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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 15: Space conquest - Part A: Reading

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6’ - ask Ss to work in groups - go around to offer help - ask the leader of each group speak out the answers.. - give correct answers 1’.[r]

(1)Period 92 Date of preparation: 7/02/09 Date of teaching: 12/ 02/09 Unit 15: Space conquest Part A: reading I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - develop their reading skills such as skimming for general information and scanning for specific ideas - use the information they have read to discuss the related topic II Skills: Reading and speaking III Teaching aids: textbook, pictures IV Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 3’ - ask Ss some questions Warm up Chatting: Do you like flying? Have you ever thought of flying into space? - answer the questions Pre-reading 3’ 10’ I Answer the questions on page 166 - ask Ss to work in - ask and answer the The first human to fly into space is Yuri pairs to ask and questions in pairs Alekseyevich Gagarin answer the given questions in their text The first humans to set foot on the moon are Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin book - ask some pairs to ask The first Vietnamese to fly into space is Pham Tuan and answer II Vocabulary conquest (n) ['kɔηkwest] xâm chiếm, - take notes - introduce vocabulary chinh phục orbit (n) ['ɔ:bit] cosmonaut (n) ['kɔzmənɔ:t] nhà du hành vũ psychological (a) trụ (nga) [,saikə'lɔdɔikl] (thuộc) tâm lý astronaut (n) ['æstrənɔ:t] phi hành gia, nhà du hành vũ tru feat (n) [fi:st] kỳ công, chiến công - read new words and ask Ss to repeat word by word tension (n) ['ten∫n] căng, tình trạng căng extreme (a) [iks'tri:m] vô cùng, bực, cùng II Reading the new words - write or speak out the rubbed words III Checking vocabulary: rub out and - read the text cực, cực độ - rub out some words and ask Ss to remember 5’ - listen - repeat in chorus and individually Lop11.com (2) - ask Ss to read the text individually in 5’ While-reading 5’ 12’ - ask Ss to the task individually then compare the answers with a partner - ask Ss to give answers and explain the reason of their choice - ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - call some couples to present - gives suggested answers 6’ - ask Ss to work in groups - go around to offer help - ask the leader of each group speak out the answers - give correct answers 1’ individually remember - assign homework * Reading the text * Task 1: Answers: Paragraph 1: B Paragraph 2: D Paragraph 3: E Paragraph 4: C Paragraph 5: A * Task 2: Answers: He was 27 then He was in space for 108 minutes They were what would happen to human being in space or how the body would react to the extreme changes in temperature or how the mind would deal with the psychological tension It was more than 17,000 miles per hour Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968 After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russian, was given the name of this national hero - the task individually then check with a partner - give and explain the answers - work in pairs to the task - some couples present in front of the class - work in groups - the leader of each group speak out the answers Post-reading Answers: cosmonaut in space lasted success gravity view impossible named after Homework - learn by heart vocabulary - redo all the tasks Lop11.com - take notes (3) Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:05

