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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 unit 14: Recreation

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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Unit 14 : RECREATION READING A Objectives: - Explain new words of the text based on the text - Read the text for gist - Develop reading comprehension skill at an elementary level B Techniques: - Comprehension question – answers - Other reading exercises - Communicative approach C Teaching aids: - Computer, pictures of recreation of the youth (on screen) D Procedures: I/ PRE- READING ACTIVITIES (20 ms) Aim: - to arouse students’ interest in the topic of the reading text by giving short question - to present new words - to give some guiding questions GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Skill combinati on TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Introduce the text by giving some short questions: - answer individually Writing What you when you have spare time? Can you name some favorite leisure activities of teenagers? Whom you like to carry out these forms of entertainment? - Ask ss to follow the text under the guide of teacher: Read out loud some difficult words: -recreation (n) :sự tiêu khiển -pursuits (n) :sở thích -snooker (n) :bi-da -darts (n) :trò ném phi tiêu -spectator (n) :khán giả -rugby (n) :môn bóng bầu dục -enormous (adj) :rộng lớn -sophisticated (adj) :phức tạp -engrave (v) :khắc Give “sign post” questions (write on the board) to lead the ss towards the main points of the text, correct their answers: a/ Names five forms of entertainment in the pictures page 154? b/ Do women and men sometimes take part in the same leisure activities? Give examples? c/ Which country does the passage in refer to? d/ Do people have to pay the fees for recreation ? - Repeat after teacher’ voice (in chorus) - Write down - play guitar, watch TV, karaoke, swim, football - Yes, they They attend some activities like walking, swimming, gardening, reading, listening to music … - Britain - No They only pay for special forms of entertainment GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 II/ READING ACTIVITIES (15 ms) Aim: - to focus ss’ attention on the main points and think about the meaning of the text - to check how well ss have understood the text by giving some comprehension questions - Ask ss to listen to CD one time - Read and explain each paragraph - Ask ss to read the text silently, paragraph one to another - Ask straightforward comprehension questions: - Listen - take notes - Answer orally: Listening & Speaking - Watching TV What is the most popular form of entertainment in Britain? What kind of sports British men usually attend? How can British people take part in activities such as bricklaying, stock market, painting, karaoke ? Do these courses require qualifications? - Ask ss to task 1/page 156 task 2/ page 157 - snooker, pool, darts - They can pay the fees to entry weekend courses - No, they don’t - Take note in textbook: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6A Because they make people happy, healthy, and open-minded Football and rugby in winter, cricket and athletics in summer Walking and swimming Because weekend courses bring people happiness III / POST-READING ACTIVITIES (10 ms) Aim:  to list some activities that haven’t been mentioned above GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11  to ask students’ ideas about recreation they like? 1.1 Tell some other useful activities ? – shoemaking, glass engraving, “living with more meaning” course 1.2 Do you find recreation useful ? Can you name some common forms of entertainment in Vietnam? – Yes In Vietnam we can join basket ball, karate, swimming, or cooking course, VIII COMMENTS: GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 UNIT 14 : RECREATION LESSON 2: SPEAKING I II III IV V AIMS : - Practising talking about expressing agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons OBJECTIVES :By the end of this lesson, student will be able to talk about expressing agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons SKILLS : Main skill : Speaking Sub-kill :Reading – Listening – Writing TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, , pictures, songs PROCEDURES Stages/Focus/ Timing WARMER (5mn) PRESPEAKING (5mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Now look at the pictures on page 154 and answer the questions : 1.What leisure activities you see in these pictures ? 2.Do you think English people often them in their spare time ? 