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Giáo án nâng cao 11 môn Tiếng Anh

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Task c: Jumbled sentences 8’ - Ask SS to read the example and ask Work individually Ss to pay attention to the position of the Then compare the answers with a partner.. adjs - Ask Ss to [r]

(1)Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Unitone Friendship Lesson : reading PERIOD: 1/2 AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - Scan reading for specific information - skim reading for general ideas - Express their ideas about friendship Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to friendship: confide in, evolve, though thick and thin, break out into tears, guarantee, detention, stick, cheat Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, pictures, handout Method: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (8’) Game: Treasure Hunt - Divide the class in to two groups - Stick pictures of things on the board - Tell SS to find out the treasure, the word of the day by combining the first letter in the names of these things - The first groups to find it will win the game - Check SS’ understanding if instructions - Have SS start the game - These are the pictures:the word of the day is “FRIEND” - Declare the winner - Ask SS: Do you have friends? - What is a good friend like, according to you? - Note down some key points T leads in new lesson: In today’s reading,we’ll get to know more about friends and friendship Work in groups Listen to the teacher’s instructions Start playing game Ss answer may vary II) Pre reading: Teaching Vocabulary(15’) - Elicit meaning from SS or give explanations + break out in to tears (v) = begin to Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (2) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 cry + thought think and thin (idm) = in spite of all the difficulties + cheat (v) =act dishonestly; copy sb’s work in a test + detention (n) = punishment of being kept at school affter it has closed - Give some practice on pronunciation (Read SS repeat) Checking Vocabulary Give SS handouts and ask them to work in pairs, completing the sentences, using the words just leaned A good friend remains loyal to you …… Blue slies are not a …… of continuing fine weather III) While reading: Task a: Reading and Maching (18’) - Ask SS to read text A and then match the grades with John’s opinions on what a good friend is - Call on SS to say what John thought of a good friend in each grade - Go over the answers with the class Task b: True False statements (20’) - Ask SS to read the statement about close friends in task b and say if they are true or false, i.e, SS agree or disagree with them - Check with the class and note down the board SS’ opinions - Tell SS to read text b and decide if the statement are true or false - Ask SS to work with a partner and compare answers - Call on SS to read the statement and say their choice - Go over the answers with the class - Tell SS to compare the ideas in the text and SS’ opinions - Task c : gap-filling (15’) T asks to work in pairs ,completing the sentences,using words from the above texts Listen and write down Repeat in chorus Suggested answer: through thick and thin guarantee individuals answer: 1-c 2-b 3-a Work in dividually then compare answer with a partner Answers: T F F T T Work in pairs Key: 1.burst in to tears detention Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (3) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 T walks around and help Ss when necessary Check with the class IV) Post reading: Discussion 15’ - Ask SS to work in groups of or 5, expressing their opinions on the following questions: What is your own idea of a good friend? How you understand the proverd “A friend in need is a firend indeed”? - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call SS to report about their groups’ ideas - Give feedback and comments on what SS have V) Homework: (3’) Writing: Sentence Building Give SS handouts, and ask them to make sentences using the cues your ideas/ good friend/ different/ different grades best friend/ someone/ you can confide best friends/ usually stick together/ thick/ thin best friend/ help you/ avoid/ depression/ anxeity guarantee convince evolve Work in groups Expected answer: Your ideas of a good friend are different in different grades A best friend is someone you can confide in Best friends usuallt stick together thought thick and thin A best friend can help you avoid depression and anxeity Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (4) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Unitone Friendship Lesson : listening PERIOD: AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - Listen and pick up specific details - Listen and understand general ideas Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to describing appearance and character Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, pictures, CD player, sheets of paper Method: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (6’) Game: Five little things - Ask SS to work in groups of - Tell SS to listen to intructions and write down things as requierd on a piece of paper - The groups that finishes first and gets all correct will get point - The groups that has more points will win the game - Check SS’ understanding of instructions and have them start the game These are the sugguested intructions Write down places where you often meet with your close friend Write down things you often share with your close friend Write down qualities you need in a good friend Write down adjectives describing appearance Write down adjectives describing character or personality - Read SS’ items and check with the class after each question - Declare the winner T leads in new lesson: We use a lot of nouns and adjectives to talk about friends.Today we will listen to a letter from Jack, writing about his new friend Work in groups Suggested answers: home, school, park, cinema, evening class… notes, cake, homework, school things, joy, sadness… honesty, loyalty, unselfishness, helpfulness,…… tall Short, good-looking, beatiful, well-dressed, stout… reserved, out-going, sociable, studious, practical… listening II) Prelistening: Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (5) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Teaching Vocabulary(5’) - Use picture and explanations to present some new words + sociable (a) = friendly; outgoing + conservative (a) = opposed to great change + sensitive (a) = easily offended; Listen and writing easily hurt + skinny (a) = very very thin + stout (a) = rather fat + indifferent (a) = having no interest - Read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat Task a :Describing Yourself (5’) - Ask SS to read the list of adjectives and tick () the words that describe them individuals and add more adjectives that are true for them - Call on one student or two to read Read aloud their list that describes themselves III) While listening: Task b: Listen and tick() (10’) - Tell SS they are going to listen to a letter from Jack, writing about his new Vietnamese friend, Mai - Ask SS to listen and tick () what is true about her - Let SS listen for the second time if necessary - Go over the answer with the class Task c: Question and Answers (8’) - Tell SS to listen again answer the questions On what occasion did Jack meet Mai Tran? Where is Mai going this summer? - Go over the answers with the class individuals then compare answer with a partner key: 1.sociable 2.casually 4.enthusiastic 6.athletic attractive 8.sensitive Listen again Answers: Jack met Mai Tran at his cousin’s party She’s going to visit/ traval back to Vietnam IV)Post listening: (10’) Speaking: Role play - Pair of SS as A and B and tell A to Work in pairs play the role of Jack and B the role of Sinh SS imagine they are having a conversation on the phone Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (6) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 - Give each student a role card and ask them to make a conversation based on the ideas suggusted - Move around to control and give help if necessary - If time allows have or pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class - Ask for SS’ comment and then give feedback What is your own idea of a good friend? V) Homework: (1’) Tell SS to learn the new words and make some sentences with them, describing a certain person Make a conversation Act out their conversations in front of the class Do as the teacher’s request Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (7) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Unitone Friendship Lesson : speaking PERIOD: AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - Introduce themselves - Know how to make friends with someone new Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to making friend: tasty, cousin, -I don’t think we’ve met M y name’s Alice - It’s nice weather, isn’t it? Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, pictures, handout,posters Method: Integrated, mainly, communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (6’) Game: Word grid - Prepare a poster of a word grid with 11 rows Ask SS to work in two groups - Tell SS to takes turns to choose a numbered row - Read the explanation for the word in that row, and the group try to say what the word is If the groups get it right, they score point If they get it wrong, the other group have the chance to say the word and score the point - After rows have been revealed, the groups are allowed to guess the word in the column If they get it right, they win points - Keep a runing total of points for each group on the board - Declare the winner -T leads in new lesson: How you make friends with people? Today we will focus on making friends at parties and in public places Work in groups Listen to the teacher’s instructions and start playing the game listening II) Pre speaking: Eliciting and introducing Useful Language Task a (15’ ) - Ask SS: What you do/ say to make friends with someone new? Ss may answer vary Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (8) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 - Note SS’ ideas on the board - Tell SS to read the expressions in task a(P.18) and stick() the ones that they can use to start a conversation - Give comments and then introduce to SS some ways to start a conversation with someone Introducing yourself + Hello my name’s …/ Hi, I’m from… + My name’s… , by the way + How you do? I’m … Nice to meet you Checking if you know someone + I don’t think we’re met My name’s…… + Haven’t I seen you at…….? + You’re a friend of … aren’t you? + You look familiar Have you been in/to… School? Making offers + Would you like something to drink/ to eat? + How about trying….? + Could I get you a drink? Commenting on the situation + It’s a great party, isn’t it? + The music sounds great, doesn’t it? + It’s nice weather, isn’? - Tell SS they can use the expressions in and either to start a conversation and make friends with someone new or to maintain a conversation - Read the expressions one by one and ask SS to repeat individuals Answers: 2,4,5,6,7 and Writing down Repeat in chorus III) While speaking: (15’) Task b: Completing & Practising the Dialogues Work in pairs - Tell SS to complete the dialogues in task b and then compare answer with a partner Answers: - Check with the class by calling My name’s pairs to act out the conversations Try - Tell SS to work in pairs and act out It’s really Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com (9) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 the conversations - Call on some close and open pairs to act out