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Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2011 june

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PAPER-II SOCIAL WORK Signature and Name of Invigilator (Signature) OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Name) Roll No (Signature) (In figures as per admission card) (Name) J 10 Roll No. (In words) 1 Time : /4 hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Instructions for the Candidates Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : B C A D where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I Booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your Name, Roll Number, Phone Number or put any mark on any part of the Answer Sheet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, or use abusive language or employ any other unfair means, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet and OMR Answer sheet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is no negative marks for incorrect answers J-10-11 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 ệáỹòừệệÊệàệệở ờỳ ìằệ ìđệÔỡỹệ ệặỹằệờ ệộỹ ờỳ ỳệáỹ ìđệàệệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ ệđệệ áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ ìằệìĩệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệĂệ ệở ệệệệ ệặóỹìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽđệ ặùỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệẽệáỹệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ, ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệệỳệờ Ôờỹ Ôỹò ãệệàệờíệò ệặỹằệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ệệỳệờ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ệÊệệ ệỳò ìđệđệìằệìĩệệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ìằệ ìÔỹàệờ ãệệàệởíệờ, ìãệệỳò ãệệẹệ ệệỳệờ ắệàệ ỳáỹđệò ặợỹ : (i) ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ĩệệờằệđệờ ờỳ ìằệ ệờỳ ỳắệáỹ ệờãệ ệáỹ ằệíệò ỳệíệãệ ỳò ệòằệ ỳệờ ỳệèỹ ằệở ĩệóằệò ặóỹễ àệệ ìệđệệ ỹòỳáỹ-ệòằệ ỳò ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ (ii) ỳắệáỹ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỷệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệđệóệệáỹ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ệộỹ ệÊệệ ệẽđệệở ỳò ệểĩàệệ ỳệờ ỷò ệáỹặỹ ệợỳ ỳáỹ ằệở ìỳ àệờ ệổáờỹ ặùỹ Ôỹệờ ệệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ìãệđệệở ệộỹ/ệẽđệ ỳệ ặỹệở àệệ Ôóỹệệáỹệ ệ íệàệờ ặỹệở àệệ ệòìáỹàệằệ ệở đệ ặỹệở Êệệễệậ ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳò Ăệóìỹệổịệễ ệóìệỳệ ắệòỳệáỹ đệ ỳáởỹ ệÊệệ ệò ệệàệ ệờ ằệệợỹệỳáỹ ệờỳ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Ôổỹệáỹò ệặỹò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ằệờ ằệở ệờỳ ìằệ ệệỳệờ ệệẹệ ìệđệỹ ìÔỹàệờ ãệệàệởíệờ ệờỳ ệệÔỹ đệ ệệờ ệệỳò ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ắệệệệ ằệò ãệệàệờíệò ệợáỹ đệ ặỹò ệệỳệờ ìệìáỹệ ệệàệ ìÔỹàệệ ãệệàệờíệệ (iii) ệ ãệệẹệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ OMR ệĂệỳ ỳò ẻỳệ ệểĩàệệ ệ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ệáỹ ểìỳệ ỳáỹ Ôởỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽđệ ờỳ ìằệ ệệáỹ Âệáỹ ìắệỳằệ (A), (B), (C) ệÊệệ (D) ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ờỳ ÔỹòệễắệộÂệ ỳệờ ệờđệ ệờ ệáỹỳáỹ ỳệằệệ ỳáỹđệệ ặợỹ ãệợệệ ìỳ đệòệờ ìÔỹĩệệàệệ íệàệệ ặợỹ B C A Ôỹệặỹáỹịệ : D ãệệìỳỳ(C) ệặỹò Âệáỹ ặợỹ ệẽđệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ ờỳắệằệ ệẽđệ ệĂệ I ờỳ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ Âệáỹ-ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ặỹò ểìỳệ ỳáỹđệờ ặùỹ àệìÔỹ ệệ Âệáỹ ệĂệỳ ệáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ÔỹòệễắệộÂệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ìỳệò đàệ Êệệđệ ệáỹ Âệáỹ ìệđệệểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệỳệ ệổằàệệểỳđệ đệặỹ ặỹệờíệệ đÔỹáỹ ìÔỹàệờ íệàệờ ìđệÔỡỹệệở ỳệờ ơàệệđệệổắệễỳ ệèởỹ ỳệệ ỳệệ (Rough Work) ệ ệóìệỳệ ờỳ ìđệệ ệộỹ ệáỹ ỳáởỹ àệìÔỹ ệệ Âệáỹ-ệóìệỳệ ệáỹ ìđệàệệ Êệệđệ ờỳ ằệệắệệ ệđệệ đệệệ, áỹệờằệ đệệáỹ, ỳệờđệ đệệáỹ àệệ ỳệờễ ệò ờệệ ìệđệ ìãệệệờ ệệỳò ệặỹệệđệ ặỹệờ ệờỳ, ểìỳệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ Êệắệệ ệƯỹ ệệệệ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, àệệ ỳệờễ đàệ đệóìệệ ệệơệđệ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ỳáỹệờ ặùỹ, ệệờ ệáỹòừệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệờíàệ ệệờìệệ ìỳàệờ ãệệ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ệệỳệờ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệệ ặỹệờđệờ ệáỹ ệẽđệ-ệóìệỳệ ắệể OMR Âệáỹ-ệĂệỳ ìđệáỹòừệỳ ệặỹệờÔỹàệ ỳệờ ằệệợỹệđệệ ệắệàệỳ ặợỹ ệợáỹ ệáỹòừệệ ệệệìệ ờỳ ệệÔỹ ệờ ệđệờ ệệÊệ ệáỹòừệệ ệắệđệ ệờ ệệặỹáỹ đệ ằệờỳáỹ ãệệàệở 10 ờỳắệằệ đệòằệờ/ỳệằệờ ệệằệ ắệệếỹ ệờđệ ỳệ ặỹò ệờệệằệ ỳáởỹ 11 ìỳệò ệò ệẽỳệáỹ ỳệ ệểíệịệỳ (ợỳằệóỳằệờỹáỹ) àệệ ằệệíệ ờỹệằệ ệìÔỹ ỳệ ệẽàệệờíệ ắệãệệ ặợỹ 12 íệằệệ Âệáỹệở ờỳ ìằệ ỳệờễ ểỳ ỳệờỹ đệặỹ ãệệẹíệờ P.T.O SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Elizabethan Poor Law, 1601 was based on (A) Concept of Rehabilitation (B) Concept of Determining the Needs of Clients (C) Concept of Charity (D) Concept of Empowerment Friendly visitors are