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Giáo án anh 6 thí điểm

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Nguyễn Thị Hải Bình – DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL - ENGLISH 6 Date:August 15th 2015 Week 1 (From August 17th to August 23th) Period 1. Introduction Tieng Anh 6 is the first of a four – level English language textbook for Vietnamese students of Lower Secondary School learning English as a foreign language (EFL). It focus on the use of languge ( Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar) to develop the four language skills( listening, speaking, reading and writing) 1.The Student’s book contains * The bookmap: Introduction to the basics of each unit * 12 topic – based Units, each covering 8 sections to be taught in seven 45 minute lesson * 4 reviews each providing revision and further practice of the previous three units, to be dealt within two periods * Glossary : Giving meaning and phonetic transcrition of the new words in the units Each unit has eight sections Section 1. Getting started It begins with a conversation followed by the activities which introduce the topic of the unit, it then presents the vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practised through the skills and activities of the unit. Section 2. A closer look 1 Presents and practises the vocabulary and pronuciation of the unit. The active vocabulary of the unit is given in interesting and illustrated way so theat it is easy for students to memorise Two or three sounds, which appear frequently in the unit, are given and practiced in isolation (cách li/ tách ra/ cô lập)and in context. There are different sxercises focusingon intnsive practice of vocabulary and pronuciation. A grammar item may also be included in this section. Section 3. A closer look 2 This section deals with the main grammar (points) of the unit. The new language point presented in a short text or talk/interview. There are clearly explicit grammar tables and exercises which are well illustrated to help Ss remember and use the grammar items effectively. Section 4. Cultrure and communication Help Ss use the funcitional language in everyday life contexts and consolidate(làm choi chắc/ củng cố/ trở nên chắc chắn) what they have learnt in the previous sections. Gives Ss opportunity to learn and apply the cultural aspects of the language learnt to NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 their lives, provides cultural information about Viet Nam and other countries in the world. Section 5. Skill 1 * Reading To develop Students’ reading abilities. The reading text is often based on the vocabulary and structures the Ss have previously acquired to make the activity acheivable. * Speak To provide further practice which supports Ss in their production of speaking English freely. Section 6. Skill 2 *Listening Follow the oral practice in speaking to provide Ss an opportunity to listen to the language that they have practiced orally and train them tolisten for general and specific information * Writing Focuses on developing Ss’ writing skills. There is a writing tip or a guideline which is useful to help them to wwrite effectively. Section 7. Looking back and Project Looking back recycles the language from the previous sections and links with the topics. Various activities ans exercises are designed to help Ss consolidate and apply what they have learnt in the unit. The project helps Ss to improve their ability to work by themselves, extend their imagination in a field related to the unit subjects. 2.The workbook Mirrors( phản chiếu/ phản ánh trung thực) and reinforces( tăng cường, củng cố, tăng thêm sức mạnh) the content of the Students’ book. It offers: - Futher practice for the language and skill taught in class. - Four additional tests for Student’s self – assessment. 2 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Period 2. Unit 1. My new school Section 1. Getting started A special day I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 1 “ My new school” - Present the vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practiced through the skill and activities of the unit 1 - Words: School things and activities: calculator, uniform, school bag,…., excited,… - Structures: Look + Adjectives Present simple and present continuous tense II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up Introduce T let Ss introduce themselves S1. My name is… I’m a student. I’m 12 years old. I live …. 2. Presentation - Write the tittle on the board - Explaining the meaning of “ Listen special” - Ask Ss to guess what the piture Guess might show or what the conversation might be about - Let Ss open their books and Open the books check their answers. and check - Ask Ss questions about pictures: ? What is Phong doing? He is eating/ having * Words breakfast. Excited(about) : háo hức, phấn ? Who are Vy and Duy? They are khởi Phong’s Smart: bảnh bao, lịch sự friends Calculator: máy tính - Ask Ss why it is a special day? Uniform: đồng phục * Structures: - Play the recording - Look + Adj( smart/ heavy/...) - Present new words and Listen * Present simple 3 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 structures (using pictures/ visuals) Read the words - I have a new friend. * Rub out and remember Remember - I live here now. * Present continuous - Phong’s having breakfast. - You are wearing new uniform. - Someone’s knocking at the door. 3. Practice Key ExA. * Exercise a Read T/F and 1. T - Let Ss read Exa and guess T/F guess 2. T - Let Ss work independently Read “ Listen 3. F - Allows Ss to share answers and read” again 4. T before discussing in group or as a and work 5. F class * Exercise b Share answer - Tell Ss to refer back to the Find the Key ExB conversation to find the expressions 1. Oh dear = used to express expressions surprise( negative) - Practice saying them Practice 2. You’ll see = You will find together( play the recording again out if necessary) 3. Come in = used to invite Sb - Explaining the meaning( or give Listen to the in synomyms) to the Ss then give teacher 4. Sure = used to say Yes/ some Egs. Right * Exercise c Read Eg - Ask Ss to role-play the short S1. Oh dear. I conversations in pairs before forget my creating short role play pen/book/ - Let Ss read the Example pencil/… - More able Ss can try to extend S2. That’s Ok. the conversation You can ? Who are in the dialogue? Closed pairs => Open pairs borrow mine. - Nam/ His friend. * Listen and read the poem S1. Thank you. ? Has he got nice shoes? - Play the recording Listen - Yes - Let the whole class read the ? Is he going back to school? poem with the right intonation Read the poem -Ex. Long is going to school and rhythm today. - Ask questions to check Ss Answer the His friends are going back to understanding of the poem. questions school, too. - Let Ss work in pairs and write a Pairwork and His new school year starts poem about their partner write today. - Let Ss read the poem aloud Read He’s got a nice school bag. * Ask Ss to match the words with He’s got a new bike. 4 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the school things - Play the recording - Let them practice saying the name of school things - Help explain the meaning (use visual aids in the classroom) - Ask Ss to write the correct words in the spaces - Allow Ss to check their answers in pairs or groups) 4. Production * Tell Ss to look around the class. Ask what they see around them and what they have - Let them practice the words - Make up sentences with the words if there is time * Learning tips - Recommend that the students have a vocabulary book in which to write new words they learn everyday. - Tell them to draw picture next to the word - T illustrated /ɪləstreɪt/( minh họa, làm rõ ý) on the board. His friends are on their way. Listen * Key Ex3 Repeat the 1.b name of school 2.e things 3.j 4.d Write 5.c Check - Tell the names of school things in class - Make up sentences Notice Eg: table, fan, ruler, Eraser, clock, poster,… Sentences: - There is a board in the class. - There are 12 desks. - There are books. ………………………. Eg. Caculator ( picture in Ss’ book) If it is possible to draw pictures, Ss can give synomyms or explaination/ or write the Vietnamese equivalent/ɪkw'ɪvələnt/ (tương đương). 5. Homework - Translate “ Listen and read” into Copy down Vietnamese- Listen the recording “ A special day” at home Period 3. Unit 1. My new school Section 2 . a closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practice the vocabulary and pronuciation of the topic “ New school”Unit 1. 5 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Help Ss to understand, memorise and use words in Unit 1 relate to the topic “ School” school things and activities: calculator, uniform, school bag,…., use combination: to study;…. - Pronounce correctly the sounds: /əʊ/;/ʌ/ in isolation /‚aɪsə'leɪʃn/ ( sự cô lập, sự cách li) and in context. II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up English Slap the board “ Subjects” Play game Physics English- Vietnamsese History Science 2. Presentation * Words - Play the recording and let Ss Listen Judo /dʒ'uːdoʊ/: môn võ Ju listen đô- Nhật Bản - Play it again and pause them to Listen and repeat each word – correct their repeat pronuciation Read aloud - Call some Ss to read vocabulary 3. Practice * Key 2 * Let Ss work in pairs putting the Close pairs - play football/ music/… words in 1 into groups. Opened - do homework/ judo/ - Check their answers (answer before exercises/… - Explain to them which words go class) - have school lunch/ lessons with which verbs - Study physics/ English/ * Tell Ss to do Ex3 individually Do exercise History/ vocabulary/ science - Call some Ss to write on the Write on the * Key3 board board 1. Homework - Check their answer Check 2. football 3. lessons 4. Judo 5. Science 4. Production Eg. I have English lesson on - Ask Ss to write sentences about Ss can write as Tuesday and Thursday. themselves in their notebooks, many as - I play music in the evening. using the conversations above possiple 5. Presentation 2 /əʊ/: Judo; going; homework; - Let Ss practise the open;… sounds:/əʊ/;/ʌ/ together. Obsever /ʌ/ : brother; Monday; - Ask Ss obsever /əb'zɜrv mother; month;… /-zɜːv/(quan sát/ nhận xét/ theo 6 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 dõi) the T’s lip positions for these two sounds - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat - Play the recording as many times as necessary. 6. Practice 2. - Play the recording twice. Allow Ss to work individually - Let Ss check their answers in group. - May call some Ss to write their answers on the board - Correct their mistakes. 7. Production2 - Play the recording - Let Ss repeat sentence by sentence - Help them recognize the two sounds, then underline them in the sentences. 8. Homework - Give Ss some exercises in the workbook A. Phonetics: 1,2(page3) B. Vocabulary- 1,2,3,5,6 (page 4,5) Listen and repeat Key: - Listen /əʊ/: rode; don’t; hope; homework; post - Work /ʌ/: some; Moday; individually month; come; one -Write * Tape script - Watch - some rode don’t hope Monday homework math come post one - Listen and 1. They are going to open a repeat new library. 2. I’m coming home from - recognize and school. underline 3. His brother eats lunch in the school canteen. 4. The new school year starts next month. 5. My brother is doing his homework. 6. He goes to Judo club every Sunday. Guideline Write down A. 1- Gạch chân từ có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại 2- Cho nghĩa của từ theo tranh, học phát âm. B. 3. Viết từ theo giải thích 5. Fill blank with word Week 2 (From August 24th to August 29th) Period 4. Unit 1. My new school Section 3 . a closer look 2 I. Objectives *By the end of this period, Students can 7 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - use the present simple and the present continuous - use the structures to do some exercises (+) S + V(s/es) (+) S + is/am/are +V- ing ( - ) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V ( - ) S + is/am/are + not + V- ing (?) Do/Does + S + V…? (?) Is/ Am/ Are + S + V-ing…? II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up Eg. I do my homework in the - Ask Ss make sentences with “ Make evening. homework” or “football” sentences Eg. My brother lives in Thai - Arrange these words in to Binh City. sentence: lives/ Thai Binh/ in/ brother/ my. 2. Presentation1 * Present the uses, model, sentences of the present simple tense 3. Practice 1 Ex1. - Let Ss do the task individually Listen and write down in the notebook Do 8 * The present simple tense: (+) I/you/we/they/Ns + V He /She/ It/ N + Vs/es (-)I/you/we/they/Ns + don’t +V He /She/ It/ N +doesn’t+V (?)Do +I/you/we/they/Ns + V..? Does He /She/ It/ N + V….? * Note: V-y => V-ies V-s/ss/o/sh/ch/x=> V-es * The present continuous (+) I am + v-ing You/we/they/Ns+ are +V-ing He /She/ It/ N +is+V-ing (-) I am + not + V-ing You/we/they/Ns+aren’t+V-ing He /She/ It/ N +is+ not+V-ing (?) Am +I + V-ing…..? Are+you/we/they/Ns+V-ing..? Is+ He /She/ It/ N + V-ing…? * Note - write => writing - travel => travelling * Key Ex1 1. has 2.Do you have…? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - T corrects their answer(may call some Ss to say their answers seperately) - T gives explaination if necessary Ex2. - Let Ss work in pairs to roleplay the interview T observe and help Ss when and where necessary( corrects Ss’ pronuciation and verb form) Ex3. - Allow Ss to write the sentences in their notebooks, refering to the interview - Call 1 or 2 Ss to write on the board, check their answers sentence by sentence Ex4. - Let Ss work in pairs - Take turn to ask questions and give answer. T goes round and corrects Ss’ mistakes or give help when and where necessary 4. Presetation 2 * Present continuous tense - Ask Ss refer to the conversation in “Getting started”. T can ask Ss to focus on the verbs used in present continuouss - Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen and follow the converstion at the page - Ask Ss to underline the present continuous form: is knocking; is having; are wearing - Use the grammar box to help Ss explain how the PC is formed and used. individually Listen and answer Pairwork - Role-play S1. Miss Nguyet S2.Duy S2S1 Write Write and check - Pairs S1. Asks S2. Answers S1. Do you ride your bike to school? S2. Yes, I do. - Does S1 ride his/her bike to school? - Yes, he/she does. - Refer “Getting started” Listen again - Underline the present continuous form: is knocking; is having; are wearing 9 3. love 4. Does Vy walk…? 5. ride 6. teaches 7.doesn’t play 8. reads 9.go 10. do * Key 3 1. Duy lives near here. 2. Duy likes/loves his school. 3. Vy and Duy ride to school. 4. Mr Quang teaches Duy English. 5. At breaktime, Phong reads in the library. Key 4. 1.Do you ride your bike to school? 2.Do you read in the library at break time? 3.Do you like your new school? 4. Do your friends go to school with you? 5. Do you do your homework after school? * Phong: Oh, someone is knocking at the door. Phong’s Mum: Hi Vy, you are early. Phong is having breakfast. * The present continuous (+) I am + v-ing You/we/they/Ns+ are +V-ing He /She/ It/ N +is+V-ing (-) I am + not + V-ing You/we/they/Ns+aren’t+V-ing He /She/ It/ N +is+ not+V-ing (?) Am +I + V-ing…..? Are+you/we/they/Ns+V-ing..? Is+ He /She/ It/ N + V-ing…? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Adverbs of time: - Now; at present; at the moment: đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu - Look!; Listen!; Be careful!; Hurry up!; … đứng đầu câu 5.Practice 2 *Ex6 - Have Ss study the example first. Then ask them to give the correct verb forms( ask them to repeat the V-formin each sentence, and read the whole sentence correctly.) - T may ask Ss to say why to use the tense in each sentence *Ex7. - Ask Ss to say the different between the two tenses, the T explains to them - Asks Ss to do the task by themselves or in pairs - T corrects mistakes( ask why they use the PS or PC, focusing on the context /k'ɒntekst/( ngữ cảnh/ văn cảnh/ mạch văn) of the sentences such as use of adverbs of time: now, at present, on Monday and Saturday or the command “ Look” - Discuss any common errors and provide further practice if necessary. *Ex 8 - Have Ss do the task by themselves, then discuss answers with a partner before discussing with the class. a. Underline things that often happen or are fixed. Then underline things that are happening now. b. Help Ss compare Vy’s first week with their individdually. - T calls them to read out their * Key Ex6. Study the 1. am not playing example 2. are studying Do sentence by 3. aren’t doing sentence 4. am having 5. are riding Answer Do exercise 7 Answer - Something often happens or is fixed: PS - Something is happening now: PC * Key Ex 7 1. are having 2. wears 3. starts 4. is watching 5. are skipping * Key a. are - is - am doing – have – have – are – study- have – don’t wear – have – read – do – is – Do… study…? Do you play…? – starts – is Underline Ss can write in their notebook 10 Example. Both Vy and I are having an interesting first week. I wear uniform everyday but Vy wears her uniform only on Monday and Saturday. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 sentences corrects their mistakes 6.Production - Ask Ss to give the rule and use Remember of the PS and PC - Let them study the grammar box - T can add something and give more examples if necessary 7.Homework – Give Ss exercise 4 in Notebook Write down page5 Page 9 - Put the verbs in the corrct form Period 5. Unit 1. My new school Section 4 . communication I. Objectives *By the end of this period, - Help Ss use the funcitional language in everyday life contexts and consolidate /kən'sɒlɪdeɪt/ what they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic: “ New school” - Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up * Other questions: * Chatting Answer: - Do you do homework in the ? Are you a student in class 6C? - Yes, I am. everning? ? Do you like your class?/ your - Yes, I do. - Do you play football after school? Why? Because My school? ? Do you like English? school is very - Do you wear uniform ? What is your favorite subject? beautiful. eceryday? ? Do you have new friends? …… - Are you learning English? ? What is his/her name? - Are you playing game? ………… 2. Presentation * New words: * Introduce new words Read in chorus/ - pocket money: - Let Ss read new words/ guess individually - share: the meaning - help: * T can ask Ss how they often - Nice to meet - remember: make friends, what they often say you./ Hello./ - classmate: when they first meet a new friend, What is your what questions they often ask. name? Where are you 11 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 from? …… 3.Practice * Game Making Friends - Let Ss read and tick the questions they think are suitable to ask a new friend at school. - Let them discuss in group - T may ask why or why not they ticked this or that question - Allows Ss some time to write questions on a piece of paper, share them with the class or group. * Friends quiz - First, ask Ss to give qualities of a good friend in class.( Adjectives of character) - Devide the class into group of 4 or 5. Ss take turn to inteview the other members, using the questions. - Encourage Ss to give nice sentences about friendship. 4. Production * Choose some Ss to present to the class about their good friends and why they are good friends( avoid taking about someone who is considered not a good friend.) * Bingo. - Let Ss write one questions they think are suitable to ask a new friend at school. If that questions is the same as Teacher’s, Ss get mark ten. 1. Are you from around here? Individually Ss 2. Do you like pop music? read and tick 3. How much pocket money do the questions you get? 4. What is your favorite subject at school? Discuss 5. Are you hungry? Answer 6. Do you play football? 7. How do you get to school Write and everyday? share the same 8. Where do you going question or shopping? different * Eg. Questions Friendly, helpful, cheerful, Ss can give as generous, outgoing, humorous, many words as sociable, hospital,… possible. *Questions. ? Do you help your classmates Interview: at breaktime? S1.( Ask other ?Do you travel to school with Ss) Do you your classmates? help your tteacher in your Eg. “ Friends are forever.” class? S2. Yes, S3. Yes, S4. No, Ss give if they know. Ex. Fresent good Lan is my good friend. She friends usually helps me with my homework. She travels to school with me. She is generous. Play games 12 T. write on a piece of paper Ex. What is your favorite subject at school? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 5. Homework - Write some questions you think -Write down are suitable to make friends and listen T’s - Are you a good friend? If yes, guideline tell the class why? Guideline - What’s your name? - How old are you? - Where are you from? - Where do you love? …………………. - Yes. Because I’m generous, sociable,… - I always hepl my classmate with homework. Period 6. Unit 1. My new school Section 5 . skill 1 I. Objectives *By the end of this period, - Develop Ss’ reading abilities - Read for specific information about school, and read e-mail and web pages. - Talk about school activities, subjects and what Ss do at school. II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up * Chatting Answer: * Other questions: ? Which school do you go to? - I go to Diem - What is your school’s name? ? Is your school big or small? Dien - Do you like your school? ?Where is your schoo? In town or Secondary - How many teachers/ Students 13 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 coutry? ? How many classes are there in your school have? 2. Pre- reading * Introduction - Ask the class to look at the three pictures first. Encourage Ss to give their ideas. - Guess T/F * New words. - Presents some words - Let Ss read in chorus and individually 3. While- reading * Tell Ss to read three passages quickly and check their ideas. Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read the passages again, then find words in the in passages. Help them to give the meaning of the word, or explaintions or examples or Vietnamsese equipment. Tell them to pay attention to the contex of the words. 4. Post – reading * Set a longer time limit for Ss to reread the text and find words to finish the sentences. Ask Ss to know where they found the information that help them complete the sentences. - Allow Ss to read in chorus once. Then call some individuals to read aloud to the class. Check their pronuciation and intonation(ngữ điệu/ âm chuẩn). 5.Pre – speaking - Ask Ss to refer back to the three School. - …… do your school have? - Does your school have playground? ………… * New words: Look at - boarding school: ( trường học pictures nội trú) - Give ideas( as - overseas: ( nước ngoài) many - be surrounded: được bao sentences as quanh possible) - international(a): thuộc quốc tế Read in chorus/ - equipment:đồ trang bị, trang individually thiết bị, dụng cụ - Join: - creative(adj) sáng tạo Read and check(T/F) Read again find words Read the text - Finish the sentences( Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class.) - Read in chorus Refer back 14 1. It’s a boarding school. That means many students study and live there. 2. The school is surrounded by mountains and fields. 3. International school … for Ss from year 1 to year 12, students learn English with foreign teachers.( inter + national) 4. Some creative Students do drawings and paintings in the art club. *Key 1. boarding 2. Vinabrita 3. Australia 4. Mountains 5. English speaking teachers( Can play game: lucky numbers) 1.PLC Sydney: an international NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 schools. Give some background of the school 6.While - speaking Allow Ss time to answer the questions “ Which school (among the three above) would you like to go to? Why? -Let Ss complete the table in their notebooks. - Then devide the class into groups of 4 or 5, let Ss discuss their answers to the questions and give reason - When they finish, ask some Ss to talk to the class. 7.Post-speaking - Let Ss work in pairs, discuss about their own school. - Make model with a good student. 8. Homework - Give Ss exercise C(page6) D(page7) in the notebook school for girls from Kindergarten to year 12 in Sydney, Australia. 2. Na Lac Lower School : a small school in a mountainous region in Son Dong District, Bac Giang province. 3. Vinabrita school: an international school for Ss from year 1 to year 12 in Ha Noi. Eg. I would like to go to An Lac Lower School - Because it is surrounded by mountains and green fields. Ex. S1. I’d like PLC Sydney because it has students from all over Australia and overseas. S2. I don’t like it because it’s a school for only girls. S3. I like Vinabrita School because students learn English with English speaking teachers. S1. Do you like T. Do you like your school? your school. S. Yes S2. Yes T. Why? S1. Why S. Because it is big and S2. Because it beautiful. is in Diem Dien Town. Write down Guideline. and listen to C1. Complete the dialogue the T’s guige C2. Ask and answer D1. Put word in each gap D2. Read the conversation and answer questions *Other Exercise 1. PLC Sydney is a school for only girls. 2. PLC Sydney has students from all over Australia and overseas/ all over the world. 3. An Lac is a big school. 4. There is no computer room and a library. 5. Vinabrita school has big buildings ande modern equipment. 15 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 6. At Vinabrita school, students learn English with English speaking teachers. Week 3 Period 7. Unit 1. My new school Section 6 . skill 2 I. Objectives - Listen to get information about school activities - Develop students’ writing skills: write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation/‚pʌŋ(k)tʃʊ'eɪʃn/( phép chấm câu/ sự chấm câu/ cách sử dụng chấm câu/ hệ thống chấm câu)) II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up S1. Asks * Chatting S2.Answer: * Questions: T Ss - Who teaches you Math? S1S2 - Who is your favorite teacher? Topic: School webpage( - When do you usuaaly do your - T makes model homework? - Do you wear school uniform everyday? - Do you creat a webpage for your school? - What do you write on the webpage? ………… 16 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2. Pre-listening - Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC Sydney- Introduce Susie Brewer- a student at PLC Sydney * Present new words. - outing(n): cuộc đi chơi/ cuộc du ngoạn - have an outing(v): đi chơi/ đi du ngoạn 3. While – listening -Play the recording, ask Ss only listen for the first time - Then play the recording again and allow Ss to choose the correct answers as they listen. 4. Post- listening Let Ss ask and answer about Susie Brewer Eg. What is her name? Does she like being a girls’ school?Who is her favorite teacher? Do they wear school uniform everyday? ……… 5. Pre-writing * Writing tips - Tell the class the importance of punctuation marks. - Refer back - Listen to the T Read and rememberwrite down Listen the first time Listen again and share answers before listening to the recording a final time to check. * New words. - outing(n): cuộc đi chơi/ cuộc du ngoạn - have an outing(v):đi chơi/ đi du ngoạn * Note. Guess A or B * Key. 1-A 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-A * Tapescript. Hi, My name’s Susie Brewer. I’m eleven years old.I’m now in grade 6 at PLC Sydney. I like it here, as I like to study in a girls’ school. The teachers at my school are nice and very helpful, and my favorite teacher is Mrs Susan McKeith. She teaches us Maths. I have 3 hours to study Vietnamese in the afternoon. Usually, I do my homework at break time.We wear uniform everyday, but today we aren’t, as we’re going to have an outing to Taroga Zoo. Pairs S1-S2 S1. When does she do her homework? S2. At break time. - Listen 17 Tip(n): đầu nút/đỉnh/ lời khuyên/ mách lới Capital letter /'kæpɪtl / 'letə(r)/: chữ hoa NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Allow some times for the Ss to study the writing tip - Explain to Ss new words and punctuation marks. 6.While-writing * Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the sentencesin their notebooks. Then call 5 Ss to write 5 sentences on the board - Let the class comment and check - T finally gives correction * Ask Ss to correct the webpage and write the correct version/'vɜrʒn /'vɜːʃn/: bản dịch / lời giải thích * Creat a webpage for your school - First Ss braistorm for the language necessary for writing. - Allows Ss to refer back to the reading, for useful language, and note interesting expressions and language on the board. - T can also show a webpage to inspire/ɪn'spaɪə(r)/ :( cảm hứng/ gây cảm hứng) Ss - Tells Ss to write a draft first, trying to answer all the questions - Let Ss write, tell Ss to pay attention to puctuations, structural elements, linking words, etc… 7.Post-reading - Exhibition: let Ss read their writing before class( hang up if use poster) 8.Homework - Study writing tips - Listen to the meaning of some words - Correct - Write on the board - Others comment - Listen - Rewrite Pause/pɔːz/(v)dừng lại Separate/'sepəreɪt/(v): tách, chia tách Full stop: dấu chấm câu Question marks: dấu hỏi Exclamation/‚eksklə'meɪʃn/ mark: dấu chấm cảm * Key. 1. School starts….. 2. Does he live in Ha Noi? 3. I’m excited about…. 4. Are you doing…? 5. We are having English classes on Monday and Thursday. *Brainstorm - Brainstorm - watch - Write draft - Write a paragraph of about 80 words about school, coveringas many as possible of the answers to these questions - Read the writing - Write down 18 * Guideline NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 – Give Ss exercise E(page9) in the workbook and listen T’s guige E1. Make sentence susing the cwords and phrases E2. Write a short paragraph to give class rule. * Guideled writing Hi, My name is Hoa. I’m now in grade 6 at Diem Dien Lower Secondary School. My school is in Diem Dien town. There are about 400 students in my school. Here, we study subjects like Maths, Literature, English, Geography,… There is a library in my school. It’s interesting to read books there. We study all subjects in the morning. Tn the afternoon, we learn Maths, Literature and English. We wear our uniform everyday. At breaktime, we often play badminton, skip or read books. Week 4(From September 7th to 12th ) Period 8. UNIT 1. MY new school Section 7 & 8. LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT I. Objectives - Recycle the language from the previous section and links with the topic “School” - Words related the topic” School” - The Present Simple and Present Continuous - Extend Ss’ information about their dream school, write about it, using the pictures - Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit. Ask them to keep record of their answers to each example so that they can use that information to complete the self- assesment box at the end of the unit II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Slap the board : - Play game English - Vietnamese 2. Review Vocabulary * Ex1. - Tell Ss to write the words in their notebooks. Then T Write the words 19 *Key 1. 1. dictionary 2. uniform 3. pencil sharpener NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 corrects the mistakes - Let them repeat the words - Check their pronuciation * Ex2. - Have Ss write their answers in their notebooks - T check their answers *Ex3. - Play the recording twice - Let Ss write the words in the correct places - T give the correction. 3.Review Grammar - For Ex 4,5,6 - Ask Ss to do them individually first - Let them check their answers with a partner before discuss the answers as a class. Repeat the words Write the answers Listen to the recording - Write words Do ex individually Check their answers 20 4. notebook 5. compass 6. calculator * Key 2. 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d * Key 3. + play: sports/ badminton/ music/… + do: morning exercises/ homework/ … + study: new words/ Geography/ … + Have: English lessons/ a new book/… * Key4. 1. comes 2. don’t 3. walks 4. do 5. teaches 6. play * Key 5. 1. are doing 2. are riding 3.Is… studying…? 4. is having 5. am walking 6. is teaching * Key 6. 1. lives 2. is/ is 3. has 4. is walking 5. go 6. study 7. are working 8. loves * Key 7 b-g d-f e-a h-c NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 4. Communication * Let Ss read the questions and answer once or twice( They can read aloud) Then match them( if there is time, have them write all the sentences in their notebook) *Let Ss work in pairs and role play the questions and answers - Finally ask Ss to complete the self-assessment - Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice 5. Project - Show the sclass some more examples of different types of school if possible - Divide the class into groups - Have Ss discuss their dream school, using the pictures and their imagination then write about it and illustrate their writing - Read Match Work in pairs Communication 1.Ask and answer questions about school. – What’s your school’s name? 2. Talk about things that are fixed or often happen( PS) 3. Talk about things that are happening now.( PC) Complete selfassessment * Guidelines Look at the Imagine your dream school: pictures - What does it look like?Is it big or small? Group work - What can you do there? S. My dream - Is it in town or country? school is big/ - Does it have a swimming modern in town. pool? It looks big/ - Does it have a gym? nice. It has a ………. video room/ game room/ computer room. I can learn Science there. …….. 6. Homework * Complete the writing about - Ask Ss complete the project as Write down dream school. homework Period 9. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 1. Getting stared A look inside I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 2 “ My home” - Use the lexical items related to the topic “ My home” - Words: Family members - Preposition of place II. Teaching aids 21 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) 1. Warm up - Chatting: ? How many people in your family? ? Who are they? ? Is your room big or small? ? How many rooms are there in your school? 2. Presentation - Write the tittle of unit “ My home” on the board Ask Ss what “home” means to them. - Write their answer on the board. - Explaining that “home” can have different meanings. It can be the house or apartment where you live or can refer to a family living together. - Introduce Mi and Nick, they are pen friends - Let Ss open their books and start the lesson * Set the context for the listening text. Focus on the characters. Mi and Nick and the key language structures to be learnt - Ask Ss to guess what the pictures might show and what the conversation might be about. Ask questions about the pictures ? What are Nick and Mi doing? - Play the recording - Notice some new words Students(Ss) Answer Board/ Content Other questions ? Where is your house? ? Who do you live with? ? Is there a TV in your living room? ? Are there books on the bookshelf? Watch Listen to the teacher * Words Home: nhà/ gia đình/ tổ ấm Look at pictures Guess Answer : They are talking about the Skype (Ss can share any recent eexperiences of chatting online) 22 * Skype: a system that allows you to make telephone calls using your computer and the Internet. * Words: Apartment: Noisy: NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Ss listen and read. 3. Practice * Exercise a - First ask Ss to give the answers without reading the conversation again. - Ask them to read conversation and check their answers. - Confirm the correct answers - Let Ss work independently. Allow them to share answers before discussingas a class. Write the correct answers on the board 4. Production * Ask Ss to look at the picture in 5 and answer the question - Let Ss share and give their answers * Note: This activity can be carried out in this way: Ask Ss to do this exercise without looking at the pictures again or arganize this as a game. - Ask Ss to close the books - Let Ss work in pairs - Ask the questions, whichever pairs raises their hands first will answer the question. If their answer is correct, give them 10 point. If it isn’t, other pair have the right to answer. 5. Homework - Translate “ Listen and read” into Vietnamese- Listen the recording “ A special day” at home Give the answers Read and check Work and Share answer - Share answers with their partner * Key.Exa 1. Dad 2. Mum 3. brother 4. aunt 5. cousin * Key. Ex b 1. TV- Sofa 2. town house 3. sitting on the sofa 4. noisy 5.three * Key 1. They are on the desk./ bookshelf. 2. They are on the floor. 3. Yes, it is. 4. No, they aren’t. They are on the bed. 5. It’s behind the bookshelf. 6. No, it isn’t. It is next to the desk. - Close the books - Pair work - Answer Copy down Period 10. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 2. A closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic of Unit 2 “ My home” 23 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Help Ss memorise and use words relate to the topic “ Home”: room, the things in each room, - Pronounce correctly the ending sounds: /z/; /s/; /ɪz/ in isolation and in context. II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1. Warm up * Match -Hall“/hɔːl/ : phòng lớn/ đại - Have Ss quickly match the room - Match the sảnh/ hội trường”= a space or with it’s name room with it’s passage insidethe entrance or - T can explain the meaning of “ name front door of a building/house Hall /hɔːl/ : phòng lớn/ đại sảnh/ - Attic/'ætɪk /: gác/ mái/ tầng hội trường” - Check nhỏ làm trên để che mái - Quickly check the answer. *Key: a. living room b. bedroom c. attic d. bathroom e. litchen f. hall 2. Vocabulary * Key. * Let Ss work in pairs to do the Work in pairs - Living room: lamps, sofa, activity 2 Look at the B picture, table, … - T write the names of the rooms Write on the - Bedroom: bed, lamp, chest of on the board, in different places board drawers, - Call on Ss from different pairs - Kitchen: fridge, cup board, to go to the board and write the cooker, dishwasher, chairs, … names of the furniture under these - Bathroom: sink, bath, toilet,.. rooms. - Hall: picture,… - Ask other Ss to comment( this Comment activity can also be organized as a competition whichever pair finishes first will be the winner and go to the board to write their answers * Play the recording 3 Ss listen to - Ask Ss for more words for each repeat words group Add words * Activity 4 - Guessing game + Model this activity with a student 24 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 + Ask Ss to work in closed pairs + Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. S1-S2 S1. What’s in the room? S2. A sink and a toilet. S2. Is it the bathroom? S1.Yes. 3. Pronunciation: /z/; /s/; /ɪz/ * Have some Ss out the words first - Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words( T can explain these words are plural noun) * Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen. Compare their answers in pairs before T checks their answer with the whole class * Model- Example Read the words T-S first /z/: posters, tables, wardrobes, Listen and beds,… repeat the /s/: lamps, sinks, toilets,… words /ɪz/: fridges, houses,… Put the words * The rules: in column 1. Final: -s is pronounced /z/ Compare after voiced sounds/b/d/g/n/m/l/ and any vowel sounds Check 2. Final: -s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sound /t/p/k/f/θ/ - Have Ss comment on the way to 3.Final /ɪz/ - es is pronounce “s/es” at the end of the Answer pronounced /ɪz/ after sounds: words. /s/z/ʃ/tʃ/dʒ/ - Quickly explain the rules Write down in - Ask Ss to give more examples their notebooks Give more examples /z/: beds, dogs, cookers, * Key: videos,.. /z/: things, pictures, … /s/: cats, /s/: lights, chopsticks,… lamps, months, /ɪz/: dishes, vases,… … /ɪz/ : buses, houses, watches, pages, * Ask Ss to do this exercise toothbrushes,… individually first them compare Do individually their answers with a partner. Check - Check Ss’answers Listen and - Ask them to explain their practice the answers. conversation 25 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Play the recording for Ss to repeat each line of the conversation - Call some pairs practice 4. Homework Give Ss some Exercises in the workbook A. Phonetic 1,2 (page 10) B. Vocabulary1,3 Write down Guideline - Match the words with sounds - Fill a suitable words - Puzzle: words Week 5 Period 11. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 3. A closer look 2 I. Objectives - By the end of the period, Ss can use “ There is/ There are/ There isn’t/ There aren’t” correctly and appropriately II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1. Warm up * Answer - There are ….. * Chatting - There is a/an …. - How many rooms are there in - There isn’t a/an … your house? - There aren’t ….. - How many beds are there in your bedroom? 2. Presentation * Explain to Ss that in this * Ask Ss to look at the two - Look at the structure we use “ is” or “are” pictures of the two rooms in the pictures after “there” depending on the grammar box( if possible, T can Noun right after the Verb “ be”. prepare two pictures of two If the Noun is singular and rooms) uncountable noun, we use “ is” - Ask Ss what the second room Answer: The even if after this noun there are doesn’t have picture 1: two some other plural nouns. pictures, two Eg. There is a dog and two cats pillows, two under the table. armchairs,… If the noun is a plural, we use “ - Write Ss’ answers on the board. - Answer the are” At the same time, ask Ss to use “ use of the Eg. There are two lamps in the There is/ There are” structures to structure room. 26 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 make sentences - Elicit the form ( positive, nagative and questions and short answers) from the Ss. 3. Practice * In activity 3, Ss can write different sentences. Accept these sentences if they make sence Answer - There are two cats and a dog under the table. * Activity 3. Suggested answer Write sentences 1. There is(n’t) a TV next to/ individually on the table. - go to the 2. ….. board to write * Key4. - T feedback with other Ss - Complete and 1.is - Let Ss look at the P in 4 and give T their 2.is complete the description answers 3.are - Confirms the correct answer and 4. are write on the board 5. aren’t * Let Ss do Ex 5 individually Do Ex5 6. isn’t - Let Ss give the answers Check the answers * Key. * Let Ss work in pairs ask and Closed pairs - Is there: 1,2,4 answer the question in Ex 5. - Are there: 3,5 - Go around to observe Ss working. - Call some Ss to report their Opened pairs partner’s answers to the class, S1. Is there….? S2. yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. 4. Production *Answers might be: - Ask Ss about their rooms Pairs - It is on the first/ second. Third - Let Ss work in pairs floor. - T can model the conversation Listen to the - My favorite room is my with a good Student before Ss do model bedroom. this in pair. - Yes,…. - Ask some pairs act out in front Opened pairs of the whole class. 