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It was July 20, 1969 when hundreds of millions of people watched on television as Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, walked on the surface of the moon for the first time.. "That's one [r]

(1)REVISION Rewrite the following sentences into cleft sentences in the passive Example: Nowadays, people speak English all over the world  Nowadays, it is English that is spoken all over the world Annie sent Julian an invitation to her birthday party  They close the museum on Mondays  The snowstorm has delayed the flight AS 374 to Paris  Someone killed her first husband with a knife  The postman delivers mails and newspapers at 7:00 in the morning  The teacher punished Tim for not doing his homework  People call Chicago “the windy city”  People often sing the song “Silent Night, holy Night” on Christmas Eve  Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences: The train proceeded neither quickly nor was it smooth The child hates both getting up in the morning and to go to bed at night He is not only talented, but also he has charm The town is both historical and it is picturesque Either ask Ben or Marianne to prepare the agenda for tonight’s meeting The director for special projects not only visited our regional center in Baltimore but also uor main office in New York My friends are neither anxious to see the items in the museum nor are they happy about the admission price Bert will meet us either at the restaurant or he will be at the taxi stand She is both happy about the raise and she is nervous about the extra responsibility 10 The doctor promised neither to cause pain during the procedure nor leave a scar Combine the following sentences into one, doing as the instructions tell In some sentences, more than one answer is acceptable Mary is not lazy She is not disobedient (neither nor)  The show is enjoyable It is also educational (both and)  This store sells hand-crafted ornaments It also sells jewels (not only but also)  You can have some iced tea If you don’t want to, you can have some milk (either or)  A good map tells you where things are It shows how to get from one place to another (not only but also)  If you want to lose weight, you should eat less If not, you should exercise more (either or)  Keeping an aquarium develops a child’s curiosity It creates a sense of responsibility (not only but also)  In this course students learn how to save time when drafting papers They also leran how to edit their work (both and) TEST Questions 1-5 Circle the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A believed B followed C rained D stopped A civilization B intellectual C epidemic D discrimination A crops B farmers C vehicles D fields A rubbish B struggle C tsunami D sculpture A park B yard C card D carry Questions 6-30 Circle the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence She is famous _ her beautiful face and sweet voice A for B about C as D with If you had told me earlier, I _ it to you A would give B will give C would have given D gave Lop11.com (2) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bill promised _ to see me the next Sunday A come B to come C coming D came Mary: ‘Excuse me! Where’s the nearest post office?’ Susan: ‘ _.’ A Never mind B I’m afraid not C How are you? D It’s just behind you We’ll let you know as soon as we _ our decision A made B are making C had made D have made This kind of flowers grows _ in areas where there is much sunlight A beautiful B beautifully C beauty D beautify It was midnight, _ they closed the restaurant and went home A but B therefore C yet D so How _ since we left college? A have you been B were you C are you D you have been He said he _ to work in HCMC the next July A is going B will go C was going D goes Kate: ‘Would you mind if I opened the windows?’ Peter: ‘ _.’ A You’re welcome B OK, I will C No, thank you D Please go ahead A new supermarket is _ in the neighborhood A build B to build C building D being built I don’t know _ told you that, but they were wrong A which B whom C that D who _ we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the train A Unless B Or C If D Provided We _ to Hanoi ten years ago A move B moved C to move D moving Look at the man _ in the classroom A teaching B who teaching C is teaching D who teaches Don’t make too much noise You _ wake the baby up A might B must C need D should David learned to play _ violin when he was at _ university A Ø the B the Ø C a an D the a The bookshop is _ the chemist’s and the butcher’s A among B from C between D next Lore: ‘Whose book bag is this?’ Jimmy: ‘ _.’ A It’s Mary B It’s over there C It’s mine D It’s my It was _ cold that we couldn’t go out A such B very C too D so _ of the earth’s surface is water A Three- four B Three- fourth C Third- fourths D Three- fourths _ Jimmy nor Carol has got a car A Either B Both C Neither D Not only Although my dad is busy with his work, he is willing to _ a hand with the housework A give B help C take D pass A _ studies living things and works with plants and animals A biology B biologist C biological D biography We are trying our best to study _ our parents’ wishes A in order meet B to meet C so as meet D so that Questions 31-35 Read and circle the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to best complete the following passage My name is Catherine Parr I am the sixth wife of King Henry the Eighth A month (31) _ I was the Queen of English, the wife of King Henry the Eighth Henry died and we buried him last week in St George’s Church, Windsor Two days ago, (32) _ 16th February 1547, I went back to the Palace of Whitehall because I wanted to take my letters and books and bring them (33) _ The Palace of Whitehall was once my home Margaret, my new maid, came to the Palace with me She’s very young and doesn’t know a lot about the world She came up to London from her home in Somerset two weeks ago Perhaps I was like her (34) _ I was twelve I, too, always asked questions and wanted answers immediately When I arrived at the Palace, it was cold and dark We (35) _ into Henry’s room I sat down in one of Henry’s large chairs in front of his wooden writing desk and looked at the pictures around the room 31 A ago B after C since D before 32 A by B at C in D on 33 A back to my house B to my house back C to back my house D back my house to 34 A while B when C since D during 35 A walk B would walk C walked D was walking Questions 36-40 Read the following passage and circle the correct answers (A, B, C or D) In the United States and Canada, it is very important to look a person in the eyes when you are having a conversation with him or her If you look down or to the side when the other person is talking, that person will think that you are not interested in what he or she is saying This of course, is not polite If you look down or to the side when you are talking, you may appear hiding something, that is, it might seem that you are not honest Lop11.com (3) However, people who are speaking will sometimes look away for a few seconds when they are thinking or trying to find the right word But they always turn immediately back to look the listener in the eye These social rules are the same for two women, two men, a woman and a man, or an adult and a child 36 When you are talking to an American or Canadian, you should _ A look down B look directly at him/her C avoid looking directly at him/her D look to the side 37 It is very _ of you not to look in the eyes of the listener while talking A polite B honest C dishonest D impolite 38 Looking down or to the side when you are spoken to means _ A you feel bored with his/her words B you are paying attention to her/him C you respect of him/her D you are afraid of him/her 39 People can look away for a few seconds while speaking A to hide their feelings B to find the correct word C to find something D to hide something 40 These social rules are user for A everybody B two men C a man and a woman D two women Questions 41-45 In these sentences, each one has an error Circle it 41 The coat is too small for him to wear it 42 Jack is a student, doesn’t he? 43 I’ve just spoken to Sally, whom sends you her love 44 I didn’t meet nobody there 45 They were discussing about the game when we got there Questions 46-50 Circle the correct answers (A, B, C or D) to best complete the sentences 46 Do you know the girl _ at the party last Sunday? A about her we talked B we talked about her C we talked about D whom we talked about her 47 My kitchen is _ A smaller than you B smaller than yours C as small as you D so small as yours 48 They are living in a house A that was built in 1930 B that built in 1930 C in 1930 that was built D that was building in 1930 49 I haven’t got that English book A much money of buying B some money to buy C no money to buy D any money to buy 50 Taking exercise A is good health for you B is good for your healthy C is a good health for you D is good for your health PRACTICE TEST Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a makes b views c reads d decides a sports b plays c households d minds a approached b stocked c developed d paints a watched b stopped c pushed d improved a walked b entertained c reached d looked Choose the best answer Tommy decided to his interest in working a professional footballer a take part in b pursue c pay d practise Teenagers have a to imitate their idols, and collect their pictures as a hobby a way b trend c path d show To improve my ability to speak English, I _ an English speaking course three evenings a week a take b view c make d draw 9.There is a wide of colours and patterns for us to choose in that clothing store a kind b type c thing d range 10 One of the you need to work here is carefulness a hobbies b pastimes c activities d qualifications 11 He got a scholarship so his parents did not have to pay his school _ a report b fee c equipment d master 12 Most British people are very fond of _football a a b an c the d Ø 13 Our recreation is quite different _yours a between b among c with d from 14 These houses are _offer at bargain prices a on b with c in d for 15 The service was particularly popular _young people a through b up c with d in Lop11.com (4) 16 Research and teaching are of importance a equal b equally c equality d equalize 17 Some new amusement and _areas have been set up since last year a entertain b entertainer c entertainment d entertaining 18 If you want to get _in your study you