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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 5, 6

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S can’t answer question number 3, so lead the writing - In order to answer question lesson by asking S to open the textbook and focus on number 3, move to writing task writing task numbe[r]

(1)UNIT 5: technology and you P1: reading (25) Date of composal: 29/9/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Broaden their vocabularies of parts and equipments relating to computer  Read and guess words meaning through the context  Read through the passage and choose topic for reading passage  Read the passage carefully to answer questions and summarize the passage  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ Teacher’s activities - - Students’ activities Warm-up activity Divide class into groups A, B, C and D - Work in groups Deliver each group a large pictures consisting - Receive T’s picture of some small pictures about modern - Listen to T’s introduction about the rules of the game technology machines printed on (photo copy machine, fax machine, computer, - Play the game printer…) Give S time to discuss in group Ask group leaders to go to the B and list name of all the machines that they have seen in the large picture Within 1.5 minutes, which group has more - Within 1.5 minutes, stop playing and machines listed will be winners check along with T to find out the Stop the game to lead to the new lesson winners 5’ Before You read - Ask S to work in group of - Work in group of - Let them look at pictures in the text book - Look at pictures in the text book - Give S time to match items and words or - Match items with words or phrases phrases given given - Which group finishes first will stand up to - Stand up to present the answers present in front of the whole class - Check the final answers with T - Check and give final answers on the B - Copy down the final answers * Final answers: – D, – E, – G, – C – A, – F, – B, - H 30’ While You read  Task 1: 15’ - Copy down new words and their meaning on the notebooks - Provide S meaning of some new words in the reading passage - Copy down * New words: produce (v) accurate (a) almost (av) lightening (v) miraculous (a) electronic (a) - Copy down appropriate (a) storage (n) Lop11.com (2) speed up (v) 10 data (n) - Read new words one time as model and ask S to repeat (2 times) - Call some of them to stand up and read again - Check and correct immediately when they finish reading - Provide S some new words in column B before asking them to complete task individually (strange, mysterious, perform, physical, scene, link, act) - After minutes, give S more time to compare answers with their partners - Call S to give answers - Check and give feedback to get the final answers - Write the final answers on the B * Final answers: 1–C 2–E 3–A 4–B 5-D - Listen and repeat new words - - Stand up and read aloud new words again Listen to T’s comments and correction Take note some new words in task Complete the task within minutes Compare answers - Give answers Check along with T - Copy down the final answers - Copy down  Task 2: 5’ Let S to work in group of Give each group minutes to complete the task After limited time, which group finish the task first will be presenter Check and give final answer C Ask S to compare answer and correct down if they are wrong - Work in group Complete the task in minutes - Present the answer - Copy down the final answer - Work in pairs Look at and pay attention to the questions on the B - Copy down all the questions to the notebook - Practise asking and answering in pairs in minutes - Stand up and give answers in pairs - Check friends’ answers Look at teacher’s feedback and correction to get the final answer Copy down the answers to the notebooks -  Task 3:10’ - Ask S to work in pairs - Get S’s attention by looking at questions given on the B * Questions: Do we visit shops with the help of a Computer? What can we receive and send by a computer system? What can you learn on computer? What is a computer capable of doing? How can you relax by a computer? - Give S minutes to ask and answer the questions (in pairs) (basing on the reading passage) - Call some pairs to stand up and answer one by one the questions from to - Ask the rest to check by reading the passage again - Give feedbacks on the B to come to the final answers * Final answers: Yes, we They are letters and e-mails - - Lop11.com Copy down (3) We can learn foreign language It’s capable of calculating, playing music…and what you want By playing computer games or listening to computer played music 5’ - - Copy down Copy down After You read Ask the whole class to close the book - Close the book Divide class into groups A and B - Work in groups A and B Ask S to work in group and list all of the - List all of the verbs that relate to verbs in the reading passage that relate to computer using in the reading computer using passage