ ắệệệ ặợỹ 12 ệằệệ Âệáỹệở ờỳ ×»Ư úƯêƠ Ĩú úƯêü ƯỈüà ƯƯĐƯê P.T.O SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Social case work aims at (A) Giving charity to client (B) Controlling the client (C) Solving the problems of the client (D) Enabling the client Match the following persons with the organizations they associated : List – I List – II (I) Jyotibha (1) Bharatiya Phule Adimajati Sevak Sangh (II) Thakarbappa (2) Servants of India Society (III) Gopal (3) Harijan Krishna Sevak Gokhale Sangh (IV) M.K Gandhi (4) Satya Sodhak Samaj Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (B) (4) (1) (2) (3) (C) (2) (4) (3) (1) (D) (1) (3) (4) (2) Empathy means (A) Showing sympathy (B) Entering into the feelings and experiences (C) Patronising (D) Being critical of others Community Chest is related to (A) Community Participation (B) Community Problems (C) Community Awareness (D) Community Resources Paper-II The proponent of ‘Need for achievement theory’ is (A) McClelland (B) Maslow (C) Herzberg (D) McGregor Manifestation of repressed ideas in the form of finer things (Poetry and Art) is known as (A) Sublimation (B) Ambivalence (C) Catharsis (D) Fixation Rejection of a null hypothesis when it is known as (A) Absolute error (B) Standard error (C) Non-sampling error (D) Type-I error The objective of Action Research is (A) to provide knowledge about what intervention or treatment really help in resolving social problems (B) to provide action plan (C) to provide tool for statistical analysis (D) to provide technique for data collection Arrange the following in correct sequence : (A) Forming, Norming, Storming, Performing (B) Storming, Forming, Norming, Performing (C) Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing (D) Forming, Performing, Storming, Norming J-1010 ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ¯Ự¿−Ư¯Ư¡Ư – II −ƯƯê™ü : ‡ÃƯ ¯Ự¿−Ư¯Ư¡Ư ´Ưë ¯Ư“ƯƯÃƯ (50) ệặóỹ-ìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽệ ặùỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽệ ờỳ Ôỹệờ (2) ểỳ ặùỹ ệệò ệẽệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ Ôởỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợàệệỳ ỳệàệễ ỳệ ằệàệ ặợỹ (A) ệờắệệÊệỏ ỳệờ Ôỹệệ Ôờỹệệ (B) ệờắệệÊệỏ ỳệờ ìệàệểìĂệệ ỳáỹệệ (C) ệờắệệÊệỏ ỳò ệệàệệệở ỳệ ệệệơệệệ ỳáỹệệ (D) ệờắệệÊệỏ ỳệờ ệệơệệ ệóằệệ ỳáỹệệệ (A) (C) ìệệệểìỳệ ắàệệàệệở (ệổệòI) ỳệờ ệểệỹệệở ìãệệệờ ắệờ ãệóờỹ ặùỹ (ệổệòII) ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ãàệệờìệệệ (1) ệệáỹệòàệ ệìÔỹệ ổỳằệờ ãệệìệ ệờắệỳ ệểệ (II) ỹỳáỹệệệệ (2) ệắệỡậỹệ ệũỳ ểìỹàệệ ệệờệệỹò (III) ệệờệệằệộỳệ (3) ặỹìáỹãệệ ệờắệỳ ệểệ ệệờệằệờ (IV) ệ.ờỳ ệệẹơệò (4) ệàệ ệệờơệỳ ệệệãệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) (I) (1) (4) (2) (1) (II) (III) (IV) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (1) (3) (4) (2) ệáỹệệóệổìệ ỳệ Êệễ ặợỹ (A) ệặỹệệóệổìệ Ôỹệệễệệ (B) Ôổỹệáỹệở ỳò ệệắệệệệở ệợáỹ ệóệắệ ệở ệẽắệờệ ỳáỹệệ (C) Ôổỹệáỹệở ỳệờ ệểáỹệệ Ôờỹệệ (D) Ôổỹệáỹệở ờỳ ệẽìệ ệằệệờệệệệỳ ặỹệờệệ ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ìệìơệ ệệơệệ ặợỹ (A) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệặỹệệìệệệ ệờ (B) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệệàệệệở ệờ (C) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ãệệệỵỳệệ ệờ (D) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệểệệơệệệở ệờ J-1010 ệòỹ ỳệũáỹ ệòắệệởỹ ìÊệáỹò ờỳ ệẽìệệệÔỹỳ ặùỹ ệợằệòằệợỹ ặỹãệèễệệễ (B) (D) ệệằệệờ ệợỳệẽờệáỹ ệìáỹộỳệ ệệệệở (ỳìắệệệ ệợáỹ ỳằệệ) ờỳ ỵệ ệở Ôỹệệ ìỳ ệàệờ ìắệệệáỹệở ỳò ìệắàệệ ỳệờ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ (A) ÔỹệÂệòỳáỹệ (B) ôợỹơệắệộìÂệ (C) ìắệáờỹệệ (D) Êệáỹòỳáỹệ ệổàệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ ờỳ ắệòộỳìệ ặỹệờệờ ệáỹ ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ìỳ àệặỹ (A) ìệáỹệờệ Ăệóìỹ ặợỹ (B) ệệệỳ Ăệóìỹ ặợỹ (C) ệợáỹ-ệẽìệệàệệ Ăệóìỹ ặợỹ (D) ỹệệ-I Ăệóìỹ ặợỹ ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệệờơệ ỳệ Đờỹàệ ặợỹ (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ệệàệệệở ờỳ ệệệơệệệ ệở ỳệợệ ệờ ặỹệệờệ àệệ ệệệáỹ ắệệệắệ ệở ệặỹệàệệệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ờỳ ệệáờỹ ệở ệệệ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳáỹệệ (B) ỳệàệễ àệệờãệệệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệệ (C) ệệểàệỳòàệ ìắệằệờệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệỳáỹệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệệ (D) ệẹỳỹệở ờỳ ệểệẽặỹ ỳáỹệờ ỳò ệỳệòỳ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳáỹệệ ìệệệểìỳệ ỳệờ ệặỹò ệóẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáởỹ : (A) ±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ, −ƯƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ÙüƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ¯Ư¸ü±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ (B) ÙüƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ, −ƯƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ¯Ư¸ü±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ (C) ±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ÙüƯịÚ´ƯƯ, −ƯƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ¯Ư¸ü±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ (D) ±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ¯Ư¸ü±úƯịÚ´ƯƯ, ÙüƯịÚ´ƯƯ, −ƯƯịÚ´ƯƯ Paper-II 10 11 12 13 14 Dispersion refers to the (A) variability in the value of items (B) frequency (C) distribution (D) central tendency (A) Behavioural thought (B) Freudian thought (C) Client centred therapy (D) Transactional analysis A declarative statement of relationship between or among variables is called (A) Concept (B) Value (C) Hypothesis (D) None of the above 15 The term “Personality” derived from (A) Spanish word (B) Latin word (C) Greek word (D) German word Assertion (A) : The profession of social work is concerned with oppressed and marginalised sections of society Reason (R) : Social worker must collect all information regarding different sections of society for the empowerment of oppressed and marginalised people Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong Arrange in sequence of systems approach (A) Change-agent system, Target system, Client system, Action system (B) Change-agent system, Client system, Target system, Action system (C) Change-agent system, Client system, Action system, Target system (D) Change-agent system, Action system, Target system, Client system Paper-II Psycho-social approach in social case work is dependent on 16 Wilson & Ryland wrote the book (A) Social Groupwork (B) Social Work with Groups (C) Groupwork Practice (D) Social Groupwork Practice 17 Who said that “religion is the opium of masses” ? (A) K Davis (B) Karl Marx (C) Durkheim (D) Max Weber 18 The objective of social reform is (A) to help a minority group (B) to assist the marginalised group (C) to bring about social change (D) None of the above 19 Right to Free Legal Aid is included in (A) Article 14 (B) Article 15 (C) Article 16 (D) Article 21 J-1010 10 ệẽệáỹệ (àệệ ợỳằệệắệ) ệệệệệ ặợỹ (A) ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệổằàệ ệở ệìáỹắệệễệòàệệệ (B) ệệáểỹệệáỹệệ (C) ìắệệệãệệ (D) ờỳƯỹòàệ ệẽắệộìÂệ 11 ệáỹệở ờỳ ệòệ àệệ ệơàệ ệệơệ ỳệ ệệệỳ ỳÊệệ ỳặỹằệệệệ ặợỹ (A) ắệơệệáỹệệ (B) ệổằàệ (C) ệìáỹỳằệệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ 12 13 ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợàệệỳ ỳệàệễ ệở ệệệờ-ệệệệìãệỳ ệệệệ ìệệễáỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ (A) ắàệắệặỹệáỹắệệÔỹò ìắệệệáỹơệệáỹệ ệáỹ (B) ẽỳệũàệỹắệệÔỹò ìắệệệáỹơệệáỹệ ệáỹ (C) ệờắệệÊệỏ ờỳƯỹệ ìệìỳệệ ệáỹ (D) ệểắàệắệặỹệáỹ (ềỹệểệờệệằệ) ìắệằệờệệ ệáỹ 15 ệệễệờìằệỹò (ắàệệắệ) ệÔỹ ìằệàệệ ệàệệ (A) (C) ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệệệãệỳệàệễ ắàệắệệệàệ ệệệãệ ờỳ ệòìỹệ ệợáỹ ệệệòàệ ắệệệớ ệờ ệệơệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệệệệìãệỳ ỳệàệễỳệệễ ỳệờ, ệòìỹệ ệợáỹ ệệệòàệ ằệệờệệở ờỳ ệệệỳáỹệ ờỳ ìằệ ệệệãệ ờỳ ệệộăỹ ắệệệớ ờỳ ệệơệ ệở ệệệ ệổệệệ ỳìĂệệ ỳáỹệò ệệìặỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ, ệáỹệóỹ (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ ắàệắệÊệệ ìệệệ ỳệ ệóẻỳệ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáởỹ : (A) ệìáỹắệệễệ-ìệỳệệễ ắàệắệÊệệ, ằệàệ ắàệắệÊệệ, ệờắệệÊệỏ ắàệắệÊệệ, ìẻỳàệệ ắàệắệÊệệ (B) ệìáỹắệệễệ-ìệỳệệễ ắàệắệÊệệ, ệờắệệÊệỏ ắàệắệÊệệ, ằệàệ ắàệắệÊệệ, ìẻỳàệệ ắàệắệÊệệ (C) ệìáỹắệệễệ-ìệỳệệễ ắàệắệÊệệ, ệờắệệÊệỏ ắàệắệÊệệ, ìẻỳàệệ ắàệắệÊệệ, ằệàệ ắàệắệÊệệ (D) ệìáỹắệệễệ-ìệỳệệễ ắàệắệÊệệ, ìẻỳàệệ ắàệắệÊệệ, ằệàệ ắàệắệÊệệ, ệờắệệÊệỏ ắàệắệÊệệ J-1010 14 ệờìệệ ệÔỹ ệờ ệẽòỳ ệÔỹ ệờ (B) (D) ằệợìỹệ ệÔỹ ệờ ãệệễệ ệÔỹ ệờ 16 ìắệằệệ ắệể ìáỹằệợỹ ệờ ệóệỳ ìằệệò (A) ệệờệằệ ệẽóệắệễỳ (B) ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ ìắệÊệ ệẽóệ (C) ệẽóệắệễỳ ệẽợỹệ (D) ệệờệằệ ệẽóệắệễỳ ệẽợỹệ 17 ìỳệệờ ỳặỹệ ìỳ ơệệễ ãệệệệơệệáỹệ ỳò ỳòệ ặợỹ ? (A) ờỳ ờỹìắệệ (B) ỳệằệễ ệệệễ (C) Ôóỹệỏệ (D) ệợệ ắệờệáỹ 18 ệệệệìãệỳ ệóơệệáỹ ỳệ Đờỹàệ ặợỹ (A) ằệệểàệỳ ệệổặỹ ỳò ệặỹệàệệệ ỳáỹệệ (B) ệệệòàệ ệệổặỹ ỳò ệặỹệàệệệ ỳáỹệệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ệìáỹắệệễệ ằệệệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ 19 ìệ:ệóằỳ ỳệệổệò ệặỹệàệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ ệệìằệệ ặợỹ (A) ệóờỷÔỹ 14 ệở (B) ệóờỷÔỹ 15 ệở (C) ệóờỷÔỹ 16 ệở (D) ệóờỷÔỹ 21 ệở Paper-II 20 21 22 Formation and promotion of an organization involves the sequence of (A) Registration / Forming General Body / Electing Executive Council / Defining Vision and Mission / Framing the Constitution (B) Defining Vision and Mission / Forming General Body / Electing Executive Council / Registration / Framing the Constitution (C) Forming the General Body / Electing the Executive Council / Defining the Vision and Mission / Framing the Constitution / Registration (D) Framing the Constitution / Forming the General Body / Electing the Executive Council / Defining the Vision and Mission / Registration List – I (I) List – II Descriptive study (1) Study of a unit in its totality (II) Case study (2) Detailed description (III) Exploratory study (3) Experimental controlled groups (IV) Experimental (4) Identifying study new perspectives Match the following concepts of List – I with their meaning listed in List – II : List – I List – II (I) Polygamy (1) One husband and more than one wife (II) Polyandry (2) Residing at wife’s place (III) Patrilocal (3) Residing at husband’s place (IV) Matrilocal (4) One wife and more than one husband Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (4) (1) (3) (2) (B) (3) (2) (1) (4) (C) (1) (4) (3) (2) (D) (2) (3) (1) (4) Paper-II Match the design of research study given in List – I with its nature/quality given in List – II : 23 Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (2) (1) (3) (4) (B) (2) (1) (4) (3) (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (D) (4) (3) (2) (1) Match the following international days given in List – I with List – II List – I List – II (I) International (1) 8th March Day for the Elderly (II) World AIDS (2) 16th October Day (III) World Day Food (3) 1st October (IV) International (4) 1st December Women’s Day Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (3) (4) (2) (1) (B) (4) (3) (1) (2) (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (D) (2) (1) (3) (4) J-1010 20 21 ÃƯĨƯšü−Ư ờỳ ệỹệ ệợáỹ ệàệệ ệờ ãệóờỹ ệệờệệệệở ỳệ ẻỳệ ặợỹ (A) ệểãệòỳáỹệ / ệệệệàệ ệệệ ỳệ ệỹệ / ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệìáỹệÔỹ ỳệ ìệắệệễệệ / ìắệãệèệ ắệể ìệệệ ìệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệệ / ệểìắệơệệệ ệợàệệáỹ ỳáỹệệ (B) ìắệãệèệ ắệể ìệệệ ìệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệệ / ệệệệàệ ệệệ ỳệ ệỹệ / ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệìáỹệÔỹ ỳệ ìệắệệễệệ / ệểãệòỳáỹệ / ệểìắệơệệệ ệợàệệáỹ ỳáỹệệ (C) ệệệệàệ ệệệ ỳệ ệỹệ / ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệìáỹệÔỹ ỳệ ìệắệệễệệ / ìắệãệèệ ắệể ìệệệ ỳệờ ìệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệệ / ệểìắệơệệệ ệợàệệáỹ ỳáỹệệ / ệểãệòỳáỹệ (D) ệểìắệơệệệ ệợàệệáỹ ỳáỹệệ / ệệệệàệ ệệệ ỳệ ệỹệ / ỳệàệễỳệáỹò ệìáỹệÔỹ ỳệ ìệắệệễệệ / ìắệãệèệ ắệể ìệệệ ìệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệệ / ệểãệòỳáỹệ 22 (A) (B) (C) (D) ệổệòI ệở Ôỹò ắệơệệáỹệệệở ỳệ ệổệòII ệở ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ ệờỳ Êệễ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ệặóỹìắệắệệặỹ ệẽÊệệ (1) ỳ ệìệ ệợáỹ ỳ ệờ ìơệỳ ệệàệệẹ (II) ệặóỹệìệ ệẽÊệệ (2) ệệò ờỳ ìệắệệệ Êệệệ ệáỹ ìệắệệệ ỳáỹệệ (III) ệìệ Êệệìệỳ (3) ệìệ ờỳ ìệắệệệ Êệệệ ệáỹ ìệắệệệ ỳáỹệệ (IV) ệệò Êệệìệỳ (4) ỳ ệệò ệợáỹ ỳ ệờ ãàệệÔỹệ ệìệ æú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-1010 (I) (4) (3) (1) (2) ệổệòI ệở ệệờơệ ơàệàệệ ờỳ ìỹãệèệệ ỳệờ ệổệòII ệở ệỳò ệẽộỳìệ / ệóệắệÂệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ìắệắệáỹệệệỳ (1) ỳệễ ỳệ ệỳò ơàệàệệ ệểệổệễệệ ệở ơàệàệệ (II) ắàệệ (2) ìắệệộệ ìắệắệáỹệ ơàệàệệ (III) ắệờệò (3) ệẽệàệệờìệỳ ìệàệĂệệ ơàệàệệ ệệổặỹ (IV) ệẽệàệệờìệỳ (4) ệàệờ ệìáỹệẽờ àệệở ỳò ơàệàệệ ệặỹệệệ ỳáỹệệ ổỳỹ : 23 (II) (III) (IV) (1) (3) (2) (2) (1) (4) (4) (3) (2) (3) (1) (4) (II) (III) (IV) (1) (3) (4) (1) (4) (3) (2) (3) (4) (3) (2) (1) ìệệệểìỳệ ệổệòI ệở ìÔỹ ệ ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ ìÔỹắệệệở ỳệ ệổệòII ệờ ệặỹò ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ (1) ệệệễ ắệộăỹ ìÔỹắệệ (II) ìắệắệ ậỹệ (2) 16 ổỹệáỹ ìÔỹắệệ (III) ìắệắệ ệệê (3) ệặỹằệò ổỹệáỹ ìÔỹắệệ (IV) ểệáỹệễềỹòàệ (4) ệặỹằệò ìÔỹệệáỹ ệìặỹằệệ ìÔỹắệệ æú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) (I) (2) (2) (1) (4) (I) (3) (4) (1) (2) (II) (III) (IV) (4) (2) (1) (3) (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (1) (3) (4) Paper-II 24 25 26 Arrange steps in order in testing hypothesis (A) Research Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis, Statistical Test, Significance Level (B) Null Hypothesis, Research Hypothesis, Statistical Test, Significance Level (C) Statistical Test, Research Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis, Significance Level (D) Null Hypothesis, Research Hypothesis, Significance level, Statistical Test Match the following : List – I List – II (I) The Employment (1) 1986 Exchange Act (II) The Payment of (2) 1961 Bonus Act (III) Juvenile Justice (3) 1958 Act (IV) The Maternity (4) 1965 Benefit Act Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (4) (1) (2) (3) (B) (3) (4) (1) (2) (C) (2) (4) (1) (3) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) Arrange case work components in order (A) Problem, Person, Place, Process (B) Process, Person, Problem, Place (C) Place, Person, Problem, Process (D) Person, Problem, Place, Process Paper-II 27 Assertion (A) : The person educated through foreign language is unpatriotic Reason (R) : Foreign language breeds unpatriotism Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong (C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong 28 The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was passed in the year (A) 2005 (B) 2003 (C) 2004 (D) 2000 29 Gender-related Development Index is used in (A) World Development Report (B) Human Development Index (C) UNDP Report (D) UN Report 30 Social legislation attempts to (A) provide justice as well as security (B) anticipates social needs (C) provide for change in the social order (D) all the above 31 Which Article of Indian Constitution declares untouchability as an offence ? (A) Article 26 (B) Article 23 (C) Article 25 (D) Article 17 32 According to Maslow, which one of the following is not the need in his hierarchy model ? (A) Physiological needs (B) Safety needs (C) Esteem needs (D) Hygiene needs J-1010 24 25 ệìáỹỳằệệệ ỳệ ệáỹòệệ ỳáỹệờ ệờ ãệóờỹ ệệờệệệệở ỳệ ẻỳệ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáởỹ : (A) ệệờơệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệổàệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệểàệỳòàệ ệáỹòệệ, ệệÊệễỳệệ ệáỹ (B) ệổàệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệờơệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệểàệỳòàệ ệáỹòệệ, ệệÊệễỳệệ ệáỹ (C) ệệểàệỳòàệ ệáỹòệệ, ệệờơệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệổàệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệÊệễỳệệ ệáỹ (D) ệổàệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệờơệ ệìáỹỳằệệệ, ệệÊệễỳệệ ệáỹ, ệệểàệỳòàệ ệáỹòệệ ìệệệểìỳệ ỳệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I (I) ệờắệệ àệệờãệệệ ỳệàệệễằệàệ ìơệìệàệệ (II) ệệờệệ ệóệệệệ ìơệìệàệệ (III) ìỳệệờáỹ àệệàệ ìơệìệàệệ (IV) ệệệộắệ ằệệệ ìơệìệàệệ ổỳỹ : (I) 26 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ìắệÔờỹệò ệệệệ ờỳ ệệơàệệ ệờ ìệìệệ ắàệệ Ôờỹệệệ ệặỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ìắệÔờỹệò ệệệệ Ôờỹệệệ ìắệặỹòệệệ ỳệờ ệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ 28 áỹệềỹòàệ ệẽệệòệ áỹệờãệệệáỹ ệệáỹỹò ìơệìệàệệ ìỳệ ắệệễ ệở ệệìáỹệ ặóỹệ Êệệ ? (A) 2005 (C) 2004 ÃƯỉ“Ưß – II (B) 2003 (D) 2000 29 ỉằệệ-ệệơệệ ìắệỳệệ ệổệỳệểỳ ỳệ ệàệệờệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ (A) ìắệắệ ìắệỳệệ ìáỹệệờễỹ ệở (B) ệệệắệ ìắệỳệệ ệổệỳệểỳ ệở (C) àệổ.ệ.ỹò.ệò ìáỹệệờễỹ ệở (D) àệổ.