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Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2012 june

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J-10-12 Paper-II SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Which one of the following is not a part of social case work process ? (A) Treatment (B) Assessment (C) Study (D) Content Analysis In order to find the degree of relationships, we have to use a statistical test called (A) t-test (B) Anova (C) Chi-square test (D) Pearson’s correlation “Papers on Social Work – An Indian Perspective” was written by (A) G.R Banerjee (B) G.R Madan (C) Sachdev (D) Marula Siddaiah World Summit on Social Development was held in the year (A) 1994 (B) 1995 (C) 1996 (D) 1963 The Theory of Demographic transition includes (A) High birthrate and high deathrate (B) Rapidly falling deathrate and high birthrate (C) Low birthrate and low deathrate (D) All the above Pilot study refers to (A) Preliminary testing of the tools used for the research (B) Follow up study done within a year after the original study (C) Preliminary study conducted on a limited scale before the original study (D) Macro level study undertaken to test the hypothesis Paper-II What Rights are Human Rights ? (A) Rights which are provided by Constitution of India (B) Rights which are Fundamental (C) Rights provided to all human beings by nature (D) Rights desired by human beings Diagnostic School of Social Case Work was developed by (A) Ross (B) Jung (C) Rank (D) Mead Public Interest Litigation refers to (A) Mechanism to provide justice out of the Court (B) To provide speedy justice (C) To provide justice to poor, needy and weaker sections of society with the help of the NGOs’ and media (D) None of the above 10 Paulo Friere’s approach could be briefly stated as (A) Organization of services for people (B) Mobilization of community leaders (C) Action-reflection process with people (D) Identification of target systems for work 11 Which of the following is not a social process ? (A) Accommodation (B) Acculturation (C) Annihilation (D) Assimilation J-10-12 ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ệẽệệĂệ II ệệờỹ : ệ ệẽệệĂệ ệở ệệệệ (50) ệặóỹ-ìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽệ ặùỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽệ ờỳ Ôỹệờ (2) ểỳ ặùỹ ệệò ệẽệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ Ôởỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ắệợàệìệỳ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ỳệ ỳ ệệíệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệáỹ (B) ệổằàệệểỳđệ (C) ơàệàệđệ (D) ểệắệễệó ìắệằệờệịệ ệệđệắệệìơệỳệáỹ ìỳệ ệẽỳệáỹ ờỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ặùỹ ? (A) ệệáỹệ ờỳ ệểìắệơệệđệ ôỹệáỹệ ệẽÔỹÂệ ìơệỳệáỹ (B) ờệờ ìơệỳệáỹ ãệệờ ệệợìằệỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ặùỹ (C) ệệđệắệãệệìệ ỳệờ ệẽộỳìệ ôỹệáỹệ ệẽÔỹÂệ ìơệỳệáỹ (D) ệđệóàệ ôỹệáỹệ ìỷệ ìơệỳệáỹ ệểệểơệ ờỳ ệìáỹệệịệ ỳệờ ệẽệệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệẽàệóệ ệệểìĩàệỳòàệ ệáỹòừệịệ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ỹò-ờỹỹ (B) đệệờắệệ (C) ìệ-ắệệàệáỹ ờỹỹ (D) ìệàệệễđệ ỳệ ệặỹ-ệểệểơệ ỹệàệíđệệờìỹỳ ổỳằệ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ờỳệ ắệễỳ ỳệờ ìỳệđệờ ìắệỳìệệ ìỳàệệ ? (A) áỹệũệ (B) ãệóểíệ (C) áùỹỳ (D) ệòỹ ằệệờỳ-ìặỹệ ệóỳÔỹệờ ìỳệờ ệểÔỹệệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) đàệệàệệằệàệ ờỳ ệệặỹáỹ đàệệàệ ệẽÔỹệđệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ìẻỳàệệìắệìơệ (B) ắệìáỹệ đàệệàệ ìÔỹằệệđệệ (C) íệợáỹ ệáỹỳệáỹò ệểíệỹđệệở ệÊệệ ệểệệáỹ ệệơàệệệở ỳò ệặỹệàệệệ ệờ íệáỹòệệở, ãệỵáỹệệểÔỹệở ệÊệệ ỳệãệèệờáỹ ắệíệệớ ỳệờ đàệệàệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệđệệ (D) ệáỹệờệ ệở ệờ ìỳệò ỳệờ đệặỹ 10 ệệắệằệệờ ẽỳòáờỹ ờỳ ệệíệệ ỳệ ệểìừệệ ằằệờĩệ àệệ ỳặỹỳáỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ằệệờíệệở ờỳ ìằệ ệờắệệệở ỳệ ệểíệỹđệ (B) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ đệờệệệở ỳệờ ỳệàệễ ặờỹệó ỳẵỹệ ỳáỹđệệ (ệệờìệằệệãệ ỳáỹđệệ) (C) ằệệờíệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ìẻỳàệệ-ệáỹệắệệễđệ ệẽìẻỳàệệ (D) ỳệàệễ ờỳ ìằệ ằệìừệệ ệẽịệệìằệàệệở ỳò ệặỹệệđệ ỳáỹđệệ 11 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệò ỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệẽìẻỳàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệểãệđệ (B) ệáỹệểộỳìệíệẽặỹịệ (C) ìắệằệệờệđệ (D) ệệệệệỳáỹịệ ệờệệễ ệũđệ ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ-ờđệ ìịỹàệđệ ệệễệờìỹắệ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ìằệĩệò íệễ ? (A) ãệò.ệáỹ ệđệãệỏ (B) ãệò.