Call group leader to stand up within minute - Complete the task-game and decide Which group has more correct verbs will be the winner the winner - Copy down homework and stop the Give homework to S and stop the lesson lesson  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart all the new words  Ask them to prepare for speaking lesson  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (4) UNIT 5: technology and you P2: speaking (26) Date of composal: 1/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Ask and answer questions about functions of some modern technology (TV, radio, fax machine…)  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of information technology in the daily life  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up activity - Divide class into groups A and B - Work in group A and B - Stick pictures of some modern inventions on - Look at pictures on the B the B (TV, radio, DVD player, rice-cooker, fax machine…) - Ask S to discuss in groups to find out all - Discuss in group to play the game words (verbs)relating to these inventions * For example: radio relax Listen to music Learn language 40’ Give each group minutes to go to the B and list all the verbs that they can find Check along with the whole class in decide the winners (who finish first with more correct verbs) Stop the game and lead to speaking tasks - List all the verbs they have in the B Check along with T and the whole class to decide the winner Stop the game and move to speaking tasks Speaking Tasks Task 1:10’ - Ask S to work in pairs - Work in pairs - Call Ss’ attention to the Ex on the B - Look at Ex on the B - Write an Ex on the B (underline the structure - Copy down the underlined structure * S + be + used + for + Ving S + be + used + to + V - Copy down * Example: A: Could you tell me what a cell phone is used for? Lop11.com (5) B: Well, it is used to talk to people when you are away from home - Read Ex one time as model and call a good S in class to role play with T - Ask the whole class to repeat Ex - Suggest S to look at the book and read aloud all words and phrases given (2 times) - Assign each group with one conversation (G1 talk about radio; G2 – TV; G3 – camera; G4 – rice cooker) - Call some volunteers to speak out their conversation in front of the whole class (after minutes works in group) - Check the content and give comments on S’s pronunciation immediately after they finish their talk Task 2:10’ - Ask S to work in group of a table - Give them meaning of some new words 1.transmit 5.distance 2.process 6.participant 3.store 7.message 4.design make use of + noun - Read new words times as model and ask S to repeat times - Give S minutes to complete task in group - Call group leader to stand up and give their own answer * Possible answers: store hold design transmit make process send send receive Task 3:10’ - Ask S to look back task - Write down an Ex on the B A: in your opinion, which use of information technology in the most important in our life? B: I think it is the (1,2,3…)use A: Why you think so? B: Because it is –helpful - useful - convenient - Role play Ex with a good S in class - Read Ex again and as S to repeat - Ask S to role play the Ex - Call some pairs to make similar conversation - Check and give comments Task 4:10’ - Ask S to work in group of a table - Require S to use words in task and to talk Lop11.com - Listen to T’s model Role play with T Repeat after T Read aloud all words and phrases given in the text book Complete the task in group Stand up to speak in front of the whole class - Listen to T’s comments - Work in group Copy down new words - Listen to T’s model and repeat Complete the task in minutes Leader represent what they have done Check along with T (basing on suggested answers) If it is possible, copy down the answers - - Look back task and Pay attention to the Ex on the B - Role play the ex with T Listen and repeat Ex given Role play Ex Complete the task Be careful with correction - Work in group Look back task and to get (6) - about advantages and disadvantages of modern inventions (at least sentences in their talk) Make S complete the talk in minutes Call group leader (T appoint group leader) to represent what their group have done Call other group to listen to and give comments Give some feedback or correction in S’s work Give homework and stop the lesson - information to make a small talk about advantages and disadvantages of information technology Look at T’s Ex Complete the task in 3minutes Stand up to present their answer Give comments on others’ answer Listen to T’s comment Copy down homework  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words  Ask them to prepare for listening lesson  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (7) UNIT 5: technology and you P3: listening (27) Date of composal: 10/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Be more familiar with listening and choosing T or F information  Taking notes and complete