IV) Post speaking: Role-play (8’) - Prepare sets of personal information cards - Ask SS to work in groups of - Give each groups a set of cards and tell SS they are now the person described on the card and they are at a multi-school party SS practise making friends with the other people in their groups - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call on some SS to the front of the class to act out the conversation - Give comments V) Home work: (1’) Reviewing the language Ask SS to review the expressions used to start a conversation isn’t it is there It sounds doesn’t it? Have I met Are you a friend of Work in groups act out the conversation in front of the class as the teacher’ request Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 10 (10) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Unitone Friendship Lesson : writing PERIOD:5/6 AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - describe a friend - write a narrative - Express their ideas about friendship Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to describing friendship :vicious, smart imbecile, confess,criticize, giggle Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, handout, sheets of paper Method: Integrated, mainly, communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (10’) Game: Memory check - Hang a poster with descriptive adjectives on the board - Tell SS to look at the words for a few seconds, and try to remember them - Put the poster away and ask SS to wrete down as many words they can remember as possible The student with the most listed wins the game - These are the adjectives: Tall, beautiful, kind, smart, timid, handsome, short, pretty, thin, black, curly, long, shy, straight, slim - Ask the student how she/he can remember so manywords - Tell SS if they put things under some classifications, it’s easier to remember them - Ask SS to put the adjectives under three headings of Hair/Face, Build and Opinion - Transition: We use these kinds of adjectives to describe people You will need to use them in writing a narrative about a friend of yours, which is the focus of today’s lesson Work in groups Answers : Hair/Face Build Long/black beautiful/pretty Curly/straight kind/handsome Opinion tall/slim short/thin Timid/shy/smart listening II) Pre writing: Teaching Vocabulary (10’) - Elicit the meanings of new words Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 11 (11) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 from SS or give explanations + vicious (a) = acting with evil intention; spiteful + imbecile (n) = stupid or silly person; fool + smart (a) = clever; intelligent + criticize (v) = point out the faults of sb/sth + confess (v) = admit + giggle (v) = laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way - Read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat Checking Vocabulary (2’) - Rub out one or some of the words and ask SS read them all again - Continue until no word is left on the board Task a: Gap-filling (15’) - Ask SS to read the passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word from the box - When they have finished, tell SS to word with a partner and compare answer - Call on some SS to read their completed sentences and check with the class Listening and writing Repeat in chorus Work individually Then compare the answers with a partner Suggested answer: tall slim short 4.appearance Task b: Re-ordering (15’) - Ask SS to work in pairs, reading the controlled 6.smart 7.vicious 8.shy 10.imbecile 11.crazy sentences and putting them in the logical timid 12.terrfied order of a narrative - Call on SS to read the sentences in the order they arrange and check with the Work in pairs class Answer: I met Trang… She was… - Elicit from SS and then generalise It was… what they should include in a narrative Furthermore… unfortuaty… about a friens Followings are some She look… sugguested ideas: During the party… However… + How, when or where you met After the party 10 I must… your friend + What he/ she was like (appearance, fashion, behaviour ) + Your fisrt impresion of him/her (what you particularly liked or disliked Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu 12 Lop11.com (12) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 about him/ her) + How you both got along writing + Your feelings/ opinions about him/ her… III) While writing: Task c: Writing a narrative.(20’) - Ask SS to write a short narrative about a friend of their based on the ideas suggested and the samples in task a and b - Go around to control and give help if necessary - When they have finished, collect Work individually SS’ writings IV)Postwriting: Peer correction 15’ - Ask SS to work in groups of 5, deliver each group pieces of writings and tell them to read and correct their friend’s narratives - Tell each group to choose the best piece of writing, and the most special story - Go around to control and give help Work in groups if necessary - Call a student from each group to read their group’s best writing, and ask SS Check eachother to give comments - If time allows, ask the groups to talk about their special story - Give feedback and comments Present in front of the class V) Homework: (3’) Ask SS to underline all the adjs used to describe Trang in task b Give comments Do as the T’ request Unitone Friendship Lesson : language focus PERIOD:7 AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - use descriptive adjs - use different verb forms in narrative - use and, but, either, or, and neither Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 13 (13) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to descriptives, lighting, thunder, phobia Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, handout, picture Method: Integrated, mainly, communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (5’) Game: listen and draw -Tell Ss to work in