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Signature and Name of Invigilator Answer Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Signature) Roll No (Name) (In figures as per admission card) Roll No (Signature) (Name) Test Booklet No D—1 0 PAPER—II SOCIAL WORK Time : 1¼ hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : Uốổổỗỹỉụ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỹổ óĩU ởDU ÃÔ êÔU ỗỉè Sổ U Ơổ UụĩU ãếU ỗĩỗạé Đõ ý-ổ ì ổõ ếóộỗòÃÔậốỉ ý óủÂé Uốổổ ýổãUệ óụ U, ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ƠổÃÔụ ẻ ẻố ổỉằốé óĩU UổĂ ỗìU ƠổÃÔụ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ èổ âõÃÔố ỗãỗĩỗạè ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằ ỗõÃÔố ổĂ ƠổÃÔụ Ơòỉ ÃÔUố óủ ẹ (i) ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ ÃÔ ỗĩ âõÃÔ ÃÔòU ÔU ĩằố ÃÔổằ ÃÔố õốĩ ÃÔụ ẩÔổầáU ĩÂUé ạộĩố óộĐỹ ỉổ ỗếổ SUốÃÔU-õốĩU ÃÔố ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂUé (ii) ÃÔòU ởDU U U ỗẻỹổổộõổU ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ởDU èổ ýụ ÃÔố õÂãỉổ ÃÔụ ƠUố èUó ủÃÔ ÃÔU ĩÂU ỗÃÔ ỉ ờU óủÂUé ẻụỏờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗì ởDU / ý ÃÔì óụ ỉổ ẻộếổUổ Ơổ ằỉ óụ ỉổ õốỗUỉĩU ì óụ Ơổỹè ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ổộỗUờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂU èổ âõố õìỉ âõ ĩUừUổÃÔU âõÃÔ Sổ U ẻờõUố õóố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ĩ ĩÂé U ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ƠổÃÔụ ổĂ ỗìU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé âõÃÔ ếổẻ èụ ƠổÃÔố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ òổõ ĩố ổỉằố ƠừU óố ƠổÃÔụ ƠỗèỗUQÔ õìỉ ỗẻỉổ ổỉằổé (iii) Đõ ổĂ ÃÔ ếổẻ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔố RÔì õÂãỉổ âãổU-ổÃÔ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔÂU ƠUừU âãổU-ổÃÔ ÃÔố RÔìÔõÂãỉổ Đõ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔU ẻé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ỗĩ ổU âãổU ỗòÃÔậ (A), (B), (C) èổ (D) ỗẻỉ ằỉ óủÂé ƠổÃÔụ õóố âãổU ÃÔ ẻốổỹòởãổ ÃÔụ õ ệUÃÔU ÃÔổĩổ ÃÔUổ óủ ủõổ ỗÃÔ ố ỗẻạổỉổ ằỉổ óủé âẻổóUổ ẹ A B C D ếỗÃÔ (C) õóố âãổU óủé ýụ ÃÔ âãổU ÃÔòĩU ý ổ I ÃÔ ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ âãổU-ổÃÔ U óố ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔU óủÂé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âãổU ổÃÔ U ỗẻỉ ằỉ ẻốổỹòởãổ ÃÔ Ơĩổòổ ỗÃÔõố Ơỉ Sổ U âãổU ỗóổÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ, èụ âõÃÔổ ìờậUỉổÂÃÔ óố óụằổé ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗẻỹổụ ÃÔụ ỉổờòỹÃÔ ẫáÂUé ÃÔổổ ÃÔổì (Rough Work) Đõ ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơỗèì ởDU U ÃÔÂUé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âãổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ U Ơổ ổì ỉổ õổ ÃÔụĐỹ ệố ỗổổ ỗõõ ƠổÃÔố óổ óụ õÃÔ, ÔỗÃÔõố ệố ệổằ U ẻổổỹè ỉổ ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ èụ Uốổổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ Ơỉụỉ ổụỗỏè ÃÔU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé ƠổÃÔụ Uốổổ õìổ# óụ ÔU âãổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗUốổÃÔ ìóụẻỉ ÃÔụ ĩUừUổổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủ ƠừU Uốổổ õìổỗ# ÃÔ ếổẻ Ơ õổ Uốổổ ệò õ ếổóU ĩÃÔU ổỉÂé 10 ÃÔòĩ ốĩ / ÃÔổĩ ếổĩU òổĐZU ủ ÃÔổ óố ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔÂUé 11 ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ õÂằổÃÔ (ÃủÔĩÃộÔĩUU) Uỉổ ĩổằ Uếĩ Ơổỗẻ ÃÔổ ýỉụằ òỗỹè óủé 12 ằĩè âãổU ÃÔ ỗĩ ƠÂÃÔ óố ÃÔổU ổỉÂằé Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the Serial No of the booklet should be entered in the Answer-sheets and the Serial No of Answer Sheet should be entered on this Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : A B C D where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is NO negative marking D—1006 [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 Instructions for the Candidates (In words) P.T.O SOCIAL WORK PAPER—II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Panchayati Raj Institution in India have brought about one of the following : (A) Eradication of untouchability (B) Spread of land ownership to the Depressed Classes (C) A formal representation of the weaker sections in village governance (D) Spread of education to the masses Socialisation means : (A) Developing friendship with unknown persons (B) Ensuring equity in the society (C) The process of internalisation of social norms (D) The establishment of rapport with clients Denotified Tribes are : (A) Ex-criminal tribes (B) Untouchables (C) Wandering Communities (D) Artisans Which of the following are the main causes of social change in India? (1) Independence (2) Industrialisation (3) Education (4) Sanskritisation Choose the correct answer from the following : (A) 1, and (B) 2, and (C) 1, and (D) 1, and D1006 õìổ-ÃÔổỉỹ ýổII ụU ẹ Đõ ýổ ì ổõ ẻốỗé (50) òSèộỗcặ ý óủÂé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ẻụ (2) ƠÂÃÔ óủÂé õệố ýụ ÃÔ âãổU ổỉèố ổ õSổ ệổè ì ỗã ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ ÃÔ ĩÃÔ ƠổĐỹ óủ ẹ (A) ƠSýỉèổ âìờĩ (B) ỗầá òằổZ ÃÔ ỗĩ $ìố ÃÔố ỗìĩỗÃÔỉè ÃÔ ƠỗẽÃÔổ ÃÔổ ýõổ (C) ỗầá òằổZ ÃÔổ ằổĂò ÃÔ ýổổõ ì ƠỗẽÃÔổỗÃÔ ýỗèỗỗẽò (D) õổẽổổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗổổổ ÃÔổ ýõổ õìổốÃÔổ ÃÔổ Ơỹ óủ ẹ (A) Ơổ ỉỗãèỉổ õ ỗìổèổ ÃÔổ (B) õìổ ì õìèổ Sổỗè ÃÔổ (C) õổìổỗÃÔ ìổẻầổ ÃÔ ƠổỗìÃÔổ ÃÔ ÃÔố ýỗRÔỉổ (D) ÃÔổỉổỹỗỹỉổ ÃÔ õổ ƠổỗìÃÔ õãếẽ Sổỗè ÃÔổ Ơỗẽõờỗè ổỗèỉổĂ óủ ẹ (A) ệờèờòỹ ƠổổỗẽÃÔ ổỗèỉổĂ (B) ƠSởỉ (C) ổộãìÃÔầá õìộẻổỉ (D) ỗổậÃÔổ ệổè ì õổìổỗÃÔ ỗòèỹ ÃÔ ýìộạ ÃÔổÃÔ ỗã ì ÃÔổủ óủ? (1) Sòèổèổ (2) ƠổủlổằốÃÔổ (3) ỗổổổ (4) õổSÃởÔỗèÃÔổ ỗã ì õ õóố âãổ ộỗỉ ẹ (A) 1, ¥ỉđÚ (B) 2, ¥ỉđÚ (C) 1, ¥ỉđÚ (D) 1, ¥ỉđÚ D—1006 P.T.O 5 The practice of untouchability is abolished by the Indian Constitution in Article : (A) 17 (B) 19 (C) 38 (D) 42 Consider the following statements and select your answer according to the codes given below : Assertion (A) : Joint Family is disintegrating fast in Modern India Reason (R) : Transition from agrarian to Industrial economy is responsible for this disintegration Code : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is