listening passage with missing information under the form of speaking and writing  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, cassette tapes and teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ 5’ 30’ Teacher’s activities Warm –up - Divide class into groups A and B - Write down some jumbled words on the B - Ask each group to rearrange the letters so the they make a proper word - After minutes of playing which group has more correct words will be the winners and receive a small present - Lead to before you listen * Jumbled words: TCMOPREU → COMPUTER OAIRD → ADIO EENPOTEHL → TELEPHONE AAECMR → CAMERA VPLYEADDR → DVD PLAYER ONEHOMIBPLE → MOBILE PHONE Students’ activities activity - Work in group A and B - Look at jumbled words given by T on the B - Play a small game in group - Finish the game after minutes - Decide the winners and move to the nest part of the lesson Before You listen - Ask S to look at table on the text book and - Look at the table and answer answer questions: questions given by T on the B Are there fax machine and camcorder in your - No, there aren’t house? - There are….in my house What types modern inventions are there in - Very often/usually/sometimes… your house? How often you use them? - Call some volunteers to give answers for these questions - Read aloud the words given in the textbook - Listen to T and repeat words given and ask S to repeat (2 times) in the textbook - Explain meaning of some new words if it is - Copy down meaning of some new necessary words - Lead to listening tasks - Move to listening tasks While You listen Lop11.com (8) Task 1:15’ - Ask S to read carefully the requirement of the task to understand thoroughly what they have to in this task - Suggest S to underline key words in each statement * Key words: - 1: worried, son, computer - 2: worried, secretary, buy computer - Open the tape and ask S to listen carefully to complete the task - Order S to share answers with their partner - Call S to give answers - Ask others to check - Give feedback to get the final answer - * Final answer: F T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F Task 2:15’ - Ask S to read carefully the task requirement - Suggest them to define type of needed word for each blank - * For example: 1: Verb 2: adverb of time/sequence (firstly…) 3: verb (to infinitive) 4: noun/noun phrase 5: noun/pronoun (anything…) - Open the tape and ask S to listen carefully - Ask them to compare their answers - Call S to go to the B to give answers - Check along with the whole class and give final answer on the B - Ask S to copy down the final answer * Final answer: - 1: invited 4: excuse - 2: still 5: anything - 3: refused 5’ - - Do what T ask - Underline key words in each statement - Listen to the tape to finish the task Compare answers with their friends Stand up to give their own answers Comments on their friend’s answers Check along with T Correct their answers to get the final answer - Read carefully the task requirement Define type of needed word for each blank - - Listen to the tape to complete the task Compare answers with their friends Go to the B to give their own answers Check along with T Copy down the final answer Copy down - Copy down - After You listen Ask S to listen to the talk again - Listen to the talk again Ask them to close the textbook - Close he textbook Ask S to discuss in group of a table within - Discuss in group of a table minute - Retell the story After time of discussing is over, which group - Copy down homework and stop the can retell the story more correctly will be the lesson winners Give S home work and stop the lesson  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words  Ask them to prepare for writing lesson  Comments from group leaders: Lop11.com (9) UNIT 5: technology and you P4 : writing (28) Date of composal: 12/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Understand the way to use public telephone  Practise writing as well as reporting the way to use remote control of TV  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ 40’ Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up activity - Ask S to close the textbook and answer questions - Close the textbook and answer given on the B T’s questions 1.Have you ever used public telephone? 