ệáỹ ệÔỹệđệ (C) ệệÔờỹắệ (D) ệạýằệệ ìệÔợỹàệệ ắệằễỹ ệìệỹ ệũđệ ệệờệằệ ờỹắệằệệệờịỹ ỳệ ệàệệờãệđệ ìỳệ ắệệễ ặóỹệ Êệệ ? (A) 1994 (C) 1996 (B) 1995 (D) 1963 ãệđệệểìỳỳòàệ ệểẻỳệịệ ờỳ ìệăỹệểệ ệở ệệìệằệ ặợỹ/ặùỹ (A) ệ ãệđệÔỹáỹ ệÊệệ ệ ệộàệóÔỹáỹ (B) ệòắệẻíệìệ ệờ ệỹệò ặóỹễ ệộàệóÔỹáỹ ệÊệệ ệ ãệđệÔỹáỹ (C) ìđệđệ ãệđệÔỹáỹ ệÊệệ ìđệđệ ệộàệóÔỹáỹ (D) ệáỹệờệ ệệò ệẽệàệệờìíệỳ ơàệàệđệ ìỳệỳệờ ệểÔỹệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệờơệ ờỳ ìằệ ệẽàệóệ ệỳáỹịệệở ỳệ ệẽệáỹìệỳ ệáỹòừệịệ (B) ệổằệ ơàệàệđệ ờỳ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ờỳ ỳ ắệệễ ờỳ đÔỹáỹ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ đệóệáỹòừệịệ ơàệàệđệ (C) ệổằệ ơàệàệđệ ờỳ ệổắệễ ệòìệệ ệợệệđệờ ệáỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệđệờ ắệệằệệ ệẽệáểỹìệỳ ơàệàệđệ (D) ệẽệỳằệđệệ ờỳ ệáỹòừệịệ ặờỹệó ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ệổừệ-ệáỹòàệ ơàệàệđệ J-10-12 Paper-II 12 13 14 15 Which of the following is matching ? (A) Juvenile Justice Act – (B) Untouchability – Offences Act (C) Dowry Prohibition – Act (D) Factories Act – a correct ‘Operationalization of Variables’ in social work research means (A) Making the variables simple enough to understand (B) Making the variables measurable (C) Arranging the variables in a logical order (D) Making the variables fit for research 19 Which one of the following is not a correct matching ? (A) Arya Samaj – Swami Dayanand Saraswati (B) Bhrahma – Raja Ram Samaj Mohan Roy (C) Prarthana – Ramabai Samaj Ranade (D) Satysodhak – Jyothiba Samaj Phule 20 The book ‘Social Diagnosis’ was written by (A) Mary Richmond (B) Joseph Luft (C) Perelman (D) Ross 21 Assertion (A) : Panchayati Raj Institutions have provided women’s representation in local self government institutions in Rural India Reason (R) : Panchayati Raj Institutions facilitates capacity building and empowerment of women Choose your answer from the codes given below : (A) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (B) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (R) is correct but (A) is wrong 1985 1954 1962 1948 Panchayati Raj Institutions in India have brought about one of the following : (A) Eradication of untouchability (B) Land ownership to depressed classes (C) A formal representation of weaker sections in village governance (D) Spread of education Who is the author of the book “Social Group Work – A Helping Process” ? (A) Wilson G and Ryland (B) Trecker H.B (C) Philips H.U (D) Konopka G The objective of Social Legislation is (A) To solve social problems (B) To bridge the gap between current needs and existing laws (C) To make new laws (D) To review the laws and problems 16 Manifestation of repressed ideas in the form of finer things is (A) Sublimation (B) Ambivalence (C) Compensation (D) Fixation 17 Who gave the concept of ‘Looking glass self’ ? (A) Karl Marx (B) G.H Mead (C) C.H Cooley (D) M.K Gandhi Paper-II 18 J-10-12 12 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệặỹò ệờằệ ặợỹ ? 1985 (A) ệệằệ đàệệàệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1954 (B) ệộàệệệ ệáỹệơệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1962 (C) Ôỹặờỹãệ ìđệệờơệ ìơệìđệàệệ 1948 (D) ỳệáỹĩệệđệệ ìơệìđệàệệ 13 ệệáỹệ ệở ệểệệàệệò áỹệãệ ệểÊệệệở ỳò ỳ ệằệìơệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệộàệệệ ỳệ đệổằệđệ (B) Ôỹìằệệ ắệíệệớ ỳệờ ệổìệ-ắệệìệắệ ìÔỹằệệđệệ (C) íệẽệệòịệ ìệệệệđệ ệở ỳệãệệờáỹ ắệíệệớ ỳệ ệợệệệìáỹỳ ệẽìệìđệìơệắệ (D) ìệừệệ ỳệ ệẽệệáỹ 14 15 íệẽóệ ắệễỳ ặờỹỉằệíệ ệẽệờệờệ ệóệỳ ỳệ ằệờĩệỳ ỳệợđệ ặợỹ ? (A) ìắệằệđệ ãệò ệÊệệ áỹệằệợịỹ (B) ềờỹỳáỹ ệ.ệò (C) ìỳìằệệ ệ.àệổ (D) ỳệờđệệờỳệ ãệò 18 ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ệở ệệáờỹệđệằệệãệờệđệ ệũỳ ắệợìáỹệóằệ ỳệ àệệ Êệễ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệờơệíệàệ ệđệệđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệìáỹắệệệớ (ắệợìáỹệóằệ) ỳệ ệáỹằệòỳáỹịệ (B) ệìáỹắệệệớ ỳệờ ệệệđệ-àệệờíàệ ệđệệđệệ (C) ệìáỹắệệệớ ỳệờ ệệỳỳ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳáỹđệệ (D) ệìáỹắệệệớ ỳệờ ệệờơệ ặờỹệó ệàệóệ ệđệệđệệ 19 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ỳệợđệ ệệ ệặỹò ìệằệệđệ đệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệàệễ ệệệãệ ắệệệò ÔỹàệệđệểÔỹ ệáỹắệệò (B) ệẻẫ ệệệãệ áỹệãệệ áỹệệệệờặỹđệ áỹệàệ (C) ệẽệÊệễđệệ ệệệãệ áỹệệệệệễ áỹệđệệờỹ (D) ệàệệệờơệỳ ệệệãệ ãàệệờìệệệ ổỳằệờ 20 ệệờệằệ ỹệàệíđệệờìệệ ệóệỳ (A) ệờáỹò ìáỹệệịỹ (B) ãệệờệờỳ ằệóỳ (C) ệằệễệđệ (D) áỹệũệ 21 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệểệệàệệò áỹệãệ ệểÊệệđệệở đệờ Êệệđệòàệ ắệệệệđệ ệểÊệệđệệở ệở ệìặỹằệệệở ỳệ ệẽìệìđệìơệắệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệàệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệểệệàệệò áỹệãệ ệểÊệệđệ ệìặỹằệệệở ờỳ ừệệệệ-ìđệệệễịệ ệÊệệ ệệìệỳáỹịệ ỳò ệóìắệơệệ ệằệơệ ỳáỹệệờ ặùỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáểỹệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (A) íệằệệ ặợỹ ệệờệằệ ệệệệìãệỳ ìơệìđệàệệđệ ỳệ Đờỹàệ ặợỹ (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ệệàệệệở ỳệ ệệệơệệđệ ỳáỹđệệ (B) ắệệễệệđệ ệắệàệỳệệệở ệÊệệ ệệợãệổÔỹệ ìắệìơệàệệở ờỳ ệòệ ỳò ĩệệễ ỳệờ ệệỹđệệ (C) đệ ỳệđệổđệ ệđệệđệệ (D) ìắệìơệàệệở (ỳệđệổđệệở) ệÊệệ ệệàệệệở ỳò ệệòừệệ ỳáỹđệệ 16 Ôỹìệệ ìắệệệáỹệở ờỳ ộỳỹ ệòãệệở ệở ệẽỳỹòỳáỹịệ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệờ ặùỹ ? (A) ÔỹệÂệòỳáỹịệ (B) ôợỹơệắệộìÂệ (C) ừệìệệổệ (D) ìÊệáỹòỳáỹịệ 17 ằệóỉỳíệ íằệệệ ệờằỳ ỳò ắệơệệáỹịệệ ìỳệỳò ặợỹ ? (A) ỳệằệễ ệệệễ (B) ãệò.