the not correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true Consider the following statements and select your answer according to the codes given below : Assertion (A) : People’s participation is essential for the success of developmental program Reason (R) : Education and Awareness lead to participation Code : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the not correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true D1006 ƠSởỉèổ âìờĩ ệổèốỉ õỗòẽổ ÃÔố ỗã ì õ ỗÃÔõ ẽổổ ÃÔ Ơèằỹè ỗÃÔỉổ ằỉổ óủ? (A) 17 (B) 19 (C) 38 (D) 42 ỗã òãèỉổ ỗòổ ÃÔ Ơổủ Ơổ âãổ ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ÃờÔ ÃÔ Ơộõổ ẻốỗ ẹ òãèỉ (A) ẹ ÃÔổổ (R) ẹ õỗãìỗĩè ỗòổ ệổè ì èố õ ỗòổỗè óổè ổ ó óủé ÃởÔỗỏýẽổ ƠỹỉòSổ õ ƠổủlổỗằÃÔ Ơỹ-ỉòSổ ÃÔổ ỗòèỹ Đõ ỗòổ ÃÔ ỗĩ âãổẻổỉố óủé ÃờÔ ẹ (A) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ èổ (R), (A) ÃÔố õóố ỉổãỉổ óủé (B) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ ỗÃÔèộ (R), (A) ÃÔố õóố ỉổãỉổ óố óủé (C) (A) õóố óủ ỗÃÔèộ (R) ằĩè óủé (D) (A) ằĩè óủ ỗÃÔèộ (R) õóố óủé ỗã òãèỉổ ỗòổ ÃÔ Ơổủ Ơổ âãổ ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ÃờÔ ÃÔ Ơộõổ ẻốỗ ẹ òãèỉ (A) ẹ ÃÔổổ (R) ẹ ỗòÃÔổõốỉ ÃÔổỉỹRÔìổ ÃÔ ỗĩ èổ ÃÔố õóệổỗằèổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủé ỗổổổ Ơổủ ổằMÔÃÔèổ õóệổỗằèổ ÃÔố Ơổ ĩ ổè óủé ÃờÔ ẹ (A) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ èổ (R), (A) ÃÔố õóố ỉổãỉổ óủé (B) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủ èổ (R), (A) ÃÔố õóố ỉổãỉổ Ùãè´ ãđÐ (C) (A) âãè ãđ ¥ỉđÚ (R) »ÜÌ ãđÐ (D) (A) »ÜÌ ãđ ¥ỉđÚ (R) âãè ãđÐ D—1006 P.T.O 8 Match the correct author with the book that he/she has written and select the correct answer by seeing the code given below : author books (a) Arthur Fink (i) Social group work - A helping process (b) Gisela Konopka (ii) Social care work - A problem solving process (c) Murray G Ross (iii) Community Organization (d) Helen Perlman (iv) The Field of social work (v) Integrated social work practice Code : 10 11 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) (B) (v) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (i) (v) (ii) (iv) (D) (iii) (ii) (iv) (v) Which of the following is not a principle of social case work ? (A) Principle of Confidentiality (B) Principle of Acceptance (C) Principle of Assimilation (D) Principle of Self-determination Which of the following is a Reference Group ? (A) Occupational group (B) Group taken to evaluate one’s own aspect of life (C) A relatively larger group (D) A group which allows for social mobility The principle element/elements in program planning include : (A) Group member’s participation (B) Group member’s interests (C) The program content (D) All the above D—1006 ĩạÃÔ èổ âÃÔ ỗĩạố ộSèÃÔổ ÃÔổ õóố ỗìĩổ ÃÔốỗé ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ÃờÔ ÃÔố õóổỉèổ õ Ơố õóố âãổ ộ ẹ ĩạÃÔ ộSèÃÔ (a) Ơổỹ ỗẩÔÃÔ (i) õổổĩ ằýộ òÃỹÔ - óỗậằ ýổõõ (b) ỗõĩổ ÃÔổổÃÔổ (ii) õổổĩ ÃÔõ òÃỹÔ - ýổãĩì õổũỗậòằ ýổõõ (c) ìộ ố ổõ (iii) ÃÔãỉờỗố ƠổũằỹổĐổ (d) óĩ ĩỹì (iv) ỗẻ ẩÔốậầ ƠổũẩÔ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ (v) Đằầ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ ýỗãõ ÃờÔ ẹ 10 11 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) (B) (v) (iii) (ii) (i) (C) (i) (v) (ii) (iv) (D) (iii) (ii) (iv) (v) ỗã ì õ ÃÔổủ õổìổỗÃÔ òủỉỗãèÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè óố óủ? (A) ằổốỉèổ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè (B) SòốÃÔổỗèổ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè (C) ƠổìõổÃÔổ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè (D) Sòỉ ỗẽổỹổ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè Đì õ ÃÔổủ õổ õẻỗệỹè õìờó óủ? (A) ổằổ õãếỗẽè õìờóé (B) õổ õìờó ỗõÃÔổ Ơ ốò ÃÔ ỗòỗệúổ óĩộƠổ ÃÔổ ìờậỉổÃÔ ÃÔ ÃÔ ỗĩ âỉổằ ỗÃÔỉổ ổèổ óủé (C) ÃÔ ƠổổÃởÔè ếầáổ õìờóé (D) õổ õìờó ổ õổìổỗÃÔ ằỗèổốĩèổ ÃÔố Ơộìỗè ẻèổ óủé ÃÔổỉỹRÔì ỗỉổ ÃÔ ýìộạ èò óủ ẹ (A) õìộó õẻSỉổ ÃÔố õóệổỗằèổ (B) õìờó õẻSỉổ ÃÔố LÔỗ (C) ÃÔổỉỹRÔì ỗòỏỉ òSèộ (D) Đì õ õệố D1006 P.T.O 12 13 14 15 16 Which is the World Consumer Rights Day ? (A) March 15 (B) October (C) September (D) June 14 Which one of the below is not a Fundamental Right ? (A) Right to self destruction (B) Right to constitutional remedies (C) Right to freedom of religion (D) Right to equality Which of these is not a tool of data collection in Social Work Research ? (A) Interview Schedule (B) Interview Guide (C) Case Records (D) Questionnaire Pilot study Refers to a : (A) Preliminary study conducted on a limited scale before the original study (B) Preliminary testing of the tools used for the Research (C) Follow up study done within a year after the original study (D) Macro-level study undertaken to test the hypotheses ‘Operation Flood’ is known for : (A) Watershed Management (B) Production of edible oil (C) Production of milk (D) Flood control D—1006 12 13 14 15 16 ỗã ì õ ÃÔổủ õổ ỗòò âệổằèổ ƠỗẽÃÔổ ỗẻòõ óủ? (A) ìổỹ 15 (C) ỗõèãế (B) Ơãờế (D) 14 Đì õ ÃÔổủõổ ìổủỗĩÃÔ ƠỗẽÃÔổ óố óủ? (A) Sòỉ ỗòổổ ÃÔổ ƠỗẽÃÔổ (B) õòủẽổỗÃÔ õộẽổổ ÃÔổ ƠỗẽÃÔổ (C) ẽổỗìỹÃÔ Sòèổèổ ÃÔổ ƠỗẽÃÔổ (D) õìổèổ ÃÔổ ƠỗẽÃÔổ Đì õ ÃÔổủ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ổổẽ ì èỉ õằýó ÃÔổ âÃÔổ óố óủ? (A) õổổổÃÔổ ýổòĩố (B) õổổổÃÔổ ỗẻỹỗổÃÔổ (C) òủỉỗãèÃÔ Ơỗệĩạ (D) ýổòĩố Ơằýằổìố Ơỉỉ ÃÔổ Ơỗệýổỉ óủ ẹ (A) ìờĩ Ơỉỉ õ óĩ ổ ủìổ ỗÃÔỉổ ổ òổĩổ ýổỗãệÃÔ Ơỉỉé (B) ổổẽ ì âỉổằố âÃÔổổ ÃÔổ ýổỗãệÃÔ ốổổé (C) ìờĩ Ơỉỉ ÃÔ ÃÔ òỏỹ ÃÔ ệốè óổ òổĩổ ýỗèộỗC Ơỉỉé (D) ỗÃÔậổ ÃÔố ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗÃÔỉổ ổòổĩổ ếầá ủìổ ÃÔổ Ơỉỉé Ơổổ ãĩầ Ơòẽổổổ ổố ổèố óủ ẹ (A) ĩ õỉổ ýếẽ ÃÔ ỗĩ (B) ạổl èĩ ÃÔ âổẻ ÃÔ ỗĩ (C) ẻờẽ ÃÔ âổẻ ÃÔ ỗĩ (D) ếổẫá ỗỉổổ ÃÔ ỗĩ D1006 P.T.O 17 18 19 20 21 Who had started the first school of social work in India ? (A) G.D Birla (B) S.P Godrej (C) Sir Dorabjee Tata (D) M.K Tata Field work in social work helps to acquire : (A) Knowledge (B) Skills (C) Attitudinal change (D) All the above Which of the following is not part of the U.N ? (A) FAO (B) ILO (C) WHO (D) Ford Foundation Adoption of children in India is regulated by : (a) Special Adoption Act (b) Hindu Adoption Act (c) Guardianship and Wards Act (d) Uniform Adoption Act (A) (a) and (b) (B) (a) and (c) (C) (b) and (c) (D) (a) and (d) In HIV Counselling VCTC refers to : (A) Voluntary Condom use Training Centre (B) Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre (C) Voluntary Centre for Training and Care (D) Voluntary Care and Treatment Centre D—1006 10 17 18 19 20 21 ệổè ì õìổÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố ýì ỗổổổ õSổ ỗÃÔõ ạổĩố ố? (A) ố.