5. Homework Guideline: - Give Ss Ex4( page 11- in the Write down - Look at the picture copmlete workbook) the passage using: is/are/isn’t/ - Ask Ss to write sentences about aren’t the two pictures: 27 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Period 12. Unit 2. My home Section 4 . Communication I. Objectives *By the end of this period, - Help Ss use the funcitional language in everyday life contexts and consolidate /kən'sɒlɪdeɪt/ what they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic: “ My home” - Review the grammar points that may be used in this lesson. Some grammar points are : Wh-questions( Where/ How many…); There is /There are/ There isn’t/ There aren’t and preposition of place II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up * Chatting Answer: ? Where is your house? ? How many rooms are there in …… your house? ? Do you like your livingroom ? Why? Are ther any pictures in your living room? 2. Presentation * New words: * Introduce some extra Read in chorus/ vocabulary individually - Let Ss read new words/ guess - Read and the meaning guess * T can set up the context: Mi tell Listen Nick about her Grandparents’ house 3. Practice - Give Ss a sampleof a description and practise the use of some grammar points and vocabulary used in the following activities - Let Ss look at the picture and do Ex * Before Ss do Activity 2, model the way to do this with a good St *Suggest questions: Look at - Are there trees near Nick’s pictures and do house? individually/ in - Is there a TV in Mi’s pairs livingroom? - What is there in Nick’s house? Listen to the …etc….. model 28 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 T. (Look at Nick’s house) Nick lives in the country house. - Where does Mi live? - How many rooms are there in Mi’s house? S.( look at Mi’s house) - She lives in a town house. - There are six rooms in her house. What about Nick’s - There are five rooms. house? …etc…. …etc… -Ask Ss in each pair not to look at - Ss should each other’s picture and to make note down the similar conversation differnences - After some minutes the pair between the which has the most differences two houses will be the winner - Ask some pairs to act out. Others listen and add more differences if there are any. 4. Production - Give Ss 5 or 7 minutes to draw a Draw house simple plan of their house - Let Ss work in pairs to tell each Pairs other about their house( if time S1. My house allows, T can ask them to note is in DD town. down the differences between There are four their houses) rooms in my - Call Ss to describe their friends’ house. houses to the class. S2. My house is in Thuy Ha commune. My house is a country house. 5.Homework - Give Ss Exercise B1(page 10) Write down - Write a passage describe your house 29 * Guideline - B1.(page10) Fill each blank with a suitable word - Write “ House” use grammar points and words related the topic “ My home” Eg. Town house/ country house/ Villa/ Stilt house/… There is/ There are/ There isn’t/ There aren’t, ….. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Period 13. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 5. SKILL 1 A room at the crazy hotel I. Objectives - Read for specific information about room and houses - Ask about and describe houses, rooms and furniture II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1. Warm up - Describe My bedroom is on the second - Tell the class about your house individually floor.There is a bed, some or your bedroom? before the pillows in the room. There are class. some pictures on the wall. There are many books on the bookshelf. There is a chair under the table. … 2. Pre-reading * Study Skills: * Ask Ss to read the Study skills -Read the Prediction: sự dự đoán box Study skills Design: thiết kế - Explain any words that Ss don’t box Tittle: tựa đề know Topic of the text: chủ đề của - Confirm the answers to question -Look at the bài đọc 1 and 2; answer to question 3 are text and answer * Key open the questions 1. It’s an e-mail. 2. The title is “ A room at the Crazy Hotel, Da Lat”. The topic is Nick’s weekend at the Crazy Hotel. 3. DA Lat is in Lam Dong province. It has many lakes( Ho Xuan Huong , Ho Than Tho,..” It has many trees and flowers, 3. While – reading * Key 3. * Let Ss read the text quickly Read quickly 1. No, he isn’t. again to check their ideas from 1. and check 2. There are ten rooms. * Let Ss read the text in detail to Read detail 3. Because there is a big tiger answer the questions on the wall. - Set a strict time to ensure Ss Ss can 4. It’s under the bed. read quickly for information underline parts - Let Ss compare their answers of the e-mail 30 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Giving their answers to the T, ask them to give evidence 4.Post – reading * Let Ss do ex4 then compare their answers - Check their answers * Ask some more questions - How is Da Lat? - What is the weather like in Da Lat? - Tell the names of some rooms. that help them with their answers Give the answers * Key Do Ex4 A window A lamp Check A tiger Answer A shelf - It’s very nice. A desk - It’s cool all …… year around. - A kangaroo room, an Eagle/'iːgl/ room, An Ant room,… 5. Pre-speaking * Let each St creat a new room Creat and draw for the hotel and draw a plan of the room - Let Ss show thr plan to a partner Show the plan to partner 6.While-speaking – Let Ss describe their rooms in Close pairs pairs - Call some Ss show their Other Ss and T partner’s plan room to the whole listen and vote class and describe it for the best - Ask Ss to keep their plans for plan the next lesson 7. Post-speaking Write (can * Write an e-mail to your friend write more at and tell about your weekend at a home) room in a hotel 8. Homework Give Ss exercise C, D (page Write down 13,14) 31 - There is… - There are…. - I put …..on/in/under/ in front of/…. * Guideline - C: Choose A=> E complete the convesation; use the words and phrase to make a conversation. - D: Fill each blank with a suitable word, choose answer, read e-mail to do ex and answer NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 questions. Week 6 Period 14. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 6. SKILL 2 I. Objectives - Listen to get imformation about rooms and houses - Write an email to a friend , tell about the new room II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1. Warm up - Describe There is a bed, some pillows in Let Ss describe the room in the the room. There are some picture in the workbook( page 13) pictures on the wall. There are Or ask Ss to describe Nick’s room many books in the bookshelf. in the hotel. There is a chair under the table. … 2. Pre- listening - Ask the students to look at the Look at pplan of the room and the furniture on page 23 - Let Ss read some words/ guess Read where to put the furniture 3. While listening - Listen * Tape Script - First, ask Ss to listen- Play the - Listen one Nick’s Mum: Nick’sstaying in recording again and allow Ss to time more the Tiger Room. We are staying draw the furniture in the correct - Draw in the Bear room. There is a big place as they listen. - Share their bear near the door.The bear is answer actually a fireplace. In the far - Play the recording a final time - Listen and corner, there ia a window. The to allow pairs to check their check their shelves are right in front of it. answers. guess Next to the shelf is a big bed. There’s a wardrobe next to the 32 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 bed. Nick’s Dad: Oh there are also two other windows in the room. In front of the windows, there’s a sofa, a table and two stools. We like the room because it’s comfortable. 4. Post- listening - Ask Ss to describe Nick’s parents’s room again( if time allows) 5. Pre – writing - Ask Ss to read the writing tips box. T may explain anything Ss do not understand - Ask them several questions ? How many parts are there in an e-mail to your friend? ? What are they? ? What should you remember when writing each part? - Otherwise copy a sample of an e-mail and show Ss each part. 6. While-writing - Ask Ss to look at Nick’s e-mail on page 22 and identify the parts in the e-mail. - check and confirm the correct answers Aims: Ex3 aims to review the punctuaion and capitalisation rules Ss learnt in unit 1 and practice the e-mail writing tips - Let Ss do ex3 in pairs - Correct Ex3 - Ask Ss to close their books. Tell Ss that in this writing section, they will follow writing process - Write the 3 letters P/D/C on the board and ask them to guess what these letters stand for. - Ask Ss to look at the plan of the - Describe - Ask the writing tips - Explainations - There are five 1. Subject line 2. Begin 3. the introduction 4. the body 5. the conclusion - If there’s not much time, T can use this e-mail as a model to teach the e-mail parts - Do in pairs Close books and guess Open books to check guess - Look at the 33 - T can write this e-mail on a large side piece of paper and ask one Ss to go to the board to do * Guideline From: Hoarose@gmail.com To: Nick@gmail.com Subject: The room Hi Nick, Thanks for your e-mail. Now I’ll tell you about my idea for the new room of the Grazy House Hotel. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 room they created in the previous lesson - Ask them to work in groups to do Ex4. Encourage them to go through all three steps. - Go around to obseve - Give eah group a big sized piece of paper to write their e-mail - Asks one or two groups to stick their finished e-mail on the board 7. Post- writing Ss edit and revise their writing as homework 8. Homework Give Ss Ex E(page15) plan - Work in group/ or individually Other Students and T give comments I like those pictures in the room. They are beautiful. It’s big with a bed…..I love the room. Do you like…? Tell me about your idea in your next email. Best wishes, Hoa - Write down - Write down and listen to T’s guidelines Guidline Ex1. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above Ex2. Write e-mail to a friend/ describing the room you draw Period 15. UNIT 2. MY HOME Section 7. LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT I. Objectives - Recycle the language from the previous section and links with the topic “Home” - Words related the topic” House; Room” - Preposition of place - There is/ There are - Extend Ss’ information about their own strange house/ tell about it - Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit. Ask them to keep record of their answersto each example so that they can use that information to complete the self- assesment box at the end of the unit II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up 1. Types of buildings: Villa; Game: Who is the faster? - Write on the apartment; town house; 3 teams board country house; Stilt house(nhà One team more Ss can join sàn);… -Asks them to write answer on the - Obsever and 2. Rooms: living room; board get mark bedroom; hall; attic; 34 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Check answer 2. Vocabulary - Asks Ss to work in group to add more words to each group that can add the most word to the list will be the winner 3. Grammar - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and do ex 2 individually - Asks Ss to write sentences on the board - Check Ss’ answers * Let Ss do Ex3 individually then compare their answers with a partner * Let some Ss write their answers on the board(Ex4) * Let Ss do Ex5 individually then compare their answers on the board - Check Ss answers Group work Do Ex2 Write Check Write the answers Do individually 35 bathroom; kitchen;… 3. Furniture: pictures; cupboard; chest of drawer; wardrobe; sofa; dishwasher; … Some suggested words 1. cottage/ farm house (nhà tranh, nhà ở nông thôn)/ bungalow( nhà gỗ một tầng) 2.Rooms: dining room;utility room( phòng có nhiều tiện nghi) 3.Furniture: stool; armchair, telephone;… Ex2. 1.The boy is on the table. 2. The dog is in front of the kennel(cũi chó/ nhà ở tồi tàn). 3. The cat is between the bookshelf and the sofa. 4. The cat is behind the computer. 5. The girl is in the armchair. 6. The boy is next to the armchair. Ex3. 1. There is 2. There are 3. There is 4. There aren’t 5. There is 6. There aren’t Ex4. 1.Is there a clock on the wall? 2. Are there books on the bookshelf? 3. Is there a desk next to the bookshelf? 4. Are there two posters on the wall? 5. Is there a laptop and a lamp on the desk? 6. Are there three small plants in the corner? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 4. Communication * Model the way to ask and answer with a student, then divides Ss into groups - Go aroud and obsever Ss working - Collect their mistakes and errors and discuss them with the whole class 5. Finished Asks Ss to complete the self assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice. 6. Project * Let Ss work in groups One S in the group ask other groups member question one and fill information in the following table. - Then Ss summarises their group members’ answers and report to the whole class * Let Ss draw their own crazy house and tell the group about their house - Let the class vote for the best crazy house 7. Homework Complete the project as home work - A student model with T - Ss take turn to draw a cat in the house in the book, Other Ss to find the cat Ex5 Ther is a bed next to the door. There are two picture on the wall. ………………….. Ex: A. Where is the cat? B. Is it on the armchair? A. No, it isn’t. B. Is it under the chair? A. Yes, it is. Complete Table S1. Which house House: A;B;C;D do you want to Name: ………….. live?Why? Reason: ………… S2. Answer Summarise Report Atternatively, each group can draw a crazy house together then tell the class about their house Write down Complete the writing about Ss’ crazy house Period 16. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 1. GETTING STARTED A SURPRISE GUEST I. Objectives 36 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Introduce the topic of the unit 3 “ My friends” - Use the lexical items related to the topic “ My friends” - Identify and practice the language of polite - Adjectives for personality: talkative, clever, boring, shy, kind,… II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Other questions: Chatting - Answer ? Do you often play with your ? Do you have many friends at friends? school? ? What do you often play/ do? ? Who are they? …. ? Are they clever/ friendly/ kind? 2. Presentation 1 * Write the unit tittle on the board Listen “ A surprise guest”: Một “ A surprise guest” and explain người khách bất ngờ the meaning of “ surprise – sự Guess * New words ngạc nhiên; bất ngờ” and ask Ss - magazine: to guess what the picture might Open the books - friendly: show or what the conversation and check * Structures might be about. Let Ss open their - Can you pass me the books and check their answers biscuits, please? Asks Ss questions about the - Would you like to sit down? picture: - This evening, we are -What is Phuc doing? - He’s reading working on our school -What are they eating and magazines. project. drinking? - They are eating - I’m visiting my grandma biscuits and and grandpa. drinking fruit T also ask Ss to share any recent juice. experiences of going on a picnic. - Share - Play the recording.T can play - Listen the recording more than once. Pause the recording at the appropriate places if Ss need help with comprehension questions - Present new words and -Read words and structures structures -Let Ss read diologue in group of four 3. Practice 1. * Key 1a. 37 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Let Ss work independently exa - Allow them to share their answers before discussing as a class. * Tell S to refer back to the conversation to find the phrases. Practice saying them together( Play the recording again as a model if necessary) - Pay attention to intonation when asking questions. - Ask pairs to role play the short conversations before demondtrating(chứng minh/ giải thích) for the class. - Encourage Ss to extend the conversation 4. Production 1. Game: Lucky mumbers -Demonstrate the game to the class first. - Ask a St to help you - Monitor for any errors in stress or in intonation and discuss after Ss have finished the game. 5. Presentation 2 - Let Ss practice saying the adjectives. Help explain the meanings Ex. Use miners yawning(ngáp) and checking your watch for boring -Then ask Ss to write the correct Adjectives in the gaps. Tell Ss they will only need 5 of the 10 Adjs to complete the activity. - Play the recording to allow Ss to check their answers. Discuss any common errors and provide further practice if necessary. 6. Practice 2 - Tell Ss to look back at 3. Ask what word come after the name - Make some more sentences Do exa Share answers Preacticing saying Role play Play the game in pairs S1. Ask S2. Answer - Practice saying Adjs - Listen to the words’ meaning 1. Picnic 2. likes/loves 3. friendly 4. Mai and Chau 5. glasses/ long black hairs 6. working on their school project * Key 1b Making and responding to a request 1. Can you pass me the biscuits, please? 2. Yes, sure. * Making and responding the suggestions. 1.Would you like to sit down? 2. Oh, sorry. We can’t 1. Can you pass the pens/move the chair/ turn on the lights for me/…? 2. Would you like to play outsides/ listen to music/ have a picnic/…? * Key 3. 1, Creative 2. kind 3. confident 4.talkative 5. clever Write the correct * Learning tips: Adjs - When you are reading. Look for clue( pictures; words in context) to guess the meaning - Listen and of new words/ Adjectives check * (+) Be + Adjectives (-) Be not + Adjectives Watch 38 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 about the class and write them on the board. Ex. Point to S1 They are hard-working. - Underline the forms of “be” - Repeat making nagative sentences Ex( point S2) He isn’t boring. - Then ask Ss to complete the sentences.Remind them that “is/am/ are” are all form of “be” 7. Production 2 * Game: Friendship Flowers - Let Ss work in groups of four, eah member writes in the flower two Adjs for personalities which you like about the others Complete Ex4 - Work in group of four Compare and discuss which two words best describe each person 8. Homework - Translate “ Listen and read” into Write down Vietnamese - Listen the recording “ A surprise guest” - Lear Adjectives by heart 39 * Make a display of flower Minh: kind; funny;.. Hanh: creative; confident;.. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 7 Period 17. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 2. A CLOSER LOOK 1 I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 3 “ My friends” - Use the lexical items related to the topic “ My friends” - Identify and practice the language of polite - Adjectives for personality: talkative, clever, boring, shy, kind,… II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Slap the board * Slap the board about some * Slap the Arm, ears, eyes, face, hand, head, apperance vocabulary Ss may board mouth, tooth, finger,… already know 2. Vocabulary * T asks Ss to separate the vocabulary into words that only apply to animals - Allow Ss to work together. Point out the irregular plurals using the “ watch out” box - Play the recording as many times as require to support Ss’ pronunciation. - Finally review and test Ss’ comprehension by asking them to respond to imperative(bắt buộc/ cấp bách) sentences Eg “ Touch your elbow” -Ask Ss what they notice about these irregular plurals - They contain double vowels * Explains that some words go together Separate vocabulary “ apperance” Watch Listen Respond to imperative ( touch elbow/head/ lips…) Ss: tooth; foot Listen to the teacher 40 * Watch out Eyes => eyes Hand => hands Tooth => teeth Foot => feet * Word webs Long/ Big/ Black/ short small blond/ curly/ straigh t Legs, Head, Hair, arm, hands, fur, tail, feet, hair,.. nose, eyes chubby (tròn chĩnh, mập mạp) Face, cheek ( gò má) NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Eg. Long + hair Round + knee - Write the adjectives on the board and allow Ss to attach vocabulary cards to make matches. Ask Ss to complete the word webs in their books. 3. Pronunciation: /b/; /p/ * Have Ss practice the /b/;/p/ sound together. - Tell them they should hear the voice /b/ sound but not the voiceless /p/ sound - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat( play as many times as necessary * Have Ss practise reading the word pairs first - Ask them to do the task while listening to the recording. - Ask Ss to listen while T play the recording. Clab or use an instrument like a tambourine /’tembərɪːn/ (trống prô văng) to help Ss understand the rhythm - Play the recording again and ask Ss to chant long. Provide further practise by dividing the class into two groups. Have groups sing alternate lines 4. Gammar - Have for descriptions * Stick some pictures of people from magazines on the board. Call out a description “ They have short black hair.” And have Ss touch the Complete Practise * Key 4 1. play 2. band Hear /b/; /p/ 3. pony tail(cái đuôi nhỏ) 4. brown 5. picnic 6. pretty Listen and * Tapescript repeat 3 times 1. We often play badminton in the Practise reading afternoon. 2. Are you singing in that band. Do Ex4 3. Her pony tail is so cute.(lanh lợi/ sắc sảo) 4. He has a brown nose. 5. Let’s have an other picnic this weekend. 6. She’s got such a pretty daughter. Chant long Two groups Look at the pictures Listen to the teacher 41 (+) I/you/ we/they + have He/ She/It + has (-) I/you/we/they + don’t have He/She/ It + doesn’t have (?) Do + I/you/we/they + have…? Does + He/ She/It + have…..? Yes/ No,…. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 appropriate picture while repeating the sentence - Next, point to pictures and form sentences Eg. Does she have long black hair? - Point out that “ Do/Does” is added to the start of question. “ Do you have long black hair?” and the end of the answer “ Yes, I do.” * Let Ss make the sentences individually. They can discuss answer before discussing with the class. ̃ ̃ *Use queations to elicit vocabulary about the pictures to help Ss predict the content of the recording. - Play the recording and ask Ss to matchthe picture to the people. Discuss the answer, and ask Ss to recall parts of the recording that help them do the matching. * Ask Ss to fill in the gaps by recalling the rercording and using the information in the grammar input box. - Play the recording to allow Ss to check their answers. 5. Homework - Give Ss some Ex in workbook A1,A2(page 16) B1,2,3,4 (page 16,17) * Key 6. 1. Does the girl have short hair? - No, she doesn’t. 2. Does Harry Poster have big eyes? 3. The dog has a long tail. 4. And you? Do you have a round face? - Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. Look at Listen Do Ex6 - Predict the content Ex7. Phuc - c; Duong - a ; Mai – b Tapescript - Hi, my name is Phuc. My best Listen and friend has a round face and short match hair. He isn’t very tall but he is kind and funny. I like him because he often make me laugh. - Hello, I’m Duong. My best friend is Lucas. He has a brown Listen to T’s nose. He is friendly. I like him instruction because he’s always beside me. - Hi, My name is Mai. My best friend has short curly hair. She is Listen to the kind. She wrire poems for me and recording and she always listens to my stories. do Ex8. * Key 8 1.has 2. is 3.has 4. is 5. has 6. is Write down and Guidelines: listen to T’s A. guideline - Write words begin with/b/;/p/ - Practice orally B. - Fill words about describeing 42 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 parts of the body - Adjectives about character - is/isn’t/ has Period 18. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 3. A CLOSER LOOK 2 I. Objectives - The topic of the unit 3 “ My friends” - By the end of this period Ss can use Present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangement II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up A. act; ask Play the Alphabet game with Ss. - Play game B. . bring/ buy/ begin Call each letter of the alphabet C. Count/ carry/ divide and Ss try to recall a verb beginning with each letter 2. Presentation *Asks Ss to recall what happened Rrecall * The present continuous for in the conversation in getting future: started. T can ask Ssto forcus on Focus S + Be + V-ing the verbs that were used. To talk about future plans - Play the recording and ask Ss to Listen follow listen and follow the conversation on the page Listen again and - Play the recording again and ask circle Verbs Ss to circle all the verbs. - Use the grammar box to help T Listen to T’s explain that some – ing verbs explaination * Key 2 describe actions happening now 1.Action, now. They are and some coming over. - Describe plans for the future. 2. Plans for future Point out contextual(thuộc băn - This evening, we are cảnh) clues such as use of adverbs working on. of time ( this evening/ afternoon/ - I’m going to the Judo club. …) - I’m visiting my grandma - Point out that some verbs lose the final “e” - When V-ing is added? Eg. Coming/ leaving/ writing/ 43 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 riding, … 3. Practice * Let Ss fill the table with sentences from the conversation - Ask Ss to feedback with reason for their choice * Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually.Remind them to pay attention to the “be” verb and to the spelling of verbs ending in “e” such as “take” * Let Ss write N for actions happening now, and F for future plans. 4. Production Game: - Would you like top come to my party? *Ask Ss to prepare for the activity by first writing days Monday to Saturday and writing activities next to each- They should add the three activities listed in 5.Organizing a party, working an a project, going swimming * Ask Ss to mingle(trộn lẫn/lẫn vào trong đám đông) and make arrangements with their classmates. Afterward feedback by asking Ss to tell the class about their plans 5. Homework Give Ss exercise B5,B6(page 17,18- Workbook) *Key 3 Fill the table Ex2 1. is taking feedback 2. isn’t going 3. is visiting 4. is having Complete the * Key 4 sentence 1.N 2.F 3.N 4.F Write N or F 5.F 6.N Prepare writing days Should leave somedays free to arrange new plans Practise the model conversation with the class S. On Thursday, I’m going swimming with Nguyet, Nga, Lan,.. -Write down - Listen to T’s guide Guideline B5. Activity happening now or planned future arrangements B6. Use the present continuous CHỦ ĐỀ 3: MY FRIENDS Week 7: Period 19. UNIT 3. Section 4. COMMUNICATION I. Objectives 44 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Help Ss use the functional language what they have learnt in the previous section about the topic “ My friends” - Review adjectives for personality: talkative, clever, boring, shy, kind,… - Tell about some friends in the magazines II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book - Map or globle III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up Chatting - Discuss ? Discuss the features os magazine pages – headline, boxes text, colourful, lots of pictures,.. * Chatting ? Do you like reading magazines? - Answer Which magazine do you like? Which part of magazine do you like? 2. Presentation * Introduce some extra - Listen and vocabulary write down - Let Ss read new words/guess the meaning from context/ situations/.. * Before Ss open their books, show the pictures of the five friends in the magazine - Discuss the friends with the class: Where they from? What their names might be?What they might like to do?..etc..) ( Use map or globle to show where they are from) 3. Pratice *Key * Ask Ss to find the star signs of Find the star - Adia – Taurus( chòm sao the five friends in “ 4 tên” signs Kim ngưu) - Ask them to look at adjectives Look at the adj - Vinh – Sagittarius of personalities with the stars in the star sign - John – Pisces signs and compare them with and compare - Tom – Capricorn what they read about the five - Noriko – Virgo friends in 1 Eg. 45 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Ss review the star sign descriptions for their own signs. - Let Ss tick adjectives they agree with and cross ones they degree with - Allow them to share their thoughts with a partner. Review *Adia - Patient Tick Adjectives - realiable or cross - hard –working * Tom Shar thoughts - careful - hard – working - serious ………. 4. Production - Arrange Eg. * Play a line up game - Lan is kind, helpful and Ss have to arragne themselves in creative. order of birthdays S2. Pisces star sign - Support them by reviewing S1. What is your What is your birthday? months and dates and giving birthday? S1. It’s on 21stFebruary question and answer they can use. S2. It’s on…. S2. It’s correct. - Let Ss pair and ask them to read - Pairs out their partner’s star sign 5. Homework Describe: Write the name of one of your Write down Appearance, personality, friends, describe him or her activities of your friend Period 20. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 5. SKILL 1 I. Objectives - Read for specific and generalcinformation in texts including pictures and surrounding words - Guess the meaning of the words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words - Tell about English camp schedules II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up Show the class three objects/ - look at objects picture of objects thet you might use at camping Eg. Touch; backpack; hiking shoes - Ask the class to guess when you - Guess and open might use all 3 objects the books and 46 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 check 2. Pre- reading *T discusses with Ss the features of advertisements tittle, short texts, contact details,etc… * Tell Ss this advertisement(1) is about the Superb Sunner Camp - Ask Ss to look at it for two minutes and try to remember as much as they can then ask the class to cover the page and tell T what they remember. - Elicit answer by asking: The camp is for children of what age? What did you see in the pictures? Where will the camp be? What can you do at the camp?When does it happen? 3. While-reading * Go through the contens of the advertisement with the class * Discuss with Ss the features of e-mails format, greetings, endings - Tell Ss the e-mail is written by a boy at the camp. Discuss how he might feel. - T can ask Ss to recall time they have spent away from home. Then ask Ss to quickly read to check their productions and to find the answer to the questions - Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for imformation. Accept any reasonable answers. Ss answer 10-15 aged Advertisement Ba Vi mountain Game, sports, Music, Art 16th-18thof June Go throught the contents - Answer Ss can underline parts of the email that help them with the answers. 4. Post – reading * Read the sentences together - Pre-read and with Ss. Set a longer timefor them answer to re-read the text and answer T/F - Again to ask Ss to know where they find the imformation that help them complete the activity - In pairs Ss can compare answers Compare before discuss them as the class. 47 *Key3 1.F=> He’s writing to his parents. 2.F=> He has 3 3.T 4.F=> He hopes it isn’t too scary(làm sợ hãi/ làm kinh hãi) 5.F=> They’re having NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Encourage Ss to support their answers. 5. Pre-speaking * Ask Ss to make their own English camp schedule then ask them top report their result to the class 6.While-speaking * Go back to the advertisement and elaborate /ɪlæbrət/(phức tạp, tỉ mỉ, kĩ lưỡng)the activity listed with Ss - Brainstorm ideas on to the board Eg. What kind of game do you think there are at the camp? ? How about Art and Music activities? And leadership programers? -Pairs Ss and asks them to use the idea they brainstormed to fill in their own schedules. Ensure pairs don’t see each other’s schedule. - T can ask Ss to sit back to back. Give each S a fix amount of time to speak 7.Homework - Give Ss exercise C1,C2 page 19 and D1,2,3 Page 19,20 Make English camp schedule Go back campfire and telling stories. 6.F=> They are visiting a milkfarm. 7.F=> They speak English only. Eg. Day1. visiting… Day2. playing Day3…… Gamesː - singing - blindman’s bluff - draw pictures - play music - ….. Pair work Ss report to the class about their partners’ schedules Write down and listen to the T guide Guideline C1. Polite requests and suggestions C3. Answer queations D1. Complete sentences D2. Circle the best answer D3. What do you think a good friend should do. Period 21. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 6. SKILL 2 I. Objectives - Listen for specific ideas, choose the words and fill in the table - Wrie an entry for a magazine using notes II. Teaching aids - The recording 48 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher 1.Warm up Ask Ss what they see in the photos first. Then point at the words in the box and ask them to do the matching. - Play the recording for the checking and practicing reading the words 2. Pre-listening - Ask Ss to refer to the contents of the advertisement. Give Ss time to decide which activities are more likely to happen at the camp and which aren’t. Ask them to explain why they think so 3. While-listening - Have Ss brainstorm that Mr Lee plans for camp - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen first time.Then play the recording again and allows Ss to fill in the table as they listen Students - Look at the photos - Do matching - Listen and check Refer the contents and decide Board/Content a. hiking b. taking part in cooking competition c. skiing d. visiting a milkfarm e. taking part in an art workshop f. riding a bike g. taking a publis speaking class h. playinf beach volleyball i. playing traditional games Key. Activities that may happen at the SSCː a,b,d,e,f,g,i - May not happen c,h( because the camp in Ba Vi mountain) Explain( Maybe in Vietnamese) Key3. S can reread the Day twoː Doing a trteasure advertisement hunt; visiting a milkfarm and for the ideas. taking part in the public They can also speaking class. refer to the list in Day threeː Taking part in̈ 1 Kids Cook̈ contest; havin a Ss can share pool party their answers before playing the recording a final time to allow pairs to check their answer 4. Pre-writing * Tell the class that three letters can help them to write better. R. research 49 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Write R,D,C on the board, and allow Ss to guess what each letter stands for - Tells Ss open books and check their guess - Introduce the rubric (đề mục/ đoạn – in chữ nhỏ hoặc chữ lớn) write a magazine entry. Write about your friends. Then write about your plans - Demonstrate the R,D,C process with the class. - Watch and guess - Check - Listen 5. While- writing - Ecourage Ss not to refer back to Write about the unit. They can use what they plans with have learnt during the unit to help friends them answer the questons. 6.Post- writing - Let Ss write on the board - Comment Ss’ writing 7.Homework - Give Ss exercise E1, E2, E3 (page 20,20) Write on the board( or as homework) Write down and listen to T’s guide D. Draft C. check Eg. For R, show some pictures. T would like to use, then brainstorm vocabulary for introducing yourself, describing ffriends/ plans - For D: Ss to extend the brainstormed notes into full sentences - For C: Focus on what improvements can be made Consider puctuation, structural elements such as paragraphs, tittles and lay out …. Eg. On the first day. We are going…. On the day two, we…. Guiding writing Ex1 page 20 workbook Guideline E1. Read Phuc entry and decide T/F E2. Put the parts of the writing E3. Writing your own entry for the competition “ Your best friend” * Tapescriptː Phuc’s parents.…How was the first day? Mr Lee.It was good. Today we had a bike ride to the mountain and visited a Dao people village. Phuc’s parents. Interesting…. How about tomorrow? Are you going somewhere? Mr LeeOh, yes. Tomorrow morning, we are having a treasure hunt. In the afternoon we’re visiting a milkfarm to see how milk and butter are made. After tha, we’re opening the Public speaking class. The kids are talking about their favorite county in the world. Phuc’s parents. That’s fun. And on the third day? 50 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Mr Lee. Oh, that something special. There’s a World Foods Festival at the camp in the morning when the kids complete for prizes. That’s own ̈ Kid Cook̈ contest . They are cooking their own unique dish. And in the afternoon we are having a big party by the pool. Phuc’s parents. Really? Sound greatǃ Period 22. UNIT 3. MY FRIENDS Section 7 & 8 . LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT I. Objectives - Recycles the language from the previous sections and links with the topic “ My friends” - Words: Adjectives for personality - Be/ have for descriptions - Present continuous for future Encourage Ss to make a class yearbook II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Chatting: S1. I’m going to - Please tell about your plansHa Long Bay on 51 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 weekend - Descride your family members’ appearance and personalities. 2. Vocabulary * Let Ss read all words in the box. - Let them to check their answers with a partner before discussing the answers as in the class. * Explains that Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. There are three lines in a Haiku.The forst and the last line has five synllables and the middle line has seven syllables. The line rarely rhyme /raim/( thơ ca, những câu thơ có vần) - Read the Haiku in the textbookand ask Ss to count the syllable in each line. Then courages Ss to creat their own Haiku. - Allow thinking time. Then ask Ss to work in group of 3 to exchange their poems( without Ss’ names) and guess which poem describes which person. 3. Grammar * Who’s who? - Puts Ss into group - Asks Ss to choose a members of group and write a short description of him/her. Demonstrate the activity with the class, with Ss choral(bài thánh ca) reading Group and A’s roles. * Elicit the language being practised in this activity( the present continuous fo future) - Ask Ss to complete the Saturday. S2. We are going swimming on the weekend. S3. My father is tall and thin, but my mother is short and fat. - Read - Check - Discuss - Listen to the T’s explaination Eg. My hair is curly. My face is round and while. This is me. I’m Lan. ….etc…. Read Haiku Creat Group work Do group S1. He is tall. He has glasses. He’s patient and shy. S2: Is it Minh? S1: Yes,….. No, try gain. Remember 52 Use adjectives of appearance/ personality * Key 4. A: What are you doing tomorrow. B. I’m meeting some friends. We are going to Mai’s birthday party. Would you like to come? A. Oh, sorry, I can’t. I’m playing football. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 conversation individually. Ask in 1, Ss can share answers with a partner, but they should record their original answers to guide their self-assessment. 4. Communication * Devide Ss in to pairs of As and Bs. Remind Ss to only look at their own schedule. Allow Ss to complete the communication activity. As pairs to join other pairs forming goup of four. As and Bs can share what they learnt about their partners’ schedule before discussing with the class. *Finished - Ask Ss to use their results in the exercises in look back to guilde them as they complete this self assessment 5. Project * My class yearbook - Show the class some examples of yearbooks( there are many examples online) * Explain what a yearbook is and why Ss like to make them. Then discuss the appearance and the descriptions of your examples - Discuss how Ss can make year book pages look interesting( use photos/ coloured papers/ illustrations) 6. Homework - Complete the project as the homwork Complete Ex4 Share and check Work in pairs Complete S1. What are you doing tomorrow? S2. I’m taking a birthday party with my friends. B. No, problem, how about Sunday? I’m watching a film at the cinema. A. Sound great! * Guide - flying kites - doing homework - learning music - going shopping - playing sports ……… T. Prepare a yearbook - Make a display of the yearbook pages in the classroom or on a notice board or copy and compile all the pages yearbook for Ss to take home Write down Kingsport Yearbook Project Yearbooks Of The Greater Kingsport, Tennessee Area 53 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Link Bar 1 School Photos Miscellaneous Groups, Individuals, Buildings, Events Click on a thumbnail for a larger image. Use your browser's back button to return to the previous page. Click a page for additional photos. Use your browser's back button to return to this page Kingsport School, ca. 1918 Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Hilton High School Scott Co., VA ca. 1950 Private Collection D-B Band on Broad St., ca. 1940 Private Collection Kingsport School D-B Football Stadium, Faculty, ca. 1919 Wateree St., ca. 1940 Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Shoemaker High School Gate City, VA ca. 1950 Lynn Garden 3rd Grade, 1947 Private Collection Private Collection Midway High School Scott Co. VA ca. 1952 Courtesy City of Kingsport Private Collection Private Collection Archives Private Collection D-B, ca. 1926 Cleveland High School, Yuma, Scott Co., VA ca. 1952 Douglass High School, 1953 Lynn Garden Elementary ca. 1954-55 Sullivan High School, ca. 1941 Private Collection Private Collection Lynn View, 1949 Lynn View, ca. 1965 Private Collection Private Collection Private Collection Lincoln Faculty Faculty School, Lynn Garden Elem. Lynn Garden Elem. ca. 1930, 1954-55 1956-57 Bess Linkous Brown (r), Unknown (l) 54 Sullivan High School Jr.-Sr. Banquet, 1953 Bell Ridge Elementary Basketball Team 1952-53 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Private Collection Private Collection Private Collection Contributed by Gary Davis Bell Ridge Elementary Playhouse Group 1952-53 Courtesy of Kathryn Anderson Shoemaker Lynn Garden Elem. Basketball Team Contributed by Sherry Catron Salyers 5th Grade 4th Grade Lynn Garden Elem. Lynn Garden Elem. 1949-50 1948-49 Courtesty of Mary Biggs Moore Courtesy of Mary Biggs Moore Sullivan High School, 1959 Sullivan High School Graduating Class 1958 Contributed by Don Lane Courtesy of Kathryn Anderson Shoemaker Sullivan Band in Parade, Main St., before 1948 Ketron High School Campus 1972 Private Collection Private Collection Dobyns-Bennett High School, 1947 Dobyns-Bennett High School, 1950 Private Collection Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Kingsport Central Auditorium - 1920 Kingsport Central Boys Gym - 1920 Kingsport Central Grils Gym - 1920 Contributed by Don Lane Sullivan High School 1961 Sullivan High School & Band 1965 Contributed by Hugh Williams Contributed by Don Lane Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Kingsport Central Boys Gym - 1925 Kingsport Central Playground - 1925 Kingsport Central Cafeteria - 1925 Kingsport Central Kitchen - 1925 Kingsport Central 1925 Courtesy Courtesy 55 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives City of Kingsport Archives Movie Date at The Strand, 1956 Dobyns-Bennett Fire, 1947 City of Kingsport Archives Guy B. Crawford & D-B Marches Down Bob DeVault, on the sideline, 1959 Broad St., 1959 Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Fast Break at Rye Cove, 1948 Courtesy of Sylvia Bowling Tompkins Let's all go to the movies. State Theater, 1962 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of Don Baker Private Collection Sullivan High School, 1967 Rye Cove High School, 1967 Gate City High School, 1972 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of Sylvia Bowling Tompkins Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Students Relax Gate City, 1974 Students Relax Gate City, 1974 At the Prom Gate City, 1974 Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Gate City Homecoming, Prom Entertainment D-B 1961 1972 Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Courtesy City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Pretty In Pink? D-B 1962 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Sullivan Students Sullivan High At Glen Bruce Park School Campus 1972 1972 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives 56 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Gate City Homecoming, 1972 Courtesy of Gate City Public Library Just Hangin' Out Sullivan 1972 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Will the real Too Much Egg-Nog? Never Too Slick For Vince S. stand D-B 1962 Swick, D-B 1962 up? D-B JV1962-63 Courtesy of Vince Staten Centerfold Sullivan High School 1973 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Milk & Cookies D-B 1963 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Flower Children Sullivan High School 1973 Sullivan High School 1973 At The Prom Sullivan High School 1973 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Back To Their Roots D-B 1963 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Sullivan High School 1973 Courtesy of City of Kingsport Archives Week 9 Period 23. Review 1. Language Unit 1-2-3 Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar Everyday English I.Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the language Ss have studied since unit 1 to 3 - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language. Summarise their answers in the end and add some more information necessary. II. Teaching aids - The Students’ book III. Procedures - T may use the language review as a self test. Let Ss do the exercises in the 30 minutes, then T check their answers, Otherwise, T can conduct each activity seperately. Teacher Students Board/ Content 1. Pronuciation Ex1. Ex1. Elicit the rules of - Ss do this 1D, 2C, 3C,4A,5B pronouncing the final s/es if exercise /b/: book, bag, bed, bowl, needed. Individually boot, box,.. - T gives answer - Share their /p/: pencil, pen, picture, Ex2. T can organize this as a answer poster, paper 57 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 game - The pairs that finds the most words will go to the board and write their answer other pairs want to add more words 2. Vocabulary - Let Ss do this Ex3 individually - Check Ss’ answer * Ex4 for can be done as a small competition. Otherwise Ss do this in pairs check Ss’ answers. * Ss do Ex5 - Quickly check Ss’ answers if time allows, Ask Ss to think of some other words and make sentences 3. Grammar * Elicit the use of the present simple and the present continuous. Call one S to ex6 on the board. - Check Ss’ answers - Ask them for explainations if necessary * Ask Ss to read the text carefully and pay attention to the hints(lời gợi ý, dấu vết). Ss do this individually and compare their answers with a partner. Check Ss’ answers and ask them to explain the negative forms in their answers * Let Ss do exercise 8 in pairs at the same time, one pair does - Do pairs Write on the board - Share and write Key3. their answer on the 1. English 2. homework board 3. lunch Play 4. sports sport/badminton/… 5. badminton - Pairs 6. physics - Quick answer 7. lesson 8. Judo - Other Ss also do this Read the text Compare Check Do in pairs S1. Read 58 Study Do Have Play Play Study Have do * Key4 1. Wardrobe 2. dining room 3. living room 4. hall 5. apartment 6. poster * Key 5 1. quiet 2. shy 3. hardworking 4. patient 5. sporty * Key 6 1. is raining 2. do you have…? 3.am not going out/ am doing 4. likes/ is sleeping 5. is * Key 7 1. is 2. isn’t 3. doen’t have 4. is 5. has 6. are 7. is 8. is NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 to the board and does this exercise. Check S’s answers 4. Everyday English - Let Ss Eg9 in pairs - After checking their answer, ask one or two pairs to act the conversation 5. Homework Give Ss Exercises 1,2,3,4 page 22,23 in workbook - Complete all the exercise in this review S2. draw( play in turns) Pairs Act out * Key 9. 1. Can 2. speaking 3. Yes, An… 4. Yes, I am. 5. Would you 6. Yes,… 7. That… 8. Alright Write down Period 24. Review 2. Language Unit 1-2-3 Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar Everyday English I.Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the language Ss have studied since unit 1 to 3 - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language. Summarise their answers in the end and add some more information necessary. II. Teaching aids - The Students’ book III. Procedures - T may use the language review as a self test. Let Ss do the exercises in the 30 minutes, then T check their answers, Otherwise, T can conduct each activity seperately. Teacher Students Board/ Content 1. Reading Ex1. - Let Ss do Ex 1,2 individually - Do these exercise 1D, 2C, 3C,4A,5B - Check their answers with a Individually Ex2. partner - Check their 1. It’s in a quiet place not far - T confirms the correct answers from the city center. answers 2. They are hard-working and serious 3. They are helpful and 59 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 friendly. 4. There are 5 clubs 5. Because it’s a good school. 2. Speaking - Let Ss work in group of 3. One interview the other two about what they like and dislike about the school and the reason why. - Summarise Ss’ ideas. 3. Listening * Guess the part of the house. * Play the recording once for Ss to listening. Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. * Ask Ss to quickly read the questions. Ss listen to the recording again and answer the questions. 4. Writing * Elicit the parts of an e-mail Ask Ss to work in groups to do Ex 6. Go around to observe. Give each group a large sided of paper to write their e-mail - Ask 1 or 2 groups to stick their finishedproduct on the board (S can write individually and write on the board.) Group of 3 - Ss write their group member’s answers in the table and report them to the class. - Ex. I like our school library because we can read many books there. Guess Listen and check their answer. Read questions Listen again Compare their answers Group work Write Other Ss and T give comment 60 * Guide From: Hoa@gmail.com To: Nam@gmail.com Subject: Family members Hi Nam, How are you? Now I’ll tell you about a family member in my family. It’s Long. He is my elder brother. He is 15 years old. He is in grade 9 at Diem Dien Lower Secondary School. He likes reading, playing soccer and listening English documentaries. He is helpful and patient. He usually help my mother with the housework: doing the washing up, cleaning the floor and tidying the rooms, NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 … Best wishes, Hoa. 5. Homework Give “ E-mail as homework” Ss edit and revise - Give Exercise 5,6,7,8( page their writing as 24,25) in the workbook homework * Tape script An: Mi, are you at home alone? Mi: No, everybody is at home. An: Where’s your Mum? Is she cooking in the kitchen? Mi: No, she is watering the plants in the garden. An: And where is your Dad? Mi: He’s in the living room. An: What’s he doing? Mi: He’s listening to the radio. An: What about your younger brother? Is he with Mum? Mi: No, He is sleeping in my bedroom. My cousin, Vy, is here, too. An: What’s she doing? Mi: She’s watching TV. WEEK 9: Period 25: Test-Vở chấm trả PERIOD 26.Trả Bài TEST 45’ (Vở chấm trả) I.The aims 1. Content - Bài kiểm tra đảm bảo đủ nội dung kiến thức Unit 1,2,3 * Grammar - Present simple, present continuous for now and for future - There is/ are - Verbs: study/play/do/have + Nouns - Prepositions of places * Pronuciation /əʊ/; /ʌ/ ; /s/ ; /z/ ; /ɪz/ ; /p/ ; /b/ * Vocabulary: Related the topic: School; Home; Room; Part of the body; Personality 2. Skills - Reading an e mail for specific information about rooms in the house - Writing to describe school - Listening to get information about rooms in the house and family member are doing. 3. Behavior and actions - Học sinh nghiêm túc làm bài, ngồi đúng vị trí, nộp bài đúng thời gian quy định. II. KHUNG MA TRẬN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA (Dùng cho loại đề kiểm tra kết hợp TL và TNKQ) 61 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Tên Chủ đề (nội dung,chương …) Nhận biết TNK Q Listening TL Thông hiểu TNK Q TL 4 từ 4 câu Số câu :8 Số điểm:2 Tỉ lệ 20 % Số từ: 4 Số điểm: 1 điểm Số câu: 4 Số điểm: 1 điểm Reading 5 câu 5 câu Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ % Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm Vận dụng Cộng Cấp độ thấp Cấp độ cao TNK Q TL TNK Q TL Số câu 8 số điểm 2=20. % Số câu: 10 Số điểm 2=20% 5 câu Writing Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm Số câu Số điểm Tỉ lệ % Vocabulary 6 từ 4 câu Số câu: 6 Số điểm: 0,6 Tỉ lệ 6 % Số câu: 6 Số điểm 0,6 Số câu: 4 Số điểm 0,4 Pronunciati on Số câu: 5 Số điểm: 1 điểm Tỉ lệ 10 % Grammar Số câu: 10 Số điểm: 2 Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm= 10% Số câu 10 Số điểm 1 =10 % 5 câu Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm Số câu:5 Số điểm: 1 điểm= 10% 10 verbs Số câu:10 Số 62 Số câu:10 Số NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 điểm: 2 điểm điểm Tỉ lệ 20 % Tổng số câu Tổng số điểm Tỉ lệ % Số câu: 9 Số điểm: 2 20 % Số câu: 30 Số điểm: 5,6 56 % III. Đề kiểm tra DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL Name:…………………………………. Class:………………………………….. Số câu: 9 Số điểm: 2,4 24 % điểm: 2 điểm= 20% Số câu: 48 Số điểm: 10 = 100 % THE FIRST WRITTEN TEST 45’ ENGLISH 6 School year: 2012-2013 I. Listening(2 marks) 1. An and Mi are talking on the phone. Listen and circle the parts of the house you hear. ( kitchen; garden; garage; bedroom; livingroom) 2. Listen again and answer the questions: 1. What’s Mi’s Dad doing? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. What’s Mi’s Mum doing? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Where’s Mi’s younger brother? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What’s Mi’s cousin doing? ………………………………………………………………………… II. Reading(2 marks) 1. Read the e-mail and circle A,B or C to complete the e-mail. From: mai@gmail.com To: hoa@gmail.com Subject: My house Hi Hoa, How are you? I’ll tell you(1)…………. my house. There(2)……….. six rooms in my house. I like the (3)……….. best. It is beautiful. There is a big(4)…………. Between the desk and the TV. I put my clothes there. I put my books on the (5)…………There is a lamp, a picture and a telephone. There are two pillows on the bed. What about your house? Tell me in your next e-mail. Best wishes, Mai. 2. Answer the questions 1. Are the six rooms in Mai;s house? ………………………………………………………………………… 63 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2. Is the wardrobe small? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. What is there in the bedroom? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. Does Mai like the livingroom best? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. What are there on the bed? ………………………………………………………………………… III. Writing( 2 marks) Please write 5 sentences about your school: My school is Diem Dien Town Secondary School. It’s in Diem Dien town. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….. IV. Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation 1a. Write two words in the correct group Play……………………………………………………………………… Do……………………………………………………………………… Have……………………………………………………………………… Study……………………………………………………………………… 1b. Write six kinds of furniture in the livingroom Television ; …………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Odd one out 1.A.books B.pens C.hats D. lamps 2.A.homework B. Judo C.brother D.rode 3.A.month B.come C. one D.hope 4.A.band B.brown C.big D.climb 5.A.fridges B.watches C.lives D.benches 3. Give the correct verbs 1. School (start)………………..at 7a.m everymorning. 2. …………..you often(wear)…………..school uniform? 3. Where you(be)……….,Lan? – I’m in the bedroom. I(read)……… a book. 4. Listen! They(play)……………music in the room. 5. He (not want)……………(buy)………………….. a new TV. 6. My father likes(watch)……………….TV. 7. Our grandparents( visit)…………………… Da Lat next week. 8. Lan (go) ………………to the dentist tomorrow. IV. Đáp án và biểu điểm I. Listening(2 marks) 64 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Tape script: An: Mi,are house at home alone? Mi: No. Everybody is at home. An: Where’s your mum? Is she cooking in the kitchen? Mi: No. She’s watering the plants in the garden. An: And where’s your dad? Mi: He’s in the living room. An: What’s he doing? Mi: He’s listening to the radio. An: What about your younger brother? Is he with your mum? Mi: No. He’s sleeping in my bedroom. My cousin, Vi, is here too. An: What’s she doing? Mi: She’s watching TV. 1. An and Mi are talking on the phone. Listen and circle the parts of the house you hear. ( kitchen; gardenbedroom; livingroom) - Học sinh nghe đúng 1 từ = 0,25 điểm => 4 từ = 1 điểm 2. Listen again and answer the questions: - Trả lời được 1 câu 0,25 điểm => đúng 4 câu = 1 điểm 1. What’s Mi’s Dad doing? - He’s listening to the radio. 2. What’s Mi’s Mum doing? - She’s watering the plants in the garden. 3. Where’s Mi’s younger brother? - He’s sleeping in Mi’s bedroom. 4. What’s Mi’s cousin doing? - She’s watching TV. II. Reading(2 marks) 1. Read the e-mail and circle A,B or C to complete the e-mail. - Chọn đúng 1 từ được 0,2 điểm => chọn đúng 5 từ được 1 điểm From: mai@gmail.com To: hoa@gmail.com Subject: My house Hi Hoa, How are you? I’ll tell you(1)about my house. There(2) are six rooms in my house. I like the (3)bedroom best. It is beautiful. There is a big(4)wardrobe between the desk and the TV. I put my clothes there. I put my books on the (5)shelf . There is a lamp, a picture and a telephone. There are two pillows on the bed. What about your house? Tell me in your next e-mail. Best wishes, Mai. 1. A. at B. for C. about 2. A bedroom B. livingroom C. kitchen 3.A. Couch 65 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2. Answer the questions - Trả lời đúng 1 câu được 0,2 điểm => Trả lời đúng 5 câu được 1 điểm 1. Are the six rooms in Mai;s house? - Yes, there are. 2. Is the wardrobe small? - No, it isn’t. 3. What is there in the bedroom? - There is a big wardrobe,a desk, a picture, a lamp and a telephone. 4. Does Mai like the livingroom best? - Yes, she does. 5. What are there on the bed? - There are two pillows. III. Writing( 2 marks) Please write 5 sentences about your school: - Viết đúng 1 câu được 0,4 điểm => Viết đúng 5 câu được 2 điểm My school is Diem Dien Town Secondary School. It’s in Diem Dien town. There are 393 students. There are 35 teachers. There are 18 classrooms. There is a library, a big school yard. There isn’t a swimming pool. IV. Vocabulary, Grammar and Pronunciation Viết đúng mỗi động từ 0,1 điểm => viết đúng 4 động từ được 0,1 điểm 1a. Write two words in the correct group Play games/ football/sports Do judo/ homework/ the housework Have lunch/ a lesson Study English/ Math/ Physics 1b. Write six kinds of furniture in the livingroom Viết đúng mỗi động từ 0,1 điểm => viết đúng 6 động từ được 0,6 điểm Television ; picture; lamp/ table/ couch/ sofa/ chair/ television .. 2. Odd one out Viết đúng mỗi từ 0,2 điểm => viết đúng 5 từ được 1 điểm 1.B.pens 2.C.brother 3.D.hope 4.D.climb 5.C.lives 3. Give the correct verbs Viết đúng mỗi động từ 0,2 điểm => viết đúng động từ được 2 điểm 1. School (start)- starts at 7a.m everymorning. 2. Do you often(wear) wear school uniform? 3. Where are you(be),Lan? – I’m in the bedroom. I(read) am reading a book. 4. Listen! They(play) are playing music in the room. 5. He (not want) doesn’t want (buy) to buy a new TV. 6. My father likes(watch) watching/ to watch TV. 7. Our grandparents( visit) are visiting Da Lat next week. 8. Lan (go) are going to the dentist tomorrow. 66 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 WEEK 9: Period 25: Test-Vở chấm trả PERIOD 26.Trả Bài TEST 45’ (Vở chấm trả) CHỦ ĐỀ 4. my neibourhood Period 27: Section 1. getting started Lost in an old town I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 4 “ My neibourhood” - Present vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practiced through skills and activities of the Unit 4. - Words: places and directions - Structures: make suggestions: “Shall ….? II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 67 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 1.Warm up - Review the previous Units’ Focus on characters, Phong and Nick and the key language and structures to be learnt. 2. Presentation 1 * Write the unit tittle on the board “ Lost in old town” and explain the meaning of “ Lost= unable to find your way, Not knowing where you are, and the verb that we use with are: “ be; get” -Ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. Let Ss open their books and check their answers Asks Ss questions about the picture: ? Where are Nick, Khang and Phong? ? What might be happening to them? ? What are they doing? - T also ask Ss to share any recent experiences of being lost. - Play the recording. T can play the recording more than once. Pause the recording at the appropriate places if Ss need help with comprehension questions - Present new words and structures -Let Ss read dialogue in group 3. Practice a. Let Ss work independently. Allow them to share auswers before discussing as a class. b. Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the phrases. - Practise saying them together (play the recording again as model if necessary) - Review Listen and note down Listen to T’s explaination Guess Open the books and check * Nick writes an e-mail to Phong about his weekend at Da Lat. “ Lost in an old town”: Bị lạc đường ở một thành phố cổ * - They are in Hoi An. - They may be lost. They are finding the way out. * Questions - Have you ever got lost? - Where and when did you get lost? - How did you feel then? - What did you do? - He’s reading magazines. - They are eating biscuits and drinking fruit juice. - Share - Listen -Read words and structures - Read and put the actions in order - Make suggestions S1. What shall 68 * Key a 2-5-3-4-1-6 *Key b. 1a. Where shall we go first? b. Let’s go to “ Chua Cau” 2a. Shall we go there first? b. OK, sure. 3a. Shall we go by bicycle? b. No, Let’s walk there. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * First: model the role play with a more able Ss. - Then ask pairs to role play the short convesations before demonstrating for the class - Have Ss quickly match each place( in the picture) with its name. Then play it again, pausing after each team and asking them to repeat chorally and individually - Correct their pronuciation( with a stronger class, T may wish to ask some additional questions ? What can you do there? ? Is there one in your town? ? Where is it? * First, model this activity with a more able Ss - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call some pairs to pratice in front of the class. * Have Ss quickly match each instruction with the diagram - Check their answers - T may ask some questions: ? Can you tell me the way to the post office near here? 4. Production * Game: Demonstrate the game to the class first. - Ask a more able Ss to help you. - Have Ss play in pairs we do this afternoon? S2. Shall we play football? S1. Oh, sure Match *Key 3. 1-E Listen and repeat 2-H 3-F 4-C 5-G 6-A 7-B 8-D S1. Is there a square in your neibourhood? S2. Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. Match Check * Key5. 1. Go straight. 2. Turn left at the traffic lights 3. Go past the bus stop. 4. Take the first turning on the left. 5. Go to the end of the road. 6. Go along the street. 7. Cross the street. S3. Go along… Turn left…. -Listen to the teacher. S1. Go straight. Take …. S2. Is that the memorial/ Café? S1. Yes, it is./ No, try again. 5. Homework - Translate “ Listen and read” into Write down Vietnamese - Listen to the recording” A surprise” - Learn new words by heart. 69 Use the recording. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 WEEK 10 CHỦ ĐỀ 4 . unit 4. my neibourhood PERIOD 28 : Section 2. A closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practice the vocabulary and pronuciation of the topic of unit 4 “ My neighbourhood” - Use vocabulary about adjectives describing neighbourhood, comparing things - Pronunce correctly the sounds /i:/; /ɪ/ in isolation and in context. II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content/Board * Chatting * Ss anwer ? Where do you live? - I live in …. ? Do you like your - Yes/No,… neighbourhood? - Because the air Is there/ Are there….. is fresh/ the shop/museum/ park/ Cathedral/ streets are noisy/ memorial/… in your …….. neighbourhood? * Adjectives: - Tell some adjectives describing fantastic; nice; your neighbourhood. beautiful; noisy; quiet; peaceful; historic; modern; ….. 2.Vocabulary * Practice saying the adjectives - Saying the 70 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 with some Ss. Use some examples to work the meaning out of the context - With difficult adjectives such as “ convenient; historic; fantastic; ….” T may translate them into Vietnamese and ask Ss to translate them. - Ask Ss to write the correct adjs in the blanks. - Play the recording as many time as required to allow Ss to check their answers and support their pronunciation * Explain the contents in “ Watch out” carefully to the Ss T may take some more examples to illustrate - Ask Ss to Vocabulary exercise individually - Check with the whole class. When checking , ask Ss to refer to 1 to make the meaning of the opposites clearer to them * First, model this activity with a more able Ss. - Remind the Ss that they only use adjectives they have learnt in 1& 2 to talk about their village, town aor city. - Then ask Ss to work in pairs. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. 3. Pronunciation * T models the sound /i:/; /ɪ/ first then ask Ss to identify which sound is longer and which sound is shorter. - Ask Ss to practice the sounds: /i:/; /ɪ/ together. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat( may play again) adjectives - Listen to/ guess the meaning of the adjs - Do exercise 1 - Check their answers - Listen to T’s explaination * Key1. 1. 2. Convenient 3. boring 4. polluted 5. historic 6. narrow 7. noisy - Do exercise 2 individually * Key 2. Noisy >< quiet Narrow >< wide Check Boring >< exciting Historic >< modern Noisy >< peaceful/ quiet Convenient >< inconvenient Fantastic >< terrible S1. Is our *Model neighbourhood T. Is your neibourhood historic? boring? S2.No, it isn’t. S1. No, it isn’t. S1. Is it modern? T. Is it exciting? S2. Yes, it is. S1. Yes, it is. Listen to the * Key 4 sound /i:/ /i:/; /ɪ/ ./i:/ is cheap; longer. sleepy; Practice peaceful; reading /i:/; /ɪ/ police; - Listen to the convenient recording 71 /ɪ/ Historic; exciting; noisy; friendly NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen - Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs before T check their answers with the whole class. * Ask Ss to listen while T plays the recording - Play thr recording again and ask Ss to circle the words they hear. Ask them to check their answers - Provide further practice if need be * Ask Ss to listen while playing the recording again and ask Ss to chant[tʃɑːnt]( đọc đồng thanh) along. - Provide further practice by dividing the class into group - Have groups sing alternative lines 4. Homework - Give Ss some exercises in the work book A. Phonetic 1,2 (page 26) B. Vocabulary 1,2,3 (page 26,27) -Put the words in correct column - Compare and check Listen to the recording - Circle the words - Read each sentence - Listen to the recording * Key 5. 1. Living 2. heat 3. seats 4. sheep 5. tins 6. mill 7. teams 8. chip - Chant along - Write down Guidelines A1.1. Find the word has different sound A2.Look at the pictures andf give the names B2. Read and guess some places B3. Fill adjectives PERIOD 29. unit 4. my neibourhood Section 3. A CLOSER LOOK 2 I. Objectives * By the end of this period, Ss can - Use adjectives to compare things. - Use some short and long adjectives: noisy, fast, convenient, modern,.. - Use comparatives of adjectives with “than” Adj +er ; More +Adj II. Teaching aids. - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book - Recordings III. Procedures Teacher Students Content/Board 1. Warm up - Tell some adjectives desribing Ss: noisy, tall, 72 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 things or people beautiful, - Listen and write adjectives(1 page talkative,… 76) - Write words on the board. 2.Presentation * Present long and short Adjectives Listen to T’s * Present structures: Comparative explaination adjs lead-in - Chooses two Ss of very different -Two Ss stand height and ask them to stand up and make up( may use the pictures of two model boys of different height in the S’s book instead) ? Who is taller? Indicate “ tall and taller” with your hands and arms - T may give other example: two - Watch rulers, two desks ( long-longer) carefully - Ask Ss to say what “ taller” or “ Longer” in Vietnamese - T introduce the subjects of the Write the rules lesson: Comparative adjectives, and of comparative asks for the adjectives equvalent/i'kwivələnt/ in Vietnamese. - Focus Ss to pay attention on comparative forms by pointing to the rulers and saying “ This ruler is long but that ruler is longer.” 3. Practice * Ask Ss to read the instructions. Read the Remind them to pay attention to the instruction mumber of the sullables in each adjective and look back at the grammar box if necessary. - Have Ss compare their answers in Compare and pairs before checking with the check whole class. * Ask Ss to read the instructions 2. Read madel1. Use the example to show what Ss should do. - Ask them to pay attention to the Pay attention to long Adjs add more - Have Ss compare and check 73 - Narrow, polluted, boring,.. * Short Adj has one syllable or two syllables ending with “ y, ow, er, le, et, te” Ex. Tall, big, short, long, hot, narrow, noisy, clever, quiet, quite, simple,… * Long adjective has two or more than two syllables Ex. Modern, beautiful, convenient,… (Explain that comparatives adjectives are contructedin serveral different ways in English and that some of those ways are presented in the box) * Key 1. 2. taller 3. bigger 4. noisier 5. cheaper * Key2. 2. more beautiful 3. more convenient 4. more interesting 5. more expensive *Key 3 1. drier 2. smaller NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Ask Ss to read and complete the sentences individually. Remind them to pay attention to the number of the syllable in each adjective. - Compare and check with the whole class. * Elicit the contrast between the things in the two neibourhood and the adjectives that can be used to describe them. Ask Ss to write sentences, comparing the two neighbourhoods. Have Ss compare their sentences in pairs before sharing some Ss’ sentences to the whole class. - Read Vy’s letter and complete it * Ask Ss to read the instructions. Use the eg to show Ss should do. * First, model this activity with a more able Ss. Tell Ss that they only use the information from the sentences they have written in 4 to ask and answer questions about the two neighbourhoods. - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. 4. Production - Ask Ss to think of the place they’ve been to. ? Were they beautiful/boring/hot/ historic/…? - Model this activity with Ss and have them work in pairs while T goes round the class and monitors - Ask a few pairs with the most imaginatives ideas to report them to the class. 5.Homework - Give Ss some exercises in the workbook B4,5,6(page 28) Do Exercise 5 S1. Is Yen Binh more modern than Long Son? S2. Yes, it is. S3. Is Yen Binh quieter than Long Son? S4. No, it isn’t. - Say the contrast between two pictures - Tell some Adjs “ noisy, tall, beautiful, convenient,…” Write and show some sentences 3. 4. 5. 6. older wider more delicious cheaper - Yen Binh is more beautiful/ modern then Long Son. - The houses in Yen Binh are taller than the houses in Long Son. - Yen Binh is noisier than Lond Son. - Yen Binh is more polluted than Long Son. * Key5. 2. more expensive 3. more comfortable 4. more historic 5. narrower S1 +Be+Short Adj-er/ more Long Adj + than + S2 + be/ O Ss think about Diem Dien town/ Thuy Hai village/… S1. Is Diem Dien Twon busier than Thuy Hai? S2. Yes, it is. - Write down and listen to T’s guidelines 74 Guidelines B4. Write sentences using comparatives Adjectives B5. Complete the sentences with the comparative Adjectives NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 B6. Make comparatives PERIOD 30. unit 4. my neibourhood Section 4 . communication I. Objectives * By the end of this period - Help Ss use the funcitional language what they have learnt in the privious sections about the topic “ My neighbpourhood”. - Use the connective words” first, second, then, after that, finally,…” - Tell about some cities as an audio guide II. Teaching aids. - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book - Recordings III. Procedures Teacher Students Content/Board 1. Warm up * Chatting ? Do you like travelling? - Yes/No ? Have you ever been to Hoi An? - Yes/ No ? Where is Hoi An? - It is in Da ? What do you know about Hoi Nang An? Ss think and ? Anything you can remember Brainstorm about Hoi An? about Hoi An. = Today we are going to listen to -Listen to the an audio guide to Hoi An. T’s explaination 2.Presentation * Play the recording - Listen only - First, ask Ss to listen only. - Then play the recording again - Listen again and allows Ss to fill in the gaps and fill in the as they listen gap * Key 1. -Ask Ss to share their answers in - Share answers 1. historic pairs, before playing the 2. convenient recording a final time to allow 3.straight the pairs to check answers 4. second - Ask Ss to read the audio guide - Read the audio 5. left again, paying attention to the use guide 6. right of the connective words: Firstly, 7. second secondly, then and finally 8. next to 3. Practice *Remember to include some * Ask Ss about the content of an Ss answer comparisons /kəm'pærisn/( sự audio guide(or instruction of following 1 so sánh) with other cities. 75 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 audio guide) * Ask Ss to read the brief/bri:f/ ( ngắn, vắn tắt, gọn) information about Lon Don and Ho Chi Minh City and look carefully at the two simplified maps of the two cities. - Elicit additional information about the two cities from Ss then ask Ss to read the instructions carefully. T may ask them some questions to check if they know what they are supposed to do - Remind Ss of the expressions they can use to give directions - Have Ss prepare their audio guide individually and then share it with a partner. - Have Ss practise presenting their audio guide in pairs or in group * Call some Ss to present their audio guide to the whole class. After each Ss has finished his/her audio guide, ask for some comments from other Ss. Then make comments and correct any mistakes if there are any. 4. Production - Have Ss practise presenting an audio guide about their neighbourhood/ hometown/ village/… - Call some students to present their audio guide to the whole class - Read the brief information * Ho Chi MinhCity: Ben Thanh Market/ Independent Palace/… * Lon don: Thames River/ Lon don Tower/ Buckingham Palace/ Big Ben Clock Tower/… Ss may refer to the expressions in the dialogue and 5 of getting started. S1. Welcome to Diem Dien. Diem Dien is a beautiful town. It is situated next to Diem Dien river. It is famous for seafood. Let’s start our tour. First, go to Nguyen Duc Canh’s 76 - Give directions to different places - Link your instructions using “ first, then, after that, finally” *Guide 1. Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City.Ho Chi Minh City is famous for its hostoric city. It’s a largest city in Viet Nam. The streets are busy with a lot of motorbikes. It has many beautiful places and restaurants. Ok. Let’s start our tour. First, go to Duc Ba Cathedral. To get there, we go straight to the end of the road, then turn right. Second, go to Thong Nhat Palace. Go along Nguyen Du street and take the first turning ao the right…. 2. Welcome to Lon don. Lon don is the capital city of England. It is famous for historic city, old buildings and beautiful parks. OK. Let’s start our tour. First, go to Buckingham Palace. To get there, go straight/ along Slacane street, turn left and go along Buckingham palace street…. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Mausoleum….. 5.Homework - Write an audio guide about your home village/ your neighbourhood. Write down Period 31 . Unit 4. My neighbourhood Section 5 . skill 1 I. Objectives *By the end of this period, - Read for specific information about good things and bad things in a neighbourhood “ in Da Nang” - Talk about different places and show directions to these in a neighbourhood: “ Can you tell me the way to …..?” II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Maps III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1. Warm up * Chatting Answer: ?Where do you live? - I live in Diem ? Is your neighbourhood Dien town. beautiful? Diem Dien has ? What places are there in your a beach/ rice neighbourhood? paddies/ ? Do you like living there? delicious Why/Why not? seafood …… 2. Pre- reading * Teacher asks Ss to look at the Ss can answer * Point the picture in S’sbook picture of Khang’s - in Da Nang * Words neighbourhood and ask them : - I think it’s - suburb: ngoại ô where do you think Khang’s beautiful/ quiet - backyard: sân sau neighbourhood is? What do you - It has beach - dislike: >< like think about it? park/ rice - increadibly /ɪn`kredəbli /: Do you like living there? Why/ paddy/… đáng kinh ngạc, không ngờ Why not? - beach: bãi biển ( picture) *Ask Ss to scan the passage to - Scan the 77 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 find where the words “ Suburbs, backyard, dislike, increadibly, beaches” are in the passage. - T may help Ss work at the meanings of these words in the context( may translate) . For example: Thanh Tri is the suburb of Ha Noi Capital. 3.While reading – T may set a time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - Ask Ss to note where they found the information thet helped them to answer the questions. 4. Post reading - Ask Ss to scan the passage again and find the information to complete the table. Ask Ss to note where they found the information. When they finishing, Ss can compare answers before discussing them as classwork 5. Pre- speaking - Ask Ss to look at the map of Khang’s neighbourhood. - First, remind Ss of the expressions they can use to give directions passage - Read the text and answer - Compare their answers - Check answers - Scan the passage again and complete the table. - Look at the map of Khang’s neighbourhood. - Ss may refer to the expressions in 78 * Key 2 1. It’s in the suburbs of Da Nang City. 2. Because it has beautiful parks and sandy beaches and fine weather. 3. They are very friendly. 4. Because there’re many modern buildings and offices in the city. * Key 3 + Like – There’s almost everything here - Most houses have a backyard and a frontyard. - People are incredibly friendly. - The food is very good. * Dislike: - The streets are busy, crowded and noisy during the day. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the dialogue and 5 of Getting started. 6. While-speaking - Ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering questionsabout the locations on the map. - T may model this activity with a more able St and then have Ss work in pairs while T moves around the class and monitors. - If there is enough time, T may call some pairs to talk before the whole class, then invite some comments from other Ss - While Ss are practising their dialogue, T circulates/'sə:kjuleit/ (lưu hành,lưu thông, luân chuyển) and monitors. - T notes some common errors and discusses them with the whole class - Select some good pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class( clear pronunciation, funny content, etc) 7. Post-speaking - Then give the feedbackcomments on strenghs and correct a few errors in the target. 8. Homework - Ask Ss to do exercises C1,2 (page 29,30) and D1,2, D3 ( page 30, 31) in Workbook. * Model - Listen to the T. Excuse me. Can you tell me T’s requests thw way to Cathedral? S1. First go straight ahead. A good student Take the second turning on the may make left. Then go along the street to model with the the first turning you can see it T on the right. - Practice T. Thank you very much. before the class - Practice in pairs - Listen to the T Take note Write down 79 * Guigelines C1. Look at the map and complete the following dialogue. Then practice with a partner C2. Complete the following conversations about your neighbourhood. Then practice with the partner D1. Complete the letter using the words in the box D2. Complete the following text NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 D3. Read the e-mail and answer the following questions. Week12 Period 32 . Unit 4. My neighbourhood Section 6 . skill 2 I.Objectives - Listen to specific information about directions to some places in a neighbourhood. - Write about what they like or dislike about their neighbourhood. II. Teaching aids - The Students’ book - Maps - Recording III. Procedures Teacher Students Content/Board 1. Warm up * Answer the question - Go straight 80 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 ? Can you tell me the way to your school from your house? *Ask Ss to read study skills - Listening carefully, then apply these tips to do listening exercises 2. Pre-listening - Ask Ss to read the first part of the conversation carefully and guess what words or phrases can be filled in the blank. 3. While - listening * Play the recording and ask Ss to write down the words or phrases in the blank. Ask two or three Ss to write their answer on the board, - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. * Ask Ss to read the rubric /'ru:brik/ = đề mục (in chữ đỏ hoặc chữ lớn)/đoạn (viết chữ đỏ hoặc chữ lớn) or study the map carefully.Ss may work in pairs to discuss how to get to places numbered 1-4 from “ you are here” point. - Play the recording and have Ss choose the correct answers as they listen along … Then turn left/ right at…. -Read and guess Ss may be … 1- the end …. Listen and write down the words Study skills Before listening: - Read the questions carefully - decide what information you are listening for - think of some words that you might hear - Listen for important information only * Key1. 1. the end 2. right 3. lower secodary school 4. Le Duan street - Check answers 5. second right - Read and study * Key2 the map 1-A Pairs 2-C 3-F 4-D * Tape script: A. Excuse me. Where is the Listen and supermarket? choose the B. Go to the rnd of this correct answers street. It is on your right. A. And where is the Lower Secodary School? B. It’s in Le Duan street. Take the second right and It’s on your left. A. Great. Where can I have some coffee? B. “ Quynh Café” in TQD street is a good one. A. How can I get there? B. First, turn left, then turn right. Go straight. It’s on 81 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 your left. A. How about an Art Gallery? B. First, take the third left. Then go to the end of Le Loi street, and it’s on your right. 4. Post-listening - Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board. - Check the Ss’ answers 5. Pre-writing * Ask Ss to tick what they like or dislike about their neighbourhood and then ask them to share their answers * Ask Ss to make note on what they like/ dislike about living in their neighbourhood - T may read out the notes from some more able Ss to the whole class -Write the answers on the board. -Check and write the correct answers Ss may be required to count how many things they have in common with their partners Ss make note: * Like: beach; modern buildings; … * Dislike: sunny weather; crowded;… 6.While - writing Ss use the ideas - Set up the writing activity. they have made Remind Ss that the first important in 4, refer back thing is always to think about what to the recording they are going to write for useful - Ask Ss to write the first draft then language and have them write their final version ideas 7.Post-writing - Display all or some of the leaflets - display the on the wall/ notice board writing - If time is limited, T may ask Ss to - Other Ss give write the final version at home. comments 82 * Guide draft - Where is your neighbourhood?( streets; houses; shops; school; parks;…) - What do the streets/ houses/… look like? - Do you like your neighbourhood? Why/ Why NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 8. Homework - Give Ss exercises E1,2(page 31,32) - Write down not? - What you like/ dislike your neighbourhood? * Guidelines E1. Write the sentences E2. Write about the neighbourhood. Period 33 . Unit 4. My neighbourhood Section 7. Looking back and project I.Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous sections and link with the topic: “ Neighbourhood” - Positive Adjectives and comperative adjectives - Some places, give directions - Suggestions: Shall we…? / Let’s… - Write a description of ideal neighbourhood II. Teaching aids - The Students’ book - Maps - Recording III. Procedures Teacher Students Content/Board 1. Warm up S1. In my * Tell some places in your neighbourhood, neighbourhood there is a market, * Make some suggestions a common yard, a hospital, many shops,… S2. Shall we go to the cinema this evening? S3. Let’s play badminton this afternoon. 