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unit 5 the media tiếng anh 9 sách cũ nguyễn văn liệt thư viện giáo án điện tử

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-> The gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers (in the spring and summer).. Write reported speech for the following situations (1,0 m) 1.[r]


Period: 25



1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: - To help Ss understand the way to change directed speech into reported speech. - Grammar: Related to learning a foreign language.

- Vocabulary: Modal verbs with if, reported speech, reported questions. b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Ss will be educated about learning English. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self-learning capability

- Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: - Lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2 Students: - Books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities 1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T asks to write modals on the board - Ss write on the board

- T corrects and gives marks if necessary

* Ex: must, have to, …

2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T explains the requirement and the structure - Ss read examples a and b

- Ss take notes

- Ss exercises in pairs

- Some pairs roleplay the dialogues before the class - T checks and corrects if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answers

1 Complete the sentences Use the modal verbs in brackets and the information in the box.

* Ss know the way to use coditional sentences.

If clause (simple present), main clause (modal verb + V)

Ex: a If you want to get good marks, you must study hard

b You have to go to the university if you want to study machine

Answer keys:

c … , you should a lot of exercises d …, he might miss the train

e … , you ought to stay in bed f You must your homework … - T explains the requirement

- T has Ss complete the table in pairs - Ss give the answers before the class - T checks and corrects if necessary - Ss copy down the correct answers

2 Complete the table.

* Ss remember the words use in the directed speech and reported speech.

Answer keys

Directed speech Reported speech Directed speech Reported speech

present simple tense past simple tense this that

these those

present progressive tense past progressive tense here there

future simple tense future in the past now then

can/may could/might today that day

must had to tomorrow the following day


- T explains the example

- Ss pay attention to teacher and take notes - Ss the exercises individually

- Ss compare the answer in pairs - Ss gives the answer before the class - T checks and corrects if necessary - Ss copy down the correct answers

birthday Unfortunately, Mrs Thu, her grandmother, has a hearing problem and she couldn’t hear what people were saying After the party, Lan reported everything to her grandmother.

* Ss know how to use the reported speech.

Ex : “I’m happy to see you.”

Aunt Xuan said she was happy to see you. Answer keys

a Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious b Miss Nga said she loved those roses

c Cousin Mai said she was having a good time there d Mr Chi said he would go to Hue the following day e Mrs Hoa said she might have a new job

f Mr Quang said he had to leave then - T helps Ss understand the situation

- T explains the example

- Ss pay attention to teacher and take notes - Ss the exercises individually

- Ss compare the answer in pairs - Ss gives the answer before the class - T checks and corrects if necessary - Ss copy down the correct answers

4 This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job When she arrived home, she told her mother about the interview.

* Ss know how to use the reported speech.

Ex: “Do you like pop music?”

She asked me if/whether I liked pop music. “Where you live?”

She asked me where I lived. Answer keys

a She asked me how old I was

b She asked me if/whether my school was near there c She asked me what the name of my school was d She asked me if/whether I went to school by bike e She asked me which grade I was in

f She asked me if/whether I could use a computer g She asked me why I wanted that job

h She asked me when my school vacation started 3 Consolidation (4’)

T emphasizes the way to change yes/no-questions and wh-questions into reported speech IV Experience:




Period: 26



1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a Knowledge: - Exam students’ knowledge from unit to unit 4.

- Grammar: The past simple with wish, prepositions of time, adverb clause of result, modal verbs with if,

and reported speech

- Vocabulary: Related to “A trip to the countryside” and “learning a foreign language”. b Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c Attitude: - Ss should be careful.

