Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2005 june

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Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2005 june

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Signature and Name of Invigilator Answer Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Signature) Roll No (Name) (In figures as per admission card) Roll No (Signature) (Name) Test Booklet No J—1 0 PAPER—II SOCIAL WORK Time : 1¼ hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 Uốổổỗỹỉụ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỹổ óĩU ởDU ÃÔ êÔU ỗỉè Sổ U Ơổ UụĩU ếU ỗĩỗạé Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the Serial No of the booklet should be entered in the Answer-sheets and the Serial No of Answer Sheet should be entered on this Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : A B C Đõ ý-ổ ì ổõ ếóộỗòÃÔậốỉ ý óủÂé Uốổổ ýổUệ óụ U, ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ƠổÃÔụ ẻ ẻố ổỉằốé óĩU UổĂ ỗìU ƠổÃÔụ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ èổ âõÃÔố ỗỗĩỗạè ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằ ỗõÃÔố ổĂ ƠổÃÔụ Ơòỉ ÃÔUố óủ ẹ (i) ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ ÃÔ ỗĩ âõÃÔ ÃÔòU ÔU ĩằố ÃÔổằ ÃÔố õốĩ ÃÔụ ẩÔổầáU ĩÂUé ạộĩố óộĐỹ ỉổ ỗếổ SUốÃÔU-õốĩU ÃÔố ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂUé (ii) ÃÔòU ởDU U U ỗẻỹổổộõổU ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ởDU èổ ýụ ÃÔố õÂỉổ ÃÔụ ƠUố èUó ủÃÔ ÃÔU ĩÂU ỗÃÔ ỉ ờU óủÂUé ẻụỏờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗì ởDU / ý ÃÔì óụ ỉổ ẻộếổUổ Ơổ ằỉ óụ ỉổ õốỗUỉĩU ì óụ Ơổỹè ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ổộỗUờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂU èổ âõố õìỉ âõ ĩUừUổÃÔU âõÃÔ Sổ U ẻờõUố õóố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ĩ ĩÂé U ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ƠổÃÔụ ổĂ ỗìU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé âõÃÔ ếổẻ èụ ƠổÃÔố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ òổõ ĩố ổỉằố ƠừU óố ƠổÃÔụ ƠỗèỗUQÔ õìỉ ỗẻỉổ ổỉằổé (iii) Đõ ổĂ ÃÔ ếổẻ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔố RÔì õÂỉổ âổU-ổÃÔ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔÂU ƠUừU âổU-ổÃÔ ÃÔố RÔìÔõÂỉổ Đõ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔU ẻé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ỗĩ ổU âổU ỗòÃÔậ (A), (B), (C) èổ (D) ỗẻỉ ằỉ óủÂé ƠổÃÔụ õóố âổU ÃÔ ẻốổỹòởổ ÃÔụ õ ệUÃÔU ÃÔổĩổ ÃÔUổ óủ ủõổ ỗÃÔ ố ỗẻạổỉổ ằỉổ óủé âẻổóUổ ẹ A B C D ếỗÃÔ (C) õóố âổU óủé D ýụ ÃÔ âổU ÃÔòĩU ý ổ I ÃÔ ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ âổU-ổÃÔ U óố ƠÂỗÃÔè where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is NO negative marking J—1005 [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 Instructions for the Candidates (In words) ÃÔU óủÂé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âổU ổÃÔ U ỗẻỉ ằỉ ẻốổỹòởổ ÃÔ Ơĩổòổ ỗÃÔõố Ơỉ Sổ U âổU ỗóổÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ, èụ âõÃÔổ ìờậUỉổÂÃÔ óố