2. Vocabulary * Key1 * Tell Ss to write the words in their Write the words 1. Statue notebooks individually and then 2. Railway Station chack with their partners 3. Park - Correct the mistakes 4. Temple - Let Ss repeat the words - Repeat the 5. memorial - Check their pronunciation words 6. Cathedral * Ask Ss to read the sentences - Read the * Key2. carefully and complete them with sentences 1. noisy 83 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the adjectives they have learnt in unit 4. - Remind Ss that the words, phrases and sentences before and after the blank will provide the context for them to choose the correct adjectives 3.Grammar - Remind Ss short and long Adjectives( the number of the syllables of the adjectives) and comparative form * For these exercises, ask S1 to do them individually first - Let Ss check their answers with a partner - Discussing the answer as a class 4. Communiation * Let Ss read the questions and answers one or twice, then match them - Have Ss write all sentences in their notebooks * Let Ss work in pairs and role play the questions and answers - Name places - Give directions - use adjectives to describe places - compare things 5. Project T. What is your ideal neighbourhood? * Ask Ss to look at the pictures of two neighbourhoods in the Students’book and point out the typical features of them 2. narrow 3. historic - Remember and 4. inconvenient do the exercise 2 5. cheaper/ more expensive - Write * Short Adj: one syllable and two syllables with the adjectives eading “ y; ow; le; et; er” * Long adjectives: two or more syllables S1+be+Adj-er/more Adj+than+S2+be/O * Key3 - One: hot, large, fast,.. - Two: happy, noisy, quiet, narrow, clever, simple,… * Key5 1. noisier than 2. more modern than 3. more convenient than 4. more beautiful than 5. more expensive than * Key6 a-c d-e f-g h-b Pairs S1. Can you tell me some name places? S2. statue, temple,… - Look at the pictures, point act the typical features P1. in the sky P2. in the ocean - Work in group. * Picture one: in the sky/ bird/ tall/ building/ palaces/ cloud/ mountains/… * picture 2: in the ocean/ fish/ water/ trees/ small/ houses/ colourful/ cool/… * Writing: - Remember comparative form Do exercise 3,4,5 Read aloud and do exercise 6 84 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 T may show Ss some pictures of different neighbourhoods - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss their ideal neighbourhood, using the pictures and their imaginations - Ask Ss to use the ideas from their notes to write paragraphs about their ideal neighbourhood. - may display all or some the leaflets on the wall/ notice board 6. Homework Compplet the project as homework Each S makes notes of his/her ideal neighbourhood - Where it is - What it has - How the people/ the streets/ the weather/… is/are - Others ………… Ss can complete the project as homework Ss edit and revise their writing as homework PERIOD 34 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 1. getting started I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 5 “ Natural wonders of the world” - Present vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practiced through skills and activities of the Unit 5. - Words: things in nature: mountain, river, forest,.. - Use fixed expressions for classroom situations II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up - Ha Long Bay T show some pictures of natural - see some - Great Barrier Reef( for the wonders of the World: Ha Long pictures and north Queensland) Bay, Phong Nha cave,… answer - Sydney Opera House - Can include local places of - …………… interest to encourage Ss Eg. Dong Chau Beach 2.Presetation * First picture * Ask Ss to describe what they S. Ha Long Bay Ayres Rock = Uluru – is not can see. Ask Ss if they know the in Quang Ninh the highest mountain in 85 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 places: ? What can you see in the pictures? Where is it? Do you know this place?... - Play the recording(more than one). Pause the recording at the appropriate places if Ss need help with comprehension questions( T explains more about the Ayrer Rock in the middle of Australia) 3. Practice * Let Ss work independently Allows them to share answers before discussing in groups or as a class * Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the phrases - Ensure they add appropriate punctuations; Eg capital letters, question marks,… * Use the example to practice a conversation with Ss. Then ask Ss to develop a role play around their ideas - Support with suggestions provine. It has Tuan Chau island. Tuan Chau is one of the largest island['aɪlənd]. - Listen to the recording, T’s explaination - Work independently Share answers - Ss can work together to write the correct sentences S1. Can I…,please? S2. Sure. More able Ss can try to extend the conversation listen and repeat Australia, but most beautiful – its colour changes at different times of the day - best in the evening when it is red * Second picture Ha Long Bay has many islands * Keya. 1. Vy is 2. She went to the wrong room. 3. Uluru 4. Australia 5. An island * Keyb 1. Can you spell that please? 2. Can you repeat that, please? 3. Can I come in? * Key C- Support suggestions - You may need to borrow your friend’s money./ borrow your friend’s pen/ need your friend to help you to do sth. ? Can I borrow your pen/book,please? ? Can you open the window/ door, please? - Ask pairs to perform for the Label the picture * Key 3. class with the words 1. mountain * Let Ss listen and repeat the 2. river words in 2 3. waterfall * Ask Ss to label the pictures with 4. forest the correct words 5.cave - Show picture cards of the 6. desert vocabulary. Elicit Ss’ answers. 7. lake Then provide the correct words 8. beach 86 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 9. island 10. valley 4. Production * Let Ss look back at the conversation in getting started and try to find the vocabulary uesd 5. Homework - Translate “ Listen and read” into Vietnamese - Listen to the recording “ Geography club” - Learnt the words by heart. - Look back and find: mountain, island,… - Write down Week 13 PERIOD 35 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 2. A closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic “ natural wonders” - Use the lexical items related to “ things in nature” and “ Travel items”: Plaster, scissors, sun cream,… - Pronunce correctly the sounds /t/ and /st/ in isolation and in context II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures/ Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up - Bring some travel items to Chatting: Do you like traveling? * Ss: Yes/No class, eg: raincoat, umbrella, Do you often travel/ go on - Sun cream backpack,… 87 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 holiday? What is useful on holiday?/ What can you take when you go to the beach? - Backpack ( Hs có thể nói tiếng việt) 2.Vocabulary * Braistorm some other travel items you might need in each place: beach/ desert/ mountain/… * Practice saying the vocabulary with Ss. Ask Ss to touch the correct picture as they say the world. Alternatively, createa mine for each word with Ss eg make a cutting gesture with two fingers for scissors, mime pulling on walking boots. * Read and act out the sentences for Ss. Elicit ideas for sentences 1. Then allow Ss to complete the remaining sentences. Check their ideas at the end. * Remind Ss that in the introduction they thought about useful things for a beach, desert, mountain - Tell Ss they are going on a beach holiday and they need to oder the items from very useful(No1) to not very useful(No8) - Allow pairs to work together to form their list. Ask pairs to join other groups and compare their lists. - Encourage more able Ss to give reasons for their choices. 3.Pronunciation * Practise sounding out the Beach: sun creams Desert: water, backpack,.. Say the words - Match or touch the words with pictures - Discuss some of the place in the previous activity, eg: desert, mountain, beach.Ask whether the places are hot/ cold/ wet/ dry/… - Show the objects. Ask Ss if the object fits the place “ Do I need a backpack in the desert? Why do you think so? * Key 1 1. painkillers 2.scissors 3.plaster 4. sun cream 5. sleeping bag 6. walking boots 7. backpack 8. compass * Key 2 1. Compass - Read and act 2. sun cream out the sentences 3. painkillers - Complete the 4. backpack sentences 5.plaster - Listen to teacher Pair work - Compare the lists - Give reasons( if can) * Tape: Pay attention the Best 88 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 sounds /t/ and /st/ together. Emphasise that /s/ is long sound; /st/ is a long sound with a “ stop” - Play the recording once and ask Ss to number the words in the order the hear them. Allow Ss to compare their answers. Then play the recording the second time. Discuss the answers as a class. * Play the recording of the sentences. Ask Ss to listen carefully and raise hands when they hear the /t/ or /st/ sounds - Devide class into two group: Group /t/ and group /st/ and ask they listen and respond their own sound - Play the recording again, pause after each sentence and ask Ss to repeat 4. Homework - Give Ss some exercises in the workbook A1,2; B1,2,3( page 33,34) sound /t/ and /st/ - Listen to the recording - Mumber the words - Listen to the recording - Raise hanh when hearing sound /t/ or /st/ Boat Coast Lost Boot Desert Plaster Forest * 1. best 2. nicest 3. forest 4. want 5.. hottest 6. coast-boat - Listen and repeat each sentence - Take note * Guideline: A1. Read the pair of words /t/ or /st/ A2. Choose the correct words B2. Odd one out PERIOD 36 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 3. A closer look 2 I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss can use: - Use comparatives and superlatives adjectives to describe things in nature - Use must or mustn’tto give orders II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up 1.mountain Ask Ss what they can see in the * Ss: Review 2. lake pictures to review vocabulary vocabulary 3. waterfall from Gettting started 4. river 89 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 5.desert 2.Comparative and superlative Adjectives. * Choose a more able student to act as Vy and read the sentences to the class. - Check Ss’ answers by reading the sentences again, asking Ss to stand if they think the sentence is true or remain seated if they think the sentence is false. * Plays the recording and allows Ss to check their answers * Ask Ss to look back at Vy’s sentences, find out underline all the examples of ……….est Ss tick T or F in the box provided. Stand or sit if think T/F - Listen and check - Look back, find and underline “est” * Watch out: Ask Ss to compare No 6 with the other sentences. Ask what is different about “hottest” - Remind Ss of the rule. Then give some adjectives and ask if the consonant is doubled. *Allow Ss to complete the table individually. - Discuss their answers at the end. - Ss should remember egs from comparative sentences in the previous unit * Show the map of the world/globe. Point out Africa, Antarctica, Russia and Nepal and ask Ss what they think the place are like. Watch the map Eg. Big/ wet Complete the table 90 *Key 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6T *Tape Ok, everyone. Number one, “Mount Ecerest is the highest mountain in the world” That’s true. Number two, “ Ba Be lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam.” That’s also true. Number three, “ Niagara Falls is the highest waterfall I nthe world.” That is true. Oh, wait. Sorry. That’s false.Next. Number four, “ Tra Co beach is the longest beach in viet Nam” is true. Now number 5, “ The Amazon is the widest river in the worlds in the world.” That’s true. But the longest river is the Nile. Finally, The Sahara is the hottest desert in the world.” That’s true,too. *Watch out consonants are doubled is adjs with short vowel sounds. 1.better 2.worst 3.tallest 4.widest 5.largest 6.hottest *Key 5 1.hottest 2.hotter 3.colder 4.coldest 5.colder 6.biggest 7.highest NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 ? Do you think Africa is hot or cold? Do you think there are deserts there? Or waterfalls? Do you think it’s the same or different to Viet Nam? Ask Ss to read the passage quikly to check their answer *Prepare the slips of paper beforehand for the group. Alternatively dictate (/dik'teit/ ra lệnh) the name of the places and allow Ss to write them on blank slips - Demonstate the activity with a S. Turn the slips face down, take one and make a sentence about it. Allow Ss to do the same. -Answer the questions -Ss complete the passage with the correct words. -Pairs can practice role playing the complete the passage 8.smaller *Key 6 Eg. Ho Chi Minh City is the biggest city in Viet Nam. -MeKong River is the longest river in Viet Nam. -Winter is the coldest in a year. -Write the name of the places -Make the sentences - Break the class into groups to do - Work in group the activity. Monitor for mistakes Read out the and discuss them as a class at the sentences end. 3.Modal verbs. * Review description. Ask Ss to -Recall the recall the conversation from conversation Getting Started. Who is the - Vy is leader of the Geography club? -Because she Why was Mai late? went to wrong Are you sometimes late for class? room. How does your teacher feel? -Yes/No What does your teacher say? *Ask Ss to read Vy’s note and -Read Vy’s note find the uses of “must” - Refer Ss back to Grammar table -Look at the if necessary. Discuss the uses of grammar table. “must”. Point out the subject, use -Look at the of modal verb and another verbs. signs and say the Eg. You must arrive on time. sentences use -Direct Ss to look at the signs at “must” or the bottom of the page. Elicit “mustn’t” what the “must” sentences could be, eg. “ You must be careful in 91 *Sign 1 - You must be careful in the garden. -You mustn’t step on the flowers. *Sign 2 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the garden.” * Encourage Ss to think of nagative sentences with “must” Eg. You mustn’t step on the flowers. -Ask questions to check understanding ? When do we say “must”- For rule Who says sentence like this? *Ask Ss to complete the sentences -Discuss answers as a class -One acting as a teacher. T–S *Extension: Ss can draw their own signs and ask their classmates to guess the rule. 4. Homework -Give Ss some exercises: B4,B5( page 34,35) - You must throw trash in the basket. - You mustn’t throw trash on the streets. -Aswer ? When -for rule ? Who Teacher/parents -Share their ideas in pairs -Ss can act out the sentences S1-S2 Eg. You mustn’t park here. Copy down *Sign 3 -You mustn’t play soccer in the kitchen. *Guide B4. Fill the blanks with the approriate form of the adjectives. B5.Compare places using the comparatives and superlatives. Week 14 PERIOD 37 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 4. comunication I. Objectives By the end of this period, - Help Ss use the funcitional language what they have learnt in the privious sections about the topic “ Natural wonders of the world”. - Read the travel guide and make the lists of the things you must/ mustn’t take to Himalayas - Use the words: tent, touch, map, waterproof, coat,… - Make a list of things you must take when you travel - Role play being a tour guide and a tourist, tell your partner what to prepare for the trip to Himalayas - Tell what prepare for the trip II. Teaching aids - The recording 92 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher 1.Warm up Chatting: Ask Ss if you have a trip to a mountain what will you need? 2. Presentation - Show Ss a travel guide. Ask them what information it contains. - Discuss the contents. Then ask who uses travel guides and why people use them? * Vocabulary - tent: lều, trại - torch: đuốc, nến - sun hat: mũ - waterproof coat: áo mưa - map: bản đồ - mobile phone: điện thoại di động - diverse: (a) [daɪ'vɜːs]: nhiều loại thay đổi khác nhau - mountain range: dãy núi *Ask Ss to look at the photo of Mount Everest. Show picture of extra vocabularies. - Ask Ss to decide whether the objects are useful for going to Moun Everest. Eg. Must we take a torch to Mount Everest. - Ask Ss to read the text quickly and check their ideas Students Board/Content - * Ss: compass, plaster, backpack, sleeping bag,… - Asnwer the T’s question - Discuss the contents Tourists who go to Himalayas - Listen and take note. * Vocabulary - tent: lều, trại - torch: đuốc, nến - sun hat: mũ - waterproof coat: áo mưa - map: bản đồ - mobile phone: điện thoại di động - diverse: (a) [daɪ'vɜːs]: nhiều loại thay đổi khác nhau - mountain range: dãy núi -Look at the photo , answer T’s questions. Ss decide thethings which are useful for going to Mount Everest - Read the text and check the answers 3. Practice - Ask Ss to read the text again and - Read the text answer some follow questions: and answer ? What is a mountain range? questions ? What do you think diverse mean? 93 * Key2 Must -follow the rule -ask before you visit Mustn’t - travel alone - bring short or T-shirt NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 ? Have you had onforgettable experiences? *Ask Ss to use information in the text and their own ideas to fill in the “must” and “ mustn’t” columns *Ask Ss to creat their own lists and demonstrate the activity with more able .Swap role. Then ask the class to complete the role plays - Ask some pairs to demonstrate for the class 4. Production * Role play being a tour guide and a tourist. Tell your partner what to prepare for their trip to Thai Binh.Try to give the reasons. 5. Homework - Ask Ss to take note the things to take to the desert - Do exercise in workbook Ss do the exercise *Pairs/Role plays S1.I want to go to the Himalayas. S2. Ok.I think you must take a waterproof coat. It’s cold and rainy there. S1. Yes, anything else? S2. You must take a map…. Swap role -plan when …. to visit -Tell people where you are going -Carry on necessaary things -bring the right clothes …….. S1.I want to go to Thai Binh. S2.Ok. Think you must take sun cream to swim in Dong Chau Beach. ………. Copy to notebook PERIOD 38 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 5. skill 1 I. Objectives *By the end of this period, - Read for specific information about The Natural Wonder Ha Long Bay and Hue. - Talk about and give travel advice using Exclamation sentences. - Using must or mustn’t to give order. 94 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Maps III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) 1. Warm up * Chatting Answer: ?Have you ever been to a natural - …………….. wonder? …… ? Have you ever been to Hue? What can you see there? 2. Pre-reading - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make predictions about the text. - Ask Ss to compare the text in communication and skill 1. Encourage Ss to think of the purpose of the texts and where they might see them.( Point out travel tips in the first text. Point out exclamation marks and positive(xác thực, rõ ràng) adjectives in the second text. - Ask Ss to read the text quickly and answer the questions and check their ideas from the introduction. Allow pairs to discuss ideas before feeding back as a class. 1. Where is the passage from? 2. What is it about? 3. What do you know about the subject? - Ask Ss to look at the “ Study skills” and guide Ss. - Discuss the study skill with Ss.Alternatively, ask a more able Ss to teach the skill to the class. - Demonstrate the skill together with Ss by dicussing: “ essential” Board/ Content Ss look at the picture and make predictions *Study skills - Using the dictionary- guessing words in context - Before you look up a word in a dictionary, try to guess its S1. It is from meaning in its context. travel direction - Look at a whole sentence. Also book. look at the sentence before and S2. …. after. S3. …… - Look at the picture and the other information that may help. Ss. Listen to the T guides Eg. - When you “must” is it 95 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - First ask Ss ti find and underline the words. Then discuss their features of the sentences it appears in. Eg. - When you “must” is it important that you do it? - What words has the same meaning as “ essential” - What is our definition of “ essential”? - Allows Ss to check using a dictionary. important that you do it? - What words has the same meaning as “ essential” - What is our definition of “ Ss. Something essential”? is very Eg. important./ A. What is a “boat”? Something you B. It’s a transport we can use on must do. water. => boat(n): something that travel Ss repeat the on water. procedure with the other three words. - Ss find four Traditional/trə'dɪʃnəl/: thuộc - Ask Ss to find the four words words, truyền thống/ theo lối truyền in the passageand undeline them, underline them thống then check their meaning. and check their Natural/'nætʃrəl/: thuộc tự meaning. nhiên/ thuộc thiên nhiên - traditional/ Imperial/ɪm'pɪrɪəl /-'pɪər-/ : natural/ thuộc hoàng đế/ thuộc đế quốc inperial/ Cuisine/kwiː'ziːn/:cách nấu cuisine/…. nướng 3. While-reading * Key 3 - Ask Ss to read the text again Ss read the text 1. T then read the sentences then again then read 2. F write T/F. the sentences 3. T then write T/F. 4. F - Refer them back to the text for - Refer them 5. T the answers. back to the text for - Reads the sentences together Reads the *Key 4 with Ss. Set a long time limit for sentences 1. Ha Long Bay is in Quang them to reread the text and together with Ninh provine. answer T or F. Again ask Ss to T. 2. You must take a boat ride. note where they found - Reread the 3. A visit to Imperial City is information that help them text and more inportant. complete the activity. answer T or F 4. Because people travel their for and note the food. where to found information that help complete the activity. 96 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Ss can compare their answers before discussing them as a class. Encourage Ss to support their answers with reasons. 4. Post-reading - Ask Ss to talk about Ha Long Bay And Hue 5.Production-Speaking *Pre-speaking - Discuss with Ss which things they find interesting/uninteresting about Ha Long Bay and Hue. -Braistorm ideas on to the board Eg: Do you like Ha Long Bay? -What do you fin interesting/ uninteresting? *While –speaking -Ask Ss to close their books. Devide Ss into A group and B group.Tell A group to describe Ha Long Bay. And Bgroup to describe Hue. - Ask them to practice their descriptions together, before they rejoin their partners. * Show a picture of your town.Tell the class they are visiting it. Review interesting features of your town with *Post-speaking Ss.Then ask Ss to suggest some advice. -Encourage them to use “must/mustn’t” 6.Homework Give Ss some exercises in the workbook C1,2; D1,2,3,4( page 35,36,37) - Ss can compare the answers before discussing them as a class. Ss to support their answers with reasons. Talk about Ha Long Bay and Hue. S1.Ha Long Bay is…. S2. Hue is ………… -Write down 97 * Guideline D2-Match heading with parts D3 – Answer the questions after reading the articles. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 39 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 6. skill 2 I. Objectives -Listen to get information about travel plans -Write a travel guide entry about an interesting place II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - Recording - The Student’s book - Maps III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) 1.Warm up Tell the class about Ha Long Role play (Tell Bay or Hue as a travel guidẹ about Ha Long Bay or Hue) 2. Pre-listening *Ask Ss to recall two places in the brochure in skill 1 Ask Ss which one they think Nick’s family will choose as their holiday destination. - T can put picture of Hue or Ha Long Bay on opposite walls. Ask Ss to stand next to the place they choose and explain their choice. 3.While-listening *Play the recording for the answer 1 * Read through the questions with students and support with any difficulties. - Play the recording again - Play again and allow Ss to check answers. - Encourage Ss to identify the part of the recording that help Board/ Content - Ha Long Bay is …… - Hue is ………… -Recall the two -Stick the pictures on the board places: Hue and Ha Long Bay -Write ideas - Give ideas - Stand next to the pictures or point out the Pictures you choose *Tape script -Listen to the Travel agent: We have some recording and great deals. I recommend Ha answer/. Long Bay, Hue, Mui Ne or Nha -Read through Trang. the questions Nick: Wow. I love the beach. Can we go to Mui Ne, Mum? -Listen Mum: Well, Let me think, -Ss share Nick.Can I see the picture of answer the hotel in Mui Ne? - Identify the Travel agent: … part of the Mum: Which is cheaper, Mui 98 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 them 4. Post-reading(Writing) * As preparation ask Ss to bring in picture of places thay have been to or find interesting. Or they can draw a picture/a map. - Remind Ss of the step of the writing process: “ research; draft; check” * Choose Ss to show their places to the class. Ask some questions: -What natural wonders are there? - How do they compare to other natural wonders? -What things can you do there/must you do? * Ask Ss to make note to their choosen places. Remind them they don’t have to write full sentences. Ask Ss to share their notes with partners. - May read out then note from some more able Ss to the whole class. - Suggest they write a description first, then travel tips next. - Encourage Ss to check …. recording that help them -Ss present their chosen places using photos/ drawing/maps - Remember -Show their pictures and answer -Make notes( Exercise 4) -Share their notes -Ss can use travel agent guide in communication as their model -Ss can 99 Ne or Ha Long? Travel agent: Mui Ne is cheaper but I think Ha Long Bay is more interestiing. Dad: Yes, you are right. I think I want to go to Ha Long Bay. It’s better than Mui Ne. Nick: Oh. Travel agent: Yes, It is rainy in Mui Ne at this time of year. You must take umbrellas and water proof coats. Mum: OK, Let’s book Ha Long Bay. *Key 2. 1. Ha Long Bay; Hue; Mui Ne; Nha Trang. 2. Can we see a picture of a hotel in Mui Ne? Which is cheaper Ha Long Bay or Mui Ne? 3.Mui Ne is cheaper but I think Ha Long Bay is more interesting. 4. Yes, he is. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -If time is limited, T mat ask Ss exchange and to write the final version at home read each other’s drafts -Ss can underline parts that could be improve and focus on those areas as they write their final version. -Display all/some of the travel -Give guide entries on the wall/ notice comments board. 5.Homework *Guideline: - Write the final version “ travel -Write down E2: Rewrite the sentence that guide” and listen to the meaning stays the same. - Give some exercises: E1; the T’s E2;E3 ( page 38;39) guidance. Week 15 PERIOD 40 unit 5. Natural wonders of the world Section 7. looking back & project I. Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous sections and links with the topic: “ Natural Wonders” + Vocabulary: things in nature, travel items + Superlatives adjectives: “The Adj-est; The most Adj” + Give orders and advice using “ must/mustn’t” II. Teaching aids - Pictures/ Flashcards - The Student’s book - Maps III. Procedures Teacher(T) Students(Ss) Board/ Content 1.Warm up * Tell something in natures *Tell as a - Ha Long Bay is …… 100 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Tell about some nature wonders using superlatives adjectives 2.Vocabulary: *Let Ss work individually to do the exercise 1,2 -Have Ss check their answers before discussing the answers as a class 3.Grammar *As above, ask Ss to work individually to coplete the sentences in exercises 3 *Ask Ss to work in pairs and match the name of a natural wonder in column A with a word in column B. Monitor the activity and offer help to Ss when necessary * Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the conversation -Draw Ss’ attentions to the questions and answers for the information about Mount Everest and Loch Lomond.Then ask them to discuss all the other natural wonders in 4 * Ask them to provide any related information they know about these natural wonders. 4. Communication *Devide Ss into A group and B group. Allow them to complete their parts of the dialogue class: S1:Mountain; lake S2: The sahara is the hottest desert in the world. …etc… -Work individually -Check their answers -Work individually -Work in pairs -Work in pairs S1:What is Aryes Rock? S2: It’s the most beautiful mountain in Australia. S1: What is Ha Long Bay? S2:It is the most beautiful Bay in Viet Nam. - Hue is ………… *Key 1 1. mountain 2.waterfall 3.forest 4.cave 5.desert 6.lake 7.beach 8.island 9. valley *Key 2 1. scissors 2. sleeping bag 3.Compass 4.torch 5.pain killer *Key 3 1. hottest 2. longest 3. highest 4.largest 5. best *Key 4. 1-d 2-c 3-a 4-e 5-b *Key 6 1;2;3;4 must -Act out the dialogue 101 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Then Ss act out the dialogue - Choose pairs to demonstrate for the class. Can encourage them to include mimes and actions 5.Project. ?How well do you know Viet Nam? *Devide class into groups and ask Ss to recall and describe some interesting places. -Refer pairs to the traveling weather, Natural Attractions prompts at the bottom of the page. Ask pairs to work together to make a quiz for their group. -T can form groups of more able Ss and ask them to create their own questions withiut using the prompts -Tell pairs to take turn reading their questions to the rest os the group to answer -Allow their groupmates to quiz them 6.Homework Write exercise 2 in project as homework *Role play: -Group and S1: What the wettest place in recall/describe Viet Nam? some places S2:(in group) - It’s Da Lat/ Sapa/… -Look at S2: What is the longest river in Ss’books Viet Nam? -Ss can prepare S1: It’s Me Kong River. 10 questions …etc… for their groups -Take turn S1-S2 S2-S1 Ss work together to write down their answer to the questions in 1 -Can draw a map of Viet nam and write information on it to create a classroom display -Write down Period 41. Written test 45’ (Sổ kiểm tra đánh giá) Period 42.Correction 102 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 (Sổ kiểm tra đánh giá) Week 16 PERIOD 43 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 1. getting started Happy new year I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 6 “ Tet holiday” - Present vocabulary and the grammar items to be learnt and practiced through skills and activities of the Unit 6. - Vocabulary: Tet’s things and activities,... - Pronuciations: /θ/ and /ð/ - Grammar: Will/should +V. II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 103 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 1.Warm up -Write the word “Tet” on the board and ask Ss to give any words they know relating to the topic.T may allows Ss to give a Vietnamese word and ask other Ss in the class if they know the equivalent (a)/i'kwivələnt/:tương đương in English. 2.Presentation *Ask Ss to look at the first sentence of the listening -T may ask Ss what they expect to hear in the listening “What will they talk about” “ When is Tet this year?” What do you do at Tet?” -Look at the topic “ Tet” - Give some words in Vietnamese or in English -Look at the first sentence - Answer the questions -They will talk about “Tet”. -At the beginning of the February. - ……. T may introduce some new words - Read new 1.New words or rivise the ones already learnt to words - celebrate ['selɪbreɪt]:kỷ prepare Ss well for the listening niệm, làm lễ kỷ niệm/ tán (What do you do at Tet?) dương, ca tụng *Play the recording -Listen and read - decorate['dekəreɪt]:- trang -Check to make sure they hoàng, trang trí pronunce the key words correctly/ -firework: pháo hoa explain “should” - gather ['gæðə(r)]:tập hợp, tụ họp lại 2.*Should/Shouldn’t is used for advice 3.Practice *Let Ss work independently. -Work *Key2: Idealy ask them to answer indepently 1-F questions without refering to the -Share answers 2-F listening. Then allow them to 3-F share their answers with their 4-T partners before discussing as a -Discuss as a 5-T class. class *Key 3 -Ask them to explain why they 1. The end of February think a statement is false and they 2. House can correct it. 3. Flowers and plants *Let Ss work in pairs (exercise 3) -Pairs: Refer 4. Firework 104 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Tells the Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the information. If there is time, T may ask them if the information given is true and if they can add anything *Let Ss do the matching indepently as the vocabulary is quite simple and some of them will be familiar to them like “ school ground, books, swimming pool” Go round and check if they are labelling the picture correctly. -Check the answers with the whole class and show them how to pronucce each word by saying it and asking them to repeat. * Let Ss answer the question in exercise 5. 4. Production *T will demonstrate this game by using the board or taking a piece of paper and writing 3 things/activities T likes about Tet. -T can say each of them aloud, using “ I like /love/enjoy making the task clear to the Ss. Then T asks the Ss to do the same. - Go round and provide Ss with any words they would like to use. back to the conversation to find information -Match 5. food and getv lucky money 6. family gatherings * Key 4. 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-e 5-h 6-g 7-f 8- d *Key 5 About Tet: 1,2,3,7,8 -Listen to T’s * T and Ss can play game explaination “Bingo” about game S: I like lucky/Banh Chung and peach Blossom. S.Can share their likes by sticking their papers on to the walls of the classroom orreading aloud to their class. 5.Homework -Translate “ Listen and read” in to -Write down Vietnamese. - Listen to the recording “ Happy New year” - Learnt words by heart. PERIOD 44 Unit 6. Our tet holiday 105 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Section 2. acloser look 1 I. Objectives - Present and pratice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic” Tet holiday”. - Extend and pratice vocabulary related to Tet’s things and activities and practise. - Pronunce correctly the sounds: /s/; /ʃ/ II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures 1.Warm up *Slap the board: Write English Pairs *Slap the board: words on the word, T read -lucky money words in Vietnamese - family gathering -Words related something for - peach blossom Tet - apricot blossom - house decorations - make a wish ……………. 2.Vocabulary *Play the recording and ask Ss -Listen to the to listen carefully and repeat recording the words. T may ask the whole class to repeat the words -Read words first, then devide them into individually *Key 2: smaller groups.Observe and 1-b make sure that every student is 2-i speaking. 3-d * Let Ss do in group of 2 or 3 -Group of 2 or 3 4-j so that Ss can help each other 5-f with some vocabulary. In order -Do in group 6- g to avoid repeating the 7-h vocabulary task in getting -Look at the 8-e started, T may ask Ss to look at pictures and 9-k the pictures first and see if they check words then 10-c know the words Then ask them match 11-a to do the matching. * Explain that some verbs and -Listen to T’s nouns go together and some explainations don’t Eg: “plant/decorate a tree”, but -Match the verbs *Key 3 not “cook a tree” with as many 1. cook special food 106 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *T may write the verbs on the board(Eg: read) and ask them to match the verbs with as many nouns as they can find. -When T is sure that Ss understand what they have to do, T goes through the words together with them, the verbs first and then the nouns. - Check that Ss understand the meanings of the words and let them match. -Ask them to work indepently first and check with their partners.( T may cut up stips of paper with the verbs and nouns seperately and ask Ss to work in group to match them) * Write the phrase you have formed in 3 – this activity is to help Ss remember the vocabulary used in combination. 3.Pronunciation * Practice the sounds: /s/ & /ʃ/ together -T may write two vietnamese words on the board first Eg: Xách –sách” -Ask Ss to say the words aloud and draw their attentions to the difference in the pronunciation of the two words - Play the recording as many times as necessary. Then ask them to write the words in the two appropriate boxes. Check if they do this correctly. * Ask Ss to look at the sentences first and underline any words they think certain the sounds: /s/ & /ʃ/ nouns -Do the exercise 3 independently then share with partners 2. go to a pagoda 3. give lucky money 4. visit ralatives 5. clean the furniture 6. decorate our house 7. plant trees 8. make a wish 9. hang a calendar 10.watch fireworks 11. do the shopping 12. buy peach blossom (Can go to the board amd match) -Listen to the T’s explaination the sounds: /s/ & /ʃ/ -Look at the board *Key 5: /s/ : blossom; summer; rice; school; special; spring /ʃ/: she; shopping; should; wish; rubbish -Listen and repeat -Write the words in the boxes -Look at the *Key 6. sentences and /s/ : 2,3,5 underline any /ʃ/ : 1,4,6,7 words contain: /s/ & /ʃ/ -After that T play the recording -Listen and 107 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 and let Ss listen and decide which sentence has sound /s/ & which has the sound /ʃ/ -As this talk is more difficult than 5, T may stop after each sentence so that Ss will have time to make a decision. * Listening the short poem. It’s just a way to make the learning of pronunciation entertaining. Allow Ss to practise reading the poem among themselves. Ask them to pay attention to the key words with /s/ and /ʃ/ . Then ask some volunteers to stand up and read the poem aloud. 4. Homework Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: A1,2; B1,2,4(page 40, 41) decide which sentence has sound:/s/ or /ʃ/ -Practise reading the poem, pay attention to the sound : /s/ and /ʃ/ -Write down *Guideline: A: Practice the sound in the words /s/ and /ʃ/ B1. Put the words about Tet in the column PERIOD 45 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 3. acloser look 2 I. Objectives - By the end of this period, Ss can + Identify and practice the language of intentions ( with “ will”) and advice ( with “should/shouldn’t”) II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content /board 1.Warm up (3’) *For examples: T refers to the classroom as a Ss observe T’s +Signs: place and demonstrates “ run, mine and listen to -We shouldn’t talk loudly in keep quiet, talk loudly”… sign some situations class on the board and ask Ss for -We should keep quiet in simply( “ Yes” to show it can be class. 108 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 done in the classroom, and “No” if not. Then T writes examples on the board next to the signs 2.Should and shouldn’t(20’) a.Presentation: use the pictures and the language acquired in the previous activity to practice the target language of “ should and shouldn’t” is more familiar situations. -Ask Ss to complete the four sentences. Make sure that they combine “ should” and the verbs correctly. b.Practice -Ask Ss to look at the four signs in the studio and let them complete the sentences. Draw their attention to the fact that it is a TV studio where people are working. Go round and see if they write the sentences correctly. -Remember: Ask Ss to fill the blank for gthe rule + “Shold” for things that are good to do. + “ Shouldn’t” for things that are bad to do. *The phrases in exercise 3 illustrated by pictures make their mmeaning clear. c.Production -Let Ss write the sentences by refering to the activities in 3. Go round and check for any spelling or grammar mistakes 3.Will and willnot/won’t (20’) a. Presetation Before doing the reading,T may revise ssome words Ss have learnt in the previous activities -Look at the pictures and situation +Situation: -Nam, you shouldn’t wet the floor. You should take your raincoat off first. *Situations: Nam, you shouldn’t wet the floor. You should take your rain coat off. -Complete Exercise 1 1. shouldn’t 2. should 3.shouldn’t 4.should -Look at the four signs and complete the sentences -Remember the rules -Ss can do the ticking and crossing easily *Key 2. 1. should 2. shouldn’t 3.should 4.shouldn’t *Key 3 1. behave well 2. eat lots of sweets 3.plant trees 4. break things 5. go out with friends 6. make a wish 7. fight 8. play cards all night. -Write the sentences use “ S + should/shouldn’t + V” *Slap the board: -Go shopping -Ss take part in the - celebration game to remember - lucky money new words in the - buy new clothes 109 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 like “ go shopping; New Year celebration”..etc… -Then ask Ss to read the letter. T may check their understanding of the letter before they move on to activity 2 through simple questions like: Who wrote the letter? What will his father do? - Draw Ss’ attention to the use of “ will” by writing 2 -3 sentences taken from the postcard on to the board and underline the verb group: “ will repaint; won’t buy…” etc… b. Practice *Allow Ss to refer to the postcard while they are doing this task(2). While Ss are writing, check that they don’t make any mistakes with “will” - Check that they don’t use “will” or the verbs after “will” in the third singular form. c.Production Emphasize that Ss write True sentences of what Phong will/won’t do at Tet. T also reminds them of the kind of words they have to add in order to complete the sentences 4.Homework(2’) Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: B3(page 41) previous activities - make a wish …………… -Read the letter and answer + Phong wrote the letter + He will repaint his house. -Remember the use of “will” -Refer to the postcard and do exercise 2 -Remember -Write sentences what Phong will/won’t do at Tet. -Write down and listen to T’s guidance 110 -My father will repaint our house. - I will go shopping - We won’t buy fireworks *Key 2: 1. My father will………….. 2. I’ll go shopping 3. We will buy red envelope. 4. I’ll help ………….. 5. I will write soon 6. We won’t buy…. 7. We won’t buy ……………. *Key 3. 1. Phong will visit his relatives. 2. Phong will go to a pagoda. 3. Phong will go out. 4. Phong won’t staudy. 5. Phong won’t give a present. *Guideline : Complete the sentences with “ should” or “shouldn’t” NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 17 PERIOD 46 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 4. communication I. Objectives - Help Ss use the functional language what they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic “ New Year” + Use the words related topic “ Countries and nationalities” + People in different countries/ group of people celebrate New year differently. II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content /board 1.Warm up (3’) *Note: T may first show Ss the flags of Ss tell the names Difficulty might arise with “ eightcountries and ask them if of the countries if Scothland” and “ Korea” T they know the names of the they know. help them see that Scotland countries where they are and is part of Great Britain and what else they know about these there are “ Two Koreas: countries. North and south T may even allow Ss to answer in Vietnamses. The more they can talk about the eight countries and their people the better. 111 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -For the matching of countries and nationalities, T may expect Ss to be able to recognize most depending on the roots. 2.Practice(15’) It would be found if t can make 8 hats with the flags at the front. Call 8 students and ask them to wear the hats. -Devide the class into 4 groups and see which group can call out the right names the most quickly.( T can perform by putting on each hat, say where she/he comes from and ask the whole class to say the nationality. -Let Ss look at the pictures, discuss and make a guess about which countries the pictures are about. Then ask them to match the pictures with the four group of people. If the Ss fail to do this, don’t worry. Ask them to keep this question in mind and go to the reading. *Ss are not expected to know of the New Year pratices in these four countries. T may help Ss by drawing their attentions to some details from the reading and referingto the pictures provided in 3 Eg: ringing… bells; make us think of picture 4; Japan -Throwing water; is likely for picture 2, Thailand. The two remaining pictures are easy to match as they know that Vietnamese do not wear that kind of shirt. -In oder to help Ss remember the information from the reading ask them to underline -Do the matching of flags and countries. -Group work S1: I’m from… S2: You are … * Key 1. 1. Holland 2. Japan 3.The USA 4. Australia 5. Thailand 6. Viet nam 7. Scotland 8. Korea *Activity 2 T. Hi, I’m from England. S1: You are English? -Look at the pictures and guess which country - Match the pictures with the four group of people *Key 3. 1. The Scothish Scotland 2. Tha Thai/ Thailand. 3. The H’Mong, Viet Nam. 4. The Japanese, Japan. *Key 4. -Pay attention to a.H’Mong some details from b. Thai the reading and do c.Japanese activity 4 d. Scotish * Reading a. decorate - kill a rootster, take some red feathers b. throw water over people c. ring their bell d. clean their houses - first footer *Key 5: -Ss remember the a. the cover of a rootster, information from chicken or bird the reading b. become colder 112 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the verbs and the ojects of some practices -T may demonstrate this by underlining “ decorate… houses” - This may help Ss remember the necessary words for activity 6. *Don’t let Ss do this task before they spot the words/phrase in the reading. Ask them to look at the words/phrase as they are used in the sentence and encourage them to use the context to guess the meanings of the words/phrases 4.Production(Activity 6) -15’ -Allows Ss sometimes to write the two facts they like best down in their notebooks or on a piece of paper. Suggest they write short sentence. T can either have Ss listen to their peers reading and doing the guesssing or let them look at the reading and listen to the sentences. As Ss take turn to read, check their pronunciation, especially of the target vocabulary and ask them to read clearly. 5.Homework(2’) Write activity 6 as homework - Underline the verbs and the ojects of some practices c. take away d. the first person to enter your home after New Year’s Eve. -Look at the words/phrase and guess the meanings of the words/phrases in the context -Write the two facts they like best down in the notebooks PERIOD 47 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 5. skill 1 I.Objectives - Read some pasages that children in diferent countries talk about their New Year, get to know New Year practice in some other countries -Talk to friends and say which you will do / want to do this new year. II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book 113 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 III. Procedures Teacher 1.Warm up (3’) -Tell the class something you do at Tet holiday. 2.Presentations(10’) *Pre-reading -Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the children and the names of the countries first to have some ideas about which countries they are going to read about. T may ask them if they know how children in these countries spend their New Year, what they like or believe -Then ask them to read the text. T may allow them to read a second time and underline some words they don’t know. -Ask them to make a guess first, base on the context. - Teach some new words Students S1. Clean my house S2. Buy flowers Content /board -Look at the pictures and the names, Listen to T’s guide. -Read the text and underline some words. -Guess the meaning of the words 114 *Words: - good/bad luck: -believe: - move backwards: [b'ækwədz] adv.xuôi ngược, tới lui - strike:/straik/ * ngoại động từ struck; struck, stricken - đánh, đập - bow: [baʊ]cái cung =ro draw (bend) the bow+ giương cung - vĩ (viôlông) - cầu vồng - cái nơ con bướm laughter ['læftə(r) /'lɑː-]tiếng cười =to burst (break) into laughter+ cười phá lên =to split one's sider with laughter+ cười vỡ bụng NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *Ask Ss to look at the picture first to remind them of the use of “should” which they learnt in closer look 2 -Do model with some Ss -Let Ss do the speaking in group. Encourage response of “ I agree; Yes, we should; I don’t think so.” 5.Homework(5’) -Give Ss some exercises in the work book C1.C2(Page 42,43) D1;D2;D3 (page 44,45) Week 18 -Look at the picture and remember the use of “should” -Speak in group of four S1: We should buy some salt. S2. I agree, but we shouldn’t ask for lucky money. S3. No, we shouldn’t. We should invite some friends home. S4: Yes, I think we should. -Write down and listen to T’s guidance *Guideline: -C1: Complete the conversation with the words/ phrases provided -D1: watch the nouns of the country with pictures. PERIOD 48 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 6. skill 2 I. Objectives - Listen to get information about going shopping for Tet -Write complete sentences from prompt and write a short guided passage: an email to a friend about Tet holiday: We “will/ won’t/ should/ shouldn’t” II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content /board 1.Warm up (3’) -Do a wordweb -Tell the names of some things at Tet. 115 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2.Pre-listening(8’) -Let Ss look at the list and read them aloud. Make sure they pronounce the words correctly. ( This will help them recognize the key words in the listening) 3.While-listening(12’) *Play the tape two or 3 times and ask them which words from the list they can hear. -Draw thei attention to the positive and nagative forms of the verbs and other signals for positive/nagative sentences Eg; Yes, dear; We don’t; No, dear. *Activity 2 can be done only after the first one has been sucessfully completed. Ask Ss to look carefully at the lists of things. Mai and her mother will buy. Then look at the list of people as a guide so that they will focus on those people for listening -Check the answers 4.Post-listening(20’) *This is a giuded writingas a revision of “ will/ should” at Tet vocabulary for Tet practices and plans. For more advanced Ss, T may allow them to get out of this framework and write as they like Eg:How the Vietnamese will celebrate Tet in 10 years time? 5.Homework(2’) -Give Ss some exercises in the workbook E1,E2,E3 (page 46,47) -Look at the list and read aloud *Key 1: -Listen to the tape. 1. peach blossom -Identify whether 2. new clothes Mai and her 3. a tie mother will buy 4. sweets the items or not 5. chocolate biscuits -Look carefully at the lists of thing and the list of people *Key 2: 1. clothes 2. a tie 3. some sweets -Share answer with the partners An e-mail: -Read the guided To: writing and listen calmseanguyen@gmail.com to T’s guide Subject: Tet holiday Dear Calmsea, -Write I feel very happy. Our tet is individually coming. This year I will -Read before class buy….I won’t ………. At Tet, people should …………..People shouldn’t…………… Write soon, Huong. E1. Complete the -Write down and information about yourself. listen to T’s E2. Write a paragraph about guidance your plans: I’m going to 116 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 (not) I will/won’t……. *Tape script: Mai: Mum, shall we buy a branch of peach blossom? Mum: Yes,dear. We’ll buy a beautiful one. Mai: And how many banh chung shall we buy? Mum: We won’t buy banh chung, dear. This year, we’ll make them at home. Mai: Wow. I like cooking banh chung . I’ll help you with that. Mum: Yes, sure. And I’ll buy some new clothes for you and your brother. Mai: Thank you, Mum.Shall we buy for Dad, too? Mum: Yes, we’ll buy a new tie for him? Mai: Should we buy something for grandma and grandpa? Mum: Yes, of course, dear. We will get them some sweets and……. Mai: And some fruit… Mum: No, dear, we shouldn’t buy fruit. It’s too early. We should wait until the 30th. Mai: Yeah, Mum. And don’t forget to buy some chocolate biscuits for us. Mum: No, I won’t dear. I will buy you the most delicious biscuits. PERIOD 49 Unit 6. Our tet holiday Section 7. looking back & project I. Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previos sections and links with the topic “ Tet holiday” +Words: Activities for Tet + Grammar: Will/Won’t for future plans/ intentions Should/Shouldn’t for thingd that are good or bad to do/share + Write 3 dreams you have for New Year II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content /board 1.Warm up (3’) -Cook a special food *Slap the board -Play games: each - make a wish English-Vietnamese two Ss - buy new clothes …. 2.Vocabulary (10’) *Key * The aim of activity 1 is for Ss -Revise the 1-k to revise the vocabulary about vocabulary 2-e Tet which has been taught in the 3-d previous parts 4-c -let Ss match the actions on the -Match and read 5-j left with the things on the right aloud as a class 6-g 117 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *Game “About or not about Tet”: Activity 2 is for Ss to revise the tet vocabulary, not only in meaning but also in pronunciation. It’s also ttrain Ss’ memmory and quick reactions. 3.Grammar(12’) * Show Ss a picture of New Year in Thailand and ask if they could still remember anything about New Year Festival in Thailand. Ask them some questions - When is New Year Festival in Thailand? -What is the weather like? - Will people throw water at each other? - How can you travel to Thailand? -Then ask them to look at the list and make up sentences of what Phong will and won’t do in Thailand. T may then ask them if they can add anything. * All the information in the listening is familiar to Ss, so T can ask Ss to look at the summary first and see how much they can fill in before the listening. -This will create an opportunity for Ss to revise both the vocabulary about Tet as well as use of “should” -Play the recording 5 Ss go to the blackboard Volunteer A: Play games SA: About Tet Volunteer B: go swimming SB: not about Tet. -Remember anything about New Year Festival in Thailand. -Aswer the questions: - It is in April. - It’s the hottest time of the year. -Yes, they will. - I can travel to Thailand by plane. 7-i 8- h 9- a 10- l 11-b 12-g 13-m *Guideline: Not about Tet: - Go to school - go camping - do homework - go fishing - ….. *Key 3: * Phong will travel by plane. Phong will wear shorts and a T-shirt. -Phong will get wet. -Phong will throw water at others. -Phong will watch the elephants. * Phong won’t stay at home. -Phong won’t eat banh chung. -Phong won’t go to school. -Make up sentences *Key 4. S1: Phong will… 1,2,3,6=should S2: Phong won’t… 4,5 = shouldn’t *Tape script: Tom: Phong, should children in Viet nam visit -Look at the their grandparents? summary first… Phong: Yes, they should. - Remember words And they should wish them about Tet and use good health. of “ Tom: Do they help decorate should/shouldn’t” their home? Phong: Of course, They should… - Listen Tom: Do they eat much? 118 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Check their answers 4.Communication(8’) * Write the word “ wish” on the board and ask Ss to match it with a verbs -Now write the beginning “ I wish you ….” - Encourage Ss to create new words/ phrases to complete the sentences -T may then show Ss the pattern “ I wish you + Noun” 5.Project(10’) *Guide Ss to different kinds of dreams for themselves and for others. Encourage them to have dreams which might be impossible to become true. Tell them to use their imagination Eg: Tet holiday will be larger. I will fly to the moon. -T can let Ss share with one another by sticking the papers on the wall and asking them to write on the board. Then T can allow them a few minutes to read and decide which might become true and which can’t. 6.Homework(2’) -Write down in a big letters the -Check -Ss are expected to come up with “ make a wish” as they have learnt it in the previous lesson - Complete the sentences -Listen to T’s guide. S1. I will be younger forever. S2.I will have a new car. S3. I will be a millionare. -Write down. 119 Phong: They do, but they shouldn’t. And they shouldn’t ask for lucky money, either. Tom: Should they make a wish? Phong: They should, I think. *Key 5: 1. I wish you a happy New Year. 2. Have a great year with your students. 3. I wish you success in your career. 4. I wish you a joyful year. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 three dreams you have for this New Year as a homework. PERIOD 50 Review 2.1 – Language unit 4,5,6 Pronunciation; vocabulary; grammar Everyday english I. Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the languages Ss have studied since unit 4,5,6 -Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language summarise their answers in the end and add some more information necessary II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Content /board 1.Warm up (3’) *Unit 4: Tell Ss this review is for Unit -Tell the main - places 4,5,6 . Elicit quickly from Ss the contents and - directions main contents and language language focuses - shall focuses of three units. of three units 4,5,6 - comparatives *Unit 5: - Natural wonders - natural things - travel items - Superlatives *Unit 6: = Tet holiday -will/won’t - Should/ shouldn’t 2.Pronunciation (10’) *Explain to Ss that listening to -Listen to T’s -The sounds: /ɪ/;/ɪː/ and reading tongue twisters explainations. ; /t/; /st/ and /s/; /ʃ/ aloud is a good and funny way to improve their pronunciation. Tell them it’s very difficult to say tingue twisters in English so they don’t need to worry if they can’t do it very well at first. -Tell Ss the first tongue twister -Practice the is for practicing the sounds: sounds: /ɪ/;/ɪː/ /ɪ/;/ɪː/The second is ; /t/; /st/ and for: /t/; /st/ and the third /s/; /ʃ/ is for: /s/; /ʃ/ 120 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Ask Ss to listen while T play the recording. Have Ss pratice the tongue twisters individually and in pairs. Challenge them to volunteer to say the tongue twisters for the whole class. 3.Vocabulary(10’) *Give Ss enough time to do the task individually. Then tell them to play the game: “ Race to the board” Copy the Adjectives lists to the board ( one copy for each team) -Ask for 20 volunteers for 2 teams, each team of ten Ss -The fittest team which has the most correct answers wins. * Ask Ss to close their books and listen to the reading the definition. Have them guess the words first. Don’t give corrections yet. -Then ask Ss to open the books and do the task. -Ask Ss to give some words they know about each of the topics. Then tell them they will put the words in bold in 3 in their appropriate group. Allows Ss to work together for this task. 4.Grammar(12’) *Do the first sentence with Ss as a model. Ask them to identify the adj(cold). Ask them to give the opposite, then elicit the new sentence biginning with -Say the tongue twisters individually and in pairs. Then volunteer to say the tongue twisters for the whole class. -Do exercise 2 individually -The two teams stand in 2 lines facing towards the board and when they hear a signal sound from T, they will take turns to write the opposites on the board as quickly as they can. - Close the books and listen to T - Open the books and check *Key 3: 1. square 2. first footer 3. waterfall 4. shop 5. museum 6. desert 7. wish 8. lucky money 9. mountain *Key 4: 1. Places in a village, city or town: square; supermarket; school; shop; theatre; museum; stadium; … 2. Natural wwonders: desert; rocks; forest; mountain; bay; cave; … 3. New Year Festival: wish; greet; lucky money; new clothes; peach blossom; apricot blossom; … S1: market S2: lake S3: wish S4: …. -Watch T’s model Cold> close pairs) 3.Remote control 4. MC 5.Volume botton - Read and act 6. TV viewer out the sentences * Key 3. - Complete the T. In this programme, people sentences read out reports on TV./ A person who reads out reports Ss refer to 2 and on a TV or radio news suggested programme structures in 3 to S1. It is a newsreader see how a word S1. A person who gives a is defined weather forecast on at TV or radio. 129 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 read out reports on TV./ A person who reads out reports on a TV or radio news programme. - Ask some Ss to say as a class. - Listen then imitate 3.Pronunciation * Practise sounding out the sounds /θ/ and /ð/ together. Emphasise that the /θ/ and /ð/ are among the most difficult English sounds for Vietnamese Ss as we don’t have them in our language. - Play the recording once and ask Ss to number the words in the order the hear them. Allow Ss to compare their answers. Then play the recording the second time. Discuss the answers as a class. * Play the recording of the sentences. Ask Ss to listen carefully the words and focus on the /θ/ and /ð/ sounds and distinguish between them. - Play the recording again and ask Ss to repeat as much as necessary. - Devide class into two group: Group /θ/ and and group /ð/ and ask they listen and respond their own sound - Play the recording again and ask Ss to write the words in the two appropriate boxes Pronunciation Listen to T and * The sounds /θ/ and /ð/ pay attention the together /θ/ /ð/ sound /θ/ and /ð/ Theatre There Anything Them Thanksgiving Weatherman Both Than - Listen to the Earth Neither recording Through Feather - Mumber the words - Cheks if they do it correctly * Allow Ss to practice reading the tongue twister among themselves slowly at first then faster and then individually - Listen to the recording - Listen and repeat. - Two groups practise reading aloud. - Ss write the words in the two appropriate boxes Ss practice reading the tongue twister individually then among themselves 130 S2. It is a weatherman. S2. A person who announces for a TV event. S3:…… NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 slowly at first then faster and then individually T may also turn it into a completition to see who/which group can read the tongue twister fast and correctly 4. Homework - Give Ss some exercises in the - Take note workbook A1,2; ( page 4) * Guideline: PERIOD 58 : unit 7. television Section 3. A closer look 2 I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss can use: - Use conjunctions to connect words and ideas: and, but, because, …. - Use question words with question words : where, what, when, who, which, why, how,… - Ask and talk about a favourite programme II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * * Ask Ss some Yes/No questions * Ss: answer 1. Are you Ss? 2.Are you Ss? 3. Can you swim? *1.Do you often watch *Ask Ss some questions about * Ss: answer television? television 2. What TV programme do you often watch on TV? 3. What is your favourite programme? …. 2.Wh – question *Presentation. Ss can easily do *Key1 * Let Ss read the conservation in the exercise one 1.What pairs and underline the Whwith question 2.where question words. words 3. how long previously *Tape - Tell the Conservation 1. 131 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - The remember table is a summary of the function of each question word *Practice * Suggest Ss to look at the answer to choose the correct qoestion word * Play the recording.Let’s Ss look at the conservation as they listen and check their answers * Production T continues asking Ss to refer to the conservations to decide the question words(sugest Ss to look at the words “series” which means “many” and the answer “there are ten of them already” How many function of eaach question word - Remember Ss guess the answers - Listen and check - Ss have a cahnce to practice the question words in a longer and more complete conversation - answer before class 132 A. How oftendo you watch TV? B. Not very often.Two or three times a week. A. What do you watch? B. It depends. But I like game show best. Conservation 2. A. Who do you like best in the Weekend Meeting show? B. Xuan Bac. He’s so funny. Conservation 3 A. When do you play football? B. Usually on Saturday or Sunday. A. Where do you play? B. In the yard. *Wh- words ues What- the thing When/ What time- the time How- the manner How much/many: the number How old – age How far- distance How often – frequency How long – time How long/tall/… Who- the person Why- the reason ……. * Key2 1. How often/ what 2.Who 3.When/ Where * Key3. 1. What 2. What 3. How many 4. Why 5. What time/ When NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 3. Conjunctions * Presentation: Conjunctions are use to connect words and ideas / clauses Eg. Most children like cartoons and comedies. -I enjoy sports so I spend a lot of time outdoors. - Point out that the relationship between the ideas and clauses determine What conjunction is to be used *Practice - Guide Ss, telling them that if they want to find the correct conjunction for each question, they have to read the question, they have to read the questions carefully and decide what the relationship between the two ideas is. Also discuss punctuation + Explain to Ss that there is always comma with “so” and “although” - Let Ss work independently or in pairs to complete Ex 5 *Production - This task(Ex6) is more demanding as Ss have to decide what question word is to be used and how to form the question - Ask Ss to underline the key information the question is asking for Eg. The name, the programme => the question word is “What” ( This isn’t only question making practice. It’s also a chance for Ss to develop their understanding of the TV systems in Viet Nam.) 4. Homework Guide Ss exercise B4,B5,B6,B7( page 5,6) -Listen and write conjunction down Find the conjunction for each sentence *Key 4 1. and 2.but 3. Although 4. because 5. so -Note the comma *Key 5 1–C 2–A -Work 3–E independently 4–B 5–D - Make questions Guide: with suitable - How many hours does it question words. broadcast? S1. What is the - How long is it on? name of the - What is the name of any national TV TV programmes for channel? chidren? S2. VTV1, - How much does cable TV VTV2,VTV3,… cost per month? - Who is your favourite TV person? - Write down 133 Guide: B4. Match the questions with the answers B5. Find the question words NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 B7. Choose a suitable conjunctions. Week 21 PERIOD 59 unit 7. television Section 4. communication I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss can use: - Help Ss use the functional language in everyday life context and consolidate what they have learnt in the previous sections about the topice “ Television” - Exchange information about TV and talking about the favourite TV programme - Ss guess to know some strange/ famous facts relating to TV around the world. II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Answer * * Chatting - Yes/ No ? Do you like watching TV? - Once or twice a - How often do you watch TV? day - Tell me some series for children - Donal Duck you often watch? - Tom and Jerry Which TV progrmmes do you - live/ funny/ like best? Why? interesting/ … 2. Presetation *Don’t turn Ex 1 into a serious Ss answer these *Key 1 test of information. Ss are sentences 1. Japan expected to be able to answer -May discuss 2. Viet Nam questions 1,2,4 with their 3. Iceland( Băng đảo) Question 3,5, are interesting facts partners 4. The USA about TV. 5. Finland Question 6 might be unknown to 6. Britain 134 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Ss ( Sherlock Holmes is the famous English hero of author Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective stories which are well known all over the world. Many of his books have been translated in to Vietnamese) 3.Practice a. These questions are for discussion in order to see how Ss feel and what they think about the TV -Let Ss talk freely. Don’t correct them - Most of these answers to these questions can be found in the reading 3. b. The reading 3 is to introdue some kinds of TV programmes for children - Explain some words - Let Ss use the reading as a model for their talk about their favourite programme late - When Ss finish reading, ask them to return to the activity 2 and see if they want to change any of their previous answers c. Let Ss read the texts while they answer the questions - T introdues the relationship between “ educational” and “educate” ; “small children” and “kids” 4. Production Allow Ss about 2 or 3 minutes to choose the programme they prefer and prepare for their speaking. Encourage Ss to focus on explaining why they like it. - Listen to the teacher -Work in group and discuss with each other - Talk freely before class *New words - cute(a): xinh xắn - clumsy(a): vụng về - mini-series: phim truyền hình dài tập - entertain(v): giải trí - educate(v): giáo dục - Listen and repeat some new words - Talk about their favourite programme - Check Ex2 again *Key 3b Read the text 1. both programmes and do ex3b 2. Let’s learn 3. Hello Patty 4. Let’s learn 5. Hello Patty 6. Let’s learn -Prepare for speaking -Tell the class S1. I like “Let’s learn”/ I prefer “Let’s learn” to “Hello Patty”. Because it has a cute 135 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 characters… 5. Homework - Write down one of the two programmes “ Let’s learn” or “ Hello Patty” which one do you prefer? Why? -Write down Guide: - Ss write a passage following to Ex4 PERIOD 60 unit 7. television Section 5. Skill 1 I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss : - Reading a TV schedule ans descriptions of famous chilren’s programme for specific information - Ask and talk about a favourite TV programme. II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Answer * * Chatting - Cartoons/ ? Which TV programmes do you News/ Films/… like best? Why? -Because…. ?Do you often read TV schedule? - Yes, the time/ ? How many part are there? the name of the ? What are they? programme/ it’s content/ It’s live/ funny/ interesting/ … 2.Reading *Key 2. a. Pre-reading: Introdue a TV 1. Wheel Brrow Races schedule. Ask Ss to read the TV -Read the 2. The Parrot Instructor schedule and explore contents of schedule and 3. Yes, we can. the schedule( This task should be explore contents 4. A documentary about the done carefully because it helps Ss colourful living world in the complete Ex2) Pacific. - Guide Ss so that they can 5. No, it isn’t. distinguish the name of the *Key 3. programme ( Eg. Sports) and the 1. Phong: Science Journey specific name of the shows/ to Jupiter 136 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 events/ films/ … on that particular day(Eg: Wheel Barrow Races) b. While – reading -This task is to check Ss comprehension of the schedule. The more Ss understand the schedule, the quicker and more accurately they are able to answer the questions. - Encourage Ss to work independently/ ask and answer in pairs c. Post – reading - Let Ss do Ex 3 individually or in group of 2-3 - There are related concepts that T might want to explain the universe, the plannet, Jupiter, water, fish, ocean and the Pacific 3. Speaking a. Pre-speaking Let Ss prepare to speak about their TV favourite TV programme - They should talk the following information + The name of the programme + the channel it is on + The content of the programme + the reason you like it *Allow Ss about 2-3 minutes to choose the programme they prefer and prepare for their speaking. Encourage them to focus on explaining why they like it. b. While-speaking - Call some Ss to speak before class. Help them know the English version for the name of the programme they don’t know -Work in pairs answer the questions -Open pairs S1. What is the events in the sport programme today? S2. Wheel Barrow Races. 2. Bob: Comedy: The Parrot Instructor 3. Nga: Game show: Children are always Right 4. Minh: Sports Wheel Brrow Races 5. Vinh: Animals Ocean Life Do Ex 3 in group - Listen to T’s explaination -Listen to the T - The name of the programmes -Pay attention to the same notes - The channals - The content - The reasons -Prepare for speaking(can still use the Vietnamese names) Ss speak - I like … -It’s on VTV1… - It’s about… - I like it because… 137 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 c. Post-speaking T. may write on the board the name of each S’s favourite programme so that at the end of the activity, the whole class can see if there are many Ss who love the same programme 4. Homework Give Ss some exercises in the workbook C1(page6) C2, D1,D2,D3(page 7,8) Ss look at exhibition on the board - Remark your partner’s ideas Write down *Guideline C1. Asking and answering from the prompts C2. Complete the conversation with the words/ phrases D1. Put the sentences in the right order. PERIOD 61 unit 7. television Section 6. Skill 2 I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss : - Listen for specific information from a recommended TV schedule - Write a short guided passage about one’s TV watching habits. II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Answer * * Chatting - TV or Radio ? Which do you prefer TV or - Because it is radio? Why? both entertaining ?Why is TV good? and educational ?What can kids learn from TV? - They learn ?What part of the body does about different watching too much TV harm? lands and people ? What does watching too much - the eyes. TV keep children from? - It keeps children from taking outdoors activities. 2.Listening *Tape script a. Pre-listening -Read the And here are some 138 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Gives Ss 2-3 minutes to read the schedule -Ask them to read about and check on their pronunciation. This would help them recognize the keywords when they listen to the recording. Ask Ss to only focus on the information they need schedule -Practice the pronunciation to listen easily b. While-listening -Play the recording twice - Let Ss check their answers - Listen to the recording and check the answers * Activity 2 require Ss to listen -Read the more carefully for details. Let Ss sentences first read the sentences first and sees if and guess T/F Ss can answer any of the sentences base on the previous listening - Play the recording again. If Ss have difficulty catching the information and determining their answers, pause the recording after each sentence c. Post - listening -Suggestions: Ask Ss to take - Check the notes about the time for each answers programme and use them as reference. 3.Writing a. Pre-writing First let each S read the - S read the questionares and choose the most questionares and appropriate answers for him/her choose the 139 interesting TV programmes for you. The musical green, Green Summer on channel 1 starts at 8 o’clock. At the same time on channel 2 is The Red Spotted Squirel Home and Garden follows at 8.25. Today you will learn how to a house for your dog. Channel 3 offers you a touching film of friendship, the lovely giraffe. The film starts at 8.30. After that you can discover the famous old town of Inca Peru. However, It cames on quite late, at 10.00 * Key 1 Music: channel 1 Cartoons: 2 Film: Channel 3 Home and Garden: 2 Our heritage: 3 * Key 2 1- F 2- T 3- F 4-T 5-F *Suggest writing My TV watching habbit - I enjoy watching TV. - I watch TV 2 or 3 hours a day NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Check on Ss’s answers - Help Ss organize their ideas for writing - Then T ask Ss to look at the suggested structures for the writing b. While – writing T goes around the class and observe, help Ss write c. Post – writing - Call some Ss act out their writing on the board( Speak or write on the board) T remarks 4. Homework Give Ss some exercises in the workbook E1( page 8) E2 (page 9) answers and tick - Look at the suggested structures for the writing - I spend time on watching TV more than taking part in outdoors activities - I usually watch TV when I am eating dinner or after dinner. - I like the educational programme on VTV2. - I usually leave the TV on when I’m not watching - I think I have bad TV watching habits …… -Ss write Speak the writing before the class/ or write on the board ( if have time) Ss write down 140 Guildline E1: use the conjunction at the end of each group to connect the sentences E2: Write two paragraphs about the TV programmes NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 22 PERIOD 62 unit 7. television Section 7+ 8. Looking back & project I. Objectives By the end of this period, Ss : - Recycles the lamguage from the previous sections and link with the topic “ television” - Words related the topic “ Television” - Wh-question and conjunction - Iterview and report “ How important is TV to you?” II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Play games *Game Slap the board: * Slap the board -Newsreader English - Vietnamese -MC -Cartoons -Game show -…………. 2.Review vocabulary * Key Ex1 Ex1. The aim this task is for Ss to -From the game *People: newsreader, revise the taught vocabulary slap the board Ss weatherman/girl, writer, about different jobs in TV write suitable MC, … (column A); TV words in correct *Programme: cartoons, programmes(column B) and game shows, animals, home different kinds of film(C) and garden, … Call some Ss to write the key on *Kind of film: the board. Documentary, romance,… Ex2: this task is for the revision the vocabulary in a contextualized situation Recognize the relationship of the target words 141 Key Ex2 1.national 2.viewers NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Let Ss do Ex2 individually, then compare with the partner -Check the answers 3.Review grammar * Ask Ss to look at the answer and decide which question word is to be used * Let Ss do the task seperately. Chexk their answer as a class. 4. Communication * This task is a bit demanding as it requires both reading comprehension and the ability to recognize a logical order of a flow of ideas. -Let Ss work in pairs -Call some pairs act out the conversation as a class Ex6: Let Ss make a conversation base on the sample in Ex5 – recommend an interesting TV programme 5.Project -This is to introduece Ss to a new way of learning and practising their learnt language outside the class - Let Ss work in groups - After Ss havve completed their task, T can use it for class discussion to see how much TV watching is enough/good/bad and the role of TV for children 6.Homework and their content 3.7o’clock news 4.comedies 5.relax 6.game show 7.educational 8.writers *Key Ex3 -Do Ex3 and 1. How many then read each 2.What sentence aloud 3. Why -Do Ex4 use 4.Who conjunction to 5.When connect the sentences *Key Ex5 Ss might put “ A-C-B-D-F-H-G-E When can I watch it?”, before “What channel is it on?” Pairs -Ss can use the target language they have learnt and information about their favourite programme in a more realistic context -Work in groups ask question, take note of the answers, report the results to other people S1: What do you prefer doing in your free time? S2. Answer 142 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Rewrite the interview “ How important is TV to you?” -Write down PERIOD 63 Unit8. Sports and games Section 1. getting started I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of the unit 8 “ Sports and games” - Present vocabulary items to be learnt and practiced through the skills and activities of the unit 8. - Vocabulary: Sporta and games; use the combination: “ go/do/play + V-ing”. - Pronuciations: /ɪə/ and /eə/ II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up ?What do you do in your free - I play sports or time? watch TV. ? What sports and games do you - I like playing play or watch? chess/ soccer/… - I like reading books or newspapers./ I like listening to music./… -Look at the pictures and guess - At the gym. what it shows or what the conversation between Duong and Mai might be about? 2.Presentation ? Who do you see in the picture? -The gym ? Where are they?What do you -Duong and Mai think they are talking about? -They are talking about sports/games. -Play the recording. -Ss listen and read. * Introduce new words. - Read words and check their *New words 143 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *Call Ss to act out the conversation. 3.Practice *Let Ss work independently or in pairs to answer the questions. Then T may let them discuss in groups or as a class.(They may refer to the conversation.) T then check their answers and give explainations if necessary. * Refer Ss to the conversation to find the phrases. Practise saying them together (play the recording again if necessary. Explain the meanings (or give synonyms Vietnamese equivalent /i'kwivələnt/ * tính từ - tương đương * danh từ - vật tương đương, từ tương đương) to the Ss, then give some examples. *Ask Ss to practise the short conversations in pairs before creating their short role plays. More able students can try to extend the conversation. *Play the recording. Let Ss listen and repeat. Check and correct their pronunciation. Give them the meaning of the words. - T may also ask them if these sports and games are played in Viet Nam. *Ask Ss to write the correct words in the spaces. Let Ss check their answers( in pairs or in groups) - Help Ss differentiate between a meaning. - Pairs work -Work in pairs => closed pairs S1.What sports can Duong do? S2.He can play table tennis and can do karate. -Refer to the conversation to find the phrases. - equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt]: trang bị, dụng cụ, thiết bị, máy móc - fit [fɪt]: hợp, vừa -get off *Key1. 1. He can play table tennis and do karate. 2.Mai is. 3.Because the equipment is modern and the people are friendly. 4.Duong play with Duy and won the first time. 5.At the karate club *Key b. 1. Wow! Used to express surprise. 2. Congratulations: use to congratulate Sb/ to tell Sb that you are please about their success. 3.Great: used to show admiration 4. see you: used when you say goodbye. S1.Woo! You’ve got a new bike. S2.Yes. My Mum bought it for me. She wants me to keep fit. -Listen and repeat -Read individually before class. 144 *Key 3 1. cycling 2.table tennis 3.running 4.swimming 5.chess NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 sport and a game. -Listen to the T * A sport: an activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical exercise. *A game: an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams complete against each other -Let Ss work in pairs and put the words in the correct group. Then -Work in pairs check their answers and check their answers. 6.skiing 4.Production *Allow Ss time to do the task individually. Some Ss may write the answers on the board. Then let the class comment and give them the correct answers. T may call some Ss to read the sentences. *Let Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions. Encourage Ss who finish early to think of more questions that could be on the quiz( they can share with the class later) T may want to find out how sporty the class is by writing the results on the board. 5.Homework – Translate “Listen and read- At the gym” into Vietnamese -Listen to the recording again at home *Key 5 1. do 2. is watching 3. goes 4. likes 5. played -Do exercise 5 individually - write the answer on the board and chexk *Key 4. - Play: chess/ table tennis/ volleyball/tennis/ … - Do: boxing/ aerobics/karate/ … - Go: fishing/ cycling/swimming/ running/ skiing/… -Work in pairs: S1.Can you swim? S2.Yes/No *Some or all groups may report their results to the class. -Write down PERIOD 64 Unit8. Sports and games Section 2. a closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practise the vocabulary and pronuciation of the topic: “Sports and games” - Extend and practiced related to “Sports and games”. - Pronuce correctly the sounds: /ɪə/ and /eə/ in isolation and in context 145 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher 1.Warm up ? Write some words in correct group 2.Vocabulary *Play the recording and let Ss listen. Play it again with pauses for them to repeat each word. - Correct their pronunciation * Let Ss work individually, putting the words in 1 under the right pictures. - Check the answers. Explain the meanings to them if necessary. * Tell Ss to the task 3 individually first. Call some Ss to write their answers on the board, check the answer as a class. 3.Pronuciation * Let Ss practise the sounds /ɪə/ and /eə/ together. Ask Ss to observe T for the correct pronuciation of these two sounds. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat( Play the recordin as many times as necessary) * Allow Ss to work individually then let them check their answers Students -Write words in correct group on the board -Listen and repeat words. -Put the words under the pictures -Do the task 3 -Write the answers and check -Observe T’s pronunciation: / ɪə/ and /eə/ -Listen and repeat some words -Work individually 146 Board/Content - Play: …. - Do:…. - Go: …. *Key 2 1. bicycle 2. a ball 3. sport shoes 4. skis 5. boat 6. racquet/r'ækɪt/- giày trượt tuyết (giống cái vợt) 7. skateboard 8. goggles/'gɔglz/ - kính bảo hộ, kính râm (để che bụi khi đi mô tô, để bảo vệ mắt khi hàn...) - (từ lóng) kính đeo mắt *Key 3 1-c 2-d 3-a 4-e 5-g 6-h 7-b 8-f *Key 5 1-A 2-C 3-B 4-A 5-B 6-A NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 in group. T may call some Ss to write their answers on the board. - T corrects their mistakes - check the answers -Write answers on the board - Let them read together as a class -Read the words once or twice. * Play the recording. Let Ss -Listen and repeat sentence by sentence. Help repeat them recognize the two sounds, then underline the words in -Underline the sentences. words -Play the recording again if necessary 4. Homework -Give S some exercises in -Write down and workbook: A1,2(page 10); listen to T’s B2,3,4(page 10,11) guidance *Key 6 1-fair 2-hair 3-idea 4-square 5-nearly 6-cheered *Guideline A1. Write the following words in correct column B3: choose the correct answers B4. Odd one out. Examples Examples beer near here easier area superior ear tear pier beard Transcription /bɪə(r)/ /nɪə(r)/ /hɪə(r)/ /ˈi:zɪə/ /ˈeərɪə/ /suːˈpɪəriə(r)/ /ɪə(r)/ /tɪə(r)/ /pɪə(r)/ /bɪəd/ Meanings bia gần ở đây dễ dàng hơn vùng, khu vực ở trên, cao cấp hơn tai nước mắt bến tàu, cầu tàu đương đầu, chống cự với... Identify the vowels which are pronounce /ɪə/ (Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát âm là /ɪə/) 1. "ea" được phát âm là /ɪə/ trong những từ có nhóm ear 147 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Examples tear clear blear real spear fear smear weary dreary beard Transcription Meanings /tɪə(r)/ nước mắt /klɪə(r)/ rõ ràng /blɪə(r)/ mờ, không thấy rõ /rɪəl/ thực tế /spɪə(r)/ giáo mác /fɪə(r)/ sợ hãi /smɪə(r)/ trát, bôi lem nhem /ˈwɪəri/ uể oải, mệt mỏi /ˈdrɪəri/ buồn tẻ, buồn rầu /bɪəd/ đương đầu, chống cự 2. "ee" phát âm là /ɪə/ khi đứng trước tận cùng là "r" của mỗi từ Examples beer cheer deer leer steer sneer career engineer Transcription /bɪə(r)/ /tʃɪə(r)/ /dɪə(r)/ /lɪə(r)/ /stɪə(r)/ /snɪə(r)/ /kəˈrɪə(r)/ /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/ *Examples Example air bear pair chair square where upstairs care wear Transcription /eə(r)/ /beə(r)/ /peə(r)/ /tʃeə(r)/ /skweə(r)/ /weə(r)/ /ʌpˈsteəz/ /keə(r)/ /weə(r)/ Meanings bia sự vui vẻ con nai, hoẵng liếc trộm lái xe, tàu cười khẩy nghề nghiệp kỹ sư Meaning không khí mang vác, chịu đựng đôi, cặp cái ghế vuông ở đâu trên gác, trên tầng chăm sóc đội, mặc 148 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 /ðeə(r)/ their của họ (tính từ sở hữu) /heə(r)/ hair tóc /steə(r)/ stare cái nhìn chằm chằm Identify the vowels which are pronounce /eə/ (Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát âm là /eə/) 1. "a" được phát âm là /eə/ trong những từ có một âm tiết mà tận cùng bằng "are" hoặc trong một âm tiết của một từ khi "a" đứng trước "r" Examples Transcription Meanings bare /beə(r)/ trần, trần truồng care /keə(r)/ chăm sóc dare /deə(r)/ dám /feə(r)/ fare tiền vé /heə(r)/ hare thỏ rừng /reə(r)/ rare hiếm có, ít có /ˈeəriə/ area vùng, khu vực /ˈpeərənts/ parents bố mẹ /prɪˈpeə(r)/ prepare chuẩn bị /ˈgeərɪʃ/ garish lòe loẹt, sặc sỡ /ˈveəriəs/ various đa dạng, phong phú /sekˈteəriən/ sectarian thuộc môn phái /laɪˈbreəriən/ librarian cán bộ thư viện vegetarian /ˌvedʒɪˈteəriən/ người ăn chay invariable /ɪnˈveəriəbl/ cố định, không thay đổi Ngoại lệ Examples Transcription Meanings /ɑː(r)/ are là (dạng số nhiều của to be) /ˈhɑːriːm/ harem hậu cung 2. "ai" phát âm là /eə/ khi đứng trước "r" Examples Transcription Meanings air /eə(r)/ không khí fair /feə(r)/ công bằng hair /heə(r)/ tóc pair /peə(r)/ cặp, đôi /tʃeə(r)/ chair cái ghế /leəd/ laird địa chủ 149 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 /ˈdeəri/ dairy sản xuất bơ sữa /ˈfeəri/ fairy tưởng tượng, hư cấu 3. "ea" được phát âm là /eə/ Examples Transcription Meanings /beə(r)/ bear con gấu /peə(r)/ pear trái lê /ˈbeərɪʃ/ bearish hay cáu gắt /weə(r)/ wear mặc, đội, đeo swear /sweə(r)/ thề 4. "ei" có thể được phát âm là /eə/ Examples Transcription Meanings heir /eə(r)/ người thừa kế their /ðeə(r)/ của họ (từ sở hữu) Week 23 PERIOD 65 Unit8. Sports and games Section 3. a closer look 2 I. Objectives - By the end of this period, Students can : - Identify and practise, use the Past Simple Tense: “ S + Ved/V2” -Use imperatives to tell Sb to do Sth or give a direct order II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up *Introduction: The past simple -Remember the was already studied in Tieng Anh Past Simple 5(Let’s learn). T ask Ss to recall it Tense and give examples Ss answer: T may ask them questions S1. I went to the ? What did you do last Sunday? park. Encourage Ss to talk about past S2. I went actions. fishing. S3. T played soccer with my friends. S4: ……. 150 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2.The Past Simple a. Presentation -Ask Ss to give the rule and use of the past simple tense themselves. Let them study the Grammar box. -T may give some more examples. - Remind them to say when something happened ( Eg: Last Sunday/ last month/ last year/ last summer; two days/ five weeks ago; Yesterday/ Yesterday morning/ Yesterday afternoon;…) * Explain to Ss that many English words have a irregular past form. Gives some examples - Helps Ss write the past form of the verbs they have learnt and write down in their notebooks so they can remember them. b. Practice * Let Ss work in pairs to give answers. T observes/ helps when necessary and correct Ss’ mistakes * Let Ss do task 2 individually. T correct their answers and may call some Ss seperately to say theirs answers for the class. -T gives explainations if necessary. Then call some pairs to read the conservation with the correct verb forms. -T corrects their pronunciation and itonation *Uses: -Give the rule -We use the past simple tense and use of the to talk about a finished action Past Simple in the past. We often say: “ When it happened?” *Regular verbs(V) (+) S + Ved/V2 (-) S + did not/didn’t +V -Remember (?) Did + S + V…? adverbs of time *To be (+) S + was/were (-) S + was/were + not (?) Was/Were + S …? *Irregular -Listen Have – had Give – gave Do - did -Write the past Go - went form of the verbs …………. Work in pairs -Check the answers -Do Exercise 2 individually - Check the answers -Read in pairs c. Production 151 * Key 1 1. were 2. was 3. was did was 4. Did were did was *Key 2 1. was 2. didn’t do 3. sat 4. watches 5. went 6. had 7. did 8. visited 9. ate 10. scored Ex. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - divide Ss onto group of 4 or 5 -T can ask Ss to give the rule for using each of the tenses they have learnt: ( The Present Simple; The Present Continuous; The Past Simple, The Future Simple) - Write Ss’ rule down on the board. Then tells Ss that they are going to learn one more tense, The imperatives. 3.The imperatives a. Presentation T tells Ss the form and use of imperatives and give more examples b. Practice * Let Ss work independently. Write the answers Ex 4. Then let them work in groups to check and say the sentences aloud - T goes around and corrects mistakes. * Let Ss work in pairs or in group. Take turns telling their friends what to do and not to do at the gym. - T gives help and lets them give as many sentences as possible Group 4 or 5 S1. Did you play soccer last take turns asking weekend? and answering S2. Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. about their last weekend -Some more able Ss can report to the class about one of their friends. -“ Nam played soccer, Ha went to the zoo./…” -Listen and remember -Do exercise 4 -Work in group to check -Work in pairs S1. Pay your fee first. S2.Put on your trainers/ sport shoes. …..etc…… c. Production -Let Ss take turn giving a order or S1. Stand up, 152 *Use: Imperatives to tell someone to do Sth on to give a direct orders Eg: It’s a chewing gum. - Chew it. - Don’t swellow it. *Form: (+) V. (-) Don’t + V. *Key 4 1. take 2. don’t ltter. 3. Hurry up. 4. Don’t train too. 5. Put on. * Cue 5 - Listen to the instructor carefully - Don’t litter. - Don’t eat or drink at the gym. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 telling their friends to do a activity -T may want students to act out the orders 4. Homework -Gives Ss some exercises in the workbook Ex 5,6,7 (page 12) please. S2.( Stand up) ……..etc…….. Guideline. -Write down and Ex5. Put the words and listen to T’s phrases in order to make guidance questions. Ex6. Put the verbs in to correct tenses. Ex7. Write imperatives PERIOD 66 Unit8. Sports and games Section 4. communication I. Objectives - Help Ss use the functional language that they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic “ Sports and Games” + Interview informations about Sports and Games + Tell about sportman/ sportwoman Ss like II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * Key 1 *Do the quiz -Work in pairs, 1. There are usually 22 “ Sport quiz” do sports players ( 11 on each side) -Let Ss work in pairs, discuss the quiz( Ex1) 2. It normally last 90 minutes, answers ( divided into 2 helves) - Can work in two teams. The 3. They are held every four teams get more marks to be years. winner. 4. No, there weren’t Olympic Games in 2011. They were held in 2004, 2008, 2012,..) 5. A marathon is 42, 195 kms long.( 26 miles, 385 yards,) 6. They were held in Olympia ( in Ancient Greek) in 776 BC 7. Boxing does. 2.Presentation *Words -Introduce some new words Listen and Fit -Tells Ss to listen and repeat remember words Last words Marathon -Call some Ss to read aloud Ring 153 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Achievement /ə'tʃiːvmənt/ * danh từ - thành tích, thành tựu = to record great achievements : đạt được những thành tích lớn 3.Practices * Give Ss plenty of time to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Encourage them to talk and raise as many questions as possible T calls some Ss act out and correct their mistakes 4.Production Tells Ss to prepare: draw his//her favourite sportsperson( a famous person in the world of sports/ famous or successful athletes in Vietnam) Divides the class into group of four or five, encourages Ss to talk about their favourite sportsperson one by one.( If there is time, choose some Students to present to the class) 5.Homework Write activity 3 as homework( Write about a sportsperson you like) Pairs S1: What sports/games do you play in your free time/ at school/like watching on TV? S2: Playing soccer/ skipping/ … S3: Can you name three fanmous sports persons? S4: Huynh Duc,Pham Van Mach and Cong Vinh. …etc… -Work in group find information and get ready to talk about famous sports person. S1: His name is Huynh Duc. He is a football player. He won …. I like him because … Write down 154 *Cue: - His/ her name is …. -The sports he/she plays - His/her past achievements -Why you like him/her… NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 67 Unit8. Sports and games Section 5. Skill 1 I. Objectives - Read for specific information about famous sports people -Talk about the activities/ sports/ games Ss do in their spare time II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up Chatting: *Answer ? What sport do you play in your - football/ go free time/after school? jogging/ skipping/go swimming/… ? Do you like football? - Yes, I do. ? Do you know Pele- the king of - Depend on Ss’ football? knowledge. 2.Reading Full name:Edison Arantes do * Pre-reading Ss answer Nascimento T tells sth about Pele you know. depend on their Date of birth: 21 or 23 ? What special about him? knowledge October 1940 ? Where does he come from? Place of birth: Três ? What other things you know Corações, Brazil about him? Height: 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) *While-reading -Read the Playing position: T tells Ss to read the passage passage quickly Forward:tiền đạo quickly and check their ideas and check their -Pele’ is regarded as the best ( Set a strict time limit to ensure ideas football player of all time Ss read quickly for imformation) -Read the -Pele’ played soccer at a very -Ask Ss to read the passage passage again young age. again , then answer the questions and answer - Pele’ won the first world * Post-reading S1. When was cup. It was the first time the Let Ss talk about Pele’ Pele’ born? World Cup was shown on ? Why do you like Pele’? S2: He was born TV. -Refer to other famous football on 21st October - Pele’ won three World Cup. players they know and ask them 1940. - In 1999, he was voted who they think the best football football player of the century. player is. *Key 3. 2. People called him “ The King of football because he is such a good football player.” 155 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 3. He became football player of the century in 1999. 4. He scored 1,281 goals in total. 5. Yes, he is. 3.Speaking * Pre-speaking Allow Ss time to read the table and tick the right column( T may refer to people in Viet nam in general, asking them why they usually or newer player or do this or that) *While – speaking -Let Ss work in group asking and answering questions ( each pair by each pair in group) ( S1-S2; S3-S4; S5-S6;…) -T may call some Ss tell/report the result of your group ? Which sports/games are done most often? *Post- speaking -Let Ss work in pairs, discuss their answers to the questions - Call some pairs asking and answering as a class. 4. Production - Let Ss work in pairs, one S is an interviwew and other S is a famous sportsperson. 5.Homework -Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: C1,C2( page 6,7) D1, D2(Page 7,8) Read the table 4 and tick Work in group( refer to the table 4) S1: What kind of sports/games do you do most often? S2: I always go jogging. S1: Why? S2: Because going jogging is fun and healthy. S1: Do you like football? S2: Yes, I do. S3: Do you belong to any clubs? S4: No, I don’t. *Role play an interview *Guideline C1: Form complete questions from the prompt C2.Complete the conversation. 156 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 D1: Put sentences in the right order. Biography Edison Arantes do Nascimento also known as Pelé was one of the greatest football players ever. Pelé started playing football at Bauru FC where he was trained by former international Waldemar de Brito. Soon all great clubs of Brazil were after him. He choice for de Brito´s former club Santos FC were he made his debut (sự xuất hiện đầu tiên trước công chúng) at age 15. Pelé made his debut( kỹ xảo; khéo léo) at the World Cup with Brazil in 1958, at only 17 years of age. He became the youngest player ever to score a goal at the World Cup by scoring the decisive goal against Wales in the quarterfinals at 17 years and 239 days. In the semifinals(bán kết) he scored a hat-trick against France in a match that Brazil would win with 5-2. In the final against Sweden Pelé scored another goal in the 5-2 victory. Brazil became World Champion and Pelé was the greatest revelation/,revi'leiʃn/ (sự phát giác, sự khám phá(vật bị giấu, điều bí mật) of the tournament. At Santos Pelé dominated the Brazilian League by winning the Brazilian national championship five times in a row from 1961 to 1965. He won the Copa Libertadores(South American Champions League) in 1962 and 1963 and the 1962 Intercontinental Cup by beating Eusebio's Benfica with 5-2, Pelé scoring a hattrick. In Brazil's first match of the 1962 World Cup against Mexico, Pelé assisted the first goal and scored the second goal. It looked like it was going to be Pelé's tournament again, but it wasn't. Pelé was hiding a groin injury to keep playing, but this became visible at Brazil's second match against Czechoslovakia. Pelé had just shot on the post and tried to shoot the reflected ball but injured himself. He was forced off for the rest of the tournament, despite that Brazil won the tournament due to a great Garrincha. It was the 1966 FIFA World Cup, held in England. Pelé was back without injury and scored in his first match against Bulgaria, Brazil won but Pelé had been brutally fouled by the Bulgarian defenders and could not play the second match against Hungary. Brazil lost his second match and Pelé was forced to come back and play the 157 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 decisive match against Portugal. Pelé was fouled again by the Portuguese players. However it was the foul João Maorais made on him that injured him. Pelé limped on the field for the rest of the game and Brazil lost with 3-1. Pelé played his last World Cup in 1970 at age 29. Pelé scored one goal in Brazil´s first match against Czechoslovakia which was won with 4-1. Pelé nearly scored with a header against England but Gordon Banks saved spectacularly. Against Romania Pelé scored twice in the 3-0 victory against Romania and Brazil was is in the quarterfinals. They won the quarterfinal against Peru with 4-2, Pelé did not score. In the 3-1 victory against Uruguay in the semifinals Pelé was involved with the last 2 goals. Brazil dominated the final against Italy, Pelé opened the score with a header 10. The match was won with 4-1, the final goal being one of the most famous goals, showing Brazil's class at that World Cup. Pelé became the only player ever who won the World Cup thrice. Pelé ended his career in the US at the New York Cosmos as a "ambassador for football". He remains one of the greatest players ever. He was great in all aspects of the game, he was great in heading, dribbling but above all shooting the ball with both legs. This is why he scored more than 1200 goals. Career Club Record Years Team Apps Goals 1956-1974 Santos 605 589 1975-1977 New York Cosmos 64 37 669 626 Total National Team Years Team 1956-1971 Brazil Apps Goals 92 77 Honours Team Honours Team Trophy Years Brazil World Champion 1958, 1962, 1970 Santos Intercontinental Cup 1962, 1963 Santos Copa Libertadores 1962, 1963 Santos Brazilian Championship 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1968 New York Cosmos U.S. Championship 1977 Individual Honours 158 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Trophy Years FIFA Player of the Century IFFHS Player of the Century FIFA World Cup Golden Ball (Best Player) 1970 South American Footballer of the Year 1973 Week PERIOD 68 Unit8. Sports and games Section 6. skill 2 I. Objectives - Listen to get information about the sports / games people play - Write a paragraph about the sports/ games Ss like II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up *Chatting Answer the ? What is the most popular sport questions in our country? S1: I think -Tell me the sports/games you football is. like to play most/watch on TV S2: I usually -The Sports/games you find most play badminton boring/ you never play/… in my free time 2.Listening *Pre-listening -Listen once *Key 2 Play the recording once only. Ask only and answer 1-F Ss to listen and say who the “ Hai, Bill, 2-T passages are about. Alice, Trung” 3-T *While-listening -Listen and write 4-F - Play the recording again and let down T/F 5-T Ss listen , then write T/F for each *Key 3 sentence -Check their 1. club - Play the recording once more answer 2. play and check their answers 3.watching * Post –listening -Listen and share 4.ball Play thr recording the third time their answers 5.goes for Ss to fill the blanks before listening 159 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 to check 3.Writing *Pre-writing First brainstorm with Ss for thr necessary language -Allow Ss to refer to the reading and other sections for useful language -Note interesting expressions and language on the board. *While-writing -Tells Ss to a draft first, then write a paragraph 80-120 words about the sport or games they like covering as many ideas as possible -Tells Ss to pay special attention to punctuation, structural elememts, linking words. *Post-writing T- may collect some Ss’ writing papers and mark them, give commemts to the class. 4. Homework - Give Ss execises E1,E2(page 15) -Brainstorm the language -Write down *Name of the sports/games -Is it a team or individual game -How long does it last? -How many players /equipments does it need? *Cue I like football best. It is a team sport. There are usually 22 players and 11 on each side. It normally last 90 minutes and it is divided into two halves. It needs a ball, 2 nets and the reference…. * Guideline -Write down and E1: Complete the second listen to T’s sentence so that it means the guidances same as sentence before E2: Write a paragraph about a football match. *Tapescript Hello, My name is Hai.I love sports. I play volleyball at school and I often go cycling with my dad at the weekend., But my favourite sport is Judo. I practise it at the Judo club 3 times a week. My name is Alice. I’m twelve years old. I don’t lie doing sports very much, but I like watching ice-skating on TV. My favourite hobby is playing chess. My friends and I play chess every Saturday. Hi, I’m Bill. I’m in grade 6 at Rosemarrick Lower Secondary school. After my lessons, I like to play computer games. The game I like best is “ Angry Birds”. I often play it for half an hour before dinner. I hope that I can create a new kind of computer game in the future. My name is Trung. I’ve got a lot of hobbies.I like playing the guitar and I love to watch football on TV. I don’t do much sports, but I often go swimming with my friends on hot days. 160 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week PERIOD 69 Unit8. Sports and games Section 7 &8. Lookingback & project I. Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous sections and link with the topic “ Sports and Games” + Words: The names of the Games/Sports and the words belong to “ Games/Sports” + The Past Simple Tense and Imperatives + Write about one sport or game II. Teaching aids - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up * T: *Game: Bingo -write two - playing soccer T write two sports/games T likes. words. If Ss - playing chess Let Ss write two sports/games on have the same a poster words with T calls out two names of Teacher, with sports/games the game- S will get 10 mark 2.Vocabulary *Key 1 * Let Ss do task individually -Do exercise 1 1-C - T correct their mistakes and lets -Check their 2-A them read the words correctly answers 3-D * Lets Ss read the words in 2 -Repeat the 4-C - Check their prronunciation words in 2 5-B -Write the *Key 2 answers 1. cycling -Tell Ss to write the answers in - Check their 2. football their notebooks. Then correct answers 3. boxing their mistakes 4. table tennis 5.basketball 161 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 3.Grammar * Have Ss to write their answers in their notebooks - T check their answer *Let Ss do the task 5 individually first then they can check their answers with a partner before discussing the answers as a class. - T gives the corrections - Have some Ss read the whole passage aloud ( maybe sentence by sentence). The rest of the class should track(theo dõi) the text with their fingers as the other Ss read. 4.Communication * Let Ss read the questions and answers once or twice ( they can read aloud). Then match them. -Write the verbs in the correct form -Check their answers - Work in pairs S1: Your friends are making a lot of noise. S2: Please stop making noise. -Do exercise 5 individually -Check the answers - Read the passage aloud *Key 3 1. are 2. took 3. started 4. are playing 5. did you do..? cycled watched *Key 4 2. Go out to play with your friends. 3. Don’t feed the animals. 4. Stand in line, boys. 5. Don’t tease/tɪːz/(chòng ghẹo, trêu tức, trêu chọc, chòng - quấy rầy) the dog. *Key 5 1. play 2. hear 3. games 4. sports 5. famous *Key 6 1-a 2-e 3-b 4-c 5-d -Read the questions and answers and match - Lets Ss work in pairs and role -Work in pairs play the questions and answers. S1: How often - If there is time, have them write do you do all sentences in their notebooks. karate? S2: I do it once a week. *Finished: Ask Ss to complete the -Ss selfself-assessment. Identify any assessment difficulties/ weak areas and provide further practice as needed. 5.Project * New words: 162 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Have Ss read the passage “ Blindman’s Bluff” carefully. Explain new words and anything difficult for Ss. - Make sure they understand everything throughly * Let Ss work in groups - Each group chooses a game or sport. Let them talk and then write about it. 6.Homework -Let Ss complete the project as homework * T’s guidance -Read the passage - Remember words for understanding the passage - Work in groups, choose a game and talk about it - circle: vòng tròn - seeker: người tìm kiếm - hints: lời gợi ý - Blindfold(v): bịt mắt * Cue 2: Name of the games - Tug of war: Kéo co - Skipping - Playing marbles ? How many players? ? Equipments?( ball/ bat/ stick/..) -Rule Write down PERIOD 70 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 1. getting started What nice photos! I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of Unit 9: “ Cities of the world” -Present Vocabulary items to be learnt and practice through the skills and activities of Unit 9. - Words: names of the continents, countries and cities. - Practise pronuncing the sounds :/əʊ/ & /aɪ/ II. Teaching aids - Recording - Flashcards/ Pictures/ globe - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) Discuss Unit 9 objectives with Ss -Note down *Exclamation: -Write the unit title on the board “ “ What+(a/an)+ Adj +N(s)!” Cities of the world” - Ask Ss to mane some cities they -Name some know, and where they are. cities: “ Tokyo - Ask them to locate the cities on in Japan; New a map or a globe York in America; Ho Chi 163 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Introduce Mai and Tom - Explain that “ What nice photos!” is an exclamation to express that you like the photos 2.Presentation(10’) * Ask Ss what the conversation might be about. Let Ss open their books and check their answers. Minh City in Viet Nam;…” -Listen to the T’s explaination Ss guess -Open the books It’s about the cities in the and check world. answers -Asks Ss question about the -Ss answer pictures. -They are Eg: What are Mai and Tom looking at some doing? What are they looking at? photos. Ask Ss to name the cities in the Name the cities: photos and ask them to support Sydney; London; their answers. New York; … -Play the recording more than -Listen to the once recording -Play the recording more than -Read in pairs once S1: Mai -Let Ss to read the text in pairs S2: Tom 3.Practice(15’) *Key 2 * Let Ss work independently. Tell -Work 1-F: They are looking at them to look at the photos and the independently photos on the computer. texts in order to find the answers - Answer 2-F:Tom has been to most of -Allow them to share answers Exercise 2 the cities. before discussing as a class 3-T -Ask Ss to support their answers 4-F: There are modern -Let Ss work in pairs to complete -Work in Pairs buildings in Lon don as well. the exercise 3 5-F: Tom has never been to -Practise saying the continent -Practise saying New York. The photo is from names with them his brother. - Ask them the Vietnamese *Key 3 translations of these names. 1. Asia * Write: “ Asia; Viet Nam; Hue; *Anwers: 2.Europe Ha Noi; Thong Nhat palace.” On 1.Asia 3. Africa the board. Ask Ss “ Which is the 2.Viet Nam 4. North America continent/ country/ the city/ the 3.Hue 5. South America capital/ the place of interest?” 4. Ha Noi 6. Australia 5. Thong Nhat 7. Antarctica Palace - Ask Ss to give examples for - Give the same 164 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Britain. - Then ask Ss to do the matching 4 and give feedback. Practise saying the words with Ss. Ask them to locate the places on a map/globe * Note: The short common form of the United States Of America is the USA, the US, America often refers to continent 4. Production(10’) Game: Around the world *Model the game with the whole class first. -Divide Ss into two big groups -Let Ss in each group choose a country and ask friends some questions ( T can give Ss some more questions in addition to those in the book.) - Count the correct answers from each group member to find the winning group. - Have Ss play the game in groups of four . Remind them to record the correct answers from each group member to find the winner. 5.Homework(5’) -Translate “ Listen and read” into Vietnamese -Listen to the recording “ What nice photos!” again - Learn new words ( continent, country, cities, …) by heart examples: 1. Erurope 2. Britain 3. Liverpool 4. London 5. The Big Ben - Do exercise 4 - Give the feedback S1: Which continent is it? S2: It’s in Asia. S1: What is its capital? S2: It’s Lon don. -Group of four S1: Ask S2,3,4: Answer (take turn) Copy down 165 *Key 4 a. Asia, Africa b. Sweden, The USA c. Ha Noi, Nha Trang, Amsterdam, Liverpool d. Ha Noi, Asterdam e. Ben Thanh market, the Louvre ? Which continent is it in? ? What is its capital? ?What is it famous for? ………… NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 25 PERIOD 71 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 2. a closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practise the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic of Unit 9: “ Cities of the world” - Use the vocabulary and structures to describe cities and landmarks. + Adjectives: old; safe; dirty; polluted;… +Structures: Superlatives of long Adjectives + Practise pronuncing the sounds :/əʊ/ & /aɪ/ correctly in isolation and in context. II. Teaching aids - Recording - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up - Check if Ss remember which Remember: “ cities Mai and Tom were talking Rio de Janerro, about at the beginning of the unit. Sydney, Lon - Ask them how Tom described don” the 3 cities: What did he talk “clean, beautifyl, about? Which adjectives did he bad, modern” use? 2.Vocabulary *Key 1. -Ask Ss to match the words they Ss may alredy Old – New know. Allow Ss to work together. know some of Clean- dirty Point out that some adjectives in the adjectives Dangerous – safe the left column can have more -Match the Historic – modern than one opposites in the right words in Ex1 Quiet –noisy column. Give feedback. Cheap – expensive -Have Ss practise reading the -Read adjectives Dry – wet adjectives.(If there is time - Describe some Cold – hot encourage Ss to use these words cities: S1: Rio ‘s Boring – interesting to describe the four cities that Mai an interesting *Key 2 and Tom talked about. city. 1. City: beautiful, peaceful, -Have Ss work in groups. Tell -Work in group exciting, big, small, safe, them they can use the words in polluted,… Ex1. Encourage Ss to add other - Some Ss write 2. People: nice, friendly, adjectives the key on the unfriendly, open, out going, - Give feedback. Point out that board generous, noisy, … 166 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 some adjectives can’t go with particular Nouns.(Eg: We can’t say: long/ short city or rainy people,…) 3.Pronunciation:/əʊ/ & /aɪ/ *Practise the sounds:/əʊ/ and /aɪ/ together. Model the two sounds with “cold” and “sky” - Let Ss see how the sounds are formed. Ask Ss to give words that have these two sounds - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to and fill in the suitable column.( Play the recording as many time as necessary) - Give feedback and have Ss repeat the sounds as a class *Key 3 /əʊ/ /aɪ/ Cold Sky Snow Exciting Old High Clothes Fine hold Flight * Have Ss practise reading the bold first. Ask them to say if the word has an /əʊ/ or /aɪ/ sound. -Play the recording as many time as necessary. Have Ss repeat the sentences. - Provide further practise by dividing the class into two groups. Have groups read alternate lines. * Can let Ss make sentences that contain words with /əʊ/ or /aɪ/ sounds. -Check their answers Practise the sounds:/əʊ/ and /aɪ/ together. 3. Food: delicious, cheap, expensive, awful, good, tasty,.. 4. Weather: bad, nice, rainy, hot, cloudy, humid, cold, warm, cool, … 5. Buildings: high, old, new, modern, tall, …. Diphthong /əʊ / Nguyên âm đôi -Give words that have these two Introduction sounds -Listen to and Cách phát âm: đầu tiên đặt lưỡi ở vị trí phát âm âm /ə/ sau đó miệng fill in tròn dần để phát âm /ʊ/, phát âm -Check answers - repeat /ə/ dài, /ʊ/ ngắn và nhanh Diphthong /aɪ / Nguyên âm đôi Introduction -Practise reading -Say /əʊ/ Cách phát âm: âm này bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm ở giữa or /aɪ/ -Listen and repeat the sentences -Practice in 2 groups 167 lưỡi /ɑː/ và nâng lên trên đến chữ /ɪ/, khi phát âm /ɑː/ miệng mở rộng, đến /ɪ/ miệng hẹp dần. /əʊ/ Cold Go Snow Boating Oldest home Most Road post /aɪ/ Exciting Sky Like Night Lights Write Thai nice NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 4. Grammar -Superlatives of long adjectives *Let Ss read the box and give the rule and use of superlatives of long adjectives -Write the form on the board *Let Ss have a quick look at all the pictures. Ask Ss to work individually to complete the fact sheet, using one of the pictures provided -Have Ss work in pairs compare the answers -Ask them to discuss whether they agree with each other’s answers. *Set a time limit, ask Ss to look at their earlier answers in Ex5 to check if they are similar to what the text says. Read the grammar box and remember how to form the superlatives of long adjectives -Complete the fact sheet -Compare answers Discuss the answers -Look at the answer in Ex5 to check information in the text 6 -Have Ss ask and answer -Ask and answer questions about the fact using S1: Which city is “most Adj” the biggest in - Encourage Ss to expand the fact Britain? sheet by adding information like: S2: Lon don. the most famous woman in S3: Who is the Britain/ the most well-known most popular novel/ the most famous writer in Britain? footballer/ actor/ actress/ the most S4: William popular sport./… Shakespare. ….etc… 5.Homework Give Ss some exercises in gthe -Write down and workbook: A1,A2(page 16) listen to B1,B2,B3,B4 (page 16,17) guidance 168 * Long Adjectives - 2 syllable adjectives(not ending by y, ow, er) Eg: famous, peaceful,.. *All Adjectives of three or more than three syllable Eg: expensive; interesting, beautiful,… *Form The most + long Adjective *Key 5 1. Lon don 2. Oxford University 3. Shakespare 4. Fish and chips 5. tea 6. watching TV *Guideline B3: Write exclamation sentences: What +(a/an)+Adj +N! For examples. What good news! What a quiet city! NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Examples Examples Transcription Meanings load /ləʊd/ vật nặng, gánh nặng home /həʊm/ nhà, gia đình most /məʊst/ hầu hết, phần lớn pole /pəʊl/ cực (bắc, nam) coat /kəʊt/ áo choàng boat /bəʊt/ tàu, thuyền cold /kəʊld/ lạnh lẽo comb /kəʊm/ cái lược though /ðəʊ/ dù, mặc dù thorough /ˈθʌrəʊ/ hoàn toàn, hoàn hảo stole /stəʊl/ khăn choàng vai bowl /bəʊl/ cái bát old /əʊld/ cũ, già roll /rəʊl/ cuốn, cuộn toe /təʊ/ ngón chân no /nəʊ/ không go /gəʊ/ đi slow /sləʊ/ chậm Identify the vowels which are pronounce / əʊ / (Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát âm là / əʊ / ) 1. "O" thường được phát âm là /əʊ/ khi nó ở cuối một từ Examples Transcription Meanings go gəʊ/ đi no /nəʊ/ không ago /əˈgəʊ/ trước đây mosquito /məˈskiːtəʊ/ con muỗi potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ khoai tây tomato /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ cà chua toe /təʊ/ ngón chân 2. "oa" được phát âm là /əʊ/ trong một từ có một âm tiết tận cùng bằng một hay hai phụ âm Examples Transcription Meaning 169 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 coat /kəʊt/ áo choàng road /rəʊd/ con đường coal /kəʊl/ than đá loan /ləʊn/ sự cho vay nợ moan /məʊn/ tiếng than, tiếng rên vang goat /gəʊt/ con dê moat /məʊt/ hào, xung quanh thành trì... soap /səʊp/ xà phòng coast /kəʊst/ bờ biển load /ləʊd/ vật nặng, gánh nặng 3. "ou" có thể được phát âm là /əʊ/ Examples Transcription Meaning soul /səʊl/ tâm hồn dough /dəʊ/ bột nhão mould /məʊld/ cái khuôn shoulder /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/ vai poultry /ˈpəʊltri/ gia cầm 4. "ow" được phát âm là /əʊ/ Examples Transcription Meaning know /nəʊ/ biết slow /sləʊ/ chậm widow /ˈwɪdəʊ/ bà góa phụ window /ˈwɪndəʊ/ cửa sổ bowl /bəʊl/ cái bát grow /grəʊ/ lớn lên, trồng (cây) low /ləʊ/ thấp tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ ngày mai arrow /ˈærəʊ/ mũi tên Examples Examples Transcription Meaning while /waɪl/ trong khi rice /raɪs/ gạo 170 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 fine /faɪn/ tốt, nguyên chất behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/ đằng sau child /tʃaɪld/ đứa trẻ nice /naɪs/ đẹp kind /kaɪnd/ tốt bụng mind /maɪnd/ ý nghĩ, tâm trí silent /ˈsaɪlənt/ im lặng guide /gaɪd/ hướng dẫn guy /gaɪ/ chàng trai eye /aɪ/ mắt I /aɪ/ tôi (đại từ nhân xưng my /maɪ/ của tôi (tính từ sở hữu) light /laɪt/ nhẹ paradigm /ˈpærədaɪm/ hệ biến hóa sigh /saɪ/ tiếng thở dài island /ˈaɪlənd/ hòn đảo aisle /aɪl/ lối đi giữa các hàng ghế psyche /ˈsaɪki/ linh hồn, tinh thần Identify the vowels which are pronounce / aɪ / (Nhận biết các nguyên âm được phát âm là / aɪ / ) 1. "i" thường được phát âm là /aɪ/ đối với những từ có một âm tiết mà tận cùng bằng i+phụ âm+e Examples Transcription Meaning bike /baɪk/ cắn, vết cắn site /saɪt/ nơi chỗ, vị trí kite /kaɪt/ cái diều dine /daɪn/ ăn bữa tối side /saɪd/ bên cạnh tide /taɪd/ nước thủy triều like /laɪk/ ưa thích, giống mine /maɪn/ của tôi (từ sở hữu) swine /swaɪn/ con lợn twine /twaɪn/ sợi dây, dây bện 2. "ei" thường được phát âm là /aɪ/ trong một số trường hợp 171 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Examples Transcription Meaning either /ˈaɪðə(r)/ một trong hai, cả hai... neither /ˈnaɪðə(r)/ không cái nào height /haɪt/ chiều cao sleight /slaɪt/ sự khôn khéo seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ (thuộc) động đất 3. "ie" được phát âm là /aɪ/ khi nó là những nguyên âm cuối của một từ có một âm tiết Examples Transcription Meaning die /daɪ/ chết lie /laɪ/ nằm, nói dối pie /paɪ/ bánh nhân tie /taɪ/ thắt, buộc 4. "ui" được phát âm là /aɪ/ trong những từ có ui+phụ âm+e Examples Transcription Meaning guide /gaɪd/ hướng dẫn guile /gaɪl/ sự gian xảo guise /gaɪz/ chiêu bài, lốt, vỏ quite /kwaɪt/ Khá, tương đối inquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ điều tra, thẩm tra require /rɪˈkwaɪə(r)/ đòi hỏi, yêu cầu squire /skwaɪə(r)/ người cận vệ 5. "uy" phát âm là /aɪ/ Examples Transcription Meaning buy /baɪ/ mua guy /gaɪ/ chàng trai 172 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 72 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 3. a closer look 2 I. Objectives - By the end of this period, Students can : + Use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about experiences. S + have/has +(not) + PP=>Ved/ V3 + Adjectives: old; safe; dirty; polluted;… +Structures: Superlatives of long Adjectives + Practise pronuncing the sounds :/əʊ/ & /aɪ/ correctly in isolation and in context. II. Teaching aids - Recording - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up *Pelmanism -Choose Verbs See – saw V-simple present =>V simple past and match Be – was/were -Write two list of verbs on the Vsimple present Go – went board =>Vsimple past Eat – ate Play –played Learn – learnt/learned 2.Presentation *Form: *Ask Ss to recall what Tom told -Ss underline all S + have/has + PP Mai about in the conversation in the verbs in the *Uses: Getting Started Present Pefect - The exact time the action -Use the Grammar box to explain tense happened isn’t important. that Present Perfect Tense is used -Remember the -We often use “ever” and to show that one has had or has use and the form “never” when we describe our never had this experience. of the Present experiences - Provide the form of the Present Perfect Perfect.Note the past participle. Ask Ss to look for the original verb of PP in the conversation + Notice the use of “ ever” and “ never” 3.Practice *Key 2 *Play the entine coversation -Lsten again 1. has been again. Tell Ss that some 2. has been 173 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 information for this exercise isn’t mentioned directly in the recording. -Have Ss do the task 2 and ask them to support their answers with parts in the recording -Remind Ss that the PP is used to describe one’s experiences, and it isn’t important to state the exact time when they happened( contrast this with the Present Simple which describes a repeated action, a truth, and adverbs of frequency when sth happened are often mentioned. -Have Ss work on Ex3 individually before they compare answers with each other. -Give feedback as a class discussion * Elicit what there is in the photos by asking Ss questions. -Ask Ss to provide the verbs and their past participles -Have Ss write the sentences in full in their notebooks, then in pairs take turns talking about what Tom has done this week. ( If there is time allows, have Ss talk about what they have done this week, using the PP) 4.Production Class Survey *Go round the class asking the survey questions. Find out: -One thing that everyone has done. 3. has visited 4. has been 5. hasn’t been -Do the task and check answers -Remember the use of PP and contrast with Present Simple -Do Exercise 3,then compare answers ?What do/can you see in the Ps? S. dog; mask,noodles, ball, … - Provide verbs: played; eaten; washed;/ read;/ …. -Write and read the sentences - Talk about themselves S1: T have learnt English. I have never learnt French. Eg: She has never been to England. -She never goes fishing. *Key 3 1. Have you seen…? I have seen … 2. Go 3. Have never been 4. Clean 5. Takes 6. Has eaten *Key 4 1.He has read a book. 2. He has eaten “Pho”. 3.He has played football. 4.He has got an A+. 5. He has woshed his dog. Eg: Ss move around 1.Have you ever sung and ask different Karaoke? classmates for 2. Have you ever talked on different the phone for one hour? questions( Ss 3. Have you ever been on 174 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - One thing no one has done * When Ss have finished the survey, make a class poll by asking Ss to report the results. - Count the number of “Yes” answers to each question and find out what is the thing most Ss have ever done, and the thing that the least of them/ or no one has done. 5.Homework Give Ss some exercises in the wookbook B5(page 17) B6,B7 (Page 18) should not ask the same person all the questions) -Report the result and count the numbers of “Yes” TV? 4. Have you ever watched a live football match? 5. Have you ever been to England? 6. Have you ever eaten an icecream? 7. Have you ever had a pet? 8.Have you ever talked to a native speaker of English? ……… *Guideline: -Write down and B5. Make sentences, use “ listen to T’s never” guidance B7. Put the Verbs in brackets in the correct form. PERIOD 73 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 4. a communication I. Objectives - Help Ss use the functional language that they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic “ Cities of the world” - Talk about some famous cities, countries, landmarks II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up *Chatting Ss answer: Which landmarks of Viet Nam do -Ha Long; Nha you know? Trang, Vung What is the World Heritage? Tau;… Can you tell something about Ha Ha Long Bay Long Bay? has many caves, islands,…. -Ask Ss if they any UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Viet Nam. 2.Presentation * T introduce some new extra vocabulary. Elicit their meaning from Ss. -Listen, repeat and remember the meanings of 175 *Extra words. Design[dɪ'zaɪn]:phác hoạ, vẽ phác (tranh...), vẽ kiểu (quần áo, xe ô tô...), thiết kế, NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 * Show the pictures of five landmarks and ask Ss what they are. If Ss don’t know their name, allow them to use Vietnamese. - Then T gives the English names and ask Ss to match them with the photos. - Elicit from Ss any information they know about the landmarks “ Which countries and cities are they in? What types of building are they? What were they build for?” …etc… 3.Practice * Tells Ss to read the five texts about five landmarks(2). T sets the time limit. -Have them do the matching and ask them to support their answers * Asks Ss to read the texts again and allows them a longer time limit. Ask them to underline key words in each text. Explain that key words are important words that help us understand and remember the main points of the texts. - Have Ss do the T/F exercise individually, then compare the answers with their friends before new words. -See five pictures and call their names. -Match the names with the photos. -Answer: For examples: “ Big Ben Clock Tower is in Lon don. Sydney Opera House is in Australia….” -Read the texts -Do the matching -Check their answers -Read the texts again and underline key words, remember the skills of underlining key words. -Do exercise three compare and check their 176 làm đồ án (nhà cửa), Creature['kriːtʃə]: sinh vật, loài vật- người, kẻ Symbol ['sɪmbl]: (n)vật tượng trưng(v)tượng trưng Landmark['lændmɑrk /-mɑːk]:feature of the landscape UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) :tổ chức giáo dục, khoa học và văn hoá của Liên hiệp quốc UNESCO World Heritage: Kì quan thiên nhiên của thế giới được tổ chức giáo dục, khoa học và văn hoá của Liên hiệp quốc công nhận *Key 1 a.Merlion b.Big Ben c.Temple of Literature d.Sydney Opera House e. Effel Tower *Key 2 1. Big Ben 2.Sydney Opera House 3.Temple of Literature 4.Effel Tower 5..Merlion *Key 3. 1.(F)- The bell in the tower is the largest bell ever made in England. 2.(F)- It was designed by a Danish architect. 3.(T) 4.(F)- It is the most visited landmark in the world. 5.T 6(F)- It has a lion’s head and NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 discussing them as a class. Ask Ss answers to support their answers. 4.Productions T choose a country/ a city or a landmark. Ask them to guess what it is. -Arrange group of four to play the game. Each group then choose the most difficult city that they have to guess in their group and present it to the whole class as a challenge. 