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giáo án tiếng anh7

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Nội dung

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation. - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses R.O.R to check vocab. b.Open prediction.[r]


Date: 26/8/2007

*Period: 1st.



I.OBJECTIVES: introduce the textbook and the workbook

Skills : Speaking drill II TEACHING PROCEDURES:

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up or Revision ( 5M):

Sing an English song -"The Alphabet song" (one student & groups & whole class )

New lesson:


T introduces English 1 Questions:

T asks Ss to read the questions and answer

1.How many Units are there in English ? 2.Howmany topics are there in English ? What are they?

3.How many Languague Focus are there in English ?

4.Is there”Test yourself” in the notebook ? 5.Where can we find the Glossary ?

6.Where can we find the Grammar ?

+T shows Ss how to learn English well ( Ex : Grammar, Vocabulary, )

-Ss listen and take note -Ss read “Tieng Anh 7” and answer the questions

-Ss work in groups to discuss and find the key

Answer key:

1) There are 16 Units 2) There are topics. 3) There are 5

4) Yes,there are. 5)


-Ss take notes


-T calls some pairs to say how to learn English well 5.Homework.



*Period: 2nd Unit1:



FRIENDS < A1, 3-5 > P.10-12

I OBJECTIVES: -By the end of this lesson, students will be able to introduce their friends

Skills: - Speaking and reading skills II TEACHING PROCEDURES:

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): "slap the boarb": ( Ss listen and slap the suitable response)

- Put the new words all over the black-board

- Call two students or teams of Ss to the front of the class Ask them to stand at an equal distance from the black-board

- Teacher calls out of the new words (in VietNamese) in aloud voice, the two Ss must run forward and slap the word on the black-board The one who first slaps the correct word is the winner If the Ss play in team,the winning team gets a mark Then ask two more Ss to come forward,etc

Good bye yes,I am

Class 7A Very well,thanks My name's Hoa a.What's your name?

b.How are you today ?

c.What class are you in ? d.goodbye

e.Are you a new student? New lesson :


PRACTICE: a.Matching

-Put the poster on the board and ask Ss to match the words or phrases in column A to ones in column B


a.Pretty good 1.Không tồi lắm b.How is everything 2.Tôi vậy c.Nice to see you 3.Khá tốt

d.So am I/ me, too 4.Mọi việc ntn?


f.Not bad 6.bình thường thơi

-Ask Ss to go to the board and to match the words

b.Gap- filling " A4 a)-b) p.12-13"

-Ask Ss to use the given word to complete the dialogue(a) P.12 and (b) P.13

-Provide some words so that Ss can use them to fill in the gap

How are you today? Just fine So am I How are you? Not bad Me,too How is everything? Pretty

good How about you? OK

-Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue *Closed pairs:

-Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information using the tables -Monitor and correct

T asks Ss to use the new expressions from matching

c.Picture cue drill

-Prepare picture so that Ss can drill easily - A5 p.13 (Ss use the cues above)

-Ss match the words or phrases

-Ss work on their own first then compare with their partners

-Ss listen and check

-Ss listen and write the letters of the dialogue in the order they hear

*Answer key:

(a)Mr.Tan: How are you? Miss Lien:Pretty good How about you, ? Mr.Tan: Not bad, Miss Lien: Me,too.

(b)Nam: How is everything? Nga: Ok, How are you today? Nam:Just fine,


Nam: So am I.

-Ss use the new expressions from the matching


-"Mapped dialogue"

-Set a scene

-Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board -Elicit the exchanges from Ss

-Have some pairs practice exchange by exchange

-After finishing the dialogue,ask a good pair to demmonstrate the whole dialogue

*Open pair:


Nam Ba

morning .morning Nice again.

,too How ? , .thanks about ? thank you.

goodbye See See 4.Consolidation

-T calls some pairs to practice the dialogue 5.Homework.

-Doing exercise :1,2 P.3-4 (work book) -Preparing :Unit1:A2


*Period: 3rd. Unit1:

Lesson 2:


FRIENDS < A2> P.11 I OBJECTIVES:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

understand the detail and revising simple present, comparisions, a lot of/many

Skills:Reading skill

II TEACHING PROCEDURES: 1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): -"Wordsquare "

-Put the wordsquare poster on the board and inform the topic. -Divide the class into teams.

- Ask ss to find 11 hidden words and write them on the peice of paper - Tell Ss the team to find out the most right words will get points


school,big,new,old,uncle parents



New lesson :


PRE-READING: a.Vocabulary: ROR

-different (a) -unhappy (a)) -miss(v)

- Introduces the words

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.T/F statement predictions:

-Hang the poster of T/F statements on the board and ask Ss to work in pairs and guess which statements are true and which are false

a)Hoa is from Hue

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


b)She lives with her parents in Ha Noi c)She has a lot of friends in Ha Noi d)She misses her friends in Hue e)She is happy now.

-Give feedback WHILE-READING

1.Ss read and correct their predictons -Ask Ss to read the text on P.11 and check their prediction

-Have Ss correct false statements

2.Comprehension questions

-Give Ss some questions in (A2 P.11 a)-e))

and ask them to work in pairs to answer them

-T gives a game "Hangman" to ask and answer the questions

-Let some pairs of Ss to ask and answer the questions (Open pairs)

-Let all Ss work in pairs (closed pairs)


- "Transformation writing" ( A2 P.11) -For weak Ss: change"Hoa" to "I" -For strong Ss: change the information and change" Hoa" to "I"

-T controls and corrects

-Ss read the text then correct their answers

Answer Correction A T

B F She lives with her uncle and aunt in HN C F She has a lot of friends

in Hue D T

E F She is unhappy now Ss play well ( whole class)

*Answer key: a)She is from hue.

b)She is staying with her uncle and aunt.

c)No,She doesn't have any friends in Ha Noi.

d)Her new school is bigger than her old school.

e)She is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends

-Take notes

-Ss work in pairs to answer the questions

-Ss work individually-share with your partner

-Read the text you have just done IV.Consolidation

-T calls some Ss to read their text V.Homework.


*Period: 4th. Unit1:

Lesson 3:


ME AND ADDRESSES < B1-3> P.15-16 A Objectives:

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and give personal information( name, age, address)

Skill: - Reading & speaking drill. B Proceduces:

I.Settlement :- T checks attendence. II.Checking:

- "Noughts and Crosses": ( Ss ask and answer about the information given in the grids)

Ex: S1: How old are you ?

S2: I'm 13

You/13 54 QuangTrung street Hoa

Her mother/Linh Your father/43 Le Loi street

19Hung Vuong Nam 14 years old

III- New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students' activities 1.PRE-READING.

a.Pre-teach: R.O.R

-family name (n) (example) -middle name (n) (example) -address : (example)

- Introduces the words

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words c Presentation dialogue

- B1 P.15

d.Comprehension questions

-T gives ss some questions in "B1 a)àd) (P.15 )and ask them to answer them after reading the dialogue

*Answer key:

a)She is talking to Miss Lien. b)Her family name is Pham. c)Her middle name is Thi.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


d)She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.

- Let some pairs of Ss ask and answer the questions (Open pairs)

-Let all Ss work in pairs (closed pairs) 2 PRACTICE

a.Word cue drill.

T asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue then use the cues to make similar dialogues:

a)Nam/nguyen/15/32 nguyen Du st. b)Hoa/ Pham/ 12/ Da nang

c)Minh/ Tran/ 13/ tran Dao d)Thuy/ Bui/ 14/ 37 Le Hong Phong st. e)Hung/ Phan/ 16/ 64 Le Qui Don st.

-Model two cues then ask Ss to repeat chorally & individually

-Ask some Ss to practice asking and answering

-Ask the whole class to work in pairs b.Complete the dialogue

- set the scene and ask Ss some questions :

*Who are they?

*What are they talking about?

*Does Hoa live on Tran Hung Dao street? *etc

-Ask Ss to read the dialogue and fill the missing words in the dialogue B2 P.16

-Let Ss work in pairs -Give feedback *Answer key:

Who, Who, What, Where, Where, How

3 Production -B3 P.16

T asks Ss to ask your partner questions and fill in the form

Name: Age: Grade: School: Home address: -T & ss correct

-Ss answer the questions

-Ss open their book and use the cue words to practice well

-Ss practice

Example exchange:

S1:What is Nam's family name? S2:His family name is Nguyen. S1:How old is he?

S2:He is 15 years old. S1:Where does he live?

S2:He lives at 32 Nguyen Du street

-Ss practice asking and answering the questions

-Ss read the dialogue and fill the missing words in the dialogue B2 P.16

-Ss ask your partner qs and fill in the form




-Doing exercise : P.4-5 (work book) -Preparing :Unit1:B4,5-7


*Period: 5th. Unit1:


A.Objectives:-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about distances.Using "How far ?" question and answer with "kilometers/meters"

Skill:- Reading & speaking skill. B Proceduces:

I.Settlement: II- Checking:

-Put the wordsquare poster on the board and inform the topic. -Divide the class into teams.

-Ask ss to find 11 hidden words and write them on a piece of paper -Wordsquare : why, when, on, to, from

who, how

what, where, at, by

III- New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students' activities 1.PRESENTATION.

a.Pre-teach -far <adj >

-distance < adj >

Use translation,pictures to teach vocab Model the new words(3 times)

Present the words on the boards and check the meaning,part of speech and stress

Ask Ss to copy the words b Checkvocab: R.O.R

c.Presentation dialogue :- B4 P.16-17 d.Model sentences:

S1: How far is it from your house to school?

S2:About one kilometer/700 metrers. -T sets a scene to give the model sentences

*Concept Check:

Use: talk about distances

Form: How far is it + from +Place-1+to +place-2 ?

e.Comprehension questions

-Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer some questions

-Give feedback

-Repeat the words chorally & individually

-Correct the mistakes -Copy down

-listen and take notes

-work in pairs and answer the questions

*Answer key:

a)She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao street.



a) Where does Hoa live ? (12 T- H- D) b) Is it far from school ? (No)

c) How far does she get there ? (By bike)

-Ask Ss to practice asking and answering questions


- "Picture drill." - B5 P.17 T asks Ss to depend on the model sentences (Ss use the pictures to practice)

-Model two pictures then ask Ss to repeat chorally & individually

-Ask some Ss to practice asking and answering

-Ask the whole class to work in pairs


S1:How far is ti from your house to the market?

S2:It's kms. etc

3.PRODUCTION : - "Survey" - B7 P.18

-Ask ss to copy down the chart (P.18): -Ask Ss to work in groups of three to ask their friend and tick on the chart

-Give feedback by asking Ss to report their friends'hobbies

Eg: My friend is Nam She lives at Le Quy Don street It's about kilometers from her house to her school

-T asks Ss to ask your patner qs and fill in the form


*What's your name? *Where you live?

*How far is it from your house to school?

*How you go to school? -T controls and corects

b)No,it isn't.

c)She gets there by bike.

-Ss orally report back

-Ex: My friend is Dung She lives at Le Qui Don street It's about

kilometers from her house to her school.Sh

-Ss ask and answer your partner the qs

-Take notes

-Ss ask their patner and fill in the form

-Ss take notes

Name Nam

Adress LQD tr Distance 1km Transport bike


-T asks Ss to read the model sentences andgive the concept check V.Homework:


Date: /9/2007

*Period: 6th. Unit1:

Lesson 5:


ME AND ADDRESSES < B6-7> P.17-18


Skill: listening and writing B Procedures


II.Checking: Ask and answer about yourself (name, age, address, distance, transport, place,…)

- Ask and answer

III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 PRE-LISTENING:

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and introduce the places in the pictures: Lan’s house, school, post office, market, theater

- Listen to teacher

- Ask some questions:

+Is Lan’s house far from/near the school?

+Is Lan’s house near the market/ the post office/ the theater?

-Look at the picture and answer

Now you will hear conversations and find out the distance between the places mentioned in the tape

- Listen to introduction

2 WHILE LISTENING - Play the tape three times

- Play the tape the last time and pause each sentence to correct mistakes Then give the correct answers

-Listen and copy the answers - Give the answers and write on the board

- Copy down 3 POST-LISTENING

Ask Ss to practice about distances they’ve listened

- Work in pairs *Survey

Write the survey on the board

Name What

Address Where

Meansoftransport How

Distance How far

-Practice asking and answering Then copy


IV.Consolidation:Remind Ss of how to make questions V.Homework: Give and guide Ss to the exercises Copy B 6, in their notebooks


Date: /9/2007

*Period: 7th. Unit2:

Lesson 1:




-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses

Skill:- Reading & speaking drill. B Proceduces:

I.Settlement II- Checking

- B P.18 (Ss listen and write the distances) (1) Lan's house(2)

school the post office (3) the theater(4)

-Answer key:

1 300 ms 700 ms

3 kms kms

III- New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students' activities 1.PRESENTATION



- call somebody :

Ex: àLan will call my mother soon

- Introduces the words,using synonyms,mime to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words.* Check vocab: - R.O.R

b.Presentation text: A3 P.20 c.Model sentences:

T sets the scene to give the model sentences

S1: What's your telephone number ? his


- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss listen then read the text carefully


S2:< 825455>


"Word cue drill":A1 P.19-20 -Van anh/553646

-Qui Bang/825211 -Xuan Ba/852637 -Mai Le/630069

Ask Ss to use the word cues to practice *Noughts&Crosses

-T gives the cue questions What's his/her name ?

What's his/her telephone number ? Where does he/she live ?

An Le loi Viet

14 Tran Phu Bich/823126 34 tran phu Thi Bang Bao/825250 Nam 3.PRODUCTION

"survey": P.20

Name Address telephone number Lan 12 le loi 853444

-Ss practice asking and answering -Ss use the word cue to practice well

-Ss practice in groups

-Take notes

-Ss enjoy the game


-T asks Ss to read the model sentences and give the concept check V.Homework:

-Doing exercise : P.5 (work book) -Preparing :Unit2: A4-5

Date: /9/2007


Lesson: 2 TELEPHONE NUMBERS - A 4- 5. I.Teaching aims : Helps Ss to practice in using the “Will” future positive statements & “Wh” questions By the end of this lesson, Ss understand the way to use these modals to talk about sure events in the future

Skill: reading & speaking II.Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Jumbled words - Asks Ss to re-order the letters to form the right words

ese = (See); trast = (Start); vomei = (Movie); rehatte = (Theater); romtprow = (Tomorrow); tale = (Late).

- Corrects & comments 3 New lesson :


PRESENTATION 1.Vocabulary:

( to ) meet; Free (adj).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the prounciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Prestation dialogue: A4/ P21.

- Introduces & helps Ss to read the dialogue

- Checks S’s reading

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Comprehension questions: A4

- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects * Questions:

a Who will meet tomorrow ? b What will they ?

c What time will they meet ? d Where wil they meet ?

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the dialogue

- Correcting the pronunciation - Working in pairs to answer the questions

-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a Phong and Tam b See a movie c At 6.45

d In front of the movie theater PRACTICE

3 Substitution drill:

- Introduces the content & reads the modal

Time: 15 M.


to helps Ss replace

- Practices with Ss in individual - Corrects S’s mistakes & comments * Teacher says:

- Where will we meet ? - you.

- What time - go

- How - What / see

4 Word cue drill: A1/ P19-20.

- Introduces the example exchange & Hepls Ss to practice

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

* Cues:

Where / meet ? - in the street. What time/ meet ? - at 7.00. What/ see ? - a film.

How/ go ? - by bike.

- Practicing with the teacher in individual

- Correcting the mistakes * Students replace:

- Where will we meet ? - Where will you meet ? - What time will you meet ? - What time will you go ? - How will you go ? - What will you see ?

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

* Example exchange:

- Where will we meet ? - [ We’ll ] meet in the street.


- Asks ss to listen to the content & get the information & fill in the table

- Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments

.a.Telephone number: b They will see: c They will meet at: d They will go by:

Time: M.

- Listening to the content & getting the information & filling in the table

-Giving the answers

- Correcting the answer keys * Keys: a 537 471.

b a movie. c 6.45. d by bike

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Ask Ss to give the question used to ask the “Will” future positive statements & “Wh” questions

* Where will we meet ? - We’ll meet * What time will we meet ? - We’ll

- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the lesson Homeworks: - Study the modal exchange


-Preparing :Unit2: A6-7

Date: /9/2007

*Period: 9th. Unit: 2


I.TEACHING AIMS : Helps Ss to further practice in using the “Will” future positive statements & “Wh” questions & the answers By the end of this lesson, Ss understand the way to use these modals to talk about sure events in the future

Skill: speaking

II.Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision : None. 3 New lesson :


PRESENTATION 1.Vocabulary:

Who’s calling ? Can I speak to ? I’ll call again.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the prounciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Prestation dialogue: A6/ P22.

- Introduces & helps Ss to read the dialogue

- Checks S’s reading

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the dialogue

- Correcting the pronunciation


3 Comprehension questions: A4/ P21. - Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects * Questions:

a Who is calling ?

b What is answering the telephone ? c What are they talking about ? d When will she be back ?

e When will Phong call her again ? 4 Answer given:

* Teacher uses the title of A7/ P22 to set the scene

- Introduces the the answers & - Asks Ss to work in pairs to read the text & forming the

Time: 15 M.

- Working in pairs to answer the questions

-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a Phong is calling

b Han is answering the phone c They are talking about Lan d She will be back at about 6.00 e He’ll call again after

- Working in pairs to read the text & forming the questions



- Asks Ss to give the questions - Corrects & comments

* Answer given:

1 At five thirty.

2 We’ll eat cakes & sweets. 3 Till seven half past. 4 We’ll meet in the street.

- Correcting & commenting

* Questions:

1 When will the party be ? 2 What will we eat ?

3 How long the party last ? 4 Where will we meet ?

PRODUCTION 5 Mapped dialogue:

- Introduces the mapped dialogue - Hepls Ss to practice the dialogue

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & the mistakes & comments

Tan Nam

What tomorrow morning ?

What watch ?

Yes When start ? Where meet ? Ok!

go stadium

A football match/ Would like with me ?

4.30/ meet at 4.15 In front of stadium

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in chorus - Practicing the dialogue in pairs -Correcting pronunciation & the mistakes

* Example exchange:

S1: What will you tomorrow morning ?

S2: I’ll go to the stadium.

S1: What will you watch there ? S2: A football match ? Would you like to come with me ?

S1: Yes When will it start ? S2: At 4.30 Let’s meet at 4.15. S1: Where will we meet ? S2: In front of the stadium.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Ask Ss to give the question used to ask the “Will” future positive statements & “Wh” questions

* Where will we meet ? - We’ll meet * What time will we meet ? - We’ll

- Asks Ss to summarise the general idea of the lesson Homeworks: - Study the modal exchange

- Exercise: & & P 9-Workbook - Prepare the Calendar

Date: /9/2007

*Period: 10th. Unit2:


-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about dates of a year and the pronunciation

Skill:-Reading & speaking drill. B.Procedures:


- T check attendence II.Checking: -"Pelmanism"

1st 2nd 10th 5th 3rd 9th first second third fifth ninth tenth III- New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students' activities 1.PRESENTATION.

a Pre –teach: ROR -twelfth =12th

-twentieth = 20th -twenty-first = 21st -thirtieth = 30th -thirty-first =31st

- Introduces the words

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words c.Guess from the new words:-B1 P.24 Months of a year

T gives a game "Matching " to practice January thang 10

february thang march thang April thang May thang 12 June thang July thang august thang September thang October thang 11 November thang3 December thang 2.PRACTICE

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation


a B2 P.24 b B3 P.24 3.PRODUCTION -"survey"

Name Birthday Thao July 19th

-T controls and corrects

-Ss listen and write the dates -Ss write the months in the right order


S1: What's your name ? S2: My name's Thao

S1: When's your birthday? S2: July 19th.

-Take notes IV Consolidation:

-T calls some pairs to practice V.Homework:

-Doing exercise :

-Preparing : Unit : B4-5

Date: /9/2007

*Period: 11th. Unit2:

Lesson 5:

MY BIRTHDAY <B4-5> P.25-26


A.Objectives:-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to ask personal information


B Procedures:

I.Settlement: - T checks attendence II-Checking - B P.28

III.New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students'activities 1.PRE-READING.

a.Pre teach.“Slap the board" -Date of birth (example) -worry(v) : mime)

-nervous(a) : -won't = Will not

-Use translation,pictures,mime to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Open prediction: B5 P26

T gets feedbacks


a Ask Ss listen the tape carefully. B4 (P.25) then check their predictions -T plays the tape (Ss close their books) Answer key

Registration form student

Name: Pham thi Hoa Date of birth: June 8th

Adress: 12 Tran Hung Dao street b.Comprehension questions

-T asks Ss to answers the qs in B4-P.25 3.POST-READING.

-"Write it up"

T gives the police record P.41 and B4 P.25 f)-h)

- T controls and corrects

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Ss read the sentences and predict which are true and which are false

- Ss listen to B4 P.25 then check their prediction

-Ss answer the questions to practice well

-Ss practice IV Consolidation.


-Doing exercise :

-Preparing : Unit : B 6-8

Date: /9/2007

*Period: 12th. Unit2:

Lesson 6:

MY BIRTHDAY <B6-7> P.26- 27



-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understant the way to write an invitation to a party


B Proceduce.

I.Settlement:- T check attendence II.Checking: -"Lucky number"

10 1.What's your family name? 6.What's your date of birth? 2.How old are you? 7.Who you live with?

3.L 8.How old will you be on your next birthday? 4.What's your adress? 9L

5.What's your telephone number? 10 L III New lesson:

Teacher'activities Students' activities 1.PRE-WRITING:

a.Pre teach:R.O.R

-have a party : -invite(v) :

-invitation card(n)(visual)

-Use translation,pictures,visual to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Comprehension questions.

a) How old is Lan now? (12) b) How old will she be on next

birthday? (13)

c) When's her birthday? (May 25th) d) Where will the party be? (At her


e) What's her adress? (24 Ly Thuong Kiet)

f) How long will the party last? (From p:m to p:m)

2.WHILE- WRITING: a.Gap fill:

-Provides some words so that Ss can use them to fill in the gap

- B6 P.27

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


b.Questions and answers. -B7 P.27 a)-f)


T controls and corrects

-Ss fill in the gaps

-Ss practice asking and answering the questions

-Ss work in groups to practice

IV Consolidation:

-T calls some Ss to read their writing V.Homework:

-Doing exercise :

-Preparing : Unit : A1,3

Date of planting: /9/2007 *Period: 13th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 1



A Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to know the things in the bathrom and in the kitchen


I.Greeting II- Revision

-"shark attact"

Television chair picture stove table

III- New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities 1 PRESENTATION

a.Pre teach.

T elicits to teach vocabulary

-a bathroom : (picture) -a kichen : explaination) -a sink :(picture)

-a washing machine : (picture) -a dishwasher : (picture) -a dryer : (picture)

-a tub: (picture)

-a refrigerator : (picture)

-Use pictures,visual to teach vocab - Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Checking vocab.

-"Networks" bathrom House


a.T/F repetition drill. (Picture A3 P.31)

- There's a television.

- There's a washing machine. - There's a sink.

- There are some chairs. - There's a refrigerator. - There are two pictures.

b.Deliberate mistakes. -(Picture of the kitchen P.30)

This is the picture of the kitchen The

-Ss guess the meaning,kind of the words

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Ss enjoy the game


television is next to the refrigerator There's a washing machine between the dishwasher and the electric stove There's a dining table with chairs Beside the washing machine is the tub -Answer key

( dishwasher, sink, dryer) further practice -"chain game"


S1: There's a stove in the kitchen S2: There's a stove and a sink in the kitchen


-T controls and corrects

-Ss practice well

-Ss play the game well Ex:

-Ss take notes IV Consolidation.

-T calls some Ss to read their writing V.Homework.

-Doing exercise : (Language focus P.41) -Preparing : Unit : A1-2

Date of planting:24/9/2007

*Period: 14th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 2



A TEACHING AIMS : Helps Ss to give compliments with ‘ What + a/an + adj

+ Noun ! ‘ to talk about the house By the end of this lesson, Ss can comment their house

Skill: reading



- Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Wordsquare

- Introduces the game & expalins the way to play & devides the class into groups to play the game

- Hepls Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments * The words for the game:



New lesson :



amazing (adj); delicious (adj); bright (adj); interesting (adj); convenient (adj); comfortable (adj); modern (adj); - Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: A1/P29-30. - Introduces & Helps Ss tolisten to the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments *Model sentence:

What a beautiful bathroom! an amazing kitchen !

Time: 15M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation


3 Words cue drill: *Example exchange:

S1: The kitchen is amazing. S2: Yes What a amazing kitchen

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in








- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments


- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation * Words cue drill:

Kitchen/amazing armchair/comfortable

Living-room/bright Dinner/bad



- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write the complements, using the cues in A2

- Asks Ss to compare their writing - Asks Ss to give their writing - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to write the complements, using the cues in A2 - Comparing the written sentences - Giving their writing

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson - Asks Ss to give the form of the complement & example: - ‘ What + a/an + adj + Noun !

‘ What a beautiful bathroom ! ‘ an amazing kitchen !


- Study the vocabularies & the model by heart -Writing five complement sentences - Prepare the vocabulary for lesson

Date of planting:25/9/2007

*Period: 15th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 3 HOA’S FAMILY – B1-3.


A Teaching aims : Helps Ss to read a text about Hoa’s family By the end of

this lesson, Ss get some main ideas, details & job vocabulary

Skill: reading

B Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English




(to) rise; (to) take care of; cattle (n); a journalist; a newspaper

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Matching: B3/ P35.

-Devides the words & the meaning into two columns & asks Ss to work in individual to match the meaning to the words

-Corrects & comments

3.True / False statement:

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the answers

- Asks Ss to give the keys & correct - Corrects & comments

*True / False statement:

a./ Hoa’s father is a farmer.

b./ Her mother does the housework & helps on the farm.

c./ Her sister is ten.

d./ Lan’s father takes of sick children e./ Her mother is a doctor.

f./ Her brother works on a farm

Time: 15M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Working in individual to match the meaning to the words

*Answer keys:

*A farmer works on a farm

*A doctor takes care of sick people

*A journalist writes for a newspaper *A teacher teaches in a school

- Working in pairs to discuss the answers

- Giving the keys

- Correcting & commenting * Answer keys:

a F; b T; c F; d F; e T; f T.


Comprehension questions: B1.

- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects * Questions:

a What does Hoa’s father ? b Where does he work ?

c What’s her mother job ?

Time: 15 M.

- Working in pairs to answer the questions

-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a He’s a farmer.


d What does she every day? e Are they happy ?

f How old is Hoa’s sister ?

c She is a housewife

d Her mother does the housework & helps on the farm

e Yes, they are. f She is eight.


- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to interview each other & take note the information about their family members into the table

- Asks Ss to report the information about their family members

- Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

-Working in pairs to interview each other & taking note the information about their family members into the table

- Reporting the information about their family members

Member Age Job Place of work

Father Mother Brother Sister

4 Consolidation :

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson 5.Homeworks:

- Study the vocabulary & the comprehension answers

- Exercise: Write the information about their family members - Prepare some information about their parents

]Date of planting:25/9/2007

*Period: 16th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 4 HOA’S FAMILY – B4.


I.TEACHING AIMS : Helps Ss to listen to personal information By the end of this lesson, Ss get some main ideas

Skill: listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision : ( M ):

- Asks Ss to talk about their families: using survey on lesson 4. Ex: My father is forty years old He’s a…




high school (n); a magazine (n)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Open prediction:

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in individual to predict the personal information of Tom, Susan & Bill about the age, job & place of work

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs & in groups -Asks Ss to give the information

-Corrects & comments

Time: 15M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in individual to predict the the personal information of Tom, Susan & Bill about the age, job & place of work

-Comparing in pairs & in groups -Giving the information

Name Age Job Place of work

Tom Susan


WHILE-LISTENING 3 Presentation text:

-Asks Ss to read the forms to get the general content

-Helps Ss to listen to the text & get the information of Tom, Susan & Bill about the age, job & place of work

-Helps Ss to listen to the text again to compare & check the information

-Asks Ss to give the keys by filling in the forms

-Corrects & comments * Tape script:

Tom is a teacher He is 26 years old & teaches at a high school Susan is a journalist She is 19 & write for a magazine. Bill is 20 & he is a nurse He works in a hospital.

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the text & getting the information of Tom, Susan & Bill about the age, job & place of work

-Listening to the text again to compare & check the information - Giving the keys by filling in the forms

* Answers: Name: Tom Age: 26

Job: Teacher P of W: High school Name: Susan

Age: 19


4 Recall:

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to use their own words to talk about personal information of the three person they got

-Asks Ss to report -Corrects & comments

Ex: Tom is a teacher He is 26 years old & teaches at a high school.

P of W: For a magazine Name: Bill

Age: 20 Job: Nurse P of W: Hospital

-Working in pairs to use their own words to talk about personal information of the three person they got

- Reporting the information

POST-LISTENING 4 Write it up:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to write some general personal information of their parents

- Asks Ss to report the information about their family members

- Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual to write some general personal information of their parents

- Reporting the information about their family members

4 Consolidation

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson 5.meworks: - Study the vocabulary & the information

- Exercise: Write the information about their family members - Prepare the prize of things in your house

Date of planting:27/9/2007 *Period: 17th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 5


I.TEACHING AIMS : Helps Ss to practice in Comparatives & superlatives of irregular adjectives & long adjectives By the end of this lesson, Ss can use these adjectives to compare things

Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M):

-Asks Ss to make sentences with Comparatives & superlatives, using the cues: -Nam

-Ba -Tam

1m35. 1m45. 1m60.

-Ha noi -HCHC -Hue




- Example statement; Ba is taller than Nam Tam is taller than Ba.


- Corrects & comments New lesson :



an apartment (n); suitable; good – better – the best (adj);

expensive - more expensive – the most expensive

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: B5 – P35/36. - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments *Model sentence:

The apartment at number 40 is better. It’s more expensive.

The apartment at number 79 is the best It’s the most expensive

3 Comprehension questions: B5 – P36. - Introduces the questions & ask Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the dialogue

- Asks Ss to give the keys by asking & answering in pairs & Corrects

* Questions:

a Which is the cheapest apartment ? b Which is the most expensive ? c Which is the best apartment ?

d Which is the most suitable apartment for John & his family ? Describe it.

Time: 20 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation

-Working in pairs to ask & answer about the content of the dialogue - Giving the keys give the keys by asking & answering in pairs

-Correcting & commenting * Answer:

a The one at number 27. b The one at number 79. c The one at number 79.

d The one at number 27 It’s the newest & has two bedrooms, a large, modern bathroom & a kitchen.


4 Picture drill: Language focus 5/P39-40 - Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks

Time: M.


Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

-Correcting the pronunciation

FURTHER PRACTICE 4 Written exercise:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write sentences, using the cues given

- Asks Ss to compare their writing

- Asks Ss to give their writing & Corrects *Ss write sentences with the superlatives:

-Sydney / big / Australia. -Tokyo / expensive / world -He / good student / class -The Titanic / good. -This food / bad

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to write sentences, using the cues given

- Comparing the written sentences - Giving their writing

*Written sentences:

-Sydney is the biggest city of Australia.

-Tokyo is the most expensive on over the world

-He is the best student in my class -The Titanic is the best.

-This food is the worst.

4 Consolidation

- Asks Ss to give the way to use Comparatives & superlatives of irregular adjectives & long adjectives & example


- Study the Comparatives & superlatives of irregular adjectives & long adjectives

- Prepare the exercise on the language focus /P38 Date of planting:28/9/2007

Period: 18th. Unit: 3

Lesson: 6


I.Teaching aims : Helps Ss to further practice with making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the invitation By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly

Skill:writing & speaking B Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

4 Warm - up or Revision (M ) : None.



- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the paragraph

Time: 10M

1.Present simple tense:


- Asks Ss to compare the keys - Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments * Keys:

a) is; lives ; are; goes.

-Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to write things Nam will or will not tomorrow

- Asks Ss to compare the keys -Asks Ss to practice in pairs - Corrects & comments


He will go to the post office but he won’t call Ba.

-Introduces the requirement & Divides Ss into two groups & helps them to observe the position of the cat & remember

-Asks Ss to write the position of the cat in groups & Corrects

* Keys: a./ It’s is under the table. b./ It’s is in front of the chair c./ It’s is behind the TV.

-Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs to write people’s job tittles

- Asks Ss to compare the keys -Asks Ss to give the keys - Corrects & comments


1 She works in a hospital She makes sick people well What’s her job ?

2 She works in a school She teaches student What’s her job ?

3 He lives in the countryside He grows vegetables What’s his job ?;

5 Is there a./Are there any.:

- Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to work in pairs looking at the picture quickly then complete the dialogue:

-Working in pairs to complete the paragraph

- Comparing the keys & give the keys - Correcting the keys

b) are; eat; rides; catches;

2 Future simple tense: (Time: 15M) -Working in pairs to Asks Ss to work in pairs to write things Nam will or will not tomorrow

- Comparing the keys & give the keys by practicing in pairs

- Correcting the keys

He will see a movie but he won’t watch TV He will write to his grandmother but he won’t meet Minh

3.Preposition of places: Kim’s game:

-Observing the position of the cat & remember

- Writing the position of the cat in groups & Corrects

d./ It’s is next to the shelf. e./ It’s is on the couch.