ệ ệòỹ (C) ệò.ệ ổỳằệờ (D) ệ.ờỳ íệệểơệò J-10-12 Ôờỹđệ ỳệ ằệờĩệỳ ỳệợđệ ặùỹ ? Paper-II 22 Assertion (A) : The protection of women by Domestic Violence Act, 2006 has increased the responsibility of the family Reason (R) : The protection of women by Domestic Violence Act will further weaken the already weak institution of family Choose your answer from the codes given below : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct interpretation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct interpretation of (A) (C) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong (D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong 23 Assertion (A) : Professional prejudice is thwarting the growth of medical social work in India Reason (R) : Lack of conviction on the part of the medical social workers is the reason Choose your answer from the codes given below : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct (D) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct 24 Assertion (A) : Most of the development programmes have failed in benefiting the target groups Reason (R) : Developmental administrators lack the right approach and commitment Choose your answer from the codes given below : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) Paper-II 25 Assertion (A) : ‘All Human Rights for All’ cannot be realised without Right to Development Reason (R) : Right to development ensures the realization of human rights Choose your answer from the codes given below : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A) 26 Assertion (A) : Reformation of crime convicts is possible with the appointment of professional social worker in prisons Reason (R) : Professional social workers are equipped with knowledge and skills to deal with such issues Choose your answer following codes : from the (A) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct explanation to (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation to (A) J-10-12 22 23 24 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ệáờỹằệổ ỉặỹệệ ìơệìđệàệệ 2006 ôỹệáỹệ ệìặỹằệệệở ỳò ệóáỹừệệ ỳệ ệẽệắệơệệđệ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ệờ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ỳệ Ôỹệìàệắệ ệèỹ íệàệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệáờỹằệổ ỉặỹệệ ìơệìđệàệệ ôỹệáỹệ ệìặỹằệệệở ỳò ệóáỹừệệ ỳệ ệẽệắệơệệđệ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ờỳ ỳệáỹịệ ệặỹằệờ ệờ ỳệãệệờáỹ ệìáỹắệệáỹỵệò ệểÊệệ ệợáỹ ìơệỳ ỳệãệệờáỹ ặỹệờíệò đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệÊệệ (R) íệằệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ 25 ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ìắệỳệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ ệệđệắệệìơệỳệáỹ ờỳ ằệừàệ ỳệờ ệẽệệ ỳáỹđệệ ệóìđệìệệ ỳáỹệệệ ặợỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặù ệÊệệ (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (A) (A) ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ắàệệắệệệìàệỳ ệổắệệễíệẽặỹ ệệáỹệ ệở ìệìỳệòàệ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ờỳ ìắệỳệệ ệở ệệơệệ ệđđệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệỳệ ỳệáỹịệ ìệìỳệòàệệệệãệ ỳệàệễỳệệễệở ệở Ơỹèỹ ìắệắệệệ ỳệ ệệắệ ặợỹ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) íệằệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) íệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ 26 (R), íệằệệ ặùỹ (D) (A) (R), ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ỳệáỹệíệệáỹệở ệở ệệệãệ ỳệàệễỳệệễệở ỳò ìđệàệóìệ ặỹệờđệờ ệờ ệãệệàệệệệ ệáỹệìơệàệệở ỳệ ệóơệệáỹòỳáỹịệ ệểệắệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ờệờ ệóĐỹệở ệáỹ ỳệàệễắệệặỹò ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễỳệệễệở ờỳ ệệệ ệệđệ ệÊệệ Ôỹừệệệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ìơệỳệáỹ ìắệỳệệệổằệỳ ỳệàệễẻỳệ ằệìừệệ ắệíệễ ỳệờ ằệệệ ệặóẹỹệệđệờ ệở ệỳằệ áỹặờỹ ặùỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ìắệỳệệệáỹỳ ệẽệệệỳệở ệở ệặỹò ệệíệệ ệÊệệ ệẽìệệăỹệệ ỳò ỳệò ặợỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ J-10-12 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ìắệỳệệ ờỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ờỳ ìệđệệ ệệò ệệđệắệệìơệỳệáỹ ệệò ờỳ ìằệ ỳệ ằệừàệ ặỹệìệằệ đệặỹ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (A) (A) (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (B) (A) (C) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) (R), (R), Paper-II 