have to try harder a improve b improved c improvement d improving 19 He neither drank _smoked so he had good health a nor b or c but d also 20 They submitted two reports _contained any useful suggestions a neither of which b which of neither c neither which d which neither 21 Neither the TV nor the video sets _properly a works b work c has worked d is working 22 Now women work both before after having their children a or b also c nor d and 23 _ are teachers a Both of them b Them both c Both they d Both them 24 Would you like milk or sugar or _? a either b both c two d twice 25 Tom did not say a word and _ a both I didn't b neither did I c neither I didn't d I didn't too 26 I felt happy and sad at the same time a both b neither c either d not only 27 very necessary for our life a Recreation is said to be b It is recreation is said to be c Recreation that is said to be d It is recreation that says 28 It is the event _a lot a has been talked about b that has been talked about c has talked about d that has talked about 29 Watching television is one of the recreations _ a is appreciated the most b that is appreciated the most c that appreciated the most d appreciating the most 30 a lot of flowers on her birthday a It was Mary was given b Mary that was given c It was Mary, whom was given d Mary was given Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given 31 after the first semester test / our class / a camping holiday / the seaside a After the first semester test, our class had a camping holiday at the seaside b After the first semester test when our class had a camping holiday at the seaside c After the first semester test, our class was had a camping holiday at the seaside d After the first semester test it was the time our class had a camping holiday the seaside 32.we / arrive / the campsite / o'clock / put up the tents a When we arrived at the campsite at o'clock and put up the tents b We arrived at the campsite, at o'clock and began to put up the tents c We arrived at the campsite at o'clock when we put up the tents at d We both arrived at the campsite at o'clock and began to put up the tents 33 we / go swimming / sunbath / lunch time a We not only went swimming and sunbathed until lunch time b We went swimming and also sunbathed until lunch time c We went swimming and sunbathed since lunch time d We went swimming and sunbathed until lunch time 34 afternoon / we / play games / beach / go boating a On an afternoon, we played games on the beach and went boating b In the afternoon it was time we played games on the beach and went boating c At the afternoon, we played games on the beach or went boating d In the afternoon, we played games on the beach and went boating 35 we / leave / the campsite / o'clock a We left the campsite when o'clock b We left the campsite it was o'clock c We left the campsite it was at o'clock d We left the campsite at o'clock Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Recreation is the use of time in a manner designed for refreshment of one's body or mind In our modem time, people have to work hard to earn a living with a lot of hard work, so the need for recreation has grown The weekend is typically a time for recreation, perhaps because the Sunday is "the day of rest." Holiday is also a common time for recreation Traditionally, music and dance serve as recreation in many cultures Playing sports, hobbies, games and tourism are popular forms of recreation Watching TV and listening to music are also common Lop11.com (5) In recent years, more 'exciting' forms of recreation have received more public attention, such as skiing, snowboarding, skydiving, hang-gliding, rock climbing, backpacking, and adventure tourism Some recreational activities are made illegal such as gambling and drug use Research has shown that recreation contributes to life satisfaction, quality of life, health and wellness, and that the use of recreation as a diversion may have clinical applications to individuals with chronic pain and other health impairments In some cultures and religions, recreation is encouraged on certain days Recreation is essential to the longevity of human beings It is roughly the opposite of stress Today, stress is the number one killer in the United States according to Time magazine 36 Recreation _ a is only good for our body b has no effects on our mind c is good for both our body and our mind d has no effects on our body 37 Which are not referred as forms of recreation? a Dancing and listening to music b Eating and drinking c Watching TV and playing sports d Traveling and skiing 38 Which forms of recreation are not legal? a Gambling and drug use b Snowboarding and hang-gliding c Dancing and watching TV d Skydiving and traveling 39 Recreation _ a increases stress b reduces the quality of life c makes us exhausted d reduces chronic pain 40 Recreation _ a helps human being live longer b leads to stress c cause impairments d is a killer Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Kite flying is also a popular form of recreation It is the (41) of flying man-made objects in wind Kites can be (42) _ with many different shapes, forms, and sizes Kite flying is very popular in China, Japan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and