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Lesson plans grade: 11 year 2008 - 2009

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T asks sts to work in pairs to read the poem in the textbook and answer the questions: 'What do you think of the friend in the poem?' T asks some sts to give their opinion... Sts look at[r]

(1)Ninh giang high school FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT LESSON PLANS GRADE: 11 Teacher: vâThÞ Thu 2008-2009 Lop11.com (2) Unit 1- Friendship Week 1: 22/8/2008 PERIOD 1: Reading A Objectives: After the lesson I General knowledge: - Sts know about the qualities of true friendship II Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The different part of speech of words - Vocabulary on friendship III Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Reading and guessing the meaning of new words from the text - Reading and answering questions - Reading and choosing the main idea of the text - Discussing B Anticipated problems: - Sts forget too many words after a long summer holiday - Sts have trouble with different part of speech of words C Teaching aids: - Textbook D Procedures: Teacher’s activities I Before you read:(12') Aims: focus sts on the topic, revise and introduce the words and phrases used to talk about friendship T focuses sts on the picture in the textbook and asks sts the following questions Sts ask and answer in groups - Who are in the picture? - What is the relationship between them? - Why they gather here? - Do you have many friends? - How many of them are close to you? - Do you often gather like those in the picture? T checks their work by eliciting the answer from sts T asks sts to work in pairs to read the poem in the textbook and answer the questions: 'What you think of the friend in the poem?' T asks some sts to give their opinion Students’ activities Sts look at the picture and then ask and answer in groups Some sts answer the questions Sts read the poem in pairs and then answer the questions Some sts give their opinion about the friend in the poem T asks S to work in groups and find out different part of Sts discuss in groups speech of the following words: - last (v) - selfish (adj) - constant (adj) - capable (adj) - loyal (adj) - pursue (v) T elicits the answers and writes them on board - (long) lasting (adj) - unselfish (adj)/ unselfishness(n) - constancy(n) - incapable (adj) Sts give their answers - loyalty (n) - pursuit (n) Sts copy the words on board T introduces some new words - quality (n) e.g.: The most important quality of a good teacher is patience Lop11.com (3) - take up (v): to start a new hobby - rumour (n, v): st that a lot of people are talking about that is perhaps not true - sympathy(n): understanding one's feelings and problems T asks sts to read the words after T T asks some sts to read the word again II While you read: Task 1(10') Aims: sts practise scanning and guessing the meaning of words and phrases in the context T asks sts to read the texts and see how many qualities of true friendship are mentioned and what they are T checks sts' answer T asks sts to scan the text again and underline the words/ phrases in the text that appear in the box in Task T asks sts to read the sentences that contains/ are before/ after the words to guess the meaning of these words Then T asks them to try to fill in the gaps with a suitable words/ phrases Sts work in groups of three or four T asks some sts to give their answer and correct it if they are wrong T checks sts’ understanding of the words Key: mutual incapable of unselfish acquaintance / friend give-and-take loyal to suspicious Task 2(5) Aims: Sts practise reading for main idea by choosing from options in the textbook T asks sts to have a look at the options in Task and make sure they understand these options T asks sts to find out the differences between the options Sts works in pairs T asks sts to read the text again and choose the option that most adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage Sts work in groups T asks groups to compare their answer T checks sts' answer Key: B Task 3:(10') Aims: Sts practise reading for specific information by answering questions in the textbook T asks S to read the questions carefully in pairs T makes sure they understand the questions T asks S to read the text carefully again and work in pairs to answer the given questions Sts may need to underline the clues that help them give their answers T goes around to help sts T asks some pairs to ask and answer the questions T correct their mistakes (if any) Key: It is unselfishness It tells us that a person who is concern only with his own interests and feelings cannot be a Lop11.com Sts listen and repeat Some individuals read the words aloud Sts silent reading to find out the number of qualities of true friendship Sts give their answer Sts read the text and the task in groups Sts give their answer Sts read the options and discuss the differences between options in pairs Sts read the text again to choose the main idea of the text Groups compare their answer Sts check their answer Sts read the questions Sts read the text and the task orally Some pairs answer the questions in front of the class (4) true friend Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm but they are soon tired of it and they feel the attraction of some new object It is loyalty It tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each other and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them Because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets Because they cannot keep a secret either of their own or of other It is sympathy It tells us that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship III After you read:(7') Aims: Sts practise discussing and talking about the importance of friends T asks sts to work in groups of four and use the information Sts work in groups to talk about the they get from the text and their own knowledge to discuss the importance of friends in life following question: 'Why we need to have friends' T Two sts present encourages sts to use their own words T goes around to help sts T may give sts some suggestions: - share joy and sorrow - help when one is in difficulty - encourage sb to overcome difficulties - set a good example T asks the representative of some groups to present in front of the class IV Homework:(1') Write a short paragraph (80 words) about one of your close friends Work book: Reading part & Date:22/08/08-period UNIT 1: SPEAKING I Objectives: Education aims: - Students can develop their speaking skill by talking about a famous friend Skills: - Describing physical characteristics - Discussing personalities - Role-playing: Talking about a famous friend II Anticipated problems: Sts may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic III Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, pictures IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Homework checking: ( mins) - Ask one st to answer two questions concerning the - Listen to their friend and give remarks previous lesson: + Why we need to have friends? + What are the conditions of true friendship? Lop11.com (5) - Ask others to give comments - Listen and give remarks Before you speak: ( 15 mins) Aims: : focus sts on the topic and introduce the words and phrases used in the tasks + Task 1: Describing people's physical characteristics - Ask sts to look at four people in the picture and work in pairs to describe thier physical characteristics - Suggest some useful words/ expressions: + height: tall, short, medium, + face : square, large, oval, round + forehead: broad, high, + nose: straight, crooked, flat, + hair: black, grey, brown, blond, + appearance: handsome,beautiful, good-looking, pretty, ugly, - Ask sts to read the example and the same - Let them work in pairs in minutes - Go around to observe sts working - Ask some sts to present their answers in front of the class - Get feedback and give correct answers + Task 2: Discussing personalities - Ask sts to read through the personalities in task and explain new words if necessary - Tell sts that they are going to work in groups to dicuss and to number those personalities in order of importance in friendship - Ask sts to give reasons for their choice - Go around to help sts and correct the mistakes - Ask some sts to present their group's ideas - Listen and give remarks 3.While you speak: ( 15 minutes ) Aims: Sts can talk about a famous freind + Task 3: Role-play - Tell sts that they are going to work in pairs One is a journalist and one is an interviewee The journalist is interviewing the interviewee about a friend of his/ herswho has just won the first international prize in Mathematics - Ask them to ask and answer questions based on the suggestions in the textbook - Allow them to work in 10 minutes and move around to conduct the activity After you speak: (9 mins) Lop11.com - Listen to the T - Take notes - Work in pairs to describe the people in the picture - Some pairs present S1: Can you describe the woman in the picture? S2: The woman is tall and slim She has got an oval face, a straight nose and brown hair She is a beautiful woman S1: Can you describe the boy in the picture? S2: The boy is medium height He is short-sighted He has got a round face, a broad forehead and dark hair he is handsome - Listen to the T - Work in groups to discuss - Some sts report e.g: "I think the most important quality for friendship is sincerity because when two friends are sincere, they can share happiness as well as difficulties with each other." - Listen to the T - Work in pairs to ask and answer (6) Aims: to check sts'work - Ask some pairs to make dialogues in front of the class - Listen and give remarks Homework: (1 mins) - Write down what they have discussed - Sample: J: It is said that you are Thai's best friend Could you give me some information about him? I: Yes, it's my pleasure J: What does he look like? I: he is fat and short He has a square face and a broad forehead His eyes are small but bright J: I suppose he is intelligent I: Yes, he is very intelligent, very studious and very humorous I admire him a lot PERIOD UNIT LISTENING A Objectives: After the lesson I Education aim: - Sts appreciate their friends II Knowledge: General knowledge: - Sts know about some situations when people met and became best friends Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The past simple/ present perfect tense - Vocabulary on friendship III Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Listening for specific information by marking True/False - Listening for specific information by taking notes - Speaking using notes B Anticipated problems: - Sts haven’t practised listening skill after a long summer holiday - Sts have trouble listening to a new teacher C Teaching aids: - Text book,cassette tape D Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Homework checking:(8') One st tells the whole class about a famous person II Before you listen:(10') Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used to describe some people's best friend T asks sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions Sts listen to the T and ask and answer the questions Sts work in pairs: in the textbook - Who is your best friend? - How did you happen to meet him/her? - How long have you known each other? - What qualities you admire in him/her T moves around to help sts Some pairs stand up and present T asks some pairs to present and gives remarks Lop11.com (7) T asks S to look at the words in the book and read after T / the tape T introduces some new words - residential area (n): the area where there are only houses - sense of humour (n): Being able to laugh and make others laugh at funny things - guitarist (n): the person who play the guitar - rough (adj): difficult, unpleasant T read the words / plays the tape again and asks sts to repeat T asks sts to read the words in pairs T asks some sts to read the words again II While you listen: Task 1(10') Aims: Practice listening for specific information by deciding if the given statements are true or false T introduces the situation: You are going to listen to two talks about two people talking about their best friends and how they met their friends T asks sts to have a look at the statements and read them in pairs T makes sure they understand the statements T asks sts to listen to the tape/T twice and tick the box to indicate if the statements are true or false T may underline the words/ phrases that indicate false information T asks sts to compare their answer in pairs T checks sts’ answer T plays the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction Key: Lan's talk: - F; - F; - T; - F; – T; - F Long's talk: - F; - F; - T; - T; – T Task 2(10') Aims: Practice listening for specific information by taking notes about how and where friends met and what they like about each other T asks sts to work in groups and discuss the information they need to fill in the table Sts can refer to the information in task Sts can note down the information T asks sts to listen to the tape once or twice and take notes T asks sts to compare their notes T checks sts’ answer by playing the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction How and where they What they like about met their friend Lan - They used to live in a - Ha is very friendly and residential in Hanoi helpful - Lan went on a holiday - Ha is sociable She's to Doson and Ha went got many friends in there to visit her Doson and she introduced Lan around Long - They met in college - Minh has a sense of Lop11.com Sts look at the words and read after T /the tape Sts copy the words and phrases Sts listen and repeat Sts read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes Some individuals read the words aloud Sts listen to their teacher Sts work in pairs to read the statement Sts listen and the task Sts compare their answers Sts gives their answer Sts check their answer say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer Sts discuss in groups Sts listen and the task Sts compare their notes Sts check their answer (8) - Minh played the guitar and Long was a singer - They worked together humour - Minh likes to go to plays and movies - Minh is a good listener - Minh is friendly and helpful IV After you listen:(9') Aims: Sts practise talking about how the people in the situations have become good friends T asks sts to work in pairs and use the information the get Sts practise talking in pairs from Task and to talk about how Minh has been Long's best friend and Ha has been Lan's best friend T moves round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively One/ two sts present T asks one or two sts to present in front of the whole class T checks and gives remarks IV Homework:(1') Write a short paragraph about how you met your best friend Date: 27/09/08 –period UNIT1: WRITING I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students can write the first draft about a friend's personalities Skills: - Writing about a friend's personalities II Anticipated problems: - Students may lack ideas as well as vocabulary to write III Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Warm-up:( mins) - Answer T's questions: - Ask sts some questions to lead to the topic Yes Did you enjoy your weekend? I went swimming/ I went shopping/ I What did you at the weekend? slept/ I went to the cinema / etc ( ask one st) Who did you go to the cinema with? I went there with my friend He's tall and handsome He is very Can you decribe your friend? sociable and humorous - Introduce the topic of the lesson Before you write:( 20 mins) - Aims: to help sts to have vocabulary and ideas for the writing task a First, create a vocabulary game for sts to play so that they can revise the meanings of some verbs they have already learned - Listen to the teacher carefully - Divide the class into two large groups and then ask them to work in smaller groups of three or four to match each adjective with its illustration in two handouts - Work in groups to match - Sts in Group deal with Handout 1, and sts in Group deal with Handout - The first groups completing the task say - Ask sts to say "BINGO" if they complete the task "BINGO" first and give them prizes - Report the answers - Move around to conduct the activity + Handout 1: 1- b, 2- e, 3- d, 4- a, 5- c - Check sts'work and give remarks Lop11.com (9) - Collect handouts + Handout 2: 1- d, 2- c, 3- e, 4- b, 5- a - Listen to the teacher b Ask sts to think of a friend of his/hers and some notes about this friend including: + his/her name, age + where and when you met him/ her + three of his/ her personalities ( sts should provide facts/ examples