óụằổé ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗẻỹổụ ÃÔụ ỉổờòỹÃÔ ẫáÂUé ÃÔổổ ÃÔổì (Rough Work) Đõ ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơỗèì ởDU U ÃÔÂUé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ U Ơổ ổì ỉổ õổ ÃÔụĐỹ ệố ỗổổ ỗõõ ƠổÃÔố óổ óụ õÃÔ, ÔỗÃÔõố ệố ệổằ U ẻổổỹè ỉổ ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ èụ Uốổổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ Ơỉụỉ ổụỗỏè ÃÔU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé ƠổÃÔụ Uốổổ õìổ# óụ ÔU âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗUốổÃÔ ìóụẻỉ ÃÔụ ĩUừUổổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủ ƠừU Uốổổ õìổỗ# ÃÔ ếổẻ Ơ õổ Uốổổ ệò õ ếổóU ĩÃÔU ổỉÂé ÃÔòĩ ốĩ / ÃÔổĩ ếổĩU òổĐZU ủ ÃÔổ óố ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔÂUé ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ õÂằổÃÔ (ÃủÔĩÃộÔĩUU) Uỉổ ĩổằ Uếĩ Ơổỗẻ ÃÔổ ýỉụằ òỗỹè óủé 12 ằĩè âổU ÃÔ ỗĩ ƠÂÃÔ óố ÃÔổU ổỉÂằé 10 11 P.T.O SOCIAL WORK PAPER—II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Which one of the following is related to community organisation ? Choose the answer by selecting the correct code (1) Locality development model (2) Social planning model (3) Social action model Code : (A) 1&2 (B) only (C) 2&3 (D) All ‘What a person thinks, feels and assumes he/she is which is often reinforced by the comments and behaviour from those around’ - is termed as : (A) Perception (B) Maturation (C) Growth (D) Self - Concept Match the concept with the author who has developed the same : List - I List - II (Concept) (Author) (a) Hierarchy of Needs (i) Abraham Maslow (b) Transaction Analysis (ii) Ivan Pavlov (c) Behaviour Modification (iii) Eric Berne (d) Psycho Analysis (iv) Sigmund Frend (v) H.B Trecker Codes : a b c d (A) v iv iii ii (B) i iii ii iv (C) iii ii i iv (D) v iii ii i J1005 õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ýổII ụU ẹ Đõ ýổ ì ổõ (50) òSèộỗD ý óủÂé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ẻụ (2) ƠÂÃÔ óủÂé õệố ýụ ÃÔ âổU ẻốỗé ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ì õ ÃÔổủ õ ìổầĩ õổìộẻổỗỉÃÔ õằặ õ õếỗẽè óủ? ÃờÔ ÃÔổ ýỉổằ ÃÔÃÔ õóố âổ ộỗỉé (1) õìộẻổỉ ỗòÃÔổõ ìổầĩ (2) õổìổỗÃÔ ỗỉổ ìổầĩ (3) õổìổỗÃÔ ýỗRÔỉổ ìổầĩ ÃờÔ ẹ (A) Ơổủ (B) ÃÔòĩ (C) Ơổủ (D) âỉỹộQÔ õệố ềỉỗQÔ Sòỉ ÃÔ ếổ ì ỉổ õổèổ óủ ? ìóõờõ ÃÔèổ óủ? Ơổủ ìổỉèổ ạèổ óủ? ỉó ýổỉẹ Ơỉ ỉỗQÔỉổ ÃÔ ỉòóổ ò ỗổố õ ýệổỗòè óổèổ óủể - ĐõÃÔổ ÃÔóè óủ ẹ (A) ýỉổổ (B) ỗò (C) ỗòòởỗh (D) Ơổì-ẽổổổ õờố-I ì ỗẻỉ ằỉ ìộgổ ÃÔổ õờố-II ì ỗẻỉ ằỉ ìộgổ õ ÃờÔ ộÃÔ ỗìĩổ ÃÔé õờố-I (Ơòẽổổổ) õờố-II (ĩạà ) (a) ƠổòỉÃÔèổ ÃÔố ÃýÔỗìÃÔèổ (i) Ơếýổóì ìổSĩổò (b) ỵổổĩ ỗòĩỏổ (ii) Đòổ ổòĩổò (c) ỉòóổ ỗcÃÔổ (iii) ĐốÃÔ ế (d) ìổỗòĩỏổ (iv) ỗõằìộầ ẩýÔổũêÔầ (v) .