related to (A) Charity Organisation Society, USA (B) Elizabethan Poor Law, 1601 (C) Charity Organisation Society, London (D) None of these The classification of social system as (i) Mechanical Social System and (ii) Organic Social System is given by (A) E Durkheim (B) P Sorokin (C) MacIver (D) T Parson Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion etc is a Fundamental Right classified under (A) The Right to Freedom of Religion (B) The Right Against Exploitation (C) The Right to Equality (D) The Cultural and Educational Rights Social stratification means (A) Socialisation (B) Social Change (C) Division of Labour (D) Division of People on the basis of birth and social status Paper-II “Electra complex” is a situation found in (A) Oral Stage (B) Anal Stage (C) Phalic Stage (D) Latency Stage In Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory, death or aggressive instinct is referred as (A) Triebe (B) Libido (C) Thanotos (D) None of these The capacity of a person to put oneself in somebody’s else situation and understand the feelings and emotions is known as (A) Sympathy (B) Empathy (C) Telepathy (D) None of these ‘Principle of Confidentiality’ was given by (A) Pearlman (B) Hamilton (C) Biestek (D) Beker 10 The principle of ‘Continuous Individualisation’ is related to (A) Social Case Work (B) Social Group Work (C) Community Organisation (D) All the above 11 In social group work the principal instrument of change is (A) Organisation of Programme (B) Leadership Development (C) Guided Group Interactions (D) None of the above J-10-11 ệệệãệ ỳệàệễ ệẽệệĂệ II ệệờỹ : ệ ệẽệệĂệ ệở ệệệệ (50) ệặóỹ-ìắệỳằệòàệ ệẽệ ặùỹ ệẽàệờỳ ệẽệ ờỳ Ôỹệờ (2) ểỳ ặùỹ ệệò ệẽệệở ờỳ Âệáỹ Ôởỹ ìằệãệệệờÊệệ ệóáỹ ằệệũ, 1601 ìỳệ ệáỹ ệơệệìáỹệ Êệệ ? (A) ệóệÊệệễệệ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ (B) ệờắệệÊệàệệở ỳò ệắệàệỳệệẹ ìệơệệễìáỹệ ỳáỹệờ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ (C) Ôỹệệ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ (D) ệệệỳáỹệ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ ìệĂệắệệ ệệệóỳ ìệệìằệìệệ ệờ ệệơệệ ặùỹ : (A) ệờìáỹỹò ệũệỡệệãệèờệệ ệệờệệỹò, àệổ.ệ. (B) ìằệãệệệờÊệệ ệóáỹ ằệệũ, 1601 (C) ệờìáỹỹò ệũệỡệệãệèờệệ ệệờệệỹò, ằệỹệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳệ àệặỹ ắệệỏỳáỹệ-(i) àệệĂệỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ắàệắệÊệệ ệợáỹ (ii) ãệợắệ ệệệệìãệỳ ắàệắệÊệệ ìỳệệờ ệờệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) Ôóỹệỏệ (B) ệò ệệờáỹệờìỳệ (C) ệợỳệắệáỹ (D) ỹò ệệệễệ ơệệễ àệệìÔỹ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ệờÔỹệệắệ ìệệờơệ ờỳ ệệợìằệỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ỳệờ ìỳệờỳ ểệệễệ ắệệỏộỳệ ìỳàệệ ệàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ơệệễ ỳò ắệệĂệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ (B) ệệờệệ ờỳ ìắệạăỹ ìơệỳệáỹ (C) ệệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ (D) ệệểộỳìệỳ ệÊệệ ệợìệỳ ìơệỳệáỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệáỹòỳáỹệ ỳệ Êệễ ặợỹ : (A) ệệệãệòỳáỹệ (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ệìáỹắệệễệ (C) ệệ ìắệệệãệệ (D) ãệệ ệÊệệ ệệệệìãệỳ ệáỹ ờỳ ệơệệáỹ ệáỹ ằệệờệệở ỳệ ìắệệệãệệ J-10-11 ằệờềỹệ ỳệũệằệờệ ìệệìằệìệệ ắệÊệệ ệở ệệệệ ặợỹ : (A) ệóệệắệÊệệ (B) ệóÔỹệắệÊệệ (C) ằệùìệỳ ắệÊệệ (D) ệóệệắệÊệệ ẽỳệũàệỹắệệÔỹò ệệệờắệợằệờìệỳ ìệăỹệệ ệở ệộàệó Êệắệệ ệẻỳệệệòằệ ắệộìÂệ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ềỹòệ (B) ìằệìệỹệờ (C) Êệợệệỹệũệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ệệờ ỳệờ ìỳệò àệ ắàệệ ỳò Êệìệ ệở áỹệệờ ệợáỹ ệỳò ệệắệệệệở ệÊệệ ệểắệờÔỹệệệở ỳệờ ệệệệờ ỳò ệệệệ ỳệờ àệệ ỳặỹệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệặỹệệóệổìệ (B) ệáỹệệóệổìệ (C) ÔổỹáỹệểắệờÔỹệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ệệờệệòàệệệ ỳệ ìệăỹệệ ìỳệệờ ệẽìệệệìÔỹệ ìỳàệệ Êệệ ? (A) ệằệễệợệ (B) ặợỹìệằỹệ (C) ệệệợỹỳ (D) ệờỳáỹ 10 ệệệậ ắệợàệệòỳáỹệ ìệăỹệệ ệệơệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợàệệỳ ỳệàệễ (B) ệệệệìãệỳ ệệệổìặỹỳ ỳệàệễ (C) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệểệỹệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò 11 ệệệệìãệỳ ệệệổìặỹỳ ỳệàệễ ệở ệìáỹắệệễệ ỳệ ệẽệóệ ệỳáỹệ ặợỹ : (A) ỳệàệễẻỳệ ỳệ ệểệỹệ (B) ệờệộắệ ìắệỳệệ (C) ệệệễ ìệÔỡỹìệệ ệệệổìặỹỳ ểệẻỳàệệẹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ìỳệệờ Paper-II 12 Locality Development, Social Planning and Social Action as models of community organisation were given by (A) Murray Ross (B) Jack Rothman (C) Perlman (D) Sanders 13 The concept of Conscientization is given by (A) Paulo Frierie (B) Martin Luther King (C) GAA Britto (D) Saul Alinsky 14 The value of middle item of series when arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude is known as (A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) Standard Deviation 15 In social research, the design used to search for ‘what’ of the problem is (A) Exploratory design (B) Experimental design (C) Comparative study design (D) Descriptive design 16 Which one of the following is the source of social policy ? (A) Ministry of Human Resource Development (B) Indian Constitution (C) Non-Government