to support these ideas) - Allow sts to in minutes and go round to help them if necessary - Ask sts to write their outlines on the board - Check and correct mistakes if necessary - Help them to rearrange their ideas in a logical way While you write:( 10 mins) - Aims: Sts write the first draft - Ask sts to write a paragraph of about 80 words, basing on the outline they have just finished - Let sts write in 10 minutes - Move around to conduct the activity After you write:( mins) Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work - Get feedback by asking two sts to write their paragraphs on the board - Ask some other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answer - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks - Brainstorm and write some notes about one of their friends - Two sts write on the board Sample: - Nam is my best friend He is the same age as me - We were in the same class at primary and lower secondary school + Quick-witted: he is always the first st to have answers to teachers' questions + Self-confident: He can stand in front of the whole class and talk naturally + Boastful: He is always saying that his family is rich and that his parents will buy him whatever he wants, but that's not true at all - Do the writing task - Sample writing: " Nam is my best friend He is the same age as me and we were in the same class at primary and lower secondary school The first thing that people notice him is that he is quick-witted.He is always the first student to have answers to teachers' questions He is also self-confident He can stand in front of the whole class and talk naturally However, sometimes he is boastful, which makes me annoyed ." Homework: ( 1min) - Part D (page 10 - workbook) Date: 05/09/08 -period UNIT1: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students know how to pronounce the sound /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ correctly - Students revise to-infinitive and bare infinitive Skills: + Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises + Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud - Read the sentences silently to the exercises II Anticipated problems: - These two sounds are difficult to pronounce III Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking: ( 5mins) - Ask one st to read the paragraph they wrote at home - One st reads his/her writing aloud in front Lop11.com (10) aloud - Ask another st to give remarks - Check and give a mark Pronunciation:( 10 mins) - Aims: to introduce two sounds /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ and help sts to practise these sounds a Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat - Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately /dʒ/ : a voiced sound /tʃ/ : a voiceless sound - Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat of the whole class - Give remarks - Listen to the teacher - Listen and give remarks b Bare infinitive: - Introduce a structure with bare infinitive S + V+ O + bare infinitive - Some sts report Who wants something to eat? I have some letters to write I am/was delighted to hear the news - Write down two sounds - Listen to the teacher and repeat - Look at the book , listen and repeat /dʒ/ /tʃ/ jam children joke changeable January cheese - Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other Read these words in pairs and check for - Move around to help their partners - Ask two sts to read again and give remarks b Ask sts to look at sentences in page 19 in the book - Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and - Look at the book and work in pairs - Answers: then find out the words containing sound /dʒ/ and /dʒ/ /tʃ/ sound /tʃ/ just picture - Ask them to work in minutes village child - Move around to conduct the activity bridge change - Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answers Read the sentences - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud - Listen and give remarks Grammar: ( 29 mins) Aims: to revise to-infinitive and bare infinitive and have sts Ex1 and EX2 a to-infinitive: - Recall the uses of to-infinitive by giving some - Listen to the teacher examples: e.g.: - I will give you a form to fill in - Read the examples and tell the whole class - The tea is too hot to drink their ideas - I was glad to receive your letter + Uses: - Ask sts to tell the T the uses of to-infinitive in these - After a noun to modify it sentences - In structures: - Ask sts to give examples S + V + too + adj / adv + to-infinitive - Ask them to exercise It + V + adj + to-infinitive + Exercise 1: S + V + adj + to-infinitive - Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to the task - Listen to the teacher and take note individually and then compare their answers with other sts - Move round to conduct the activity - Ask some sts to report - Give examples Lop11.com (11) - Give some examples: e.g.: - I saw him arrive home late - We made Peter wait outside + Exercise 2: - Ask sts to Ex individually and then share the answers with their friends - Move round to help if necessary - Ask two sts to write their answers on the board - Check and give remarks Homework ( min) - Part B( page - workbook) My mother has some shopping to - Listen and correct their work if necessary - Listen to the T and take note - Two sts write their answers on the board: The police watched them get out of the car They let him write a letter to his wife I heard them talk in the next room The customs officer made him open the briefcase Unit -Personal experiences PERIOD 1: Reading PERIOD 4/9/08 A Objectives: After