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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 14: Recreation - Writing

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Activity 2: Gap-filling Fill in the blanks with the following words Learn left put up watched played last year Campsite next danced 1………, we went to Water Park for a camping holiday.. Th[r]

(1)UNIT 14: RECREATION Writing  AIMS: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage about camping holiday o Time allotted: 45 minutes o Teaching method: Communicative approach o Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts PROCEDURE: Time 1’ 5’ Contents Activities A Stabilization - T establishes the new class order - T checks the attendance - Ss stand up and greet the teacher - The monitor responds B Check- up - T asks Ss to answer the question Write some new words and make - T comments and gives mark sentences with those words - Ss go to the board to write their answer C Warm-up Game: Brainstorming What should be prepared for a camping trip? Things or activities for a camping trip Lop11.com - T explains the game: “Imagine that your class is going for a picnic Discuss in your groups to find out the things you should prepare before the camping trip After minutes, which group has the most suitable things will be the winner” - T divides the class into groups of - T gives each group a piece of paper and asks them to write out their answers on it - Ss work in groups, write downs the answers on the paper and stick on the board (2) Suggested answers: - Things to bring: Foods, drinks, tent, shovel, flashlight, sleeping bag, blanket, whistle, mattress ,compass, first aid kit, swimming suit, spare clothes, strong shoes, stove, cooker, guitar - Things to do: Hire a coach, hire the tent, buy necessary things, and prepare some games and songs C New Lesson I Pre- writing Activity 1: (Task 1/ p159) Matching Matching the activities with the correct pictures Feedbacks: 1- g 2- a 3-b 4-c 5- f 6-d 7-h 8-i 9-e - T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the pictures and activities given on page 159 and 160 of the book and match the activities with suitable pictures - T checks the answers with the whole class - Ss work in pairs and match the activities with the correct pictures Activity 2: Gap-filling Fill in the blanks with the following words Learn left put up watched played last year Campsite next danced (1)………, we went to Water Park for a camping holiday We gathered in front of the school gate at 5:00 in the morning and the bus took us the (2)…… at 5:30 The first thing we did is (3)……… the umbrella tents (4)………we gathered in the middle of the ground to attend the traditional Camping Opening Celebration In the afternoon we went around to (5)……… some other camp gates and (6)……… some games In the evening we sang and (7)…… around the camp fire We (8)……… The campsite at about 4:30 pm the next day Although all Lop11.com T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with the following words Ss work individually (3) of us were tired, we had a good time to (9)…….many things from the others and live together 13’ Feedback: Last year Next danced campsite watched left Activity 3: put up played learn Out-line - Opening: - The time you had a camping holiday - The place you had a camping holiday Body: - The activities you had at the campsite - The time you finished having a camping holiday Conclusion: - Your feelings about the camping holiday - T asks Ss to work in groups to infer the structure of the writing from the task above T summarizes the main points and gives some outlines to Ss Ss take notes * Listing words : - First, second, then, later, after that, because, - In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, * Tense: Past tenses/ past progressive II While- writing Activity 1: Answer the questions Answer the following the questions: - When did the students in class 11A2 go camping? - Where did we go? - What time did the bus leave the school? - What did they first at the campsite? - What did they after putting up the umbrella tent? - What did they around the campfire - What time did they leave the campsite? Lop11.com T asks Ss to answer the questions relating to writing Ss work individually (4) Activity 1: (Task 2/p160) Write a passage about your class’s camping holiday, using information in Task and cues below Last Saturday/ we/ go/ /picnic/ Bai But Bus/leave/school/5.am/Saturday morning When/arrive/campsite/we/quickly put/two big umbrella tents Some/go/sightseeing/other/swim/lake At about pm/ we/go/fishing/our dinner We/cook/and/have/dinner/together happily We/put/big fire/prepare/evening activities We/sing/dance/play some games around/camp fire 8.We/get/bus/leave/campsite at 6p.m Camping trip/great expression/us Feedback: Last weekend we went on a picnic at Bai But Our bus left the school at a.m on Saturday morning When we arrived at the campsite, we quickly put up the two umbrella tents Some of us went sightseeing and others swum in the lake We cooked and had dinner together happily We put up a big fire to prepare for the evening activities We sang, danced and played some games around the camp fire We got on the bus to leave the campsite at p.m The camping strip has had a great impression on us 8’ Lop11.com - T asks Ss to write the correct sentences by using cues - T checks the answers with the whole class - Ss work in pairs - T asks Ss to write the whole passage using the sentences above They can add some more sentences if necessary - T gives handouts (5) III Post-writing Game: Who is the faster? There are mistakes in this paragraph (Each line has only one mistake) Find out and correct them 1’ - Once in London, we decided taking a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings After the tour, we will buy some sandwiches and eat them in a small park In the afternoon, two of us went shopping and the others went to the theatre We meet again at 6.30 p.m and the others went to a small restaurant The meal is really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected We have to get a taxi to the coach station Luckily, we get there just two minutes before our coach left T asks Ss to work in groups of and find out and correct mistakes in the paragraph After minutes, the group that finds more word will be the winner T checks the answers with the whole class Feedback: Mistake taking (in line 1) will buy( in line 2) eat ( in line 3) meet ( in line 4) is ( in line 5) have to ( in line 6) get ( in line 7) Correction to take bought ate met was had to got/ had gotten D Homework Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the camping holiday you had Vice - Principal Le Phuoc Dung - T writes homework on the board - Ss write the homework on their notebooks Danang, 18th March, 2009 Supervisor Trainee-Teacher Ho Thi Diem Tram Lop11.com Pham Thi Dung (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 03:59