4 Occupation: (Time: 10M) *Write people’s job tittles:

-Working in pairs to write people’s job tittles

-Comparing the keys -Giving the keys - Correcting the keys

Keys: 1 She is a doctor;

She is a teacher He is a farmer;

- Look at the picture and complete the sentences

-Working in pairs & looking at the picture quickly then complete the dialogue


- Asks Ss to practice in pairs & corrects the mistakes

- Corrects & comments

*Answer key:

a) are any ; 3.Yes; are b) are any ; 3.No; aren’t. c) is; a ; No; isn’t d) are any ; 3.Yes; are.

4 Consolidation

-Ask Ss to explain the way to use the

Present simple; The “Will future” & Preposition.

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homeworks: - Study the grammar & the modal sentence

- Prepare for the forty five munite test

Date of planting:29/9/2007

Period: 19.

Test 45 minutes


- To check up Ss’understanding after three units learn -To encourage Ss study more heartily

- To draw out the best methods for teaching and learning II/TEACHING PROCESS:

1.Class organization:

2.Check up. 3.New lesson:

Questions I/Listen and match these half-sentences: 2®

A farmer takes care of sick children A doctor write for a newspaper A journalist works on a farm A teacher works in a factory A worker teaches in a school

II, Choose A, B or C for the blank

1 Hello Nga, to meet you again


.is a new clasmate Her name is Hoa

A, It B, On C, This

She is Hue

A, from B, on C, for

I don’t have friends in Hue

A, many B, lots C, lot

.you still miss your friends?

A, Are B, Do C, Does

Lan is than Hoa

A, taller B, tall C, tallest

7, you live? In Hien Luong

A, Who B, Where C, What

How is it from your house to school?

A, long B, far C, distance

III Give the correct tense of the verbs in the blank

Mr Thanh is a doctor He (work) in a hospital in the city Everyday he (go) to work by bus

Her mother (cook) dinner now We(visit) the city next week

IV Give the correct form of the adjectives in the blanks

Minh is the student in our class ( good ) July is than August ( hot )

These bags are than those bags (expensive) That is the movie ( interesting )

V Write these cues into the exclamative sentences

a dirty hand pretty girl

interesting story cold days


- Collect testing papers - Give some remarks 5 Homework:


Date of planting:7/10/2007

Period: 20th.

Correct the test (1)


- To check up Ss’understanding after three units learn and correcting the test II/TEACHING PROCESS:

1.Class organization: 7A /40 2.Check up.

3 Correct the test: I/ 5x 0,4 = 2ms A farmer works on a farm A doctor takes cares of……… A Journalist writes……… A teacher teaches……… A worker works in a factory

II/8 x 0,4 = 3,2ms

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B III/ x 0,4 =1,6ms

1.works; goes 2.is cooking 3.will visit/ are going to visit IV/ x 0,4 = 1,6ms

1.the best 2.hotter 3.more expensive 4.most interesting V/ x 0,2 = 0,8m


2,What a pretty girl!

3,What an interesting story! 4,What cold days!

V/ x 0,2 = 0,8m

1.months 2.first 3.December 4.September

Date of planting:7/10/2007 *Period: 21st. Unit: 4

Lesson: 1 SCHEDULES A1,2,4.


I OBJECTIVES:-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to tell the time,school vocab

Skill -Reading and speaking drill II PROCEDUCE.


2- Revision: "Noughts and Crosses" - A1 P.42.

7:00 (1) 4:15 (2) 1:45 (3) 8:30 (4) 9:40 (5) 11:05 (6) Ex:

S1: What time is it ? 6:35 (7) 5:25 (8) 3:10 (9) S2: It's seven o'clock

New lesson.

Teacher's activities Students'activities PRESENTATION.


-physics (n)

-physical education (n)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words PRACTICE.

-"Picture drill"A4 P.43

T uses the pictures in A4 P.43 to ask Ss to practice well

- Sets the scene and presents the model dialogue and write on the B/B

- Asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the pictures and make the similar dialogue

PRODUCTION a.Mapped dialogue

T writes the cues on the board and asks Ss to make the dialogue in pairs

You Your friend What time ? 9:20

What time/math? 9:30 Literature today? No

When ? On tuesday

b."survey"- A2 P.42

- Asks Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer then report the results

- Asks some Ss to say before the class

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Ss open their book in A4 P.43 to look carefully the pictures to practice well


S1: What is Lan studing? S2: Lan is studing physics.

S1: What time does Lan have her physics class?

S2: She has her physics class at 8:40.

- Ss make the dialogue in pairs

S1:What time is it? S2:It’s 9:20

S1:What time you have math? S2: I have math at 9:30

S1: Do you have Literature today? S2: No, I don’t

S1: When you have it? S2:On tuesday.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions A2 P42, then report back 4 Consolidation.


5.Homework. -Doing exercise :

-Preparing: Unit : A3,5


*Period: 22nd. Unit: 4

Lesson: 2 SCHEDULES A3,5.


I OBJECTIVES:-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details and school vocabulary

Skill:-Listening skill II PROCEDUCE: 1.Greeting

2- Revision.

-"jumpled words"

turepics = ? lisheng =? ryhisto =? grageophy =? sicmu =? tham = 3.New lesson.

Teacher's activities Students'activities 1 PRE-LISTENING.

a.Pre teach vocab.

-Schedule -important -fun

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times )

- Listening to the words


Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Open prediction.

-T asks Ss to give classes Thu has on Wednesday and Thursday


- T turns on the tape and asks Ss to check their predictions

*Comprehension questions.

-T gives qs in book, and gives a game to practice "Hangman"

*Answer key

1 On Wed and thu

2 On Wed at 8:40,On Thu at 9:40 Math,Geography,Physical

education,and Physics

4 History.It's an interesting and important

5 Math It's difficult but fun c.A3 P.43

-nb: Use" physics" instead "Science" 3 POST-LISTENING.

-T asks Ss to write their schedule in your exercise book


- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Ss predict classes Thu has on Wednesday and Thursday

-Ss listen carefully

-Ss check their predictions

*Answer key. 1.English 2.Math 3.Geography

4.Physical education 5.Music

-Ss enjoy the game

-Ss listen and fill the gaps with time and subjects

-Ss ask and answer qs about their schedule with your partner

4 Consolidation.

-T calls some Ss to give the main ideas in this lesson 5.Homework.


Date of planting:15/10/2007 *Period: 23rd. Unit: 4

Lesson: 3


I.Teaching aims : Helps Ss to read a text for details & comparing an American school with a Vietnamese school By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the differences between an American school & a Vietnamese school

Skill: speaking & listening II.Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Hang man

-Helps Ss toplay the game -Corrects & comments

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( schedule ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( school ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( classes )

3 New lesson :



1.Vocabulary: ROR.

uniform (n); a break (n); a cafeteria (n); a snack (n); (to) sell.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words


- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 4.True / False prediction: A6/P 45.

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the statements

- Asks Ss to give the keys & correct *True / False statement:

a./ Ss don’t usually wear school uniform. b./ There’re classes un Saturday morning. c./ Ss don’t have break in the afternoon. d./ The school cafeteria sells food to Ss help of modern equipment.

e./ The school cafeteria only open at lunchtime.

f./ Basket ball is an unpopular after school activity.

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict the statements

- Giving the keys & Correcting * Answer keys:

a: T; b: F; c: F; d: T; e: T; f: T.


2 Presentation text: A6/ P45.

- Introduces & ask Ss to read the text in silence

- Asks Ss to check their prediction

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments 3 Grid: (With answer keys ).

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to the text & find out the information & fill in the table

-Asks Ss to report the information - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Reading the text in silence -Checking the prediction - Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pairs to work in pairs to the text & find out the information & fill in the table

-Reporting the information

Activities In the USA In Viet Nam

There is school uniform x

Classes start at 8.30 7.00

The school day end at… 3.30 or 4.00 5.30

There are lesson on Saturday x

Ss have lunch at school x


4 Transformation writing: A6/P45.

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write about their school Basing on the text

-Asks Ss to give their information - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to write about their school Basing on the text -Giving the information


* Ex:

There is usually school uniform in my school Our classes start at…

4 Consolidation ( Time:2m ):

- Ask Ss to compare the differences between an American school with a Vietnamese school

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Home works( Time:2m ):

- Study the vocabulary -Writing about your school

- Prepare the picture on page 47& some information about the school library

Date of planting:17/10/2007 *Period: 24th. Unit: 4

Lesson: 4


I.TEACHING AIMS : Helps Ss to read a text for details & practicing in Library vocabulary By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the text & get some Library vocabulary

Skill: reading& speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Jumbled words

-Helps Ss toplay the game

-Corrects & comments

Luralitere = literature; torishy = history

Hispics = physics; phygrageo = geography Liogoby = biology

3 New lesson :



1.Vocabulary: ROR.

a library (n); a novel (n); a reader (n); dictionary (n) a reference book (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words


- Reads the words for the modal, then helps Ss to repeat

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Word squares










-Introduces the wordsquares & helps Ss to find out the 11 hidden vocabulary about classes & Corrects & comment

-Introduces the questions & asks Ss to answer& Comments the answer


?- When is the library open ?

?What kinds of books are there in the Library ?

individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Answer key:

newspaper; novels; dictionary; magazine

racks; library; science; reader books; math; shelf

-Answering the questions. *Answer:

- It’s open at 7.30.

- There’re references books & novels…


3 Presentation text & Grid: B1/ P47. -Gives the requirement & asks Ss to read the text in silence & work in pairs to find out the information & fill in the table -Asks Ss to report the information - Corrects & comments

Time: 15 M.

- Working in pairs to work in pairs to the text & find out the information & fill in the table

-Reporting the information The Library

Opening time 7.00 a.m

Books on the left Math, science books

Books on the right History, geography books, dictionaryand literature in Vietnamese


5 Comprehension questions:B1-P48 -Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer Then give the keys

-Corrects & comments


1./ Where’re the magazines ? 2./ Where’re the newspaper ? 3./ What books are on the left ? 4./ What books are on the left ? 5./ Where’re the books in English ? 6./ What time does the library open ? 7./ What time does the library close ?

-Working in pairs to answer Then giving the keys


1./ They’re on the racks 2./ They’re on the racks 3./ Math & science books 4./ History & geography books. 5./ At the back of the library. 6./ It opens at 7.00 a.m

7./ It closes at 4.30 p.m.

POST-READING 6 Write it up:

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write about their school library

-Asks Ss to give their information - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to write about their school library

-Giving the information -Correcting the information

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Ask Ss to describe the library in the text

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Home works( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary

-Writing about your school library


Date of planting:20/10/2007 Period:25 th Unit:4



I OBJECTIVES: Reading for details and further practice in comparatives and superlatives

Skill: reading & listening


1 Settlement:

2 Warm- up or revision 3 New lesson:


PRE-READING Pre- teach vocab:

T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:

Receive(v) Contain(v) Employees(n)

- Read the words for modal(3 times)

Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally - Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual

- Correct mistakes


- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words True / False prediction B4 P49:

Introduce the text and asks ss to read the statements and guess true or false

1 The library of congressis in New York.

2 It receives copies of all English books

3 There are over 100 million books in this library

4 The shelves are about 300 km long

5 5,000 people work in the library

- Copy down

Read the statements and guess in groups


- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

- Lucky number(questions a- f B4 P49)

1-d, 2-LN, 3-e, 4-b, 5-LN, 6-a, 7-c, 8-LN Guides Ss to play games

Read the text and check their prediction

1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T

Play games to answer the questions

a It’s in Washington DC, the Capital of the USA

b Over 100 million books c About 1,000km of shelves d Over 5,000 people

e Because it receives copies of all American books

PRE- LISTENING Open prediction:

Asks Ss to look at the picture P48 and guess what books are on the racks and shelves

look at the picture P48 and guess what books are on the racks and shelves

No Guess Listen

1 Study center

3 4+5 6+7

8 Library’s desk


T has SS to listen and fill in the grid then compare with their prediction

to listen and fill in the grid then compare with their prediction:

2 science & math 3.Geography, history


4 Consolidation:

Asks ss to sumarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab

- Write about your school’s library - Prepare Unit A1.2 for next day

Date of planting:22/10/2007

Period:26 th Unit:5





OBJECTIVES: Reading for details about Mai’s actitvities school and revision of simple present to talk about school subject;

Skill: reading & speaking II.


2.Warm- up or revision: Crosswords (With answer key) 1

2 3 4 5






3 New lesson:


PRE-READING Pre- teach vocab:

T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:



Do experiment Be interested in

- Read the words for modal(3 times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally

- Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words True / False prediction A1.p51:

Introduce the text and asks ss to read the statements and guess true or false

1.Mai goes to school five days a week. 2.Her classes always begin at seven o’clock

3.Computer Science is her favorite class.

4.She thinks Geography is easy. 5.She does some experiments in Physics class

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual

- Correct mistakes

- Checking the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy down

Read the statements and guess in groups


- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Comprehension questions A1 P52 : Asks Ss to read the text and make five questions and answers about Mai:


S1: What does Mai study in Geography class?

S2: She studies maps and learns about different countries



1 What school does Mai go to? 2 What is Mai’s favorite subject? 3 Lucky number.

4 What does Mai learn in computer science class?

5 Lucky number

6 What time classes begin? 7 What is her last lesson today?

Read the text and check their prediction 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T,

Read the text and make questions and answer:


8. Lucky number


Asks ss to asks their classmates and fill in the table

Example exchange:

S1: What’s your favorite subject? S2: It’s Physics

S1:What you study in your favorite class?

S2:I some experiments

Asks their classmates and fill in the table

Name Favorite subject What to learn

Mai Physics Do experiment

4 Consolidation:

Asks ss to sumarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab

- Write about your school’s library - Prepare Unit A2-3 for next day

Date of planting:23/10/2007

Period:27 th Unit:5




I OBJECTIVES: Reading for details about Ba’s actitvities school and at home; Skill: reading & speaking


2 Warm- up or revision: Hangman - - - -(favorite)

- - - -/ - - - -(washing machine) 3 New lesson:


PRE-READING Pre- teach vocab:

T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:


Repair(v) = fix(v) Electronic

Be good at

- Read the words for modal(3 times)

Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally - Ckecking reading in individually and

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual


corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words True / False prediction B4 P49:

Introduce the text and asks ss to read the statements and guess true or false

1 Ba enjoys his school very much 2 His favorite subject is Electronics 3 In this class he does some


4 He isn’t good at fixing things 5 He can help his parents at home 6 He never goes to art club

- Checking the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy down

Read the statements and guess in groups


- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Guess the meaning:

- Asks ss to read the text again to match the words in English with the Vietnamese Household appliance hoạ

Drawing đ àn ghi ta Artist thiết bị gia đình The guitar hoạ sĩ

Comprehension questions A2 P53 : Asks Ss to read the text and answer the questions:

Read the text and check their prediction

1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6F

Read the text again to match The word in English with the Vietnamese

Read the text and answer the questions:

1 He likes Electronics best

2 Yes, he does He enjoys school very much

3 He learns to repair household appliances

4 He will be able to fix his own appliances

Yes he is His drawing are very good


Asks ss to asks their classmatesand fill in the table

Example exchange:

S1: What’s your favorite subject? S2: It’s Physics

S1:What are you good at?

Name Favorite


S2: I’m good at doing experiments S1: What you in your free time? S2: I go to my Physics Club

4 Consolidation:

Asks ss to sumarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab

- Write about your school’s library - Prepare Unit A4- for next day

Date of planting:27/10/2007

Period:28 th Unit:5



IN CLASS A4-6 I.OBJECTIVES: Reading for details about school subjects

Skill: reading & listening


2 Warm- up or revision 3 New lesson:



Asks ss to predict What subject Ba/ Hoa has on Friday morning and write the name(Ba /Hoa) next to the picture

Predict What subject Ba/ Hoa has on Friday morning

Write the name(Ba /Hoa) next to the picture


Gives Ss to listen and check their prediction

Listen the tape and check their prediction

Ba: d, a, e Hoa: c, b, e


T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:

Essay(n) Event(n)

Past & present events Calculator(n)

- Read the words for modal(3 times)

Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally - Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words Matching A6 P55

Asks ss to match the new words in English with Vietnamese

Piano phương trình Graph sách đồ Equation đàn piano Globe sơn

Atlas đồ thị Paint(v) địa cầu

T corrects the words and reads Open prediction :

Asks ss to predict the subjects that will appear in the text

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual

- Correct mistakes

- Checking the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy down


Listen and repeat

Predict the subjects that will appear in the text


- Asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Comprehension questions:

Asks Ss to read the text and answer the questions:

a What you study at school? b What you learn in literature? c Do you study past and present

events in history?

d What subject you learn about different countries and their people?

e Do you speak English in language class?

f What other things you study?