the lesson, I General knowledge: - Sts know about a girl's most embarrassing experience II Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The past simple tense - Vocabulary to show one's feeling III Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Reading and guessing the meaning of new words from the text - Reading and ordering given pictures in the correct order - Reading and answering questions - Discussing B Anticipated problems: - The pictures in the textbook are a bit illogical - The lesson is too long C Teaching aids: - Textbook D Procedures: Teacher’s activities I Before you read:(12') Aims: focus sts on the topic, revise and introduce the words and phrases used to talk about a past experience T introduces the passage about a girl's most embarrassing experience T focuses sts on the pictures in the textbook and asks sts to describe the pictures Sts ask and answer in groups T may give some suggested questions - What is the relationship between the people in the picture? - Where are they? - What happens in each picture? - How the people in the picture feel? T checks their work by eliciting the answer from sts T asks sts to work in pairs to order the given pictures in the correct order T asks some groups to give their answer Lop11.com Students’ activities Sts look at the pictures and describe them Some sts answer the questions Sts work in pairs and the task Some give their answer (12) T introduces some new words - a wad of (phr) a quantity of money/ paper folded together - point (v): (miming) - imitate (v): a monkey is good at imitating - floppy (adj): soft and flexible T asks sts to read the words after T T asks some sts to read the word again II While you read: Task 2(5) Aims: Sts practise reading for main idea by arranging the given pictures in the textbook in the correct order T asks sts to read the text quickly to see if they have arranged the pictures correctly T asks sts to underline the clues that help them to the task Sts work in groups T asks groups to compare their answer T checks sts' answer Key: d-b-f –e-a-c (T may ask sts to look at the pictures and retell the event in each picture) Task 1(10') Aims: sts practise scanning and guessing the meaning of words and phrases in the context T asks sts to scan the text again and underline the words/ phrases in the text that appear in the box in Task T asks sts to read the sentences that contains/ are before/ after the words to guess the meaning of these words Then T asks them to try to fill in the gaps with a suitable words/ phrases Sts work in groups of three or four T asks some sts to give their answer and correct it if they are wrong T checks sts’ understanding of the words Key: glanced making a fuss embarrassing idols sneaky Task 3:(10') Aims: Sts practise reading for specific information by answering questions in the textbook T asks S to read the questions carefully in pairs T makes sure they understand the questions T asks S to read the text carefully again and work in pairs to answer the given questions Sts may need to underline the clues that help them give their answers T goes around to help sts T asks some pairs to ask and answer the questions T correct their mistakes (if any) Key: A red floppy cotton hat To buy the hat for herself A wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her She didn't like to make a fuss She bought the hat with it Lop11.com Sts listen to their T Sts copy the words on board Sts listen and repeat Some individuals read the words aloud Sts read the text in silent and discuss in groups to put the picture in the correct order Groups compare their answer Sts check their answer Sts read the text and the task in groups Sts give their answer Sts read the questions Sts read the text and the task orally Some pairs answer the questions in front of the class (13) III After you read:(7') Aims: Sts practise discussing and talking about the importance of friends T asks sts to work in groups of four to discuss the following Sts work in groups to talk about what question: 'What you think the girl had to to after she the girl had to discovered that the money she had taken from the boy's bag Some sts present was not hers?' T encourages sts to use their imagination T goes around to help sts T asks the representative of some groups to present in front of the class IV Homework:(1') Write a short paragraph (80 words) about their most embarrassing experience Work book: Reading part & PERIOD Date: 12/09/08 UNIT 2: SPEAKING I Objectives: Education aims: - Students can develop their speaking skill by talking about a past experience Skills: - Discussing in pair about past experiences and how they one's life II Anticipated problems: Sts may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic III Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, board, pictures IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Homework checkimg: ( mins) - Ask one st to retell the story of the previous lesson in - Listen to their friend and give remarks their own words - Ask others to give comments - Listen and give remarks Before you speak: ( 15 mins) Aims: : focus sts on the topic and introduce the words and phrases used in the tasks + Task 1: Matching - Listen to the T - Explain the enquirement of the task clearly - Introduce some new words: - Copy down these words into their + app'reciate (v): know how important sth is + 'attitude (to sb/sth) (n): the way people think/ feel notebooks about sb/sth - Read each of these words twice and ask sts to listen and repeat - Ask sts to read these words again in pairs