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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 11: Sources of energy - Period: 70 - Lesson 2: Speaking

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Useful language: Nuclear power / Solar energy / Water power / Gas / Petroleum / Oil / Coal / Geothermal heat… FOR Enormous, plentiful, available Not spend a lot of money for treating it [r]

(1)Long Khanh A High School Week 24 Period: 70 Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson 2: Speaking Date of teaching: Feb.8th, 2011 Class: 11Cba, 11Cbo2, 11Cbo3  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy - express their own ideas about alternative source of energy  Language contents: Vocabulary  Teaching aids: Black board, textbook, poster PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Time Contents 5’ I Warm up : Matching Match some sources of energy with their definitions Wood / Solar energy / Hydroelectric power / Geothermal energy 1…………… is used to produce electricity 2…………… is used to dry crops or lighting homes 3…………….is produced from the heat stored in the earth’s score ………… is the first source of energy used by early man Suggested answer: Hydroelectric power Solar energy Geothermal energy Wood Lead in: What we need energy for? Suggested answer: We need energy to live and work; cook meals; heat, light, cool our houses; make electricity, run engines…Today, we discus advantages and disadvantages of sources of energy 6’ 8’ Students' activities - divides class into groups - gives the rules of game - controls the game - declares the winner - introduces the lesson - follow to T - look at the poster - play the game - congratulate - listen to T II Pre-Speaking : Pre – teaching Vocabulary: - radiátion (n) phóng xạ - renéwable # nonrenéwable (adj) : có thể thay - hydroelectrícity (n) thủy điện - (to) harm làm hại hármful (adj) có hại * Checking Vocabulary: Slap the board - Follows steps presenting vocabulary Task 1: Read and Stick: Read and tick the appropriate box A (for the - runs through - listen to T - asks ss to work - work in pairs Class 11 Lop11.com - checks the Listen for Repeat - Copy & - check Page (2) Long Khanh A High School Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG advantages) or D (for disadvantage) Fossil fuels will be exhausted within a relatively short time Geothermal heat is available only in a few places in the world If the wind is not blow, there is no wind Water power provides energy without pollution A nuclear reaction releases radiation which is dangerous to our environment Solar energy is not only plentiful and unlimited but also clean and safe It’s expensive to build a dam for hydroelectric Answer Keys: 1D 15’ 2D 3D 4A 5D 6A Lop11.com and read the table, then stick - runs through shows the dialogue - models and asks ss to repeat - gives the useful language - asks ss to substitute the underline words to make the conversation - asks ss to practice - Calls close pairs, open pairs Gives the comments and marks - listen to T - look at the dialogue - repeat after T - say out the ideas - take note 7D III While- Speaking : * Task 2:Talk with your friend about the advantages and disadvantages of using each alternative sources of energy, using the suggestions from Task Example: A: I think / I believe that wind power can be an alternative source of energy B: Why you think / believe so? A: Because our major sources of energy are running out while the wind is abundant and unlimited B: I know it is also clean and safe to the environment However, it is not available when there is no wind Useful language: Nuclear power / Solar energy / Water power / Gas / Petroleum / Oil / Coal / Geothermal heat… FOR Enormous, plentiful, available Not spend a lot of money for treating it Never run out / unlimited / renewable Good for environment, not cause pollution Clean and safe Convenient /Cheap /Simple devices / Technology… AGAINST Costly / limited Do harm to people’s health, the environment and natural habitat Give out bad odor, produce an unpleasant smell Dependent on weather (can not operate when there is no wind / sunlight ) Harmful to environment / cause (air / water) pollution Class 11 in pairs and read the table, then stick - checks and calls some ss say out theirs ideas - gives feedback - take note - substitute the underline words to make the conversation - work in pairs and practice - speak in front of class - listen to T Page (3) Long Khanh A High School 10’ 1’ Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG IV Post-Speaking: * Task 3: Work in groups Express your belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future, using the ideas from Task Example: A: I believe that the use of solar energy should be the alternative source of energy in our country B: I agree with you It is the most feasible way to have solar energy in our country because Vietnam is a tropical country… VI Homework : - Practice the dialogue at home - Prepare the next lesson (Listening-p.128) Class 11 Lop11.com - Runs through - asks ss to work in groups and express their ideas - gets feedback from ss - gives comments - listen - work in groups and express their ideas - give feedback - Asks - listen - listen Page (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:54