many (43) _ Asian countries In some countries, 'kite fights' are held, in (44) _ kite fighters try to snag each other's kites (45) cut other kites down In recent years kite flying has developed into a sport, with (46) for precision flying and for the artistic interpretation of music Kite flying has developed into a competitive sport with several professional world circuits Kite (47) _ are a popular form of entertainment (48) the world They include small local events, traditional festivals which (49) for hundreds (50) years and major International Festivals which bring in kite flyers from overseas to display their unique art kites and demonstrate the latest technical kites 41 a act b fact c event d activity 42 a organized b designed c established d held 43 a other b others c another d each other 44 a which b that c where d whose 45 a nor b or c but d with 46 a tests b exams c competitions d checks 47 a anniversaries b celebrations c festivals d holidays 48 a through b throughout c over d upon 49 a hold b have held c are holding d have been held 50 a on b in c for d of PRACTICE TEST Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a important b recreation c improvement d decision a spectator b athletic c develop d practical a ability b different c necessary d generally a average b interesting c enormous d holiday a ability b activity c sophisticate d entertainment Choose the best answer Which is the most popular recreation summer? a for b at c on d in Some training courses can provide people practical skills a from b on c for d with Apart _ salary, it is not a bad job a on b over c from d up Football has gained in since the time it appeared a popular b popularly c popularity d popularize 10 She has an capacity for painting a enormous b enormously c enormousness d enormity 11 We hoped for _but things had gone worse a improve b improves c improved d improvement 12 I cannot play any sports, but I find it interesting to a watch b notice c observe d look 13 We have been working hard all day without a moment's _ Lop11.com (6) a play b leisure c entertainment d free Football is a sport that attracts the most spectators a viewers b players C observers d reporters 15 The adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day a middle b medium c between d average 16 The bracelet was _with his name and date of birth a based b undertaken c engraved d drawn 17 My son like sports very much and he can also take part in every school sporting activity He is very _ a sophisticated b interested c athletic d popular 18 Those who like music can take a course in karaoke singing a a b an c the d Ø 19 She hard but also gets on well with her classmates a doesn't only study b studies not only c not only studies d not studies only 20 You can move cursor _ by using the mouse or by using the arrow key on the keyboard a both b either c neither d not only 21 to be responsible for the results a Either of you has b Both of you has c You either has d You both has 22 Not only Lee but also his sons _ chess very well a plays b has played c is playing d play 23 Either you leave now ! a I will also call the police b but I will call the police c or will I call the police d or I will call the police 24 _ when we arrived at the spot a Nothing had been done b Anything was done c Nothing had done d It was nothing that had done 25 _by anyone? a Were you seen b Was it you to see c Have you seen d Did you see 26 In that course, _how to cook a we whom were taught b we were taught c it was we whom were taught d it was us who were taught 27 Either John or you responsible for the things that happened a is b was c were d has been 28 If she does not agree to the plan, a Toni will not, neither b Tom will not also c neither will Tom d will Tom neither 29 Not only John but also his brothers _football for recreation every weekend a play b plays c were playing d has played 30 John does not like cycling, and Mary doesn't a too b neither c so d either Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given 14 Traveling is one of the most popular forms of recreation in the USA Most American employees receive an annual vacation with pay, and it is a good time off for traveling Traveling within the country is popular because foreign travel generally takes more time and money However, Americans who wish to vacation outside the USA are free to go almost anywhere Obtaining a passport is a routine matter Every year about 13 million Americans travel abroad The most popular vacation periods are during the summer and during the two-week school break on the Christmas and New year’s holidays These periods are also the most crowded and generally the most expensive times to travel, so people who can adjust their schedules sometimes choose to vacation in the autumn American vacationers often travel by cat Most families have a car, and those who not have can rent one Cars are usually the economical way to travel, especially for the families It is also fairly fast and convenient Excellent highways connect the major cities They enable vacationers to travel at an almost steady speed of 55 or 65 miles an hour Tourists that want to travel faster often fly to their destination and then rent a car to go around