and check for - Listen and repeat and then practise each other with a partner - Ask some sts to read again - Ask sts to work in pairs to match the things in box A with corresponding effects in box B - Move round to check the activity and to help if - Work in pairs to the task necessary - Some sts present - Ask some pairs to answer Lop11.com (14) - Listen and give remarks + Task 2: Rearrange a dialogue - Introduce the situation and ask sts to read through the sentences - Ask them to rearrange the sentences into a meaningful dialogue - Ask sts to share their answer with a partner and then practise the dialogue - Ask two pairs to report - Listen and give remarks 3.While you speak: ( 15 minutes ) Aims: Sts can talk about one of their past experiences + Task 3: Making dialogues - Ask sts to underline some questions in task which is used to ask about past experiences Key: - c; - a; - b; - e - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the T - Work individually to rearrange the dialogue - Practise the dialogue in pairs - Some sts report 1-b ; 2-d ; 3-h ; 4-a; 5-e ; 6-g ; 7-c ; - f - Underline the questions - One st reports: + Have you ever spoken English to a native speaker? + How did you meet her? + What did you talk about? + How did the experience affect you? - Listen to the T - Introduce some useful structures: + Have you ever ? + How did it happen? + When did it happen? + How did the experience affect you? - Ask sts to look again at the topics in Task as a suggestion and then work in pairs to make similar dialogues to the dialogue in Task - Work in pairs to think of a topic or to - Allow them to work in 10 minutes and move around to choose one topic in Task 1, and then conduct the activity make a dialogue After you speak: (9 mins) Aims: to check sts'work - Ask some pairs to make dialogues in front of the class - Listen and give remarks Homework: (1 mins) - Write down what they have discussed PERIOD UNIT 2: Listening A Objectives: After the lesson: I Education aim: - Sts can learn from a past experience II Knowledge: General knowledge: - Sts know about a person's most unforgettable experience Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The past tenses - Vocabulary on narrating past events - Spoken language Lop11.com (15) III Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Listening for specific information by marking True/False - Listening for specific information by filling in the gaps - Discussing B Anticipated problems: - The listening text is long - Sts have trouble listening to a teacher reading aloud a dialogue C Teaching aids: - Picture in textbook D Procedures: Teacher’s activities I Homework checking:(8') One st tells the whole class about a famous person T asks others to give comments T listens and gives remarks II Before you listen:(10') Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used to describe some people's best friend T asks sts to work in pairs to look at the picture in the textbook and say what is happening in the picture T may give some suggested questions - What and who can you see in the picture? - What are the people doing? - What is happening to the house? - Have you ever seen a fire with your own eyes? T moves around to help sts T asks some pairs to present and gives remarks T asks S to look at the words in the book and read after T / the tape T introduces some new words - memorable (adj): worth remembering - replace (v): to take the place of something - embrace (v): (demonstrate) - protect (v): keep st/sb safe from harm/ injury - burn down(v): be destroyed by fire - burn (v): the injury caused by fire - appriciate(v) to know the good qualities of sb/st - rescue (v): save sb from danger T read the words / plays the tape again and asks sts to repeat T asks sts to read the words in pairs Students’ activities Sts listen to their friend and give remarks Sts listen to the T and ask and answer the questions Sts work in pairs: Some pairs stand up and present Sts look at the words and read after T /the tape Sts copy the words and phrases Sts listen and repeat Sts read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes Some individuals read the words aloud T asks some sts to read the words again II While you listen: Task 1(10') Aims: Practice listening for specific information by deciding if the given statements are true or false T introduces the situation: You are going to listen to an Sts listen to their teacher interview about the most unforgettable experience in a busineeswoman's life T asks sts to have a look at the statements and read them in Sts work in pairs to read the statement pairs T makes sure they understand the statements Lop11.com (16) T asks sts to listen to the tape/T twice and tick the box to indicate if the statements are true or false T may underline the words/ phrases that indicate false information T asks sts to compare their answer in pairs T checks sts’ answer T plays the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction Key: - T; - F; - F; - F; – T Task 2(10') Aims: Practice listening for specific information by filling in each gap with one suitable word T asks sts to work in pairs and read the summary of Cristina Sts discuss part of speech and the meaning of the necessary words with each other and try to fill in the gap T asks sts to listen to the second part of the dialogue once or twice and fill in the gaps T asks sts to compare their answers T checks sts’ answer by playing the tape/ read the dialogue once again, stop where necessary and conduct the correction Key : 1- small 2- everything 3- family 