Read the text and check their prediction

Read the text and answer the questions:

a We study many things

b We learn about books and write essay.

c Yes, I do d Geography e Yes,I do

f We learn: Music, Sports, Art

POST – READING Noughts & crosses:


History Language Art Physics Computer science Math Listerature Geography Electronic

Example exchange:

S1: What you study in history? S2: We study past and present events

4 Consolidation:

Retell vocab and content of the text 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab

- Prepare Unit B1-2 for next day

Date of planting: ./10/2007

Period:29 th Unit:5




OBJECTIVES: Reading for details about school subjects Skill: reading & listening



2 Warm- up or revision

Asks ss to listen to the name of subject and tell what we study in this subject

a music b.math c.literature d English e Physics f Geography g History h Electronic

i Computer science

a b c

d e f

g h i

Example exchange:

S1: a T: music

S2: We study to sing a song in music

3 New lesson:



Pre- teach vocab: slap the board T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:

Have(v) fun Talk(v) about chat(v)


Skip rope Ring(v)

- Read the words for modal(3 times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally - Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words T corrects the words and reads

Presentation text

T elitcits the text and reads

Asks ss to listen then read the text to complete the list

Recess activities The most

popular activities Meeting friend


Revise of the present Progressive tense (form, use)

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual

- Correct mistakes

- Checking the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy down

listen then read the text to complete the list

Recess activities The most

popular activities Meeting friend

Talking about Eating

Drinking Chatting



Picture cue drill:B1.P56

- Introduces the example exchange and helps ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example and asks ss to repeat chorus& in individual - Asks ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments Example exchange:

S1: What is the boy doing? S2: He’s reading

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for next cues - Practicing in group& in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

FURTHER PRACTICE 1.Listen and match : B2.P57

Gives ss to listen to the tape and asks SS to match each name to an activity

Finding friends

listen to the tape and asks SS to match each name to an activity

Mai & Ba are playing catch Kien is playing Blindman’s bluff Lan is skipping rope

Ba is playing marble

activities marble catch blindman’s

bluff Rope friendsTo musicTo


part in Play skip Listen

Swap Talk

Asks ss to make questions for their classmates to complete the table

Example exchange:

S1: Do you take part in at recess activities?

S2: Yes, I do.

S1: Do you play marble? S2:Yes, I do

ss make questions for their classmates to complete the table

4 Consolidation:

Retell vocab and model sentences 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab

- Prepare Unit5 B3 - for next day Date of planting: / /2007

Period:30 th Unit:5



I OBJECTIVES: Reading for details about recess activities an American school Skill: reading & speaking


2 Warm- up or revision : Bingo T guides ss to play game

T reads the activities and asks ss to choose activities:

Play catch/ skip rope/ drink/ play marble/ play tennis/ play basketball/ talk to friends/ read/ listen to music/

3 New lesson:



Pre- teach vocab: slap the board T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:

Junior high school Senior high school Score(v) a goal Swap(v)


Take(v) part in

- Read the words for modal(3 times)


- Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks ss to copy the words T corrects the words and reads


Tasks ss to predict what students in American school at recess


- Correct mistakes

- Checking the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copy down

Predict what students in American school at recess


Asks ss to read the text and check their prediction


Energetic students khắp giới Portable CD players bạn qua thư

Packet of candy máy nghe CD xách tay Pen pal chủ yếu

Mainly gói kẹo

Worldwide học sinh động

T reads and asks ss to repeat Has ss copy

- Multiple choice:(a-d) P 58

Asks ss to read the text again and choose the correct sentences

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Read the text again and match the English with Vietnamese

Listen and repeat Copy down

Read the text again and choose the correct sentences:



Asks ss to make questions for the classmates about what they usually at recess

make questions for the classmates about what they usually at recess

Example exchange:

S1: What you at recess? S2: I usually skip rope and read

Name catch blindman’s

bluff Skip rope talk read

Lan √ √

4 Consolidation:

Retell vocab and content of the text 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab


Date of planting: / /2007

Period:31st Unit:6

Lesson: 1 WHAT DO YOU DO? A1-2


I OBJECTIVES: Revision of simple present with adverbs of frequency to talk about after school activities

Skill: reading & speaking


2 Warm- up or revision : Matching

Asks ss to match the words with the pictures (A2 P61) 3 New lesson:



Pre- teach vocab: slap the board T uses techniques to elicit each vocab:

Study(v) in the library Meet(v) friends

Play(v) the guitar Relax(v)

- Read the words for modal(3 times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2 times) chorally

- Ckecking reading in individually and corrects mistakes

- Writes the words on the B/b & checks

- Listening & repeating in chorus & individual

- Correct mistakes


the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks ss to copy the words T corrects the words and reads

Presentation dialogue A1 P61: T elitcits the dialogue and read

Asks ss to read the dialogue and answer the questions

Comprehension questions:A1A-f(P61)

Model sentences:

T elitcits the modal sentences

Modals sentences and asks ss to repeat chorally – individually

Gives the structures concept check(meaning / use/ form)

- What you usually afterschool? + I usually meet my friends

pronunciation - Copy down


Read the dialogue and answer the questions

Answer key:

a She is doing her math homework

b They are going to the cafeteria and getting a cold drink

c He is in the music room d He is learning to play the


e He usually his meet friends

f She likes playing volleyball

Listen and repeat chorally – individually Answer the question

Copy down PRACTICE:

- Introduces the example exchange and helps ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example and asks ss to repeat chorus& in individual - Asks ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Example exchange:

S1: What you usually do afterschool?

S2: I usually study in the library

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for next cues - Practicing in group& in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation


Asks ss to answer the questions “What after school activities you often do?” then put the words in the box in the column that are true about them


I often do I always do I never do

4 Consolidation:

Retell vocab and model sentences 5 Homeworks:

- Study the vocab and model sentences - Prepare Unit6 A3 for next day

Date of planting: / /2007 *Period: 32nd. Unit: 6

Lesson: 2


WHAT DO YOU DO ? – A3 I.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to read a text about after school activities By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to get some main details about the text

Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision : None. 3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: RoR

school anniversary ceremony(n); comic (n);

past time (n)

(to) collect stamp; (to) rehearse ;

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes


- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2.True / False statement prediction: - Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict whether the statement true or false

- Asks Ss to give the keys & correct - Corrects & comments

*True / False statement:

a./ Nga isn’t a member of a school theater group.

b./ Ba is the president of the stamp collector’s club.

c./ Ba’s American friend gives him a lot of Vietnamese stamps.

d./ Ba always watch video in the afternoon


- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to discuss the answers

- Giving the keys

- Correcting & commenting


3 Presentation text: A2/61.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text

- Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check & compare their prediction - Corrects & comments

4 Noughts & Crosses:

-Gives the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups to choose the cue & make the question & the answer

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

a Do the Ss of class 7A enjoy the same activities after school ?

b What’s Nga favorite pastime ? c What’s Nga’s theater group doing ? d What Ba & his friend if they have any new stamps ?

e When does stamp collector’s club meet ?

f What does Nam in the afternoon ?

g How often does Nam read a library

Time: 20 M.

- Reading the text in individual

- Checking & comparing their prediction

* Answer keys:

a F; b T; c F; d T;

- Working in groups to choose the cue & make the question & the answer




* Answers:

a No, they don’t

b Nga favorite pastime is acting.

c Her theater group is rehearsing a play

d They usually bring them to school. e Stamp collector’s club meet on Wednesday afternoon.

f he usually goes home & watch video.


book or comic ?

h How often does Nam play game ? i How often you play game ?

h Nam never plays game. i I play game twice a week/…

PRODUCTION 5 Discussion:

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the question: “What you usually do after school ?”

- Asks Ss to report the information -Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in groups to discuss the question: “What you usually do after school ?”

- Reporting the information

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homeworks (Time:2m):

- Study the vocabulary

- Prepare some information about after school activities

Date of planting : ./ /2007 *Period: 33rd. Unit: 6

Lesson: 3


I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to listen details for after school activities By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to get some details about the text


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M): Net words

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to give the after school activities

- Comments

Go to the movie

3 New lesson :


PRE-LISTENING Vocabulary: W&W.

cafeteria (n);

(to) tidy the classroom; (to) go to the concert; (to) practice English.

- Introduces the words by explaining the

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words


meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal, then helps Ss to repeat

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation & Corrects

Open prediction:

-Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs & predict activities pupils in the dialogue after school

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Working in pairs & predict activities pupils in the dialogue after school - Comparing & give their prediction


Presentation Text: (In Teacher’s book).

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text to get the information bout activities pupils in the dialogue after school

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the text to get the information bout activities pupils in the dialogue after school

- Asks Ss to compare their information - Helps Ss to listen to the text & check their prediction

- Checks S’s prediction - Corrects & comments

- Comparing their information

- Listening to the text & checking the prediction

* Answer keys:

a./ Mai – go to the school cafeteria. b./ Nam – rehearse a play.

c./ Ba – go to the circus. d./ Lan – watch movie.


POST-LISTENING 4 Mapped dialogue:

- Introduces the mapped dialogue - Helps Ss to practice the dialogue

- Asks Ss to use the cues to make the dialogue & practice the dialogue in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & the mistakes & comments

* Cues:

Should / go / concert / a great idea What / you / Nam Have/to/homework How / you / Hoa / love / let’s / go

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the dialogue

- Using the cues to make the dialogue & practice the dialogue in pairs

- Practicing the dialogue in chorus - Practicing the dialogue in pairs -Correcting pronunciation & the mistakes

* Example exchange:

Lan: Should we go to the concert ? Mai: O.K that’s a good idea.

Lan: What about you, Nam ? Nam: Sorry I have to my homework.

Lan: How about you, Hoa ?

Hoa: Oh I’d love to Now, let’s go.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2M ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homeworks (Time:2m):

- Study the vocabulary

- Prepare the suggestion & picture on page 64

Date of planting: / /2007 *Period: 34th Unit: 6

Lesson: 4


LET’S GO !- B1. A.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to practice in making suggestions with “WHAT SHOULD WE DO/ WHAT ABOUT…?” By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to make suggestions

Skill: reading & speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Presents the phrases & helps Ss to practice


- Comments Play computer games Go to the movie

Watch TV

New lesson :



1 Presentation dialogue: B1 – P64.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs - Introduces the model sentences & helps Ss to practice

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

* Model sentence:

T elitcits the modal sentences

Modals sentences and asks ss to repeat chorally – individually

Gives the structures concept check(meaning / use/ form)

- What should we this evening ? - What about going to the movie ? - Yes, that’s a good idea.

- Sorry, I can’t.

2 Comprehension questions:B1-P64 -Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer Then give the keys -Corrects & comments


1 What does Nam want to ?

2 Why doesn’t Lan want to go to the movies ?

3 What does Lan want to ?

4 Why doesn’t Hoa want to go to Lan’s house ?

5 What day is it ?

Time: 15M.

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation

Listen and repeat

Copy down

-Working in pairs to answer Then giving the keys


1 Nam want to go to the movies. 2 Because there aren’t any good movies at the moment

3 Lan want to go to her house to listen to some music.

4 Because Hoa has too many assignments

It’s Saturday.


3 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the model sentence & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation Example exchange:


in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Cues:

- go to the concert /☺ - listen to music /☺

- play computer games /☻ - watch TV /☺

- go to the school cafeteria/ ☻

S2: What about going to the movie ? S1:Yes, that’s a good idea/

Sorry, I can’t.


4 Dialogue build: Language focus 6-P 71. - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write down the suggestion in the case of the possible dialogue, using the cues in the box

- Asks Ss to compare their dialogue - Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects & comments


Lan: Let’s go swimming. Hoa: OK.

Minh: Should we play tennis? Nam: Sorry,I can’t.

Ba: Would you like basketball? Nga:I’d love to.

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to write down the suggestion in the case of the possible dialogue, using the cues in the box - Comparing & practicing the dialogue in pairs


Should we Would you like to

go play watch Come

basket ball volley ball

movies soccer

OK. I’m sorry.

I can’t. I’d love to.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson

- Asks Ss to give the question & answer asking about after school activities: S1: What you usually after school ?

S2: I usually meet my friends.

Homeworks ( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabularies & the model by heart


Date of planting: / /2007 *Period: 35th. Unit: 6

Lesson: 5



A.OBJECTIVES :Helps Ss to read a text about free time activities of American teenagers By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to get & understand the details of the text


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ):

- Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision : (Time: M) Guessing game:

- Introduces the requirements & Helps Ss to play the game

- Comments the game

* Example exchange:

- Do you play football after school ?

- Yes I / No, I don’t.

3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR.

scout (n); teenager (n); community service(n);

volunteer (n); campaign (n).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Open prediction:

-Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in individual to predict things American teenagers like to best in their free time

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs & in groups -Asks Ss to give the information

-Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

-Copying the words

- Working in individual to predict the information things American teenagers like to best in their free time

-Giving the information


3 Presentation text: B2-P65.

- Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check their prediction

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments 4 Discuss:

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to read the text B4/P66 then answer the question: “How do some teenagers help the community ?”

- Asks Ss to report their opinions - Comments S’s opinions

Time: 15 M

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pairs to read the text B4/P66 then answer the question:

“How some teenagers help the community ?”

- Reporting their opinions.

POST-READING 5 Write it up.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to write three most popular activities Vietnamese teenagers like to to help the community

-Asks Ss to compare in pairs & in groups -Asks Ss to give the information

-Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M

- Working in individual to write three most popular activities Vietnamese teenagers like to to help the community

- Comparing the information in pairs & in groups


4 Consolidation (Time: 2m) :

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homeworks (Time:2M):

- Study the content of the text

- Exercise: Write about most popular activities Vietnamese teenagers like to to help the community Using the information you have written

- Prepare the exercises on part: Grammar practice

Date of planting: / /2007

*Period: 36th. Unit: 6

Lesson: 6



I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to further practice with making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the invitation By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly

Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2.Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Sit back the board

- Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to play the game in individual - Comments the game

Go shopping Listen to music Go to the movie

Watch TV Play video games Read

3 New lesson:



1 Presentation dialogue: B3/ P66. - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text

- Asks Ss to read the text in individual - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

*Model sentence:

T elitcits the modal sentences

Modals sentences and asks ss to repeat chorally – individually

Gives the structures concept check(meaning / use/ form)

- Would you like to go to my house for lunch ?

- Yes, I’d love to. - I’m sorry I can’t.

Time: 10 M

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation

Listen and repeat

Copy down


2 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments


- go to the movie /☺

- go shopping /☺

- listen to music /☻ - go out for dinner /☺ - play video games /☻

Time: M

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: Would you like to go for a walk ? S2: Yes, I’d love to./

I’m sorry I can’t.

-PRODUCTION Mapped dialogue:

Would/you/go out/dinner? What time? 5.00 Where/ can/ meet? Bus stop I/be/ there

Thanks / inviting/ me You are well come

Bye See you Bye See you

Time: M

Example exchange:

S1: What would you like to go out for dinner?

S2: Yes, I’d love to What time? S1:At 5.00.


S2: Thanks for inviting me.

S1: You are well come Bye See you soon.

S2: Bye See you soon

4 Consolidation: Retell about the structure

- Would you like to go to my house for lunch ? - Yes, I’d love to./ - I’m sorry I can’t. Homeworks:

- Learn by heart model sentences - Prepare lesson (language focus2)

Date of planting: /11/2007 *Period: 37th. Unit: 6

Lesson: 7


I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to further practice with making suggestions, arrangements & accepting the invitation By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up or Revision ( M ) The new lesson

T’s activities Ss’ activities

Present progressive tense:

T asks ss to review Present progressive tense that they have learnt

S + V-(s,es) +

Asks ss to Ex1 P68 individually then share ideas with their partner

Ss review

Ss talk about use, form of present progressive tense


2 Time:

T helps Ss to review How to talk about the time:

- tròn: số + o’clock - gi h ơn: s ố gi + s ố ph út

s ố ph út + past + s ố gi ờ - gi k ém: s ố ph út + to + s ố gi 3.Matching:

Asks ss to look at the picture then match the correct subject name

5 Making suggestion

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write down the suggestion in the case of the possible dialogue, using the cues in the box - Asks Ss to compare their dialogue - Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- Corrects & comments


Lan: Let’s go swimming. Hoa: OK.