ệ ìáỹệệờễỹ ệở 30 ệệệệìãệỳ ìắệơệệệ ỳệ ệẽàệệệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ (A) àệệàệ ệợáỹ ệóáỹệệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệệ (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳệờ ệặỹằệờ ệờ ãệệệ ằệờệệ (C) ệệệệìãệỳ ắàệắệÊệệ ệở ệìáỹắệệễệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệẽệơệ ỳáỹệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò 31 ệệáỹệòàệ ệểìắệơệệệ ỳệ ỳệợệ ệệ ệóờỷÔỹ ệộàệệệ ỳệờ ệáỹệơệ ệệờìệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệóờỷÔỹ 26 (B) ệóờỷÔỹ 23 (C) ệóờỷÔỹ 25 (D) ệóờỷÔỹ 17 32 ệệằệệờ ờỳ ệÔỹệệóẻỳệ ệệũỹằệ ệở ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ệờ ỳệợệ ệò ệắệàệỳệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệáỹòìáỹỳ àệệ ệệợìệỳ ệắệàệỳệệẹ (B) ệóáỹệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệẹ (C) ệệệệệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệẹ (D) ắệỷệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệẹ (1) 1986 (2) 1961 (3) 1958 (4) 1965 (II) (III) (IV) (A) (4) (1) (2) (3) (B) (3) (4) (1) (2) (C) (2) (4) (1) (3) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) ờỳệ ắệễỳ (ắệợàệệỳ ỳệàệễ) ệỹỳệở ỳệờ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáởỹ : (A) ệệàệệ, ắàệệ, Êệệệ, ệẽìẻỳàệệ (B) ệẽìẻỳàệệ, ắàệệ, ệệàệệ, Êệệệ (C) Êệệệ, ắàệệ, ệệàệệ, ệẽìẻỳàệệ (D) ắàệệ, ệệàệệ, Êệệệ, ệẽìẻỳàệệ J-1010 27 Paper-II 33 The value that is repeated must of the times in data set is known as (A) Median (B) Mode (C) Frequency (D) Variance 34 The main opportunistic infection among AIDS cases in India is (A) Cancer (B) Tumour (C) Ulcer (D) Tuberculosis (TB) 35 The book ‘The poor and their money’ is written by (A) Rutherford (B) Amartya Sen (C) Yunis Khan (D) Davis 36 What is the sex-ratio of women as per 2001 census ? (A) 927 per thousand (B) 923 per thousand (C) 933 per thousand (D) 930 per thousand 37 Match the scientific words given in List – I with the nature of their focus of study given in List – II List – I List – II (I) Ecology (1) Study of Crime (II) Gerontology (2) Study of Diseases (III) Criminology (3) Study of Environment (IV) Epidemiology (4) Study of Older People Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (3) (4) (2) (1) (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (C) (1) (2) (4) (3) (D) (3) (4) (1) (2) Paper-II 38 Assertion (A) : Certain children need special care and support Reason (R) : State offers services to orphaned and destitute children (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (D) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong 39 Assertion (A) : Tribals are yet to be integrated into mainstream of the society Reason (R) : Tribals want to maintain their identify and culture Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct Match the following organizations given in List – I with the professional Journals they are publishing given in List – II List – I List – II (I) NIRD (1) Perspectives in Social Work (II) TISS (2) Contemporary Social Work (III) University (3) Indian Journal of of Social Lucknow Work (IV) Nirmala (4) Journal of Rural Niketan Development (Mumbai) Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (2) (3) (1) (4) (B) (4) (3) (2) (1) (C) (1) (2) (4) (3) (D) (3) (1) (4) (2) 40 10 J-1010 33 ệẹỳỹệở ờỳ ệệổặỹ ệở ệắệệễìơệỳ ệệáỹ ệệờ ắệệằệệ ệổằàệ ỳặỹằệệệệ ặợỹ (A) ệệơàệỳệ (B) ệặóỹằệỳ (C) ệệáỹệệìáỹệệ (D) ệẽệáỹệ 34 ệệáỹệ ệở ậỹệ ờỳ ệệệằệệở ệở ệắệệễìơệỳ ệệàệệệóắệệỏ ệểẻỳệệ (ổỷệ) ặợỹ (A) ùỳệáỹ (B) ậỹàệổệáỹ (C) ằệáỹ (D) ỹòệò 35 Ôỹò ệóáỹ ỹ Ôờỹáỹ ệệò ệệệ ỳò ệóệỳ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ìằệệò ệễ ? (A) áỹÔỹáỹỳệờễỹ (B) ệàệễ ệờệ (C) àệổìệệ ệệệ (D) ờỹìắệệ 36 2001 ãệệệệệệ ờỳ ệóệệáỹ Ăệàệệở ỳệ ỉằệệ ệóệệệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) 927 ệẽìệ ặỹãệệáỹ (B) 923 ệẽìệ ặỹãệệáỹ (C) 933 ệẽìệ ặỹãệệáỹ (D) 930 ệẽìệ ặỹãệệáỹ 37 ìệệệểìỳệ ắệợệệìệỳ ệÔỹệở ỳệ, ơàệàệệ ờỳ ệờỳ ỳệờỳệ ỳò ệẽộỳìệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ệệìáỹÊệìệỳò (1) ệáỹệơệ ỳệ ơàệàệệ (II) ãệáỹệìắệệệệ (2) áỹệờệệở ỳệ ơàệàệệ (III) ệáỹệơệ ìắệệệệ (3) ệàệệễắệáỹệ ỳệ ơàệàệệ (IV) ệặỹệệệáỹò ìắệệệệ (4) ắệộăỹ ằệệờệệở ỳệ ơàệàệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-1010 (I) (3) (1) (1) (3) 38 39 40 (II) (III) (IV) (4) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) (4) (3) (4) (1) (2) †×³Ưú£Ư−Ư (A) : ãú”û ²Ư““ƯƯë ỳệờ ìắệệờệ Ôờỹệệệằệ ệợáỹ ệặỹệàệệệ ỳò ãệỵáỹệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệệÊệ ệợáỹ ìệáỹệìệệ ệệệở ỳệờ ệáỹỳệáỹ ệờắệệẹ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳáỹệò ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệằệệ ặợ ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệìÔỹắệệìệàệệở ỳệờ ệệệãệ ỳò ệóàệ ơệệáỹệ ệở ỳòộỳệ ỳáỹệệ ệò ệệỳò ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệìÔỹắệệệò ệệò ệặỹệệệ ệợáỹ ệểộỳìệ ỳệờ ệệệ áỹệệệ ệệặỹệờ ặùỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ , ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳệ ệặỹò ệỹòỳáỹệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệểệỹệệở (ệổệòI) ỳệờ ệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ệẽỳệìệệ ỳò ãệệệờ ắệệằệò ắàệệắệệệìàệỳ ệìĂệỳệệở (ệổệòII) ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ệ.