27 28 Assertion (A) : Working with minorities requires that social worker has an indepth understanding of the effect of oppression on the minority groups Reason (R) : Oppression of minority change the mindset of oppressed which requires the attention of social workers Choose your answer from the following codes: (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are not correct Assertion (A) : Persons with low selfesteem tend to find fault with others Reason (R) : Improper socialization is not the root cause of low selfesteem Choose your answer from the following codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are correct (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct (D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct 29 Who pointed out that ‘development implies qualitative change’ ? (A) La BanVie (B) Vauden daele (C) Siegel (D) Piaget 30 The correlation co-efficient tends to lie between… (A) to + (B) +1 to +2 (C) to –1 (D) +1 to –1 31 is Human Development Report published by (A) World Bank (B) ADB (C) UNDP (D) UNICEF Paper-II 32 Match the enactment of the following Acts with the years (a) Mental Health (1) 1983 Act (b) The Environment (2) 1984 Protection Act (c) Developmental (3) 1986 Disabilities Act (d) Job Training and (4) 1987 Partnership Act Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (2) (4) (1) (3) (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (C) (3) (4) (2) (1) (D) (4) (3) (2) (1) 33 Sequence the following steps of Community Organization process : (i) Identifying needs (ii) Exploring the resources (iii) Prioritising the needs (iv) Developing Programmes Codes : (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (B) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (D) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) 34 The sequencing in research process is : (i) Studying existing literature in a field (ii) Generating new theories (iii) Analysis of the findings (iv) Synthesing ideas Codes : (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (B) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) 35 Put the following events in the order of their occurrence in a calender year : (i) World Food Day (ii) World AIDS Day (iii) International Day for Elderly (iv) World Disabled Day Codes : (A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (B) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv) (D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) J-10-12 27 28 29 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ằệệểĩàệỳệở ờỳ ệòệ ỳệệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễỳệệễ ệở ằệệểĩàệỳ ắệíệệớ ờỳ ệòèỹđệ ờỳ ệẽệệắệ ỳò íệặỹáỹò ệệệ ặỹệờđệò ệệìặỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ằệệểĩàệỳệở ỳệ ệòèỹđệ ệòìèỹệ ắàệìệ ỳò ệệờệ ỳệờ ệÔỹằệ Ôờỹệệ ặợỹ, ìãệệỳò ệờáỹ ệệệãệ ỳệàệễỳệệễ ỳệờ ơàệệđệ Ôờỹđệệ ệệìặỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ, ệáỹđệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ đệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) íệằệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ 32 (A) (B) (C) (D) 33 ìệỳÊệđệ (A) : ìãệđệ ắàệìệàệệở ệở ệệệệệđệ ỳò ỳệò ặỹệờ ắệờ Ôổỹệáỹệở ỳò ỳìệàệệẹ ìđệỳệằệệờ ặùỹ ỳệáỹịệ (R) : ệểíệệ ệệệệãệòỳáỹịệ ệệệệệđệ ỳò ỳệò ỳệ ệổằệ ỳệáỹịệ đệặỹ ặợỹ đệòệờ ìÔỹ íệ ổỳỹ ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ệóìđệ : (A) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ (B) (A) ệÊệệ (R) Ôỹệờđệệở íệằệệ ặùỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) íệằệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) íệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹđệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ 34 ệặỹệểệểơệ íệóịệệểỳ ỳò ệẽắệộìÂệ ìỳệờỳ ệòệ ìÊệệ ặỹệờđệờ ỳò ặỹệờệò ặợỹ ? (A) ệờ + Ûêú ²Ưß“Ư (B) +1 ÃƯê +2 Ûêú ²Ưß“Ư (C) ÃƯê –1 Ûêú ²Ưß“Ư (D) +1 ÃƯê –1 Ûêú ²Ưß“Ư 31 ấổệđệ ờỹắệằệệệờịỹ ìáỹệệờễỹ ìỳệờỳ ôỹệáỹệ ệẽỳệìệệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệằễỹ ệùỳ (B) ỹò ệò (C) àệổ đệ ỹò ệò (D) àệổđệòệờỳ J-10-12 (b) (4) (2) (4) (3) (i) (ii) (i) (iii) (ii) (i) (ii) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (d) (3) (4) (1) (1) (iii) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iv) (iii) (iii) (iii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) (iii) (iii) ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệặỹÂắệệổịệễ ìÔỹắệệệở ỳệờ ợỳằệờịỹáỹ ắệệễ ệở đệờỳ ệàệệờìãệệ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ờỳ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳòìãệ : (i) ắệằễỹ ổỳỹ ờỹ (ii) ắệằễỹ ậỹệ ờỹ (iii) ểỹáỹđệờệđệằệ ờỹ ỳệũáỹ ằỹáỹằệò (iv) ắệằễỹ ×›üÃƯ‹²Ư»›ü ›êü Ûỉú™ü : (A) (iii) (i) (B) (iii) (i) (C) (i) (iii) (D) (i) (iii) (c) (1) (3) (2) (2) ệệờơệ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ệở ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ỳệ ẻỳệ ệệằệệ : (i) ệểệểìơệệ ìắệệàệ-ừệờĂệ ệở ệằệơệ ệệìặỹàệ ỳệ ơàệàệđệ ỳáỹđệệ (ii) đệắệòđệ ìệăỹệểệệở ỳệ ệẽìệệệÔỹđệ ỳáỹđệệ (iii) ìđệỳệệớ ỳệ ìắệằệờệịệ ỳáỹđệệ (iv) ìắệệệáỹệở ỳệ ệểằệờệịệ ỳáỹđệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) 35 (a) (2) (1) (3) (4) ệệóÔỹệàệ ệểíệỹđệ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ờỳ ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệáỹịệệở ỳệờ ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệìÊệệ ỳòìãệ : (i) ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳò ệặỹệệđệ (ii) ệểệệơệđệệở ỳệ đắệờệịệ (iii) ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳò ệẽệÊệìệỳệệẹ ìđệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹđệệ (iv) ỳệàệễẻỳệ ìắệỳìệệ ỳáỹđệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) àệặỹ ìỳệđệờ ệệệàệệ ìỳ ìắệỳệệ ệở íệóịệệệỳ ệìáỹắệệễđệ ìđệìặỹệ ặợỹ ? (A) ằệệũ ệờđắệò (B) ắệệờỹđệ ờỹằệ (C) ệòíệờằệ (D) ệòíệờỹ 30 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ìơệìđệàệệệở ệÊệệ đệờỳ ệệìáỹệ ặỹệờđệờ ờỳ ắệệễ ỳệờ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : (a) ệởỹằệ ặờỹằÊệ ờỹ (1) 1983 (b) ìÔỹ đắệệệớỹ ệẽệờờỹệđệ ờỹ (2) 1984 (c) ờỹắệằệệệởỹằệ (3) 1986 ìỹệìệìằệìỹãệ ờỹ (d) ãệệũệ ềờỹỉđệíệ ịỹ ệệễỹđệáỹìệệ (4) 1987 ‹êŒ™ü Ûæú™ü : (ii) (iv) (ii) (iv) (iv) (ii) (iv) (ii) Paper-II 36 What is the sequence of PRA process ? (i) Sensitizing the team (ii) Rapport building with target group (iii) Sharing the observations with target group (iv) Conducting the PRA Codes : (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (B) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (D) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) 37 Match the following persons with the area of their association (i) Balwant Rai (1) Marthandam Mehta Project (ii) Spencer Hatch (2) tier P.R System (iii) S.K Dey (3) Shantiniketan (iv) Ravindranath (4) Power to Tagore People Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (1) (2) (3) (4) (B) (2) (4) (1) (3) (C) (2) (1) (4) (3) (D) (2) (1) (3) (4) 38 Match the items of List – I with List – II List – I List – II (i) Mode (1) Association of Attributes (ii) Mean (2) Dispersion Deviation (iii) Chi-square (3) Correlation (iv) Karl Pearson (4) Central Method tendency Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (2) (4) (3) (1) (B) (2) (4) (1) (3) (C) (4) (2) (1) (3) (D) (4) (2) (3) (1) Paper-II 10 39 Match the name of the activists given in List – I with the name of movements given in List – II List – I List – II (i) M.K Gandhi (1) Chipko Movement (ii) Vinoba Bhave (2) Narmada Bachao Andolan (iii) Arundati Roy (3) Bhudan Movement (iv) Sundarlal (4) Constructive Bahuguna Programme Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (4) (2) (3) (1) (B) (4) (3) (2) (1) (C) (1) (2) (4) (3) (D) (2) (3) (1) (4) 40 Match the following names of the journals given in List – I with the institutions given in List – II List – I List – II (i) Indian Journal (1) Nirmala of Social Niketan Work Mumbai (ii) Social Work (2) N.I.R.D Perspectives Hyderabad (iii) Contemporary (3) Tata Institute Social Work of Social Sciences Mumbai (iv) Journal of (4) Department Rural of Social Development Work Lucknow University Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (1) (3) (4) (1) (B) (4) (2) (1) (3) (C) (3) (1) (4) (2) (D) (2) (1) (3) (4) J-10-12 36 ệò ệáỹ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ỳệ ệặỹò ẻỳệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (i) ỹòệ ỳệờ ệểắệờÔỹđệíệẽặỹịệệòằệ ệđệệđệệ (ii) ằệừàệ ắệíệễ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệìđệỹệệ ệđệệđệệ (iii) ằệừàệ ắệíệễ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệẽừờ ệịệ ỳò ệệệờÔỹệáỹò ỳáỹđệệ (iv) ệò ệáỹ ÛúƯ ÃƯĨ“ƯƯ»Ư®Ư … Ûỉú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) 37 (ii) (ii) (iv) (iv) (iii) (iv) (ii) (iii) (iv) (iii) (iii) (ii) ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ắàệìệàệệở ỳệờ đệệờ ệểệểìơệệ ỳệàệễừệờĂệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : (i) ệằệắệểệ áỹệàệ ệờặỹệệ (1) ệệệễịỹệ ệìáỹàệệờãệđệệ (ii) ệởệáỹ ặợỹệ (2) ìỹàệáỹ ệò.ệáỹ ìệỹệ (iii) ệ.ờỳ ờỹ (3) ệệểìệìđệờỳệđệ (iv) áỹắệòđƯỹđệệÊệ ợỹíệệờáỹ (4) ệệắệáỹ ổỹ ệòệằệ Ûæú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) 38 (i) (i) (i) (i) 39 (i) (1) (2) (2) (2) (ii) (2) (4) (1) (1) (iii) (3) (1) (4) (3) (iv) (4) (3) (3) (4) 40 ệổệò I ỳò ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) ệặóỹằệỳ (1) ìắệệờệệệệở ỳệ ệệặỹệàệễ (ii) ệệơàệ ìắệệằệđệ (2) ệẽỳòịệễđệ (iii) ìệ-ắệệàệáỹ (3) ệặỹệểệểơệ (iv) ỳệằệễ ệòàệáỹệđệ ệờÊệỹ (4) ởỳƯỹòàệ ệẽắệộìÂệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-12 (i) (2) (2) (4) (4) (ii) (4) (4) (2) (2) (iii) (3) (1) (1) (3) (iv) (1) (3) (3) (1) ệổệò I ệở ằằệờìĩệệ ệìẻỳàệ ệẽìệệệìíệàệệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ằằệờìĩệệ ệđÔỹệờằệđệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) ệ.