Minh: Should we play tennis? Nam: Sorry,I can’t.

Ba: Would you like basketball? Nga:I’d love to.

Doing Is writing Is reading Is cooking Are playing Is kicking Is running

Answer key:

a seven fifteen b half past ten

c a quarter to seven

look at the picture then match the correct subject name

Answer key:

a physical education b chemistry

c math d geography e english f history

- Working in pairs to write down the suggestion in the case of the possible dialogue, using the cues in the box - Comparing & practicing the dialogue in pairs


Should we Would you like to

go play watch


basket ball volley ball

movies soccer

OK. I’m sorry.

I can’t. I’d love to.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m ):

-Ask Ss to explain the way to use the

Present simple; The “Will future” & Preposition.


Homework(Time:2M): - Study the grammar & the modal sentence - Prepare for the forty five minute test

Date of planting: /11/2007

*Period: 38th.



I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to review the lesson from Unit to Unit and the test


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up or Revision ( M ) The new lesson: The test


I Chọn từ cụm từ thích hợp dể điền vào chổ trống: You should to bed A.to go B go C going

2 Mai enjoys soccer A playing B play C to play don’t you come to my house? A What B Why C Let’s Nga is a play A making B rehearsing C practicing

5 What about TV? A watching B watch C to watch


8 Tom with Mary now A is chat B chat C is chatting Let’s a song A singing B sing C to sing 10 Lan has English Monday A in B on C at 11 What time you go to school? A B does C are 12 An is different Binh A with B for C from 13 pen is very expensive A, This B Those C These 14 Tuan never coffee A drinking B drink C drinks 15 In , we some experiments A Math B Geography C Physics 16 Math books are on the shelves the right A on B in C of 17 Nam is good English A at B in C on 18 I my parents tomorrow A visit B will visit C is visit 19 Today we have four A, classes B class C period 20 Tuan on Tran Phu street A live B lives C is live

II Đọc đoạn văn, sau xác định câu hay sai:

Trung is a student in class 7A He is 13 years old But he will be fourteen on his next birthday Trung lives with his parents at 12 Le Loi street, His house isn’t large But it is comfortable It has bright living room, two lovely bedrooms and larg, morden bathroom There is a small yard in front of the house Trung’s mother grows flowers in the yard Arcording to Trung , his house is the nicest house

21 Trung isn’t a student

22 Trung will be 14 on his next birthday 23 There are rooms in his house

24 Ther is a small yard in his house 25 Trung’s house is the nicest house

III Nối câu hỏi cột A với câu trả lời cột B cho thích hợp


26 Where is the ruler?

27 What time does she have dinner?

28 How far is it from here to your house?

29 What you want?

30 What books are on the left?

a I want some fish b It’s on the table c English book d at 6.30

e kilometers

26 27 28 29 30

IV Đặt trạng từ thích hợp vào vị trí: 31.I am late for school (never)

32 Tuan goes fishing(sometimes)

33 Hoa doesn’t chat with her friends (often) 34 Do they listen to music? (sometimes)

V. Viết sau tiếng Anh: 35 7.00:


38 7.45: 39 9.30: 40 7.40: 4 Consolidation:

-Take the test

Date of planting: /11/2007

*Period: 39th.



I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to understand and correct the test Skill: writing


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up ( M )

The new lesson: correct the test ANSWER KEY

I (5M)

1 B A C 4.B

5.C B C 8.C

9.B 10.B 11 A 12 A

13 A 14.C 15 C 16 C

17 A 18 B 19 A 20 B



26 B 27 D 28 E 29 A 30 C IV (1M)

31 I’m never

32 Tuan sometimes 33.Hoa doesn’t often 34 Do they sometimes V.(1.5M)

35.seven o’clock 38.a quarter to eight 36.eight ten 39 half past nine 37.half past twelve 40 twenty to eight 4.Homework:

- Prepare Unit lesson for next day

Date of planting:2/12/2007

*Period: 40th. Unit: 7

Lesson: 1


A STUDENT’S WORK - A1 . I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to talk about activities at school & in vacation By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the way to talk bout these activities


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Introduces the game & expalins the way to play & devides the class into groups to play the game

- Hepls Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments

- Playing the game in groups - Commenting the game

vacation (n);

(to) go to the seaside; (to) home work; (to) play soccer; (to) work on a farm.

New lesson :



1 Presentation dialogue: A1/P72

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments 2 Comprehension questions: A1/P72. - Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a What time Hoa’s classes start ? b What time they finish ?

c For how many hours a day does Hoa do her homework ?

d What will Hoa during her vacation ? e What about you ? Do your classes start earlier or later ? Do you work fewer than Hoa ?

f When does your school year start ? g When doe sit finish ?

- Practicing the dialogue in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Hoa’s classes start at 7.00. b They finish at 11.15.

c Hoa does her homework two hours a day

d She will go & see her parents. e My classes start at the same time with Hoa’s classes I work fewer than Hoa

f My school year start in September.

g It finish in June.


3 Question & answer drill:

- Asks Ss the questions & requires them to answer

- Corrects S’s answers & comments * Questions:

a What time your classes start ? b What time they finish ?

c How many lessons you have on Mondays ?

d How many hours you your homework ?

e When will you have a vacation ? f How long does your vacation last ?

Time: 10 M.

- Answering the questions -Correcting the pronunciation

a My classes start at 7.00. b They finish at 11.15.

c I have five lessons on Monday. d It takes two hour for me to my home work

e I will have a vacation in June. f It will last in three months.


- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs asks & answer the question

“What will you during your vacation?”

- Asks Ss to compare their answering - Asks Ss to give the answers

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs asks & answer the question “What will you do during your vacation ?”


- Corrects & comments

Activities Name

Go to the seaside


4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson

Homeworks(Time:2m): - Study the vocabularies & the model by heart -Writing five sentences talking about your vacation

- Prepare the vocabulary & the letter on page 73

Date of planting:2/12/2007 *Period: 41th Unit: 7

Lesson: 2


A STUDENT’S WORK – A2-3. I OBJECTIVES:Helps Ss to read a letter to get some details about some vacation in America & Britain By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the letter

Skill: reading & listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

- Absence: 7A: 7B:

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Shark attack

- Introduces the game & explains the way to play the game

- Helps Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments

- Playing the game in groups - Commenting the game

Vacation / Holiday.

3 New lesson :




Thanksgiving (n); Easter (n); turkey (n); firework (n). Independence Day (n)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal(3 times).Then helps SS to repeat(2times) - Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2.True / False statement prediction: - Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the statements - Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys

- Comments

*True / False statement:

a./ The longest vacation in America is in the spring.

b./ The most important vacations in America are Easter; 4th of July;

Thanksgiving & Christmas

c./ The American usually spend time with their families on these vacations. d./ American students have more vacation than Vietnamese students.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict the statements

- Comparing & Giving the keys


3 Presentation text: A2/P73.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the text

- Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check their prediction

- Asks Ss to correct the keys - Corrects comments

Time: 10 M.

- Reading the dialogue in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys * Answer keys:

a F; b T; c T; d F;


4 Prediction: A3 –P 74.

- Introduces the pictures & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the name of the public holiday

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to predict the name of the public holiday in each of the pictures



- Comments

5 Discussion:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups of four to list holidays in Viet Nam

- Asks Ss to compare & give the list - Corrects comments

* Answer keys:

a Thanksgiving; b Independence Day; c New Year’s Day; d


- Working in groups of four to list holidays in Viet Nam

- Comparing & giving the list

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson & compare the holidays between America & Viet Nam

Homeworks (Time:2M):

- Study the vocabularies by heart

- Writing five sentences talking about what you on your vacation - Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on page 75 & the time in which Ss work in school

Date of planting:6/12/2007

*Period: 42nd. Unit: 7 Lesson: 3

THE WORLD OF WORK. A STUDENT’S WORK – A4. I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to read a text to get some details about a typical day of a student By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the text Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M):

- Asks Ss to give the holidays in America & explain the meaning of them - Corrects & comments

3 New lesson :



1.True / False statement :

- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to decide which the statements is true or false

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to decide which the statements is true or false



- Comments

*True / False statement:

a./ Many people think that students have an easy life.

b./ Students work a few hours a week. c./ students not have to work hard at school.

d./ Hoa is in grade 6.


2 Presentation text: A4 – P75.

- Introduces & Helps Ss toread the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check their prediction

- Asks Ss to correct the keys - Corrects & comments

3 Comprehension questions: A1/P72. - Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Why some people think that Ss have an easy life ?

b How many hours a week does Hoa work ? Is this fewer than most workers ?

c How many hours a week you work ? is that more or fewer hours than Hoa ?

d Does the writer think Ss are lazy ?

Time: 15M.

- Reading the text in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys * Answer keys:

a T; b F; c F; d F;

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Because they only work a few hours a day & have long vacations.

b Hoa works 20 hors a week It is fewer than most workers

c I work 20 hours a week That is the same Hoa

d No, he doesn’t.


- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in individual to retell the story about Hoa

- Asks Ss to retell the story - Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual to retell the story about Hoa

- Retelling the story

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson & compare the working time between Hoa & themselves


- Writing five sentences talking about how long does it take you to work on a week

- Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on page 76

Date of planting:10/12/2007

*Period: 43. Unit: 7

Lesson: 4


THE WORKER- B 1. I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to practice talking about a typical working day By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their working day

Skill: speaking &reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Brainstorming

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to give the daily works

- Comments

3 New lesson :



( to ) work part time / full-time; (to) repair machine; days off. Morning shift (n); homeless people (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the

Time: 15 M.

activiti es


meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3times).Then helps SS to repeat (2 times) - Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation text: B1/ P76.

- Introduces & Asks Ss to read the letter - Checks S’s reading

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

3 Comprehension questions: A1/P72 - Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Where does Mrs John work ?

b What does she for homeless people ? c What does Mr John ?

d Where does he work ?

e How many days a week does he work ? f How many public holidays does he get ?

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the text

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Mrs John work at home.

b She cooks lunch for homeless people

c Mr John is a mechanic d He works in a factory. e He work five days a week f He gets about seven public holidays.


4 Question & Answer drill:

- Introduces the real questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to answer truthfully

- Asks Ss to give the answer by practicing in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Questions:

a What does your father/ mother ? b Where does he/ she work ?

c How many hours a day does your father/ mother work ?

d How many days a week does your father/ mother work?

e How many days off a week does he / she get ?

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to answer the questions

- Giving the answer by practicing in pairs

- Corrects the pronunciation * Answer:

a My father/ mother is a…. b He/ she work in a ……

c My father/ mother work …hours a day

d My father/ mother work….days a week

e He / she gets … days off a week


5 Transformation writing:


- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to transform the information & write a new message by replacing the underlined words

- asks Ss to report their writing - Corrects & comments

- Working in pairs to transform the information & writing a new message by replacing the underlined words

- Reporting their writing

My mother works at school She takes of her students She get up at 6.00 every morning She has breakfast, and then she goes to class She always helps week students She works 40 hours a week She has four vacation a year

My father is a worker He works hours a day He has two days off a month. When he has free time he play soccer.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homeworks( Time: 4m ):

- Study the vocabulary - Write about you typical day

- Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on P77, read the text at home

Date of planting:13/12/2007

*Period: 44th. Unit: 7

Lesson: 5


THE WORKER B2-4. I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to read a text about a typical working day of Vietnamese & American By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the & compare the differences between a typical working day of Vietnamese & American

Skill: reading & listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Introduces the game & explains the way to play the game

- Helps Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments

- Playing the game in groups - Commenting the game

Have breakfast Work in the field

Vacation Day off

Clean Look after

3 New lesson :


PRE-LISTENING 2.Open prediction:

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the


statements & fill in the table

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys & Comments

- Comparing & Giving the keys WHILE-LISTENING


- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the tape & get the information

- Helps Ss to listen to the tape & check the information of their prediction

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Helps Ss to listen to the tape & correct the keys

- Corrects & comments Name Job Hours

per week Amount of vacation Peter Susan Jane Phong

- Listening to the tape & getting the information

- Listening to the tape & checking the information of their prediction

- Comparing & giving the keys

- Listening to the tape & Correcting the keys

* Answer keys:

Name Job Hours per week

Amount of vacation Peter doctor 70 4 weeks

Susan Nurse 50 3 weeks Jane Shop


35 1 week Phong Factory


48 2 weeks

PRE-READING Vocabulary: ROR.

(to) start work; (to) feed; (to) eat lunch; (to) rest; buffalo shed (n); chicken coop (n)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat (2 times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

True / False statement prediction: - Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the statements - Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys & Comments

*True / False statement:

a./ Hoa’s father is a famer

b./ her father works in the field at 5 p.m.

Time: 10M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict the statements


c./ Her father rests & eats lunch from 12 to o’clock.

d./ a farmer has real vacation.


Presentation text: B2 – P76.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the letter

- Asks Ss to read the letter in individual & check their prediction - Asks Ss to correct the keys

- Corrects & comments WH – questions:

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a What’s Hoa’s father’s name ? b Does he work more hours than Tim’s father ?

c What time does he usually start work ?

d What does he in the morning ? e When does he work in the field ? f What does he in the field ?

g What time does he come back home ?

h What does he after he feeds the animal again ?

i How often does he take a day off ?

Time: 15 M.

- Reading the letter in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys * Answer keys:

a T; b F; c T; d F;

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Hoa’s father’s name is Tuan.

b Yes He works more hours than Tim’s father

c He usually starts work at six in the morning.

d In the morning, he has breakfast, then he feeds the animals & collects the eggs.

e He works in the field from about 9 until in the afternoon

f He grows some rice & vegetable in the field

g He come back home at in the afternoon.

h He cleans the buffalo shed & the chicken cool after he feeds the animal again.

i He takes a day off four or five times a year.

POST-READING 5 Write it up:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to write about their father a typical working day - Asks Ss to compare & report their information

- Comments S’s information

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual to write about their father a typical working day - Comparing & reporting their information


- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson & compare

The differences of a typical working day between America & Vietnamese Homeworks( Time: 2m )

: - Study the vocabularies by heart

- Writing five sentences talking about your typical working day - Prepare Unit A1 for next day

Date of planting:16/12/2007

*Period: 45th. Unit: 8 Lesson: 1



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to further practice with asking & giving directions,. By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to asking & giving directions

Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Matching A1 – P79.

-Introduces the pictures on P79 & the name of places and asks ss to match the name to the picture

1 National bank of Vietnam – P.a; Xanh pon hospital – P.b; Hotel – P.c; Post office – P.d;

Railway station – P.e; Market - Pf.

- Corrects & comments

3 New lesson :



1.Vocabulary: Slap the board.

souvenir shop (n); shoe store (n); go straight ahead; turn left/right; take the first/second street on the left/right

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat(2 times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual &

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual


corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue A2 – P80. - Introduces & Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments - Introduces the model sentences & explains how to use

- Helps Ss to practice the model sentences in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Model sentences:

+ Could you show me the way to the souvenir shop ?

+ Could you tell me how to get to the souvenir shop ?

+ Go straight ahead. + turn right / left.

+ Take the first/second street on the right/left

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Listening the model sentences - Listening and repeating - Copy down


2 Word cue drill: A3.P81

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Shoe store Toy store. Museum Bus stop Bookstore

Bank Police station

Restaurant Hotel School

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

* Example exchange:

S1: Where is the shoe store ?

S2: It’s opposite the supermarket

S1: Could you show me the way to the shoe store?

S2: Go straight ahead.


4 Complete the dialogue: A1-P47- S’s book

- Introduces the dialogues & asks Ss to work in pairs to fill in the dialogue

- Asks S’s to give the answer keys by role-playing in pairs

- Corrects & comments S’s pronunciation

- Working in pairs to fill in the dialogue

- Giving the answer keys by role-playing in pairs

- Correcting S’s pronunciation

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson - Asks Ss to give the way used to ask & give directions 5 Homeworks( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary & the exchanges - Exercise: A2 P48 Work book

- Prepare the vocabulary & the map of Viet Nam Date of planting:16/12/2007

*Period: 46th. Unit: 8

Lesson: 2 ASKING THE WAY A4-5.