ầố.ỗếĩổ (B) õ.ố ằổẻ (C) õ ẻổổếố ổổ (D) ì.ÃÔ ổổ ổổốỉ ÃÔổỉỹ õ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ì ãỉổ ýổè ÃÔ ì õóổỉèổ ỗìĩèố óủ? (A) ổổ (B) ÃÔổủổĩ (C) Ơỗệòởỗãổỉ ỗòèỹ (D) âổãè õệố Đì õ ÃÔổủ õỉộãè ổCỵ ÃÔổ ệổằ óố óủ? (A) ẩÔ..Ơổ (B) ƠổĐỹ.ĩ.Ơổ (C) ầãậỉờ..Ơổ (D) ẩÔổầỹ ẩÔổêĂÔầổ ệổè ì ếổổ ÃÔ ằổẻ ĩ ÃÔổ ỗòỗỉì ỗÃÔõ ÃÔ mổổ óổèổ óủ? (a) Sổĩ ầổổ ã (b) ỗóẻộ ầổổ ã (c) ằổỗầỹỉ ỗổ ầ òổầỹõ ã (d) ỉờốẩÔổũìỹ ầổổ ã (A) (a) Ơổủ (b) (B) (a) (C) (b) ¥ỉđÚ (c) (D) (a) ¥ỉđÚ (d) Ơổủ (c) .ƠổĐỹ.òố õĩổóÃÔổố ệố òố.õố.ố.õố ÃÔổ Ơỗệýổỉ óủ ẹ (A) SòủỗÃÔ ÃÔầổì ýỉổằ ýỗổổổ ÃÔẻý (B) SòủỗÃÔ õĩổóÃÔổố èổ ốổổ ÃÔẻý (C) SòủỗÃÔ ýỗổổổ èổ ỗỉổỹ ÃÔẻý (D) SòủỗÃÔ ỗỉổỹ èổ âổ ÃÔẻý D1006 (Voluntary Condom use Training Centre) (Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centre) (Voluntary Centre for Training and Care) (Voluntary Care and Treatment Centre) 11 P.T.O 22 23 Social advocacy is not : (A) Lobbying with the government (B) Mobilizing grass root organisations (C) Working with media (D) Organising Welfare Programs The Mental Health Act was enacted in the year : (A) 24 25 1985 (B) 1987 (C) 1989 (D) 1990 The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 provides for : (A) Equal pay for equal work of similar nature (B) Equal pay for equal work irrespective of nature of work (C) Equal pay for equal work in selected categories of work (D) Equal pay for equal work in organised sector only Following are the steps of social research Arrange the steps to prepare a plan of research study (a) Data collection (b) Hypothesis (c) Problem formulation (d) Objectives (e) Processing and analysis of data (f) Report writing (A) (a) (c) (b) (d) (e) (f) (B) (b) (c) (a) (d) (e) (f) (C) (d) (c) (b) (a) (e) (f) (D) (c) (d) (b) (a) (e) (f) D—1006 12 22 23 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ õổìổỗÃÔ ổõìỹ óố óủ? (A) õÃÔổ õ ĩổũếố ÃÔ ÃÔổ ÃÔổỉỹ (B) ằýổõMÔ õằặổ ÃÔổ ýòởè ÃÔổ (C) õổ ìổỉìổ ÃÔ õổ ÃÔổì ÃÔổ (D) ÃÔậỉổổ ÃÔổỉỹRÔìổ ÃÔổ Ơổỉổ ÃÔổ ìổỗõÃÔ SòổSỉ Ơỗẽỗỉì ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ổỗè óộƠổ? (A) 24 25 1985 (B) ềỗẻ Đãòĩ ìộổ ãể, 1987 1976 ì (C) 1989 (D) 1990 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõÃÔổ ýổòẽổ óủ? (A) õìổ ýÃởÔỗè ÃÔ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỗĩ õìổ òè (B) ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố ýÃởÔỗè ỗòổ ỗÃÔỉ ỗếổ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỗĩ õìổ òè (C) ÃộÔ ạổõ ỗÃÔSì ÃÔ ÃÔổỉổZ ì õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỗĩ õìổ òè (D) ÃÔòĩ õằỗặè ổổổ ì õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ỗĩ õìổ òè õổìổỗÃÔ ổổẽ ÃÔ ỗãỗĩỗạè ổ óủé ổổẽ Ơỉỉ ÃÔố ÃÔ ỉổổ ếổ ÃÔố ẻởỗC õ Đ ổổ ÃÔổ RÔìếh ÃÔé (a) ƠổÃÔầáổ õằýó (b) ỗÃÔậổ (c) õìSỉổ-ỗMÔổ (d) âgỉ (e) ƠổÃÔầá ÃÔổ ýỗRÔỉổÃÔổ èổ ỗòĩỏổ (f) ýỗèòẻ ĩạ (A) (a) (c) (b) (d) (e) (f) (B) (b) (c) (a) (d) (e) (f) (C) (d) (c) (b) (a) (e) (f) (D) (c) (d) (b) (a) (e) (f) D—1006 13 P.T.O 26 27 28 29 The values of Mean, Median and Mode are equal : (A) in a normal distribution (B) in a skewed distribution (C) in a binominal distribution (D) in a abnormal distribution Which one of the following is not a research design ? (A) Exploratory (B) Descriptive (C) Experimental (D) Social Survey The sampling plan which more accurately reflects the characteristics of the population from which the sample is chosen ? (A) Snowball Sampling (B) Stratified Random Sampling (C) Accidental Sampling (D) Convenient Sampling The mental Health Policy was adopted in India in the year : (A) 30 (B) 1980 (C) 1982 (D) 1990 (D) 2000 Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act was enacted in the year : (A) 31 1987 1990 (B) 1996 (C) 1998 Which is the International Voluntary Organizing Promoting the Polio Plus Program ? (A) Oxfam International (B) Action Aid International (C) Rotary International (D) Care International D—1006 14 26 27 28 29 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì ỗÃÔõì ìỉìổ (ìố), ìổỗỉÃÔổ (ìỗầỉ) èổ ếóộĩÃÔ (ìổầ) ÃÔổ ìổ ếổế óổèổ óủ ẹ (A) ÃÔ õổìổỉ ỗòèổ ì (B) ÃÔ ỗè ỗòèổ ì (C) ÃÔ ỗmẻ ỗòèổ ì (D) ÃÔ Ơõìổỉ ỗòèổ ì ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õổ ÃÔ ổổẽ ƠỗệÃÔậ óố óủ? (A) ằòỏổổìÃÔ (C) ýỉổằổìà (A) Fổếổũĩ õủỗĩằ (B) SỵủốẩÔổĐầ ầì õủỗĩằ (C) ũãõốầĩ õủỗĩằ (D) ÃÔòốỗ õủỗĩằ (D) õổìổỗÃÔ õòỹổổ ệổè ì ìổỗõÃÔ SòổSỉ ốỗè ÃÔổ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì Ơổỉổ ằỉổ? 1987 (B) 1980 (C) 1982 (D) 1990 (D) 2000 ộòổĐĩ ỗSõ (ÃÔỉ ầ ýổãổ) ã ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ổỗè óộƠổ? (A) 31 ỗòòổổìÃÔ ỗõ Ơổếổẻố õ ìờổ (õủĩ) ộổ ằỉổ óủ, âõ Ơổếổẻố ÃÔ Ơỗệĩổổổ ÃÔổ ỗổộh MÔ ì ýỗèỗếỗếè ÃÔ òổĩố ýỗèỉ (õủỗĩằ) ỉổổ ÃÔổ ãỉổ ÃÔóè óủ? (A) 30 Ô (B) 1990 (B) 1996 (C) 1998 ổỗĩỉổ ĩõ ÃÔổỉỹRÔì ÃÔổ õìỹ ẻòổĩ ƠèổỹCỵốỉ Sòỉõòố õằặ ÃÔổ ổì ếèổĂ ẹ (A) ƠổũãõẩÔổì Đổĩ (B) ãổ ầ Đổĩ (C) ổố Đổĩ (D) ÃÔỉ Đổĩ D—1006 15 P.T.O 32 33 Social Policy does not aim to achieve : (A) Equality (B) Social Justice (C) Eradication of disparity (D) Population growth in India The Employees State Insurance Act was enacted in the year : (A) 34 35 1942 (B) 1944 (C) 1947 Which of the following is not a social legislation ? (A) The Protection of Civil Rights Act (B) The Beggars Act (C) The Hindu Marriage Act (D) The Forest Conservation Act Match List - I with List - II : List - I List - II (a) Free Association (i) Carl Rogers (b) Transactional Analysis (ii) Jacobson (c) Relaxation Therapy (iii) Freud (d) Client Centered Therapy (iv) Eric Berne Code : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) D1006 16 (D) 1948 32 33 õổìổỗÃÔ ốỗè ÃÔổ âgỉ ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõ ýổè ÃÔổ óố óủ? (A) õìổèổ (B) õổìổỗÃÔ ỉổỉ (C) ỗòỏìèổ ÃÔổ âìờĩ (D) ệổè ì õãỉổ-òởỗh ềĐĩổĐ S Đỉổõ ãể ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ổỗè óộƠổ? (A) 34 35 1942 (B) 1944 (C) 1947 (D) 1948 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ÃÔ õổìổỗÃÔ Ơỗẽỗỉì óố óủ? (A) ỗẻ ýổãổ ƠổũẩÔ ỗõỗòĩ ổĐữõ ã (B) ỗẻ ếằõỹ ã (C) ỗẻ ỗóẻờ ìủỗ ã (D) ỗẻ ẩÔổS ÃÔòỹổ ã õờố - I ÃÔổ õờố - II õ õộìỗĩè ÃÔ ẹ õờố - I õờố - II (a) ẩýÔố õổỗõổ (i) ÃÔổĩỹ ổõỹ (b) ỵủủãổĩ ổỗĩỗõõ (ii) ủÃÔổếõữ (c) ỗĩủãõổ ổố (iii) ẩýÔổỉầ (d) ãĩổỉữõ õầỹ ổố (iv) ỗÃÔ ếỹ ÃờÔ ẹ (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) D—1006 17 P.T.O 36 37 38 39 40 41 Which one of the following is not part of group processes ? (A) sub-group (B) group diagnosis (C) clique (D) isolation of a member in the group Recognition of an individuals positive worth as a human being without necessarily condemning the individuals acting is termed as : (A) Recognition (B) Acceptance (C) Admission (D) Approval Which one of the following is not secondary data in research ? (A) Information collected from Journals (B) Information collected from Reports (C) Information collected from Respondents (D) Information collected from Websites Where is the National Institute for Empowerment of persons with multiple disabilities located ? (A) Chennai (B) Mumbai (C) Delhi (D) Hyderabad Which one of the following is not the objective of an NGO ? (A) Capacity Building (B) Awareness Building (C) Spread of Literacy (D) Profit Making Who, from the following list, is not an environmental activist ? (A) Sundarlal Bahuguna (B) Medha Patkar (C) Dr Vandana Shiva (D) M.S Gore D—1006 18 36 37 38 39 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ õìờó-ýỗRÔỉổ ÃÔổ ệổằ óố óủ? (A) â-õìờó (B) õìờó - ỗẻổ (C) õìờó - ằộ (D) õìờó ì õ õẻSỉ ÃÔổ Ơĩằ Ơĩằ óổổ ỗÃÔõố ỉỗãè ÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ Ơỗòổỉỹèẹ ỗèSÃÔổ ỗÃÔ ỗếổ ÃÔ ìổòìổổ ÃÔ MÔ ì âõÃÔ õÃÔổổìÃÔ ằộổổ ÃÔổ ìổỉèổ ýẻổ ÃÔ ÃÔổ ãỉổ ÃÔóè óủ? (A) ýSòốÃÔổ (ỗÃÔổỗằAổ) (B) SòốÃÔổ (ãõõ) (C) SòốÃÔổổỗãè (ầỗìổ) (D) Ơộìổẻ (ýờòĩ) ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ổổẽ ì ỗmèốỉÃÔ ƠổÃÔầáổ óố óủ? (A) ỗổÃÔổƠổ õ õằýó ÃÔố ằĐỹ õờổ (B) ỗổỹ õ õằýó ÃÔố ằĐỹ õờổ (C) âãổ ẻòổĩổ õ õằýó ÃÔố ằĐỹ õờổ (D) òếõổĐổ õ õằýó ÃÔố ằĐỹ õờổ ổĩ ĐSốKờ ẩÔổ ổòìZ ƠổũẩÔ õỹõ ỗòẻ ìậốĩ ỗầõỗếỗĩỗ ỗÃÔõ Sổ ƠòỗSè óủ? (A) 40 41 úổĐỹ (B) (C) ìộãếĐỹ ỗẻậĩố (D) óủẻổếổẻ ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ãỉổ ÃÔ ằủ õÃÔổố õằặ ÃÔổ âgỉ óố óủ? (A) ổìèổ-ỗìổỹổ (B) ổằMÔÃÔèổ ỗìổỹổ (C) õổổèổ ÃÔổ ýõổ (D) ìộổẩÔổ ÃÔìổổ ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ỉổỹòổ-õãếẽố õỗRÔỉòổẻố óố óủ? (A) õộẻĩổĩ ếóộằộổổ (B) ìẽổ ổÃÔ (C) ầổũ òẻổ ỗổòổ (D) ì.õ ằổ D1006 19 P.T.O 42 43 44 45 46 47 Which one of the following is not a technique of case work ? (A) Interviewing (B) Observation (C) Counselling (D) Lobbying While working with an individual client on a one-to-one basis, the relationship is : (A) a friendly association (B) a contract (C) purposeful to meet the psycho-social needs of the client (D) a sympathetic understanding of the client Which one of the following constitutes the main basis of a Welfare