groups; one representative from each group goes to Work in groups the board -Show the groups the pictures of the class’s new friends One after the other The Ss describe the persons and the Ss draw them on the board -Tell Ss to compare the drawings with the pictures and choose the best ones The group that has the best descriptions wins the game Answers : -T asks the Ss : -the words like tall, thin, long, What helps you draw such pictures ? - T leads in new lesson: yes, we use adj to say what st or sb is like, that’s why these are called descriptive adjs To day we will learn more about descriptives II) Word study Descriptive adjectives (10’) - Elicit from Ss the kinds, order and position of descriptive adjs listening - Descriptive adjs or adjs of quality include those of size, shape, age, type, colour, material, origin, purpose and opinion Task a: underlining the adjectives -Tell Ss to read the sentences and Work individually underline the adjs -Go over the answers with the class Task b: Gap-filling(8’) - Help Ss with the meanings of some Listening and writing new words + persistent (a): continuing without interruption + bushy(n): covered with bushes + piercing(a): penetrating Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 14 (14) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 - Tell Ss to read and complete the individuals passage using the words given compare the answer with a partner Go over the answers with the class Task c: Jumbled sentences (8’) - Ask SS to read the example and ask Work individually Ss to pay attention to the position of the Then compare the answers with a partner adjs - Ask Ss to rearrange the words to make meaningfull sentences and then Suggested answer: He has made many fatal mistakes so compare with a partner - Go around to control and give help far My son has an ugly large yellow if necessary - When they have finished, call Ss to submarine read their sentences and check with the She has bought a collapsible blue silk umbrella class III) grammar: verb form review 5’ - Elicit from Ss the tenses used in a narrative - Ask Ss to compare these tenses - Tell Ss to read the passage, put the verbs in the correct forms and then compare answers with a partner - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Give feedback and comments Linking words (8’) - Give Ss a handout with the linking words in column A and the meanings in column B A B and a on the contrary but b not the one either or c also; then neither…nor d the one or the other Go over the answers with the class - Ask Ss to read the sentences halves, match one in A with one in B and then use a suitable word in the box to connect them - Tell Ss to compare answers in groups, giving reasons for their choice - Go over the answers with the class -Tell Ss to work in pairs, talking about their likes and dislikes, and then report to Answer: - past simple, past continous, and past perfect remember didn’t have had went was were used to have used to climb could see 10.were bitting Match the linking words Suggested answer: 1- c 2- a 3- d 4- b Work individually Work in pairs Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 15 (15) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 the class about themselves using linking words Do as the T’ request IV) Homework: (1’) Ask Ss to ex in the textbook carefully Unit two: personal experience Lesson : reading PERIOD: 8/9 AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - Scan reading for specific information - Recognise the activitivies related to the senses Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to the senses, in vain, retreat, inept, slip away, inadequate, grow out of, dispirited Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, pictures, handout Method: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warm up: (8’) Game: Jumbled words - Divide the class into two groups - T writes the word whose letters are in a random order on the board - xepreneiec - Check SS’ understanding if instructions - Ss from two teams go to the board and write the correct word - The team which writes correct word first will be the winner - Ask: What is Experience ? - Have you ever been in embarrassing situation? - What was it? What did you then? T leads in new lesson: Unit focuses on Personal Experience.The reading to day is about a man’s unpleasant experience at a party Work in groups Listen to the teacher’s instructions Start the game Key: Experience Expected answer: event or activity that affects us in some way;knowledge gained from seeing or doing things Ss answer may vary II) Pre reading: Teaching Vocabulary(15’) - Elicit meaning from SS or give explanations Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 16 (16) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 + in vain (idm) = uselessly + retreat into one’s shell (idm) = become more shy, reserved + inept (a) = not tactful + slip away (v) = leave quietly without being noticed + inadequate (a) = not good enough + grow out of st (v) =overcome - Give some practice on pronunciation (Read SS repeat) Checking Vocabulary - Divide the class into two groups, A and B - Ask each group to choose Ss to stand in a line in the front - Write the words and phrases just learned on the board at random - Keep a running total of points for each group on the board Declare the winner III) While reading: Ask Ss to read the text quickly and find the answer to the question : -What was embarrassing about the man ? -Call on some Ss to give answer and check with the class Task a: True-false statements (18’) - Ask SS to read text and the statements about the man and say if they are true or false - Ask Ss to work with a partner and compare answers - Call on Ss to read the statements and say their choice - Go over the answers with the class Task b: LISTING (20’) - Ask SS to read the statement related to the