I OBJECTIVES:Helps Ss to further practice with asking about distances, using “HOW FAR IS IT FROM …TO …?” By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask & answer about distances


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Bingo.

- Gives & asks Ss to choosefive numbers for the game & helps Ss to play & comment

18;680;1030;310;886;10000;500;150;6000 3 New lesson :



1 Presentation dialogue A4 – P82. - Introduces & Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

- Introduces the model sentences & explains how to use

* Model sentences:

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs


How far is this from…to …? It’s about 1.300 km.

- Helps Ss to practice the model sentences in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments


3 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Vinh / 319 kmHue / 688 km.Danang / 791 kmHCMC / 1726

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

* Example exchange:

S1: How far is this from Vinh to Hanoi ?

S2: It’s about 319 km.


4 Noughts & Crosses:

- Inttroduces the name of places divides into two groups to practice by making questions & answers about distances from their town to some places - Asks S’s to give the answer keys by role-playing in pairs

- Corrects & comments the game

Time: 10 M.

- Working in groups to make questions & answers about distances from their town to some places

- Giving the answer keys by role playing in pairs

- Correcting S’s pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: How far is this from Quang Tri to Hanoi ?

S2: It’s about 630 km.

Nha Trang Hue Hai Phong

HCMC Quy Nhon Ha Noi

Quang Binh Vinh Danang

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson

- Asks Ss to give the question & answer asking about distances: - S1: How far is this from Quang Tri to Hanoi ?

- S2: It’s about 630 km.

Homework( Time: 2m ):


- Write about the distances from your house to some places in your neighborhood

- Prepare the vocabulary for the dialogue & the picture on page 83

Date of planting:16/12/2007 *Period: 47th. Unit: 8



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to practice in enquiring about prices & making purchases, using “I’D LIKE…/ HOW MUCH IS / ARE…?” By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask & answer about the prices



1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English.

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Slap the board.

- Gives the numbers for the game helps ss to play and comments

- Corrects & comments 3 New lesson :


PRESENTATION 1.Vocabulary: W&W.

change (n); altogether; (to) send; (to) mail; (to) receive; (to) play

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual &

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the

9.500 200

0 11.500

1000 15.00



corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue B1 – P83.

- Introduces & Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Helps Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

- Introduces the model sentences & explains how to use

- Helps Ss to practice the model sentences in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

* Model sentences:

- I’d like to send this letter to USA. - How much is it ?

It’s 9.500 dong


- Copying the words

- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Correcting the pronunciation

- Listen

- Listen & repeat - Copy down


3 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

buy / three stamps / 2,400d.send / this letter / 13,000d.buy / magazine / 15,000dbuy / newspaper / 2,000d

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

* Example exchange:

S1: I’d like to buy three stamps. How much are they ?

S2: They are 2,400d


4 Complete sentences: Exercise B2-P50 Workbook.

- Introduces the model sentence & the exercise & asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the sentences

- Asks S’s to give the answer keys by role-playing in pairs

- Corrects & comments the answer keys

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to complete the sentences

- Giving the answer keys by role-playing in pairs

- Correcting S’s pronunciation * Example exchange:


4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson

- Asks Ss to give the question & answer asking about prices: - S1: How much is it card ?

S2: It’s 9.500 dong.

5 Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary & the exchanges - Exercise: B3 – P52 Workbook

- Prepare the vocabulary for the dialogues & the picture on page 84

Date of planting:16/12/2007

*Period: 49th. Unit: 8 Lesson: 4


AT THE POST OFFICE – B2-3. I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to read the dialogues to get some details about the post office By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some post office vocabularies

Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Brainstorming

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to give things which relative to the post office

- Corrects & comments


Post office

3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary:

a local stamp (n); a writing pad (n); a stamp for overseas (n); a pen pal (n)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2.Open prediction:

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation


- Introduces the statement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict things Hoa need from the post office

- Asks Ss to compare the keys & give the keys

- Comments

- Working in pairs to predict things Hoa need from the post office

- Comparing & Giving the keys A local stamp

Things Hoa need from the post office.


3 Presentation dialogue: B2-P84.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs & check their prediction

- Asks Ss to correct their prediction - Corrects & comments

4 Multiple choice:

- Introduces the statements & asks Ss to work in individual to choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps

- Asks Ss to compare the answer keys - Asks Ss to give the answer keys & corrects

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the dialogue

- Practicing the dialogue in pairs & check their prediction

- Correcting their prediction

- Working in individual to choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps - Comparing the answer keys

- Giving the answer keys & corrects * Answer keys:

1 d pen pal 2 b once a month 3 d his life in America 4 c her parents 1 Hoa has a _ in Americe.

a brother b friends c sister d pen pal 2 Hoa and Tim write to each other bout

a once a week b once a month c everyday d twice a year 3 Tim tells Hoa about

a his studying b his family c America d his life in America

4 Hoa needs a phone card because she phones _

a her boyfriend b her brother c her parents d her friends


4 Complete the dialogue:

- Introduces the dialogue & the word cues & asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue

- Asks Ss to compare the keys & using the words cues to make up the similar dialogue then role-playing in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation &

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to complete the dialogue

- Comparing the keys & using the words cues to make up the similar dialogue then role-playing in pairs * Answer keys:


Comments d are; e Here; f are

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabularies by heart

- Exercise:B1-2-3 P50-52 Work book

Date of planting:18/12/2007

*Period: 49th. Unit: 8 Lesson: 5


AT THE POST OFFICE B4-5. I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to listen to tape to get some information about the prices By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some information about the prices in the text

Skill: listening & speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Introduces the words & helps Ss to practice in groups

Stamp a phone card a pen a packet of envelope - Corrects & comments the game

3 New lesson :


PRE-LISTENING 1.Open prediction:

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the prices of each these five items

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys – Comments S’s prediction

Item Price

1 a packet of envelope

2 a pen

3 a phone card

4 5 stamp

5 a writing pad

Time: 10M.

- Working in pairs to predict prices of each these five items

- Comparing & Giving the keys


2 Presentation text: B4 – P85.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the tape & get the information

Time: 15 M.


- Helps Ss to listen to the tape & check the information of their prediction

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Helps Ss to listen to the tape & correct the keys

- Corrects & comments

3 Comprehension questions:

- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects

* Questions:

a What is the total cost ?

b How much changes will Mrs. Robinson have from 60.000 dong ?

- Listening to the tape & checking the information of their prediction

- Comparing & giving the keys

-Listening to the tape &Correcting the keys

* Answer keys:

1 2.000; 1.500; 3.000 4 2.500 (each); 50.000 = 59000

- Working in pairs to answer the questions

-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a The total cost is 59.000 dong.

b She will have 1.000 dong in change.


4 Answer the questions: B5-P85: - Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects

* Questions:

a How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet Nam ?

b How much is a letter to America ? c What does the post office sell apart from stamps ?

d Do you write to anyone overseas ? Who?

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to answer the questions

-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a It’s about 2.000 dong to mail a letter in Viet Nam.

b It’s about 20.000 dong to send a letter America

c It sells newspaper, magazine… d Yes, I / No I don’t.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson & compare Homework( Time: 2m ) :


Date of planting:19/12/2007

*Period: 50th.


I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to consolidate in the Future simple tense & question with “Would ?” & vocabulary & By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use present progressive completely Date of planting:18/12/2007

II Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision (M ) : 3 New lesson :


PRESENTATION 1 Shark attack:

- Introduces the game & explains the way to play & divides the class into groups to play the game

- Helps Ss toplay the game - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Playing the game in groups. - Commenting the game

* The words for the game:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Television). _ _ _ _ _ (chair).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Picture). _ _ _ _ _ _ (Stove). _ _ _ _ _ (Table)


2 Future simple tense: (Time: 15M) -Introduces the requirement & Asks Ss to give the form & use of the future simple tense then work in pairs to write things they will or will not tomorrow

* Form: S + Will/shall + V.

* Use: Talk about things will in the future

Time 10 M

- Giving the form & use of the future simple tense

- Working in pairs to write things will or will not tomorrow

- Comparing the keys & give the keys by practicing in pairs

- Correcting the keys


- Asks Ss to compare the keys -Asks Ss to practice in pairs - Corrects & comments

I will go to the post office but he won’t call Ba.

I will see a movie but he won’t watch TV He will write to his grandmother but he won’t meet Minh


Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to use correct tense and make sentences

- Checks S’s working individually then in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments


- go to the movie /sometimes - go shopping /next week

- listen to music /now

- go out for dinner /at the moment - play video games /everey morning

Time: 10 M.

Ss use correct tense and make sentences

- S’s working individually then in pairs

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

-Ask Ss to explain the way to use the

Present simple; The “Will future”

- Asks Ss to summarize the lesson


Date of planting: 22/12/07

*Period: 51st.



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to consolidate the grammars to prepare for the first final semester test By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the grammar to prepare for the first final semester test

Skill: speaking

I. TEACHING PROCEDURE : 1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision (M ) : 3.New lesson:



1 Presentation dialogue: B3/ P66.

- Introduces & Helps Ss tolisten to the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Time: 10 M

- Reading the dialogue in individual -Correcting the pronunciation

*Model sentence:

- Would you like to go to my house for lunch ?

- Yes, I’d love to.

- I’m sorry I can’t.


2 Word cue drill: A1/ P19-20.

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first modal for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments


- go to the movie /☺ - go shopping /☺

- listen to music /☻ - go out for dinner /☺

- play video games /☻

Time: M

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: Would you like to go for a walk ?

S2: Yes, I’d love to./ I’m sorry I can’t.


4 Question & answer drill:


- Asks Ss the questions & requires them to answer

- Corrects S’s answers & comments * Questions:

a What time your classes start ? b What time they finish ?

c How many lessons you have on Mondays ?

d How many hours you your homework ?

e When will you have a vacation ? f How long does your vacation last ?

- Answering the questions -Correcting the pronunciation

a My classes start at 7.00. b They finish at 11.15.

c I have five lessons on Monday. d It takes two hour for me to my home work

e I will have a vacation in June. f It will last in three months.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework: - Study the grammar & the modal sentence


Date of planting: 22/12/07

*Period: 52nd.



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to consolidate the grammars to prepare for the first final semester test By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the grammar to prepare for the first final semester test

Skill: speaking

II.TEACHING PROCEDURE : 1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision (M ) : 3.New lesson:



Helps Ss to remember some tenses by asking some questions

Time: 10 M


- Guides SS to some exercises I/Use correct form or tense of the verbs to complete the sentences

1 I usually (play)…volleyball Will you (stay)… At home I ‘d like(buy)…… somebooks She enjoys(read)… Books

5 She(buy)…… some books tomorrow II/Make questions for answers:

1……….? I’d love to play soccer ………?

I study map and learn about different country

3 ……….? English books are on the left 4………? They are 2000dong

-Listen and exercises Anser key


1 play stay to buy reading will buy II/

1 Would you like to play soccer?

2 What you study in geography?

3 What books are on the left? How much are they?

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework: - Study the grammar & the modal sentence


Date of planting: 25/12/07

*Period: 53rd.



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to consolidate the grammars to prepare for the first final semester test By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the grammar to prepare for the first final semester test

Skill: speaking and writing

III. TEACHING PROCEDURE : 1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ):

- Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision (M ) : 3.New lesson:

Helps Ss to exercises

I. Answer the questions about the daily routine a./ What time you get up ? =

b./ What time you start school ? = c./ What time you have lunch ? =

d./ What time you go to bed? = II. Explain what you learn in these classes

a./ Geography:……… .………

b./ English:……… … ………

c./ Literature:……… ……….………

d./ Math:……… ……….……… Answer key:

I./ I get up at… I star at school at… I have lunch at… I go to bed at …

II/ a What you sudy in geography? I study map and learn about different countries

b.What you sudy in English? I study about the words, grammar,…

c.What you sudy in Literature? I learn about books and write essay

d.What you sudy in Math? I study equation, …

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m ):

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework: - Study the grammar & the modal sentence

- Review from U1-U8 to prepare for the first final semester test


*Period: 54th.


(Đề đáp án Ph òng GD)


*Period: 55th. Unit: 9

Lesson: 1



I OBJECTIVES:Helps Ss to talk about vacation in using the simple past By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the way to talk bout their vacation

Skill: reading and listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Jumbled words

- Introduces the un-order words & asks Ss to re-order to form the correct words: notivaca = vacation; wonfulder = wonderful;

doof = food; tisvi = visit; ktae = take; yub = buy.

- Corrects & comments New lesson :



aquarium (n); gift (n);

trip (n); (to) return.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal(3times) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times ) - Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: A1/P86 - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

- Introduces the model sentence & explains the form & use of the past simple tense:

Time: 15 M

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


*Model sentence:

The people were friendly. The food was delicious. I visited Cham temple. I bought a lot of gifts.

* Past simple tense:

- Form: S + V-ed (or column 2). - Use: Talk about things

happened in the past. * Regular verbs: V + ed. Look + ed = looked.

Visit + ed = visited.

3 Matching:

- Introduces the verbs & asks Ss to work in individual to match the infinitive to the verbs in the past tense

- Corrects & comments

be have

buy visit Take care Return

Visited Was/ were

Had Returned

Took Bought

- Working in individual to match the infinitive to the verbs in the past tense


3 Substitution drill:

- Introduces model sentences & the drill & helps Ss to practice by substitute the drill

- Practices with Ss then checks their practicing in pairs

- Corrects S’s substitution & comments * Drill:

1 have a good time 2 visit Cham temple.

3 take him to the movie theater. 4 buy some gifts.

5 return to Hue.

Time: 10 M.

- Practicing in pairs by substitute the drill

-Correcting the pronunciation * Model sentences:

T: have a good time. Ss: We had a good time.

* Answer:

1 We had a good time 2 We visited Cham temple.

3 We took him to the movie theater. 4 We bought some gifts.

5 We returned to Hue

PRODUCTION 4 Chain game:

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to practice in groups, using the past simple to talk about their vacation

Time: 10 M.


- Asks Ss to give the answers

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

- Correcting the pronunciation * Model sentences:

S1: Last summer, I went to Hue city. S1: Last summer, I went to Hue city I visited the Citadel.

S1: Last summer, I went to Hue city . I visited the Citadel and Trang Tien Bridge

4 Consolidation ( Time: 4m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 4m ):

- Study the vocabularies & the model sentences by heart

-Writing five sentences talking about what you did on your vacation - Prepare the vocabulary for the text on p.87 & the pictures on p.88

Date of planting: /1/2008 *Period: 56th. Unit: 9


I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to read a text about The Robinson’s trip to tri Nguyen aquarium By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the text

Skill: reading & listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Pelmanism

- Introduces the word cards & asks Ss to choose the past verb for the present verbs :

eat go see think have buy wear

saw thought ate bought wore went had

- Corrects & comments New lesson :


PRE-READING 1 Vocabulary: ROR.

shark (n); dolphin (n); turtle (n); aquarium (n); crab (n); poster (n); cap (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Labeling:

- Introduces the pictures on page 88 & asks Ss to work in pairs to label for them - Asks Ss to compare & give their labels - Corrects & comments

* Answer keys:

a going to the aquarium.

b Seeing sharks, dolphins, turtles, & many colorful fish.

c Souvenir shop. d Buying a cap.

e Eating fish & crabs.

Time: 15 M

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to label for them - Comparing & give their labels

- Correcting the labeling


3 Presentation text: A2/P87.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the

Time: 10 M.



- Asks Ss to read the text in silence - Asks Ss to read the text aloud - Asks Ss to check their labeling

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments 3 Comprehension questions: A1/P72. - Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to read the text then answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Who went to the aquarium with Liz ? b What did the Robinson see there ? c What did they buy in the souvenir shop?

d Did Liz like the cap? Which sentence tell you this ?

e Do Mr & Mrs Robinson like to eat seafood ?

f Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch ?

- Reading the text in silence - Reading the text aloud - Checking their labeling - Correcting the pronunciation

- Working in pairs to read the text then answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Her parents went to the aquarium with her.

b They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles, & many colorful fish.

c They bought Liz a cap & a poster. d Yes, she did She wore it all day. e Yes, they They ate fish & craps.

f Because she remember the beautiful fish in the aquarium & she likes them.

PRODUCTION 4 Tell the story:

- Introduces the topic & asks Ss to tell the story of Liz’s trip to tri Nguyen aquarium Using the pictures on page 88

- Corrects S’s story & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Telling the story of Liz’s trip to tri Nguyen aquarium Using the pictures on page 88

- Correcting the story

* Example:

I and my parents went to Tri Nguyen


1 True – False prediction: A3 – P89. - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to predict which statements are true

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction

Time: 10 M

- Working in pairs to predict which statements are true

- Comparing & give their prediction


2 Presentation text: (Teacher’s book). - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text

- Asks Ss to listen to the text & get the

Time: 15 M.