ờỳ íệệểơệò (1) ìệệỳệờ ệểÔỹệờằệđệ (ii) ìắệđệệờệệ ệệắệờ (2) đệệễÔỹệ ệệệệờ ệểÔỹệờằệđệ (iii) ạểýơệệò áỹệàệ (3) ệổÔỹệđệ ệểÔỹệờằệđệ (iv) ệóểÔỹáỹằệệằệ ệặóỹíệóịệệ (4) ểỳềỹìỹắệ ệẽệờíệẽệệ ổỳỹ : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (4) (2) (3) (1) (B) (4) (3) (2) (1) (C) (1) (2) (4) (3) (D) (2) (3) (1) (4) ÃƯỉ“Ưß – I ệở Ôỹò íệễ ệìĂệỳệệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ìÔỹ íệ ệểÊệệđệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (1) ìđệệễằệệ ìđệờỳệđệ, (i) ìịỹàệđệ ãệđệễằệ ệóệễ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ (ii) ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ (2) đệ.ệễ.ệáỹ.ỹò., ệệễệờìỹắệ ặợỹÔỹáỹệệệÔỹ (iii) ểỳờỹệệờáỹáỹò ệệờệằệ (3) ỹệỹệ ểỹòậỹàệổỹ ắệễỳ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ệệểệ, ệóệễ (iv) ãệđệễằệ ệũỳ ỵáỹằệ (4) ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ờỹắệằệệệởỹ ìắệệệíệ, ằệĩệđệỳ ìắệắệìắệêệằệàệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) 11 (i) (1) (4) (3) (2) (ii) (3) (2) (1) (1) (iii) (4) (1) (4) (3) (iv) (1) (3) (2) (4) Paper-II 41 Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II List – I List – II (i) Creative (1) Body thinking Language (ii) Convergent (2) Team spirit thinking (iii) Synergy (3) Novel thinking (iv) Kinesics (4) Responses based on reasons Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (3) (4) (1) (2) (B) (4) (3) (1) (2) (C) (4) (3) (2) (1) (D) (3) (4) (2) (1) 42 Match the following National institutes given in List – I with their places of functioning given in List – II List – I List – II (i) National (1) Mumbai Institute of Orthopedically Handicapped (2) Kolkata (ii) National Institute of Visually Handicapped (iii) National (3) Dehradun Institute of Nutrition (iv) National (4) Hyderabad Institute of Hearing Handicapped Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (2) (3) (1) (4) (B) (2) (3) (4) (1) (C) (3) (2) (4) (1) (D) (3) (2) (1) (4) Paper-II 12 43 Match the following names of the books given in List – I with the names of the authors given in List – II List – I List – II (i) An (1) W.A Fried Introduction to Lander Social Work (ii) Community (2) Skidmod Organisation : and Thakrey Theory and Practice (iii) Social Case (3) M.G Ross Work : Problem Solving Process (iv) Introduction to (4) H.H Pearlman Social Welfare Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (2) (4) (3) (1) (B) (2) (3) (4) (1) (C) (4) (2) (3) (1) (D) (1) (3) (2) (4) 44 Match the labour legislations given in List – I with the year of enactment given in List – II List – I List – II (i) Industrial (1) 1948 Disputes Act (ii) Provident Fund (2) 1952 Act (3) 1961 (iii) Employees State Insurance Act (iv) Maternity (4) 1947 Benefits Act Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (4) (2) (1) (3) (B) (3) (4) (1) (2) (C) (1) (3) (2) (4) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) J-10-12 41 ÃƯỉ“Ưß – I ´Ưë ¤üß ÝƯ‡Ơ ´Ư¤üƯë ÛúƯê ÃƯỉ“Ưß – II ´Ưë ¤üß ÝƯ‡Ơ ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) ệãệễđệệệỳ (1) ệáỹòáỹ ệệệệ ệệờệ (ii) ìệệệáỹò ệệờệ (2) ỹòệ ệệắệđệệ (iii) ệặỹìẻỳàệệ (3) đệổệđệ ệệờệ (iv) ỳệđệờìệệ (4) ệễỳ ệơệệìáỹệ ệẽìệìẻỳàệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) 42 (i) (3) (4) (4) (3) (ii) (4) (3) (3) (4) (iii) (1) (1) (2) (2) 43 (iv) (2) (2) (1) (1) (A) (B) (C) (D) ÃƯỉ“Ưß – I ệở ìÔỹ íệ áỹệềỹòàệ ệểÊệệđệệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ìÔỹ íệ đệỳò ắệìÊệìệ ờỳ Êệệđệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòậỹàệổỹ (1) ệóểệễ ệũỳ ệÊệệỡệờìỹỳằệò ặợỹịỹòợỳỹ (ii) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòậỹàệổỹ (2) ỳệờằệỳệệệ ệũỳ ìắệãệóằệò ặợỹịỹòợỳỹ (iii) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòậỹàệổỹ (3) ÔờỹặỹáỹệÔổỹđệ ệũỳ đàệổềỹòệđệ (iv) đệờệđệằệ ểỹòậỹàệổỹ (4) ặợỹÔỹáỹệệệÔỹ ệũỳ ặỹòàệỉáỹíệ ặợỹịỹòợỳỹ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) J-10-12 (i) (2) (2) (3) (3) (ii) (3) (3) (2) (2) (iii) (1) (4) (4) (1) ệổệò I ệở Ôỹò íệễ ệóệỳệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ìÔỹ íệ đệờỳ ằệờĩệỳệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) ờđệ ểềỹệờỹệđệ ổỹ (1) ỹằàệổ. ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ ẽỳòỹ ằệùỹáỹ (ii) ỳàệổìđệỹò (2) ìỳỹệệờỹ ệũíệỡđệệãệờệđệ : ệÊệệ ỹệỳáờỹ ìÊệàệáỹò ịỹ ệẽợìỹệ (iii) ệệờệằệ ờỳệ ắệễỳ : (3) ệ.ãệò áỹệũệ ệẽệũằệệ ệệũỉằắệíệ ệẽệờệờệ (iv) ểềỹệờỹệđệ ổỹ (4) ệ.