2.Is it easy or difficult to use it? 3.Can you show me how to use it? S can’t answer question number 3, so lead the writing - In order to answer question lesson by asking S to open the textbook and focus on number 3, move to writing task writing task number number Writing tasks Task 1:10’ - Ask S to read the requirement of the task - Read the requirement of the task - Ask S to work in group of a table to read the introduction carefully - Work in group of or - Provide them meaning of some possible new - Copy down meaning of some words (make sure, lift, tone, insert, pip, mean…) new words - Call a good S in class to stand up and represent - Stand up to present the way to the way to use P.T in Vietnamese use P.T in Vietnamese - Check and give some corrections (if it is - Listen to T’s correction necessary) Task 2: 5’ - Ask S to look back task - Look back task - Explain what “imperative verbs” means ( mệnh - Work in pair lệnh cách) - Find out connectors and imperative verbs - Order S to work in pair to find out connectors and imperative verbs in the given introduction - Give answers - Call S to give answers - Listen to T’s comments - Check and write the correct answers on the B - Copy down the final answer on * Answers the notebook - Lift – listen – insert – press – wait – dial - Copy down - First – and – next – then - Copy down Task 3:12’ - Ask S to work in pairs and order tem to look at Lop11.com - Work in pairs and look at (10) picture given in the textbook - Suggest them to look through all questions - Explain meaning of some new words - Turn on/turn off, press, adjust, cord, sound, power, mute, plug - Read new words and ask S to repeat - Ask S copy down all the new words - Give S minutes to answer questions - Call some S to stand up and give their own answers - Check S’s answers along with some comments - Write down the suggested answers on the B - * Suggested answers: you have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on to turn on/off TV, press main or power button to…, press programs button to choose…, press 1,2,3,4… button to…, press volume button to stop the sound press mute button Task 4: 13’ - Ask S to read the requirement of the task and suggest them to read example on the textbook - Ask S to look back task again - Suggest S to use instructions in task to complete task - Give S minutes to write - Go round to provide some help - Call S to stand up and read aloud what they have just written - Take note on the B - Give comments on S’s weak point or wrong points - Give some general comment on the lesson and give homework to S - Stop the lesson - picture given in the textbook Read through all questions given Listen to T and repeat all new words Copy down meaning of some new words Answer questions gi9ven in minutes Stand up to give answers Listen to T’s correction Copy down the suggested answers on the notebook Copy down - Copy down - Read the task requirement as well as example given in the textbook Look back task again Do what T suggest Complete the task in minutes Ask T for help if they need Read aloud what they have just written Pay attention to T’s notes on the B Listen to or take note T’s comments Listen to T’s general comments on the lesson - Copy down  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words  Ask them to prepare for language focus lesson  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (11) UNIT 5: technology and you P5: language focus (29) Date of composal: 12/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Distinguish the difference between pronunciation of two vowels ⁄u ⁄ and ⁄u: ⁄ And S can produce and pronounce correctly these two sounds in separated words as well as in sentences  Revise S present perfect and its passive voice form  Revise and consolidate knowledge about relative clauses and relative pronouns  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ Teacher’s activities - 10’ 30’ Students’ activities Warm-up activity Write down sentences on the B and ask S to - look at and read example given by read individually T Sue often goes to school on foot Look at your shoes, it look dirty Ask S to pay attention to underlined words - pay attention to the underlined words Ask them to give sounds of the vowels in these - what T ask underlined words Lead to pronunciation part - move to pronunciation part Pronunciation part - Ask S to look at given words - Read all of these words times as model - Explain the position as well as shape of lips and tongue - Ask S to repeat as the whole class - Call some S to stand up and repeat again - Check and correct mispronunciation immediately - Read sentences in the textbook time and ask the whole class to repeat - Call S to stand up and read these sentences one by one - Check and correct mispronunciation if it is possible Grammar Part Exercise 1:13’ - Write down examples on the B and ask S to give comments on verb tense in these sentences 1: She has finished her work for hours 2: They have built the house since 2005 - S give answer that it is perfect present - Ask S to look at example to give general form of present perfect Lop11.com Look at the given words in the textbook Listen to T’s pronunciation Pay attention to T’s explanation Repeat after T Stand up to read aloud the words Listen to T’s correction (if it is wrong) Do the same procedure with the whole sentences given in the textbook Listen to T’s comments Look at T’s and give comments on verb tense Present perfect Give form of P.P basing on Ex given by T (12) - Ask one more question “who can give general use of this tense?” for good S in class - Give comments on S’s answer and fix use as well as form of present perfect tense on the B and ask S to copy down - * use: action happens but has not completes yet actions that have just happened action happening without starting and ending point - * Form: (+) S + have/has + PII (-) S + haven’t/hasn’t + PII (?) Wh + have/has + S +PII? - Notice S some cues that they can base them to realize present perfect tense (already, just, yet, never, ever, for, since, so far, up to now, recently and currently…) - Ask S to give example basing on the form of present perfect - Order S to complete exercise individually in minutes (as example) - Ask S to compare their answers - Call some S to go to the B and write the answers - Give feedbacks to get the final answer - * Final answer: 0.Tam has opened the door 1.Tam has turned/switched on the TV 2.Tam has tidied the house 3.Tam has cleaned the floor 4.Tam has turned/switched on the lights 6.Tam has laid bottles of water on the table Exercise 2:7’ - Write down an example on the B and ask S to give comments basing on this example She has cleaned the floor → The floor has been cleaned by her - S will say that it is passive form of P.P - Ask S to basing on the example again to give general passive form of P.P Form: S + have/has + been + PII + by + O - Notice S: not use (by them, by someone, by people) - Analyze example in exercise and ask S to complete Ex in minutes (as example) - Ask S to share their answers - Call some volunteers to give answers on the B - Check along with the whole class and give final answer - * Final answer: 1.A new hospital for children has been built in our city Lop11.com - Answer T’s question - Listen to T’s comments and copy down what T fixes on the B - Copy down - Copy down - Copy down - Copy down - Take notes cues that T suggests on the B - Taking notes - - Give Example basing on the form that they have found Complete exercise individually in minutes Compare answers with friends Go to the B to write the answers down Pay attention to T’s feedbacks to get the final answer Copy down the final answer - Copy down - Copy down - Look at T’s and give comments - Say that it is passive form of P.P Basing on the example again to give general passive form of P.P - Pay attention to T’s notices - Listen to T’s analysis to complete Ex Compare answers with friends Write answers on the B Check along with T and copy final answer down on - - Copy down (13) 2.Another man-made satellite has been sent up into space 3.More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers 4.Thosands of animal have been killed in the forest fire 5.About one hundred buildings and house have been Exercise 3:10’ - Write examples on the B and ask S to give comments on the underlined words - * Example The man who is tall is my teacher The flowers that/which you bought are pretty The school that/which you went to is old - Check S remarks and add some typical points to S remarks - Give some notes: who: replace for a person or a group of people which: replace for thing, place, and a preceding clause that: use as who and which (never after comma and prepositions) - Analyze example in exercise and ask S to complete Ex in minutes (as example) - Ask S to share answers - Call S to stand up and give answers according to with explanation - Check and give final answer - * Final answer: - 1.which who - which who/that - which which/that - who which - who 10 who - Copy down - Copy down - Look at examples on the B and ask S to give comments on the underlined words - Listen to T comments - Take notes what T notice - Taking notes - Taking notes - Listen to T’s analysis and complete exercise Compare answers Give answers with explanation in front of the whole class Listen to T’s checking and copy down the final answer - - Copy down - Copy down  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words and structures  Ask them to prepare for unit (reading)  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (14) UNIT 6: An excursion P1: Reading (30) (PowerPoint slide show) Date of composal: 15/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Broaden their vocabulary and knowledge about some sightseeing in VN  Know how to prepare for a trip  Train themselves skill of doing multiple choice exercise and answer questions basing on content of reading passage  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, and teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ Teacher’s activities 5’ 30’ - Students’ activities Warm-up activity Divide class into groups A, B, C and D - Work in group A and B Introduce the rule of the game - Listen to T’s introduction about game’s rules Show the pictures on the screen and ask S to call out name of the places on the pictures as fast as - Look at pictures on the screen possible and call out name of the places shown on the screen After minutes of playing, show the answers on - After minutes , stop playing the screen as well and decide the winners, who Check S’s answers and decide the winners have more pictures called out * Pictures: within the same time Ha Long bay One pillar pagoda Nha