State in India ? (A) Fundamental Rights (B) Directive Principles of State Policy (C) Judicial Independence (D) Public Interest Litigation Which one of the following authors has contributed exclusively in the area of social group work ? (A) Hollis (B) Murray Ross (C) Trecker (D) Pearlman Psychoanalytic theory about human personality was proposed by : (A) Carl Jung (B) Skinner (C) Sigmund Freud (D) Alfred Adler The book Social Diagnosis is authored by : (A) Murray Ross (B) Mary Richmond (C) Fried Lander (D) Helen Pearlman D1006 20 42 43 44 45 46 47 ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õìổ-ÃÔõ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố èÃÔốÃÔ óố óủ? (A) õổổổÃÔổ ĩổ (B) ƠòĩổÃÔ (C) õĩổóÃÔổố (D) ĩổếốằ ỗÃÔõố ÃÔ õòổốỹ ÃÔ õổ ÃÔ-ÃÔ-ỗĩ ÃÔ ÃÔ Ơổẽổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ õ ổ õếẽ Sổỗè óổèổ óủ âõ ãỉổ ÃÔóè óủ? (A) ìủổốờổỹ õổóỉỹ (B) Ơộếẽ (C) õòổốỹ ÃÔố ìổ-õổìổỗÃÔ ƠổòỉÃÔèổƠổ ÃÔố ờỗèỹ ÃÔ ÃÔổ õổgỉổìÃÔ èốÃÔổ (D) õòổốỹ ÃÔố õóổộệờỗè ờổỹ õìổ ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ệổè ì ÃÔậỉổổ ổỉ ÃÔổ ýẽổ Ơổẽổ óủ? (A) ìổủỗĩÃÔ ƠỗẽÃÔổ (B) ổỉốỗè ÃÔ ỗẻổổìÃÔ ỗõhổè (C) ỉổỗỉÃÔ Sòèổèổ (D) ĩổÃÔ-ỗóè ÃÔ ìộÃÔẻì ỗãỗĩỗạè ĩạÃÔổ ì õ ỗÃÔõ õổìổỗÃÔ õìờó ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ổổ ƠỉỗẽÃÔ ỉổằẻổ ỗÃÔỉổ óủ? (A) óổỗĩõ (B) ìộ ổũõ (C) ỵÃÔ (D) ĩỹì ìổò ỉỗãèò ÃÔ ếổ ì ìổ-òủĩỗỏÃÔ ỗõhổè ÃÔổ ỗÃÔõ ýSèộè ỗÃÔỉổ? (A) ÃÔổĩỹ ộằ (B) SÃÔố (C) ỗõìầ ẩýÔổỉầ (D) ƠậẩýÔầ ầĩ ềõổổĩ ầổỉằAổỗõõể ổìÃÔ ộSèÃÔ ÃÔ ĩạÃÔ ÃÔổ ổì ếèổĂ ẹ (A) ìờ ổũõ (B) ìố ỗìổầ (C) ẩýÔốầ ĩủầ (D) óĩ ĩỹì D1006 21 P.T.O 48 Peoples needs occur in ascending order The view was proposed by : (A) 49 50 Freud (B) Watson (C) Maslow (D) Jung Mean, Mode and Median are : (A) Measures of Central Tendency (B) Measures of Correlation (C) Measures of Dispersion (D) Measures of Time Series Intervention by a professional social worker with a group of family members who are considered to be a single unit of attention, is termed as : (A) Group therapy (B) Play therapy (C) Individual therapy (D) Family therapy -oOo- D1006 22 48 ĩổằổ ÃÔố ƠổòỉÃÔèổĂ Ơổổó RÔì ì õổì Ơổỗè óủé Đõ ỗòổ ÃÔổ ýỗèổỗẻè ÃÔ òổĩổ ÃÔổủ óủ? (A) 49 50 ẩýÔổỉầ (B) (C) òổõ ìủõĩổ (D) ộằ ìố, ìổầ èổ ìỗầỉ ỗãỗĩỗạè ì õ ãỉổ óủ? (A) ÃÔẻýốỉ ýòởỗãổ ÃÔ ìổ (B) õóõổóỉỹ ÃÔ ìổ (C) ỗòổổ (ỗầSõỹ) ÃÔ ìổ (D) õìỉ-oởạĩổ ÃÔ ìổ ÃÔ ÃÔĩ ĐÃÔổĐỹ ÃÔ MÔ ì ỗòổổẽố ÃÔ ỗòổ ÃÔ õẻSỉổ ÃÔ ếố ÃÔ ỉổòõổỗỉÃÔ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ mổổ ỗÃÔ ằ óSèổ ÃÔổ ãỉổ ÃÔóè óủ? (A) õìờóằè âổ (B) RÔốầáổằè âổ (C) ỉỗãèằè âổ (D) ỗòổằè âổ -oOo- D1006 23 P.T.O Space For Rough Work D—1006 24 .. .SOCIAL WORK PAPER? ??II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Panchayati... D1006 P.T.O 17 18 19 20 21 Who had started the first school of social work in India ? (A) G.D Birla (B) S.P Godrej (C) Sir Dorabjee Tata (D) M.K Tata Field work in social work helps to acquire... Social group work - A helping process (b) Gisela Konopka (ii) Social care work - A problem solving process (c) Murray G Ross (iii) Community Organization (d) Helen Perlman (iv) The Field of social