Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No (In figures as per admission card) (Signature) (Name) Roll No (Signature) (Name) Test Booklet No D1 0 Time : 2½ hours] (In words) PAPERIII SOCIAL WORK Number of Pages in this Booklet : 40 [Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 11 Instructions for the Candidates Uốổổỗỹỉụ ÃÔ ỗĩU ỗẻỹổ Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page óĩU ởDU ÃÔ êÔU ỗỉè Sổ U Ơổ UụĩU ếU ỗĩUỗạé ĩUổộ ý èổ ỗếÂẽ ýÃÔổU ÃÔ ýụ ÃÔ âổU, ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ố ỉổ ýụ ÃÔ ếổẻ ì ỗẻỉ óộỉ ỗUQÔ Sổ U óố ỗĩUỗạỉé Answers to short answer/essay type questions are to be given in the space provided below each question or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ÃÔụĐỹ ƠỗèỗUQÔ ÃÔổằ ÃÔổ âỉụằ óố ÃÔUổ óủé No Additional Sheets are to be used Uốổổ ýổUệ óụ U, ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ƠổÃÔụ ẻ ẻố ổỉằốé óĩU UổĂ ỗìU ƠổÃÔụ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ èổ âõÃÔố ỗỗĩỗạè ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằ ỗõÃÔố ổĂ ƠổÃÔụ Ơòỉ ÃÔUố óủ ẹ At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ ÃÔ ỗĩU âõÃÔ ÃÔòU ÔU ĩUằố õốĩU ÃÔụ ẩÔổầáU ĩÂUé ạộĩố óộĐỹ ỉổ ỗếổ SUốÃÔU-õốĩU ÃÔố ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂUé (i) To have access to the Test Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) ÃÔòU ởDU U U ỗẻỹổổộõổU ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ởDU èổ ýụ ÃÔố õÂỉổ ÃÔụ ƠUố èUó ủÃÔ ÃÔU ĩÂU ỗÃÔ ỉ ờU óủÂUé ẻụỏờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗì ởDU / ý ÃÔì óụ ỉổ ẻộếổUổ Ơổ ằỉ óụ ỉổ õốỗUỉĩU ì óụ Ơổỹè ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ổộỗUờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂU èổ âõố õìỉ âõ ĩUừUổÃÔU âõÃÔ Sổ U ẻờõUố õóố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ĩ ĩé U ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ƠổÃÔụ ổĂ ỗìU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé âõÃÔ ếổẻ èụ ƠổÃÔố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ òổõ ĩố ổỉằố ƠừU óố ƠổÃÔụ ƠỗèỗUQÔ õìỉ çỴØỉ ÁỉØð»ỉÐ (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗẻỹổụ ÃÔụ ỉổờòỹÃÔ ẫáÂUé Read instructions given inside carefully One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of the booklet before the Evaluation Sheet âUổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơè ì ÃÔổổ ÃÔổì (Rough Work) ÃÔU ÃÔ ỗĩ ìờậỉổÂÃÔ ổốU õ óĩ ÃÔ ởDU ỗẻỉổ óộƠổ óủé If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the Test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification ỉỗẻ Ơổ âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ U Ơổ ổì ỉổ õổ ÃÔụĐỹ ệố ỗổổ ỗõõ ƠổÃÔố óổ óụ õÃÔ, ÔỗÃÔõố ệố ệổằ U ẻổổỹè ỉổ ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ èụ Uốổổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ Ơỉụỉ ổụỗỏè ÃÔU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé ƠổÃÔụ Uốổổ õìổ# óụ ÔU âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗUốổÃÔ ìóụẻỉ ÃÔụ ĩUừUổổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủ ƠừU Đõ Uốổổ õìổỗ# ÃÔ ếổẻ Ơ õổ Uốổổ ệò õ ếổóU ĩÃÔU UổỉÂé You have to