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Tiếng anh cơ bản cho sinh viên ngành khoa học tự nhiên

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khung m 2003) TRẦN TH Ị N G A TIẾNG ANH Cơ BẢN CHO SINH VIÊN NGÀNH KHOA HỌC Tự NHIÊN (Biên soạn theo chương trình khung Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo ban hành năm 2003) ESSENTIAL ENGLISH FO R_ STUDENTS OF SCIENCE NHÀ XUẤT BẢN GIÁO DỤC Lời cảm ơn T xin bày tổ lịng biết n sâu sắc tới ngài G iáo sư - T iến sĩ K hoa h ọ c N guyễn V ăn M ậu, G iáo sư - T iế n sĩ Mai T rọ n g N huận, P h ó G iáo sư T iến sĩ T rầ n H uy H ổ , P h ó G iá o sư - T iến sĩ Bùi D uy C a m , T iến sĩ V ũ Đ ức M inh, T iến sĩ N guyễn C hí D ũng, bà H Thị Nhỉ bà N guyễn H ải Lý, n h ữ n g người đ ã tạ o m ọi điều kiện th u ậ n lợi ch o biên so n cu ố n sá ch Tôi cũ n g xin chân th n h c ảm n T iến sĩ Lê T h ế Q u ế, T iến sĩ N guyễn P h n g N ga, T iến sĩ N gyễn Đức H o ạt, T iến sĩ P h ù n g Q u ố c B ảo T h c sĩ Đ ỗ T h ị N gọc N ga, đ n g n g h iệp đ ó n g g ó p ý kiến quí báu c h o c u ố n sách C ũng n h â n d ịp n ày xin gửi lời cảm n c h â n th n h tới to n th ể th n h viên tro n g B ộ m ô n N goại ngữ, Đại h ọ c K hoa h ọ c T ự n h iên , Đại h ọ c Q u ố c gia H N ội, n h ữ n g người ln khích lệ đ ộ n g viên tro n g q u trìn h b iên s o n giáo trìn h * A ckn o w le d ge m e n t I a m d e e p ly g te fu l to P ro fe sso r - D o cto r N g u y e n V an M au , P ro fe sso r D o c to r M T ro n g N h u a n , A sso c ia te P ro fe sso r - D o c to r T n H u y H o, A sso c iate P ro fe sso r - D o cto r Bui D u y C am , D o c to r V u D u e M inh, D o c to r N g u y e n C hi D u n g , M rs H a T hi N h i a n d M rs N g u y e n H Ly, w h o h a v e m a d e e v e ry c o n d itio n p o ssib le for th e p r e p a tio n an d p r o d u c tio n of th is b o o k I f u rth e rm o re w is h to e x p re ss m y sin ce re th a n k s to D r Le T h e Q ue, D o c to r N g u y e n P h u o n g N g a, D o c to r N g u y e n D u e H o a t, D o c to r P h u n g Q u o c Bao, a n d D o T hi N g o c N g a, M A fo r th e ir in v a lu a b le su g g e stio n s a n d c o m m e n ts o n th e m ate ria l M y th a n k s a re also g iv e n to all th e m e m b e rs of th e D e p a rtm e n t of F o re ig n L a n g u a g e s, H a n o i U n iv e rsity of Science, V ie tn a m N a tio n a l U n iv e rsity , in H a n o i fo r th e ir e n c o u g e m e n t w h ile I w a s d e v e lo p in g th e m a te ria l LỜI GIỚI THIỆU Sách "Tiếng Anh c cho sinh viên khoa học tự nhiên" sách biên soạn lại có bổ sung chỉnh lí sở "Tiếng Anh cho sinh viên khoa h ọc tự nhiên" (Trần T Nga, 1998) nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cho sinh viên khoa trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên thuộc Đại học Quốc gia Hà nội Giáo trình tài liệu học tập tốt cho sinh viên Cao đẳng, Đại học học khoa tự nhiên trường khác iÁCH ĐƯ Ợ C BIÊN SOẠN TRÊN CÁC NGUYÊN TẮC SAU ĐÂY: • M an g tín h kê tiếp Đày giáo trình cho sinh viên vừa học hết chương trình giai đoạn I - chương trình sở bắt đầu vào chương trình giai đoạn II - chương trình chuyên ngành Ở giai đoạn I, học sinh học hết - LifeL ines E lem en tary (Tom Hutchinson; O xford University Press; 1999) - L ifeL ines (Tom Hutchinson; Oxford University Press; 1997) P re -In te rm e d ia te Các kĩ hình thành kiến thức tích luỹ cần khai thác tốt lặp lại cần thiết Những kĩ kiến thức chưa đảm bảo tính bền vững nên cần phải bổ sung nâng cao • M an g tín h hệ thống Điều thể qua liên kết có hệ thống bài, phần ngữ pháp Những vấn đề nêu làm trọng tâm hỗ trợ tái học sau Thơng qua học viên hệ thống ngữ liệu ngơn ngữ học • M an g tín h chuyên ngành Trong tuân theo nguyên tắc chung dạy tiếng, giáo trình cố gắng thể đặc tính ngơn ngữ sử dụng khoa học tự