ếố ỵÃÔ ÃờÔ Ñ (A) (B) (C) (D) J—1005 a v i iii v b iv iii ii iii c iii ii i ii d ii iv iv i P.T.O 4 The main purpose of group work is : (A) To provide experience and growth opportunities (B) To promote social relationships (C) To train for citizenship (D) All of the above The National Commission for women was established in the year : (A) 1957 (B) 1986 (C) 2001 (D) 1990 Qualitative variables comprise of categories which are : (A) Concrete (B) Continuous (C) Discrete (D) Numerical The new economic policy in India was Introduced in the year : (A) 1980 (B) 1991 (C) 1990 (D) 1992 WTO is concerned with : (A) Borrowing and lending at the international level (B) Management of the rules of trade between nations (C) The violation of human rights at the international level (D) The policies pertaining to climate change at international level J1005 4 õổìổỗÃÔ õìờó ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ ìộỉ âgỉ óủ ẹ (A) Ơộệò èổ ỗòÃÔổõ Ơòõ ýẻổ ÃÔổ (B) õổìổỗÃÔ õếẽổ ÃÔổ ếẫáổòổ ẻổ (C) ổằỗÃÔèổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ýỗổổổ (D) âỉỹộQÔ õệố ổCỵốỉ ìỗóĩổ Ơổỉổằ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì Sổỗè óộƠổ ổ ? (A) 1957 (B) 1986 (C) 2001 (D) 1990 ằộổổìÃÔ ổ ÃÔ Ơẻ, ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ õòằổZ ì õ ÃÔổủ õ Ơổè óủ ? (A) ìờèỹ (B) õèè (C) Ơõèè (D) õỉổìÃÔ ệổè ì ỉố ƠổỗỹÃÔ ốỗè ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì ĩổằờ óộĐỹ ố ? (A) 1980 (B) 1991 (C) 1990 (D) 1992 ỗòò ỉổổ õằặ (WTO) ÃÔổ õếẽ, ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗÃÔ ìộgổ õ óủ ? (A) ƠèổỹCỵốỉ Sè âẽổ ẻổ Ơổủ ĩổ (B) ỗòỗệúổ ổCỵổ ÃÔ ếố ỉổổ ỗỉìổ ÃÔổ ýếẽ (C) ƠèổỹCỵốỉ Sè ìổò-ƠỗẽÃÔổ ÃÔ âậĩổ (D) ƠèổỹCỵốỉ Sè ĩòổỉộ ỗòèỹ õếỗẽè ốỗèỉổĂ J1005 P.T.O 9 10 11 The Indian journal of social work is published by : (A) Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi (B) Delhi School of Social Work, Delhi (C) Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (D) Nirmala Niketan, Mumbai The Convention of Child Rights was ratified by India in : (A) 1991 (B) 1992 (C) 1995 (D) 1986 Match the items of List-I with those of List-II : List - I List - II (Event) (Year) (a) The International Youth Year (i) 2005 (b) The International Micro Credit Year (ii) 1950 (c) The Mental Health Act (iii) 1947 (d) Setting up of Planning Commission Govt of India (iv) 1987 (v) 1985 Code : 12 a b c d (A) i ii iv iii (B) v i iv ii (C) iii i ii v (D) v i iii iv The protection from Domestic Violence Bill was made in the year : (A) 1996 (B) 2001 (C) 2002 (D) 2004 J1005 10 11 Đỗầỉ ĩ ƠổũẩÔ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ ÃÔổ ýÃÔổổ mổổ óổèổ óủ ẹ (A) ổỗìỉổ ỗìỗĩỉổ ĐSĩổỗìỉổ, Đỹ ỗẻố (B) ỗẻố SÃờÔĩ ƠổũẩÔ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ, ỗẻố (C) ổổ ĐSốKờ ƠổũẩÔ õổổĩ õổĐõõ, ìộếĐỹ (D) ỗìỹĩổ ỗÃÔè, ìộếĐỹ ếổĩ-ƠỗẽÃÔổ õìổổủèổ ÃÔổ ệổè ÃÔế ƠỗệộC ỗÃÔỉổ? (A) 1991 (B) 1992 (C) 1995 (D) 1986 õờố-I ÃÔ ìộgổ ÃÔổ õờố-II ÃÔ ìộgổ õ ỗÃÔõố ÃờÔ ÃÔổ ộÃÔ ỗìĩổ ÃÔé õờố-I õờố-II (ổổ) (òỏỹ) (a) ƠèổỹCỵốỉ ỉộòổ òỏỹ (i) 2005 (b) ƠèổỹCỵốỉ õờì-ôÔổ òỏỹ (ii) 1950 (c) ìổỗõÃÔ SòổSỉ (iii) 1947 (d) ệổè õÃÔổ ÃÔ ỉổổ Ơổỉổằ (iv) 1987 (v) 1985 ÃÔổ ằặ-òỏỹ ÃờÔ ẹ 12 a b c d (A) i ii iv iii (B) v i iv ii (C) iii i ii v (D) v i iii iv ổĩờ ỗóõổ õ õộổổ ỗếĩ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì ổ ỗÃÔỉổ ằỉổ ổ ? (A) 1996 (B) 2001 (C) 2002 (D) 2004 J—1005 P.T.O 13 14 15 16 17 The scheduled area