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Giao an anh 6 thi diem (bản 2)

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Cấu trúc

  • Lesson 6: Skill 2

  • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – Happy new year!

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED: What’s on today?

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – At the gym

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – What nice photos!

  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • Contents

  • - Have sts write these verbs in to past form

  • Go; play; do; speak; write; read

  • Visit; watch; be; take; start; eat have

  • - Ask ss to look at the picture and answer the questions

  • ?What are they?

  • ?Do you know which cities they are ?

  • - Ask ss to listen and answer

  • True or False ?

  • 1. The photos are nice

  • 2. Rio de Janeiro isn’t an exciting city

  • 3. Sydney isn’t so hot

  • 4. The beaches in Sydney are the cleanest and the most beautiful.

  • 5. There aren’t also modern buildings, like this egg- shaped building

  • - Ask sts look at exercise 2.

  • - Have sts reread the dialogue and do exercise 2.

  • - Allow sts to share answers before discussing as a class

  • - Ask sts to support their answer

  • - Have sts look at the map

  • - Ask ss

  • ?How many continents are there in the world?

  • ?What are they?

  • - Ask ss to look at the pictures and names the continents

  • - Ask them to translation these names in Vietnamese

  • IV. Further- practise

  • - Write ‘Asia, Viet nam, Hue, Ha Noi, Thong Nhat Palace’ on the board.

  • - Ask sts

  • ? Which is the continent?

  • ? Which is the country/ city/ capital?

  • ? Which is the place of interest?

  • - Ask ss to read all words and match

  • V. Production

  • - Have sts play a game “ Around the world”

  • - Divide sts into 2 big groups

  • - Give sts more questions in addition to those in the book

  • ? Which continent is it in?

  • ? What is its capital?

  • ? What are its major cities?

  • ? What is it famous for?

  • VI. Homework:

  • - Prepare A closer look 1.

  • - Go to the board and write

  • Go- went; Play – played

  • Do – did; speak -spoke write – wrote; read - read

  • Visit - visited

  • watch – watched

  • be – was/were

  • take- took; start - started eat – ate; have - had

  • - Listen and answer

  • -They are cities of the world

  • -They are Sydney, Big Ben……

  • - Listen and answer

  • 1 T

  • 2 F

  • 3 F

  • 4 T

  • 5 F

  • - Look at the exercise 2

  • reread the dialogue and do exercise 2.

  • - Share answers before discussing as a class

  • - Support their answer

  • - Look at the map

  • - Listen and answer

  • - There are 6

  • - Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, America, Europe,

  • - Look at the pictures and names the continents

  • - Translation these names in Vietnamese

  • - Look at the board

  • - Answer

  • - Asia,Africa

  • - Sweden/ Nha Trang/ Ha Noi

  • - Ben Thanh market

  • - Read all words then work in pairs to match the words to the names of the places

  • - Play a game

  • Go- went; Play – played

  • Do – did; speak –spoke; write – wrote; read - read

  • Visit - visited

  • watch – watched

  • be – was/were; eat – ate; have - had

  • take- took; start – started;


  • 1. Listen and read.

  • * Vocabulary:

  • - exciting(a) [ik'saitiη]: lý thú

  • - clean(a) [kli:n]:sạch

  • - bad(a) [bæd] : xấu

  • - beautiful(a) ['bju:tiful]:đẹp

  • - modern(a) ['mɔdən]:hiện đại

  • - eggs-shaped(a)[eg-∫eipt]: hình bầu dục

  • * Answer key:

  • 1. The photos are nice

  • 2. Rio de Janeiro isn’t an exciting city

  • 3. Sydney isn’t so hot

  • 4. The beaches in Sydney are the cleanest and the most beautiful.

  • 5. There aren’t also modern buildings, like this egg- shaped building

  • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • - Ask ss some questions.

  • ? Do you remember about Mai and Tom?

  • ? Which cities did Mai and Tom talk about at the begining of the unit?

  • ? How did Tom describe the three cities?

  • ? What did he talk about?

  • ? Which adjectives did he use?

  • - Introduce the lesson.

  • - Ask ss to read all the words and work in groups to do matching in 1.

  • - Ask ss to go to the board and match.

  • - Have other sts check.

  • - Ask sts to read the words again.

  • - Give feedback.

  • - If have time ask sts to use the adjectives to describe the three cities that Mai and Tom talked about.

  • - Ask sts look all the words and guide ss how to do exercise

  • ? Which words can you use to describe “city” ?

  • Food?

  • People?

  • Building?

  • Weather?

  • - Have sts work in groups.

  • - Tell them can use the words in 1- encourage sts to add other adjectives.

  • - Give feedback.

  • - Point out that some adjs can’t go with particular nouns. We can not say

  • Ex: long/ short city

  • Rainy people

  • - Have practise the /əʊ/ and /ai/sound together in 3.