Organisation (D) None of the above 17 Ramification is (A) Name of a technique to work with the tribal people (B) An evaluation technique (C) A criteria to decide the kind of policies to be pursued for allocation of resources (D) A selection method for community workers Paper-II 18 Which one of the following homes is not the part of the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act of 2000 ? (A) Observation Home (B) Shelter Home (C) Protective Home (D) Special Home 19 Which of the following explains the concept of ‘Right’ ? (A) Which is morally or socially correct or just (B) A justification or fair claim (C) A thing which may be claimed legally or morally (D) All the above 20 Which of the following is not a goal of the Millennium Development Goals ? (A) Achieving universal primary education (B) Reducing child mortality (C) Ensuring environmental sustainability (D) Improving mental health 21 Assertion (A) : Authorisation, approval or permission needed to perform certain professional tasks and activities is known as sanction Reason (B) : Person with problem can take help from professional social worker Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (B) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct J-10-11 12 ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ệểệỹệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ệệở (ệệũỹằệệở) ờỳ ệ ệở Êệệệòàệ ìắệỳệệ, ệệệệìãệỳ ìệàệệờãệệ ệÊệệ ệệệệìãệỳ ỳệáễỹắệệễ ỳệờ ìỳệệờ ệẽệóệ ìỳàệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệáờỹ áỹệũệ (B) ãệợỳ áỹệÊũ ệệợệ (C) ệằệễệợệ (D) ệệũỹáỹệậ 13 ệóăỹệìệỳáỹệ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ ìỳệệờ ệẽệóệ ỳò ặợỹ ? (A) ệệũằệệờ ẽờỳáờỹ (B) ệệỹệ ằệổÊệáỹ ỉỳệ (C) ãệò.. ìệẻỹệờ (D) ệệũằệ ằệờỳò 14 ệộểệằệệ ỳệờ ệệĂệệ ờỳ ệáỹệờặỹò Êệắệệ ắệáỹệờặỹò ẻỳệ ệở ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáỹệờ ệáỹ ệơàệ ệÔỹ ỳệ ệổằàệ àệệ ỳặỹằệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệơàệ (B) ệệơàệỳệ (C) ệặóỹằệỳ (D) ệệệỳ ìắệệằệệ 15 ệệệệìãệỳ ệệờơệ ệở, ệệàệệ ờỳ àệệ ỳò ệệờãệ ỳáỹệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ìỳệ ìỹãệệệ ỳệ ệàệệờệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ắệờệệệệỳ ìỹãệèệệ (B) ệẽàệệờệệệỳ ìỹãệèệệ (C) ệóằệệệệỳ ơàệàệệ ìỹãệèệệ (D) ìắệắệáỹệệệỳ ìỹãệèệệ 16 ệệệệìãệỳ ệòìệ ỳệ ệệờệ ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ệờ ỳệợệ ệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệắệ ệểệệơệệ ìắệỳệệ ệĂệệằệàệ (B) ệệáỹệòàệ ệểìắệơệệệ (C) ệợáỹ-ệáỹỳệáỹò ệểệỹệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ 17 ệệệệ ìắệệệáỹ (áợỹìệìỳờỳệệ) (A) ãệệãệệìệ ờỳ ằệệờệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ỳệệ ỳáỹệờ ỳò ệỳệòỳ ỳệ ệệệ ặợỹ (B) ệổằàệệểỳệ ệỳệòỳ ặợỹ (C) ệểệệơệệệở ờỳ ệệẹỹệ ặờỹệó ệệệễ ãệệệờ ắệệằệò ệòìệàệệở ờỳ ệệáờỹ ệở ìệệễỹàệ ỳáỹệờ ỳệ ệệệÔểỹỹ ặợỹ (D) ệệệóÔỹệìàệỳ ỳệàệễỳÂệệễệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệàệệ ệăỹìệ ặợỹ J-10-11 18 ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ệờ ỳệợệ ệệ ệộặỹ ìỳệệờáỹ àệệàệ (ệệệở ỳò Ôờỹệáờỹệ ệÊệệ ệểáỹệệ) ìơệìệàệệ, 2000 ỳệ ìặỹệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệàệễắệờệệ ệộặỹ (B) ệệàệ ệộặỹ (C) ệểáỹệệệỳ ệộặỹ (D) ìắệệờệ ệộặỹ (ệợệằệ ặỹệờệ) 19 ìệệìằệìệệ ệở ệờ àệệ ìơệỳệáỹ ỳò ắệơệệáỹệệ ỳệờ ệỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ãệệờ ệợìệỳ ệ ệờ àệệ ệệệệìãệỳ ệ ệờ ệặỹò Êệắệệ àệệàệệổệễỹ ặỹệờ (B) ệợìệàệ àệệ àệệàệệổệễỹ Ôỹệắệệ ặỹệờ (C) ắệệờ ệòãệ ìãệệờ ỳệệổệò ệ ệờ àệệ ệợìệỳ ệ ệờ ệệểệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặỹệờ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò 20 ìệệệểìỳệ ệở ệờ ỳệợệ ệệ ệặỹệệÔỹ ìắệỳệệ ằệàệệở ỳệ ằệàệ ệặỹ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệắệễìĂệỳ ệẽệÊệìệỳ ìệệệ ệẽệệ ỳáỹệệ (B) ệệằệ ệộàệó Ôỹáỹ ỳệờ ỳệ ỳáỹệệ (C) ệàệệễắệáệòàệ ơệệáệòàệệệ ệóìệệệ ỳáỹệệ (D) ệệệìệỳ ắệệÊàệ ỳệờ ệệ ỳáỹệệ 21 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : óỳỷ ắàệệắệệệìàệỳ ỳệàệệớ ệÊệệ ệìệìắệìơệàệệở ờỳ ìệệệÔỹệ ặờỹệó ệờìệệ ệóệệ, ệóệệờÔỹệ àệệ ệóệìệ ỳệờ ệểãệổáỹò (ắệòộỳìệ) ờỳ ệệệ ệờ ãệệệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ắệặỹ ắàệệ ìãệệờ ệệàệệ ặợỹ ắàệệắệệệìàệỳ (ệờệờắệáỹ) ệệệệìãệỳ ỳệàệễỳÂệệễ ệờ ệặỹệàệệệ ằệờ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ìệệìằệìệệ ệở ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ệóìệ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ Paper-II 22 23 24 Assertion (A) : Due to the strong family ties women in India are sacrificing for their family Reason (R) : Because it is a product of social conditioning Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (R) is true, but (A) is false Assertion (A) : Socialization is a significant process of human groups Reason (R) : Long period of dependency allows children to learn things they need to know Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) Both (A) and (R) are false Assertion (A) : Relationship is the basis of all help in social case work Reason (R) : Personal relations can help in solving all the problems Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) Both (A) and (R) are false Paper-II 25 Assertion (A) : The basic theme of self-help, group is ‘you are not alone’ Reason (R) : Being member of selfhelp group Rekha, a widow is alone Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (B) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct (C) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct 26 Assertion (A) : Panchayat Raj Institutions have been in existence for a long time, however, these institutions have not been able to acquire the status and dignity of viable and responsive people’s bodies Reason (R) : Due to absence of inadequate devolution of powers and lack of financial resources Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true 27 Assertion (A) : Quantitative research approach involves generation of data in quantitative form which can be subjected to rigorous quantitative analysis in formal and rigid passion Reason (R) : Because it deals with subjective assessment of attitudes, opinions and behaviour Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true J-10-11 22 23 †×³Ưú£Ư−Ư (A) : ệệáỹệ ệở ệệệệằệò ệệìáỹắệệìáỹỳ ệệơệệở ỳò ắệãệặỹ ệờ Ăệàệệẹ ệệờ ệìáỹắệệáỹ ờỳ ìằệàệờ àệệệ ỳáỹ áỹặỹ ặùỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : àệệởìỳ àệặỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ệóệơệệ ỳò ệãệ ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ, ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ 25 26 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệệệãệòỳáệ ệệệắệòàệ ệệổặỹệở ỳò ệặỹÂắệệổệễỹ ệẽìẻỳàệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệìệệệệ ỳò Ôỹòệễ ắệìơệ ặỹệờệờ ệờ ệệờ ắệặỹ ệệ óỳỷ ệòệ ằệờệờ ặùỹ ãệệờ ìỳ ặởỹ ệòệ ằệờệờ ỳò ãệè áỹệ ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ, ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặợỹ 27 24 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệệệệìãệỳ ắệợàệệỳ ỳệàệễ ệở ệệệ ệặỹệàệệệ ỳệ ệơệệáỹ ệệơệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ắệợàệệỳ ệệơệ ệệệ ệệàệệệở ỳệ ặỹằệ ỳáỹệờ ệở ệÔỹÔỹ ỳáỹ ệỳệờ ặùỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ, ệáỹệó (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặợỹ J-10-11 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ắệàệể ệặỹệàệệệ ệệổặỹ ỳệ ệổằệệổệ ìắệệàệ ặợỹ ìỳ ệóệ ờỳằệờ ệặỹ ặỹệờ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ắệàệể ệặỹệàệệệ ệệổặỹ ỳệ ệÔỹàệ ặỹệờệờ ờỳ ỳệáỹệ, áờỹệệ ãệệờ ìắệơệắệệ ặợỹ ờỳằệò ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (C) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệểệệàệệ áỹệãệ ệểÊệệẹ ằệệờ ệệàệ ệờ ệắệ ệở ặợỹ, ệÊệệìệ, àệặỹ ệểÊệệẹ ắàệắệặỹệàệễ ệÊệệ ệẽìệệểắệờÔỹò ìệỳệàệệở ỳệ Ôỹãệệễ ệÊệệ ệìáỹệệ ãệệ ệặỹ ỳáỹ ệệế ặùỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ìắệÂệòàệ ệểệệơệệệở ờỳ ệệắệ ệợáỹ ìơệỳệáỹệở ờỳ ệàệệễệ Êệắệệ ằệòằệ ặỹệệệáỹệ ờỳ ỳệáỹệ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ệìáỹệệệệệỳ ệệờơệ ệệệệ ệở ệệĂệệệỳ ệ ệở ệẹỳèỹệở ỳệ ệộãệệ ìệìặỹệ ặợỹ ìãệệỳệ ệợệệệìáỹỳ ắệể ỳỹệờáỹ ểỹệ ệờ ệàệ ệìáỹệệệệệỳ ìắệằệờệệ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : àệệởìỳ ệỳệ ệệơệ ìệắệộìÂệàệệở, ệệệở ệợáỹ ắàệắệặỹệáỹ ờỳ ắàệệìệỹ ệổằàệệểỳệ ờỳ ệệÊệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ Paper-II 28 29 30 Assertion (A) : Indian Government has initiated adequate measures for protection against trafficking of women and girls Reason (R) : Trafficking in India is an increase and moving towards legalisation Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong (B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong (C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct (D) Both (A) and (R) are correct Assertion (A) : Right to Education ensures access to and quality of education Reason (R) : No legislation can ensure quality education in India Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true Assertion (A) : Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment Reason (R) : So that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations Choose your answer from the following : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true Paper-II 31 Identify the correct sequence : (A) Case Study, Prognosis, Diagnosis, Treatment (B) Case Study, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment (C) Prognosis, Case Study, Diagnosis, Treatment (D) Diagnosis, Prognosis, Case Study, Treatment 32 Identify the sequence regarding process of communication : (A) Medium, Sender, Recipient, Feedback (B) Sender, Medium, Feedback, Recipient (C) Sender, Medium, Recipient, Feedback (D) Sender, Feedback, Medium, Recipient 33 Identify the sequence of stages of learning during childhood development : (A) Innate abilities, Sensory and Motor Skills, Cognitive, Instructions (B) Cognitive, Instructions, Innate abilities, Sensory and Motor Skills (C) Innate abilities, Cognitive, Instructions, Sensory and Motor Skills (D) Cognitive, Innate abilities, Sensory and Motor Skills, Instructions 34 In research the data is processed in order of (A) Classification, Editing, Coding, Master-sheet (B) Coding, Editing, Classification, Master-sheet (C) Editing, Master-sheet, Coding, Classification (D) Editing, Coding, Classification, Master-sheet 35 Identify right