and scheduled tribes commission was appointed in : (A) 1961 (B) 1959 (C) 1950 (D) 1952 The social expectation regarding age - appropriate behaviour are called : (A) Developmental tasks (B) Developmental Indicators (C) Practice (D) Values The institutional re-distributive model is linked with : (A) Totalitarian State (B) Welfare State (C) Capitalistic State (D) Communist State The predominant route of transmission of HIV + in India is : (A) Intravenous drug use (B) Blood transfusion (C) Heterosexual contact (D) Homosexual contact The first legislation concerning social security in India was concerned with : (A) Compensation to workmen (B) Provident fund to employees (C) Maternity benefit (D) Insurance linked to deposit J—1005 13 14 15 16 17 Ơộõờỗè ổổ ò Ơộõờỗè ổỗè Ơổỉổằ ÃÔổ ằặ òỏỹ ổ ẹ (A) 1961 (B) 1959 (C) 1950 (D) 1952 òỉổỗè ỉòóổ ÃÔố õổìổỗÃÔ ýỉổổổ ÃÔổ ÃÔóè óủ ẹ (A) ỗòÃÔổõổìÃÔ ÃởÔỉÃÔ (B) ỗòÃÔổõổìÃÔ õờÃÔ (C) ýủỗõ (Ơỉổõ) (D) ìờậỉ õSổằè ộỗòỹèÃÔ ìổầĩ ÃÔổ õếẽ óủ ẹ (A) õòỹõổổìÃÔ-ổỉ (B) ÃÔậỉổổ-ổỉ (C) Ăờốòổẻ ổỉ (D) õổỉòổẻố ổỉ ệổè ì .ƠổĐỹ.òố ổỗỗò õÃýÔìổ ÃÔổ ýếĩ ìổằỹ óủ ẹ (A) Ơèẹỗổổ âỗòỏ õò (B) è õổ (C) Ơèỗĩằốỉ õệổằ (D) õìỗĩằốỉ õếẽ õổìổỗÃÔ õộổổ ÃÔổ ýì ÃÔổờ ệổè ì ỗÃÔõ ỗỗĩỗạè ìộg õ õếỗẽè ổ? (A) ÃÔổìằổ ÃÔổ ổỗèờỗèỹ ẻổ (B) ÃÔổìằổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ệỗòcỉ ỗỗẽ ÃÔổ ýổòẽổ (C) ìổèởò ĩổệ (D) ốò-ếốìổ õỉộè ỗổ J1005 P.T.O 18 Match the items in the List-I with the items in the List-II : List - I List - II (a) Women’s day (i) 12th January (b) Youth day (ii) 8th March (c) Teacher’s day (iii) 1st December (d) AIDS day (iv) 5th September (v) 10th October Code : 19 20 21 a b c d (A) v iii ii i (B) i v iii iv (C) ii i iv iii (D) i ii iv v The failure to recognize that the concept is not the phenomenon itself is called : (A) Ecological fallacy (B) Delimitation (C) Fallacy of reification (D) Induction Social Security Legislation in India was based on the report of : (A) Lord Baveridge (B) Prof Aradkar (C) V.V Giri (D) Guljarilal Nanda Social welfare traditionally includes : (A) Relief (B) Curative services (C) Rehabilitative services (D) All the above J1005 10 18 õờố-I ÃÔ ìộgổ ÃÔổ õờố-II ÃÔ ìộgổ õ ỗẻỉ ằỉ ÃờÔ ÃÔ mổổ ỗìĩổ ÃÔốỗé õờố-I õờố-II (a) ìỗóĩổ ỗẻòõ (i) ếổó òố (b) ỉộòổ ỗẻòõ (ii) Ơổặ ìổỹ (c) ỗổổÃÔ ỗẻòõ (iii) óĩố ỗẻõế (d) ầữõ ỗẻòõ (iv) ổĂ ỗõèế (v) ẻõ Ơèờế ÃờÔ ẹ 19 20 21 a b c d (A) v iii ii i (B) i v iii iv (C) ii i iv iii (D) i ii iv v Ơòẽổổổ Ơổủ õĂòởỗổ (ẩÔổì) ÃÔ óố óủ, Đõ SòốÃÔổ ÃÔ ổ ÃÔổ ÃÔóổ ổèổ óủ ẹ (A) ổỗỗSỗèÃÔố ệýổìÃÔèổ (B) ỗõốì (C) ìờèỹ-ệýổìÃÔÃÔèổ (ốẩÔốÃÔổ ÃÔố ệýổìÃÔèổ) (D) ƠỗẽDổ õổìổỗÃÔ õộổổ ÃÔổờ, ệổè ì ỗÃÔõ ỉỗè ÃÔ ỗổỹ Ơổẽổỗè ổ? (A) ĩổầỹ ếòỗ (B) ýổ.ƠổẻÃÔ (C) òố.