  • - Model the two sounds with cold and sky.

  • - Let sts see how the sounds are formed.

  • - Ask sts to give words that have these two sounds.

  • - Play the recording and ask sts to listen and fill in the suitable column.

  • - Play the recording again and have sts give the answer.

  • IV. Further- practise: 14’

  • - Ask ss to listen and repeat


  • - Ask ss to look at all the pictures.

  • - Give example

  • - Ask sts to work individually to complete the fact sheet, using one of the pictures provided

  • - Have sts work in pairs compare the answer.

  • - Ask them to discuss whether they agree with each other’s answers (if thye don’t not agree the answers, encourage them to give reasons. Don’t give corrective feedback at this stage)

  • - Have sts ask and answer questions about the fact using Most + adjectives.

  • - Encourage sts to expand the fact sheet by adding information like:

  • Ex:The most famous woman in Britain

  • The most well-known novel/ movie.

  • The most famous footballer/ actor/ actress.

  • The most popular sports,…

  • - Ask sts to remember how the comparatives of long adjectives are formed.

  • - Write the form of the suparlatives of long adjectives on the board.

  • - Practise the soud /əʊ/ and /ai/

  • - Prepare A closer look 2.

  • - Listen and answer.

  • - Yes/ no

  • - Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, and new York

  • - Rio de Janeiro is exciting, it’s very hot. Sydney isn’t so hot, the beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful. London has bad weather, there are also modern buildings.

  • - The weather, the beaches and the buildings.

  • - exciting, hot, clean, beautiful, bad, modern

  • - Listen and write.

  • - Read all the words and match the words in A with their opposites in B.

  • - Go to the board and match.

  • - Check

  • - Read again

  • - Write

  • - Use the adj to describe the three that Mai and Tom talked about.

  • - Listen and remember

  • listen and answer

  • Beautiful, old…

  • Delicious,cheap..

  • Beautiful…

  • Modern, historic...

  • Cold, hot…..

  • - Work in groups.

  • - use the words in 1to add other adjectives.

  • - Takenote.

  • - Listen and note.

  • - Read all the sentences

  • - Listen

  • - See how the sounds are formed.

  • - Give words that have these two sounds.

  • - Listen and fill in the suitable column.

  • Give the answer

  • - Write and repeat.

  • - Read all the sentences

  • - Look at all the pictures.

  • - Listen and write

  • - Work individually to complete the fact sheet, using one of the pictures provided

  • work individually to complete the fact sheet, using one of the pictures provided

  • - Work in pairs compare the answer.

  • - Discuss whether they agree with each other’s answers

  • - Look at their earlier answer.

  • - Ask and answer questions about the fact using most + adjectives.

  • Ex: Sydney is the most exciting city.

  • There are the most beautiful beaches.

  • - Remember how the comparatives of long adjectives are formed.

  • - Write the form of the suparlatives of long adjectives

  • S + the + most + adj

  • There are the most beautiful beaches.

  • - Find the superlatives in the text in 6

  • 4. dry – wet

  • 5. boring – exciting

  • 6. clean – dirty

  • 7. historic – modern

  • 8. cheap – expensive

  • 9. cold – hot

  • Ex:

  • - The beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful.

  • - London has bad weather.

  • 2. Created the webs

  • 1. City: beautiful,peaceful, exciting, modern, big, poluuted, safe,….

  • 2. People: nice, friendly, unfriendly, open, noisy, interesting,…

  • 3. Food: delicious, awful, good, tasty,….

  • 4. Weather: bad, rainy, hot, cold, wet,…

  • 5. Building: old, modern, tall, new,…


  • /əʊ/ and /ai/

  • 3. Listen and write the words you hear in the appropriate column. Then read the words aloud.

  • /əʊ/

  • Cold

  • Snow

  • Old

  • Clothes

  • Hold

  • 4. Listen and repeat


  • Comparative

  • a. Short adjectives

  • Lan is taller than Hoa

  • This book is thiner than that book

  • b. Long adj

  • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

  • Teacher’s activities

  • Students’ activities

  • Contents

  • - Check vocabulary in A closer look 1

  • - Ask ss to go to the board and write the adjectives.

  • - Check and have them repeat these words

  • - Ask sts to recall what Tom told Mai about in the conversation in Getting started.

  • - Ask sts to underline all the verbs in the present perfect tense.

  • - Use the Grammar box to help you explain that present perfect is used to show that one has had or has never had this experience.

  • - Provide the form of the present perfect.

  • - Notice the past particple.

  • - Ask sts to look for the original verb of the past participles in the conversation.

  • - Notice the use of “never” and “ever”.

  • - Have sts play a game: Write the list of verbs on the board. Divided sts into two groups and get them to the board and write the past participles of the verbs.

  • - Check and give mark for each team

  • - Have them repeat the verbs

  • - Ask ss to read all the sentences and work in pairs to do exercise

  • - Ask ss to give the answer

  • - Ask ss to read all the sentences and work in pairs to do exercise

  • - Ask ss to give the answer

  • IV. Further- practise: 5’

  • - Ask ss to look at the picture and answer

  • ? Can you tell me what he does in the picture?

  • - Ask ss to tell what Tom has done this week

  • - Ask ss to give the answer

  • - Use all the question in 5 to ask ss to find out one thing that everyone has done and one thing no one has done

  • - Go to the board and write

  • - Check and repeat

  • - Recall what Tom told Mai about in the conversation in Getting started.

  • - Underline all the verbs in the present perfect tense.

  • - Read the Grammar box

  • - Write

  • - Listen and remember

  • - Look for the original verb of the past participles in the conversation.

  • - Listen and remember

  • - Play a game

  • - Go to the board and write the past participles of verbs.

  • - Listen

  • - Repeat.

  • - Read all the sentences

  • - Go to the board and write the answer

  • - Read all the sentences

  • - Go to the board and write the answer

  • - Look at the picture and answer

  • - reading book

  • - having breakfast

  • - getting good grade

  • - playing football

  • - Listen and answer

  • Unit 9: (Continued)

  • Lesson 3: A closer look 2

  • 1. Listen again to part of the conversation. Pay attention to the present perfect.

  • * GRAMMAR:

  • Go watch

  • See be

  • Do take

  • Speak start

  • Write eat

  • read have

  • Visit take

  • * The present perfect tense.

  • Use : We use the present perfect to describe our experiences

  • Formation: S + has/have + past participle

  • Lesson 4: Communication

  • Teacher’s activities

  • Sts’ activities

  • Contents

  • I. Warm up (5’)

  • - Have sts play “Matching”

  • A

  • B

  • Design

  • Symbol

  • Landmark

  • Creature

  • UNESCO World Heritage

  • Di sản VHTG

  • Thiết kế

  • Biểu tượng

  • Danh thắng

  • S V, tạo vật

  • II. Presentation: (10’)

  • - Teach vocabulary.

  • - Have sts read chorus.

  • - Show the pictures of the five landmarks and ask sts

  • ? What are they?

  • - If sts don’t know their names in English, allow sts to use Vietnamese.

  • ? What do you know about them?

  • IV. Further- practise: 5’

  • - Play “matching” game.

  • - Listen and write

  • - Read

  • - Look at the pictures and answer

  • They are Big Ben, Eiffel tower, Sydney Opera House…

  • Yes/

  • It’s in England

  • Yes

  • It’s in Australia

  • Yes

  • - Work in pairs and match.

  • - Listen and match

  • - Work in pairs

  • - Listen and repeat then write

  • - Play game in group

  • thinks of a city, a country, or a landmark and give clues to other guess.

  • Listen and write

  • Unit 9: (continued)

  • Lesson 4: Communication.

  • - Answer:

  • A

  • Lesson 5: Skill 1

  • Lesson 6: Skill 2

  • Teacher’s activities

  • Sts’ activities

  • I. Warm up (5’)

  • - Ask ss to look at the pictures in 1 and tell what they see

  • ? What do you see in picture 1?

  • ? Do you know about Nobel and the Nobel Prize?

  • ? Can you talk this in Vietnamese?

  • - Play the recording and ask them to listen.

  • ? How Nobel Prizes are awarded every year in Stockholm?

  • II. Presentation: (10’)

  • - Ask ss to read all the sentences in 2 and guess T or F

  • - Explain the new words

  • - Ask ss to listen to the stereo again and answer true or false

  • - Have sts correct the false sentences.

  • - Check and corect.

  • - Ask ss to read all the sentences in 3

  • - Explain to sts that this time they need to listen for the exact details in the recording.

  • - Ask them to identify the kind of information they have to find out: years, amount of money, number of people, date,…

  • - Play the recording

  • - Ask ss to listen to the stereo again and give the answer

  • - Check and corect.

  • IV. Further- practise: 14’

  • - Write 5 Ws and 1H on the board

  • - Ask sts to give examples

  • Ex: How is the Stockholm?

  • What is the weather like?

  • - Ask ss to read all the words in 4 and put them in the correct order to make sentences

  • - Ask sts to use the notes they have made in Speaking 4 to write a postcard to their family or friends:

  • - Ask ss

  • Have you ever been to Ha Long bay?

  • Follow these questions

  • Who do you write the post card for?

  • When did you arrive?

  • Who are you with ?

  • Where are you staying?

  • What have you done?

  • What are you doing tomorrow?

  • How are you feeling?

  • P1: Royal Palace

  • P2: Nobel Prize

  • P3: museum, café, restaurants, shops,..