sequence of declarations made in the Indian Constitution : (A) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic (B) Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic, Republic (C) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Republic, Democratic (D) Sovereign, Democratic, Socialist, Secular, Republic J-10-11 28 29 30 †×³Ưú£Ư−Ư (A) : Ăệàệệở ệợáỹ ệệìằệỳệệở ờỳ ệợìệỳ ắàệệệệáỹ ờỳ ìắệạ ăỹ ệểáỹệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệáỹệòàệ ệáỹỳệáỹ ệờ ệàệệễệ ệệàệ ìỳàệờ ặùỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệệáỹệ ệở ệợìệỳ ắàệệệệáỹ ệở ắệộìăỹ ặỹệờ áỹặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ àệặỹ ắệợơệòỳáỹệ ỳò ệờáỹ ệèỹ áỹặỹệ ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệằệệ ặùỹ (B) (A) ệặỹò ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệằệệ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệằệệ ặợỹ ệợáỹ (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ (D) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệặỹò ặùỹ 31 32 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ìệệệ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ ìệệệ ỳò ệóệắệÂệệ ệÊệệ ìệệệ ệỳ ệặóẹỹệ ệóìệệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệệáỹệ ệở ỳệờễ ỳệệổệ ệóệắệÂệệệổệễỹ ìệệệ ệóìệệệ ệặỹ ỳáỹ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ 33 34 ìệỳÊệệ (A) : ơệệáỹệòàệ ìắệỳệệ ệểệệơệệ ệàệệờệ ỳệ ỳ ệệổệệ ặợỹ ãệệờ ắệệệệắệáỹệ ỳò ệóáỹệệ ờỳ ệệÊệ-ệệÊệ ệệệắệòàệ ệắệàệỳệệệở ỳệờ ệổáỹệ ỳáỹệờ ỳệ ằệàệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ỳệáỹệ (R) : ệệìỳ ệ ãệ áỹệệở ỳệờ ệ ờỳắệằệ ắệệễệệệ ệở ệổáỹệ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệờỳ, ệáỹệó ệệắệò ệòìèỹàệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệò ệổáỹệ ìỳàệệ ãệệ ệờỳ ìệệệểìỳệ ệờ ệệờ Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ (A) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ặợỹ (B) (A) ệợáỹ (R) Ôỹệờệệở ệàệ ặùỹ ệợáỹ (R), (A) ỳò ệặỹò ắàệệàệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ (C) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ (D) (A) ệàệ ặợỹ, ệáỹệó (R) ệàệ ặợỹ J-10-11 35 ệặỹò ệóẻỳệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ ỳáởỹ : (A) ắệợàệệỳ ơàệàệệ, ệổắệệễệóệệệ, ìệÔỹệệ, ệệệáỹ (B) ắệợàệệỳ ơàệàệệ, ìệÔỹệệ, ệổắệệễệóệệệ, ệệệáỹ (C) ệổắệệễệóệệệ, ắệợàệệỳ ơàệàệệ, ìệÔỹệệ, ệệệáỹ (D) ìệÔỹệệ, ệổắệệễệóệệệ, ắệợàệệỳ ơàệàệệ, ệệệáỹ ệểệệáỹ (Êệắệệ ệểệẽờệệ) ỳò ệẽìẻỳàệệ ệờ ệệơệệ ệóẻỳệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ ỳáởỹ (A) ệệơàệệ, ệẽờệỳ, ệẽệệỳ, ệẽìệệóỹ (B) ệẽờệỳ, ệệơàệệ, ệẽìệệóỹ, ệẽệệỳ (C) ệẽờệỳ, ệệơàệệ, ệẽệệỳ, ệẽìệệóỹ (D) ệẽờệỳ, ệẽìệệóỹ, ệệơàệệ, ệẽệệỳ ệệằệ ìắệỳệệ ờỳ Ôỹệợáỹệệ ệòệệờ ỳò ắệÊệệệở ờỳ ệóẻỳệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ ỳáởỹ (A) ểệãệệễệ àệệờàệệệẹ, ệểắệờÔỹệở ệÊệệ ệàệệệỳ ỳệợệằệ, ệểệệệệệỳ, ệóÔờỹệ (B) ệểệệệệệỳ, ệóÔờỹệ, ểệãệệễệ àệệờàệệệẹ, ệểắệờÔỹò ắệể ệàệệệỳ ỳệợệằệ (C) ểệãệệễệ àệệờàệệệẹ, ệểệệệệệỳ, ệóÔờỹệ, ệểắệờÔỹò ệÊệệ ệàệệệỳ ỳệợệằệ (D) ệểệệệệệỳ, ểệãệệễệ àệệờàệệệẹ, ệểắệờÔỹò ệÊệệ ệàệệệỳ ỳệợệằệ, ệóÔờỹệ ệệờơệ ệở, ệẹỳèỹệở ỳệờ ìệệìằệìệệ ờỳ ẻỳệ ệở ệểệệìơệệ ìỳàệệ ãệệệệ ặợỹ : (A) ắệệỏỳáỹệ, ệểệệÔỹệ, ệểờỳệòỳáỹệ, ệệỹáỹệòỹ (B) ệểờỳệòỳáỹệ, ệểệệÔỹệ, ắệệỏỳáệ, ệệỹáỹệòỹ (C) ệểệệÔỹệ, ệệỹáỹệòỹ, ệểờỳệòỳáỹệ, ắệệỏỳáỹệ (D) ệểệệÔỹệ, ệểờỳệòỳáỹệ, ắệệỏỳáỹệ, ệệỹáỹệòỹ ệệáỹệòàệ ệểìắệơệệệ ệở ỳò ệễ ệệờệệệệở ờỳ ệặỹò ệóẻỳệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ ỳáởỹ (A) ệắệễệÂệệệỳ, ệệệãệắệệÔỹò, ơệệễìệáỹệờệ, ệẽãệệệệĂệỳ, ệệệĂệ (B) ệắệễệÂệệệỳ, ơệệễìệáỹệờệ, ệệệãệắệệÔỹò, ệẽãệệệệĂệỳ, ệệệĂệ (C) ệắệễệÂệệệỳ, ệệệãệắệệÔỹò, ơệệễ ìệáỹệờệ, ệệệĂệ, ệẽãệệệệĂệỳ (D) ệắệễệÂệệệỳ, ệẽãệệệệĂệỳ, ệệệãệắệệÔỹò, ơệệễìệáỹệờệ, ệệệĂệ Paper-II 36 37 38 39 Identify the correct sequence of stages of Group Development : (A) Intimacy, Negotiation, Orientation, Resistance, Termination (B) Orientation, Resistance, Negotiation, Intimacy, Termination (C) Negotiation, Intimacy, Resistance, Termination (D) Orientation, Intimacy, Resistance, Negotiation, Termination Identify the correct sequence : (A) Need Identification, Resource Mobilisation, Rapport Building, Programme planning, Programme management, Evaluation (B) Need Identification, Rapport Building, Resource Mobilisation, Programme Planning, Programme Management, Evaluation (C) Rapport Building, Need Identification, Resource Mobilisation, Programme Planning, Programme Management, Evaluation (D) Rapport Building, Need Identification, Programme Planning, Resource Mobilisation, Programme Management, Evaluation List – I List – II (a) Thorstein Veblen (i) Right to Constitutional Remedies (b) Dr B.R (ii) Unsocial Ambedkar groups 40 (c) George Hasen (iii) Theory of leisure class (d) In Group (iv) Ethnocentrism Codes : (a) (A) iii (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv (c) ii iii i ii (b) i i ii iii (d) iv iv iv i Match the following : List – I Author List – II Books (a) Dandekar V.M (i) Social Work in India (b) Gangrade K.D (ii) Dimensions of Social Work in India (c) Gore M.S (iii) Poverty India Arrange the following class systems in the order in which they have developed Use the code given below : I Guild system II Middle class