- Asks Ss to check their prediction - Corrects S’s prediction & comments

* Answer keys:

- True statements: b – d – e – h – i.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabularies by heart

-Writing a short story talking about what you did on your vacation - Prepare the vocabulary for the text on page 89

Date of planting:14/1/2008

*Period: 57th. Unit: 9

Lesson: 3



Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Introduces the word cards & asks Ss to choose the past verb for the present verbs :

went bought took ate thought saw

- Corrects & comments

3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1 Vocabulary: ROR.

(to) keep in touch; (to) rent; (to) teach – taught; (to) improve.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation & copy 2 Matching:

- Introduces the verbs in infinitive & asks Ss to match it to the verbs in past simple - Asks Ss to compare & give their matching

- Corrects & comments

Time: 15 M

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to label for them - Comparing & give their labels

- Correcting the labeling * Answer keys:

1. rent 2. keep 3. teach 4. impr ove

5. recei ve

a taught b rented c kept d received e improved

1 rent - rented


3 True – False prediction: A3 – P89. - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to predict which statements are true & which statements are false - Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction * Statements:

a Liz lived a long way from Ba.

b Liz learned Vietnamese in the USA. c Ba collects stamps.

d Liz’s aunt lives in New York f The Robinsons moved to HCMC.

g.The Robinsons moved Now Ba is happy.

h Ba will see Liz next week.

- Working in pairs to predict which statements are true & which statements are false

- Comparing & give their prediction

* Answer keys:

a F; b F; c T; d T; e F; f F; g T


3 Presentation text: A4/P89.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text

- Asks Ss to read the text in silence - Asks Ss to read the text aloud - Asks Ss to check their prediction

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the text

- Reading the text in silence - Reading the text aloud - Checking their prediction - Correcting the pronunciation

POST-READING 4 Write it up:

- Introduces the requirement & asks S’s to work in individual to write a diary something about what they talk to their friends about their vacation base on Ba’s diary

- Asks Ss to compare & give their writing - Corrects S’s writing & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual to write a diary something about what they talk to their friends about their vacation - Comparing & give their writing


Yesterday, I talked to Nam about my vacation……

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m )

- Study the vocabularies by heart

-Exercise: A3 & – P54 – Workbook

- Prepare the vocabulary for the dialogue & the picture on page 92


*Period: 58th. Unit: 9




I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to further practice with simple past using “YES / NO - question” By the end of this lesson, Ss can use simple past tense completely Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Pelmanism.

- Introduces the word cards & asks Ss to choose past verb for the present verbs

help take talk go give see

went gave helped took saw talked

New lesson :



hairdresser (n); material (n); dressmaker (n); (to) make - made.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal(3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words Presentation dialogue: B1 – P92.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue in pairs - Asks Ss to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments - Introduces the model sentence & explains the way to use simple past using “YES / NO - question”

*Model sentence:

Did she it ? – No, she didn’t. cut it ? – Yes, She did.

Comprehension questions:B1-2.P92 - Introduces the questions & ask Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer about the

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual Correcting the mistakes - Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Reading the dialogue in pairs

- Practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

-Correcting the pronunciation

- listen and copy down


content of the dialogue, using Yes / No answer

- Asks Ss to by asking & answering in pairs

-Corrects & comments

using Yes / No answer

- Giving the keys by asking & answering in pairs

-Correcting & commenting * Answer:

a She’s a hairdresser. b She’s a dressmaker. c No, she didn’t. d No, she didn’t e Yes, she did.

PRACTICE Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation * Model sentence:

S1: Did Hoa buy a dress ? S2: Yes, she did.

a Hoa/ buy/ dress/

b Her mother/ make/ cake/

c Lan/ cut/ flowers/

d.Boys/ play/ soccer/ FURTHER PRACTICE

4 Write the question with WH-word * Exercise 3-P56- Workbook.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to write the question with WH-word

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

-Working in pairs to write the question with WH-word

- Comparing & giving the keys * Answer keys;

a When did we decorate our classroom ?

b What did Hoa try her new dress on c Who did he tal to about the film ? d Where did they stop on their way back?

e What time did Hoa help her aunt with the household ?

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homework( Time: 2m )

- Study the way to use simple past using “YES / NO question”&the dialogue

- Prepare the vocabulary for part 3- P 93


*Period: 59th. Unit: 9

Lesson: 5



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to read a text about Hoa’s hobbies By the end of this lesson, Ss get some main ideas about the text

Skill: reading & writing


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision : ( M ) 3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR.

cushion (n); useful (adj); hobby (n); (to) sew. sewing machine (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Ordering statement:

- Introduces the statements & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict & put statements into the right order

- Asks Ss to give the keys & Comments * Statement:

a./ Hoa bought some material.

b./ Hoa watched M Mai make her dress. c./ Hoa made a cushion.

d./ Hoa learned how to use a sewing machine.

e./ Hoa made a skint

Time: 15M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict & put statements into the right order

- Comparing & Giving the keys - Correcting & commenting * Answer keys:

b./ Hoa watched Miss Mai make her dress

a./ Hoa bought some material.

d./ Hoa learned how to use a sewing machine.

c./ Hoa made a cushion. e./ Hoa made a skint.


3 Presentation text: A4 – P89.

- Introduces the diary & asks Ss to read in silence

- Asks Ss to check their ordering.

- Asks Ss to compare & give their answer

Time: 15 M.

- Reading the text in silence - Checking their ordering


- Corrects & comments 4 WH-questions: B3-P93.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

1 What did Hoa learn to use ? 2 What did she

make first ? 3 What color was

it ?

4 What did she make next ? 5 What color was

it ?

6 How did it look ?

7 What was the problem ?

8 Who helped her ?

9 How did it fit finally ?

- Working in pairs to ask & answering the questions

- Giving the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers * Answer keys:

a She learned how to sew. b She made a cushion for her


c It was blue and white. d Next she made a skirt.

e It was green with flowers on it. f It looked very pretty.

g It was too big.

h Hoa’s neighbor helped her.

i It fitted her very well.

PRODUCTION 5 Write: B4-P94.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

Time: 10 M.

-Working in pairs to put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense - Comparing & giving the keys * Answer keys;

a watched b bought c cut. d used e decided – was f made – was – wasn’t.

g helped – fitted.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):

Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the text - Exercise: on page 57 workbook


Date of planting: 20/01/2008 *Period: 60th. Unit: 9

Lesson: 6



I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to further practice in asking the price; simple tense & past simple tense By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2.Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Sit back the board

- Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to play the game in individual - Comments the game

Go shopping Listen to music Go to the movie

Watch TV Play video games Read

3 New lesson:



1 Presentation dialogue: LF3/ P95. - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue then practice in groups & in pairs

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogue, using the cue given in the box

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

*Model dialogue:

Lan: How much is the green dress ? Assistant: It’s 30,000 dong.

Lan:And what about the violet dress ? Assistant: It’s 35,000 dong.

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the dialogue then practicing in groups & in pairs

- Working in pairs to make similar dialogue, using the cue given in the box

-Correcting the pronunciation

Item Price

Violet dress 35,000 d Green dress 30,000 d

Blue hat 15,000 d

Yellow hat 12,000 d


2 Past simple tense: LF - P97. a) - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to write the past form of the verbs in the table

Time: 15 M

a) - Working in individual to write the past form of the verbs in the table


- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

b) - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to complete the sentences using the words in the box

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

* Answer keys:

Verb Past form

Buy Bought

Help Helped

Remember Remembered

Take Took

Send Sent

Think Thought

Talk Talked

b) - Working in individual to complete the sentences using the words in the box - Comparing & giving the keys

* Answer keys:

Play send buy talk work

a.I played volleyball last week.

b.Yesterday, I talked to my grandma.

c.Last week, Mom bought me a new bike.

d.Dad worked in Hue a few year ago.

e I sent a letter to my pen pal last week.


3 Simple tense: LF – P98.

- Introduces the diary & asks Ss to find out the information & fill in the dialogue

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Helps Ss to correct & then helps SS to practice the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

* Dialogue:

Nga: Everyday I clean my room,… and….

Minh: What did you yesterday ?

Nga: I…,…,…,…,…, and …

Minh: How about tomorrow ? Nga: I…,…,…,…,…, and…

Time: 10 M

- Finding out the information & filling in the dialogue

- Comparing & giving the keys

- Correcting & practicing the dialogue in groups & in pairs

- Correcting the pronunciation * Answer keys:

Nga: Everyday I clean my room, help Mom and study English. Minh: What did you yesterday ? Nga: I cleaned my room, helped Mom, studied English, watched Tv, played volley ball, and stayed at Ho’s house

Minh: How about tomorrow ?

Nga: I will study EL, clean my room, help Mom, see a movie, visit my


4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ): - Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the grammar & the modal sentence

- Prepare vocabulary & read the letter on page 99 at home

Date of planting:20/1/2008

*Period: 61st. Unit: 10

Lesson: 1



I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to read a letter

for main ideas and details Skill: reading


Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Networks

- Asks Ss to give daily activities they usually

- Corrects & comments

Wash up Activities

Brush my teeth 3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR

harvest (n); (to) receive; helpful (adv); (to) iron

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

2.Open prediction :

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict what Hoa’s mother wants her to & what she wants her not to

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict what Hoa’s mother wants her to & what she wants her not to

- Comparing & Giving the keys


- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys

- Comments

get up early don’t stay up late


2 Presentation text: A1 – P99.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the letter

- Asks Ss to read the letter in individual & check their prediction - Asks Ss to correct the keys

- Corrects & comments 3 Wh - questions: A1-P100.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Why are Hoa’s parents busy ? b Who helps them on the farm ? c When will they go to Hanoi ? d How is Hoa different now ?

e What does Hoa’s mother want her to & what does she want her not to do ? Write two list.

Time: 15M.

- Reading the letter in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Because it’s nearly harvest time. b Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm

c They probably go to Hanoi after the harvest.d She gets up early & take morning exercises.

e She wants Hoa to wash & iron her own clothes She doesn’t want her to eat too much candy & stay up late.


- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in individual next in pairs & in groups to complete Hoa’s reply to her with suitable words

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys

- Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual next in pairs & in groups to complete Hoa’s reply to her with suitable words

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys

* Answer key:

was – having – take – take – get – go – wash – iron – eating – told – go.

Consolidation : -

-Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Learn vocab


Date of planting:20/1/2008

*Period: 62nd. Unit: 10

Lesson: 2



I OBJECTIVES- By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to read and write a diary

entry; listen for details about activities Hoa did yesterday Skill:listening & writing


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision : ( M ) Slap the board (using pictures b, f, h, g, d) a2 (rextbook)

T reads: go to bed Drink some water Iron the clothes

Have breakfast Put something in the bag New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(to) put on clothes / sandals (to) polish the shoe

Red pans

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

2.Ordering pictures

- Asks Ss to guess the order of the pictures ( p.100 - textbook)

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss guess the order of the pictures then give feedback


- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text

- Asks Ss to listen to the text & get the idea

- Asks Ss to check their prediction - Corrects S’s prediction & comments

Time: M.

- Listening to the text & get the idea - Listening to the text & check the prediction

*Answer key:



- Asks Ss to read Nam’s diary then make questions and answer


P1: What time does Nam get up ?

P2: He gets up at 6.30

Time: M.

PS work in pairs to ask and answer the question:

What time does Nam ? -Open pairs

- Closed pairs WHILE WRITING

- Asks Ss to write a diary entry about themselves

Example: 5.00 get up

6.00 listen to the News 6.30 wash face

Asks Ss to work in pairs, ask the questions:

What time you get up / have breakfast ? / go to bed ?

Time: 10 M.

- Ss write a diary entry about themselves

Ss work in pairs ask and answer: Example exchange:

P1: What time you get up ?

P2: I get up at 5.00

POST LISTENING- WRITING Asks Ss to work in groups to rewrite the stoty using the right oder of the pictures

Time: M.

Ss work in groups to rewrite the stoty using the right oder of the pictures Example:

Yesterday, Hoa got up and took a shower.She put on clean clothes

III Consolidation :

Retell the main ideaof the lesson IV Homework:


Date of planting:20/1/2008

*Period: 63rd. Unit: 10

Lesson: 3



I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to talk about a visit to the dentist using "Why and because "

Skill: reading & speaking II PROCEDURE

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Revision: Wordsquare Answer key:

Looked saw

Drank stopped

Felt ate

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


1 Vocab: - What and Where

(a) dentist (a) cavity (to) be scared

(to) have a toothache (to) fill

(to) fix

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: B1 p 103 - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen the dialogue then asks ss to answer the questions

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Listen and read the dialogue then answer the questions


*Comprehension questions a-d

*Model sentences

-Introduces the model sentence & explains the form

I have an oppointment at 10.30 this morning, but I/m scared

Why ?

Because I hate the sound of the drill

Answer key:

a. He has a toothache b No, he doesn’t.

Because he is scared c Because she had a

cavity in tooth d He filled it

Listen and repeat Copy down

PRACTICE Word cue drill

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs

-Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

a tooth / hurt b nervous/ Have / cavity See / dentist c cavity / not serious d happy Small Teeth / ok

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation * Model sentence:

S1: Minh’s tooth hurts S2: Why?

S1: Because he has a cavity

PRODUCTION B4.p65 (Workbook)

-Asks Ss to look at the picture, write the questions and answer with Why ? and because

Time: 10 M.

-Ss look at the picture, write the questions and answer with Why ? and because


a Why does Minh have a toothache ? Bacause he ate a lot of candies

III Consolidation :

- T retells model sentences IV Homework:


Date of planting:24/1/2008

*Period: 64th. Unit: 10

Lesson: 4



I OBJECTIVES- By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to talk about a visit to

listen for details about how the dentist helps the chidren teeth Skill: Listening & speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Revision: Slap the board

- T reads the words in Engkish ( scared / dentist/ look after/ clean the teeth / wash the hands)

- PS slap the words in Viet Namese New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


I Vocab: -What and Where (to) wear a uniform:

(to) explain Advice (n) Sensible (adj) Regulary (adv)

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words II Open prediction

Introduce the text and asks ss to predict about Dr lai and complete the table

Dr Lai/s job

Dr Lai/s clothes

How chidren feel?

Dr Lai helps chidren Gives

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

-Ss predict about Dr lai and complete the table

- Give feedback

Sợ hãi

Nha sĩ Rửa



Explains Tells

Reminds them To clean WHILE – LISTENING

Help Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Call Ss to write on the B/B - Correct comments

Time: 10 M.

Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction

Answer key:

Dr Lai/s job a dentist

Dr Lai/s clothes a uniform to work

How chidren feel? scared when they come to see Dr Lai

Dr Lai helps chidren She explains she gives them advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sanesibly


Asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the question:

" How you look after you teeth?"

Time: 10 M.

Ss work in groups to discuss the question:

" How you look after your teeth?" Example: I have to brush my teeth, III Consolidation :

- Calls Ss to answer the question “How you look after your teeth ?” IV Homework:

- Answer the question:


Date of planting:21/2/2008

*Period: 65th. Unit: 10

Lesson: 5



I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to read the text for

main ideas and details

Skill: reading & speaking II PROCEDURES

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Revision: Jumbled words itycav = cavity

ifll = fill

hubrsototh = tooth - brush tsdenit = dentist

New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


1.Vocab: - Slap the board

Surgery (n) Serious (adj) Important (adj) Healthy (adj) (to) forget

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 T /F statements prediction

T prepares on the poster then asks Ss to predict T or F

a Dr Lai is very kind b Minh has one big cavity

c Minh brushes his teeth regulary d Clean teeth are healthy teeth

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss predict T or F(2 groups)


- Introduces and helps Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Time: 10 M.


- Asks Ss to read the text again and complete the storyB3.P104

- Calls Ss to read the text- Corrects mistakes

Answer key: a T c.F b F d T

- Ss read the text again and complete the story

- Ss work individually  in pairs  in group

Answer key:

Worried smiles cavity trush -pleased

POST - READING B p 106 textbook

Asks Ss to work in group and write their ideas on the poster

Time: 10 M.