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self-learning capability

II Preparation


III Students’ activities 1 Matrix:


Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng


TNKQ TL TNKQ TL Cấp độ thấp Cấp độ cao


A Language focus 12 3,0 12 3,0

B Reading 1,0 1,0 2,0

C Writing 2,0 1,0 12 3,0

D Listening



8 2,0

Total 12


8 2,0

8 2,0

8 2,0

4 1,0

40 10,0 2 Content of the test:

A Language focus (3,0ms)

I Circle the best option to complete the blanks (2.0ms)

1 Lan returned home ……… o’clock last night a in b on c between d at We usually go to our home village … the summer a to b on c at d in Another word for “maize” is “………” a corn b food c cake d cook If you study hard, you can ……… the exam a will passb pass c passes d passing Mai wishes she ……… a new shirt a has b have c could have d can have Nam is sick today, ……… he won’t go to school a but b because c if d so “I love these roses.” -> Dieu said she those roses a love b loves c loved d to love “How old are you?” -> Hoa asked me … old I was? a if b how c when d whether II Match the direct speech to the reported speech (1,0m)

direct speech reported speech Answer

1 this a past simple tense +

2 here b that +

3 can/ may c there +

4 present simple tense d could/ might + B Reading (2.0 marks) Read the passage carefully.

England is not a large country No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside There are no high mountains in England, no very long rivers and no very large forests

There are many towns in England No town is very far from another The English countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colors In spring and summer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green or dark green, and the gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers

I Answer T (true) or F (false) for the following statements (1.0m)


1 No town in England is very far from the sea There are very long rivers in England There are not many towns in England

4 The gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers II Answer the following questions (1.0m)

1 Is England a large country? -> ………

2 Where many English families spend their summer holidays? -> ……… How many towns are there in England? -> ……… What color are the gardens in the summer and spring? -> ……… C Writing (3,0ms)

I Write reported speech for the following situations (1,0 m)


2 Hung said: “I am doing my homework now” -> He said……… Miss Lan said: “I will go to Bac Lieu tomorrow.” -> She said ……… Dieu said: “I must leave now.” -> She said ……… II Write reported speech for the following situations (2,0 ms)

1 Teacher asked me: “What is your name?” -> Teacher asked me……… I asked Long: “How can I help you?” -> I asked Long ……… He asked Ba: “Where you live?” -> He asked Ba……… She asked her friend: “When you have birthday?” -> She asked her friend……… She asked Hoa: “Are you a student?” -> She asked Hoa ……… My teacher asked me: “Can you use a computer?” -> My teacher asked me ……… Lan’s mother asked her: “Do you have breakfast?” -> Lan’s mother asked her……… They asked Dieu: “Do you watch TV?” -> They asked Dieu……… D Listening (2,0ms)

I Listen and check (v)the boxes true or false(1,0m)


1 Nga is studying English in Lodon Nga studies her English for her tourist Nga works in a hospital in Ha Noi Her listening is terrible

II Listen again Then answer the questions (1,0m)

1 Where is Nga from? -> ……… Where does she work? -> ……… Did she learn English at school? -> ……… What does she want to improve? -> ……… 3 Answer keys

A Language focus (3,0ms)

I Circle the best option to complete the blanks (2.0ms)

1 d at d in a corn b pass

5 c could have d so c loved b how

II Match the direct speech to the reported speech (1,0m)

1 + b + c + d + a

B Reading (2.0 marks) Read the passage carefully.

I Answer T (true) or F (false) for the following statements (1.0m)

1 T F F T

II Answer the following questions (1.0m) -> No, it isn’t

2 -> Many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside -> There are many towns in England

4 -> The gardens are green, red, blue, yellow and white with flowers (in the spring and summer)

4 What color are the gardens in the summer and spring? -> ……… C Writing (3,0ms)

I Write reported speech for the following situations (1,0 m) -> He said he loved those roses.

2 -> He said he was doing his homework then.

3 -> She said she would go to Bac Lieu the following day.

4 -> She said she had to leave then.

II Write reported speech for the following situations (2,0 ms) -> Teacher asked me what my name was.

2 -> I asked Long how I could help him.

3 -> He asked Ba where he lived.

4 -> She asked her friend when he/ she had birthday.

5 -> She asked Hoa whether/ if she was a student.

6 -> My teacher asked me whether/ if I could use a computer.


8 -> They asked Dieu whether/ if she watched TV.

D Listening (2,0ms)

I Listen and check (v)the boxes true or false(1,0m)

1 T F F T

II Listen again Then answer the questions (1,0m)

1 -> Nga is from Viet Nam -> She works for a (an international) bank in Ha Noi -> Yes, She did -> She wants to improve her writing

IV Experience:





Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:53