Trang beach Ben Thanh market Huong pagoda Phong Nha Ke Bang cave Before You read Ask S to look at picture on the textbook page 63 - Look at picture on the textbook and answer questions: page 63 and answer questions Have you ever been to Huong pagoda? - Yes, I have/No, I haven’t How did you feel about this? - It was fantastic Remark on S’s answers and give some general - Listen to T’s comments comments before leading to new lesson - Move to reading passage Lead to reading passage While You read Ask S to read through the reading passage and - Read through the reading direct them to find out some new words passage and what T asks * New words: Day off instead Cave campfire Rock permission Suppose persuade Read new words times as model and ask the - Listen to T and repeat after that whole class to repeat Lop11.com (15) - Give meaning of these new words Ask S to copy down on their notebooks Task 1: 10’ - Suggest S that they should read through questions given along with their options - Give S minutes to complete the task - Ask S to compare answers - Call S to go to the B to give answers - Check along with some comments and show final answer on the screen - * Final answer: - 1–C 2–D 3–A Task 2:25’ - Ask S to look at questions and find out key words in each question - Do with the first question as example - Show question with key words (underlined words) on the screen - Ask S to the same with the rest questions when – going on a trip why – visit – case how far – thay – school what – plan – huong – pagoda what – anxious - Ask S to work in pair (one ask and the other answer) - Call S to stand up and give answers in front of the whole class - Ask others to check - Give comments and final answer - Show the final answer on the screen - * Final answer: When they finish their first team because they’ve recently studied rock formation and some of them have never been inside a cave it is about 20km they are bringing their own food and sharing buses with some other classes she is anxious about getting her parents permission Because they may not want to let her stay the night from home - Ask S to copy down the final answer on their notebooks 5’ - - Copy down all the new words along with their meaning - Do what T ask - Complete the task within minutes Share answers with friends Listen to T’s comments and look at the screen to check and get the final answer Copy down - Look at questions given Underline key words in each question - Find out and underline key words - Work in pairs, one asks and the other answers Volunteer to stand up and give answers Check their friends’ answers Listen to T’s comments Look at final answer on the screen and correct answers that are wrong Copy down the final answer on the notebooks - - Copy down - Copy down Copy down After You read Ask S to work individually to look at diagram - Work individually to what T given by T and answer T’s question asks After minutes who can answer the most will - Answer T’s questions in the fast become the winner and receive a small present way * Diagram: - Who has the most correct answer Lop11.com (16) Huong pagoda Food Bus Lan’s excursion Caves Rocks Campfire Where did Lan’s class come to visit after the first team? How did Lan’s class go to Huong pagoda What did they love to visit in Huong pagoda?why? Did they bring along food and drink? - Stop the lesson by giving S some homework - - Answer questions basing on the diagram Listen to T’s comments Look at the screen to check suggested answers copy down homework  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words and structures  Ask them to prepare for speaking lesson  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (17) UNIT 6: An excursion P2: speaking (31) Date of composal: 18/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Train themselves skills of looking at the diagram and talk about suitability  Broaden their vocabulary and knowledge about excursions and picnics  Train S the way to give reasons for a situation or a problem  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, and teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ Teacher’s activities - 40’ Students’ activities Warm-up activity Ask S to work in groups A, B, C and D - Work in groups A, B, C and D Deliver each group a handout and ask them to - Receive T’s handout and match A and B in the handout complete the handout in group in minutes Which group finish the handout fist with more correct answer will be the winner - Check the answers and decide the winners * Handout: Place Specialty Hanoi Beef noodle Hai Phong Crab noodle Nam Dinh Vong rice Hoa Binh Grape fruit Phu Tho Rob wine - Move to speaking tasks Lead to speaking tasks Speaking Tasks Task 1: 10’ - Ask S to work individually to read the - work individually requirement of the task so that they understand what have to in this task - Work in group of a table - Ask S to work in group of a table and read information given - Provide them with some new words - Copy down meaning