5.Homework - Write about a famous landmark/city/country you know. Week 26 b I. Objectives -Guess the T’s choose -Work in group of four S1: It’s a city. It’s very hot and crownded. S2. Is it Tokyo? S1. No, it isn’t. It’s in South America. The people love football. S3. Is it Rio de Janeiro? S1. Yes, it is. -Write down a fish’s body. Some cues: *Ha Noi: It’s very cold in winter and hot in summer. It has “ famous pho” * London: It has Big Ben Tower. …etc… PERIOD 74 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 5. Skill 1 177 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Read for specific and general information in texts, including pastcards “ Love from Sweden” - Talking about a city or your city. II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up Show the class some real -See some postcards. Ask Ss where the postcards and postcards were sent from. Ask answer them to guess who wrote the postcards, and to whom, when were they written, what were they written about,etc…? 2.Pre-reading *Key 1 *Discuss the feature of postcards -Look at the 1. The photo is of Stockholm, with Ss. Photos on one side, short postcards and Sweden. texts on the other side, can be sent remember. 2.The sender writes about without envelope, etc… his/her stay in the city. -Draw Ss’ attention to the -Pay attention to 3. We sent postcards to tell postcards(the side with the the postcards and our family and or friends that photo). Ask Ss three questions. answer 3 we are having s good time, Accept reasonable answers. questions( can but we still miss them and be in want to send some photos of Vietnamese.) the place where we are so that, although they can’t be with us there they can still see how beautiful it is. 3.While - reading *Key 2. *Have Ss look at the questions -Look at the 1. Mai is in Stockholm. first. Ask them to underline the questions first 2. She is there with her key words in the question.( Tell -Underline the family( Mum, Dad and her them these key words will help key words brother Phuc) them to find the information more 3. The weather has been easily in the texts. perfect. It is sunny. -Hace them read the postcard and -Read the 4.Mai is staying in a hotel. answer the questions individually postcard and 5. She has visited the Royal then compare the answers with answer the Palace and had “Fika” in a each other questions café’ in the Old Town. * Have Ss read the texts again, -Read the text 6. “Fika” (a Swedish word) this time to match the headings. again means a leisure break when Then call their attention to how a -Match the one drink tea/coffee and 178 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 postcard is organized( can use the heading with the postcards, bring into class as numbers examples) -Check their answers. 4. Post-reading * Speaking * Ss can choose one of the cities they have leanrt about in this unit, or choose a city that they like in Viet nam. - Ask Ss to imagine they have just arrived in that city and want to tell others about it. -Ask Ss to work individually answering the questions in the form of notes, but not in full sentences. perhaps has some biscuits with friends and family. 7. She will cycle to discover the city. 8.Mai is feeling happy. She used the words such as” fantastic; perfect; amazing; too beautiful for words” *Key 3. 1-i 2-c 3-h 4-b 5-d 6-g 7-f 8-e 9-a *Cue: - Choose a city - When did you arrive? -Who are you with? - Where are you staying? -What have you done? -Imagine and tell - What are you doing others about the tomorrow? city you choose -How are you feeling? S1: I arrived in Ha Noi last Sunday morning with my brother. I am staying at my uncle’s house. I have visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum and Le Nin Park. Tomorrow I’m going to the Temple of Literature. I’m very happy and exciting. - Using the notes, have Ss work in - Work in pairs 179 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 pairs and tell each other about the city they choose. Make sure they speak in full sentences now. Then have them join an other pair to make group of four and continue their discussion. -Have Ss listen and write down notes about their cities in the notebook. 5.Homework Give Ss some exercises in workbook. Week 27 S1. When did you arrive Hai Phong? S2. I arrived in Hai Phong Yesterday. S1: S2: S1-S3 S2-S4 -Write about friend’s city. *Write down and listen to the T’s guidance. PERIOD 75 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 6. skill 2 I. Objectives - Listen for specific details including facts and figures -Write a holiday postcard II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) 180 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Tell the names of some cities/lanmarks you know. -Tell the names of some cities… 2.Pre-Listening(5’) *Ask Ss to look at the pictures and what they see in the photo first. -Elicit some words from Ss -Look at the pictures and answer + Royal Palace + Museum -Ask Ss if they know about Nobel -Tell about and the Nobel prize. Nobel and the Nobel Prize(can speak in Vietnamese) -Tell Ss they will listen about the -Listen to the T’s Old town in Stockholm guidance -Go through the statements in Ex -Read the 2 with Ss statements in 2 + Explain any new words -Ask Ss to underline the most -Underline the important information in each information sentence 3.While-listening(10’) -Play the recording as many times as Ss wish .Tell them they need to listen for the main ideas. -Check the answers with Ss *Explain to Ss that in Ex3 they need to listen for the exact details in the recording. Ask them to identify the kind of information they have to find out: years; amount of money, mumbr of people, date,… - Play the recording for the Ss to fill in the gaps. -Let Ss compare and check their -Listen to the recording -Check the answers -Listen to the T’s guidance. Notice the kind od information in the blank -Listen and find out the answers -Compare the 181 + Royal Palace +Nobel Prize + Museum +Cafes + Restaurant +Shops +Island *Key 2 1.T 2. F: the biggest => the oldest; part of Stockholm => the Old Town 3.F: (Today, the Old Town=> cafés, restaurants, shops and museums) 4. F: All Nobel Prizes, except for the Nobel Peace Prize, are awarded in Stockholm.) 5.F: (It is presented by the Swedish King.) *Key 3 1. 14 2. 700 3. 3,000 4. 10 December 5. 10 million NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 answers 4. Post listening-Writing(15’) *Pre-writing: Explain to Ss study skills -Write 5 Ws and 1H on the board and ask Ss to give examples -Draw their attentions to the postcard in 2, page 28 in Student Book. Ask Ss how the 5Ws and 1H areanswered in the postcard. Have them make questions in full and find the information from the postcard that gives the answers. *While-writing -Explain to Ss that the space for writing on postcards isn’t big so people often write short sentences which contain the most important information, and which can express what they are feeling. Tell Ss that contraction is often used in writing postcards to make it short and informal -Have Ss rearrange the exclaimations and pratise saying them aloud to notice the emotion and intonation of the expressions. -Ask Ss to use the notes they have made in speaking 4 to write a postcard to their family or friends. (Can pair Ss and ask them to write postcard to each other) -Have them swap and give feedback or each other’s writing once they have finished. result with the partner and check the answers -Listen to T -Ss make questions: -Who was the postcard sent to? -What have you done? -When did you arrive? -Where are you staying? Why do you like….? -Listen to T’s explaination Ss rearrange the sentences and read them aloud -Write postcard (Pairs) -Swap and correct the writing 182 -Answer: -It was sent to Grandpa. -We have rented bikes. -We are staying in Stockholm. -Because S is fantastic. *Key 4: 1.Stockholm is fantastic. 2. We are in Da Lat. 3. We are having a good time here. 4. I love Disneylard. 5. You must come. 6. I wish you were here. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 5.Homework(5’) -Give Ss some Exercises in the workbook: E1,2,3(page 20,21) *Guideline: -Write down and E1: Rearrange the words listen T’s E2: Answer the questions guidance E3: Complete the postcard *Tapescript: Swedwn’s capital City is built on 14 islands and has 700 year-old history. The oldest part of S is the old town. Here you can visitthe Rroyal Palace, one of europe’slargest and dynamic palaces. There are about 3,000 people living in the Old Town today and it’s a place with café, reataurants, shops and museums, including the Nobel Museum. Sweden is also the city where Nobel Prizes, except for the Nobel Peace Prize, are awarded each year. On the 10 December, the day when Alfred Nobel died, The Nobel Prize winners receive their awards from the Swedish King – a Nobel diploma, a medal, and 10 million Swedish crowns per prize. PERIOD 76 Unit9. Cities of the world Section 7. looking back and project I. Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous sections and lonk with the topic” Cities of the world” - Some adjectives describing the cities and people,.. - The Present Perfect tense -Design a poster, include the fact about the cities and some pictures. II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *City: beautiful; noisy; -Tell some adjectives describing Ss answer historic; modern; big, small, the city, food, people, building, dangerous; … weather,… *People: friendly, hospitable; outgoing; helpful; .. * Weather: hot; sunny; cold; cool; warm; dry; wet; cloudy; rainy; … *Building: high, old; historic; modern; beautiful; …. 2.Vocabulary(5’) *Ask Ss if they can use the adjectives “short” to describe a city, for example, and ask why -Ss answer and explain 183 *Key 1 1. a, b 2. a, c NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 not. -Explain “ short” is used for distance or length, but not to describe a city. Give Ss time to do ex 1 - When Ss have identified the unsuitable Adjectives, ask them to explain why adj is inappropriate. 3.Grammar(10’) -Ask Ss to complete the conversation individually, put the verbs into the present perfect -Listen to T’s guidance 3. a, c 4. a, b 5. b, c -Do exercise 1 - Choose the best two options and explain why. *Key 2 -Ss do exercise 1. Have you ever eaten? 2( they can share 2. Have you been? answers with 3. have been partners, but 4.have been - Let Ss compare their answer and they should 5.Have you visited check record their 6. hve you seen…? original answers to guide their *Key 3: self assessment * Oldest university Quoc Tu * Go through the questions in Ex -Read the Giam, Thang Long – Ha Noi 3 with Ss. If Ss don’t have any questions in Ex3 1076. information about a paricular * Most popular Vietnamese questions for them to consider. writer: Nguyen Du; Nam Cao; - After they have completed the -Complete the … fact sheet, have a whole class fact sheet and * Most popular food: Spring discussion about the answers. read aloud rools(nem); Noodles(Pho) ( The aim of the task is to pratice before class Sticky Rice cake(banh the superlative, so acept chung);… reasonable answers, as there *Most popular drinks: tea; could be serveral correct answers. coffee; … *Tell Ss for reference they can -Look at the text *Most common look at the text about Britain on on page 25 for activities:watching TV; play page 25 inStudent’s book and reference and sports write about VietNam. write 4. Communication(10’) * Try the first “ Have you S1.Yes, I have. *Report: ever…?” questions on page 26 in S2.No I haven’t. Ha has ever been on TV. She Students’book with two Ss as an *Answer: has been on TV last year. She example -When was in “ The evening news” -Ask the class who they thinl told -Which the truth, who did not, and why -Why they think so. … - Then have Ss play the game in (Pairs) pairs. Ask them to add the S1.Have you 184 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 original” Have you ever…?” questions if they wish. If time allows, ask some pairs to report what they have found out about their partner. * Ask Ss tick “ finished! Now you can…” to check their selfassessment. 5.Project(7’): - Ask Ss to bring some travel magazines or magazines that have travel pages, or printouts of travel verb pages to class. - Together with Ss, choose a famous city in Viet Nam and find five interesting facts about the city as an example. -Discuss how Ss can make the poster kooks attractive ( include photos, drawings, different lay outs/ styles when writing the facts, etc…) -Ask Ss to position the cities on a map of the world/ a globe, give the reasons for choosing the city - Display the posters around the classroom. 6.Homework(3’)-Write down “ My 5 day-journey around the world” as homework. ever been on TV? S2: yes S1: When was that? S2: Last year. S1. Which programme wer you in? S2: The Evening News. S1: Why were you there? S2: I don’t remember. -Bring some Eg: Nha Trang considered travel magazines VN’s most famous seaside to the class resort town, Nha Trang attracts tourists not only with -Choose a city its beautiful beached but also and find five with exciting asmosphere of a facts about it. young/ growing city. The town is well-known for its -Discuss seafood, including dishes made from fresh fish, crabs and lobsters /'lɔbstə/ tôm hùm -Give the reasons for choose -Do the project as homework. PERIOD 77 Review 3.1-unit 7,8,9 Pronunciation- vocabulary-grammar-everyday English I. Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the languages Ss have studied since Unit 7 to unit 9. - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language summarise their answers in the end and add some more information necessary. 185 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students 1.Warm up(5’) -Introduce the review by asking Remember Ss if they remember what they language items have learnt in Unit 7,8,9. Add any in unit 7,8,9 missing information in order to have a complete summary of language items 2.Pronunciation(10’): * Let Ss do this exercise one individually by reading the words in each group and decide which words is odd one before T allows them to listen and check * Exercise 2 is much more difficult as Ss have to listen and say the words containing sounds /ð/; /θ/ in a complete sentences -T check on their pronunciation of the key sounds 3.Vocabulary(5’) * Let Ss do the Exercise3 seperately and share their answers with their partner -Check Ss’ answers * Ask Ss to look at the whole sentence to decide what kind of word is missing before referingto the list of words given. If time Do Ex 1 -Check the answers. -Listen and say the words with sounds: /ð/; /θ/ -Do Exe3 -Check their answes -Look at the sentences and decide which words 186 Board/Content *Language items in unit 7,8,9 Unit 7: -TV programmes - sound: /ð/; /θ/ -Wh-questions…. -Conjunctiond: and; but; however; therefore; Unit 8:Sports and Games -Sounds: /eə/;/ɪə/ -The past Simple -Imperatives Unit 9: Cities of the world -/əʊ/; /aɪ/ -The present perfect tense -Superlatives of long Adjectives *Key 1: 1- C; 2- A; 3- A; 4- B; 5- D; 6- D *Note Exercise 2: - cold weather /əʊ/ /ð/ -neither /ð/ * Key 3 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-C *Key 4 1. Paris NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 allows, ask Ss to think of some other words and do the same. This help Ss not only remember the words, but also know how to use the words correctly. 4.Grammar(10’) *Exercise 5: Do this exercise for Ss to look back at the use of the verbs tense - Focus on the difference between the Past Simple and The Present Perfect -Check the answers with Ss * Let Ss do Exercise 6. If a question words is wrong, Ask Ss to explain why. 2.football 3. local TV -Read aloud 4. country complete 5. Remote control sentences 6. Summer sports *Key 5. -Remember the 1. started use of present 2. play Simple, Present 3. had Perfect and Past 4. is simple 5. bought - Do Exercise 5 6. has worked *Key 6 -Ss must by now 1. What familiar with, 2. When and quite 3. Correct skillfulin using 4. How tall question words 5. correct *Exercise 7- look back at the use -Remember the *Key 7 of superlatives with long most + long 1. The most expensive Adjectives Adjectives 2. the most popular -Check the Ss’ answers -Check their 3. the most interesting answers 4. The most colorful 5.the most dangerous 5.Everyday English(10’) *Key 8: This Exeercise 8 – create a - Choose the best 1-e situation in which one can use the replies for the 2-a language already learnt in daily questions 3-c conversations 4-b 5-d 6.Homework(5’) *Guideline: Give S exercise 1,2,3,4,5( Page -Write down and 1. Find the word which has a 22,23) in the workbook listen to T’s different sound -Complet all exercises in this guidance 2. Fill each blank with a review again. suitable word 3. Read the passage and mark T/F 4. Choose the correct answers. 187 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 28 PERIOD 78 Review 3.2-unit 7,8,9 Reading –speaking- listening -writing I. Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the skill Ss have studied since Unit 7 to unit 9. - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of skills summarise their answers in the end and add some more information necessary. II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Reading(10’) - Let Ss read the two descriptions Ss read the two *Words: of strange sports around the world descriptions + chase: sự theo đuổi, sự đuổi and choose the tittle for them theo, sự săn đuổi - Explain some new words -Remember =in chase of+ theo đuổi words and * ngoại động từ understanding - săn, săn đuổi, cố hết sức để two passages đạt được and choose the - đuổi, xua đuổi tittle + competition: sự canh tranh; *Let Ss do exercise 2, then check -Do exercise 2, cuộc thi đấu with their peers then check the + wrestle: -Let Ss discuss among themselves answers * danh từ before finalizing the answers - cuộc đấu vật - (nghĩa bóng) sự vật lộn; 188 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 cuộc đấu tranh gay go * nội động từ - (thể dục,thể thao) vật, đánh vật =to wrestle with+ đánh vật với =to wrestle together+ đánh vật với nhau - (nghĩa bóng) vật lộn với, chiến đấu chống, chống lại =to wrestle with difficulties+ vật lộn với những khó khăn =to wrestle with a habit+ chống lại một thói quen + force:* ngoại động từ - cưỡng bách, dùng vũ lực đối với, bức hiếp, ép buộc, cưỡng ép, bắt buộc *Key 1: 1-B; 2-A *Key 2: 1,3. Who’s faster? 2,4. Putting your tóe together. 2.Speaking(10’): T: Exercise 3-Task 3 revises the language items learnt but in a more dynamic form: interviewing and reporting the results -T do a model with a student T: What city would you like to visit? T( report it to your class) S1: I’d like to visit Da Lat. -Let Ss do the same in group, interview your friends about their likes, take notes in the table and report it to the class 3.Listening (10’) *T explains the aims of the Exercise 4 “This listening aims at the revision of Present Perfect tense” - Let Ss guess any words which can fill in the blank -Listen to T’s guidances S1: I’d like to visit Da Lat. *Questions: 1.What city/country would you like to visit? 2. What sports/games do you like playing? 3. What TV programmes do you like best? -S work in group S1. Ask S2. Answers S3.Answers ………… S1. Report the result. -Listen to T -Guess key words - Listen and answers 189 *Key 4 1. competition 2. skiing 3. country 4. Canada 5.Cartoon *Key 5 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Play the recording and let Ss write down the answers - Let Ss listen more to check their answers *Exercise 5: This Listening require Ss to listen more attentively for specific information. Ask Ss to read the questions forst and determine what information is need for the answer -Play the recording and let Ss write down the answers - Listen again and check A -Check 1. running race 2. Thailand 3.wait and see -Listen to T’s guidance - Read the questions in Ex5 -Listen and do Exercise 5 -Check their answers -Read the table and decide “ The past Simple” S1.Write a passage S2. Can change some details 4. Writing(10’) * Ask Ss to read the table and decide what tense/sentence structure to use for the writing and how the information is organizated -Only then should T let Ss write - Encourage Ss to change some details from the table -Let Ss read the complete passage -Complete the aloud and write down their pasage notebook as homework 5.Homework(5’) - Give Ss some exercises 5,6,7,8(page 24,25) in the workbook. umber 3 *Cue:Writing: Last Summer Tim and Mark visited India. They visited Dehi City from 18 November to 22 November, then they visited Madernai City from November 25. They watched snake performance, visited temples and historic building and ate Kebabs. The weather was very hot but the people are friendly. They are very excited and happy. *Guideline: -Write down and Ex5: Put a word in each gap listen to T’s in the post card. guidance Ex6. Correct the mistakes Exe 7. Combine each pair of sentences, use connectives. PERIOD 79 Written test 45’ n PERIOD 80 Correction of Written test 45’ mumber 3 (Sổ kiểm tra đánh giá) 190 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Week 29 PERIOD 81 Unit10. Our house in the future Section 1. getting started My future house I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of Unit 10: “ House in the future” -Present Vocabulary items to be learnt and practice through the skills and activities of Unit 10. - Words: to talk about type of house and appliances: “ UFO, spare house boat, motorhome, Skyscraper,….” - Practise pronouncing the sounds :/dr/ & /tr/ II. Teaching aids - Recording - Flashcards - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) Let Ss review unit 2 “ My home” -Review unit 2 * before starting the new unit. “My house is Write the title of the unit on the big/small. It has board “Our house in the future” …….rooms. -Let Ss say sth about the houses There is/are they are living in and the future ……… they have got. -Tell them to think about the -Think about the houses and the appliances they house in the would like to have in the future future. -Let Ss open their book and start the lesson. 2.Presentation(10’) *Set the context for the listening -Focus the *Language structures: text. Focus on the characters character and - will + V: for the future (Phong and Nick) and the key language -might + V: for furure 191 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 language structures(will +V; might +V) to be learnt -Explain the meaning of “UFO and ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. possiblity -Listen to T’s explaination -Guess the content of the conversation -Ask Ss questions about the -Answer “They picture: “ What are Phong and are talking about Nick doing?” What can you see in their house in th the picture? future” -Tell Ss look through the -Look through conversation before listening the text and - Play the recording listen/read -Introduce some new words -Remember and -Let Ss read the text in pairs and read words. read aloud as class. -Read the dialogue in pairs. *New words: -surround by: - solar energy: - appliance: - wireless TV: - space: 3.Practice(15’) *Key 1a: *Let Ss read the conversation -Read and Type of house: UFO independently and complete the complete the Location: in the mountain table 1a. table 1a Surrounding: many tall old -Ask Ss to share their answers -Share and check trees. before discussing in group or the answers Number of rooms: 20 whole class Appliances: a wireless TV *Tell Ss to read the conversation *Key 1b: again and find the appropriate -Read the 1. mountain information to complete the conversation 2.many tall old trees sentences. Ask them to share their again and 3. 20 answers in pairs or group. complete the 4. wireless TV -Practise saying the answers sentences in Ex *Key 2: together. Ask Ss to pay attention 1b. 1-C; 2-A; 3- E; 4-B; 5-D to the use of “will be” abd “might -Share answers *Questions: be” and say the What’s this? answers What can you see in the * Ask Ss to read the words, look -Read words picture1/2…? at the pictures and match them look at the together. Then let Ss ask and pictures and answer questions about pictures. match -Pairs(ask and answer) * Ask Ss to write the adjectives -Write some 192 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 that can be used to describe the pictures and share the answers in pairs. Then call some Ss to write their answers on the board. -T give them some adjectives when necessary -Tell Ss to read the conversation in Eg 3b -Ask Ss to look at each picture and to role-play, using the adjectives in 3a -Ask some pairs to perform the task in front of the class. * Tell Ss to read the phrases aloud. Let Ss tick where they want their houses to be located and tell the group about them, using the structures in the Eg. T may ask some Ss to write their sentences on the board if there is time. 4. Production(10’) * Game: Outside the window * Explain how the game is played -First, ask Ss to read the example. Then, ask them to describe to their classmate what they can see outside the window of their future house. -The group guesses where their houses are located. -Let Ss play the game in group and ask some groups to perform the game as the class. 5.Homework(5’) -Translate “ Listen and read” into Vietnamese. - Listen to the recording “ My adjectives -Share the answers -Write the Adjs on the board -Note down -Adjectives: Big/tall/beautiful/ large/ nice/ comfortable/… -Read the Eg -Look at the pictures and role-play S1: Which house do you like best? S2:I like the palace. S1: Why? S2: It’s big and comfortable. -Read the phrases aloud and tick. -Tell the group about them. “ My future house will be in space.” -Listen to T’s explaination -Read Eg S1: Outside my window, I can see the beach and the water. I see children playing. Wher’s my house. S2: It’s by the sea. S1: Correct. -Copy down 193 *Game rules: In group, describe to your classmates what you can see outside the window of your future house. Your group tries to guess where your house is located. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 future house” - Learn by heart new words. PERIOD 82 Unit10. Our house in the future Section 2. a closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practise the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic of Unit 10: “ Our house in the future” - Use the vocabulary and structures to describe the house in the future. + Words to talk about types of houses and appliances + Practise pronuncing the sounds :/dr/ & /tr/ correctly in isolation and in context. II. Teaching aids - Recording - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Chatting Ss answer: - Which house do you like best in -I like the UFO the future? -It will be a large - What will it be like? house. - Which room will you like best? -I like my - What appliances might you bedroom. have? -I might have a wireless TV,… 2.Vocabulary(20’) *Key 1. *Play the recording and let Ss -Listen to the 1. Living room: wireless TV listen to the words words 2.Bedroom: wireless TV, hi-Play it again with pauses for -Listen and tech robot them to repeat each word correct repeat. 3. Kitchen: modern frigde; their pronunciation automatic dishwasher. -Let Ss work in pairs to put the -Work in pairs to 4.Bathroom: automatic words in the box in to the put the words washing machine columns. Then check their into the column answers. Explain to Ss that they - Check answers Eg: A hi-tech robot looks may use one word more than after children . once. *Key 2: (T may ask Ss to discuss the 1-C; 2-D;3-B; 4-E; 5-A difference between “ Furniture” 194 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 and “ applaiances” *Tell Ss to do Ex2 individually -Call some Ss to write the sentences on the board. -T check their answers *Ask Ss to read the example 3 first. Tell them to role-play the conversation, using the information in 2 3.Pronunciation(10”) *Play the recording twice. First, allow Ss to listen and repeat the chants sentence by sentence. Help them recognize the two sounds. -Let Ss practise the sound /dr/; /tr/ together. -Ss match the appliances in A with the things they can do in B then write the sentences -Read Eg 3 -Role play S1:What does a wireless TV do? S2:It helps us watch TV programmes from space. -Listen and repeat the chants -Pratise the sounds: /dr/ and /tr/ -Ask Ss to observe the T’lip - Obverse the positions for these two sounds. T’s lips position -Ask them to write the words in -Write the words the columns. Next, let them check in the columns their answers in group. -T may call some Ss to write their -Check answers answers on the board. - Correct their mistakes. *Let Ss read the words again and -Read the words ask them to pay attention to the in the column sound /dr/ and /tr/ again - Let Ss add some more words -Add some more with the sound /dr/ and /tr/ words - Correct the Ss’ mistakes -Check answers 4. Homework(5’) -Give Ss some exercises in the -Write down and workbook: A1,A2; listen to T’s B1;B2;B3(page 26,27) guidance 195 *Key 4: /dr/: drive; drop; drip; dripping /tr/: countryside; travel; track; train; tractor *Words: /dr/: dream; draw; dress; … /tr/: trash; try; tribe; train; trip; tree; *Guideline A1: Complete the words with letters:/dr/ and/tr/ B1: Odd one out B2: Complete the sentences using the words in 1 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 83 Unit 10. Our houses in the future Section 3. a closer look 2 I. Objectives - By the end of this period, Students can : + Identify and practise “Will +V” for the future and “might + V” for future possibility II. Teaching aids - Recording - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) T ask Ss some questions: - What are you doing Ss answer: tonight/tomorrow? -I am learning -Repeat “The Present English tonight./ Continuous” talk about future I am going to the intention park./… 2.“Will” for the future(17’) *Presentation: -Listen to T’s *We use “will+V” to talk - T explains how “Will+V” is explaination. about action we think are used and how it is formed. - Read the Eg likely to happen in the future. -Then let Ss read the examples in “ I will live in a (+) S + will/’ll + V the table. comfortable (-) S + will not/won’t + V apartment on the (?) Will/ Won’t + S + V…? Moon.” -Short form of “will”: ‘ll *Practice: *Key 1: - Let Ss read the open dialogue in -Read the open Will: 1,3,4,5,6,7,9 pairs first. Then ask them to do dialogue and fill Won’t: 2,8,10 the task 1 individually “will/won’t” *Key 2: - T may call some Ss to say out -Say out the 1-d; 2-f; 3-a; 4-g; 5- b; 6-h; 7their answers seperately. answers e; 8-c - T gives explaining if necessary -Let Ss read again the complete -Read the the conversation in pairs. T complete obverses and helps – correct Ss’ dialogue in pairs pronunciation and verbs form. -Match the verbs - Allow Ss to match the verbs in in A with the A with the appropriate nouns in noun in B B 196 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Call one or two Ss to say out their answers *Production -Let Ss work in pairs or groups. Let them think about if the appliances in A will or won’t do the thing in B in the future, using the information in 2. -Then let them tell the partners about them. T goes round and correct mistakes or gives help 3.Might for future possiblity(18’) *Presentation: T explains how “might +V” is used and how it is formed. -Then let Ss read the examples in the table. *Practice: - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and read the poem, focusing on the rhythm and inonation -Asks Ss to read the poem individually and underline all the phrases “ might +V” - Check the answers -Work in pairs S1: Robot will cook meals. S2: Robot won’t take care of children. S3: Robot will clean the floor. -Listen to T’s explaination -Read the Eg: -We might have robot do our housework. -They might not travel in cars. *We use “might + V” to talk about action that are possible in the future( we are not sure if they will happen or not) (+) S + might + V (-) S + might not + V -Listen to the poem and read -Read aloud then - Might + V: might go/ might underline stay; might have; might come; “might+V” might live/ might clean/ might wash/ might not talk/… - Let Ss do the task 4 T/F and -Do exercise 4 *Key 4 share answers together. and share 1-T -T corrects Ex T/F -Check answers 2-T 3-F 4-F 5-T *Production 6-F -Have Ss study the Eg first, then -Study the Eg Eg: I might have a ask them to think about what they -Think about smartphone to surf the might do or havein the future. what Ss might Internet. -Finally, Ss share their ideas with do/have -I might have a robot cook their classmates. -Share the meals. ideas(may use the ideas in 2 or 4) 197 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 4.Homework(5’) -Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: B3,5(page 27) B5,6(page 28) Write down and listen to T’s guidance. *Guideline: B4: Match the questions with the answers B5: Complete the dialogue with “ will/won’t” B6: Answer the questions with the words in brackets. Week 30 PERIOD 84 Unit10. Our houses in the future Section 4. communication I. Objectives - Help Ss use the functional language that they have learnt in the previous sections about the topic “ Our houses in the future” - Things we might do in the future. II. Teaching aids - Six pieces of pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) S1: I might drive a 198 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Tell the class 5 things you might do in the future 2.Presentation(10’) * Introduce some new words -Let Ss read words *Preparation for game: “ Things we might do in the future” car in the moon. S2: I might build my house on the ocean. ……….. Read and remember their meaning and write down Ss have six pieces of paper on which the phrases are written 199 *Extra vocabulary: + planet: /'plænit/ * danh từ(thiên văn học) hành tinh +Cinema:'sinimə/ * danh từ - rạp xi nê, rạp chiếu bóng +Watch: /wɔtʃ/ * danh từ - đồng hồ quả quít; đồng hồ đeo tay * danh từ - sự canh gác, sự canh phòng =to keep a close (good) watch over+ canh phòng nghiêm ngặt - người canh gác, người canh phòng; người gác, người trực - tuần canh, phiên canh, phiên gác - (hàng hải) tổ trực (trên tàu thuỷ) - canh phòng, canh gác - thấp thỏm chờ; cảnh giác chờ đón * nội động từ - thức canh, gác đêm = to watch all night+ thức suốt đêm * ngoại động từ - canh gác; trông nom = to watch the clothes+ trông nom quần áo - rình, theo dõi = to watch a mouse+ rình một con chuột - nhìn xem, quan sát, để ý xem NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 !to watch after - nhìn theo, theo dõi !to watch for - chờ, rình =to watch for the opportunity to occur+ chờ cơ hội - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) quan sát, để ý xem !to watch out - chú ý, để ý, coi chừng !to watch over - trông nom, canh gác !to make someone watch his step - bắt ai phải vào khuôn phép, bắt ai phải phục tùng !to watch one's step - đi thận trọng (cho khỏi ngã) - giữ gìn, thận trọng (cho khỏi sai lầm, cho khỏi bị thua thiệt) !watched pot never boils + a lot: to a very great degree or extent; a good deal, a great deal, much, very much *Phrases: - go to school - have telephone 3.Practice(10’) * Explain how the game is played: Ss play the game in pairs or group -First, they place 6 pieces of papers face down. Then they take turn turning over each piece of paper and read the phrase on it. After that, they find the appropriate phrase on the circle below. Finally, they make sentences about the future using “ won’t/ might” as in the -Listen to T’s explaination -Take turns turning paper and make sentence -Those who make the correct sentence will get one point and those who make an incorrect sentence will have one point 200 Eg: In the future, we won’t go on holiday to the beach but we might go on holiday to the Moon. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 eg. * Class survey: Home in the future -Ask Ss to answer questions by ticking Yes/No in the boxes - Let Ss read the conversation in the example, pay attention to the Yes/No answers appripriate to the onformation in A and to the structure “ might + V”. Then ask Ss to use the information A to role play 4. Production(10’) - Ask Ss to read eg to understand how to tell the class about the interviews in b - Let some Ss tell the class about their interviews, using the main information in b. 5.Homework(5’) Write activity 2c- the result of your interview as home work subtracted/səb'trækt/ - (toán học) trừ -Read the questions in a and tick Yes/No -Read the example -Role play: S1: Hi,..will you live in hi-tech house in the future? S2: Yes, I will. S1: Will your house in the space? S2: Yes, it will S1:So where will it be? S2: I am not sure. It might be by the sea. *Te questions: - Will you have a lot of trees and flowers around your house? -Will you have a fridge that can cook yoor meals? - Will you have a robot that can look after your children? - Will you have a car to fly into space? Read the example -Tell the class about their interviews + In the future, S1 will live in a hi-tech house. It won’t be in space. It might be by the sea. Write down and listen to T’s guidance. *Guideline Eg: In the future, Long will live in ….It won’t…. It might …. -Ha will live in ………. PERIOD 85 Unit10. Our houses in the future Section 5. skill1 I. Objectives - Read for specific information about houses in the future and the future appliances ( match and answer the questions) - Talking about houses in the future( type, location, surrounding, appliances…) II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) 201 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Tell the class what type of house will you live in the future. Can you describe it? S1: I will live in UFO. There will be many tall trees around….I will have a smart TV, a hi-tech robot…. 2.Pre – reading(10’) *Ask the class to look at the picture first. Encourage Ss to get the details/ideas of the picture ( type of house; location; surroundings and appliances) - Let Ss work in pairs, asking and answering the questions provided. *Suggestions -Look at the 1.It’s a villa. picture and get 2.On the ocean. the details of the 3.a helicopter, trees, a garden, picture a swimming pool. -Work in pairs 4. Robots in the kitchen; a S1: What type of TV; a computer; a hifi-stereo; house do you …. in the living room. think it is? S2: It’s a villa. S1: Where do you think the house is? S2: I think it is on the Ocean. 3.While-reading(10’) Read the text 3 *Ask Ss to read the text quickly and check the *Words: and check their ideas. Set a strict ideas. - will be surrounded by …. time to ensure that Ss will read - will help me(to) do …. quickly for the main information. - solar energy… *Ask Ss to read the text again. -Read the text - surf the Internet Help them to understand the text again. - order food from .. by giving the meaning of the -Guess and difficult words/ explainations, or remember the Vietnamese equivalent. words/phrases - Tell them to pay attention to the pay attention to context of the words/phrases. the context of the words - Ask them to match the phrases Do Exercise 3 *Key 3 in A with the correct ones in B. 1-a; e; c; h 2-b; d; f; g *Set a longer time limit for Ss to -Reread the text *Key 4 reread the text. Ask Ss to note or and underline the 1. On the ocean underline where they find the key information 2. There will be a swimming information thet helps them to answer the pool in front and a large answer the questions. question garden behind the house. -Let Ss discuss answers as a class. -Compare the 3. No, it won’t. 202 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 answers. Ask and answer in pairs S1: Where will the house be? S2: On the ocean 4. Post-reading = Speaking(15’) * Ask Ss to work in pairs and follow the instructuions “ On a piece of paper, draw your future house( don’t show your partner). Describe your house to your partner. Your partner will draw the house you describ” - Once Ss have drawn their furniture house, let them read the exmple and do the task 5. - T goes round and correct mistakes or gives help when necessary. T may call some Ss to perform the task in front of the class. *Allow Ss time to draw the appliances in their future rooms/houses. Let Ss discuss their work as given in the example - When Ss finish, ask some Ss to speak in front of the class, the class gives their comment, pronunciation, fluency, language( grammar, use of words,…) - T can help guide the feedback. 5.Homework(5’) Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: C1,C2( page 28,29); D1,D2(page 30) Work in pairs S1: draw the picture and describe your house in the picture to the partner. S2: draw the house S1 describe. -Once read the example: “ My house will be on the moon. It will be large and comfortable.” - Some pairs go to the board, draw and describe -Draw the appliances in the picture rooms. - Speak in front of the class: “I will have an automatic dishwasher to wash and dry dishes.” Write down and listen to T’s guidance. 203 4. They will do the housework ( clean the floors, cook meals, wash clothes, water the flowers and feed the dogs and cats. Draw- Suggestions *Type of house: floating house cottage villa apartment *Location: - in the mountain - on the moon - under the ground *Surrouding: - view of the sea - garden - swimming pool * Appliances - modern frigde - wireless TV - smart phone - robot *Guideline C1: Choose A-D to complete the dialogue C2: Using the following suggestions, compare different types of houses NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 D2: Read and choose the option. PERIOD 86 Unit10. Our houses in the future Section 6. skill2 I. Objectives - Listen to get information about dream houses -Write about a dream house(type, location, surrounding, appliances…) II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Recording - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Describe your future house to *Describe your your partner future house : “ My house will be…. It will be big/small/ comfortable/…. I will have a …. In my bedroom….” 2.Pre-listening(10’) *Ask Ss to look at the pictures Look at the and give the details ( types of pictures and give house, surropundings, locations) the details “ Villa, apartment,…” - Ask them to focus on the task -Focus on the they have to do: “ Listen to Nick task 1 and Linda talking about their dream houses. Which house would each prefer?” 