sense of sight and the sense of hearing - Check with the class and note down the board SS’ opinions - Ask SS to work with a partner and compare answers - Call on SS to read the statement - Go over the answers with the class Listen and write down Repeat in chorus groups Suggested answer: He didn’t know what to and to behave among other people individuals then compare the answers with a partner answer: 1-F 2-T 3-F 4-F 5-T Work in dividually then compare answer with a partner Suggested answer: He saw many people talking merrily and there was a pause in the conversation as he passed by …found the room full of people he did not know Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 17 (17) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Task c : pick out the information (15’) -T asks to read the second paragraph from: The next day…his first party experience -T helps Ss to pay attention the descriptive adjs that follow verds: feel, think, go through his mind, wonder, ask himself -Ask Ss to work individually and then compare the answers with a partner -T walks around and help Ss when necessary Check with the class IV) Post reading: Discussion 15’ Ask SS to work in groups of or Discuss what advice you would give the writer in order to overcome such an experience Ask them to express their opinions on the following questions: a Have you ever been in such a situation as the man’s? b What have you done to grow out of/ overcome it ? - Go around to control and give help if necessary - Call SS to report about their groups’ ideas - Give feedback and comments on what SS have individuals Work in pairs Key: - During the party he felt embarrassed and nervous among others,inept in the conversation - After the party he felt hard to make friend, inadequate in feeling compared to others, shy, sad Work in groups Discuss what advice you would give the writer in order to overcome such an experience Report about their groups’ ideas V) Homework: (3’) - Tell Ss to write a short paragraph about what the man should in order to Do as the T’ s request overcome his shyness Unit two: personal experience Lesson : listening PERIOD: 10 AIM: By the end of the lesson, the students are able to : - Listen for specific details - Listen and understand the message Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 18 (18) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 Lexical items: Words/ phrases related to personal experrience: ashamed, absent-mindedness, Search, counter, witness, laugh at Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk and board, pictures, CD player, Method: Integrated, mainly communicative TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES student’S ACTIVITIES I) Warmup: (6’) Game: join the dots - Ask SS to work in groups of - Give Ss a hand out each with the pictures of cat and a mouse and some words - Tell Ss you are going to read 11 explainations for some of the words on the hand out one by one; some of the words may be repeated.As they listen, find the word and join the dot for that word with that of the next word, and so on - Check SS’ understanding of instructions and have them start the game - When you have finished reading and Ss finished joining, ask Ss what the cat is doing - Declare the winner T leads in new lesson: We’ve just reviewed some language describing a man’s unpleasant experience at the party Today we will listen to another person’s barrassing experience Work in groups Suggested answers: The cat is trying to catch the mouse with a trap listening II) Pre listening: Teaching Vocabulary(5’) - Use picture and explanations to present some new words + ashamed (a) = feeling Listen and writing embarrassment because of own action + absent-mindedness (n) = forgetfulness + witness (v) = be present at st and see it + laugh at sb(phr.v) = ridicule sb + indifferent (a) = having no Read aloud Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 19 (19) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 interest - Read the words one by one and ask SS to repeat Task a : checking vocabulary.(6’) - Tell Ss to read the gapped sentences in task a, and complete them with a suitable word in the box - Go over the answers with the class individuals then compare the answer with a partner Suggested answers: embarrassing presentation 3.standing 4.ashamed absent-mindedness III) While listening: Task b: True-false statement (9’) - Tell SS they are going to listen to a man’s story, read the statements and decide if they are true or false - Let Ss listen again if necessary - Let SS listen for the second time if necessary - Tell Ss to compare answers with a partner - Go over the answers with the class then let Ss listen again and check Task c: Listen and tick (8’) - Ask Ss to listen again and tick the adjs that describe the student and his experience in the story - Call on Ss to give their answers - Have Ss listen again and check with the class - Go over the answers with the class individuals then compare answer with a partner key: F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T Listen again Answers: embarrassing careless IV) Post listening: (9’) Speaking: Retelling the story - Ask Ss to work in their groups Work in groups again - Tell them to retell the story based on the pictures Retell the story in front of the class - Go around to control and check - Call on some Ss to retell the story to the class - Ask for SS’ comment and then give feedback V) Homework: (2’) Tell SS to learn the new words and Do as the teacher’s request make some sentences : -because/absent-mindedness/ student /mistake/ some one else/ bike - when he / realise it/ he/ feel/ Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 20 (20) Gi¸o ¸n n©ng cao 11 extremely ashamed/ himself Nguyễn thị Hoa- Trường THPT- Lê Văn Hưu Lop11.com 21 (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 06:33
