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Social work UGC NET examination question paper 2 2008 june

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Signature and Name of Invigilator OMR Sheet No : (To be filled by the Candidate) (Signature) Roll No (Name) (In figures as per admission card) Roll No (Signature) (In words) (Name) Test Booklet No J—1 0 PAPER—II SOCIAL WORK Time : 1¼ hours] Number of Pages in this Booklet : 24 [Maximum Marks : 100 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50 Uốổổỗỹỉụ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỹổ Instructions for the Candidates óĩU ởDU ÃÔ êÔU ỗỉè Sổ U Ơổ UụĩU ếU ỗĩỗạé Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will be given to you In the first minutes, you are requested to open the booklet and compulsorily examine it as below : (i) To have access to the Question Booklet, tear off the paper seal on the edge of this cover page Do not accept a booklet without sticker-seal and not accept an open booklet (ii) Tally the number of pages and number of questions in the booklet with the information printed on the cover page Faulty booklets due to pages/questions missing or duplicate or not in serial order or any other discrepancy should be got replaced immediately by a correct booklet from the invigilator within the period of minutes Afterwards, neither the question booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given (iii) After this verification is over, the Test Booklet Number should be entered in the OMR Sheet and the OMR Sheet Number should be entered on this Test Booklet Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) You have to darken the oval as indicated below on the correct response against each item Example : A B C Đõ ý-ổ ì ổõ ếóộỗòÃÔậốỉ ý óủÂé Uốổổ ýổUệ óụ U, ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ƠổÃÔụ ẻ ẻố ổỉằốé óĩU UổĂ ỗìU ƠổÃÔụ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ èổ âõÃÔố ỗỗĩỗạè ổĂ ÃÔ ỗĩ ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằ ỗõÃÔố ổĂ ƠổÃÔụ Ơòỉ ÃÔUố óủ ẹ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ạụĩ ÃÔ ỗĩ âõÃÔ ÃÔòU ÔU ĩằố ÃÔổằ ÃÔố õốĩ ÃÔụ ẩÔổầáU ĩÂUé ạộĩố óộĐỹ ỉổ ỗếổ SUốÃÔU-õốĩU ÃÔố ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂUé (ii) ÃÔòU ởDU U U ỗẻỹổổộõổU ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ ởDU èổ ýụ ÃÔố õÂỉổ ÃÔụ ƠUố èUó ủÃÔ ÃÔU ĩÂU ỗÃÔ ỉ ờU óủÂUé ẻụỏờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗì ởDU / ý ÃÔì óụ ỉổ ẻộếổUổ Ơổ ằỉ óụ ỉổ õốỗUỉĩU ì óụ Ơổỹè ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔố ổộỗUờổỹ ộỗSèÃÔổ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔÂU èổ âõố õìỉ âõ ĩUừUổÃÔU âõÃÔ Sổ U ẻờõUố õóố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ĩ ĩÂé U ĐõÃÔ ỗĩ ƠổÃÔụ ổĂ ỗìU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé âõÃÔ ếổẻ èụ ƠổÃÔố ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ òổõ ĩố ổỉằố ƠừU óố ƠổÃÔụ ƠỗèỗUQÔ õìỉ ỗẻỉổ ổỉằổé (iii) Đõ ổĂ ÃÔ ếổẻ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔố RÔì õÂỉổ OMR ổÃÔ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔÂU ƠUừU OMR ổÃÔ ÃÔố RÔìÔõÂỉổ Đõ ý-ộỗSèÃÔổ U ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔU ẻÂé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ỗĩ ổU âổU ỗòÃÔậ (A), (B), (C) èổ (D) ỗẻỉ ằỉ óủÂé ƠổÃÔụ õóố âổU ÃÔ ẻốổỹòởổ ÃÔụ õ ệUÃÔU ÃÔổĩổ ÃÔUổ óủ ủõổ ỗÃÔ ố ỗẻạổỉổ ằỉổ óủé âẻổóUổ ẹ D A B C D ếỗÃÔ (C) õóố âổU óủé ýụ ÃÔ âổU ÃÔòĩU ý ổ I ÃÔ ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ âổU-ổÃÔ U óố ƠÂỗÃÔè where (C) is the correct response Your responses to the items are to be indicated in the Answer Sheet given inside the Paper I booklet only If you mark at any place other than in the ovals in the Answer Sheet, it will not be evaluated Read instructions given inside carefully Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test booklet, except for the space allotted for the relevant entries, which may disclose your identity, you will render yourself liable to disqualification You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators at the end of the examination compulsorily and must not carry it with you outside the Examination Hall 10 Use only Blue/Black Ball point pen 11 Use of any calculator or log table etc., is prohibited 12 There is NO negative marking J1008 (i) ÃÔU óủÂé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âổU ổÃÔ U ỗẻỉ ằỉ ẻốổỹòởổ ÃÔ Ơĩổòổ ỗÃÔõố Ơỉ Sổ U âổU ỗóổÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ, èụ âõÃÔổ ìờậUỉổÂÃÔ óố óụằổé ƠẻU ỗẻỉ ằỉ ỗẻỹổụ ÃÔụ ỉổờòỹÃÔ ẫáÂUé ÃÔổổ ÃÔổì (Rough Work) Đõ ộỗSèÃÔổ ÃÔ Ơỗèì ởDU U ÃÔÂUé ỉỗẻ Ơổ âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ U Ơổ ổì ỉổ õổ ÃÔụĐỹ ệố ỗổổ ỗõõ ƠổÃÔố óổ óụ õÃÔ, ÔỗÃÔõố ệố ệổằ U ẻổổỹè ỉổ ƠÂỗÃÔè ÃÔUè óủ èụ Uốổổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ Ơỉụỉ ổụỗỏè ÃÔU ỗẻỉ ổỉÂằé ƠổÃÔụ Uốổổ õìổ# óụ ÔU âổU-ộỗSèÃÔổ ỗUốổÃÔ ìóụẻỉ ÃÔụ ĩUừUổổ ƠổòỉÃÔ óủ ƠừU Uốổổ õìổỗ# ÃÔ ếổẻ Ơ õổ Uốổổ ệò õ ếổóU ĩÃÔU ổỉÂé ÃÔòĩ ốĩ / ÃÔổĩ ếổĩU òổĐZU ủ ÃÔổ óố ĐSèìổĩ ÃÔÂUé 11 ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔổ õÂằổÃÔ (ÃủÔĩÃộÔĩUU) Uỉổ ĩổằ Uếĩ Ơổỗẻ ÃÔổ ýỉụằ òỗỹè óủé 12 ằĩè âổU ÃÔ ỗĩ ƠÂÃÔ óố ÃÔổU ÁỉØð¢»ðÐ 10 P.T.O SOCIAL WORK PAPER—II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Brahmo Samaj was founded in the year : (A) (B) 1928 (C) 1892 (D) 1982 Gender is a : (A) Biological construct (B) Social construct (C) Economic construct (D) Psychological construct The National rural employment guarantee programme seeks to provide guaranteed employment at the statutory minimum wage for atleast : (A) 1829 150 days (B) 365 days (C) 100 days (D) 90 days Human Development report is published by : (A) World Bank (B) CIVICUS (C) UNDP (D) UNICEF Consider the following statements and answer according to the codes given below : Assertion (A) : Social Workers should make eye contact with clients during interview process Reason (R) : Eye contact results in effective non-verbal communication Answer Codes : (A) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is a partial explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are not true (C) (A) is true but (R) is not true (D) (A) is not true but (R) is true J1008 õìổ-ÃÔổỉỹ ýổII ụU ẹ Đõ ýổ ì ổõ (50) òSèộỗcặ ý óủÂé ýỉÃÔ ý ÃÔ ẻụ (2) ƠÂÃÔ óủÂé õệố ýụ ÃÔ âổU ẻốỗé ếýóữìổ õìổ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì Sổỗè óộƠổ ổ ẹ (A) 1829 (B) 1928 (C) 1892 (D) 1982 ỗĩằ õÃÔè ÃÔUèổ óủ ẹ (A) ủỗòÃÔ Uổ (B) õổìổỗÃÔ Uổ (C) ƠổỗỹÃÔ Uổ (D) ìổòủổổỗÃÔ Uổ UổCỵốỉ ằýổìốổ UổằổU ằổUUố ÃÔổỉỹÃýÔì ÃÔì õ ÃÔì ỗÃÔè ỗẻổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ õổỗòỗẽÃÔ ỉờèì ìẻờUố U ằổUUố ỉộè UổằổU ýẻổ ÃÔU ÃÔố Cổ ÃÔUèổ óủ ẹ (A) 150 ỗẻ (B) 365 ỗẻ (C) 100 ỗẻ (D) 90 ỗẻ ìổò ỗòÃÔổõ ỗUổỹU ỗÃÔõÃÔ mổUổ ýÃÔổỗổè ÃÔố ổèố óủ ẹ (A) ỗòò ếủÃÔ (B) ỗõỗòÃÔõ (C) ỉờ..