4- replaced 5- took 6- appriciate IV After you listen:(9') Aims: Sts practise talking about the importance of family T asks sts to work in group and use the information the get from Task and and their own knowledge to discuss Christina's thought: 'Family is more important than things' T moves round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively T asks one or two sts to present in front of the whole class T checks and gives remarks IV Homework:(1') Write a short paragraph about how important your family is Sts listen and the task Sts compare their answers Sts gives their answer Sts check their answer say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer Sts discuss in groups Sts listen and the task Sts compare their answers Sts check their answer Sts practise talking in pairs One/ two sts present PERIOD Date: 19/09/08 UNIT 2: WRITING I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students can write the first draft of a personal letter about a past experience Skills: - Writing about a past experience II Anticipated problems: - Students may lack ideas as well as vocabulary to write III Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking:( mins) - One st presents his/her opinions - Ask one st to present his/her opinions about - Listen to their friend Christina's thought in "After you listen" - Another st give remarks - Ask another st to give comments - Listen and give remarks Before you write:( 20 mins) - Aims: to help sts to have vocabulary and ideas for the writing task Lop11.com (17) a First, introduce the topic of the writing task " You are going to write a letter to your pen friend telling him/her about one of your most memorable past experiences" - Tell sts that there are several types of experiences, and ask them to a small exercise about types of experiences b Brainstorming and outlining: - Ask sts to think of their experiences and choose the most memorable one to write about - Remind sts that their letter should include the following main points: + when / where it happened + how it happened + who was involved + how the experience affected you - Ask sts to think and to make an outline of the letter , basing on the above main points - Move around to help if necessary - Ask sts to exchange their outline with their partners - Check some outlines and give remarks - Help them to rearrange their ideas in a logical way While you write:( 10 mins) - Aims: Sts write the first draft - Ask sts to write a letter to their pen friends, basing on the outline they have just finished - Suggest some ways to open a letter to a pen friend: Dear , Thank you for the letter you sent me last week I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for a long time - Let sts write in 10 minutes - Ask two sts to write on the board - Move around to conduct the activity After you write:( mins) Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work - Ask some other sts to give remarks on the letters on the board - Check and give the correct answer - If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks Homework: ( 1min) - Write the final draft Lop11.com - Listen to the teacher carefully - Look at the table and match - Share their answer with their friends and then report 1-b ;2-d;3-e ;4-a ;5-c - Think of a topic - Write an outline, basing on those main points - Share their ideas with their partners - Listen to the T and correct anything necessary - Listen to the teacher - Do the writing task - Sample: " Dear Alan, I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for a long time How are you? Is everything all right? I have experienced a really hard time since I failed the English exam two months ago It was the last exam I had to pass to attend a two-year-course in Singapore (18) PERIOD 10 Date: 20/09/08 UNIT 2: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives: Education Aims: - Students know how to pronounce the sound /m/,/n/ and /ŋ/correctly - Students revise some verb tenses Skills: + Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises + Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud - Read the sentences silently to the exercises II Anticipated problems: - Sts may forget the forms and the uses of these tenses III Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook IV Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities Homework checking: ( 15mins) - One st reads his/her writing aloud in front A fifteen-minute Test of the whole class Pronunciation:( 10 mins) - Give remarks - Aims: to introduce three sounds /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/ and - Listen to the teacher help sts to practise these sounds a Write three sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat - Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately - Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat - Write down two sounds - Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again - Listen to the teacher and repeat - Look at the book , listen and repeat so that they can check for each other - Move around to help - Ask two sts to read again and give remarks b Ask sts to look at sentences in page 29 in the book - Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find out the words containing sound /m/, sound /n/ and sound /ŋ/ - Ask them to work in minutes - Move around to conduct the activity - Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks - Check and give the correct answers - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud - Listen and give remarks Grammar: ( 19 mins) Aims: to revise some present tenses and some