3.How about Vietnamese people? Do they like activities ? - Teacher conducts the correction - Introduce the lesson : expressing agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons - What we say to show agreements and disagreements ? - Look at the pictures - Students work in pair Expected answers : In picture : Doing home improvements In picture : Watching TV Yes, I or I don’t think so Yes, I think so/ No, I don’t think so - Work individually - Share the ideas with your partner - Expected answers : • Agreement expressions - I quite agree - I agree with what you say -That’s right • Disagreement GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 WHILE SPEAKING (15mn)  Task : Following are some phrases that can be used to express agreements or disagreements Put A beside an agreement expression and D beside a disagreement one - Teacher explains - Organize pair work - Open pairs - Check and correct  Task : The students of class 11A2 will have a two day holiday They are discussing whether they should go on a camping holiday Read and practise the conversation - Teacher explains - Go around the class and provide help when necessary  Task : Imagine you are the students of class 11A2 Continue the discussion Express agreement or disagreement using the reasons below - Teacher explains - Go around the class and provide help when necessary expressions - I don’t agree - I’m afraid I disagree - That’s wrong - Work in pairs - Expected answers : A I quite agree with you D That’s good idea but A Great! A I can’t agree with you more D I don’t think that’s a good idea A Yes, let’s that A That’s a good idea - Work in groups - Setting a model : A : Let’s go camping B : Yes, let’s that Then we can rest and enjoy ourselves in the quiet countryside C : Oh, I don’t think it’s good idea If we go camping, we’ll have to bring a lot of equipments with us - Work in groups - Setting a model : A : We are going to have two days of next week.Have you had any plans yet? B : Yes, let’s go camping in the countryside GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 POST – SPEAKING (15mn)  Task : Report your discussion to the class Do the members of your group agree to go camping at last ? Why ? Why not ? - Teacher walks around the class, often ideas and comments when students need help Then teacher has some students come to the front of class and report their discussion to the class - Check and correct CONSOLIDAT ION - What have you learnt today ? (2mn) HOMEWORK (3mn) - Write a paragraph about expressing agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons C : I don’t think that’s good idea If we go there, we’ll have to hire the bus and it will be rather expensive - Work in groups - Setting a model : We have decided to go camping because al of us can get close to nature We can have a lot of outdoor activities and can become more active We have decided not to go camping because if we go camping for two days we will have to hire the bus , which is expensive Moreover we’ll have to sleep in the tent, which makes us sick and can’t go to school the next day - Talk about expressing agreements and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons - Write at home GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 UNIT 14 : RECREATION C Listening Objectives - Aim(s) : Listening to pieces of conversation to get information about the leisure activities on their summer holiday - Lexical items : words related to going camping - Teaching aids : some pictures to explain new words Stages Warm- up (2 mn) Pre- listening (3 mn) Teacher’s Activities - Have Sts give some entertainment activities - T asks Sts some guiding questions 1/ “What you often on your summer holiday 2/ Where you often go? T has Sts look at the picture and and answer the Qs 1/ Who are they? 2/ Where are they? 3/ What are they doing? While listening (30 ms) T reads some new words and asks Sts to repeat T gives Sts the meaning of some new words Task T has Sts read the sentences, listen and decide whether the statements are true or false T asks Sts to listen to three American students talking about their summer holiday (twice) Students’ Activities - Give the activities - Sts answer the Qs - Look at the pictures (work in pairs) Answer the Qs Picture 1/ They are student 2/ They are in the country side 3/ They are going for a picnic Picture 1/ They are tourists 2/ They are in a town 3/ They are going sightseeing - Listen carefully - Read the new words after teacher - Take notes - Read the sentences (in individual) GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 T has Sts write down the answers T can ask Sts : “ Why you think it’s true or false?” T’s feedback - Listen and answer - Write down the answers -Explain ! - Correct Suggested answers 1/ T 2/ Task T T has Sts listen again and answer 3/ F He used to the Qs (twice) 4/ T T asks Sts to read the Qs before 5/ F She doesn’t want listening to live in nature and T has Sts write down the she doesn’t enjoy it answers because of the T’s feedback solitude of the wilderness 6/ T -Read the Qs carefully Post - listening (8 mn) Homework (2 mn) -Write down the answers -Correct Suggested answers Riding their dirk bike in the desert, taking showers in waterfalls and T has Sts list three advantages of swimming in lakes having a camping holiday and rivers In sleeping bags or -Write about your camping tents GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 holiday -Prepare part D : Writing Because more and people are coming to these places and leave trash in the forest and take rocks and plants with them He think nature is also important in the world In cities Because she can’t put up an umbrella tent in the wind or make a fire in the rain or carry a heavy backpack - Discuss (in pairs / groups) GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 UNIT 14 : RECREATION Writing A- Objectives : - Match activities with the correct pictures - Write a passage about a camping holiday B- Techniques : Pair-work to read