ệễ.ệáỹ.ỹò (1) ệệỡỹắệ ệ ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ (II) ỹò.ệễ.ệ.ệ (2) ỳờỹệệờáờỹáỹò ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ (III) àệổìệắệệỹò ệũỳ (3) ểìỹàệệ ãệáỹệằệ ằệệệỳ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ (IV) ìệệễằệệ ìệờỳệệ (4) ãệáỹệằệ ệũỳ (ệóệễ) ạýáỹằệ ›êü¾Ư»Ưê¯Ư´Ưë™ü ỉú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) 11 (I) (2) (4) (1) (3) (II) (III) (IV) (3) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (2) (4) (3) (1) (4) (2) Paper-II 41 42 Assertion (A) : Conflicts arise due to misperceived messages Reason (R) : Communication always creates conflicts Codes : (A) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct (C) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong 44 Assertion (A) : Indian Constitution provides equity and social justice Reason (R) : Protection is available against discrimination and exploitation Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong Assertion (A) : Urbanization leads to the conglomeration of population Reason (R) : Urbanization makes people ‘nomadic’ Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (C) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct (D) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong (B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong (C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct 45 Match the following with their proponents : 43 Match the following persons (List – I) with the movements they headed (List – II) List – I List – II (Person) (Movement) (I) Medha (1) Right to Patkar Information (II) Sunderlal (2) Bhrashtrachar Behuguna Nirmulan Andolan (III) Arundathi (3) Chipco Roy Movement (IV)Anna (4) Narmada Hazare Bachao Andolan Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (4) (3) (1) (2) (B) (4) (3) (2) (1) (C) (3) (4) (2) (1) (D) (2) (3) (1) (4) Paper-II List – I (I) List – II Psychoanalytical (1) Skinner theory (II) Insight Learning (2) Thorndike theory (III) Operant (3) Kohler Learning theory (IV) Trial and Error (4) Sigmund Learning theory Freud Codes : (I) 12 (II) (III) (IV) (A) (3) (1) (4) (2) (B) (4) (3) (1) (2) (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (D) (2) (3) (4) (1) J-1010 41 42 43 †×³Ưú£Ư−Ư (A) : ệằệệ ệệệờ ặóỹ ệểÔờỹệệở ờỳ ỳệáỹệ ệểệệễ ệệ ỈüƯêŸƯê Ỉïü … úƯ¸üƯ (R) : ÃƯĨ¯ỰêÂƯƯ Ỉü´Ưê¿ƯƯ ÃƯĨ‘ƯÂƯƯí úƯê ãệệ Ôờỹệệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (C) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ 44 ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệờÔỹệệắệ ệợáỹ ệệờệệ ệờ ệểáỹệệ ệằệơệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệặỹáỹòỳáỹệ ãệệệểàệệ ờỳ ỳòỳáỹệ (àệệ ệểệóỹòỳáỹệ) ỳò ệờáỹ ệẽệáỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệặỹáỹòỳáỹệ ằệệờệệở ỳệờ ệệệệệÔỹệờệ ệệệệệ ặợỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (A) (B) (C) (D) J-1010 (B) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ 45 ìệệệểìỳệ ìệăỹệệệở ỳệờ ệờỳ ệẽìệệệÔỹỳệở ờỳ ệệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I (I) ìệệệểìỳệ ắàệệàệệở (ệổệòI) ỳệờ ệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ệẽệáỹệ ìỳàệờ ệàệờ ệÔỹệờằệệ (ệổệòII) ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (ắàệệ) (ệÔỹệờằệệ) (I) ệờơệệ ệệỹỳáỹ (1) ệổệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ (II) ệóÔỹáỹằệệằệ (2) ệẽỹệệệáỹ ìệệổễằệệ ệặóỹệóệệ ệÔỹệờằệệ (III) ạýơệìệ áỹệũàệ (3) ìệệỳệờ ệÔỹệờằệệ (IV) ệệ ặỹãệèệáờỹ (4) ệệễÔỹệ ệệệệờ ệÔỹệờằệệ ổỳỹ : (I) (4) (4) (3) (2) ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệệáỹệòàệ ệểìắệơệệệ ệệệệ ắệể ệệệệìãệỳ àệệàệ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệổệò II ệệệờ-ìắệằệờệệệệỳ (1) ỳệáỹ ìệăỹệệ (II) ệệệỹ ìÊệáỹò ằệệệ (2) Êệệũệễỹệỳ (III) ệũệáờỹỹ ìÊệáỹò ằệệệ (3) ỳệờặậỹằệáỹ (IV) ệẽàệệ-Ăệóìỹ ìơệệệ (4) ìệệỹ ìệăỹệệ ẽỳệũàệỹ ổỳỹ : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (3) (1) (2) (3) (2) (1) (4) (2) (1) (3) (1) (4) 13 (II) (III) (IV) (A) (3) (1) (4) (2) (B) (4) (3) (1) (2) (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (D) (2) (3) (4) (1) Paper-II Read the passage and answer the questions, that follow based on your understanding of the passage In order to understand the problems