ầUố.ố (D) ỉờốõẩÔ ỗỗĩỗạè ÃÔổ ÃÔổ ỗẫáỉ ƠổủU ố ỗẻỉ ÃờÔU õÃÔèổ ÃÔ ƠộõổU âổU ẻốỗỉ ẹ ƠỗệÃÔ (A) : õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔổổỹƠổ ÃÔổ õổổổÃÔổUU ýỗÃýÔỉổ ÃÔ ẻổủUổ õòổốỹ ÃÔ õổ ƠổĂạổ ÃÔổ õÃỹÔ ếổổ ổỗóỉé ÃÔổUổ (R) : ẻởỗC õÃỹÔ ýệổòờổỹ ằủU-òổỗÃÔ õýỏổ ì ẩÔĩốệờè óổèổ óủé ÃờÔU õÃÔè ẹ (A) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õỉ óủ Uèộ (R), (A) ÃÔố ƠổỗổÃÔ ỉổỉổ óủé (B) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õỉ Ùãè´ ãđÐ (C) (A) âˆØ ãđ ÂÚU‹Ìé (R) âˆØ Ùãè´ ãđÐ (D) (A) âˆØ Ùãè´ ãđ ÂÚU‹Ìé (R) âˆØ ãđÐ J—1008 P.T.O 6 NABARD stands for : (A) National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development (B) National Association of Blind for Rural Development (C) National Association of Banks for Rural Development (D) None of the above The 189 member states of United Nations adopted the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) in the year : (A) 10 2000 (B) 2001 (C) 2002 (D) 2003 Which of the following is not a means of social control ? (A) Religion (B) Polity (C) Criminal Justice (D) Physical Education Field work in social work training aims : (A) To practice what is being learnt (B) To know problems (C) To understand society (D) To understand theories Match List-I with List-II in relation to the author and the theoretical perspective : List-I List-II (a) Psychoanalysis (i) Sigmond Freud (b) Client Centered Therapy (ii) Eric Berne (c) Rational Therapy (iii) Albert Ellis (d) Transactional Analysis (iv) Carl Rogers Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (B) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) J1008 ổếổầỹU ( ếố ƠổU ầUố) ÃÔổ Ơỹ óủ ẹ (A) ằýổìốổ ỗòÃÔổõ óèộ UổCỵốỉ ÃởÔỗỏ ếủÃÔ (B) ằýổìốổ ỗòÃÔổõ óèộ UổCỵốỉ Ơẽ õổ (C) ằýổìốổ ỗòÃÔổõ óèộ UổCỵốỉ ếủÃÔ õổ (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óốé õỉộè UổCỵ ÃÔ 189 õẻSỉ UổCỵổ ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì õódổẻố ỗòÃÔổõ ĩỉổ ÃÔổ Ơổỉổ óủ? (A) 10 2000 (B) 2001 (C) 2002 (D) 2003 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õổìổỗÃÔ ỗỉổổ ÃÔổ õổẽ óố óủ? (A) ẽìỹ (B) Uổèổ (C) ƠổUổỗẽÃÔ ỉổỉ (D) ổổUốỗUÃÔ ỗổổổ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ýỗổổổ ì ổổốỉ ÃÔổỉỹ (ẩÔốậầU òÃỹÔ) ÃÔổ ĩỉ óủ ẹ (A) ổ õốạổ ổ Uóổ óủ âõÃÔổ Ơỉổõ ÃÔUổ (B) õìSỉổƠổ ÃÔổ ổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ (C) õìổ ÃÔổ õìổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ (D) ỗõhổèổ ÃÔổ õìổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ õờố-I ÃÔổ õờố-II ÃÔ õổ ỗìĩổ ÃÔỗUỉé ÃÔ ì ĩạÃÔ ƠổủU ẻờõU ì õủhổỗèÃÔ ỗUýỉ ẻổổỹỉổ ằỉổ óủ ẹ õờố-I õờố-II (a) ìổòủổổỗÃÔ ỗòĩỏổ (i) ỗõằìổũầU ẩýÔổũỉầUU (b) ìộòỗÃÔĩ ÃÔỗẻýè ỗỗÃÔõổ (ii) ỗUÃÔ ếỹ (c) èÃỹÔ õằè ỗỗÃÔõổ (iii) ƠĩếỹU ỗĩõ (d) Ơổẻổ ýẻổ õếẽố ỗòĩỏổ (iv) ÃÔổĩỹ UổUõữ ÃÔổầU ẹ (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (B) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) (C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) J—1008 P.T.O 11 12 13 The practical wisdom i.e the ability to make right decisions in difficult circumstances, according to Aristotle is : (A) Kinesis (B) Phronesis (C) Synthesis (D) Diagnosis The term foster care refers to : (A) Temporary placement of the child with non-biological parents (B) Permanent placement of child with parents (C) Repatriating child to the parents (D) None of the above Consider the following statements and select your answer according to the codes given below : Assertion (A) : Minority - sensitive practice requires that social worker has an in-depth understanding of the effects of oppression on minority groups Reason (R) : 14 Social worker has an obligation to serve oppressed and marginalized (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the complete explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is not true (D) (A) is not true but (R) is true United Nations declared 1995 as the year of : (A) Family (B) Education (C) Girl child (D) Health J—1008 11 12 13 ƠUSèộ ÃÔ ƠộõổU, ìộỗÃÔĩ ỗUỗSỗèỉổ ì ỉòóổỗUÃÔ ếộỗhìổổ, Ơổèỹữ õóố ỗổỹỉ ĩ ÃÔố ỉổỉèổ óủ ẹ (A) ằỗèÃýÔì (B) ýổỗõõ (C) õĩỏổ (D) Uổằ ỗẻổ ổẻ ềẩÔổSUU ÃÔỉUể ÃÔổ âỉổằ ỗÃÔỉổ ổ õÃÔèổ óủ ẹ (A) ằủU-ủỗòÃÔ (ổổUốỗUÃÔ ỗÃýÔỉổ õếẽố) ƠỗệệổòÃÔổ ÃÔ ổõ ếổ ÃÔổ ƠSổỉố Sổé (B) ƠỗệệổòÃÔổ ÃÔ õổ ếổ ÃÔổ Sổỉố MÔ õ Uạổé (C) ếổ ÃÔổ òổõ ƠỗệệổòÃÔ ÃÔ ổõ ệổé (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹU óốé ỗỗĩỗạè ÃÔổ ÃÔổ ỗẫáỉ ƠổủU ố ỗẻỉ ÃờÔU õÃÔèổ ì õ Ơổ âổU ỉ ÃÔỗUỉ ẹ ƠỗệÃÔ (A) : ƠậõỉÃÔ õòẻổốĩ Ơỉổõ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ ỉó MÔUố óổèổ óủ ỗÃÔ õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔèổỹ ÃÔổ ƠậõỉÃÔ òằổZ U âốầá ÃÔ ýệổòổ ÃÔố ằó õìổ óổé ÃÔổUổ (R) : 14 õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹÃÔổổỹ ÃÔổ ẻổỗỉò óủ ỗÃÔ òổ âốỗầáèổ ƠổủU ÃÔìổU òằổZ ÃÔố õóổỉèổ ÃÔUé (A) (A) ƠổủU (R) ẻổổ õỉ óủ ƠổủU (R), (A) ÃÔổ õóố SCốÃÔUổ óủé (B) (A) ƠổủU (R) õỉ óủ Uèộ (R), (A) ÃÔổ ờổỹ SCốÃÔUổ Ùãè´ ãđÐ (C) (A) âˆØ ãđ ÂÚU‹Ìé (R) âˆØ Ùãè´ ãđÐ (D) (A) âˆØ Ùãè´ ãđ ÂÚU‹Ìé (R) âˆØ ãđÐ õỉộè UổCỵ 1995 ÃÔổ ỗÃÔõ ÃÔổ òỏỹ ổổỗỏè ỗÃÔỉổ óủ ẹ (A) ỗUòổU (B) ỗổổổ (C) ằĩỹ ổĐậầU (D) SßỉS‰Ø J—1008 P.T.O 15 16 17 Which Article of the Constitution of India states that no child below 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine ? (A) Article 22 (B) Article 14 (C) Article 45 (D) Article 24 The failure to recognise that the concept is not the phenomenon itself is called : (A) Delimitation (B) Ecological Fallacy (C) Fallacy of reification (D) Induction Match List-I with List-II in relation to models of social work : List-I List-II (a) Problem solving model (i) Pearl man (b) Functional model (ii) Pinkus and Minnhan (c) Love model (iii) Smalley, Taft and Robinson (d) Four system model (iv) Holmos Choose the correct codes : 18 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) Which among the following is a prominant symptom of depression : (A) irrational fear of an object (B) Delusions and Hallucinations (C) Loss of interest and pleasure (D) A vague feeling of apprehension J1008 15 ệổUè ÃÔ õỗòẽổ ÃÔổ ÃÔổủ õổ ƠộUẻ ÃÔóèổ óủ ỗÃÔ 14 òỏỹ õ ố ÃÔố Ơổỉộ ÃÔổ ÃÔổĐỹ ệố ếổĩÃÔ ỗÃÔõố ÃÔổUạổổ ỉổ ạổ ì ÃÔổì ÃÔ ỗĩỉ ỗỉộè óố ỗÃÔỉổ ổỉằổ? 16 17 (A) ƠộUẻ 22 (B) ƠộUẻ 14 (C) ƠộUẻ 45 (D) ƠộUẻ 24 ỉó óổ ÃÔố ƠõẩÔĩèổ ỗÃÔ ƠòẽổUổổ Sòỉẹ ổUổ óố óủ, ÃÔổ ÃÔóè óủ ẹ (A) ỗUõốỗìèèổ (B) ổỗUỗSỗèÃÔ èÃỹÔ ẻổỏ (C) ẩÔĩõố ƠổũẩÔ ỗUỗẩÔÃÔổ (D) Ơổằì õổìổỗÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔ ìổũầUĩổ ÃÔ õếẽổ ì õờố-I ÃÔổ õờố-II ÃÔ õờố-I õổ ỗìĩổ ÃÔỗUỉ ẹ õờố-II (a) õìSỉổ õìổẽổ ìổũầUĩ (i) ĩỹìủ (b) ýÃÔổỉổỹìÃÔ ìổũầUĩ (ii) ỗÃÔõ ò ỗìóổữ (c) ĩò ìổũầUĩ (iii) Sìủĩố, UU ò Uổỗếõ (d) ổU ýổổĩố ìổũầUĩ (iv) óổũĩìổũõ õóố ÃÔổầU ÃÔổ ỉ ÃÔỗUỉ ẹ 18 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õổ ỗòỏổẻ ÃÔổ ỗòỗổC ỗó óủ? (A) òSèộ ÃÔ ếổU ì ƠỗòòÃÔờổỹ ầUU (B) ỗầUậỉộ$ ƠổủU óủĩỉờõốổõữ (C) ỗẻĩSố ƠổủU Ơổẻ ÃÔố óổỗ (D) ƠổổÃÔổ ÃÔổ ƠSC ệổò J1008 P.T.O 19 20 21 22 23 ‘Home visiting’ can most appropriately be called : (A) Tool (B) Skill (C) Method (D) None of these Which among the following is not an approach to prevent burnout ? (A) Relaxation Techniques (B) Positive Thinking (C) Exercise (D) Ethnocentricism Index numbers may be classified in terms of what they mean Pick the correct classification : (A) Price, Quantity, Quality and Value (B) Purpose, Price, Value and Quality (C) Price, Quantity, Value and Special Purpose (D) Price, Purpose, Quality and Values Acceptance is a principle of social work which implies : (A) Accepting client in his/her appearance (B) Extending warm welcome to the client (C) Accepting the client as she/he is (D) Accepting the client’s version as it is Which organization among the following publishes the records of Accidental Death and Suicides in India ? (A) National Crime Records Bureau (B) National Commission for Women (C) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (D) Census of India J—1008 10 19 20 21 22 23 Ị»ëã ƯýׇỉĨ ÃÔổ õòổỹỗẽÃÔ âỉộè MÔ õ ÃÔóổ ổ õÃÔèổ óủ ẹ (A) ƠổủổU (B) ÃÔổủổĩ (C) ỗòỗẽ (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ ềếỹ ƠổâUể UổÃÔ ÃÔổ âổằì óố óủ? (A) ƠổUổì ýỗòỗẽ (B) õÃÔổUổìÃÔ ỗè (C) Ơỉổõ (D) ĐổõỵUốỗõì õờÃÔổÃÔổ ÃÔổ âÃÔ Ơỹ ÃÔ õếẽ ì òằốỹÃÔè ỗÃÔỉổ ổ õÃÔèổ óủé õóố òằốỹÃÔUổ ếèổĐ ẹ (A) ÃÔốìè, ìổổổ, ằộổòổổ ƠổủU ìờậỉ (B) âgỉ, ÃÔốìè, ìờậỉ ƠổủU ằộổòổổ (C) ÃÔốìè, ìổổổ, ìờậỉ ƠổủU ỗòổỏ âgỉ (D) ÃÔốìè, âgỉ, ằộổòổổ ƠổủU ìờậỉ SòốÃởÔỗè õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè óủ ỗõÃÔổ Ơỹ óủ ẹ (A) õòổốỹ ÃÔổ âõÃÔ ỗẻạổò-ếổò ì SòốÃÔổU ÃÔUổ (B) õòổốỹ ÃÔổ óổỗẻỹÃÔ Sòổằè ÃÔUổ (C) õòổốỹ ủõổ/ủõố óủ âõ òủõ óố SòốÃÔổU ÃÔUổ (D) õòổốỹ ÃÔố ỉổỉổ ÃÔổ ủõố óủ òủõố óố âõ SòốÃÔổU ÃÔUổé ỗỗĩỗạè ì ÃÔổủ õổ õằặU ệổUè ì ƠổÃÔỗSìÃÔ ìởỉộ ƠổủU Ơổì óỉổ ÃÔ Ơỗệĩạ ýÃÔổỗổè ÃÔUèổ óủ ẹ (A) UổCỵốỉ ƠUổẽ Ơỗệĩạ ỉộUổ (B) UổCỵốỉ ìỗóĩổ Ơổỉổằ (C) õổìổỗÃÔ ỉổỉ ò õổỗèÃÔUổ ìổổĩỉ (D) ệổUèốỉ ằổổ J1008 11 P.T.O 24 25 26 27 According to Evelin Burns, who is a social work educator, ‘an examination of how well the target population was reached, to what degree the goals were achieved, the cost-effectiveness of the endeavour and the consequences ensuing from the policy” refers to : (A) Policy formation (B) Policy analysis (C) Monitoring (D) Policy design Questions that push or pull the client towards a certain response are called : (A) Stacking Questions (B) Leading Questions (C) Open-ended Questions (D) None of the above Person’s most intimate relationships such as those with parents, siblings, spouse friends are : (A) Mezzo system (B) Micro systems (C) Exo systems (D) Macro systems Match List-I with List-II in relation to commonly used genogram symbols : List-I List-II (a) (i) Female, 46 years old (ii) Male, 46 years old (c) (iii) Identified male client 46 years of age (d) (iv) Identified female client 46 years of age (b) 46 Choose the correct code : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) J1008 12 24 òỗĩ ếỹõữ, ổ õìổ ÃÔổỉỹ ỗổổÃÔ óủ, ÃÔ ƠộõổU ềềỗỗóè õỉổ èÃÔ ỗÃÔõ ýÃÔổU óĂộổ ổ õÃÔèổ óủ, ỗÃÔõ ỗầUằýố èÃÔ ĩỉổ ÃÔổ ýổ# ỗÃÔỉổ ằỉổ óủ, ờU ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔố ĩổằè-ýệổòờổỹèổ ƠổủU ốỗè õ ỗÃÔĩ òổĩ ỗUổổìổ, ÃÔố Uốổổ ÃÔố ổ õÃÔèố óủé ĐõÃÔổ õếẽ óủ ẹ 25 26 27 (A) ốỗè ỗìổỹổ (B) ốỗè ỗòĩỏổ (C) ìổũốUỗUằ (D) ốỗè ýổMÔ õòổốỹ ÃÔổ, ổ ý ỗòổỏ ýỗèỗÃýÔỉổ ÃÔố ƠổU ẽÃÔĩè ỉổ ạốè óủ, âó ÃÔóổ ổèổ óủ ẹ (A) SUỗÃÔằ ý (B) Ơằýổố ý (C) ạộĩổ-Ơè ý (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố ỉỗè ÃÔ õòổỹỗẽÃÔ ổỗC õếẽ ủõ ìổèổ-ỗèổ, ệổĐỹ-ếóổ, ỗè ỉổ ỗ, ỗìổ ÃÔ õổ, ÃÔổ ÃÔóè óủ ẹ (A) ìổ ỗõSUì (B) ìổĐÃýÔổ ỗõSUì (C) õổ ỗõSUì (D) ìÃýÔổ ỗõSUì õổìổỉèỉổ ýỉộè ổằýổì õÃÔèổ ÃÔ õếẽổ õ õờố-I ÃÔổ õờố-II õ õộìĩ ỗếặUổĐ ẹ õờố-II õờố-I (i) Sổố, 46 òỏỹ (ii) ộLÔỏ, 46 òỏỹ (c) (iii) ỗổổè ỗÃÔỉổ ộLÔỏ ằýổóÃÔ, 46 òỏỹ (d) (iv) ỗổổè ỗÃÔỉổ Sổố ằýổóÃÔ, 46 òỏỹ (a) (b) 46 õóố ÃÔổầU ÃÔổ ộỗỉ ẹ (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) (B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) J—1008 13 P.T.O 28 Match the items in List-I with items in List-II : List-I List-II (a) My Experiments with truth (i) Gunnar Myrdal (b) The Radical Social Work (ii) Joseph Stiglitz (c) Asian Drama (iii) Saul Alinsky (d) Globalisation and its discontents (iv) M K Gandhi (v) J K Galbraith Choose correct code for answer : 29 30 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (C) (ii) (i) (v) (iii) (D) (ii) (v) (iv) (i) The term Ageism refers to : (A) Provision of welfare services to the aged (B) The negative attitudes towards the aged (C) The positive attitudes towards the aged (D) None of the above Mention the year in which Government of India appointed the Rural-Urban Relations Committee : (A) 31 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1953 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which need stands at the top ? (A) Self esteem (B) Self actualisation (C) Social acceptance (D) None of the above J—1008 14 (D) 1983 28 âê¿è-I ×ð´ ẻố ằĐỹ ìẻổ ÃÔổ ỗìĩổ õờố-II ì ỗẻ ìẻổ ÃÔ õổ ÃÔU ẹ õờố-II õờố-I (a) ìổĐỹ õUốìUõữ ỗòẻ ỵọU (i) ằộúổU ỗìUầUổĩ (b) ẻố UầUốÃÔĩ õổổĩ òÃỹÔ (ii) ổũõẩÔ ỗSUằỗĩUõữ (c) ỗổỉ ầỵUổìổ (iii) õổũĩ ĩốõÃÔố (d) ĩổếốĩổĐ$ổ ầU ĐUõữ ỗầUõÃÔổUUõữ (iv) ì.ÃÔ ằổẽố (v) .ÃÔ ằổũĩếý âổU ÃÔ ỗĩ õóố ÃÔổầU ộỗ ẹ 29 30 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) (B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (C) (ii) (i) (v) (iii) (D) (ii) (v) (iv) (i) ềềỗSìểể ổẻ ÃÔổ õẻỗệỹè ÃÔUèổ óủ ẹ (A) òởh ĩổằổ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ ÃÔậỉổổ õòổƠổ ÃÔố ỉòSổ (B) òởh ĩổằổ ÃÔ ýỗè ÃÔổUổìÃÔ ýòởỗổỉổĂ (C) òởh ĩổằổ ÃÔ ýỗè õÃÔổUổìÃÔ ýòởỗổỉổĂ (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố ệổUè õUÃÔổU ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì ằýổìốổ-ổóUố õếẽ õỗìỗè ỗỉộè ÃÔố ẹ (A) 31 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1953 (D) 1983 ×đSÜỉð mỉÚ ỗỗìỹè ƠổòỉÃÔèổƠổ ÃÔ ẻổộÃýÔì ì, ÃÔổủ õố ƠổòỉÃÔèổ ỗổạU U óủ? (A) Ơổì-õìổ (B) Ơổì -ýỉổốÃÔUổ (C) õổìổỗÃÔ SòốÃởÔỗè (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố J1008 15 P.T.O 32 33 Provision of drinking water facility fulfills women’s : (A) Strategic need (B) Practical need (C) Immediate need (D) Longterm need Match the items in List-I with items in the List-II select the