nhiên Đây giáo trình chuyển tiếp, cần thiết cho sinh viên tất khoa trường cho phép học viên làm quen với ngôn từ cấu trúc ngữ pháp bản, làm quen với kĩ ban đầu đọc viết vấn đề chuyên môn chung khoa học tự nhiên, đặt m óng cho việc sâu vào tiếng Anh chuyên ngành sau GIÁO TRÌNH GỒM CĨ UNITS CÙNG VỚI BÀI KIỂM TRA ĐẦU V À c u ố i HỌC KÌ Bài kiểm tra trước khố học giúp cho giáo viên nắm bắt trình độ thực học sinh đế có trọng tâm ý trình giảng dạy Bài kiểm tra cuối khố cung cấp thơng tin giúp cho giáo viên nhìn nhận tồn khố học xem khố học đạt mục tiêu đề ban đầu hay chưa, cần thay đổi cho khoá học Đối với sinh viên họ so sánh kiểm tra ban đầu với cuối kì để thấy tiến m ình mức độ tiến đến đâu Các Units biên soạn theo chủ đề chung khoa học tự nhiên môi trường, tin học, sinh học, hoá học, phương pháp nghiên cứu khoa học, viết luận văn, v.v Các khoá lấy từ tài liệu thực khoa học tự nhiên sách tạp chí chun ngành (có bổ sung) với mục đích cung cấp cho học viên ngữ liệu ngôn ngữ giống ngữ liệu ngôn ngữ họ gặp chun mơn M ỗi m ột Unit có phản: P re -rea d in g Là phần giúp cho sinh viên: - Làm quen với chủ để khoá - Khai thác kiến thức sẵn có - Phát huy khả nói-nghe R eading Bài khố có kèm tập đọc hiểu số cấu trúc trọng tâm khai thác tăng cường phần "Language focus" Các tập đọc hiểu hướng vào QấQ kĩ như: identifying the topic and main ideas, comprehending details and supporting ideas, making inferences, guessing, locating referents, recognizing coherence v.v Discussion Là phần tạo hội giao tiếp cho học sinh đồng thời qua giáo viên kiểm tra đánh giá mức độ hiểu người học khả sản sinh sử dụng ngơn ngữ nói họ Follow -up Đây phần trọng tâm vào kĩ viết Bài mẫu cho học viết lấy từ đọc phần Reading phân tích nhằm giúp tăng cường khả sản sinh tái tạo ngôn ngữ viết học viên L an g u ag e focus Phần tập trung vào số cấu trúc ngữ pháp đặc trưng xuất đọc Việc nắm bắt biết cách sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đặc trưng cần thiết F u r th e r p ractice Bao gồm tập củng cố kĩ viết đọc nhằm phát huy khả sáng tạo sử dụng ngôn ngữ viết khả đọc người học V o cab u lary an d w ord study Trong phần từ nhóm từ đọc giải thích có ví dụ minh hoạ nhằm giúp cho học viên hiểu biết cách sử dụng chúng Hi vọng sách tạo móng để sinh viên tiếp tục học tiếng Anh sâu chuyên ngành khoa học tự nhiên Nhằm hướng tới chất lượng tốt việc biên soạn giáo trình, tác giả mong nhận nhiều ý kiến quí báu bạn đồng nghiệp quan tâm tới vấn để TRẦN THỊ NGA Đại học KHTN - Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội Table of content LỜI CẢM Ơ N A C K N O W LE D G E M E N T LỜI GIỚI TH IỆ U TABLE OF C O N T E N T CÁC KÍ HIỆU V IẾT T Ắ T 12 Unit Population Explosion 13 Pre-reading 13 R ead in g 13 D iscussion 17 Follow -up 17 Language fo c u s 20 * Adjective (Relative) clauses nonrestrictive 20 * Cause-effect structure w o rd s /LÍL Further p ctic e 23 Vocabulary and word s tu d y 27 Unit Computers in Our Modern Life 29 Pre-reading 29 R ead in g 29 D iscussion ,34 Follow -up 34 Language fo c u s .36 * Adjective (Relative) clauses restrictive 36 * Compound adjectives from N oun + Past participle (P ) 38 Further practice .39 Vocabulary and word s tu d y 42 ?? U n i t C h e m i c a l F o u n d a t i o n s 47 P re-reading 47 R ead in g 47 D iscussion .51 F ollow -up 51 Language fo c u s 53 * Adverb clause o f p u rp o se 53 * Adverb clause o f resu lt 54 * Com pound adjectives from Noun + Present p artic ip le 55 Further p ractice 55 V ocabulary and word s tu d y 58 U n i t T h e N e e d f o r C r o s s - s e c t o r a l C o o r d i n a t i o n 60 P re-reading 60 R e a d in g 60 D iscussion 64 F ollow -up 65 Language fo c u s 67 * Relative clauses with relative adverbs when, where, w h y 67 Further p rac tic e 69 Vocabulary and word s tu