  • P4: island

  • - Yes/ no

  • - Yes/ no

  • - Listen to the recording

  • -

  • - Read all the sentences and guess T or F

  • - Listen and write

  • - Listen to the sterio again and give the answer

  • read all the sentences

  • - Listen to the stereo again correct the false sentences.

  • - Takenote

  • - Read all the sentences in 3

  • - Listen

  • - Identify the kind of information they have to find out: years, amount of money, number of people, date,…

  • - Listen

  • - Listen again and fill in the gaps

  • - Takenote

  • - Who/ What/ When/ Where/ Why/ How

  • - Give examples

  • - Read all the words

  • - Make sentences

  • - Listen

  • - Answer

  • Unit 9: (Contunued)

  • 1. Look at the pictures. What do you see?

  • * Vocabulary:

  • - award[ə'wɔ:d](v): thưởng, tặng

  • (n): phần thưởng

  • 2. Listen and write True or False?

  • * Vocabulary:

  • 3. Listen again to the talk and fill in the gaps.

  • 1. 14

  • 2. 700

  • 3. 3,000

  • 4. 10 December

  • 5. 10 million

  • Writing

  • 4. Rearrange the words to make sentences.

  • 1. Stockholm is fantastic!

  • 2. We’re in Da Lat!

  • 3. We’re having a good time here!

  • 4. I love Disneyland!

  • 6. I wish you were here!

  • 5. Write a postcard . Use the notes about the city you have chosen in speaking 4, page 28

  • Home work

  • - Complete the exercise 5 into notebooks

  • - Prepare Looking back.

    • Lesson 7: Looking back

  • I. Warm up (5’)

  • II. Presentation: (10’)

  • IV. Further- practise: 14’

  • V. Home work(1’)

  • - Complete the exercises into notebooks

  • - Prepare Review


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – My future house

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – Let’s “go green”!