when they get there The text is about a traveling in the USA b renting a car for traveling c Christmas and New Year d going abroad 32 Traveling in the _is the least expensive a spring b summer c autumn d winter 33 Which sentence is NOT true? a Most Americans like traveling b Many American people travel abroad every year c There is a two-week break on the Christmas and New Year's holidays d It is difficult to obtain a passport in the USA 34 The word one in line 13 is referred to _ a vacationer b family c car d holiday 35 Traveling by car is _ a not appreciated b very expensive c not suitable for families d cheap Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Nowadays television is present almost in every family life The changes in TV equipment and programs have been considered as one of the largest changes known to people because it is vital to people in the past as well as at present Television's biggest social aspect is the fact that it allows TV viewers to instantly view events that may be 31 Lop11.com (7) occurring far away from where they are Television has been a major contributor in the process of globalization The Earth's residents can be linked by the programming they watch; and like the internet, television has been taken advantage of as a perfect medium for advertising and the spreading of thoughts and ideas However, scientists and parents are raising objections to the uncritical acceptance of the medium For example, the Swedish government imposed a total ban on advertising to children under twelve in 1991 In the U.S., the National Institute on Media and the Family points out that U.S children watch an average of 25 hours of television per week and features studies showing it interferes with the educational process In Iceland, television broadcasting hours are restricted with no television programs being broadcast on Thursdays 36 According to the writer, _ a very few families have got a television b every family almost has a television set c television has had no changes d television is not necessary 37 Television's biggest social aspect is a allowing TV viewers to view live programs b its largest changes c faraway events d its contribution to the society 38 Television _ a is not allowed to advertise b has no advertisements as the Internet does c does not broadcast any thoughts and ideas d is perfect for advertising 39 The word medium is referred to _ a the Internet b television c events happening d advertising 40 In _you cannot watch TV on Thursdays a Swede b the USA c Iceland d Japan Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase (41) _ its appearance in the late 1920s, television has always been (42) _ most of popular form of recreation and entertainment It has (43) _ millions of TV viewers all over the world Especially, with the developing of communications satellites, we can see real (44) that are happening everywhere in the globe (45) _ we cannot deny bad effects that television has (46) us A recent research on the impact of television on children's emotional and social development (47) _ by Erlbaum Press has demonstrated that television (48) _ in childhood and adolescence is associated (49) _ poor educational achievement by 26 years of age In other words, the (50) the child watched television, the less likely he or she was to finish school and enroll in a university 41 a For b Since c As d With 42 a a b an c the d Ø 43 a attracted b pulled c held d caught 44 a things b items c objects d events 45 a If b So c However d Along 46 a for b in c from d on 47 a publish b publishing c to publish d published 48 a watching b seeing c noticing d looking 49 a with b on c in d for 50 a many b much c more d most Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given Yuri Gagarin / born / near Moscow, Russia / March 9, 1934 a Yuri Gagarin born near Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934 b Yuri Gagarin was born near Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934 c Yuri Gagarin was born in near Moscow, Russia at March 9, 1934 d Yuri Gagarin born in near Moscow, Russia in March 9, 1934 Yuri / join / the Soviet Air Force / 1955 a Yuri could join the Soviet Air Force in 1955 b Yuri was able to join the Soviet Air Force in 1955 c Yuri joined the Soviet Air Force in 1955 d Yuri has joined the Soviet Air Force in 1955 1959 / he / train / become a cosmonaut a By 1959, he trained to become a cosmonaut b On 1959, he was able to train to become a cosmonaut c By 1959, he could train to become a cosmonaut d In 1959, he was trained to become a cosmonaut April 12, 1961 / Yuri Gagarin / become / the first human / orbit / Earth a In April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human orbiting Earth b On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin that became the first human to orbit Earth c Since April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit Earth d On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit around the Earth he / die / March 27, 1968 / plane crash a He could die on March 27, 1968 in a plane crash b He was able to die on March 27, 1968 in a plane crash Lop11.com (8) c He died on March 27, 1968 in a plane crash d He died on March 27, 1968 for a plane