d y .72 U n i t T h e A ir A b o v e 75 Pre-reading 75 R ead in g 75 D iscussion 79 F ollow -up .79 Language fo c u s 81 * "Participial phrase" used to replace relative c la u se s 81 Further p ractice 84 V ocabulary and word s tu d y 88 r U n it T h e G a s C l o u d 91 P re-read in g 91 R e a d in g 91 D iscu ssio n 95 F o llo w -u p 95 Language fo c u s 97 * "Participial phrase" used to replace adverb c la u s e s 97 * C om pound adjectives from Adverb + Present p artic ip le 101 Further p c tic e 102 V ocabulary and w ord s tu d y 105 U n it T h e N a t u r e a n d O r ig in o f L if e 110 P re-read in g 110 R e a d in g 110 D iscussion 115 F o llo w -u p 115 Language fo c u s 117 * T ransition s ig n a ls 117 Further p c tic e 118 V ocabulary and w ord s tu d y .120 U n it W h a t A ll S t u d e n t s N e e d t o K n o w 124 P re-read in g 124 R e a d in g 124 D is c u s s io n 130 F o llo w -u p 130 L anguage fo c u s 133 * "It" as a form al su b je c t 133 * "It" as a form al object 134 Further p c tic e 134 V ocabulary and w ord s tu d y .138 F in d t h e w o r d s / p h r a s e s in t h e p a s s a g e w h i c h m e a n 26 could hardly be done (Paragraph A) 27 right away (Paragraph B) 28 am azem ent (Paragraph B) 29 reverse side (Paragraph C) 30 not any m ore (Paragraph D) SECTION C F in d a w ord/ phrase fro m the box to J ill in each blank in the passage below Each w ord/ph rase is used once only save more improve inventions was time historical young and old less have period technological that being divided great and small In v e n t i o n s t h a t c h a n g e d h i s t o r y What drives inventors is the need to make things work better People have always tried to (31) their lives, first with basic inventions: m aking fire, simple tools, the wheel, then w i t h (32) com plex machines Our world benefits from th e s e (33) and the influence o f thousands o f technological advances, (34) A few inventions were so influential (35) they changed the course o f history W hen considering the history o f (36) advances, com puter pioneer N orbert W ie n e r (37) the m odern era into three main periods The first period was the A ge o f the Clock The second (38) the Age of the Intem al-Com bustion Engine W iener's final (39) is today's Age of the Computer Some historians o f technology (40) emphasized other inventions that changed history: the printing press, gunpowder, and the steam engine (Source: "Machines and Inventions" by Tim e-Life's Illustrated World o f Science) 11-TACB 161 PAPER WRITING SECTION A Finish each o f the fo llo w in g sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence prin ted before it E xam ple: Among the m ost im portant scientific discoveries are new medicines New m edicines A nsw er: New m edicines are am ong the most important scientific discoveries 41 The film was boring; so I felt asleep in the middle o f it The film w as so 42 The surveys m ust not only discover but also locate all dangers within an area The surveys m ust include 43 Home-made products are cheaper than foreign-made products Foreign-m ade products 44 Ever since m an sailed the seas, he has taken notes o f the tides As early a s 45 Who is the ow ner o f the house? Who does SECTION B M ake necessary changes or additions to com plete the follow ing sentences fro m the prom pts provided E xam ple: These students/ find/ hard/ com plete/ the experiments A nsw er: These students find it hard to complete the experiments 46 162 The know ledge/ science/ be/ im portant/ m odern/ life 47 W e/ need/ good/ equipm ent/ carry out/ experim ents/ prove/ theory 48 Students/ scientific/ subjects/ need/ basic/ language/ scientific English 49 The language/ m aterial/ used/ book/ be/ take/ different sources 50 We/ know/ science/ play/ im portant role/ society/ which/ w e/ live SECTION C Write a paragraph o f approxim ately 100 words on stu d e n t life 163 POST-COURSE TEST T im e allo w an ce : m inu tes PAPER 1: READING COMPREHENSION SECTION A C om plete the fo llo w in g sentences by circling A, B, C, or D E xam ple: He usually gets to s c h o o l time A to B for © on D at Plagiarism is one form o f by students A cobbling C writing B cheating D duplicating Paraphrasing m eans giving a restatem ent o f the m eaning o f a piece o f writing in words A other C another B others D another's A student can receive a m ark o f zero for his/her assignm ent if he is found to plagiarism A com m it B com m itted C com m itm ent D com m itting Students can avoid plagiarism acknowledging the source he has used for producing his assignm ent A by B w ith C to D on They g d u a lly it possible paying back all their debts A did B m ade C had D took It would be hard to nam e a r e a s computers are not being used 164 A what C where B w hen D which Com puters are great help to people of different professions A o f C in B to D on "They have to w ork in an environm ent full o f dust." a environm ent." A dust-filled C dust-freed B dust-filling D dust-freeing "Yes, they have to work in W hat chemists are interested i n .dealing w ith all the m aterials o f the universe and the changes that these m aterials undergo A is C are B be D being 10 "Nam e a gas that can change the climate, please!" "W ell, t h e is carbon dioxide" A clim ate-changed gas C gas-changed clim ate B clim ate-changing gas D gas-changing clim ate 11 We agree that w riting a thesis is a very difficult ta s k , we? A don't C haven't B D have 12 Students got when they knew that they were going to a field-trip round Ha Long Bay A exciting C excited B excitem ent D excitingly 13 N ever in my l i f e how to drive A have I learned C should I have learned B I have learned D I should have learned 14 " you finish the experiment, the cleaning!" said the professor to his chemistry students A As well as C As long as B As far as D As soon as 15 If you understood the lesson, you .provide right answers A will C should B ought D w ould 165 SECTION B R ea d the passage below a n d the com prehension exercises A Businesses, governm ents, research laboratories, and many others organizations deal with so m uch inform ation every day that it would be difficult for them to operate w ithout com puters Historically, the types o f jobs most easily com puterized have been routine, repetitive jobs These simple tasks can be perform ed quickly and accurately by a com puter N ow many businesses link their computers by com m unication lines so that several com puters can share data programs Connecting com puters elim inates the need for duplicating the data stored by each computer The data is more easily kept up to date, because all changes made to the data on any com puter are im mediately accessible to the other com puters B Educators are also becom ing more involved in com puter use A frequently asked question in the past ten years was: "Will the com puter replace the teacher?" The answ er is, o f course, no In fact, the opposite is true in that computers can help teachers and students with their w ork and that they can help students learn program m ing languages such as Pascal or BA SIC Video disks com bined with computers offer a learning aid that includes m otion and sound Using videodisk lessons, students can watch reperformances o f the early colonists preparing for the Revolutionary War or the Wright brothers trying out their first airplane They can interact with lessons on current events as well as past events C Com puters play im portant roles in sports, too For example, in baseball, a com