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back


    • Lesson 1: Getting Started – Robots and their work

    • Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

    • Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

    • Lesson 4: Communication

    • Lesson 5: Skill 1

    • Lesson 6: Skill 2

    • Lesson 7: Looking Back

Nội dung

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7Week: 01 Period: 01 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… Week: 01 / Period: 04 Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: Getting Started - A special day I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit II Language Focus: Vocabulary:the items related to the school Structures: The present simple and the present continuous tense III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Write the title on the board ‘A - Whole class special day’ Explain the meaning of ‘special’ and ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about - Let Ss open their books and check their answers - Ask Ss questions about the picture - Play the recording - Listen and read Content * Presentation: Guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about - What is Phong doing? - Who are Vy and Phong? - Why is it a special day? Listen and read Not e Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and decide they are true or false - Allow Ss to share answers before discussing as a class - Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expressions - Individual work - Practice saying them together - Whole class - Ask Ss to role-plays the short conversations in pairs before creating short role-plays - Ask Ss to extend the conversations - Pair-work * Practice: a Are these sentences true or false? Key: T T F T F b Find these expressions in the conversation Check what they mean Key: Used to express surprise (negative) ‘You’ll find out.’ Used to invite sb in Used to say ‘yes’ / ‘alright’ c Create short role-plays with the expressions Then practice them Listen and read the poem - Play the recording - Whole class - Let Ss read the poem in the right intonation and rhythm and check their understanding of the poem - Ask Ss to write a poem about - Pair-work their partner, then read them poem aloud - Ask Ss to match the words with the school things - Play the recording - Pair-work - Listen and repeat - Let Ss to practice saying the names of school things - Allow Ss to check their answer in groups - Tell Ss to look around the class Ask what they see around them/ what they have - Individual work Example: Khanh is going to back to school today His friends are going back to school, too His new school year starts today He’s got a new bike His friends are on their way … Match the words with the school things Then listen and repeat Key: 1–b 2–e 3–j 4–d 5–c 6–i 7–f 8–a 9–g 10 – h * Production: What other things you have in your class? Example: Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Table, desk, noticeboard, picture, flowers… Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Let Ss to practice the words, and make up the sentences with the words it there is time *Homework: - Write the items related to school in the book - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 1) Experiments: Week: 01 Period: 02 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds // and // in isolation and in context II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the subjects in the school Structures: o The present simple o The combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask students to name some subjects they learn - Play the recording - Play it again and pause for Ss to repeat each word - Correct their pronunciation Ss’ Activities Content - Whole class * Warm-up: Subjects: Math, music, English, … - Listen - Listen and repeat * Presentation: Vocabylary Listen and repeat the words physics exercise English vocabulary history football homework lessons judo music school lunch science Not e Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Ask Ss to put the words in into groups - Explain to Ss which words go with each verb - Pair-work - Ask Ss to write on the board, then check their answers - Individual work - Ask Ss to write sentences about themselves in their notebooks, using the combinations above - Pair-work - Ask Ss to practice the sounds // and // Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat - Listen and repeat - Play the recording twice - Let Ss check their answers in groups - Call some Ss to write their answers on the board - Correct the mistakes - Play the recording twice - Help them to recognize two sounds - Ask ss to underline them in the sentences * Practice: Work in pairs Put the words in into groups Key: play football, music homework, judo, exercise have school lunch, lessons study Physics, English, history, voc Put one of these words in each blank Key: Homework Football Lessons Judo science Write sentences about yourself using the combinations above Example: I/We have English lessons on Tuesday and Thursday …  Pronunciation // and // Listen and repeat Pay attention to the sounds // and // Listen to the words and put them into two groups Key: / - Individual rode work don’t hope homework post - Listen and repeat - Individual work * Production: Listen and repeat Underline the sounds // and // you hear Key: They are going to open a new library I’m coming home from school His brother eats lunch in the school canteen Monday Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: The new school year starts next month My brother is doing his homework He goes to the judo club every Sunday *Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 2) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Experiments: Period: 03 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… Week: 01 UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 3: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use the present simple and the present continuous II Language Focus: Structures: o The present simple and present continuous tense III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Have Ss to play a game Ss’ Activities - Group work Content * Warm-up: Nought and Crosse: play listen make Ex: She often plays chess after school Not e Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Ask Ss to give the rule and use of the present simple and the present continuous tense themselves - Let them study the grammar box - Give more examples if necessary - Let Ss to the task individually - Correct their answers - Allow Ss to write the sentences in their notebooks, referring to the interview - Call or Ss to write on the board, check their answers sentence by sentence - Ask Ss to take turns to ask questions and give answers - Go around and correct their mistakes or give help when necessary - Ask Ss to refer to the conversation in Getting started Focus on the verbs used in the present continuous - Listen - Listen and repeat Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: * Presentation: Grammar The present simple Positive: I/ you/ we/ they + V (work, stydy) He/ she /it + V-s/ V-es (works, studies) Negative: I/ you/ we/ they + don’t / not + V He/ she /it + doesn’t/ does not + V Questions and short answer: Do I/ you/ we/ they + V? Yes, I/ you/ we/ they I/ you/ * No, Practice : we/ they don’t - Individual work Write the correct form of the verbs Key: Has Do you have .Love Does Vy walk5 Ride Teaches Doesn’t play Reads Go Do Correct the sentences according to the information in (1) above - Pair-work Key: Duy lives near here Duy likes/loves his new school Vy and Duy ride to school Mr Quang teaches Duy English At break time, Phong reads in the library Make questions then interview your partner Key: - Pair-work Do you ride your bike to school? Do you read in the library