ệ ệệờệằệ ắệờằờỳáỹ ệằệễệệđệ ổỳỹ : 44 (iv) (4) (1) (1) (4) 13 (i) (2) (2) (4) (1) (ii) (4) (3) (2) (3) (iii) (3) (4) (3) (2) (iv) (1) (1) (1) (4) ÃƯỉ“Ưß – I ´Ưë ệìáỹíệìịệệ ìơệìđệàệệệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ệìáỹíệìịệệ đệờỳ ệệìáỹệ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ờỳ ắệệễ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (i) ệợêệờìíệỳ ìắệắệệÔỹ (1) 1948 ìơệìđệàệệ (ii) ệìắệàệ ìđệìơệ (2) 1952 ìơệìđệàệệ (iii) ỳệễệệáỹò áỹệãàệ (3) 1961 ệòệệ ìơệìđệàệệ (iv) ệệệộắệ ằệệệ (4) 1947 ìơệìđệàệệ Ûæú™ü : (A) (i) (4) (ii) (2) (iii) (1) (iv) (3) (B) (C) (D) (3) (1) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) (2) (3) (2) (4) (4) Paper-II 45 Match the name of the programmes/ initiatives given in List – I with the year of inception given in List – II List – I List – II (i) Swarnjayanti Gram (1) 1992 Swarojgar Yojna (ii) National Rural (2) 1995 Employment Guarantee scheme (iii) World Trade (3) 2000 Organisation (iv) Millennium (4) 2005 Development – Goals Codes : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) (1) (4) (2) (3) (B) (4) (1) (2) (3) (C) (4) (2) (1) (3) (D) (2) (4) (1) (3) Read the passage and answer the questions, that follow based on your understanding of the passage How one can promote inclusive growth ? There are elements – like the promotion of self-help groups, or the discussion about the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), where it is claimed that this measure has been “highly inclusive”, with 51% to 56% of beneficiaries being SC-ST and 41% to 50% being women In order to ensure that benefits of growth are more equitably redistributed, the government needs to make sure that the most marginalized remain in focus vis-à-vis all policies, not only in terms of some special policies, like affirmative action In other words, the entire gamut of social policies needs to be monitored in terms of their impact on the most marginalized sections, if inclusive growth is to become a real policy, instead of remaining a mere slogan For instance, take the issue of food security Here, if complex academic debates over counting methods and deflators result in a situation where large sections of poor people end up being classified as nonpoor and therefore lose their eligibility for subsidized food grains, the high growth rates could co-exist with large scale immiserization of large numbers of, for example, SC-ST or Muslim populations While the debates can (and should) continue, it might make more sense to move towards universalization of the public distribution system, with Paper-II 46 47 48 49 50 14 strict steps to lower corruption at all levels Lowering hunger and malnutrition levels, especially among the most marginalized, would be an important step towardsth inclusive growth However, the 12 Plan draft paper lacks a clear focus in this area, and reflects the pressures to move away from universal schemes towards targeted schemes, the latter being subject to a large number of errors, especially serious being those that exclude the really poor Inclusive Growth primarily aims at : (A) Catering to the needs of weaker section on preferential basis (B) Isolating weaker section from the main stream (C) Promoting reverse discrimination (D) Promoting anti-poverty measures Inclusive Growth requires adoption of appropriate policies which cater to (A) Reducing corruption (B) Disintegration of disadvantaged section from others (C) Holistic wellbeing of marginalized section of the society (D) Punishing ineffective government agencies Food Security under inclusive growth refers to : (A) Import of food (B) Transfer of agricultural land to poor (C) Mid-day meal for school children (D) Provision of subsidized food grains for poor Intended benefits of inclusive growth will lead to : (A) Personality development (B) Social disharmony (C) Socio-economic growth of the disadvantaged people (D) Malnutrition One of the objectives of inclusive growth is to ensure (A) To reduce insurgency and terrorism (B) Protective discrimination in favour of weaker section in employment sector (C) To resolve industrial disputes (D) To check migration J-10-12 45 ệổệò I ệở ệìáỹíệìịệệ ỳệàệễẻỳệệở/ệặỹằệệở ỳệờ ệổệò II ệở ìÔỹ íệ đệờỳ ệáểỹệ ìỳ ãệệđệờ ờỳ ắệệễ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳòìãệ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (1) 1992 (i) ắệịệễãệàệểệò íệẽệệ ắệáỹệờãệíệệáỹ àệệờãệđệệ (2) 1995 (ii) áỹệềỹòàệ íệẽệệòịệ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ íệệáểỹỹò àệệờãệđệệ (3) 2000 (iii) ìắệắệ ắàệệệệáỹ ệểíệỹđệ (iv) ệặỹệệìÔỹ ìắệỳệệ ằệừàệ (4) 2005 Ûæú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) (i) (1) (4) (4) (2) (ii) (4) (1) (2) (4) (iii) (2) (2) (1) (1) ệệ ặỹệờíệò ãệệ ệệở ệệắệễãệìđệỳ ìắệệáỹịệ ệẽịệệằệò ỳò ệờáỹ íệẽệáỹ ặỹệờđệờ ệÊệệ ệẽàệờỳ ệáỹ ệáỹ ệẽỹệệệáỹ ỳệ ỳáỹđệờ ặờỹệó ỳỹệờáỹ ỳÔỹệ ỹệđệờ ỳệ ệệắệ ìđệìặỹệ ặỹệờ ệổĩệ ệÊệệ óỳệệờệịệ ờỳ ệáỹ ỳệờ, ìắệệờệệ: ệệểệÊệ ằệệờíệệở ệở, ỳệ ỳáỹđệệ ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ỳò ìÔỹệệ ệở ệặỹÂắệệổịệễ ỳÔỹệ ặỹệờíệệ ìỳáỹ ệò, ệệáỹặỹắệ àệệờãệđệệ ờỳ ệẽệỵệ-ệĂệ ệở ệ ừệờĂệ ệáỹ ệỹ ỵệ ệở ơàệệđệ đệặỹ ởỳìƯỹệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ệÊệệ àệặỹ ệệắệễìĂệỳ àệệờãệđệệệở ệờ ặỹỹỳáỹ ằệìừệệ àệệờãệđệệệở ệáỹ ơàệệđệ ởỳìƯỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ Ôỹệệắệ ỳệờ ệẽìệỉệìệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ãệệìỳ ằệìừệệ àệệờãệđệệệở ệở đệờỳ, ìệệó íệểệòáỹ Ăệóìỹàệệẹ ặùỹ ãệệờ ắệệệìắệỳ ỵệ ệở íệáỹòệ ằệệờíệệở ỳệờ ệìặỹíệễệ ỳáỹệò ặùỹ 46 ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ỳệ ệẽệÊệìệỳ ằệừàệ àệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệáỹòàệệệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ỳệãệệờáỹ ắệíệệớ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳò ệổệ ỳáỹđệệ (B) ỳệãệệờáỹ ắệíệễ ỳệờ ệóĩàệơệệáỹệ ệờ ằệíệ ỳáỹđệệ (C) ìắệệáỹòệ ệờÔỹệệắệ ỳệờ ệèỹệắệệ Ôờỹđệệ (D) íệáỹòệò-ìắệạýăỹ ệệàệệở ỳệờ ệèỹệắệệ Ôờỹđệệ 47 ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ờỳ ìằệ ờệò đệòìệ ệđệệđệờ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ ặợỹ ãệệờ ệặỹệàệỳ ặỹệờ : (A) ệẽỹệệệáỹ ỳệờ ỳệ ỳáỹđệờ ệở (B) đàệ ằệệờíệệở ệờ ệóìắệơệệắệểìệệ ắệíệễ ờỳ ìắệệỹđệ ệở (C) ệệệãệ ờỳ ệờìừệệ ắệíệễ ờỳ ệỳằệ ỳằàệệịệ ệở (D) ìđệệẽệệắệò ệáỹỳệáỹò ệểÊệệđệệở ỳệờ Ôỹìịỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ệở 48 ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ờỳ ểệíệễệ ĩệệê ệÔỹệÊệễ ệóáỹừệệ ìỳệờ ệểÔỹệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ? (A) ĩệệÔậỹàệ ệÔỹệÊệễ ỳệ ệàệệệ (B) íệáỹòệệở ỳệờ ĩệờìệặỹáỹ ệổìệ ỳệ ặỹệệểệáỹịệ (C) ìắệêệằệàệ ờỳ ệệệở ờỳ ìằệ ệáỹệặậỹđệệệờãệđệ (D) íệáỹòệệở ờỳ ìằệ ệÔỹệÔỹò ĩệệêệđđệ ỳò ắàệắệÊệệ 49 ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ờỳ ệòỹ ằệệệệở ệờ ệđđệ ặỹệờíệệ : (A) ắàệìệắệ ìắệỳệệ (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợệđệàệ (C) ệóìắệơệệắệểìệệ ằệệờíệệở ỳệ ệệệệìãệỳ-ệÊệỳ ìắệỳệệ (D) óỳệệờệịệ 50 ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ệở ệờ ìỳệờ ệóìđệìệệ ỳáỹđệệ ệệệắệờệò ắệộìăỹ ỳệ ỳ Đờỹàệ ặợỹ ? (A) ÔờỹệƯỹệờặỹ ệÊệệ ệệểỳắệệÔỹ ệở ỳệò ằệệđệệ (B) áỹệờãệíệệáỹ ờỳ ừệờĂệ ệở ỳệãệệờáỹ ắệíệễ ờỳ ệừệ ệở áỹừệệệỳ ệờÔỹệệắệ (C) ệợêệờìíệỳ ìắệắệệÔỹệở ỳệ ìđệệỹệáỹệ (D) ệẽắệẻãệđệ ỳệờ áỹệờỳđệệ (iv) (3) (3) (3) (3) ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ằệờĩệệểệ ỳệờ ệìèỹàệờ ệÊệệ ằệờĩệệểệ ỳò ệđệò ệệệ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ệờỳ đệ ệở ìÔỹ íệ ệẽđệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ Ôỹòìãệ : ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ỳệờ ìỳệ ệẽỳệáỹ ệèỹệắệệ ìÔỹàệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ? óỳỷ ờệờ ệÂắệ ặùỹ - ãệợệờ ắệ-ệặỹệàệệ ệệổặỹệở ỳệờ ệèỹệắệệ Ôờỹđệệ Êệắệệ ệặỹệệệ íệệểơệò áỹệềỹòàệ íệẽệệòịệ áỹệờãệíệệáỹ íệệáỹịỹò ìơệìđệàệệ (ệđệáờỹíệệ) (MNREGA), ìãệệệở 51% ệờ 56% ệỳ đệóệổìệệ ãệệìệàệệở/ãệđệãệệìệàệệở ờỳ ằệệệíệẽệìặỹàệệở ệÊệệ 41% ệờ 50% ệỳ ờỳ ệìặỹằệệ ằệệệíệẽệìặỹàệệở ỳệ ệệệắệờệ ỳáỹ ệ-ệệệắệờệò ệệàệệở ỳệờ ệđệệđệờ ỳệ Ôỹệắệệ ìỳàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ ắệộìăỹ ờỳ ằệệệ ỳệờ ìơệỳ ệệệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóđệắệệìáỹệ ỳáỹđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệáỹỳệáỹ ỳệờ àệặỹ ệóìđệìệệ ỳáỹđệệ ặỹệờíệệ ìỳ ệệểệÊệ (ệờìừệệ) ằệệờíệệở ệở ệờ ìơệỳệáỹ ằệệờíệệở ệáỹ, ỳáỹệờìỹắệ ờệđệ ãệợệò ìắệệờệ đệòìệàệệở ờỳ ệìáỹệẽờừàệ ệở ặỹò đệặỹ ệìằỳ ệệệ đệòìệàệệở ờỳ ệìáỹệẽờừàệ ệở ơàệệđệ ởỳìƯỹệ ìỳàệệ ãệệàệ Ôổỹệáờỹ ệÔỹệở ệở, àệìÔỹ ệệệắệờìệệ ắệộìăỹ ỳệờ ỳ đệệáỹệ ệệĂệ đệ ặỹệờỳáỹ ỳ ắệệệìắệỳ đệòìệ ờỳ ỵệ ệở Êệệìệệ ặỹệờđệệ ặợỹ ệệờ ệắệệễìơệỳ ệệểệÊệ ằệệờíệệở ệáỹ ệẽệệắệ ờỳ ệểÔỹệễ ệở ệệệãệệáỹỳ đệòìệàệệở ờỳ ệểệổịệễ ìắệệệáỹ ừệờĂệ ờỳ ệìáỹắệòừệịệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ ặợỹ Ôỹệặỹáỹịệắệỵệ, ĩệệê-ệóáỹừệệ ờỳ ệóĐờỹ ỳệờ ằệở àệìÔỹ íệịệđệệ ỳáỹđệờ ỳò ìắệìơệàệệở ệÊệệ ệáỹòỳệở ệáỹ ặỹệờ áỹặỹò ìắệÔậỹắệÂệệệổịệễ ệặỹệ ệờ ờệò ìÊệìệ ệđđệ ặỹệờệò ặỹệờ ìãệệệờ íệáỹòệệở ỳệ ệèỹệ ắệíệễ íệợáỹ-íệáỹòệ ờỳ ỵệ ệở ắệíệỏộỳệ ặỹệờ áỹặỹệ ặỹệờ ệợáỹ ệ ệẽỳệáỹ ệÔỹệÔỹò ĩệệêệệệíệẽò ệệđệờ ỳò ệệĂệệệ ệờ ắệểìệệ ặỹệờ áỹặỹệ ặỹệờ ệệờ ệ ìÊệìệ ệở ắệộìăỹ Ôỹáỹ ệ ặỹệờíệệ àệệởìỳ, ÔỹệặỹáỹịệệÊệễ, đệóệổìệệ ãệệìệàệệở / ãệđệãệệìệàệệở ệÊệệ ệóệằệệệđệ ắệíệễ ờỳ ệìệìằệệ ặỹệờđệờ ệờ ệ ắệộìăỹ Ôỹáỹ ệệÊệ-ệệÊệ ìÊệệ ặỹệờíệò àệêìệ ệặỹệ ãệệáỹò áỹặờỹíệò (àệệ áỹặỹđệò ệệìặỹ), àệặỹ ìơệỳ ệệÊệễỳ J-10-12 15 Paper-II Space For Rough Work Paper-II 16 J-10-12 .. .SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Which one of the... Niketan Work Mumbai (ii) Social Work (2) N.I.R.D Perspectives Hyderabad (iii) Contemporary (3) Tata Institute Social Work of Social Sciences Mumbai (iv) Journal of (4) Department Rural of Social. .. ệặỹò ặùỹ ệÊệệ (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệĩàệệ Ỉỵü … (D) (A) (R), (R), Paper- II 27 28 Assertion (A) : Working with minorities requires that social worker has an indepth understanding of the effect of oppression

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 19:08