puter analyzes the statistics collected during a game so that a m anager can predict the most likely m oves in a certain situation Bits o f information like this can help a team win In fact, team s are finding com puters so successful in analyzing statistics that many m aintain secrecy as to how they use the machines These are just some o f the examples show ing that com puters are powerful tools in large-scale applications A n sw er t h e f o l l o w in g q u e s t io n s 16 W hy is it difficult for businesses, governments, research laboratories, and many other organizations to operate w ithout computers? 17 W hat is the purpose o f linking computers by com m unication lines? 18 W hat is an advantage o f sharing data programs? 19 How can the use o f videodisk lessons help students? 20 Give one exam ple o f the usefulness o f computers in sport W r it e " t " o r " f " b e s id e e a c h of t h e f o l l o w in g s t a t e m e n t s a c c o r d in g TO THE INFORMATION FROM THE PASSAGE CO RRECT THE FALSE STATEMENTS 21 Routine and repetitive jobs are the challenging tasks perform ed by computers 22 Com m unication lines can provide a link among computers 23 A change o f the data on one computer won't affect the data stored in others if these computers are not linked with each other 24 The word "opposite" in "In fact, the opposite is true in that computers can help teachers and students with their work and that they can help students learn program m ing languages such as Pascal or BASIC." means "the fact that the com puter will replace the teacher" 25 Many team s depend on computers for their success F in d t h e w o r d s / p h r a s e s in t h e p a s s a g e w h ic h m e a n : 26 handle (Paragraph A) 27 operations (Paragraph A) 28 be done (Paragraph A) 167 29 exactly (Paragraph A) 30 alterations (Paragraph A) 31 last decade (Paragraph B) 32 indeed (Paragraph B) 33 provide (Paragraph B) 34 parts (Paragraph C) 35 for instance (Paragraph C) SECTION C F ill in each blank in the passage below with one suitable word In the old days, chem ists tried to make gold in their laboratories The synthetic products (36) by chem ists today are more wonderful and more important (37) (38) gold Chem istry has had a new birth in our century, organic chem istry The new light clothes (39) are so popular everyw here in the w orld - dresses and blouses, shirts and shocks, coats and jackets - (40) often made out o f synthetic, man-made materials b a s e d (41) cellulose Beautiful paints, plastics, cosmetics, and many m edicines a r e (42) based on cellulose W hat is m ost important is that (43) is cellulose in all trees, vegetables and fruits Cellulose is (44) found everywhere in nature, in all things that grow Every day, .(45) are finding new uses for this wonderful material PAPER WRITING SECTION A Finish each o f the fo llo w in g sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sam e as the sentence p rin te d before it E xam ple: Among the m ost im portant scientific discoveries are new medicines New m edicines A nsw er: N ew m edicines are am ong the m ost im portant scientific discoveries 46 We jo in the Society o f Natural Science so as to contribute to the scientific developm ent o f the country We join the Society o f N atural Science so t h a t 168 47 Life is not possible without chemical elements Chem ical elem ents 48 Can you tell m e w here the University o f Science is? I am w ondering if 49 The essence o f referencing is not what form o f referencing you use and where the com m as go W hat form 50 Privacy and security are problem s associated with com puter systems Problem s SECTION B M ake necessary changes or additions to com plete the fo llo w in g sentences fro m the prom pts provided E x am p le: These students/ find/ hard/ com plete/ the experiments A nsw er: These students fin d it hard to complete the experiments 51 A s/ society/ becom e/ m ore dependent/ com puters/ com puter crim e/ become m ore serious 52 A series/ developm ent/ science/ technology/ have/ pow erfully/ influence/ hum an life 53 A/ laboratory technician/ use/ com puter/ aid/ research/ developm ent 54 W hen/ w rite/ thesis/ student/ need/ abide/ rules/ referencing 169 55 Where/ be/ keys/ laboratory/ modernly/ equip? SECTION C Write a paragraph o f approxim ately 120 words on one o f the effects o f overpopulation on the environm ent 170 \ KEYS TO THE PRE-COURSE TEST PAPER SECTION A (15 points: for each correct answer) B 6.C 11 A A A 12 C A 8.A 13 A A A 14 D B 10 B 15 D SECTION B A nsw er the questions: (15 points: for each answer) 16 The fact that people could fly and listen to music thousands o f miles away 17 The fact that people fly in trem endous birds and make the dark room become light by turning a switch 18 19 .can inform the coming airplane attacks; thus saving many lives 20 M any illnesses that people died from fifty years ago are now no longer dangerous; people have longer life expectancy M ultiple-choice questions: (10 points: for each correct answer) 21 C 22 A 23 D 24 B 25 B F ind the words/phrases in the p a s s a g e (10 points: for each correct answer) 26 seemed im possible 27 im m ediately 29 far side 30 no longer 28 surprise SECTION C (20 points: for each correct answer) 31 improve 32 more 33 inventions 34 great and small 35 that 36 technological 37 divided 38 was 39 period 40 have 171 PAPER SECTION A (10 points: for each accepted answer) 41 The film was so boring that I felt asleep in the m iddle o f it 42 The surveys m ust include both the discovery and location o f / discovering and locating all dangers within an area 43 Foreign-made products are more expensive than hom e-m ade products 44 As early as man sailed the seas, he took notes o f the tides 45 Who does the house belong to? SECTION B (10 points: for each accepted answer) 46 The knowledge o f science is very important in our m odem life 47 We need good equipm ent to carry out experim ents to prove the theory 48 Students o f scientific subjects need the basic language o f scientific English 49 The language m aterials used in the book are taken from different sources 50 We all know that science plays a very im portant role in the society in which we live SECTION C Paragraph 10 points I 172 \ KEYS TO THE POST-COURSE TEST PAPER SECTION A (15 points: for each correct answer) B 6.C 11 A A A 12 C A 8.A 13 A A A 14 D B 10 B 15 D SECTION B A nsw er the questions- (15 points: for each answer) 16 deal with so much inform ation every day 17 to provide share o f data program s for linked/ several computers 18 to elim inate the need for duplicating the data stored by each com puter and the data is more easily kept up to date 19 - to watch reperform ances o f the early colonists preparing for the War or the Wright brothers trying out their first airplane; - Revolutionary to interact with lessons on current events as well as past events to analyze the collected inform ation to help a team win in a match True-false questions: (10 points: for each correct answer) 21 F: Routine and repetitive jobs are the simple tasks perform ed by computers 22 T 23 T 24 T 25 F: Many teams can get help from com puters for their success F in d the w ords/phrases (10 points: for each correct answer) 26 operate 27 tasks 28 be perform ed 29 accurately 173 30 changes 34 roles 31 past ten years 32 in fact 33 offer 35 for example SECTION C (20 points: for each correct answer) 36 created/ produced 39 that/w hich 37 than 40 are 43 there 38 especially/ particularly 41 on 44 easily 42 all 45 