III Rise of slavery system IV Burgeoise system (A) II, IV, I, III (B) III, I, IV, II (C) II, III, IV, I (D) II, III, I, IV Paper-II Match the items in List-I with List-II : (d) Kinduka S.K in (iv) Some Aspects of Social Development in India Codes : 10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) i ii iii iv (B) ii i iv iii (C) iii ii iv i (D) iv i ii iii J-10-11 36 ÃƯ´ƯỉỈü ờỳ ìắệỳệệ ỳò ắệÊệệệở ờỳ ệặỹò ệóẻỳệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ ỳáởỹ (A) ệìệỹệệ, ệểìơệ-ắệệệệễ, ìệệóệòỳáỹệ, ìắệáỹệờơệ, ệệệệ (B) ìệệóệòỳáỹệ, ìắệáỹệờơệ, ệểìơệ-ắệệệệễ, ệìệỹệệ, ệệệệ (C) ệểìơệ-ắệệệệễ, ệìệỹệệ, ìắệáỹệờơệ, ệệệệ (D) ìệệóệòỳáỹệ, ệìệỹệệ, ìắệáỹệờơệ, ệểìơệắệệệệễ, ệệệệ 37 ệặỹò ệóẻỳệ ệệệàệờ : (A) ệắệàệỳệệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ, ệểệệơệệ ãệóỹệệệ, ệệợặỹệÔễỹệổệễỹ ệệơệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ìệàệệờãệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ệẽệơệệ, ệổằàệệểỳệ (B) ệắệàệỳệệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ, ệệợặỹệÔễỹệổệễỹ ệệơệ, ệểệệơệệ ãệóỹệệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ìệàệệờãệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ệẽệơệệ, ệổằàệệểỳệ (C) ệệợặỹệÔễỹệổệễỹ ệệơệ, ệắệàệỳệệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ, ệểệệơệệ ãệóỹệệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ìệàệệờãệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ệẽệơệệ, ệổằàệệểỳệ (D) ệệợặỹệÔễỹệổệễỹ ệệơệ, ệắệàệỳệệ ỳò ệặỹệệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ìệàệệờãệệ, ệểệệơệệ ãệóỹệệệ, ỳệàệễẻỳệ ệẽệơệệ, ệổằàệệểỳệ 38 39 (a) (A) iii (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv 40 ìệệệểìỳệ ắệệễ ắàệắệÊệệệở ỳệờ ệ ẻỳệ ệở ìãệệ ẻỳệ ệở ắệờ ìắệỳìệệ ặóỹễ ặùỹ, ệở ắàệắệÊệệ ỳáởỹ ệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ỳệ ệàệệờệ ỳáởỹ : (I) ìệằỹ ắàệắệÊệệ (II) ệơàệệ ắệệễ (III) Ôỹệệ ệẽÊệệ ỳệ Ôậỹệắệ (IV) ệổãệóễệ ắàệắệÊệệ (A) II, IV, I, III (B) III, I, IV, II (C) II, III, IV, I (D) II, III, I, IV J-10-11 ệổệò-I ệở ệÔỹệở ỳệờ ệổệò-II ệở ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệóệờìằệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (a) Êệệũỹỏệ (i) ệểắệợơệệìệỳ ắệợệằệờệ ệệệáỹ ỳệ ìơệỳệáỹ (b) ỹệ.ũ ệò.ệáỹ (ii) ệệệệìãệỳ ệờỹỳáỹ ệệổặỹ (c) ãệệãệễ ặợỹệệ (iii) ìắệằệệìệệệ ệệổặỹ ỳệ ìệăỹệệ (d) ệ ệẽóệ (iv) ệộãệệìệ ờỳƯỹòàệỳáỹệ ổỳỹ : (c) ii iii i ii (d) iv iv iv i ìệệệểìỳệ ỳệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (ằệờệỳ) (ệóệởỳ) (a) ỹệểờỹỳáỹ ắệò.ệ (i) ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ ệ ểìỹàệệ (b) ệệểệệẽờỹ ờỳ.ỹò (ii) ỹệàệệởệệệậ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ắệễỳ ệ ểìỹàệệ (c) ệệợèỹ ệ.ệ (iii) ệệũắệỹỏ ệ ểìỹàệệ (d) ỉỳÔóỹỳệ ệ.ờỳ (iv) ệệ ệệờỹệậ ệũỳ ệệờệằệ ờỹắệằệệệởỹ ệ ểìỹàệệ ổỳỹ : (a) (A) i (B) ii (C) iii (D) iv 11 (b) i i ii iii (b) ii i ii i (c) iii iv iv ii (d) iv iii i iii Paper-II 41 Match the following pairs : List – I 43 Match items in List – I with List – II and choose the correct code given below : List – I List – II (a) Transference (i) Law (b) Parole (ii) Sociology (c) Cultural lag (iii) Psychiatry (d) Decree (iv) Criminology Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) iii i iv ii (B) ii iii i iv (C) iii iv ii i (D) i ii iii iv 44 Match the List – I with List – II : List – I List – II (I) Psycho1 Edwin J Social Model Thomas (II) Functional Virginia Model Robinson (III) Behaviour Gordon modification Hamilton Model (IV) Task-centred Willium Read Model Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (B) (C) (D) 45 Match the List – I with List – II : List – I List – II (I) Measures of Quartile Central Tendency (II) Measures of Range Dispersion (III) Measures of Median Skewness and Kurtosis (IV) Measures of Regression Relationship Codes : (I) (II) (III) (IV) (A) (B) (C) (D) List – II (a) The Social (i) E Durkheim Division of Labour (b) Social Process (ii) C.H Cooley (c) Social Change (iii) T.H Marshall (d) Social Class (iv) W.F Ogburn Codes : 42 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) i ii iii iv (B) i ii iv iii (C) iii ii iv i (D) iv i iii ii Match the items in List – I with List – II and choose the correct code given below : List – I (Stages) List – II (Tasks) (a) Oral stage (i) Trust v/s Mistrust (b) Anal stage (ii) Industry v/s Inferiority (c) Genital stage (iii) Autonomy v/s Shame & doubt (d) Latency (iv) Initiative v/s Guilt Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) ii iv i iii (B) iii ii iv i (C) i iv ii iii (D) i iii iv ii Paper-II 12 J-10-11 41 42 ìệệệểìỳệ àệóệệở ỳệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (a) ệệ ỳệ ệệệệìãệỳ (i) Ôóỹệỏệ ìắệệệãệệ (b) ệệệệìãệỳ ệẽìẻỳàệệ (ii) ệò.ệ ổỳằệờ (c) ệệệệìãệỳ (iii) ỹò.ệ ệệệễằệ ệìáỹắệệễệ (d) ệệệệìãệỳ ắệệễ (iv) ỹằệổ.