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unit 10 recycling tiếng anh 8 sách cũ nguyễn thị thu trang thư viện giáo án điện tử

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- Prepare 13 similar sets of words, each of which consists of 12 words related to things that can be recycled: bottles, used paper, envelopes, fruit peels, drinking cans, glasses, ti[r]



Division of lessons

Getting started + Listen and read Speak + Listen

Read Write

Language Focus

Week: 22

Date: 13/01/2014 Period: 61


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson students will be able understand 3R, something to protect the environment and save natural resources

II Language content

Grammar: none Vocabulary:

(n) representative, natural resources (v) Recycle, protect, contact, fertilize III Teaching aids:

Posters, a chart, cassette IV Techniques:

Jumbled words, True/False prediction, Brainstorm… V Procedures

Teacher‘s and Students’ activities Contents Asks Ss to think of ways to reduce the

amount of garbage they produce

Deliver posters to Ss, dividing them into groups

Tell Ss to put the posters on the board after they finish and the team having the most ideas is the winner and get marks

T presents the new words to Ss Ss repeat then say the meaning

1/ Warm up: getting started: marks(10)


reuse plastic bags Possible answer

Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable matter into animal food…

Listen and read tconatc presentativea ceresoru



Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A 3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 22

Date: 14/01/2014 Period: 62


I Aims:

This lesson helps Sts practice in giving and responding to instructions how to classify the garbage

II Language contents

1 Grammar: review simple future and present

2 Vocabulary:

(n) Fabric, leather, pick, shovel, shade, grain, compost heap, moisture, condensation, pile

III Teaching aids:

Picture (copied from Textbook) sub- board IV Techniques:

Kim’s game, Bingo, Dictation List, Mapped dialogue V Procedures

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents

Show the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the picture for about 20’’ then put it away Ask Ss to go to the board and write as many words showing things in the picture as possible

T corrects and give marks to Ss T corrects

T presents some new words

T can explain some words in English or use the picture

Ss say the meaning Ss repeat and copy


Warm up : Marks(10)

Memory game (Kim’s game)

Possible answer

Used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard, boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, schoolbags,…



Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 words

Ask Ss to choose words and copy into their papers

Call out the words until a/student (s) has/have ticked all of their words and shout “Bingo” and they win

Tell Ss they are going to listen to the words for items and put them into the right groups

Draw the table on the board and ask Ss to copy it

Tell Ss to listen to the words and put them in the right columns

Model some words

T gives model sentences

Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pain to demonstrate the whole dialogue Ss work in pairs, replacing the underline information with the words in dictation list

T corrects

T asks Ss to put these words in the correct groups

T can explain some words in English or use the picture

- metal (n) kim loại - fabric (n) vải sợi - leather (n) da, đồ da -Compost (n) phân xanh

(What you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter …)

* Bingo

fertilize, compost, leather, fabric, plastic, glass, metal, paper, cardboard, tin …

Model sentence: Passive forms

S + be + past participle + By + Object Ex: This tree was planted by my grandfather

S be p.p O This house was built in 1987 S be p.p

3 While-speaking : Dictation List Answer key

Group Items

Paper used paper (old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes) Glass bottles, glasses, jars

Plastic plastic bags, plastic bottles Metal food cans, drinking tins Fabric Clothes (cloth bags,


Leather Shoes, sandals, school bags Vegetable


Fruit peels, (vegetables, rotten fruit


T: Which group clothes belong to? S: Put them in fabric What can we with those clothes?

T: We can recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags


Ss say the meaning Ss repeat and copy Elicit words

T presents some new words T checks vocabulary

Tell Ss they are going to listen to an expert who gives the instructions to make compost

Ask Ss to open their books and read the multiple-choice question on page 91 Check if Ss understand the questions Play the tape or times Ss listen and the exercise

Ss answer T corrects

Ss choose true or false

T asks Ss to correct the false sentences

Put these words into the correct groups Aluminum cans – apple pie- butter – cakes - car tires -old clothes – dictionary - waste paper – glassware – horror story – jam – magazines – newspapers - plastic toys - picture books –pork - vegetable matter – textbook - novels

> Things to eat: >Things to read: >Things to recycle: 2.Pre-listening:

Vocabulary: Grain (n) ngũ cốc

Heap (n) chồng, đống = pile Shade (n) bong râm

Shell (n) vỏ sò, vỏ trứng Rat (n) chuột

Pick (n) cuốc chim Shovel (n) xẻng Moisture (n) ẩm

Condensation (n) đặc, tích tụ To add (v) thêm vào

3 -While- listening: Answer key

a A b B c A d B

4- Post- listening: True or false statements

a/ The expert explains how to start a compost heap

b/We can use meat or grain products to make compost

c/ We should find a place in our garden that gets a few hours of sunlight each day d/ We shouldn’t use picks to turn the compost

e/ If the weather is very wet , we should cover the heap with a sheet of strong plastic

5 Homework:

-practice speaking and listening at home -learn by heart new words

-Practice the dial with your partners replacing the information


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A 3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 22

Date: 16/01/2014 Period: 63


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for details about how things are recycled II Language contents


Passive form in the Present Simple tense Vocabulary:

milkman (n), deposit (n), refill (v), melt (v), glassware (n), dung (n) III Teaching aids:

Wordsquare chart, photocopied pictures (p.95), drawing… IV Techniques:

Matching, lucky number, V Procedures:

Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

- Prepare 13 similar sets of words, each of which consists of 12 words related to things that can be recycled: bottles, used paper, envelopes, fruit peels, drinking cans, glasses, tins, food cans, mirrors, tree leaves, vegetables, books.

- Ask students to work in pairs

- Give each pair a set of words and ask them to put the words into four groups (glass, paper, vegetable matter, metal) and suggest possible topic for the lesson Ask for Sts answer This will lead to the lesson naturally

Introduce the new words, call some Ss to read the new words and give correction if they don’t pronounce correctly

Ss repeat and say meaning Ss copy

1 Warm up :Marks(10)

Fruit peels, tree leaves, books, envelopes, drinking cans, glasses, used papers, mirrors, tins, bottles, food cans, vegetables


Glass Paper Vegetable


Metal glasses

mirrors bottles

books envelopes used paper

Fruit peels tree leaves vegetable

Drinking cans Tins Food cans 2.Pre-reading :

Milkman (n) người giao sữa refill (v): làm đầy lại

glassware (n) đồ thủy tinh law (n) luật pháp


Check Ss' memory by game Matching

Elicit the model sentences

Ss listen carefully and notice the grammar point

After Ss copy in their notebooks

T ask Sts get sentences true or false

T plays tape two twice and correct

melt (v) làm nóng chảy

 Matching

Model sentence: Passive Voice/Form Car

tires Glass S

are is be

recycled recycled past part

To make pipes and floor coverings into new glassware + Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple

Subject+ am/is/are + Past Participle + Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb (Vietnamese can be used for weaker students)

Rules of changing an active sentence to a passive one

Active: S + V + O + M(place) +M(time)

Passive: S + be + Vpp + M(place) by + O + M(time)

Eg: I love my parents

My parents are loved by me True or false

1 Nowadays, many shoes and sandals are made from old car tires

2 Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times New glassware can be made from old car tires

4 In Oregon, billions of cans are thrown away every year

5 Compost is a wonderful natural fertilizer 3 While-reading:


T has Ss guess the answer for the questions

Guide Ss play game “ Lucky numbers” - Show numbers on the board.

- Tell Ss each number is for a question but of them are lucky numbers. StsJoin the game

Choose a lucky number and not have to answers any questions but they still get point

Look at the board Listen and remember

T Draw the grid on the board and have students copy it

Sts Copy the grid and fill in it

Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text call on some Ss to write the information in the grid on the board

T has Sts summaries lesson by mind maps

4 F T

Comprehension questions (Read 1) ->Answer key

a/ People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles

b/ The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware

c/ The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on drink cans The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling

e/ If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 265 456


Car tires Milk bottles Glass

Drink cans Household and garden waste

are recycled to make pipes and floor recovering are cleaned and refilled (with milk)

is broken up, melted and made into new glassware are brought back for recycling

is made into compost 4 Post-reading :

Mind maps

5 Homework :

-Learn by heart Voc + Passive Form -Read the text and answer the questions -Prepare: Lesson write/93-94

+ Find new words

+ Complete the recycling instruction

+Write a set of instruction using the frequency Comments:


Class 8A 3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 23

Date: 17/01/2014 Period: 64


I Aims:

Students will be able to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things using the sequencing

II Language contents Grammar: none Vocabulary:

Soak (v), mash (v), wire mesh (n), bucket (n) III Techniques:

Lucky numbers, slap the board, ordering, and prediction IV Teaching aids:

Drawing, mine, photocopied pictures (p.94) V Procedures

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents

Write numbers on the board, from to Tells Ss each number is for a question but of them are lucky numbers If Ss choose a lucky number, they not have to answer any question but they get points and they can choose another numbers Divides the class into teams

T remarks and gives marks

1 Warm up: Marks (10)

Lucky Numbers Lucky Numbers

2 Say this sentence into the passive “People speak English everywhere” Say this sentence in the active “Cartoons are liked by most children”

4 Lucky number Lucky number

6 Passive: “We not use things carefully”


I presents some new words Ss repeat and say the meaning

Set the scene: Tell Ss they are going to read a text about how to recycle used paper Put the verbs on the board randomly in a flow chart

Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the order of the actions

Call on about pairs to write their answer on the board

Explain the process of recycling paper T corrects

Ask Ss to open their books, read the text on page 93 and fill in the verbs

T corrects and Ss copy the exercise in their notebooks

T asks Ss to close their books

Write the sequencing on the board and have Ss practice speaking first

Call on Ss to say the sentences from memory

First, Then, _ Next, _ After that, _ Finally, _

Ss write the text in brief using the sequencing

Ss work in group

T corrects and has them copy

8 Passive: “Mr Han teaches Maths” Passive: “Vegetarians not eat meat” 2.Pre-writing :

-Pre-teach Vocabulary -soak = dip(v): nhúng - warp (v) phủ, bọc - mix (v) trộn - press (v) ấn, nhấn -dry (v) phơi khô - scatter (v) rải, rắc -mash (v) nghiền, bóp -bucket (n) thùng, xơ -wire mesh (n) lưới sắt -liquid (n) chất lỏng

-detergent (n) thuốc tẩy -Chemical (n) hóa chất -blow (v) thổi

-confirm (v) xác nhận Slap the board

Ordering prediction (write 1)

soak dry pull out mix

press mash

1 _ _

4 _ _

Answer key

1 soak mash mix

4 pull out press dry Write

3.While-writing :

Answer key

1 use mix place press wrap wait dry

Recall ->Answer key


Sticks the photocopied pictures on the board randomly (cảm tính, tùy ý)

Asks Ss to listen and work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves

Ss answer

T corrects and can give marks to encourage

take the mesh out of the cloth and dry it in the sun

4.Post writing : Ordering Pictures

a First take the used tea leaves from the tea pot

b Next scatter the tealeaves on a tray c Then dry the leaves in the sun

d Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use

5 Homework :

- Learn the words by heart

- Write the instructions on how to make a thing you have ever made using the sequencing

- Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare lesson Language Focus + Passive voice

+ Adjectives followed by an infinitive and a noun clause


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A 3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 23

Date: 21/01/2014 Period: 65


I Aims:

Students will be able to form the Passive in Future simple and the structures with Adjectives

II Language contents


2 Grammar:

-Passive in Future simple / Passive in Present Simple - It + be + Adj + To- Inf / that clause

III Techniques:

Ordering pictures, question game, Interview, gap fill, matching IV Teaching aids:

Cardboards, posters, handouts V Procedures:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Contents T reminds the words by “network”

Ss write as much as possible they can T corrects and gives marks

T has Ss to remind the passive form, and Adjective followed by – an infinitive, a noun clause

Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the picture on page 95

Ask Ss to put the pictures in the correct order according to the instructions After ask Ss to rewrite the sentences (L.F1)

1.Warm up: Marks (10) Network

cans newspaper

-glass jars

-bottles magazines -paper


……… 2 Presentation:

a) Passive forms Be + Past Participle

Ex: The glass is broken into small pieces ( present Simple)

He was given the information last week ( Past Simple)

The supermarket will be opened next month (Future Simple)

b) Adjective followed by – an infinitive - a noun clause

It + be + Adj + to-inf/ Noun clause Ex:

- It’s difficult to follow the direction - It’s important that we protect the

environment 3 Practice:

Activity 1 Answer key

a b c d e f Rewriting



Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 17:48

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