chem ists/w e PAPER SECTION A (10 points: for each accepted answer) 46 We join the Society o f Natural Science so that we can contribute to the scientific development o f the country 47 Chemical elem ents make life possible 48 I am wondering if you can tell me where the University o f Science is 49 What form o f referencing you use and where the commas go are not the essence o f referencing 50 Problems associated with com puter systems are privacy and security SECTION B (10 points: for each accepted answer) 51 As society becom es more dependent on computers, com puter crime is becom ing more serious 52 A series o f developm ents in science and technology have pow erfully influenced human life 53 A laboratory technician uses computers to aid in research and development 54 When writing a thesis, a student needs to abide by the rules o f referencing 55 Where are the keys to the laboratory (which is) modernly equipped? SECTION C (10 points) The paragraph must have the topic sentence and relevant supporting details as well as good use o f connectors Total: 100 points REFERENCES Annerstedt, J and Sturgeon, T 1994 Electronics and Information Technology in Vietnam : A report to the M inistry o f Science, Technology and Environment UNIDO /IJN DP, Hanoi Brady, J E 1990 General Chemistry: Principles and Structures (5th Ed.) John Willy & Sons New York Condie, K C and Sloan, R E 1998 Origin and Evolution o f Earth - Principles of Historical Geology Prentice Hall, New Jersey Eastwood, J 2000 (Second Ed.) O xford Practice Grammar Oxford University Press, Oxford Evans, S W B 1994 Faculty policy on plagiarism The University o f M elbourne, M elbourne Galloway, B 1993 (some hand-outs) TESOL Center, University o f Canberra Hartmann, P and Mentel, J 1997 (Second Ed.) Interactions A ccess-A Reading/W riting Book The M cGraw-Hill Com panies, Inc., N ew York Imhoof, M and Hudson, H 1987 (Second Ed.) From Paragraph to Essay Longman G roup Ltd., Hong Kong Mandell, S L 1987 (Second Ed.) Introduction to Computers Using the IBM® and MSD O S® PCs with Basic West Publishing Company, N ew York M cM urry, J and Castellion, M E 1996 (Second Ed.) Fundamentals o f General, Organic, and Biological Chem istry Prentice Hall, New Jersey Milikan, R H 1994 A step-by-step Approach to Thesis Writing The University o f M elbourne, M elbourne Myers, N 1991 The Gaia A tlas o f Future Worlds: Challenge and Opportunity in an Age o f Change Anchor Books, New York Oshima, A and Hougue, A 1983 Writing Academ ic English Addition-W esley Publishing Company, London Swan, M 2002 Practical English Usage (Second Ed Fourteenth impression) Oxford University Press, Oxford Thacker, K 1993 Environment Matters Swept Away Resort, Jamaica Time-Life's Illustrated World of Science Inventions Time Life Asia, Hong Kong 1997 (third printing) M achines and Time-Life's Illustrated World of Science 1997 (third printing) Weather and Climate Tim e Life Asia, Hong Kong Zumdahl, S.S 1986 Chemistry D C Heath & Com pany, Lexington ... Sách "Tiếng Anh c cho sinh viên khoa học tự nhiên" sách biên soạn lại có bổ sung chỉnh lí sở "Tiếng Anh cho sinh viên khoa h ọc tự nhiên" (Trần T Nga, 1998) nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu học tiếng Anh chuyên... tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cho sinh viên khoa trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên thuộc Đại học Quốc gia Hà nội Giáo trình tài liệu học tập tốt cho sinh viên Cao đẳng, Đại học học khoa tự nhiên trường khác... đề chung khoa học tự nhiên môi trường, tin học, sinh học, hoá học, phương pháp nghiên cứu khoa học, viết luận văn, v.v Các khoá lấy từ tài liệu thực khoa học tự nhiên sách tạp chí chun ngành (có

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2021, 19:14