and match activities with the correct pictures Write a passage based on given words C- Aims : Helping sts write a passage about a camping holiday D- Procedures : Steps Warm up 5’ Teacher’s activities T shows sts some pictures about a camping holiday and asks some questions : What are they doing? What you often when going camping? When did you last it? T introduces the topic of writing While writing 25’ TASK (p.159): T asks sts to work in pair: read and match activities with the correct pictures T goes around the class to help sts if they have difficulties about words T calls some sts to read their answers before class and T checks them with key (Key:1-g ,2-a , 3-b , 4-c , 5-f , 6-d , 7-h, 8-i ,9-e) TASK (p.160) T asks sts write a passage based on given words: (T gives sts handout with given words) Students’ activities Sts look at the pictures and answer : -They are singing around the camp fire , swimming in the lake, putting up the umbrella tent, … Sts answer the question & Sts tell about activities they have when going camping Sts work in pair Sts compare their answers with called sts’ answers and correct Sts receive the handout and write the passage GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Last weekend , my class / Ba Vi / a camping holiday./ The bus / the school / a.m / After arriving at the campsite, we / the umbrella tent./ Then we / lunch / After the rest,/ we/ fish / It / interesting activity Then we/ swim/the lake /We/ food / open fire / and / dinner In the evening / sing and dance / camp fire / until the midnight In the next morning, / wildlife / forest / After lunch , we / games / blindman’s bluff / And we / campsite / p.m / We / enjoy / holiday / much Sts finish the passage then change their handout to each other and cross check, following the guide of teacher T recalls sts of usage of tenses (Simple past tense) While sts write, T goes around to help sts when needed T guides sts to correct the passages Post writing -13’ T calls two sts to write their ones on the black board and corrects common mistakes before class Sts write a passage about their own holiday T asks sts to write the task corrected and their own passages down in their notebooks Sts correct the passages if they have mistakes Homework T asks sts to write a short passage about 2’ their own holiday they had (Sts can base on the above passage to write) Sts write homework into their notebooks GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 UNIT 14 : RECREATION Language focus I_ OBJECTIVES: 1) Educational Aim : * Pronunciation: / ts / _ / dz / _ / tst/ / dzd/ * Grammar: conjunctions : both… and , not only …… but also either …… or , neither … nor 2) Lexical items : 3) Structures : Conjunctions are used in the complex sentences 4) Teaching aids : Grammatical skill II PROCEDURES: Stage Teacher’s activities Students’ – activities time Warm up (4’) Write some words on the board, show Group work , ( students how to pronounce /ts/, / dz/ , /tst / , groups) / dzd / sound such as : needs , watched , arranged , sweets , friends , washed , rents, managed sends , Then introduce sounds that we are going to study today Pronun @ Explain the way to pronounce these sounds ciation /ts/ /dz/ (6’) sits , eats , meets reads , friends , kids / tst/ / dzd/ marched , washed , brighted ,raged , managed reached Read first Then read slowly @ Ask sts to read the sentences and pick up the words containing those four sounds : ask some students to reread these sentences listen ( 1’) listen and repeat ( 2’’) whole the class ( books opened ) work in pairs then individual GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 Gram • The conjunctions : mar Both ….and , either … or , neither … Nor (32’) Give the situation then explain : Ex: Ann was late Tom was late _ Both Ann and Tom were late Ex : She did not write and she did not phoned _ She neither wrote nor phoned Ask sts to exercise /160 Exercise1: Combine the sentences using : both …and , neither nor , either or Walk around to check and help Correct the sentences done on the board Page 161 / students’ book Ask sts to give the conclusion about the verbs followed by both …and , neither / either ….nor /or Follow the instructions of the teacher, Work in pairs, discuss and the exercise on page 160 Then Do on the board ( individual ) Respond * Both + S1 and S + V ( plural ) * Either + S1 + or + S2 + V ( S2) Neither nor Exercise 2: Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive Give the situation and ask : Minh : where is Lan , Dad ? Dad : Maybe she is in the kitchen Minh : What is she doing , there ? Dad: She is helping her mother prepare dinner _ It is her mother who is being helped prepare dinner Ask sts what we call this sentence This is Cleft sentence in the passive Then ask sts to exercise / 162 Walk around to check and help Correct the sentences done on the board Ask sts to show the structure Follow the instructions of the teacher, make the sentence Work in pairs, discuss and the exercise on page 162 Then Do exercise on the board ( individual ) respond GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 It is / was + S + that / who + be +PP III _ HOMEWORK (1ms) _ Redo the exercise _ Prepare Test yourself

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2016, 12:11