at the break time? Do you like your new school? So your friends go to school with you? So you your homework after school? Fill and underline the present - Individual continuous form work The present continuous: Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Ask Ss to listen and follow the conversation on page (twice) - Ask Ss to underline the present continuous form - Have Ss study the example first - Ask Ss to give the correct form of the verbs - Ask Ss to say why to use the tense in each sentence - Ask Ss to choose the correct tense of the verbs - Ask Ss to discuss any common errors and provide further practice if necessary - Group-work - Ask Ss to underline things that often happen or are fixed Then underline things that are happening now - Group-work Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs Key: Am not playing Are studying Aren’t doing Am having Are riding Choose the correct tense of the verbs Key: Are having Wears Starts Is watching Are skipping * Production: Read Vy’s email to her friend Key: Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Help Ss to compare Vy’s first week with their individually - Correct the mistakes - Individual work Compare Vy’s first week with yours Ex: • Both Vy and I are having an interesting first week • I wear my uniform everyday, but Vy wears her uniform only on Mondays and Saturday *Homework: - Prepare next lesson (Communication) Experiments: Week: 02 Period: 04 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…… UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 4: Communication I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school II Language Focus: Vocabulary: pocket money, remember, share, help, classmate Structures: The present simple tense III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pieces of paper V Procedures: 10 Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Have Ss guess the meaning of the vocabulary - Tell Ss that this vocabulary will appear in the task that follow - Whole class - Ask Ss how they often make friends, what they often say when they first meet a new friends, what questions they often ask, etc - Answer Content * Presentation: Guess the meaning of the vocabulary: - pocket money - remember share - help - classmate Not e By the end of this lesson, students can use vocabulary and structure to talk about tips on how to “go green” II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: - Ask Ss to match the causes in Column A with the effects in colu - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions - Quickly write Ss’ answers to question on the board - Play the recording - Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct - Have Ss to work in group of six and follow the steps to play the - Ask Ss to work independently - Allow them to share answers before discussing as class - Write the correct answers on the board - Ask Ss to give their answers without reading the conversation again Then ask them to read the conversation and check thei - Confirm the correct answers - T asks SS to read the conversation again to find the expressions - Ask Ss to guess the meaning of each expression Explain the meaning if necessary - Have Ss work in pairs to put a suitable expression in each blank and then practice the conversation - Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out the conversation - Ask Ss to so this exercise individually then compare their answers with a classmate - Play the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeat their answers alo UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 2: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can Pronounce correctly the sounds /A:/ and / {/in isolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Have Ss read the information in the table and draw a line from a symbol in column A to matching word in column B and meaning in column C Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before giving T the answers - Have Ss work in pairs to this activity - Call on Ss from different pairs to go to the board and write the words - Ask Ss to work in pairs and put the words from in appropriate groups Draw the table on the board and call three Ss to go to the board and write their answers - One word can belong to more than one group - Play the recording for ss to listen to the song Play the recording again for Ss to sing along Ask some Ss to sing the song - Have Ss read out the words first Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words Play the recording as many time as necessary - T whole class Pr un ba apple da - T whole classafternoon - Play the recording again Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen - Individual work be Ss’ Activities - Pair-work - Have Ss this exercise individually first - Then compare their answers with a partner Play the recording and pause after each word which has the underlined for Ss to check their answers Ask them to practice the conversation in pairs - Pair-work - Individual work co Ke /A /{ - Individual work - Pair -work - Pair -work *P an cla *H -L -P (A UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 3: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use conditional sentences – type correctly and appropriately II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask Ss to read the conversation again Draw their attention to the two conditional sentences – type Elicit the form from Ss Have ss look at the Grammar box and explain - Give some examples - Ask Ss to this activity quickly the give the answers to T - Write their answers on the board and confirm the correct answers - Have Ss this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a classmate Call on some Ss to read out the sentences - Have Ss to this activity in pairs - Ask Ss to write their sentences on the board - Ask for feedback form other Ss - Confirm the correct answers - Have Ss this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a classmate - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board - Ask other for comments - Correct any mistakes - Give them the suggested sentences - Individual work s c K Ss’ Activities - T-Whole class - Divide class into groups (A and B) and give each Ss a trip of paper Ss - Individual work from group A write an if-clause Ss from B write the main clause * - Group - work A B * - Individual work - Pair work UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 4: Communication I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can talk about ways to ‘go green’ II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask SS to work in groups - Give each group a large piece of paper Ss have to write two more questions on this paper When time is up, ask the groups to stick their questions on the board or on the wall Read the questions out aloud - Ask Ss for comments on the questions Give feedback on the questions Finally, the class votes for the best questions Ss’ Activities - Review the grammar points that may be used in this lesson Some grammar points are: conditional sentences – type and questions to ask about frequency (How often…) - Go through the extra vocabulary with ss - T whole class - Have Ss read the questions quickly and make sure that they know what to - Ask Ss to answer the questions individually, then turn to page 53 to check their answers and count the points - Ask some Ss to speak out the points they received - Individual work - Pair-work - Ask Ss to work in pairs One is the interviewer and the other is the interviewee - Ask Ss to the interview in about minutes and to note down their friends’ answers - The interviewer then share their answers with their friends and find out how many different answers they have - Call some Ss report the results of their interview to the class - Group-work giving the answers UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 5: Skill I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can read for specific information about tips on how to be ‘green’ II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Tell Ss they are going to read some tips that can help them to become ‘green’ - Ask SS to read the tips quickly and locate the words/ phrases in the text - Ask Ss to this exercise individually and then compare their answers with a classmate - Ask for Ss’ answers Confirm the correct answers - Ask Ss to give some examples with the words/ phrases - Have Ss read the tips again to answer the questions - Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for information - Ask ss to compare their answers before giving the answers to T - Ask them to give evidence when - Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the questions - Group-work - Ask SS to work in groups and find creative ways to reuse the items indicated in the book - Group-work Ss’ Activities - Group-work - Individual work swap charity creative reusable Recycling bin - Individual work - Pair-work UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD board Lesson 6: Skill Name: …………………… I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can Idea 1: …………………… listen to get specific information about ways to make the school a “green’ place Idea 2: …………………… II Language Focus: Idea 3: …………………… Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type - Ask Ss to write their paragraph - Individual work III Method: Communicative approach individually based on the suggestions in IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture the book V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Tell Ss that the 3Rs Club is looking for a new president Quickly elicit the necessary qualities of the club president from Ss and write them on the board - Have Ss read the advertisement for this position - Ask them what they will if they become the club president - Have Ss guess the word/number to fill in each blank and write on the board - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to check their guess - Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their guesses - Ask Ss to read the statement in exercise and write T or F at the end of each statement without listening to the recording - Have ss compare their answers in pairs before giving T the answers - Ask Ss work in pairs and interview each other to find out the three things they will if they become club president Ask Ss to take notes about each other’s ideas Ask Ss to expand the idea and giving examples If time allows, have some Ss present their friend’s ideas or write the ideas on the - T whole class - Individual work - Pair-work - Pair-work UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD Lesson 7: Looking Back I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can review some vocabulary and grammar they’ve learn in unit 11 II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Our greener world” Structures: Conditional sentences – type III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask SS to this activity individually then compare their answers with a partner - Ask three Ss to go to the board, each writing a word web on the board Elicit other words from Ss to add to the webs - Follow the example in the book, ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the 3Rs - Call on some pairs to act out their dialogues Comment on Ss’ performance - Ask SS to this activity individually then compare their answers with a partner -Ask Ss to the exercise individually Then SS check their answers with their partner - Get feedbacks and correct if necessary - Individual work - Ask Ss to the exercise individually Then SS check their answers with their partner - Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board Give feedback - Individual work Ss’ Activities - Individual work - Pair-work * & Add more words to the word webs below Key: - Pair-work - Individual work In pairs, ask and answerof questions -Ask Ss to work in groups - Group-work four One student interviews about 3Rs the other three group members Example andCan notes their answers A: wedown reduce water use? Ask some Ss to report the B: Yes, we can results to the class A: How? B: Don’t take a bath 3a Complete the words or phrases Key: 3b Matching Key: * Practice & Gramm Write th brackets Key: Is; wil Rises; Reduc Combin below to m type Key: If Ss r materi If we will m You w off yo use it People energy enviro If you what w * Product & Comm Work in classmate answers S class Finished! *Homewo - Do “proj - Prepare n (Unit 12: Lesson 1: UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 1: Getting Started – Robots and their work I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can know some vocabulary and structure to talk about the topic ‘robots’ II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: - Ask Ss to go around the class asking the questions - When Ss finished the survey, ask Ss to report the results - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions - Write Ss’ answers to question on the board - Play the recording - Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct - Ask Ss to work independently - Allow them to share answers before discussing as class - Write the correct answers on the board - Ask Ss to give their answers without reading the conversation again Then ask them to read the conversation and check thei - Confirm the correct answers - T asks SS to quickly match each activity with its picture - Play the recording for Ss to check their answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat chorally and individua - Demonstrate the game to the class first Ask a more able S to help you Then Ss play in groups - Have Ss work in pairs to this activity UNIT 12: ROBOTS - Pair-work Lesson 2: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can Pronounce correctly the sounds /Oi/ and /aP/ in isolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Have Ss quickly match the verb in column A with column B then play the recording for Ss check their answers Ask them to listen and repeat - Correct their pronunciation - Ask Ss to write another word/ phrase for each verb - First, model this activity with a more able student Remind Ss that they only use the information from the table in to ask and answer about what the famous robot Ongaku could or couldn’t two years ago - Write examples of what he/ she could/ couldn’t when at primary school on the board Ask them to write - Individual work - Model the sound /Oi/ and /aP/first and let Ss see how the sounds are formed Ask Ss to practice the sounds together - Ask them to put the words in the correct column - Individual work Ss’ Activities - Pair-work - Individual work - Ask Ss to listen while T play the - T whole class recording Play the recording again and ask Ss to circle the words they hear Ask ss to check their answers - Pair-work - Ask Ss to study Grammar Box Draw Ss’ attention to the form and use of could by analyzing the examples to illustrate - T whole class - Have Ss the grammar exercise exercise individually Tell Ss refer to the form and use of could in the Grammar Box if they have any difficulty - Individual work - Ask Ss to listen while T play the recording Play the recording again and ask Ss to chant along - Pair -work UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 3: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use will be able to for future ability and could for past ability II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask Ss to study the Grammar Box Draw Ss’ attention to the form and use of will be able to by analyzing the examples in the Grammar Box - Remind Ss that will be able to is used to talk about ability in the future Then ask Ss to give some more