correct answer using the codes: List-I List-II (a) 15th June (i) World Alzheimer’s Day (b) 12th January (ii) Women’s Day (c) 8th March (iii) National Youth Day (d) 21st September (iv) World’s AIDS Day (v) World Elder Abuse Day Codes : 34 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (v) (iii) (ii) (i) (B) (iii) (v) (ii) (iv) (C) (ii) (iv) (v) (iii) (D) (iii) (i) (v) (ii) ‘Operation Black Board’ refers to : (A) Improvement of non-formal education in villages (B) Improvement of basic facilities in primary schools (C) Improvement of Education of girls (D) Improvement of Vocational education J1008 16 32 33 ỉ ĩ ÃÔố õộỗòẽổ ÃÔổ ýếẽ ìỗóĩổƠổ ÃÔố ỗÃÔõ ƠổòỉÃÔèổ ÃÔổ ờUổ ÃÔUèổ óủ? (A) ỉờóổìÃÔ ƠổòỉÃÔèổ (B) ỉổòóổỗUÃÔ ƠổòỉÃÔèổ (C) èổÃÔổỗĩÃÔ ƠổòỉÃÔèổ (D) ẻốổỹÃÔổĩố ƠổòỉÃÔèổ õờố-I ì ẻố ìẻổ ÃÔổ õờố-II ì ỗẻ ằ ìẻổ ÃÔ õổ ỗìĩổ ÃÔỗUỉ èổ ỗ ÃÔổầU ÃÔổ âỉổằ ÃÔUÃÔ õóố âổU ẻốỗ ẹ õờố-I õờố-II (a) 15 (i) ỗòò Ơổĩ$ìU ỗẻòõ (b) 12 òUố (ii) ìỗóĩổ ỗẻòõ (c) ìổỹ (iii) UổCỵốỉ ỉộòổ ỗẻòõ (d) 21 ỗõèếU (iv) ỗòò ầữUõ ỗẻòõ (v) ỗòò òởh ẻộỉỹòóổU ỗẻòõ ÃÔổầU ẹ 34 (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (v) (iii) (ii) (i) (B) (iii) (v) (ii) (iv) (C) (ii) (iv) (v) (iii) (D) (iii) (i) (v) (ii) ềƠổũýổ ĩủÃÔ ếổầỹUể ÃÔổ õếẽ óủ ẹ (A) ằổòổ ì ƠổủổỗUÃÔ ỗổổổ ÃÔổ õộẽổU (B) ýổỗìÃÔ SÃờÔĩổ ì ìờĩệờè õộỗòẽổƠổ ì õộẽổU (C) ĩầáỗÃÔỉổ ÃÔố ỗổổổ ì õộẽổU (D) ỉòõổỗỉÃÔ ỗổổổ ì õộẽổU J1008 17 P.T.O 35 36 37 38 39 40 Under the Right to information Act, The Chief Appeleate Authority is : (A) Chief Justice of High Court (B) Chief Information Commission (C) Registrar, Information Commission (D) None of the above Which of the following is not a principle of social case work : (A) Confidentiality (B) Non-judgemental attitude (C) Self-determination (D) Specific objectives Mental Health Act for case and rehabilitation of Mentally ill was passed in : (A) 1987 (B) 1982 (C) 2000 (D) 1986 To identify developmental tasks and changes occuring in various stages in the life of a family is : (A) Family tree (B) Family life cycle (C) Life skill approach (D) None of the above Social Class is a : (A) Category (B) Primary group (C) Secondary group (D) Mob Which of the following statement is correct : (A) Caste is based on the individual’s position (B) Caste is determined by occupational mobility (C) Caste is created by Lord Brahma (D) Caste is determined by birth J—1008 18 35 36 37 õờổ ÃÔ ƠỗẽÃÔổU ÃÔổ Ơỗẽỗỉì ÃÔ Ơèằỹè ìộỉ Ơốĩố ƠỗẽÃÔổUố óủ ẹ (A) âổ ỉổỉổĩỉ ÃÔổ ìộỉ ỉổỉổẽốổ (B) ìộỉ õờổ Ơổỉộè (C) õờổ Ơổỉổằ ốỉÃÔ (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủõổ õổìổỗÃÔ òủỉỗèÃÔ ÃÔổỉỹ ÃÔổ ỗõhổè óố óủ ẹ (A) ằổốỉèổ (B) Ơ ỗổỹỉổìÃÔ ýòởỗổỉổ (C) Sòẹ ỗổỹỉ (D) ỗòỗổC âgỉ ìổỗõÃÔ MÔ õ ƠSòS ỉỗèỉổ ÃÔố ẻạệổĩ ƠổủU ộSổỹ ÃÔ ỗĩỉ ìổỗõÃÔ SòổSỉ Ơỗẽỗỉì ÃÔế ổỗUè óộƠổ ẹ 38 39 40 (A) 1987 (B) 1982 (C) 2000 (D) 1986 ổỗUòổỗUÃÔ ốò ÃÔố ỗòỗệúổ ƠòSổƠổ ì ỗòÃÔổõố ÃÔổỉỹệổUổ ƠổủU ỗUòèỹổ ÃÔố óổ ÃÔUổ, ÃÔóĩổèổ óủ ẹ (A) ỗUòổUU òởổ (B) ổỗUòổỗUÃÔ ốò Ãý (C) ốò ÃÔổủổĩ âổằì (D) âỉỹộè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố õổìổỗÃÔ òằỹ óủ ẹ (A) ổổố (B) ýổỗìÃÔ õìờó (C) ằổủổ õìờó (D) õìờó ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔổủ õổ ÃÔ õóố óủ ẹ (A) ổỗè ỉỗè ÃÔố ỗSỗè U ƠổẽổỗUè óủé (B) ổỗè ổ õ õếỗhè ằỗèổốĩèổ mổUổ ỗẽổỹỗUè óổèố óủé (C) ổỗè ếýrổ ẻò mổUổ õởỗè ÃÔố ằĐỹ óủé (D) ổỗè ì mổUổ ỗẽổỹỗUè óổèố óủé J1008 19 