of welfare State today and the state of social work theory and practice we should lookup to their historical development because without some understanding of the historical background of both implications of contemporary policies and practices it may not be perceived fully, or may be seen only partially, thus leading to prescriptions that have little regard for an analytical and factual basis Parry et.al (1976) observe that practical stances, which disregard the deeply entrenched cultural and structural formations are not likely to make much impact Progress derived from fashionably theoretical constructs formulated with scant interest in facts of social work practice are unlikely to realise their objectives These writers, in a volume of essays, have provided a structural and historical framework within which modern social work and variety of social and political view points are represented The aims of social work are often ill defined or at least difficult to articulate If the task in general is one of interaction with people needing material resources or requiring psychological help, because of emotional and relationship problems, it needs to be seen in relation to the social context of practice Social work practice is aimed at changing the mismatch between individuals and social institutions Unfortunately one of the least developed areas in social work is the analysis of this mismatch However, social work practice often involves attempts to change relationships between individuals and social institutions 46 The author is concerned with (A) Justification the need of the study of the historical development of welfare State as well as social work theory and practice (B) Practical instances make much impact in case they regard cultural and structural formations (C) Modern social work is represented within structural and historical framework developed by different writers (D) All the above Paper-II 47 According to this passage, which of the following required for realising the objectives of theoretical constructs : I Disregarding deeply entrenched cultural and structural formalities II Little regard for an analytical and factual basis of prescriptions III Deep interest in facts of social work practice (A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) III only 48 According to the passage, understanding of social context is required for social work practice mainly for (A) problems of welfare State (B) unperceived policies and practices (C) emotional and relationship problems (D) none of the above According to the author which of the following is the aim of social work practice ? I Understanding the problems of welfare State II Deriving progress from theoretical constructs III Changing the mismatch between individuals and social institutions (A) I only (B) I and II only (C) III only (D) I, II and III only 49 50 14 The gist of the passage is (A) Social work theory and practice (B) Contemporary policies and practices (C) Individual and social institutions (D) Welfare State and social work J-1010 ìệệìằệìệệ ằệờệệểệ ỳệờ ệìỹàệờ ệÊệệ ằệờệệểệ ỳò ệệò ệệệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ệờỳ ệ ệở ìÔỹ ệ ệẽệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ Ôỹòìãệ : ãệệỳằàệệệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ ỳò ệệàệệệở ệợáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ỳệàệễ ìệăỹệệ ắệể àệệệ ỳò ắệÊệệ ỳệờ êệệỵệ ệờ ệệệệờ ờỳ ìằệ ặỹệở ệờỳ ờìệặỹệìệỳ ìắệỳệệ ỳệờ ãệệệệệ ệệìặỹàệờ, àệệởìỳ ệệỳệìằệỳ ệòìệàệệở ệợáỹ àệệệệở Ôỹệờệệở ờỳ ìệìặỹệệÊệệớ ỳò ờìệặỹệìệỳ ệộỹệổìệ ỳò óỳỷ ệệệ ệệ ìệệệ ệờ ệệàệÔỹ ệổệễệậàệệ ệệệệ ệặỹ ãệệ ệờỳệệ, àệệ ìệễỳ ệểìệỳ ỵệ ệờ ặỹò Ôờỹệệ ãệệ ệệàệờệệ, ìãệệệờ ờệò ệệệáỹ ìắệìơệàệệẹ ệằệơệ ặỹệởệò ìãệệỳệ ìỳ ìắệằệờệệệệỳ ệợáỹ ệÊàệệệỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ỳệ ệặỹÂắệ ặỹệờệệ ệợáỹò ắệể àệ, 1976 ệờ ỳặỹệ ìỳ ệặỹệệệ ệờ ệểÊệệìệệ ệệểộỳìệỳ ắệể ệểáỹệệệệỳ ìắệáỹệệệệở ỳò ãệệờ ắàệệắệặỹệìáỹỳ ắệÊệìệàệệẹ ắệặờỹằệệệ ỳáỹệò ặùỹ, ệỳệ ìơệỳ ệẽệệắệ ệỹệệ ệểệệìắệệ ệặỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ờỳ ệÊàệệở ệở ằệ ạýìệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ìệệệ ợỳệệ ệóệệáỹ ệợăỹệệỳ áỹệệệệở ờỳ ỳằệắệỵệ ặóỹễ ệẽệìệ ệệờ Đờỹàệệở ỳệờ ệổáỹệ ệặỹ ỳáỹ ệệệò ặợỹ ệ ằệờệỳệở ệờ, ìệệơệệở ờỳ ệểỹ ệở, ệểáỹệệệệỳ ệợáỹ ờìệặỹệìệỳ ỵệáờỹệệ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳò ặợỹ; ìãệệệở ệơệóìệỳ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ệợáỹ ìắệìệệ ệẽỳệáỹ ờỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệợáỹ áỹệãệệòìệỳ Ơỹỹỳệờệ ìệỵìệệ ìỳàệờ ệàệờ ặùỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ờỳ ằệàệệở ỳò ệáỹ ệằệệ ệìáỹệệệệ Ôò ãệệệò ặợỹ, àệệ ặởỹ ệỹ ỳáỹệờ ệở ỳệ ệờ ỳệ ỳìỹệệễ ệệờ ặỹệờệò ặỹò ặợỹ àệìÔỹ ỳệàệễ, ệệệệàệệàệệ, ằệệờệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ểệ:ìẻỳàệệ ỳệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ, ìãệệệở ệệợìệỳ ệểệệơệệệở ỳò ãệỵáỹệ ặợỹ, àệệ ệệắệệệệỳ ệợáỹ ệệơệãệàệ ệệàệệệở ờỳ ỳệáỹệ ệệệờắệợệệìệỳ ệặỹệàệệệ ệờìệệ ặợỹ, ệệờ ệờ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ờỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệểÔỹệễ ệở Ôờỹệệệ ệệìặỹàệờ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ àệệệ ỳệ ằệàệ ắàệệàệệở ệợáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệểÊệệệệở ờỳ ệòệ ệờệờằệệệ ỳệờ ệÔỹằệệờ ỳệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ Ôóỹệệễàệắệệ, ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ệở ệệệờ ỳệ ìắệỳìệệ ệờĂệ ệ ệờệờằệệệ ờỳ ìắệằệờệệ ỳệ ặợỹ ệÊệệìệ, ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ àệệệ ệáỹ ắàệệàệệở ệợáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệểÊệệệệở ờỳ ệòệ ệệơệệở ỳệờ ệÔỹằệệờ ờỳ ệẽàệệệệở ệờ ặỹò ãệóỹệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ 46 ằệờệỳ ìệệìằệìệệ ệờ ệệơệệ ặợỹ : (A) ãệệỳằàệệệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ ờỳ ờìệặỹệìệỳ ìắệỳệệ ệợáỹ ệệÊệ ặỹò ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ắệể àệệệ ờỳ ơàệàệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ ỳệ ệợìệàệ (B) ệ ắàệệắệặỹệìáỹỳ Ơỹỹệệệở ỳệ ìơệỳ ệẽệệắệ ệỹệệ ặợỹ ãệệờ ìỳ ệệểộỳìệỳ ệợáỹ ệểáỹệệệệỳ áỹệệệệở ỳệờ ệặỹÂắệ Ôờỹệờ ặùỹ (C) ệơệóìệỳ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ìắệìệệ ằệờệỳệở ôỹệáỹệ ìắệỳìệệ ệểáỹệệệệỳ ắệể ờìệặỹệìệỳ ệểáỹệệệ ờỳ ệệễệ ệẽìệìệìơệắệ ệệệệ ặợỹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò J-1010 15 47 ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ờỳ ệóệệáỹ ệợăỹệệỳ ìắệáỹệệệệở ờỳ Đờỹàệệở ỳệờ ệổáỹệ ỳáỹệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ỳệợệ ệệ ệờìệệ ặợỹ ? I ệặỹệệệ ệờ ệểÊệệìệệ ệệểộỳìệỳ ệợáỹ ệểáỹệệệệỳ ìắệáỹệệệệở ỳò ắệặờỹằệệệ ỳáỹệệ II ệệệáỹ ìắệìơệàệệở ờỳ ìắệằệờệệệệỳ ệợáỹ ệÊàệệệỳ ệơệệáỹ ỳệờ ỳệ ệặỹÂắệ Ôờỹệệ III ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ àệệệệở ờỳ ệÊàệệở ệở ệặỹệ ạýìệ áỹệệệ … (A) êú¾Ư»Ư I (B) êú¾Ư»Ư II (C) êú¾Ư»Ư I ệợáỹ II (D) ờỳắệằệ III 48 ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ờỳ ệóệệáỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ àệệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệệệìãệỳ ệÔỹệễ ỳò ệệệ ệóàệệ: ìệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệờìệệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ : (A) ãệệỳằàệệệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ ỳò ệệàệệệở ờỳ ìằệ (B) ệặỹ ệệệò ặóỹễ ệòìệàệệở ệợáỹ àệệệệở ờỳ ìằệ (C) ệệắệệệệỳ ệợáỹ ệệơệãệàệ ệệàệệệở ờỳ ìằệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ 49 ằệờệỳ ệờ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ àệệệ ỳệ ằệàệ ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ệờ ìỳệờ ệệệàệệ ặợỹ ? I ãệệỳằàệệệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ ỳò ệệàệệệở ỳệờ ệệệệệ II ệợăỹệệỳ ìắệáỹệệệệở ệờ ệẽệìệ ỳệ ệóệệệ ỳáỹệệ III ắàệệàệệở ệợáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệểÊệệệở ờỳ ệòệ ệờệờằệệệ ỳệờ ệÔỹằệệệ (A) ờỳắệằệ I (B) ờỳắệằệ I ệợáỹ II (C) ờỳắệằệ III (D) ờỳắệằệ I, II ệợáỹ III 50 ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ỳệ ệệáỹ ặợỹ (A) ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ìệăỹệệ ệợáỹ àệệệ (B) ệệỳệìằệỳ ệòìệàệệẹ ệợáỹ ệẽÊệệẹ (C) ắệợàệệỳ ệợáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệểÊệệẹ (D) ãệệỳằàệệệỳệáỹò áỹệãàệ ệợáỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ Paper-II Space For Rough Work Paper-II 16 J-1010 ... Paper- II Psycho -social approach in social case work is dependent on 16 Wilson & Ryland wrote the book (A) Social Groupwork (B) Social Work with Groups (C) Groupwork Practice (D) Social Groupwork.. .SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Social case work aims at (A)... (C) (D) (I) (2) (2) (1) (4) (I) (3) (4) (1) (2) (II) (III) (IV) (4) (2) (1) (3) (1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (1) (3) (4) Paper- II 24 25 26 Arrange steps in order in testing hypothesis (A) Research Hypothesis,