3.While – listening(10’) *Key 1 * Play the recording once. Ask Ss Listen to the * Linda: Picture 3( villa by to listen and write the speaker’s recording and the sea with a swimming pool name under correct pictures do Ex 1 and a flower garden -Listen again and check answers. -Check answers *Nick: picture 2: ( an * Ask Ss to look at the -Look at the apartment in the city) information in the first column. information in -Play the recording again. Ask Ss the first column. *Key 2 to listen and tick what are - Listen and tick Linda: 204 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 important to Linda and Nick - T may call some Ss to give the answers to the class and correct the mistakes 4. Post-listening(Writing)(15’) *Let Ss work in pairs, discuss their dream houses, using the suggested ideas. *Ask Ss to fill in the table, using the main information they have discussed in 3 *Allow Ss time to write about their dream house, using suggested ideas/imformation in 3 and 4 -T remind Ss to reuse “will + V” and “ might + V” - When Ss finish, ask some Ss to talk about their dream houses to the class 5.Homework (5’) Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: E1,E2(page 31) - Give the answers and check them Work in pairs: S1: Why type of house it is? S2: It’s a villa S1: Where is it located? S2: It’s by the sea. -Fill in the table - Write about the dream house individually -Focus on learnt structures - Talk about dream house to the class. The class can give their comments Write down and listen to T’s guidance 3. Sea view 4.Swimming pool 5. garden 7.quiet *Nick: 1.Park view 2.city view 3.cable TV Suggested ideas: - What it look like? - What surround it? - What appliances it has? ……… *Writing: My dream house is a big villa near the coast. It has a garden, a swimming pool. There are 15 rooms in the house. My bedroom is very beautiful. It has a wireless TV, a modern phone and a robot, … *Guideline: -E1: Write about Tom and Linda’s plas for future. -E2: Write about yourself. *tapescript Nick: Can you tell me about your dream house, Linda? Linda:Well, my dream house is a big villa near the coast with a great view of the sea. It has a swimming pool, and it has a garden,too. Nick: What kind of garden? Linda:A flowers garden, you know and my dream house will be a quiet one. You see, no noise. Nick:My dream house is completely different. Linda:Really? What is it like? 205 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Nick:It’s an apartment in the city. And it has a super cable TV so I can watch film from the other planets. Linda: Oh, that sounds great. Nick: And I don’t need a yard or a gadern. In front of the house I want it to have a nice park view, and at the back, I want it to have a great city view. Linda: That sounds interesting too. But I think it’ll be. Nick: Linda: Week 31 PERIOD 87 Unit10. Our houses in the future Section 7. looking back and project I. Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous sections and link with the topic” Our houses in the future” * Words: appliances in the house: hi-tech robot; hi-tech frigde; smartphone; smart clock; automatic dishwasher; automatic washing machine; … * Grammar: Will/Won’t/might + V * Write details about the appliances you would like to have in your house in the future. II. Teaching aids - Recording - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) -Robot *Slap the board : EnglishEach two Ss play -wireless TV Vietnamese game - automatic washing machine Topic: appliances - frigde -… 2.Vocabulary(5’) *Key 1 *Tell Ss to write the words that -Write the words a. Robot 206 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 match the picture and compare their answers with a partner -Ask some Ss to read the words . then T check their answers. * Let Ss think about what appliances will do in the future -Have Ss write their answers in their notebooks 3.Grammar(10’) *Ask Ss to do Ex 3 and 4 individually first. - Then ask them to check their answers with a partner before discussing them as a class. -Tell Ss to keep a record of their original answers so they can use that information in their “ Now you can …statement” that match the picture and compare their answers with a partner -Read the words aloud Think about what appliances *Write down: Eg: Robot clean our house, wash our clothes, cook meals,.. Do exercise 3 and 4 individually -Check their answers. -Keep a record answers to selfassessment /ə'sesmənt/ * danh từ - sự định giá (một vật) để đánh thuế; sự đánh giá; sự ước định 4. Communication(10’) * Let Ss read the conversation in -Read the the example. Then role-play using examples the information in 2. -Role-play: S1: Will robot -If there is time, have Ss write clean your one of the conversations in their house? notebooks *Finally, ask Ss to complete the -Tick the table 207 b. automatic dishwasher c.wireless TV d. automatic washing machine e.modern frigde f. smart clock *Wireless TV: receive news, surf thev Internet. *Super car: drive everywhere. *Smart clock: tell the time automatically. *Key 3: 1- won’t 2- will 3-will 4-won’t 5-will 6-won’t *Key 4: 1-might 2-might 3-might not 4- might not 5.Might, might NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 self-assessment. 5.Project(10’) * Show the class how to do the project. Ask Ss to look at the poster and read the description of what the appliances will do in the future -Have Ss think of an appliance they would like to have in their future houses. -Let them have time to make their own posters ( draw the appliance and write it will or might do) and share posters with a partner. - T may select and show some good posters in front of the class -Look at the poster and read the description -Choose an appliance -Make the poster(draw and write) -Share with partner - Exhibition 6.Homework(5’) - Complete the poster in project at -Write down home. Period 88. Unit 11. Our green world Section 1. getting started Let’s “go gfren”! I. Objectives - Introduce the topic of Unit 11: “ Our green world” -Present Vocabulary items to be learnt and practice through the skills and activities of Unit 11. - Words: environment problems and their effects: air pollution; soil pollution; water pollution; deforestation; ……cause flood[flʌd]; ……..”. -Educate Ss they ways to “Go green” *Structures: + make sth/sb do sth + cause sth - Practise pronuncing the sounds :/æ/ & /ɑː/ II. Teaching aids - Recording - Flashcards/ Pictures/ globe - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) -T write”Our green world” on -Look at the board *The meaning of “Green” 208 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 the board -Ask Ss what “green” mean to them. Write the answer on the board -Explain that” Green” has a lot of meanings. In this unit it means relating to the protections of the environment -Write “ Let’s go green” on the board and elicit the meanings of” go green” from Ss -Tell Ss that” go green” means to do more to protect nature and the environment -Let Ss poen their books and start the lesson 2.Presentation(10’) * Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 44 and answer the question. 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What might they be talking about? *Quickly write Ss’ answers to question 3 on the board -Play the recording -Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct. * Let Ss role play” Let’s go green” - Introduce some words. 3. Practice(15’) * 1a: Let Ss work independently -Allow them to share answers and check before discussing as a class -Let Ss write the anwers on the board and check them. -Answers: “green” = xanh lá cây -Listen to T’s explaination *Adjectives: colourful *Green = G: environmental issues( thuộc về môi trường) G=person concerned with environmental issues(nhà hoạt động môi trường) -“Go green”: hãy bảo vệ môi trường và thiên nhiên -Remember the meaning - Ready to learn -Look at the picture and answer: 1. They are Mi and Nick. 2.They are at the supermarket. 3.They might be talking about( environment) *Words: - reusable: có thể được - Plastic: nhựa -material: chất liệu; vải - sell >< buy - Check out: quầy tính tiền - reusable cycling. -Listen and check the guess. -Read in pairs remember -Work independently -Share answers 209 *Key 1a: 1. on a picnic 2. rusable nature 3. check out 4. a rusable nature 5. Cycling *Key 1b: 1-b NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 1b: First, ask Ss to read column A and B to make sure they understand -Ask Ss to give their answers without reading the conversation again. - Then ask them to read the conversation and then check their answer . - Confirm the correct answers * 1c: Let Ss read the conversation again to find the expressions -Ask Ss to guess the meaning of each expression -Explain the meaning if necessary. *1d: Let Ss work in pairs to put a suitable expression in each blank and then practice the conversation -Check Ss’ answers by asking some pairs to act out the conversation. *2,3: Tell Ss that in the box are some environmental problems. Make sure that Ss understand the menaing of each problem. -Tell Ss to look at the Problems and tell what they can seein each picture. -Ask Ss to do exercise 2 then compare it with classmates. - Play the rcording for Ss to listen, check and repeat their answers. * 4: Ask Ss to read “ Watch out” box, T gives examples of two strutures -If time allows, have some Ss to give their own example. -Let Ss to work in pairs to compare Ex4 -Check the answers with the -Write answers and check -Read column A and B -Give answers 2-c 3-a 1C. Read the conversation again to check answers -Read the conversation again to find the meaning of the expressions. -Work in pairs to put a suitable expression in each blank -Open pairs S1: It works like this. S2: Oh, I see. -Remember the menaing of each problem. -Do exercise 2 individually, then compare and check answers by listening to the recording. -Read the “ Watch out” box -Remember two strutures -Work in pairs -check answers 210 *Key 1c: 1. I see/I understand 2.used to introduce a new subject for consideration or to give a further information 3. used to say “no” or “not” strongly ( can also be used mean “ no problem” *Key 1d: 1. I see 2. Not at all 3.By the way. *Key 2,3 1. soil pollution 2.deforestation 3.water pollution 4. nise pollution 5. air pollution *To make sth/sb do sth *To cause sth…. *Key 4. 1-b 2-d 3-e 4-c 5-a NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 whole class. Confirms the correct answers. -Ask some Ss to read the sentences alouds. 4. Production(10’) *Game: Which group is the winner? - Ask Ss if they understand the steps in the book. If there are too many Ss in one class (6A); T may give each group a large sheet of paper ans ask Ss to write down the effects in five minutes. -After checking the answers, T has Ss make at least five sentences with fivev effects 5.Homework(5’) -Translate “ Listen and read: Let’s go green” into Vietnamsese -Listen to the reading “ Lets go green” again at home -Learn new words by heart. -Read the key aloud *Steps of the game: Read and remember 1. Make group of six the steps of the 2.As a class, choose one game environmental problem in 2. -Work in group and 3. In five minutes, write follow the steps down as many effects of the -Tick the answers problems as possible. on the board/wall 4. After 5 minutes a number (the group with the from each group runs most effects wins) quickly to the board and -Ss use the strutures write the effects or stick the in 4 in their work sheets. sentences. 5. the group with the most effects win. -Coppy down Period 89. Unit 11. Our green world Section 2. a closer look 1 I. Objectives - Present and practise the vocabulary and pronuciation of the topic: “Our green world” - * Words to name things that can be reduce; reuse; recycle; use the lesical items related to the topic “ Our green world”. - Pronounce the sounds: :/æ/ & /ɑː/ correctly in isolation and in context.correctly II. Teaching aids - The recording - Flashcards/ Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Game “ Face to face” -Play game: *Cue: 211 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Tell the names of some environmental problems and their effects *Play a video clip to lead Ss in the topic “ 3Rs” S1; water -Noise pollution ; rubbish; air pollution pollution; water pollution S2;deforestation S1: soil pollution S2: …. -Watch video clip 2.Vocabulary(10’) *Key 1: * Explain some symbols in A -Lsten to the T A B C -Have Ss read the information in -Read the 1 Reduce a the table and draw a linefrom a information and 2 Reuse b symple in column A to the do Ex1 3 Recycle c matching words in column B and *Recycle means reprocessing the meaning in column C an old items such as -Let Ss compare their answers -Compare newspapers, glass, cans,… with partner answers and turning them into news -Give them the answers -Check their products. For example used - Elicit the differences between answers paper is brought to a factory “recyle” ad “reuse” from Ss, then -Ss answerv and where it is processed, cleaned explain the differnces between listening to T’s and purified/'pjuərifai/ these 2 items again if necessary. explaination - làm sạch, lọc trong, tinh chế. This paper is then used to make new things such as books or newspapers. * Reuse means avoidings the reprocessing procedure. It is when people use sth over and over again until it can’t be used any more. For Eg: a used bottle can be used again as a flower vase or a big butter container can be used to grow a small plant. *Key 2: *Let Ss work in pairs to do -Do Ex2 in pairs. 1.Rubbish exercise 2. Call on Ss from -Write the words 2. Plastic bag different pairs to go the board and under the 3.Glass write the words pictures 4. plastic bottle -Calls Ss to read the words aloud -Read the words 5. can aloud 6.noise 7.paper -T corrects the pronunciation if 8.bulb necessary 9.water 10. clothes 212 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *Let Ss put the words from 2 in appropriate group -Draw the talbe on the board and call three Ss to go to the board and write the answers. One words can belong to more than one group -T check and correct answers -Elicit some more words for each group from the Ss Eg: Reduce: Electricity, gas -Reuse: envelope, carton box , old textbook,.. -Recycle: newpaper, textbook, plastic container,.. * Play the recording for Ss to listen to the song -Play the recording again for Ss to sing along -Ask some Ss to sing a song 3.Pronunciation:/æ/ & /ɑː/ (10’) -Let Ss listen to the sound /æ/ & /ɑː/ , explain the pronunciation of these two sounds + /ɑː/ - long vowel sound: back of tongue down, jaw down a little +/æ/ - short vowel sound: wide open mouth , jaw down *Have Ss read aloud the words first. Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words(Play the recording as many times as necessary) *Play the recording again.Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen - Let Ss compare the answers in pairs before T check the answers with the whole class -Ask Ss to give more examples for each group *Let Ss do Ex7 individually then compare their answer with a partner Do Exercise 3 individually -Write the answer on the board -Check answers S1. Can answers more words and write on the board. * Key 3 *Reduce: rubbish, plastic bags; noise; plastic bottle, water; paper *Reuse: plastic bad; plastic bottle; can; paper; bulb;water, clothes * Recycle: rubbish; plastic bag; glass; plastic bottle; Paper; bulb - Listen to the song -Sing a song -Listen to the sounds : /æ/ & /ɑː/ -Listen to T’s explaination and remember the pronunciation -Read out the words. Listen and repeat the words. *Key 6 /æ/: had, bag, apple, activity /ɑː/: fast, plastic, glass, dance *Suggested words: /æ/: fan, hand, sang, blank,catch, fat, pan, blank /ɑː/:last, half, march, ask, hard -Put the words in the column -Compare and check answers - Give more egs -Do Ex7 read the conversation and *Key 7. write /æ/ & /ɑː/ /ɑː/: class, ask, father 213 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 -Check Ss’ answers * Play the recording and pause after each word which has the underlined “a” for Ss to check their answers -Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the conversation (If there is not time, this task as homework) 4.Consolidation(10’) -Review the vocabulary, the topic and the pronunciation that be used in this period by asking Ss some questions. below each /æ/ : stand, have, that underlined letter - Listen and check answers in Ex7 -Listen and repeat *If there is not time this task -Practise the as homework conversation in pairs and act out -Remember the knowledge and answer the questions 5.Homework(5’) -Give Ss some exercises in the -Write down and workbook: A1,A2(page 32); listen to T’s B1,B2(page 33,34) guidance -Listen to the conversation in task 8 214 *Questions: 1.Pronounce the sound /ɑː/ correctly in the tongue twister: “It’s hard to park a car in the dark park.” 2.Pronounce the sound /æ/ correctly in the tongue twister: “The fat cat sat on the man’s black hat.” 3. Name the three Rs. 4. Name things that can be reused. 5. Name things that can be recycled. 6. Name things that can be reduced. *Guideline A1.Find the word which has a different sound Eg: dad, had, plant, happy, A2: Write the word under the picture and the sound /æ/ & /ɑː/ B2.Read each tip for preventing pollution and match with pictures. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 101 UNIT 12. ROBOTS SECTION 5. SKILL 1 I. Objectives - Read for specific informations about Robots and their abilities or skills - Talking about different types of robots and what they able to do in the future II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) -Ask Ss to look at P of the Robot -Look at the P show and answer Ask them: - Home robots - Where do you think the Robots -People at all show is? ages/ children/ -What types of robots are there in adults. the show? - Yes/No - Who is at the show? Because it’s - Would you like to go to the very interesting. robots show? Why/ Why not? 2. Presetation(Pre-reading)(10’) *New words: *Ask Ss to scan the passage and Scan the passage - space robots: underline the words in the and work out the - Space station passage meaning of the - apart from - Help Ss work out the meanings words. - types of these words from the - planet context( If it is a weak class, ask 215 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 fo translate to check if they understand) 3.Practice(15’) Set a large time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions -Ask Ss to know where they found the information thet help them to answer the questions. * Ask Ss to scan the passsage again and find the detail informations to complte the table. Ask Ss to note where they have found the information 4. Production(10’)- Post reading= speaking *Remind Ss the form and use of “ will be able to” -Brainstorm ideas for additional everyday activities that a robot can help with -Ask Ss to work individually, writing what they think each type of robot will be able to do in the future -Ask Ss to compare their answer with a partner Ask a more able to Ss to model this activitiy(5) in front of the class -Have Ss work in group while T circulates and monitorss Read the text and answer the questions -Note where information is -Compare and check answers *Scan the passagtwe again and complete the table -Compare ans check their answers. Ss refer to the grammar boxes in A closer look 2 and words/ phrases that they can use to tolk about robots skills in GS/ A closer look 1 & 2 -check *Model activity: -“ Home robots will be able to recognise our voice in the future” - Work in group 216 *Key 2. 1. A Robot show 2. Young people are interested in home robots. 3. The children like to see them. 4. There are worker robots, teraching robots, doctor robots and space robots. *Key 3. 1. Home Robots: cook meals; make tea and coffee; clean the house; do the washing 2. Teaching robots: help chidren study English/ listerature/ maths/ .. and help them to improve Their English pronunciation. 3. Worker robots: build houses/ buildings. 4. Space robots: build space stations on the moon/ other planets. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Call some Ss to talk before the whole class, then invite some comments fron other Ss 5.Homework(5’) Give Ss some exercises in the workbook C1,2,3(page 43) D1,2,3(page 44,45) as model and talk before the whole class -Write down and Guidelines: listen to T’s D1. Read the conversation guidlines and tick T/F D2. Choose the correct answers. PERIOD 102 UNIT 12. ROBOTS SECTION 6. SKILL 2 I.Objectives - Listen for specific informations about different opinions of what Robots will be able to do in the future. - Write opinions about the roles of robots in the future . II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book - Recordings III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Give opinions: -Ask Ss about the - To give - I think/ I don’t think… phrases/structures used to give opinion about -I agree/ disagree that ….. opinions about Sth and to ask sth: Firstly/ - I’m sorry, I don’t agree…. about someone’s opinions secondly/ - What do you think about thirdly/ then/ …….? finally/…. - Yes, definitely…. -Ask about - No, definitely not …. someone’s opinion: ? Do you agree/disagree? ?What about you? 2. Pre-listening(10’) *Words: *Ask Ss to tick which statements -Tick the - comfortably(adv) about Robots they agree or statements /'kʌmfətəbli/ disagree with and then allow -Share with - tiện lợi, đủ tiện nghi; ấm 217 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 them to share with their partners. -T may ask Ss to count how many things they have in common with partners. * Ask Ss to read the constructions in 2 carefully and remind them to remember the names of the people in the conversation they are going to hear. 3. While-listening(15’) *Play the recording and ask Ss to write down the names of the speakers next to correct sentences in the table. Then ask two or three Ss to write their answers on the board -Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers.( If time is limited T may only play the first part of the conversation, pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answer) *Ask Ss to study the statenments carefully. -Play the recording again and have Ss choose the correct answers as they listen. - T may play the recording many times until Ss have chosen all their answers( may pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answers) 4. Post-listening-Writing(10’) *Pre-writing Ask Ss to read the paragraph and the phrases above it carefully -Gets Ss to work individually completing the paragraph with the phrases or sentences from the box when finished, Ss can compare their answers (T may ask Ss to identify the partners - Count things that they have in common -Read the task 2 carefully and remember the names: Phong, Vy, Mi and Duy cúng - dễ chịu, thoải mái - sung túc, phong lưu dangerous(a): 'deindʤrəs/ - nguy hiểm; hiểm nghèo, nguy ngập, nguy cấp (bệnh) - nham hiểm, lợi hại, dữ tợn - Listen and write the names of the speakers -Write the answers -Listen again and check their answers. *Key 2. 1-Vy 2-Duy 3- Mi 4-Phong 5-Mi *Key 3 1- F 2- T 3- T 4- F -Work in pairs to discuss the answers from the information -Share the answers -Read the paragraph carefully - complete the paragraph then compare the answers 218 *Key 4 1-B; 2- A; 3- C; 4- D (The paragraph in 4 can be used as a model for 5) Key 5.(Suggested writing) “ I agree with the ideas that in the future robots will be veru useful to us. Firstly, home robots will be able to do all of our housework. Secondly, NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 topic sentences supporting the main ideas of the paragraph, and the concluding sentence) *While -Set up the writing activity. Reminds Ss that the first and most important thing is always to think about what they are going to write -Braistorm Ss for the language necessary for writing . Ask Ss to refer to the paragraph in 4 and the reading in skill 1 for useful language and ideas -T may note some necessary expression and language on the board. *Ask Ss to write the draft first -Other Ss and T give comments - T may display compsitions on the wall or notice board. 5.Homework (5’) -Give Ss some exercises in the workbook: (E1,2,3- page 46,47) treaching robots will be able to help children do their homework. Thirdly, worker robots will be able to build houses in the air. Fourthly, -Think about doctor robots will be able to what they are help sick people. Finally, going to write. space robots will be able to -Refer to activity build space stations on many 4 and the read in other planets. Robots will be Skill 1 as a able to do all dangerous work model( may use fo us. For these reasons, I these ideas think that robots will be given) useful in our future.(Can base -Write in pairs/ on Ex E2 page 46 in the group workbook) -Ss edit and revise their writing as homework. E1. Look at these ideas about -Write down and the year 2030 and write listen to the T’s sentences guideline E2. Tick what you predict robots will be able to do by 2030. Tapescripts: Phong: Some people think in the near future robots will be able to do all of our work. What do you think about this, Vy? Vy: I agree. I think we will live comfortably then. Phong: What’s your opinions, Duy? Duy: I agree with Vy. I think they will even be able to do dangerous work for us. Phong: What about you Mi? Mi: I don’t agree, Duy and Vy. I think if they do all of our work, we will have nothing to do. Phong: I agree with you, Mi. Robots won’t be able to do all of our work. Mi: Yeah. I think we must be careful with robots because some people will use robots to do bad things. 219 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 103 UNIT 12. ROBOTS SECTION 7. LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT I.Objectives - Recycle the languages from the previous lesson and link with the topic “Robots” - Words: everyday activities, Robots’ skills - Grammar: Can/Could/Will be able to for activities in the Present/Past/ Future - Write a description of robots in the future . II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Slap the board -Slap the board : -Remember the - Cut the hedge English-Vietnamese meanings of the - do the laundry ['lɔːndrɪ] words - lift heavy things - .... 2.Vocabulary(10’) *Key 1 *Tell Ss to write the words in the -Write the words 1.cut notebooks individually and then and check 2.lift check with their partners 3.tea - Correct the exercise 1 as a class. 4.laundry Let’s Ss repeat the phrases and -Repeat the 5.do check their pronunciation phrases * Ask Ss to read the sentences -Read the *Key 2 carefully and complete them with sentences and 1.guard the correct form of the verbs from complete them 2. make the box.Remind Ss that the words 3.understand phrases/sentences around the 4.recognise 220 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 blanks will provide the context for them to choose the correct verbs. 3.Grammar(10’) For Ex3&4, ask Ss to do them individually first. Then they can check answers with the partners before discussing the answers as a class -Tell the Ss to keep a record of their original answers so they can use that information in their “ Finished” -Ask Ss to work Ex5 individually, writing what they could do when they were 10, what they can do now, and what they will be able to do after they finish year 6. -Model the activity with a more able S and have Ss work in pairs. T may go around to help weaker Ss. 4.Communication(5’) *Have Ss read the questions and answer one or twice. Then ask them to match the questions with the correct answers. -Ask Ss to complete the selfassessment 5.Project(10’) - Ask Ss to look at Ps’ of Robots and point out the skills and the features of each.(may show the class some pictures of different robots if possible) -Ask Ss to work in group studying the questions/pictures and using imagination -Ask Ss to use these ideas from their note to write a paragraph about their dream robots 6.Homework(5’) -Write about your dream robots. -Do Ex3&4 individually first and then check answers -Work Ex5 individually, -Model the activity: T. Could you swim when you were 10? S1. Yes, I could. S2-S3 do the same *Key 3. 1. will be able to 2.won’t be able to 3.will be able to 4. will be able to 5. won’t be able to *Key 4. 1. will robots be able to make coffee in the future? - Yes, they will./No, they won’t. 2. Could he ride a bike when he was in year 6? -Yes, he could./ No,he couldn’t. 3. Can you do the dishes? -Yes, I can./ No I can’t. *Key6 -Read and match 1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B -Look at Pictures of Robots and point out the skiils and the features of each Ss discussing their dreamed robots -Ss can complete their project as homework. Write down 221 ?What is its name?/What does it look like? What can it do now? What will your robots be able to do in the future? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 PERIOD 104 REVIEW 4-LANGUAGE UNIT 10,11,12 PRONUNCIATION- VOCABULARY- GRAMMAR EVERYDAY ENGLISH I.Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the languages Ss have studied since unit 10 to unit 12. - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in items of languages summarise their answer in the end and add some more information necessary II. Teaching aids - Pictures - Student’s book III. Procedures Teacher Students Board/Content 1.Warm up(5’) *Unit 10: Our houses in the Tell Ss this review is for unit -Tell the main future 10,11,12. Elicit quickly from Ss contents and *Unit 11: Green World the main contents and languages language focus *Unit 12: Robots focuses of the 3 units. of unit 10,11,12 2.Pronunciation(10’) *Key 1 *Ask Ss to do this exercise -Do Exeercise21 1-A individually, and then share -Share and check 2-C answers with a partner before the answers 3-B giving T the answers 4-A 5-A 3.Vocabulary(10’) *Key 2 *Ask Ss to exercise 2 individually -Do Exercise 2 1. deforestation and then share answers with a -Write the 2.Air partner. T may ask a St to write answers 3. Noise answers on the board -Check 4. Soil -Check the answers with the *Key 3 whole class. -Do Exercise 3 1. recognise *Let Ss do exercise 3 quickly and 2. guards check the answers. 3. make 4. do 4.Grammar(10’) *Key 4 *Elicit the form and use of “ will -Brainstorm and 1. will be for future prediction” remember 2. will use -May call a student to do Ex 4 on -Do Exercise 4 3. won’t be the board while other Ss to do this 4.won’t need in their notebook 5. will bring -Check Ss’ answers, ask them for -Check their *Key 5. explaination if necessary. answers 1. If we continue to pollute 222 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 *Elicit the form and use of the Conditional type 1 -Ask Ss to do Exercise individually then share answers with the partner. -Ask a St to do Ex 5 on the board -Check the answers *Elicit the form and use of” Might” Ask Ss to tell you the differences between the use of”will” and “might” -Call S1 to do exercise 6 on the board while other Ss do this in the notebook. -Check Ss’ answers, ask them for explaination if necessary. 5.Everyday English(5’) Ask Ss to Exercise 7 in pairs -Check their answers -Ask some pairs to act out the short conversations 6.Homework(5’) -Give Ss exercises 1,2,3,4(page 48,49) in the workbook 2 -Complete all the exercise in this review. S1. If S +Vbase, S + will + V -Do exercise 5 -write the answer and check “Might + V” for future possibility- we are not sure -Do Exercise 6 -Check the answers -Do Exercise 7 in pairs S1. If we use reusable bags, we will help the environment S2. Oh, I see. I’ll buy some reusable bags for my mum. the air, we will have breathing problem. 2. If we prevent deforestation, we will help the animals and the planets. 3. If we recycle more, we will save a lot of materials. *Key 6 1. might meet 2.will leave 3. will go 4. might visit 5. might go *Key 7 1-A 2- C 3- B 1. Find the words which has a -Write down and different sound listen to T’s 2. Name some activities guidline 3. Choose the correct option 4.Put a suitable word to complete the passage PERIOD 105 REVIEW 4- SKILLS READING-SPEAKING-LISTENING-WRITING I.Objectives - The aim of this review is to revise the languages Ss have practiced from unit 10 to unit 12. - Ask Ss what they have learnt so far in items of languages summarise their answer in the end and add some more information necessary. II. Teaching aids 223 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Pictures - Student’s book - Recording III. Procedures Teacher 1.Reading(10’) *For Ex1 and 2, ask Ss to do them individually and check their answer with a partner before giving answers to T to confirm the correct answers. 2.Speaking(10’) -Have Ss work in pairs, discussing the questions in 3 -T may go around to help weaker Ss. *Have Ss work in groups, taking turns to describing their future house and try to persuade their group members to live in it. -Ask each group to choose the S who has the best future house in the group to talk about his/her future house in front of the class -Ask some other Ss to give comment and decide which St has the best future house in the class Students -Do Exercise 1 Board/Content *Key 1-A 2-B 3-C 4-D *Key 2 1-A 2-B 3-A 4-A *Pairs S1. Where will you have be located? S2. It will be on the Moon. -Work in group S1. “ My future house/home is very beautiful. It will be under the sea. There will be a ... in front of/ behind it. It will have a gym/ a ...” -Act out before the class -Give the comments 3.Listen(10’) *Play the recording once for Ss to -Listen and listen and choose the answers choose the answers -Play the recording again to check -Listen again their answers, then give the and check the correct answers to Ss.( may play answers. the recording as many time as possible until Ss have chosen all 224 *Key 5 1. Recycle more rubbish 3. Pick up rubbish in the parks or in the street 5. Save energy turn off the lights and TVs when you are not using them 6. Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags. NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 their answers) 4. Writing(10’) *Set up the writing activity remind Ss that the first and most important thing is always to think about what they are going to write 5.Homework(5’) -Give Ss Ex5,6,7,8(page 50,51) -Complete all the Exercises in the review 4 *Suggested writing Ss may use the “I think we can do many ideas given in things to improve the Ex5 on their own environment around us. ideas Firstly, we recycle more -Braistorm and rubbish, for example: glass, remember paper, plastic bags, plastic -Write the draft, bottles, .... Secondly, we give then complete our old clothes to charity the writing( base instead of throwing them on Ex listening away. Thirdly, we pick up 5) rubbish in the parks or on the streets. Finally, we ......” Ex5. Read and choose the -Write down and correct answers listen to T’s Ex6. Put the verbs into correct guidline tense. Ex7. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation Ex8. Complete the second sentence that its means the same as the sentence before it. 225 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 REVISION FOR FINAL EXAMINATION A. Grammar Unit 1. *Nêu cách dùng, cấu trúc, dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại đơn giản và cho ví dụ *Nêu cách dùng, cấu trúc, dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại tiếp diễn và cho ví dụ Unit 2 *Viết cấu trúc “ There is/are dạng (+); (-); (?) và cho ví dụ *Viết các giới từ chỉ địa điểm Unit 3 *Viết công thức mẫu câu miêu tả với “be” và “have” * Cho ví dụ với thì Hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả ý tương lai. Unit 4 *Viết công thức so sánh hơn của tính từ: ngắn và dài , cho ví dụ Unit 5 *Viết công thức so sánh cao nhất của tính từ ngắn, dài và cho ví dụ minh hoạ. (Tính từ dài ở Unit 9) *Viết cấu trúc và nêu cách dùng của “must” và cho ví dụ Unit 6 *Viết cấu trúc và nêu cách dùng của “ should/shouldn’t” và cho ví dụ *Nêu cách dùng của “will” for intention cho ví dụ Unit 7 *Liệt kê các từ để hỏi: Wh-words, cho ví dụ *Nêu cách dùng các liên từ “ and, or, but, ....” Unit 8 *Nêu cách dùng và cấu trúc thì quá khứ đơn và cho ví dụ *Viết quy tắc thêm “ed” và quy tắc phát âm “ed”, cho ví dụ *Viết 5 ví dụ cho các câu mệnh lệnh (+) và (-) Unit 9. *Nêu cách dùng và cấu trúc, dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại hoàn thành và cho ví dụ 226 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 Unit 10. *Nêu cách dùng của “will/ might” for possiblity cho ví dụ Unit 11 *Viết cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 1 và cho ví dụ Unit 12. *Viết cấu trúc câu diễn tả khả năng ở Hiện tại/ quá khứ/ tương lai và cho ví dụ minh họa B. Sounds: Viết từ chứa các âm Unit 1: /əʊ/;/ʌ/ Unit 2: /z/; /s/; /ɪz/: quy tắc thêm s/es khi chia động từ ngôi 3 số ít hiện tại đơn và danh từ số nhiều Unit 3: /p/ ; /b/ Unit 4: /ɪ:/; /ɪ/ Unit 5: /t/; /st/ Unit 6: /s/ ; /ʃ/ Unit 7: /θ/; /ð/ Unit 8: /eə/ ;/ɪə/ Unit 9: /əʊ/;/aɪ/ Unit 10: /dr/; /tr/ Unit 11: /æ/; /ɑː/ Unit 12: /ɔɪ/;/aʊ/ C.Vocabulary/Reading/Writing Unit 1: School Unit 2: Home Unit 3: Friends Unit 4: Neighborhood Unit 5: Natural wonders Unit 6: Tet Unit 7: Television Unit 8: Sports and Games Unit 9: Cities of the world Unit 10: Future houses Unit 11: The Green world Unit 12: Robots 227 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A.funny A.photo A.school A.cold A.meat A.books A.fridges A.bus A.writes A.never A.eating A.Thursday A.open A.advice A.express A.coffee A.city A.Treat A.cook A.april A.every A.spring A.chat A.leave A.sociable A.money A.guest A.roorster PRONUNCIATION B.lunch C.sun B.going C.brother B.teaching C.chess B.volleyball C.telephone B.reading C.bread B.pens C.rulers B.watches C.lives B.baby C.ball B.makes C.takes B.often C.when B.reading C.teacher B.thanks C.these B.doing C.going B.price C.nice B.exciting C.expensive B.see C.agree B.cathedral C.central B.clean C.great B.clean C.celebrate B.decorate C.make B.prepare C.relative B.visit C.present B.peach C.chocolate B.break C.repeat B.curly C.climbing B.close C.most B.gathering C.generous B.festival C.talkative 228 D. computer D.home D.chalk D.open D.seat D.eggs D.dishes D.climb D.drives D.tennis D.breakfast D.birthday D.cold D.police D.excellent D.fee D.cinema D.beach D.candy D.tradition D.helping D.season D.chemistry D.peaceful D.bicycle D.photo D.great D.furniture NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 A.thirsty A.breathe A.then A.birthday A.everything A.hear A.gather A.favorite A.fold A.tooth A.dad A.ask A.tomato A.that A.palm A.cow A.couch A.noise A.what A.laugh A.hear A.mouse A.clothing A.starting A.polluted A.ears A.stove A.vases A.notebooks A.stomach A.bicycle A.doctor A.father A.fear A.hair A.further A.calm A.town A.hat A.bought A.banana B.throw B.fourth B.thing B.mouthful B.rhythm B.near B.monthly B.slight B.close B.clothing B.hat B.plastic B.natural B.tap B.fasten B.how B.house B.tortoise B.walk B.taught B.clear B.shoulder B.brother B.marble B.prepared B.eyes B.telephone B.dishes B.rulers B.oven B.exciting B.opening B.earth B.repeat B.fare B.another B.hand B.cow B.many B.couch B.camera C.theme C.tooth C.them C.although C.healthy C.fear C.father C.five C.cloth C.bath C.plant C.back C.bath C.backpack C.classmate C.now C.soup C.rejoice C.water C.because C.bear C.around C.thick C.stars C.recycled C.arms C.mother C.tables C.erasers C.nose C.favorite C.gold C.both C.idea C.prepare C.leather C.cat C.how C.bad C.sound C.fantastic 229 D.there D.warmth D.their D.worth D.nothing D.pear D.brother D.high D.hold D.both D.happy D.grandparents D.garden D.classmate D.traffic D.low D.ground D.voice D.wall D.sauce D.fear D.count D.there D.solar D.watered D.lips D.bone D.fridges D.pencils D.brother D.widely D.postcard D.marathon D.really D.speaker D.author D.hat D.snow D.apple D.mouth D.passenger [...]... notebook 5 compass 6 calculator * Key 2 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d * Key 3 + play: sports/ badminton/ music/… + do: morning exercises/ homework/ … + study: new words/ Geography/ … + Have: English lessons/ a new book/… * Key4 1 comes 2 don’t 3 walks 4 do 5 teaches 6 play * Key 5 1 are doing 2 are riding 3.Is… studying…? 4 is having 5 am walking 6 is teaching * Key 6 1 lives 2 is/ is 3 has 4 is walking 5 go 6 study 7 are... library 5 Vinabrita school has big buildings ande modern equipment 15 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 6 At Vinabrita school, students learn English with English speaking teachers Week 3 Period 7 Unit 1 My new school Section 6 skill 2 I Objectives - Listen to get information about school activities - Develop students’ writing skills: write a... conversation - D: Fill each blank with a suitable word, choose answer, read e-mail to do ex and answer NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 questions Week 6 Period 14 UNIT 2 MY HOME Section 6 SKILL 2 I Objectives - Listen to get imformation about rooms and houses - Write an email to a friend , tell about the new room II Teaching aids - The recording... is 4 There aren’t 5 There is 6 There aren’t Ex4 1.Is there a clock on the wall? 2 Are there books on the bookshelf? 3 Is there a desk next to the bookshelf? 4 Are there two posters on the wall? 5 Is there a laptop and a lamp on the desk? 6 Are there three small plants in the corner? NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 4 Communication * Model... do your - T makes model homework? - Do you wear school uniform everyday? - Do you creat a webpage for your school? - What do you write on the webpage? ………… 16 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 2 Pre-listening - Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC Sydney- Introduce Susie Brewer- a student at PLC Sydney * Present new words - outing(n):... nút/đỉnh/ lời khuyên/ mách lới Capital letter /'kæpɪtl / 'letə(r)/: chữ hoa NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Allow some times for the Ss to study the writing tip - Explain to Ss new words and punctuation marks 6. While-writing * Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the sentencesin their notebooks Then call 5 Ss to write 5 sentences on the... down 18 * Guideline NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 – Give Ss exercise E(page9) in the workbook and listen T’s guige E1 Make sentence susing the cwords and phrases E2 Write a short paragraph to give class rule * Guideled writing Hi, My name is Hoa I’m now in grade 6 at Diem Dien Lower Secondary School My school is in Diem Dien town There... BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 corrects the mistakes - Let them repeat the words - Check their pronuciation * Ex2 - Have Ss write their answers in their notebooks - T check their answers *Ex3 - Play the recording twice - Let Ss write the words in the correct places - T give the correction 3.Review Grammar - For Ex 4,5 ,6 - Ask Ss to do them individually first... SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 5 Homework - Write some questions you think -Write down are suitable to make friends and listen T’s - Are you a good friend? If yes, guideline tell the class why? Guideline - What’s your name? - How old are you? - Where are you from? - Where do you love? ………………… - Yes Because I’m generous, sociable,… - I always hepl my classmate with homework Period 6 Unit... the bed 5 It’s behind the bookshelf 6 No, it isn’t It is next to the desk - Close the books - Pair work - Answer Copy down Period 10 UNIT 2 MY HOME Section 2 A closer look 1 I Objectives - Present and practice the vocabulary and pronunciation of the topic of Unit 2 “ My home” 23 NGUYỄN THỊ HẢI BÌNH- DIEM DIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL_ENGLISH 6 Date of preparation October 16th 2015 - Help Ss memorise and use ... and answer the question - Let Ss share and give their answers * Note: This activity can be carried out in this way: Ask Ss to this exercise without looking at the pictures again or arganize this... explain how the PC is formed and used individually Listen and answer Pairwork - Role-play S1 Miss Nguyet S2.Duy S2S1 Write Write and check - Pairs S1 Asks S2 Answers S1 Do you ride your bike to... imformation Accept any reasonable answers Ss answer 10 -15 aged Advertisement Ba Vi mountain Game, sports, Music, Art 16 th -18 thof June Go throught the contents - Answer Ss can underline parts

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2015, 21:50