return the Test booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall ÃÔòĩ ốĩ / ÃÔổĩ ếổĩU òổĐZU ủ ÃÔổ óố ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔÂUé Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen Use of any calculator or log table etc is prohibited ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ õÂằổÃÔ (ÃủÔĩÃộÔĩUU) Uỉổ ĩổằ Uếĩ Ơổỗẻ ÃÔổ ýỉụằ òỗỹè ãđÐ 10 There is NO negative marking 10 »ÜÌ ©ỉÚU ÃÔ ỗĩ ƠÂÃÔ óố ÃÔổU ổỉÂằé D1004 P.T.O SOCIAL WORK õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ PAPERIII ý-ổIII Note : This paper consists of two parts - (A and B) All questions are compulsory Đõ ýổ ì ẻụ ạầU (Ơ ò ế) óủÂé õệố ý Ơỗòổỉỹ óủÂé PARTA ạầUƠ Note : This part has ten short essay type questions of 16 marks each to be answered in about three hundred words each ẻõ ĩUổộ ỗếẽổìÃÔ ý ĩUằệằ èố õừ ổẻụ ì ẻốỗé Đõ ạầU ì âổU D1004 óủÂ, ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ 16 ƠÂÃÔ óủÂ, ỗÃÔổ PARTA ạầUƠ Social Work cannot claim the status of a profession given the existing conditions of Social Work - Discuss õìổ-ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố òèỹìổ ỗSỗè Đõ ỉòõổỉ ÃÔ ẻ ÃÔổ óÃÔẻổ ế óố ẻ õÃÔèố óủ - ổỹ ÃÔốỗé OR / Ơòổ Trace the history of the evolution of professional Social Work ỉòõổỗỉÃÔ õìổ-ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ âẻữệò ÃÔ Đỗèóổõ ÃÔổ òổỹ ÃÔé D1004 P.T.O D1004 D1004 P.T.O Distinguish between absolute and relative poverty Discuss the main features of any one anti-poverty program õờổỹ ỗẽỹèổ ò õếỗẽè ỗẽỹèổ ÃÔổ Ơèỗè ÃÔốỗé ỗÃÔõố ÃÔ ỗẽỹèổ-ỗòổẽố ÃÔổỉỹRÔì ÃÔ ýìộạ Ơỗệĩổổổ ổỹ ÃÔốỗé OR / Ơòổ Define underdevelopment Briefly discuss the various indicators of underdevelopment Ơậ-ỗòÃÔổõ ÃÔổ ỗệổỗỏè ÃÔốỗé Ơậ-ỗòÃÔổõ ÃÔ ỗòỗệúổ õÃÔèÃÔổ õổ ì ổỹ ÃÔốỗé D1004 D1004 P.T.O D1004 Examine the role of social worker working with adolescents of slum in a metropolitan city ỗÃÔõố ìóổằ ì ÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ÃÔố ệờỗìÃÔổ ÃÔổ ổ ỗÃÔ ÃÔ ổộằố ỗòổõố ỗÃÔổổổ ÃÔ õổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ óổ óủ, èÃỹÔõằè òổỹ ÃÔé OR / Ơòổ Explain basic concepts of Rational - Emotive therapy establishing its relevance to social work profession èổỗÃỹÔÃÔ õòằổìÃÔ ỗỗÃÔõổ ÃÔ ìờĩ õÃÔậổƠổ ÃÔố ỉổỉổ ÃÔốỗ ò õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ì ĐõÃÔố âỉổỗằèổ ÃÔố ệố ổỹ ÃÔé D1004 P.T.O D1004 10 D1004 26 Define and enumerate human rights in detail Discuss the human rights situation in the Indian rural setting ìổò ƠỗẽÃÔổổ ÃÔổ ỗòSèổ õ ỗệổỗỏè ò ỗằổ ÃÔốỗé ệổèốỉ ằýổỉ ỗòỉổõ ÃÔ ìổò ƠỗẽÃÔổổ ÃÔố ỗỗSỗè ổỹ ÃÔốỗé OR / Ơòổ Enumerate legislations related to women and discuss the problems in its effective implementation with roles of a social worker ìỗóĩổƠổ õ õếỗẽè ỗòẽổổ ÃÔổ ỗằổ ÃÔốỗ èổ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹƠổ ÃÔố ệờỗìÃÔổƠổ ÃÔ õổ ĐÃÔ ýệổòố ÃÔổỉổỹòỉ ì óổòổĩố ÃÔỗặổĐỉổ ổỹ ÃÔốỗé D1004 27 P.T.O D1004 28 D1004 29 P.T.O 10 Social development is harmonising economic growth with social justice Discuss Also state various programmes that help to bring about this harmony õổìổỗÃÔ ỗòÃÔổõ ƠổỗỹÃÔ õòởỗh ÃÔổ õổìổỗÃÔ ỉổỉ ÃÔ õổ õìổỉổ ÃÔố