òố ỗằố (D) ằộĩổố ĩổĩ ẻổ õổẽổổèỉổ õìổ-ÃÔậỉổổ ÃÔ Ơèằỹè Ơổèổ óủ ẹ (A) ổóè-ÃÔổỉỹ (B) âổổìÃÔ õòổĂ (C) ộòổỹõ õòổĂ (D) âỉộỹè õệố õòổĂ J1005 11 P.T.O 22 23 24 25 26 Sociometry is a technique widely used for study of : (A) Group structure (B) Status of members in the group (C) Leadership (D) All the above Societies Registration Act was passed in the year : (A) 1861 (B) 1947 (C) 1960 (D) 1860 The Nobel Laureate Prof Amartya Sen’s most significant contribution is in the field of : (A) Econometrics (B) Micro-credit (C) Environmental Economics (D) Welfare Economics The act of perceiving, understanding and responding to emotional state and ideas of another person is known as : (A) Sympathy (B) Empathy (C) Transference (D) Displacement Match the authors List-I with the subjects given in List-II by using the code given below : List - I List - II (a) Specht H and Kramer R M (i) Social case work (b) Grace Mathew (ii) Social movements (c) M S Gore (iii) Social development (d) M S A Rao (iv) Community work Code : a b c d (A) i ii iii iv (B) iv i iii ii (C) ii iv ii iii (D) iii ii iv i J1005 12 22 23 õìổỗìỗè ÃÔổ ýỉổằ ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõÃÔ ỗĩ ỗÃÔỉổ ổèổ óủ? (A) õìờó-õổ (B) õìờó õẻSỉổ ÃÔố ỗSỗè ổ ÃÔ ỗĩ (C) èởò (D) âỉộỹè õệố õổõổỉố ỗSỵổ ÃÔế ếổ ổ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 24 25 1861 1947 1960 1860 ÙæðÕÜ ộSÃÔổ ỗòèổ ýổ Ơìỉỹ õ ÃÔổ ỗòổỏ ỉổằẻổ, ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ỗÃÔõ ổổ ì óủ? (A) Ơỹỗìỗè (B) õờì - ôÔổ (C) ỉổỹòổốỉ ƠỹổổSổ (D) ÃÔậỉổổ ƠỹổổSổ ỗÃÔõố ỉỗè ÃÔ ỗòổổ ò ệổòổƠổ ýỗèỗÃýÔỉổ, ýỉổổ Ơổủ õìổ ÃÔ Ơổẽổ ÃÔ ÃÔổ ÃÔóổ ổèổ óủé 26 (A) õóổộệờỗè (B) õìổộệờỗè (C) ỵổĂõẩÔõ (D) ỗòSổ õờố-I ì ỗẻỉ ằỉ ìộgổ ÃÔổ õờố-II ì ỗẻỉ ằỉ ìộgổ õ ỗẻỉ ằỉ ÃờÔ ÃÔố õóổỉèổ õ ộ ẹ õờố-II õờố-I (a) S ầ ÃýÔì Ơổ.ì (i) õổìổỗÃÔ òủỉỗèÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ (b) ằýõ ìủỉờ (ii) õổìổỗÃÔ Ơổẻổĩ (c) ì.õ.ằổ (iii) õổìổỗÃÔ ỗòÃÔổõ (d) ì.õ. ổò (iv) õìộẻổỉ - ÃÔổỉỹ ÃờÔ ẹ (A) (B) (C) (D) J1005 a i iv ii iii b ii i iv ii c iii iii ii iv d iv ii iii i 13 P.T.O 27 Assertion (A) : Gordon Allport was awarded Nobel prize Reason (R) : 28 29 30 31 Allport classified human traits into (1) Cardinal traits traits and (3) Secondary traits (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (D) (A) is false but (R) is true (2) Central Mode is defined as : (A) The middle measure in a series in which all measures have been arranged in the order of size (B) The arithmetic average of a series of measures (C) The item which occurs most frequently in the series (D) The square root of the mean The period of Zygote is : (A) From fertilization to days (B) From fertilization to lunar months (C) From fertilization to the end of two weeks (D) From fertilization to the end of two lunar months Oedipus Complex is associated with : (A) Oral Stage (B) Anal Stage (C) Phallic stage (D) Latency period Hypogamy is : (A) Where a lower caste man marries a higher caste woman (B) Where a higher caste man marries a lower caste woman (C) Where a man marries more than one woman (D) Where a woman is married to more than one man J—1005 14 27 ƠỗệÃÔ (A) ẹ ằổầ Ơổĩổỹ ÃÔổ ổếĩ ộSÃÔổ ỗìĩổ ổé ÃÔổổ (R) ẹ Ơổĩổỹ ìổò-ằộổổ ÃÔổ òằốỹÃởÔè ỗÃÔỉổ óủ, ủõ (1) ÃÔổỗầĩ ỵữõ (2) õỵĩ ỵữõ (3) ỗmèốỉÃÔ ỵữõ 28 29 30 31 (A) (A) Ơổủ (R) õóố óủ Ơổủ (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố SCốÃÔổ óủé (B) (A) Ơổủ (R) õóố óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố SCốÃÔổ óố óủé (C) (A) õóố óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) ằĩè óủé (D) (A) ằĩè óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) õóố óủé ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ềìổầể (Mode) ÃÔố ỗệổỏổ ộỗé (A) ÃÔ ổổố ì ìổỉ ỗìổổ ỗõì õệố ỗìổổ Ơ ƠổÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơộõổ ỉòỗSè ỗÃÔỉ ằỉ óổé (B) ỗìổổ ổỗổỉổ ÃÔổ ƠÃÔằỗổèốỉ Ơổủõè (C) ổổố ì ổ ìẻ ếổ-ếổ Ơổỉ (D) ìỉ ÃÔổ òằỹìờĩ ổĐằổ (ỉộì) ÃÔổ Ơòỗẽ óủ ẹ (A) ằệổỹẽổ õ õổè ỗẻ èÃÔ (B) ằệổỹẽổ õ õổè ìổó èÃÔ (C) ằệổỹẽổ õ ẻổ õèổóổè èÃÔ (D) ằệổỹẽổ õ ẻổ ìổóổè èÃÔ ỗầõ ằýỗ ÃÔổ õếẽ óủ ẹ (A) ìộạ ÃÔổìổòSổ (B) ằộẻổ ÃÔổìổòSổ (C) ĩủỗằÃÔ ƠòSổ (D) ỗèổỗóè ÃÔổìổòSổ ýỗèĩổì ãđÐ (A) ÁÕ ÀỉðÅè ổỗè ÃÔổ ỉỗè Ơ õ ếầáố ổỗè ÃÔố Sổố õ ỗòòổó ÃÔèổ óủé (B) ế âổ ổỗè ÃÔổ ỉỗè Ơ õ ổố ổỗè ÃÔố Sổố õ ỗòòổó ÃÔèổ óủé (C) ế ỉỗè ÃÔ õ ỉổẻổ ỗSổỉổ õ ỗòòổó ÃÔèổ óủé (D) ế ÃÔ Sổố ÃÔ õ ỉổẻổ ỉỗèỉổ ÃÔ õổ ỗòòổó ÃÔèố óủé J1005 15 P.T.O 32 33 34 The tenth Five Year Plan period is : (A) 2000 - 2005 (B) 2002 - 2007 (C) 2003 - 2008 (D) 2004 - 2009 Which among the following is not a characteristic of culture ? (A) Culture is social (B) Culture is adaptive (C) Culture is inborn (D) Culture is a complex whole Assertion (A) : Gandhiji formulated ‘Constructive Programme’ for the upliftment of the rural poor Reason (R) : 35 36 To lead India to political independence (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is false but (R) is correct (D) (A) is correct but (R) is false International year of the Disabled Persons was in the year : (A) 1971 (B) 1981 (C) 1991 (D) 2001 Point out the option not associated with Sarvodaya : (A) The well being of all in all phases of life (B) Social Reconstruction (C) Swarajya and Lokniti (D) Political and administrative consolidation of a country J—1005 16 32 33 34 35 36 ẻõòố òỏốỹỉ ỉổổ ÃÔố Ơòỗẽ óủ Ñ (A) 2000 - 2005 (B) 2002 - 2007 (C) 2003 - 2008 (D) 2004 - 2009 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõố õSÃởÔỗè ÃÔố ỗòổỏèổ óố óủ? (A) õSÃởÔỗè õổìổỗÃÔ óủ (B) õSÃởÔỗè ƠộÃờÔĩốỉ óủ (C) õSÃởÔỗè ìổè óổèố óủ (D) õSÃởÔỗè ÃÔ ỗĩ õìằý óủ ƠỗệÃÔ (A) ẹ ằổẽốố ằýổìốổ ằốế ÃÔ âổ ÃÔ ỗĩ ổìÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃýÔì ỗẻỉổé ÃÔổổ (R) ẹ ệổè ÃÔổ ổốỗèÃÔ Sòèổèổ ỗẻĩổ óèộé (A) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủé (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố SCốÃÔổ óủé (B) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủé (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố SCốÃÔổ óố óủé (C) (A) ằĩè óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) õóố óủé (D) (A) õóố óủ ĩỗÃÔ (R) ằĩè óủé ƠèổỹCỵốỉ ỗòÃÔĩổằ ỗẻòõ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì ổ? (A) 1971 (B) 1981 (C) 1991 (D) 2001 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õổ ỗòÃÔậ õòổỹẻỉ õ õếỗẽè óố óủ? (A) ốò ÃÔ ýỉÃÔ ổ ì õệố ÃÔổ ÃÔậỉổổ (B) õổìổỗÃÔ ộỹổ (C) Sòổỉ ò ĩổÃÔốỗè (D) ổCỵ ÃÔổ ổốỗèÃÔ ò ýổổõỗÃÔ â´ƒæÅÙ J—1005 17 P.T.O 37 38 39 40 Which among the following is not the developmental task during adolescence ? (A) Accepting one’s physique and adjusting to body changes (B) Achieving a masculine or feminine social role (C) Achieving emotional independence from parents and adults (D) Adjusting to empty nest syndrome When was Association of Schools of social work was registered in India ? (A) 1961 (B) 1950 (C) 1963 (D) 1965 From the options given below, one of the following matches best with Quantitative study in social science research : (A) Historical Reports (B) Statistical Tests (C) Case Study (D) Group Intervention Assertion (A) : India’s population has crossed the billion mark at the turn of the century Reason (R) : The available birth control measures have not been accepted by the people Code : 41 (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct reason for (A) (B) (A) and R are true but (R) is not the correct answer for (A) (C) (A) is correct but (R) is false (D) (A) and (R) both are false In which year the Dowry Prohibition Act was passed ? (A) 1960 (B) 1971 (C) 1961 (D) 1984 J1005 18 37 38 39 40 ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ì õ ÃÔổủõổ ỗÃÔổổổòSổ ÃÔổ ỗòÃÔổổìÃÔ ÃởÔỉ óố óủ? (A) Ơ ổổốỗÃÔ ỗòèỹổ ÃÔổ SòốÃÔổ ÃÔổ Ơổủ âõÃÔ õổ õổìSỉ ếủặổổ (B) ỗSổỉổỗè ò ộLÔỏổỗè ệờỗìÃÔổ Ơổổ (C) ìổĂ-ếổ èổ òỉSÃÔổ õ õổòỗằÃÔ Sòèổèổ ýổè ÃÔổé (D) ềĐốSể ĩổổ-õìờó ÃÔ õổ õổìSỉ ÃÔổé õổỗõỉổ ƠổũẩÔ SÃờÔậõ ƠổũẩÔ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ốÃởÔè óộƠổ ổ? (A) 1961 (B) 1950 (C) 1963 (D) 1965 ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗòÃÔậổ ì õ ÃÔ õìổ-ỗòổổ ỗìổổổìÃÔ ổổẽ õ ƠỗẽÃÔèì MÔ ì ỗìĩèổ óủ, âõ ỗĩạ ẹ (A) ỗèóổỗõÃÔ ýỗèòẻ (B) õổỗỉÃÔốỉ S (C) ÃÔõ Sầố (D) õìờó-óSèổ ƠỗệÃÔ (A) ẹ ÃÔổổ (R) ẹ ổèổẻố ÃÔ Ơè èÃÔ ệổè ÃÔố õỉổ ÃÔ Ơế ÃÔố õỉổ ổ ÃÔ ĩố óủé âĩẽ ì-ỗỉổổ ỗòỗẽỉổĂ èổ mổổ SòốÃởÔỗè óố ổ õÃÔốé ÃờÔ ẹ 41 (A) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủé (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố ÃÔổổ óủé (B) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ õóố óủé (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố ÃÔổổ óố ãđÐ (C) (A) âãè ãđ ÂÚ (R) »ÜÌ ãđÐ (D) (A) Ơổủ (R) ẻổổ ằĩè óủé ẻó-ỗòổẽố ÃÔổờ ỗÃÔõ õổĩ ÕÙỉ Íỉ? (A) 1960 (B) 1971 (C) 1961 (D) 1984 J—1005 19 P.T.O 42 43 44 45 46 The Employees State Insurance Act was passed in the year : (A) 1978 (B) 1928 (C) 1860 (D) 1948 Which one is a feature of community chest ? (A) To develop leadership in the community (B) To distribute funds to various agencies (C) Abolish discrimination between different castes (D) To develop religious harmony in the community National Human Rights Commission was created in the year : (A) 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1983 (D) 1993 According to Erik Erikson’s theory of personality the crisis during the period of young adulthood is : (A) Generativity versus stagnation (B) Identity versus role confusion (C) Industry versus inferiority (D) Intimacy versus isolation Octavia Hill and Samuel Barnett are connected with which of the following ? (A) Charity Organisation (B) Beveridge Report (C) Children’s Aid Society (D) Poor Law Report J1005 20 42 43 44 45 ÃÔìỹổố ổỉ ếốìổ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ếổ ổ? (A) 1978 (B) 1928 (C) 1860 (D) 1948 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ỗòÃÔậ ÃÔỉờỗố S ÃÔổ ẻổổỹèổ óủ? (A) õìộẻổỉ ì èởò ỗòÃÔỗõè ÃÔổé (B) ƠÃÔổÃÔ õSổƠổ ÃÔổ ẽ-ỗòèổ ÃÔổé (C) ỗòỗệúổ ổỗèỉổ ì Ơổõố ệẻ-ệổò õìổè ÃÔổé (D) õìộẻổỉ ì ẽổỗìỹÃÔ õìòỉ ỗòÃÔỗõè ÃÔổé ổĩ sờì ổĐữõ ÃÔìốổ ÃÔổ Sổổ òỏỹ óủ ẹ (A) 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1983 (D) 1993 ĐỗÃÔ Đỗõ ÃÔ ỗõhổè ÃÔ Ơộõổ ỉộòổ-òỉSÃÔèổ Ơòỗẽ ì ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õố õÃÔốỉ ỗSỗè óổằố? 46 (A) âổẻÃÔèổ ếổì ằỗèóốèổ (B) ÃÔổìÃÔèổ ếổì ệờỗìÃÔổ-ệýì (C) ỗổì ếổì óốèổ (D) ổỗDèổ ếổì ỗòĩằổò ố ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗòÃÔậổ ì õ Ơổổỗòỉổ ỗóĩ ò õủìộỉĩ ếổ ÃÔổ ỗÃÔõÃÔ õổ õếẽ óủ? (A) ẻổ-õSổĂ (B) ếòỗ ýỗèòẻ (C) ỗậầỵõ ầ õổõổỉố (D) ờƠ ĩổ ỗổỹ J1005 21 P.T.O 47 48 49 50 One of the following articles in the Directive Principles of State Policy states that the state shall take steps to organize village panchayats and endow them with such power and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self governance is : (A) Article 31 (B) Article 40 (C) Article 39 (D) Article 36 Which of the following is NOT a part of social case work process ? (A) Content analysis (B) Treatment (C) Assessment (D) Evaluation Which of the following is NOT a primary group ? (A) Gang (B) Crowd (C) Family (D) Peer group Social control refers to : (A) Constraints on freedom (B) Support to antisocial behaviour (C) Social mechanisms for encouraging conformity and reducing deviance (D) Treatment of deviants -oOo- J—1005 22 47 ổỉ ốỗè ÃÔ ỗẻỹổổìÃÔ ỗõhổèổ ì õ ÃÔ ÃÔ Ơộõổ, ổỉ, ằýổì ổỉèổ ÃÔổ õộõằỗặè ÃÔ ÃÔ ỗĩ ýỉổõ ÃÔ, âó õ ƠỗẽÃÔổ ò ýổỗẽÃÔổ õ ỉộè ÃÔ ỗõõ ỗÃÔ ò Sò-ổổõ ÃÔÃÔ ÃÔ MÔ ì ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ õÃÔé âỗè Ơộẻ ÃÔổ Đỗằè ÃÔé 48 49 50 (A) Ơộẻ 31 (B) Ơộẻ 40 (C) Ơộẻ 39 (D) Ơộẻ 36 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ õổìổỗÃÔ òủỉỗèÃÔ-õòổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ ệổằ (A) Ơổ-ỗòĩỏổ (B) âổ (C) ỗẽổỹổ (D) ìờậỉổÃÔ ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ýổỗìÃÔ õìờó (A) ằủằ (B) ệốầá (C) ỗòổ (D) õổố-õìờó óố óố óủ? óủ? õổìổỗÃÔ ỗỉổổ õ Ơỹ óủ ẹ (A) Sòèổèổ ƠÃộÔổ (B) õìổ-ỗòổẽố ỉòóổ ÃÔổ Ơổĩế ẻổ (C) õổìổỗÃÔ ỗòổ ổ ƠộMÔèổ ÃÔổ ếẫáổòổ ẻ èổ ỗòĩ ÃÔổ ổổỉé (D) ỗòỗè ÃÔổ âổ -oOo- J1005 23 P.T.O Space For Rough Work J—1005 24 ... 32 33 34 The tenth Five Year Plan period is : (A) 20 00 - 20 05 (B) 20 02 - 20 07 (C) 20 03 - 20 08 (D) 20 04 - 20 09 Which among the following is not a characteristic of culture ? (A) Culture is social. .. administrative consolidation of a country J—1005 16 32 33 34 35 36 ẻõòố òỏốỹỉ ỉổổ ÃÔố Ơòỗẽ óủ ẹ (A) 20 00 - 20 05 (B) 20 02 - 20 07 (C) 20 03 - 20 08 (D) 20 04 - 20 09 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõố õSÃởÔỗè ÃÔố ỗòổỏèổ óố.. .SOCIAL WORK PAPER? ?II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Which one

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