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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Period: Reading

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You have to read carefully the text and answers the questions, If you give the correct answer, you will get the point on the wheel that you spin.. If the group choosing the number can an[r]

(1)Lesson Plan (Power Point) UNIT 13: Hobbies Period: Reading Class: Date: Supervisor: Trương Thị Xuân Thanh Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Thị Thanh  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will able to: - develop reading skills such as: skimming for main ideas, summarizing main ideas, scanning for specific ideas - know some hobbies  Lexical items: accomplished, accompany, avid, discarded, indulge in  Skills: Reading, listening, speaking, writing  Teaching aids: textbook, overhead projector PROCEDURE:  Warm-up: Kim’s Game: (5mins) - T divides the class into groups: A & B - T lets Ss see some pictures of activities: listening to music, playing the guitar, mountain- climbing, playing football, playing computer game, reading book, shopping, watching TV - T gets Ss to discuss in - T asks representers of groups to go to the board to write down as many the names of the activities in the screen as possible - T checks the answers with the whole class - T declares the winner who has written more correct answers Lop11.com (2) I Pre-Reading: Lead in:(1min) - T asks Ss: + Which activities you like? - T introduces the lesson Vocabulary: (7mins) - T teaches some new words: + accomplished (adj): tài hoa- (explanation) + accompany (v): đệm đàn- (picture) + avid (adj) : say mê, khao khát- (synonym of greedy) + indulge in : say sưa, đam mê- (synonym of interested in) + discarded (adj) : vứt bỏ, bỏ đi- (picture)  Checking: Gap- filling: I also fishing, swimming and playing chess My sister, who is an guitarist taught me how to play The room is so dirty because it is filled with _ newspapers Her mother loves her on the organ I love all stories written by Nguyen Nhat Anh I am an _ collector of his works True/ False statement prediction: (5mins) - T asks Ss to close their books - T lets Ss to read the statements: The writer is an accomplished guitarist His uncle plays guitar very well He love watching his fish, but his mother doesn’t He keeps all stamps inside a small album His hobbies really keeps him busy - T asks Ss to predict whether the statements are true or false in mins - T calls on some Ss to utter out what they guess and show their answers on the screen Lop11.com (3) II While- Reading: Activity 1: ( 5mins) Read the text and decide if the statements are True or False: - T asks Ss to open their books and read the text in mins - T asks Ss to check their prediction and correct them individually - T lets Ss discuss in pairs - T calls on some Ss to give their ideas - T checks the answers Answers: F T F F T Activity 2: Game: The Big Wheel: (10mins) - T divides the class into two groups: A and B - T introduces the rule of the game  Rule: Each group will take turns to spin the wheel and then choose any number from to There are some questions behind numbers You have to read carefully the text and answers the questions, If you give the correct answer, you will get the point on the wheel that you spin If the group choosing the number can answer correctly will get 100 points If not, the other group will answer and get 50 points if they answer correctly - T lets Ss to play game  Questions: What is the writer’s first hobby? What is the writer’s second hobby? Where does he keep his fish? Where does he collect the stamps? Which kind of stamps does he get more? Lop11.com (4)  Answers: Playing the guitar Keeping fish A little glass tank from discarded envelops his relatives and friends give him Local stamps III Post- Reading: (10mins) - T asks Ss to work in groups of - T asks Ss to talk about their hobbies basing on some questions: What is your hobby? Why you choose it? How much time you spend on it? How you feel after spending your time on it? - T calls on some Ss to give their ideas - T gives feedback IV Homework: (1min) - T asks Ss to learn by heart the new words - T asks Ss to the exercise: “ Write a 50-70 word paragraph about your hobby” V Evaluation: (1min) - T asks some Ss to give their evaluation to the lesson - T gives feedback to the whole lesson Supervisor’s signature: Student’s signature: Trương Thị Xuân Thanh Nguyễn Thị Thanh Lop11.com (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:35

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