ỗÃýÔỉổ óủé ổỹ ÃÔốỗé õ ỗòỗệúổ ÃÔổỉỹRÔìổ ÃÔổ òổỹ ÃÔốỗ ỗõ ỉó õìổỉổ óổ õÃÔèổ óủé OR / Ơòổ What is Minimum Needs Programme ? Discuss how it has been incorporated in five year plans in India ỉờèì ƠổòỉÃÔèổ ÃÔổỉỹRÔì ỉổ óủ? ệổè ì òỏốỹỉ ỉổổ ÃÔ Ơèằỹè Đõ ỗÃÔõ ýÃÔổ õỗìỗĩè ỗÃÔỉổ ằỉổ óủé D1004 30 D1004 31 P.T.O D1004 32 PARTB ạầUế Note : This part has only one question of 40 marks to be answered in about (800) Eight hundred words Đõ ạầU ì ÃÔòĩU 11 ÃÔ ý 40 ƠÂÃÔ ÃÔổ óủÂ, ỗõÃÔổ âổU ĩằệằ (800) ƠổặU- õừ ổẻụ ì ẻốỗé Labour welfare programmes in Indian Industries has laid sound foundations for effective Human Resource Management in India Critically discuss the statement in light of concept, principles and approaches of Labour welfare ƯỉÚÌèØ âlổằổ ì ổì ÃÔậỉổổ ÃÔổỉỹRÔìổ mổổ ýệổòố ìổò õõổẽ ýếẽ ÃÔ ỗĩ ÃÔ õộẫá ốò ạố ằỉố óủ é ổì ÃÔậỉổổ ÃÔ ỗòỗệúổ ỗCÃÔổổổ, õÃÔậổƠổ èổ ĐõÃÔ ỗõhổèổ ÃÔ Ơổẽổ Đõ ÃÔ ÃÔố ƠổĩổổìÃÔ ổỹ ÃÔốỗé OR / Ơòổ Explain the Health Policy (1983) and the historical background that lead to this Explain some of the developments that have taken place in India, since then SòổSỉ ốỗè (1983) ÃÔố ỉổỉổ ÃÔốỗ èổ âõ ỗèóổỗõÃÔ ởDệờỗì ÃÔố ỉổỉổ ÃÔốỗ ỗõÃÔ ÃÔổổ ỉó ếố ốé Đõ ổổ ì ĐõÃÔ ếổẻ óổòổĩ ỗòèỹ / ỗòÃÔổõổ ÃÔố ệố ổỹ ÃÔé OR / Ơòổ Discuss the process and models of community development Comment on the effectiveness of its programmes for rural development õìộẻổỉ ỗòÃÔổõ ÃÔố ýỗRÔỉổ ò ýỗèẻổốỹ ÃÔố ổỹ ÃÔốỗé ằýổỉ ỗòÃÔổõ ÃÔ ỗĩ ĐõÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹRÔìổ ÃÔố ýệổòố Ơổ ìè ýSèộè ÃÔốỗé OR / Ơòổ Define domestic violence Critically examine dowry related legislation in India and its efficacy in protecting women facing domestic violence ổĩờ ỗóõổ ÃÔổ ỗệổỗỏè ÃÔốỗé ệổè ì ẻó õếẽố ỗòẽổổ ÃÔổ ƠổĩổổìÃÔ òổỹ ÃÔốỗ èổ ổĩờ ỗóõổ ÃÔố ỗổÃÔổ ìỗóĩổƠổ ÃÔ õổổ ì ĐõÃÔ ýệổòố ÃÔổ âẻữổổỗè ÃÔé OR / Ơòổ Crime is a human act and a social fact Discuss In the light of this statement also discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of penitive and reformative approaches Ơổẽ ÃÔ ìổòốỉ ÃởÔỉ óủ èổ ÃÔ õìổỗÃÔ èỉ óủé ổỹ ÃÔốỗé Đõ ÃÔ ÃÔụ ẻởỗCUằè ÃÔUè óộ ẻầUổìÃÔ ò õộẽổUòổẻố ỗCÃÔổổổ ÃÔ ằộổổ ò ẻổỏổ ÃÔố ệố ổỹ ÃÔốỗé D1004 33 P.T.O D1004 34 D1004 35 P.T.O D1004 36 D1004 37 P.T.O D1004 38 Space For Rough Work D1004 39 P.T.O FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 26 51 76 27 52 77 28 53 78 29 54 79 30 55 80 31 56 81 32 57 82 33 58 83 34 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100 Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Question Number Marks Obtained Total Marks Obtained (in words) (in figures) Signature & Name of the Coordinator (Evaluation) D1004 Date 40 ... 57 82 33 58 83 34 59 84 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98... D1004 33 P.T.O D1004 34 D1004 35 P.T.O D1004 36 D1004 37 P.T.O D1004 38 Space For Rough Work D1004 39 P.T.O FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 26 51 76 27 52 77 28 53 78 29 54 79 30 55 80 31 56 81 32 .. .SOCIAL WORK õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ PAPERIII ý-ổIII Note : This paper consists of two parts - (A and B) All questions are compulsory Đõ ýổ ì ẻụ ạầU (Ơ òÂ