ỳ ệũệệệễ ổỳỹ : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) i ii iii iv (B) i ii iv iii (C) iii ii iv i (D) iv i iii ii 43 (a) (A) iii (B) ii (C) iii (D) i 44 ệổệò-I ệở Ôỹò ệÔỹệở ỳệ ệổệò-II ệở Ôỹò ệÔỹệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ ệợáỹ ệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (ắệÊệệẹ) (ỳệàệễ) (a) ệóệệắệÊệệ (i) ìắệắệệệ ệệệệ ìắệắệệệ (b) ệóÔỹệắệÊệệ (ii) êệờệ ệệệệ ệìỹàệệệệ (c) ỉằệệòàệ (iii) ắệệàệÂệệệ ệệệệ ắệÊệệ ằệããệệ/ệểỳệ (d) ệóệệắệÊệệ (iv) ệặỹằệ ệệệệ ệáỹệơệệệờơệ ổỳỹ : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) ii iv i iii (B) iii ii iv i (C) i iv ii iii (D) i iii iv ii J-10-11 ÃƯỉ“Ưß-I úƯê ÃƯỉ“Ưß-II êú ệệÊệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ ệợáỹ ệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ổỳỹệở ệờ ệặỹò Âệáỹ ỳệ ệàệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (a) ặỹệệệáệ (i) ìắệìơệ (b) ệợáỹệờằệ (ii) ệệệãệệệĂệ (c) ệệểộỳìệỳ (iii) ệệệìỳệệ ìắệằệệ (d) ệÔờỹệ (iv) ệáỹệơệ ệệĂệ ổỳỹ : (d) ii iv i iv (I) (II) (III) (IV) 4 ÃƯỉ“Ưß-I úƯ ÃƯỉ“Ưß-II êú ÃƯƯ£Ư ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ờỳƯỹòàệ ệẽắệộìÂệ ỳệ (1) ệệóÊệễỳ ệệệ (II) ìệệáỹệắệ ỳệ ệệệ (2) ệòệệ àệệ Ôỹệàệáỹệ (III) ắệợệàệ ệÊệệ (3) ệệơàệỳệ ỳóỳÔỹệệ ỳệ ệệệ (IV) ệệơệ ỳệ ệệệ (4) ệẽìệệàệệ ổỳỹ : (A) (B) (C) (D) 13 (c) iv i ii iii ệổệò-I ỳệ ệổệò-II ờỳ ệệÊệ ìệằệệệ ỳáởỹ : ệổệò I ệổệò II (I) ệệệờệệệệìãệỳ (1) ỹìắệệ ãệờ Êệệũệệ ệệũỹằệ (II) ệẽỳệàệệễệỳ (2) ắệáỹãệòìệàệệ áỹệũìệệệ ệệũỹằệ (III) ắàệắệặỹệáỹ (3) ệệũễỹệ ặợỹìệằỹệ ệìáỹắệăễỹệ ệệũỹằệ (IV) ỳệàệễ-ờỳƯỹệ (4) ìắệìằệàệệ áỹòỹ ệệũỹằệ æú™ü : (A) (B) (C) (D) 45 (b) i iii iv ii (I) (II) (III) (IV) 4 Paper-II Read the passage below, and answer the questions that follow based on your understanding of the passage Social work must uphold and help to promote in its normal pursuits as also through special programmes undertaken for that purpose, the broader social values which are necessary for social development The most important of these values in developing countries is equality Since it cannot be asserted that all individuals are either alike or equal in their abilities, the acceptance of the value of equality means primarily the equalisation of opportunities for all individuals to growth to their maximum potential Acceptance of the equal rights of all citizens reflects itself in a democratic polity From equality is also derived the value of social justice, which argues the need for providing compensatory benefits to those who are otherwise at a disadvantage – socially, physically, mentally, economically or in any other way From equality also can be derived the value of secularism insofar as it asserts that the fact that individuals belong to one religious persuasion or the other should make no difference in the opportunities available to them for participating in and contributing to national life Equality also requires that universalistic norms keep the accessibility channels open to all who have the skill, ability, aptitude or talent required for particular functions in society Secularism and universalism also derive strength from the value attached to rationality which in turn is strengthened by an acceptance of science and the scientific method Another value important for social development is the commitment to national unity By its nature it is a restrictive – somewhat non-universalistic – value in that it seems to be derived from a certain particularistic attachment to the concept of a nation But developing societies need such a commitment because in its absence what they may obtain is not a commitment to the world community but rather a Paper-II 14 relapse into tribal, casteist and religious loyalties Important from the point of view of economic development are also the values of hard work, dignity of labour, and postponement of gratification or reduction of individual wants Willingness of workers to move to places where work is available and, in this sense, a loosening of the village and linguistic region ties is also important for industrial development Another important attitude is the willingness to accept change, i.e., adaptability to changes in work techniques and to differences in patterns of living Such adaptability is necessary for those who migrate from rural areas to large cities with the processes of industrialisation and urbanisation 46 The most important value in developing countries is (A) Social mobilisation (B) Equality (C) Awareness (D) None of these 47 Which one of the values is derived from equality ? (A) Social Justice (B) Respect for elder (C) Respect for religions (D) None of these 48 What does social justice argue ? (A) Establishment of good justice system (B) Good governance (C) Compensatory benefits to disadvantaged (D) All the above 49 Tribal, casteist and religious loyalties will be relapsed in developing societies in the absence of (A) Commitment to the world community (B) Commitment to self (C) Commitment to work (D) Commitment to national unity 50 Adaptability to change is required for (A) Migrants from rural areas (B) Urban habitants (C) Rural habitants (D) None of these J-10-11 ệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ệàệờ ệìáỹờỷÔỹ ỳệờ ệèởỹ ệợáỹ ệệò ệệệ ờỳ ệóệệáỹ ệòệờ ìÔỹàệờ ệẽệệở ỳệ Âệáỹ Ôởỹ : ệệệãệỳệàệễ ỳệờ, ệờỳ ệệệệàệ ệẽàệệệở ệở, ệợáỹ ệờỳ Đờỹàệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệằệệàệờ ãệệ áỹặờỹ ìắệệờệ ỳệàệễẻỳệệở ờỳ ãệìáỹàệờ, ắàệệệỳ ệệệệìãệỳ ệổằàệệở ãệệờ ệệệệìãệỳ ìắệỳệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ãệè áỹò ặợỹ ỳệờ ệèỹệệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ, ệÔỹÔỹ ỳáỹệò ệệìặỹàệờ ìắệỳệệệòằệ Ôờỹệệở ệở ệ ệổằàệệở ệở ệắệệễìơệỳ ệặỹÂắệệổệễỹ ệệệệệệ ặợỹ àệệởìỳ àệặỹ Ơỹèỹệệ ệờ ệặỹ ỳặỹệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ìỳ ệệò ắàệệ àệệ ệệờ ỳ ãệợệờ ặùỹ àệệ ệệò àệệờàệệệệở ệở ỳ ệệệệ ặùỹ, ệệệệệệ ờỳ ệổằàệ ờỳ ệóệệờÔỹệ ỳệ Êệễ, ệệệ ắàệệàệệở ờỳ ệờỳ ệệờ ìơệỳệệ ệệệÊàệễ ệỳ ìắệỳìệệ ặỹệờệờ ặờỹệó, ắệệáỹệở ỳệ ệệàệòỳáỹệ ặợỹ ệệệ ệệệìáỹỳệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệệệ ìơệỳệáỹệở ỳò ắệòộỳìệ ệệờ ỳệờ ệẽãệệệệĂệỳ áỹệãàệ ắàệắệÊệệ ờỳ ỵệ ệở ệẽỳỹ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ệệệệệệ ệờ, ệệệệìãệỳ àệệàệ ỳệ ệổằàệ ìệỳằệ ỳáỹ ệệệ ặợỹ ãệệờ, ệ ằệệờệệở ỳệờ ãệệờ ệệệệìãệỳ, ệệáỹòìáỹỳ ệ ệờ, ệệệìệỳ ệ ệờ, ệÊệỳ ệ ệờ àệệ àệ ìỳệò ệ ệở ệẽìệổỳằệ ệìáỹÊệìệ ệở ặùỹ, ỳệờ ệìệệổáỹỳ ằệệệ ệẽÔỹệệ ỳáỹệờ ỳò ãệ áỹệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệễỳ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệệệệệệ ệờ ìệáỹệờệắệệÔỹ ỳệ ệổằàệ ệò ìệỳệằệệ ãệệ ệỳệệ ặợỹ ãệặỹệẹ ệỳ ìỳ ắệặỹ Ôỹệắệệ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ìỳ àệặỹ ệÊàệ ìỳ ắàệệ ỳ àệệ àệ ơệệễ ệệẽÔỹệàệ ờỳ ặùỹ, áỹệềỹòàệ ãệòắệệ ệở àệệờệÔỹệệ ỳáỹệờ àệệ ệặỹệệìệệệ ỳáỹệờ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ặởỹ ệằệơệ ắệệáỹệở ệở ỳệờễ ệáỹ ệặỹ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ệệệệệệ àệặỹ ệò ệờệệ ỳáỹệò ặợỹ ìỳ ệệắệễệệợìệỳ ệệệỳ ệ ệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ìãệệờỳ ệệệ ệệệãệ ệở ìắệệờệ ỳệàệệớ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệờìệệ ỳệợệằệ, àệệờàệệệ, ìệắệộìÂệ Êệắệệ ệẽìệệệ ặợỹ, ệặóẹỹệ ờỳ ệợệằệệở ỳệờ ệóằệệ áỹệở ìệáỹệờệắệệÔỹ ệợáỹ ệệắệễệệợìệỳắệệÔỹ ìắệắệờỳệổệễỹệệ ệờ ãệóèờỹ ệổằàệ ệờ ệò ệệ ằệờệờ ặùỹ ãệệờ ìỳ ệÔỹằệờ ệở ìắệệệệ ệợáỹ ắệợệệìệỳ ệăỹìệ ờỳ ệóệệờÔỹệ ôỹệáỹệ ệóƠỹèỹ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệệệệìãệỳ ìắệỳệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệặỹÂắệệổệễỹ àệ ệổằàệ áỹệềỹòàệ ỳệệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ ặợỹ ệệò ệẽộỳìệ ệờ ặỹò àệặỹ ệẽìệệểơệệệỳ - óỳỷ ệợáỹ-ệệắệễệệợìệỳ ệổằàệ ặợỹ, ệ Êệễ ệở ìỳ àệặỹ áỹệềỹ ỳò ơệệáỹệệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ìỳệò ìắệệờệòộỳệ ệệơệệệ ệờ ìệỳằệệ ệẽệòệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệáỹệó ìắệỳệệệòằệ ệệệãệệở ỳệờ ờệò ắệệệệăỹệệ ỳò ãệ áỹệ ặỹệờệò ặợỹ àệệởìỳ ệỳò ệóệÊệìệ ệở ắệờ ãệệờ óỳỷ ệẽệệ ỳáỹ ằệởệờ ắệặỹ ìắệắệ ệệóÔỹệàệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ ệặỹ ặợỹ, ệằỳ ãệệãệệệòàệ, ãệệìệắệệÔỹò ệợáỹ ơệệệỳ ìệỹệệở ệờ ìỳáỹ ệờ ệẽệ ặỹệờệệ ặợỹ ệÊệỳ ìắệỳệệ ỳò Ơỹỹ ệờ ệặỹÂắệệổệễỹ ệổằàệ ệò ặợỹ ãệợệờ ìỳ ỳèỹò ệờặỹệệ, ệệ ỳò ệìáỹệệ ệợáỹ ệểệóỹỳáỹệ ỳệ Êệệệ Êệắệệ ắàệệệệ ệắệàệỳệệệở ệở ỳệò J-10-11 46 47 48 49 50 15 ờệờ Êệệệệở ệở ãệặỹệẹ ỳệàệễ ệằệơệ ặợỹ ãệệệờ ỳò ệìệỳệở ỳò ệệáỹệệ ệợáỹ ệ Êệễ ệở, ệẽệệòệ ắệể ệệệệàệò ệờĂệ ệệơệệở ỳệ ìệìÊệằệ ặỹệờệệ ệò ệợêệờìệỳ ìắệỳệệ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệặỹÂắệệổệễ ặợỹ àệ ệặỹÂắệệổệễ ìệắệộìÂệ (àệệ ệệệờắệộìÂệ) ệìáỹắệệễệ ỳệờ ắệòỳệáỹ ỳáỹệờ ỳò ỷệ ặợỹ, àệệìệ ìỳ ỳệệ ỳò ệỳệòỳệở ệở ệìáỹắệệễệ ệợáỹ ãệòắệệ ìệắệệễặỹ ờỳ ểỹệệở ệở ệáỹệở ệờ ệóổỳằệệệòằệệệ ờệò ệóổỳằệệệòằệệệ ệ ằệệờệệở, ãệệờ ệẽệệòệ ệờĂệệở ệờ ệợêệờìệỳòỳáỹệ ệÊệệ ệặỹáỹòỳáỹệ ỳò ệẽìẻỳàệệệở ờỳ ệệÊệ ệèờỹ ệặỹáỹệở ệở ãệệỳáỹ ệệ ãệệệờ ặùỹ, ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệắệàệỳ ặợỹ ìắệỳệệệòằệ Ôờỹệệở ệở ệắệệễìơệỳ ệặỹÂắệệổệễỹ ệổằàệ ặợỹ : (A) ệệệệìãệỳ ệểệẽặệ (B) ệệệệệệ (C) ãệệệ ỳệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ệệệệệệ ệờ ỳệợệ ệệ ệổằàệ ìệỳằệệệ ặợỹ ? (A) ệệệệìãệỳ àệệàệ (B) ệèờỹ ệổèỹệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệệệệ (C) ơệệễ ờỳ ìằệàệờ ệÔỹáỹ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ ệệệệìãệỳ àệệàệ àệệ ệễỳ ỳáỹệệ ặợỹ ? (A) Âệệ àệệàệ ắàệắệÊệệ ỳò Êệệệệệ (B) Âệệ ệệệệ (C) ệóìắệơệệìắệặỹòệ ằệệờệệở ỳệờ ệìệệổáỹỳ ằệệệ (D) ệàệóễệ ệệò ìệệệểìỳệ ỳò ệóệÊệìệ ệở ìắệỳệệệòằệ ệệệãệ ìỳáỹ ệờ ãệệãệệệòàệ, ãệệìệắệệÔỹò ệợáỹ ơệệệỳ ìệỹệệở ệờ ệẽệ ặỹệờ ãệệàệởệờ : (A) ìắệắệ ệệóÔỹệàệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ (B) ắệàệể ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ (C) ỳệàệễ ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ (D) áỹệềỹòàệ ỳệệ ờỳ ệẽìệ ắệệệệăỹệệ ệìáỹắệệễệệở ờỳ ệẽìệ ệóổỳằệệệòằệệệ ỳò ệắệàệỳệệ ặợỹ (A) ệẽệệòệ ệờĂệệở ệờ ệẽắệệệò ằệệờệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ (B) ệặỹáỹò ìệắệệìệàệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ (C) ệẽệệòệ ìệắệệìệàệệở ờỳ ìằệàệờ (D) ệàệóễệ ệở ệờ ỳệờễ ệặỹ Paper-II Space For Rough Work D-0109 Paper-II 16 P.T.O J-10-11 .. .SOCIAL WORK Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all the questions Elizabethan Poor... ‘Continuous Individualisation’ is related to (A) Social Case Work (B) Social Group Work (C) Community Organisation (D) All the above 11 In social group work the principal instrument of change is (A)... ệáỹệó (R) ệặỹò ặợỹ Paper- II 22 23 24 Assertion (A) : Due to the strong family ties women in India are sacrificing for their family Reason (R) : Because it is a product of social conditioning

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 19:08