crash Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer It was July 20, 1969 when hundreds of millions of people watched on television as Apollo 11 astronaut, Neil Armstrong, walked on the surface of the moon for the first time "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," Armstrong said Those words remain famous to this day The historic trip was not easy In the 1960s, space travel was very dangerous Armstrong said later, "There were just a thousand things to worry about." Although Armstrong was the first astronaut to step on the surface of the moon, astronauts Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, whom many people credit for the successful mission, were also aboard Apollo 11 After the successful landing, Aldrin and Armstrong planted the U.S flag on the moon's soil They collected rocks and left a plaque that read "Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon The Moon July 1969 A.D We Came In Peace For All Mankind." Although the astronauts were successful in reaching the moon, another obstacle was returning to earth safely After successfully leaving the moon, the crew landed about 812 nautical miles off the coast of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean They were met by members of the U.S Navy to bring them safely to shore Armstrong called their mission the "beginning of a new age." Although there were flights to the moon after Apollo 11's journey, the last trip to the moon was in 1972 We hope there will be many more moon visits to come 10 The text is about a Neil Armstrong's life b the successful landing on the Moon c space travels d spaceships We can learn from the text that a there is an American flag on the Moon b Neil Armstrong was not worried about his journey to the Moon c human beings have been able to land on the Moon since 1960 d when landing on the Moon Neil Armstrong said nothing In Apollo 11 there were astronauts a two b three c four Armstrong brought the Earth from the Moon a a flag b a plaque c some rocks Which sentence is true? a There have been many trips to the Moon since 1972 up to now b Apollo 11 landed on the land of Hawaii c Apollo 11 was not able to land d Apollo 11 landed off the coast of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean d five d a credit Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 11 a lifted b lasted c happened d decided 12 a advise b raise c lose d precise 13 a with b earth c death d thanks 14 a miles b words c accidents d tensions 15 a speed b person c temperature d psychology Choose the correct answer 16 Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on _Moon a a b an c the d 17 Everybody congratulated the astronauts their successful trip into space a on b for c of d in 18 Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space _April 12th, 1961 a at b on c in d from 19 Although every good preparation has been made, no one knows what may happen an astronaut, during space flight a for b with c to d on 20 Without the pull of the Earth, we would be a weighed b weight c weightless d weightlessness 21 When astronauts are in a spaceship they always have to work with a precise b precisely c precision d preciseless 22 Working as an astronaut requires high knowledge a technique b technical c technically d technician 23 A / an _is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft a astronaut b scientist c engineer d technician 24 Gagarin could have made another space flight if a tragic accident had not occurred a happened b lasted c viewed d dealt 25 Can we never know precisely what would happen in space? a interestedly b approximately c amusingly d exactly 26 A spaceship is one of the extraordinary of human beings a feats b moments c reactions d tensions 27 _is a feeling of worry and anxiety which makes it difficult for you to relax a Precision b Tension c Weightlessness d Satisfaction 28 I admire the astronauts who devote their life to _into space Lop11.com his (9) 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 a lifting b walking c venturing d dealing I am on duty today, _? a will I b don't I c am not I d aren't I We were all very lucky We get out of the fire in such a terrible accident a could b could not c were able to d were not able to Look at me! I _ride a bicycle a can b could c am able to d was able to use your computer? - Certainly, help yourself a I could b Could I c Am I able to d Was I able to After about forty years' working hard with a lot of experiments, the cosmonauts venture into space a could b could not c were able to d were not able to I was not appointed to be a tour guide because I _speak English at that time a could b could not c was able to d was not able to The footballer _play again in spite of his severe injury a could b could not c was able to d was not able to Let's begin the meeting, _ ? a don't we b us c won't we d shall we You did not read anything about the space, _? a didn't you b did you c were you d weren’t you He learnt English at school, ? a doesn't he b does him c didn't him d didn’t he You have got a new car, ? a you b don't you c aren’t you d haven’t you Go with us, _? a will you b won't you c shall we d shan't us Lop11.com Soviet (10) Lop11.com 10 (11)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:42

