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Lesson plan - Unit 11: Sources of energy - Lesson: Writing

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*** Useful structures - Past simple tenses - The chart shows/ describes… - The total energy consumption was… - To make up the largest/ smallest amount of… - The energy consumption increa[r]

(1)Trường: THPT Phạm Hùng Lớp: 11/2 Môn: Tiếng Anh Tiết: Ngày 17 tháng 02 năm 2012 GVHD: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm Họ và tên GSh: Nguyễn Duy Thanh MSSV: 7086609 LESSON PLAN UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON: WRITING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:  Read and understand information from a chart  Write descriptions of charts TIME 5’ CONTENTS *Warm-up Kim’s Game ( petroleum, nuclear energy, wind power, geothermal heat, fossil fuel, water power) Lead-in: - Do you know how much energy one country uses a year? - Much or less? - To get the answer, we will continue to study unit 11- part D Writing 15’ *Task 1: Study the chart about Preenergy consumption in Highland in Writin 2000 and fill in the gaps P 130 g ** Answer keys: 117 coal smallest TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES - Dividing the whole class into groups - Telling the rules of the game - Congratulating on the winner STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - playing Kim’s game - Eliciting the task - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Asking students to this task individually - Doing the task - Asking students to share their answers with their partners - Asking some students to write down theirs on the board Lop11.com (2) * Task 2: Study the chart again and fill in the gaps - Correcting students’ answers - Asking students to move to task - Eliciting the task The chart describes the energy consumption in Highland in 2005 As can be seen, the total energy consumption was (1) …………… million tons (2)………… made up the largest amount of the figure (75 million tons) This was followed by the consumption of (3) ………… (50 million tons) Coal made up the (4) ……… amount of energy consumption (45 million tons) ** Answer keys: 170 Nuclear & Hydroelectricity Petroleum 4.smallest - Asking students to work in pairs to finish the task - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Doing the task - Asking students to write their answers on the board - Correcting the task - Eliciting the task * Task 3: Work in groups of four to answer the following questions: The total energy consumption in 2000 was higher or lower than it was in 2005? The energy consumption increased or decreased in 2005? Which made up the largest amount of energy consumption in 2000? Did it still make up the largest amount of energy consumption in 2005? Which made up the smallest amount of energy consumption in 2000? - Asking students to work in groups of - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Working in groups - Asking students to - Discussing and discuss and answer the answering the questions questions ** Answer keys: The total energy consumption in 2000 was lower than it was Lop11.com (3) in 2005 The energy consumption decreased in 2005 Petroleum made up the largest amount of energy consumption in 2000 No Nuclear & Hydroelectricity made up the largest amount in 2005 Nuclear & Hydroelectricity made up the smallest amount of this figure in 2000 *** Useful structures - Past simple tenses - The chart shows/ describes… - The total energy consumption was… - (To) make up the largest/ smallest amount of… - The energy consumption increased/ decreased in … 10’ While writin g - Eliciting the useful structures - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Asking students to copy down these structures - Copying the structures * Task 4: Describe the chart, using - Eliciting the task the information from task1 and task P 130 - Asking students to Suggested description work in individuals The chart indicates the energy consumption in Highland in 2000 and 2005 As can be seen, the total energy consumption in 2005 was 170 million tons It was higher than it was in 2000 (117 million tons) Petroleum made up the largest amount of energy consumption in 2000; however, Nuclear & Hydroelectricity made up the largest amount in 2005 Besides, coal decreased the amount of the energy consumption (from 57 million tons in 2000 to 50 million tons) Lop11.com - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Doing the task (4) 10’ PostWriti ng Home work * Correction - Passing the guidelines for correction out - Eliciting the guidelines - Reviewing the useful structures - Comparing your descriptions with the suggested description Duyệt GVHDCM - Asking students to exchange their paper to correct - Asking students to review the lesson and compare their descriptions with the suggested description - Getting the guidelines - Following teacher’s eliciting questions - Correcting together - Taking notes Long Hồ, ngày tháng 02 năm 2012 Người soạn Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm Nguyễn Duy Thanh Lop11.com (5) Guidelines for correction Put a tick () on the right column Yes Tenses used in the paper (past simple) Information on the total energy consumption Information on the kinds of energy made up the smallest/largest amount of energy consumption Comparison energy consumption in 2000 and 2005 Mis-spelling Punctuation Lop11.com no (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:41