P.T.O 41 42 The statement ‘caste is a closed group’ is made by : (A) T B Bottomore (B) Andre Betelle (C) D N Mazumdar (D) Mac Iver Probation of Offenders Act came into being in the year : (A) 43 45 46 (B) 1952 (C) 1958 (D) 1962 Which of the following articles in the Directive Principles of State Policy of Indian Constitution Articulates the protection of schedule caste from any form of exploitation : (A) 44 1948 Article 36 (B) Article 46 (C) Article 30 (D) Article 28 Who gave the acronym ‘POSDCORB’ to list the functions of Social Welfare Administration ? (A) Amitai Etizioni (B) Luther Gullick (C) H B Trecker (D) Awasthi and Maheshwari Bhoodan Movement started at : (A) Sabarmati Ashram (B) Vardha Ashram (C) Jaipur (D) Pocham palli Who has divided Family into ‘Family of Orientation’ and ‘Family of Procreation’ ? (A) Murdock (B) Kapadia (C) Morgan (D) Warner J—1008 20 41 42 Øã ÃÔ ềổỗè ếẻ õìờó óủể ỗÃÔõ ỗẻỉổ ẹ (A) Uố.ếố ếổUổìổU (B) Ơổẻý òè (C) ầUố. ìờìẻổU (D) ìủÃÔổ ĐòU ỗUòốổổ Ơỗẽỗỉì (ýổếổ ƠổẩÔầáU U) ỗÃÔõ òỏỹ ì ổỗUè óộƠổ Ñ (A) 43 1948 (B) 1952 (C) 1958 (D) 1962 ệổUèốỉ õỗòẽổ ÃÔố Uổỉ ốỗè ÃÔ ỗẻỹổÃÔ ỗõhổèổ ì ÃÔổủõổ ƠộUẻ ỗÃÔõố ệố ýÃÔổU ÃÔ ổổỏổ õ Ơộõờỗè ổỗè ÃÔổ õộUổổ õộỗỗè ÃÔUèổ óủ ẹ (A) 44 ƠộUẻ 36 (B) ƠộUẻ 46 (C) ƠộUẻ 30 (D) ƠộUẻ 28 õìổ ÃÔậỉổổ ý ổổõ Ã Ô ÃÔổỉổ Z ÃÔổ õờ ốằè ÃÔU Ã Ô ỗĩỉ Uổ ỗ ì (ỗUòổốỹ ổẻ) ềố Ơổ õ ầUố õố Ơổ ƠổU ếốể ỗÃÔõõ ỗẻỉổ ẹ 45 46 (A) ìốèổĐỹ Uỗỉổố (B) ĩờU ằộỗÃÔ (C) .ếố ỵủUÃÔU (D) ƠòSố ò ìóòUố ệờẻổ Ơổẻổĩ ÃÔóổĂ U ýổUệ óộƠổ ẹ (A) õổếUìèố Ơổổì (B) òẽổỹ Ơổổì (C) ỉộU (D) ổì ậĩố ỗÃÔõ ỗUòổU ÃÔố ềẽởằ ỗòỉổõ ỗUòổUể ƠổủU ềý ỗUòổUể ì ỗòệổỗè ỗÃÔỉổ óủ ẹ (A) ìộUầUổũÃÔ (B) ÃÔổỗầUỉổ (C) ìổũằỹ (D) òổỹU J1008 21 P.T.O 47 48 49 50 One of the following is not a true experimental research design : (A) Solomon Four-group design (B) Post test - only control group design (C) Pretest - Post test control group design (D) One shot case study Accepting the null hypothesis as tenable when it should be rejected is a : (A) Type I error (B) Type II error (C) Standard error (D) Type V error Variable is a (A) Concept (B) Method (C) Tool (D) None of the above Gerontology is the study of (A) Disability (B) Genome (C) Childhood (D) Ageing -oOo- J—1008 22 47 48 49 50 ỗỗĩỗạè ì õ ÃÔ ổộh ýổỉổỗằÃÔ ổổẽ ýổMÔ óố óủ ẹ (A) õổĩổì ổU-õìờó ýổMÔ (B) âổU Uốổổ-ÃÔòĩ ỗỉỗổè õìờó ýổMÔ (C) ờòỹ Uốổổ-âổU Uốổổ ỗỉỗổè õìờó ýổMÔ (D) ÃÔốõìỉ ỉỗèằè Ơỉỉ ổờỉ ỗUÃÔậổ ÃÔổ ỉộỗèỉộè ìổ ĩổ ế ỗÃÔ âõ ạổỗU ÃÔUổ ổỗóỉ, òổ óủ ẹ (A) UổĐỹ - I ổộỗU (B) UổĐỹ - II ổộỗU (C) ìổÃÔ ổộỗU (D) UổĐỹ - V ổộỗU U ỉổ óủ ẹ (A) ẽổUổổ (B) ỗòỗẽ (C) ƠổủổU (D) âỉộỹè ì õ ÃÔổĐỹ óố $Uổ ỗòổổ Ơỉỉ óủ ẹ (A) Ơổèèổ (B) ỗổì (C) ế (D) ếộẫáổ -oOo- J—1008 23 P.T.O Space For Rough Work J—1008 24 ... (A) 10 20 00 (B) 20 01 (C) 20 02 (D) 20 03 Which of the following is not a means of social control ? (A) Religion (B) Polity (C) Criminal Justice (D) Physical Education Field work in social work training.. .SOCIAL WORK PAPER? ?II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective-type questions, each question carrying two (2) marks Attempt all of them Brahmo Samaj... õổìổỗÃÔ ỉổỉ ò õổỗèÃÔUổ ìổổĩỉ (D) ệổUèốỉ ÁÙ»‡æÙæ J—1008 11 P.T.O 24 25 26 27 According to Evelin Burns, who is a social work educator, ‘an examination of how well the target population was reached,

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