examples answer questions about the activities in Have Ss work in pairs - Ask Ss to read and complete the sentences individually Have them look back the Grammar Boxes if necessary q c - Individual work c K - Ask Ss to read the instructions Explain to make Ss clear about what they should - Have Ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class - Pair-work - First model this activity with a more able student Ask Ss to look at the information from the table below and tell your partner what Kitty could in the past, can now and will be able to in the future - Pair-work c K Ss’ Activities - T-Whole class - Ask Ss to read the instructions Use the example to make Ss clear about what they should Ask Ss to the grammar exercise individually - Have Ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class - Individual work - Ask Ss to read the instructions Use the example to make Ss clear about what they should - Ask Ss to work individually and share their sentences with their partners Call some Ss to say their sentences in front of the class - First model this activity with a more able student Remind Ss to ask and - Individual work - Pair-work - Pair-work * b d d E I N * - UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 4: Communication I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can talk about what robots can II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Before Ss open their books, ask them some questions - T whole class - Have Ss read the interview and ask them to look carefully at the pictures of three robots and guess the missing word for each gap in the interview - Play the recording and allow Ss to fill in the gaps as they listen - Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs - T whole class - Pair-work - Ask Ss to move around and ask different classmates what skills they want their robots to have Remind them to write the names of the people they interview and note the answers in table - When Ss have finished the interview, have Ss practice reporting the results of their interviews in pairs - T whole class - Pair-work - Choose some Ss to report the results of the interviews in front of the class After each student has finished his/ her report, invite some comments from other Ss Then make comments and correct any common errors - T whole class where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions - Confirm Ss’ answers ans give feedback UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 5: Skill I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can talk and read for specific information about types of robots and their abilities or skills II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Brainstorm ideas for additional everyday activities that a robot can help with Ask Ss to write what they think each type of robot will able to in the future - Ask SS to work in groups and take turns talking about types of robots and what they will be able to in the Ss’ Activities future - Ask Ss to look at the picture of robot show And ask them some questions - Group-work - Ask SS to scan the passage and underline the words in the box Help Ss work out the meanings of - Individual work - Individual work - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions Ask them to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions - Ask Ss to compare their answers with a classmate before discussing them as a class - Pair-work - Pair-work - Ask Ss to scan the passage again and find the detailed information to complete the table Ask Ss to note space robots apart from types space stations planet - Individual work - Group-work - Ask Ss to write their paragraph individually based on the sugge UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 6: Skill I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about different options of what robots will be able to in the future II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: - Ask Ss to tick which statements about robots they agree or disagree with and then allow them to share with their partners T - Ask Ss to read the instructions carefully and remind them to remember the names of people in the conversation they are goi - Play the recording and ask Ss to write down the names - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers - Ask Ss to study statements carefully Play the recording again and have Ss choose the correct answers as they listen - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers - Ask Ss to work independently and complete the paragraph with the phrases or sentences from the box - Confirm the Ss’ answers 157 Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh UNIT 12: ROBOTS Lesson 7: Looking Back I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can review some vocabulary and grammar they’ve learn in unit 12 II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “Robots” Structures: Could for past ability Will be able to for future ability III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Ask SS to write the words in their notebooks individually - Correct the exercise as a class Let Ss repeat the phrases - Individual work - Ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the verbs form the box - Individual work -Ask Ss to the exercise individually Then SS check their answers with their partner - Get feedbacks and correct if necessary - Individual work - Ask Ss to the exercise individually Then SS check their answers with their partner - Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board Give feedback - Individual work Content * Presentation: & Vocabulary Write the correct words to combine the phrases Key: cut lift tea Fill in the gaps with the verbs form the box Key: guard make * Practice: & Grammar Read and complete the interview about home robots with will be able to or won’t be able to Key: Will be able to Won’t be able to Will be able to Will (home robots) be able to Won’t be able to Make questions with these words What are the positive and negative answers to these questions Key: Will robots be able to make coffee in the future? – Yes, they will/ No, they won’t Could he ride a bike when he was in Year 6? – Yes, he could/ No, he couldn’t Can you the dishes? – Yes, I can/ No, I No te 158 Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh can’t - Ask Ss to write what they could when you were 10, what they can now, and what they will be able to after they finish Year - Ask them to ask and answer questions with a partner - Have Ss read the questions and answers once or twice Then ask them to match the questions with the correct answers - Pair-work Write what you could when you were 10, what you can now, and what you will be able to after you finish Year Example: A: Could you swim when you were ten? B: Yes, I could - Individual work * Production: & Communication Match the questions with the correct answers Key: c d Finished! Now you can……… *Homework: - Do “project” on page 57 - Prepare next lesson : (Review 4) ... ANH CĨ SKKN CỦA TẤT CẢ CÁC MƠN CẤP 1-2 35 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN VÀO MÔN ANH 2019-2020=50k 25 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN VÀO MÔN ANH HÀ NỘI=50k; 10 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO (2020-2021)=20k 20 đề đáp án KS đầu năm Anh 6, 7,8,9=30k/1... GIỮA HỌC KỲ I (II) ANH 6, 7,8,9=30k/1 khối/1 kỳ; 100k/4 khối/1 kỳ 100 đề đáp án HSG môn Anh 6, 7,8,9 =60 k/1 khối 30 ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN ANH VÀO 10 CÁC TỈNH 2019-2020=40k ĐỀ ĐÁP ÁN CHUYÊN ANH VÀO 10 CÁC TỈNH... lesson 39 Giáo án Tiếng Anh Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: (A closer look 2) 40 Giáo án04 Tiếng Anh Week: 01 / Period: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Week: 06 Period: 17 Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2021, 22:18