of some new words - * New words - Sundeck - sickness - Copy down - Beside - view - Copy down - Get sunburn - plenty - Suggest S that they should translate information - Pay attention to T’s notices and given into Vietnamese (each group will be in translate sentences given into V charge of a person) - Call S to stand up and read aloud sentences in E - Stand up and read aloud and V as well sentences in E and in V as well - Ask others to give comments or remarks - Check and give remarks on their - Give some more general comments along with friends answers suggested answers on the B - Listen to T’s comments - * Suggested answers: - Copy down suggested answers Tôi không muốn ngồi trên bong tàu Hơn tôi - Copy down cần quan sát tất học sinh Tôi thích ngồi gần Mary, tôi không thích bị bắt Lop11.com (18) nắng Tôi thường ốm du lịch, nên tôi cần nhiều không khí lành Tôi thích ngồi ánh nắng mặt trời, tôi thích ngồi mình Tôi không thích máy điều hoà, tôi muốn chụp vài ảnh Tôi chưa du lịch thuyền, tôi muốn có tầm nhìn tốt Task 2: 15’ - Ask S to look at the diagram given in the textbook to make sure that they understand all drawings, symbols and what letters stand for - Ask S to read conversations - Read conversations one time as model and ask S to repeat - Ask S to work in group of to make similar conversations - Go round to give some help - Call groups to present what they have done - Check grammar and give comments on content as well as pronunciation immediately - * Note: Give S an initial statement 1: A: I think Mrs Andrews … section C 2: A: I think Mrs Susan ……section C 3: A: I think Mrs Tim … section A 4: A: I think Mrs John … section A 5: A: I think Mrs Sam … section A Task 3: 15’ - Ask S to work individually to answer T’s question (basing on suggestions in task 1) T: What seat you think is the most suitable for you? why? S: I think the most suitable one for me is on section…, number… because I… - Give S minutes to speak individually - Call some volunteers to speak out - Check and give comments on content as well as pronunciation immediately - Give some general remarks on the speaking lesson and stop the lesson - Copy down - Copy down - Copy down - Look at diagram Look at the conversations given Read all the conversations Listen to T’s model Repeat after Work in group of to make their own conversations Ask T any help if it is necessary - - Stand up and present in front of the whole class - Listen to T’s comments - Work individually Answer T’s question - Copy down if it is necessary - Complete the task in minutes - Stand up to speak out - Listen to T’s comments and remark at the end of the lesson  Homework:  Ask S to learn by heart new words and structures  Ask them to prepare for listening lesson  Comments from group leaders: learning forever………………………… ………………………… Lop11.com (19) UNIT 6: An excursion P3: listening (32) Date of composal: 20/10/2010  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, S will be able to:  Be more familiar with listening a passage and retell the content of this passage  Be more familiar with listening a passage and filling in with missing words  Be more familiar with listening a passage and answer questions relating to he content of the passage  Preparation:  Textbook, handout, cassette tapes and teaching aids  Teaching procedure: Time 5’ Teacher’s activities * 5’ - Students’ activities Warm –up Activity Write a word consisting of letters on the B - Pay attention to words given by T on the B But only write the last and the first letters of these words - Play the game in minutes For example: - Stop playing and decide the winner P- - - - C → PICNIC - Move to listening lesson Ask S to play the game by guess the left letters so that they can make a proper word Who has more words found will receive a small present Lead to before you listen Before You listen Ask S to work in pairs to ask and answer - Work in pairs to ask and answer questions give in the textbook questions given read given words time as model and ask S - Listen to T models all give words to repeat - Repeat after T if there are any new word, explain immediately glorious - tour spacious - left -over destination - delicious - Copy down meaning of some new words Ask S to copy down new words and meaning of these new words While You listen Task 1: 10’ - Ask S to look at picture given in the textbook - Look at picture given in the book - Ask S to give a general description about each - Give a general description about picture WHO-WHERE-WHAT-WHEN each picture WHO-WHEREWHAT-WHEN 1: girl/walking/sunny/trees… 2: bus/teacher/class/students - S’s ideas 3: students/friends/park/taking photographs… 4: park/friends/party/food… - Ask S to look at words again - Open the tape and ask S to listen to carefully - Give S time to share answers with their friends - Call some S to give their answer Lop11.com (20) - Check and write down the final answers on the B Ask S to copy down Lop11.com (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 04:20