past tenses and have sts Ex1, Ex2 and EX3 a Revising some present tenses: - Tell sts that present tenses can be used to retell a story happening in the past to make the story more immediate and more vivid - Ask sts to exercise + Exercise 1: - Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to the task individually and then compare their answers with other sts - Move round to conduct the activity - Ask some sts to report /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ may nose wrong make nine running summer money bringing - Read these words in pairs and check for their partners - Look at the book and work in pairs - Answers: /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ morning Avenue meeting remember Northend King meeting afternoon singing - Read the sentences - Listen to the T - Do exercise individually - Some sts report invites sets Lop11.com (19) - Listen and give remarks b Revising some past tenses - Give some examples: e.g.: - I met an Englishman in THD Street last week - They were playing games when their father came home - She had already known the news by the time I phoned her - Ask sts to tell the T the forms and the uses of these tenses - Ask sts to give examples - Ask them to exercise + Exercise 2: - Ask sts to Ex individually and then share the answers with their friends - As the time is limited, ask sts to sentences only - Move round to help if necessary - Ask some sts to report their answers - Check and give remarks + Exercise 3: - Ask sts to Ex3 individually and then share the answers with their friends - As the time is limited, ask sts to sentences only - Move round to help if necessary - Ask some sts to report their answers - Check and give remarks Homework ( min) - Part B( page 14 - workbook) gets waves promises carries contains has bakes - Listen and correct their work if necessary - Read the examples and tell the whole class their ideas + The past simple: Form: (+) S + V-ed/ V(irregular) (-) S + did not + V (?) Did + S + V ? Use: an event/ activity happened at one particular time in the past + The past progressive: Form: (+) S + was/were + V-ing (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing ? Use: An event/ activity was in progress at a particular time in the past + The past perfect: Form: (+) S + had + PII (-) S + had + not + PII (?) Had + S + PII .? Use: An event/ activity took place and was completed before another activity or time in the past - Do the task and then some sts report broke/ was playing wrote/ was was working/ broke started/ were walking - Do the task and then some sts report had eaten/ arrived found/ had taken got/ had closed got/ had left PERIOD 11- Week 4:1/10/08 - Unit 3- Party-READING A Objectives: After the lesson: I General knowledge: - Sts know about what people at parties II Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The present simple tense - Vocabulary to describe parties III Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Scanning for specific information to crossing in the boxes - Reading for specific information and correcting statements - Discussing Lop11.com (20) B Anticipated problems: - The lesson is too long - Vietnamese culture is different from Western culture C Teaching aids: - Textbook D Procedures: Teacher’s activities I Before you read:(14') Aims: focus sts on the topic, revise and introduce the words and phrases used to talk about parties T introduces the passage about some kinds of parties T focuses sts on the pictures in the textbook and asks sts to describe the pictures Sts ask and answer in groups T may give some suggested questions - What happens in each picture? – What are they doing? - What is the relationship between the people in the picture? - How the people in the picture feel? T checks their work by eliciting the answer from sts T asks some groups to give their answer T elicits some vocabulary from sts by asking them to work in groups to find words and phrases on parties T may give some suggestions: Kinds /Purposes / Places /People /Food and drinks/Activities T checks sts' work and write the words on boards Kinds of party: birthday party/ farewell party/ aniversary party/ house warming party, Christmas party Purposes of party: to celebrate one's birthday, wedding day, to say good bye to sb, introduce one's new house, Places of party: indoors/ outdoors/ at home / at a restaurant People at the party: family members, realtives, friends, colleagues Food and drinks: soda, mineral water, wine, whisky, beer, cake, candy, fruit, chicken, beef Activities at party: dancing, singing, chatting, eating, drinking, playing games, T asks sts to read the words after T T asks some sts to read the word again II While you read: Task 1(10') Aims: Sts practise scanning for specific information by crossing in the right box T asks sts to look at the table in task 1, read through the options to see if they understand the table T asks sts to scan the text and crossing in the appropriate box to show what people at parties Sts may underline the words/ phrases in the text that help them to give their answer Sts work in pairs T asks sts to exchange their answers Lop11.com Students’ activities Sts look at the pictures and describe them Some sts answer the questions Sts listen to their T, work in groups to write down the words Sts copy the words on board Sts listen and repeat Some individuals read the words aloud Sts have a look at the table Sts read the text and the task in pairs (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 07:00

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