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Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 10 Lesson: listening - Period 82: Preparation

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Eliciting ideas Task a, p.142 - Arrange SS to work in small groups - Tell them to look at the pictures of some kinds of biomass, and discuss how each kind can be used as a source of ene[r]

(1)Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced) Period : 82 Unit 10: Preparation date :27 /1/2008 Lesson : listening I Aims : - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen for specific details - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to listen and understand the process II Lexical items : - biomass - used up III Structures : - cars using ethanol may give out carbon dioxide, which pollutes the air IV Teaching aids: - textbook - CD player - Sheet of paper - chalk an board - cards - Handouts V Techniques : - skill-based ( listening, speaking) VI Procedures : State/time Teacher’s and students’ activities Blackboard warmGame: “Hot Seat” up - Ask for one representative to the seat in the front of the class (7’) - divide SS into two groups, A and B - show the representative one word each time and ask him / her to describe it to the groups so that they can call out the word Remind SS that they cannot use These are the words used in the words of the same family - the 1th group to call out the word wins game: one point The group with more points wins the game wood straw - check SS’ understanding of instructions gas oil and let them start the game dry leaves Saw dust - keep a running total of points for each group on the board - declare the winner - Transition: In everyday life, people use different things as sources of energy, including biomass Today’s listening text is about energy sources and a type of biomass as a source of energy - write down on the board : Unit 10: p 82 : Listening Lop6.net Materials -word cards Chalk & board (2) Prelistening (7’) Eliciting ideas ( Task a, p.142) - Arrange SS to work in small groups - Tell them to look at the pictures of some kinds of biomass, and discuss how each kind can be used as a source of energy and if they would like to use it as an energy source - go around to monitor and encourage SS to participate in the discussion - call on SS to report about their groups - invite SS to give comments - give comments and feedback whilelistening (20’) Activity 1: listen and check ( task b, p 143) - tell SS to listen and check the ideas that are mentioned in the listening - ask SS to compare answers with a partner - have SS listen again and check with the class Activity 2: listen and compete the diagram ( task c, p.143) -play the CD and tell SS to listen to the second part of the lecture and try to complete the diagram of the biomass cycle - Ask SS to compare answers in small groups - Have SS listen again and check with the class Postlistening (10’) Speaking : Discussion - ask SS to work in groups - write down on the board some kinds of energy used for the home: - tell them to talk about the source of energy their family used to use for cooking, heating, and lighting in the house, and what they are currently - go around to monitor and note down errors for correction later - call on some SS to report about their partners - give feedback and comments on what SS have Homework Writing - tell SS to write a short (1’) paragraph about the sources of energy their family used in the past, why they switched to a different source, and compare the two sources Lop6.net - Chalk and board - textbook * Expected answers: - - - - CD player and chalk + bb * Expected answers: e c b 4.d a f Diesel Fire wood gas biogas Textbook and CD player electricity other Expected answers: dispute rained out suspensions walkout boost sold out Chalk and board (3) Lop6.net (4)

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2021, 06:38

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