Ss work in group and write their ideas on the poster

Take care of your teeth

Do Don’t

- Brush teeth after meal


- use an old toothbrush


Date of planting:21/02/2008 *Period: 66th. Unit: 11

Lesson: 1



I.OBJECTIVES :- By the end of the lesson, the Ps will be able to practise further with the simple past tense to talk about temperature, height and weight Skill: reading & speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Revision: Pelmanism leave - left be - was / were fill - filled go - went take - took see - saw teel - told know - knew New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


medical checking - up Medical record

(to) weigh (to) measure

(to) take temperture

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words II Presentation text: A1 p 108

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

*Model sentences

- Introduces the model sentence & explains the form and pronunciation the past simple tense

(focus on the pronunciation of the ending sound : / ed/

The nurse weighed Hoa

Time: 10 M.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Practicing the dialogue in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation


The nurse called Hoa The nurse measured Hoa


/ d /: filled, weighed, returned / t / : checked, stopped, looked / id / : started, decided

PRACTICE Picture drill

(using picture p 70 workbook)

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs & Corrects

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation Example:

The nurse weighed Hoa / d /

PRODUCTION A p 70 workbook

Asks Ss to look at the pictures, use the past form of the verbs in the box to complete the passage

Time: 10 M.

- Ss look at the pictures, use the past form of the verbs in the box to complete the passage

- Ss work in individually then share with their partner

Answer key:

a had f checked b weighed g was c measured h left d took i was e listened

4 Consolidation:

- T retells model sentences 5 Homework:

- Prepare the new lesson

- Do A p 70 - workbook


*Period: 67th. Unit: 11

Lesson: 2


A CHECK-UP – A2-3.

I.OBJECTIVES :Helps Ss to listen to a dialogue about personal information By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the dialogue

Skill: Listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ): Jumbled word.

- Asks Ss to put the letters into the right order to form the correct words EIHTGH = HEIGHT; MSUREEA = MEASURE;

EAHVY = HEAVY; HORST = SHORT; KAS = ASK; - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

New lesson :



1 Open prediction: A2 – P108. - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual then in pairs & in groups to predict the missing words to fill in the dialogue - Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction

Time: M

- Working in individual then in pairs & in groups to predict the missing words to fill in the dialogue

- Comparing & give their prediction


2 Presentation dialogue: A2 P108 - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue & get the idea

- Asks Ss to check their prediction - Corrects S’s prediction & comments

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the dialogue & get the idea - Listening to the dialogue & check the prediction

* Answer keys: 1 ask 2 how 3 your 4 50 5 shorter 6 me

7 tall

8 meter…centimeters 9 nurse

10 height 11 think 12 no 13 form


Complete the record:A3.P108/109. - Introduces the requirement & asks

Time: 15 M.


Ss to work in pairs to play one is A & one is B then look at the medical records & cover the other to fill in the missing information

- Asks Ss to use these questions form to ask & answer for information

? – Which…? ? – What is his…? ? – Where does he …? ? – How…is he ?

- Asks Ss to compare & give their answers

- Corrects & comments

is B then look at the medical records & cover the other to fill in the missing information

- Using the questions form to ask & answer for information

- Comparing & give their answers - Correcting the answer keys

* Answer keys:

MEDICAL RECORD School: Nguyen Du school. Class: 7A.


Fore name: Van Kien.Surname: Tran.

Address: 66 Ham long Street Hanoi. Male: ü Female:

Age: 12. Weight: 41 kg. Height: 140 cm.

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the content of the dialogue by heart -Exercise: A1 & / P67-68 workbook

- Prepare the vocabulary for the dialogue & the picture on page 110

Date of planting:23/02/2008 *Period: 68th. Unit: 11

Lesson: 3



I.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to further practice in the simple past tense (question from ) to talk about names of illness By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to talk about names of illness

Skill: Listening & speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Slap the board

- Introduces the game & helps Ss to play by asking Ss these questions:

? What class are you in ? ? How old are you ? ? Where you live ? ? How heavy are you ? ? How tall are you ?

I’m 12 years old I’m 40 kilos 1m50 15 Leloi St class 7A

- Corrects & comments New lesson :



(to) have a headache a stomachache

a cold a virus

the flu

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: B1/P110.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments - Introduces the model sentence & explains the form & use of the past simple tense *Model sentence:

S1: What was wrong with you ? S2: I had a headache.

3 Comprehension questions: B1/ P110.

Time: 15 M

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Practicing the dialogue in pairs -Correcting the pronunciation - Listen and repeat

- Copy down


- Introduces the questions & Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answers & corrects * Questions:

a Why didn’t Lan go to school yesterday ? b What was wrong with her ?

c What does Mr Tan tell Lan to ? d.What did the doctor say about Lan’s problem?

e Who wrote Lan’s sick note ?


-Giving the answers & correcting * Answers:

a Because she had a bad cold. b She was sick.

c He asked her to stay inside at recess.

d She had a virus.

e The doctor write the sick note for her.


4 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next

- Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs & Corrects

1 you/a headache 2.He/a stomachache

3.She / a toothache 4 Mary / a cold

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: What was wrong with him ? S2: He had a headache.

PRODUCTION 5 Survey: B2- P111.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs ask & answer these questions & check the table

a Were you absent from school last year ? b Were you sick ?

c Did you have a headache/ a stomachache/ a toothache/ a cold/ a virus/ the flu ?

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions & checking the table - Comparing their answering - Giving the answers

Name Cold Headache Flu Stomachache Toothache

- Asks Ss to combine their answering for the whole class & answer this question:

? What was the most common illness ?

- Asks Ss to give the answers - Corrects & comments

- Combining their answering for the whole class & answer this question:

? What was the most common illness ?

- Comparing their answering - Giving the answers

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):


- Exercises: 1-2-3 P71& 72 Workbook

Date of planting: /02/2008 *Period: 69th. Unit: 11

Lesson: 4



I.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to listen for details about day lost through sickness in class 7A last semester By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the dialogue

Skill: listening


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( M ): Slap the board

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to play the game in two groups - Comments

Đau đầu cảm lạnh đau răng cảm cúm đau dày

New lesson :


PRE-LISTENING 1.Vocabulary: ROR.

absence (n); sickness (n); due to (v); (to) account ; (to) cause.

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Open prediction: A2 – P108.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in four groups to predict the day lost through sickness to fill in the table - Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction & Comments S’s prediction

Time: 15 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in four groups to predict the day lost through sickness to fill in the table

- Comparing & give their prediction

Name of illness Group A Group B Group C Group D Cold

Flu Stomachache

Headache Toothache


3 Presentation dialogue: B3 – P111.


- Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue & get the idea

- Asks Ss to check their prediction - Corrects S’s prediction & comments

- Listening to the dialogue & get the idea

- Listening to the dialogue & check the prediction

* Answer keys: Cold: 10

Flu: 43

Headache: 5 Toothache: 17


3 Complete the conversation: B2-p72 Workbook.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

Time: 10M.

- Working in pairs to complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets

- Comparing & give their answers - Correcting the answer keys * Answer keys:

a didn’t b was c had d had e was

f had g ate h did i feeling j am k going 4.Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the content of the dialogue by heart -Exercise: B3&4 / P72 workbook

- Read the text on page 112 & 113 at home

Date of planting: /02/2008 *Period: 70th. Unit: 11


I.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to read a text for main idea & details about the common cold By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the common cold

Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Matching. - Introduces the word &

the meaning & asks Ss to work in pairs to match the word to its meaning - Corrects & comments

Have a cold Have the flu Have a stomachache

Have a headache Have a toothache

To be sick

đau đầu cảm lạnh đau răng cảm cúm đau dày


3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR

disease (n); a running nose;

a slight fever; symptom (n); (to) cough; (to) sneeze

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2.Open prediction :

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict what are the symptom of the common cold

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys & Comments

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict what are the symptom of the common cold


Running nose

What are the symptom of the common cold ?


2 Presentation text: B4 – P112.

- Introduces & Helps Ss toread the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check their prediction & give the main ideals of the text

- Asks Ss to correct the keys - Corrects & comments 3 Wh - questions: B4-P112.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a Why we call the cold ‘common’ ? b What are the symptom of the common cold ?

c Is there a cure for common cold ? d Do cold cure work ?

What they ?

e How can you help prevent a cold ?

Time: 15M.

- Reading the text in individual & check their prediction then give the main ideals of the text

- Correcting the keys

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

a Because every year million of people catch it.

b They’re: running nose; slight fever; coughing & sneezing c No, there isn’t.

d No, they don’t But they do relieve symptom.

e We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercise, keeping fit & staying healthy.

PRODUCTION 4 Discussion:

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in groups to discuss about the topic “How can you help prevent a cold ?” - Asks Ss to report their information - Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in groups to discuss about the topic “How can you help prevent a cold ?

- Reporting their information 4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m )

- Writing a short paragraph talking about what you to prevent a cold - Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on page 114


Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 71st.



I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to review the lessons that they have learnt from Unit9 to Unit 11 and the test

Skill: writing


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up ( M )

The new lesson: the test *QUESTIONS

I Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence. My teacher ……… English for me yesterday a teaches b teach c taught d is teaching

2 My brother decided to learn how to prepare machine.,…………

a last week b now c this evening d tomorow

3 She ……… school every morning

a went b go c.to go d goes

4 We can ………many types of fishes in Tri Nguyen Aquarium

a see b to see c go d saw

5 ………… didn’t you go to school? Because I was sick

a What b.When c.Why d.Where

The symptoms of the common cold are : a runny nose, coughing, sneezing,

a.common cold b cure c disease d a slight fever

II Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

a They ……… ( go ) to Ha Long last summer vacation

b We ……… ( play ) table tennis after school

c Mai ……….……… ( be ) very interested in collecting stamps

d ……….……… … ( ) you play sports yesterday ?

III. Match the line in column A with the line in column B to make correct sentence


Did you buy any souvenirs?

a What was wrong with her? b You should eat

A because I had a toothache

B because every year millions catch it C She had a headache


c We call it the common cold d I went to the dentist

D Yes, I did

E plenty of cereals, fruit and vegetables

c…… d… e… IV. Write the questions for the answers:

a ……… - Yes, I got up very early this morning

b ……… - Lan had a cold

c ……… - I saw an interesting film last night

d ……… - Because every year millions catch it

e ……… ……… - I saw a lot of beautiful fish at Tri Nguyen Aquarium


Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 72nd.



I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to understand and correct the test Skill: writing


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

Warm - up ( M )

The new lesson: correct the test *ANSWER:


1.c 2.a 3.d 4.a 5c 6d

II (2ms)

1.went 2.play 3.is 4.did

III (2,5ms)

a.D b.C c.E d.B e.A


1.Did you get up early this morning? 2.What was wrong with Lan?

3.What did you last night?

4.Why did we call it the common cold?

5.What did you see in Tri Nguyen Aquarium?

4 Homework:


Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 73. Unit: 12

Lesson: 1



I.OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to practice in food vocabulary & using “TOO / SO ” “ EITHER/ NEITHER” to talk about preferences and express preferences By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to talk about their preferences express preferences Skill: reading and speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Jumbled words.

- Asks Ss to put the letters into the right order to form the correct words


- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments New lesson :



pork (n); spinach (n); cucumber (n); pineapple (n); durian (n); papaya (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation & gives example

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps Ss to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2 Presentation dialogue: A1/P114&115. - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue & practice the dialogue in pairs - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments - Introduces the model sentence & explains the form & use of the too/so

*Model sentence:

Time: 15 M

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual & Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


S1: I like beef.

S2: I like, too / So I. S1: I don’t like beef.

S2: I don’t like beef, either/ Neither I.


4 Word cue drill:

- Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual

- Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs & Corrects

1 spinach/ Tom√ 2.pork / she√ 3 carrots/ they

4.durian / he√ 5 chicken / Mary 6 oranges/ I

Time: 10 M.

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation * Example exchange:

S1: I like spinach.

S2: Tom likes spinach, too. So does Tom.


5 Noughts & Crosses: B2- P111.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs ask & answer these questions - Corrects & comments

Example exchange: S1: I don’t eat any fish

S2:Mary doesn’t eat any fish, either/ Neither does Mary

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to ask & answer

I/not/ eat/ fish(Mary) She/not/like/bananas/(We) Tom/ hate/ fish/(You) He/ like /coffee/ (his father) I/ eat /meat for lunch/(he) We/ love/apple/(Ha)

They/not/eat/beef/(We) Mai/drink/coffee/(Hoa) My Pen/new/Your pen

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson 5 Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabularies & the model sentences by heart - Exercises: 1-2 P74 Workbook


Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 74th. Unit: 12

Lesson: 2


WHAT SHALL WE EAT ? – A3-4. I OBJECTIVES :Helps Ss to read a text about things Hoa’s aunt does for her dinner By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the letter Skill: reading


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Networks

- Asks Ss to give things they prepare for dinner

- Corrects & comments

things prepare for meals

3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR

(to) cook (v); (to) boil (v); (to) slice (v); (to) stir-fry (v).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat (2 times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words 2.Open prediction :

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict the steps Hoa’s aunt does to cook dinner

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys - Comments

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict the steps Hoa’s aunt does to cook dinner

- Comparing & Giving the keys


2 Presentation text: A3 – P116.

- Introduces & Helps Ss toread the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual & check their prediction

Time: 15M.

- Reading the text in individual & check their prediction


- Asks Ss to correct the prediction - Corrects & comments

3 Wh - questions: A3-P116.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions then make the menu for what Hoa’s uncle family had for dinner

- Asks Ss to give the answer keys - Helps Ss to correct & comments * Questions:

a What did Hoa, her aunt & uncle have for dinner ? Write the menu.

4 Matching:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in pairs to add the missing words to the recipe about what Hoa’s aunt used then match the instruction to the pictures

- Asks Ss to compare & give the answer keys & corrects

* The recipe: ( With answers )

1 Slice the beef.

2 ( Slice ) the green peppers & onions. 3 ( Heat ) the pan.

4 ( Stir-fry ) the beef.

5 ( Add ) some soy sauce to the dish. 6 ( Cook ) rice.

7 ( Add ) salt to the spinach.

- Working in pairs to ask & answer the questions then make the menu for what Hoa’s uncle family have for dinner

- Giving the answer keys - Correcting the answer keys &Commenting

* Answer:

- Rice

- Boiled spinach

-Cucumber salad with onion - Stir-fried beef with green

peppers & onion.

- Working in pairs to add the missing words to the recipe about what Hoa’s aunt used then matching the instruction to the pictures on P117 - Comparing & give the answer keys & corrects

* Answer keys: ( Matching )

1 – C; – F; – A; – D; 5 – B; – E; - G


5 Write it up: A5 – P118.

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in individual to write about what did they eat & drink yesterday

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the information

- Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in individual to write about what did they eat & drink yesterday - Comparing & giving the information

* Example:

For breakfast, I ate … I drank… For lunch….

For dinner….

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )


- Study the vocabulary & the content of the text - Write a menu for your meals

- Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on page 119

Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 75. Unit: 12

Lesson: 3



I.OBJECTIVES:Helps Ss to read a dialogue about food & vegetable vocabulary & further practice in the simple past tense to talk about health By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the letter & use the simple past tense to talk about health


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Brainstorm. Asks Ss to give types of

food & vegetables - Corrects & comments




Vegetables 3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR

dirt (n); sick (n); medicine (n); soup (n).

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation - Reads the words for the modal (3 times) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

2.Open prediction :

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to predict what Ba ate yesterday

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the keys - Comments

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

- Working in pairs to predict what Ba ate yesterday

- Comparing & Giving the keys What did Ba



3 Presentation text: B1 – P119. - Introduces & Helps Ss to read the dialogue

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue in individual & check their prediction & correct the prediction

- Corrects & comments 4 Wh - questions: B1-P119.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

1 What’s the matter with Ba ? 2 Are his parents OK ?

3 Did her Mom eat spinach ?

4 Did his Mom wash the spinach well?

5 Why must we wash the spinach well?

Time: 15M.

- Reading the dialogue in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys

- Working in pairs to ask & answering the questions

- Giving the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers * Answer keys:

1 He had an awful stomachache. 2 Yes, they are fine.

No, she didn’t. 4 No, she didn’t wash it.

5 It often have dirt from the farm.


5 Complete the story B1-P119. - Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the story with the suitable words

- Asks Ss to compare the keys give the information

- Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in pairs to complete the story with the suitable words

- Comparing & giving the information

* Answer keys: 1 doctor/doctor’s. 2 sick

3 asked 4 had 5 spinach spin

6 wash

7 more carefully 8 vegetables 9 make 10 the doctor


4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework (Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the dialogue - Exercises: – – P77 workbook


Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 76. Unit: 12

Lesson: 4

OUR FOOD – B2-3.


I OBJECTIVES : Helps Ss to read a text about food & a balanced diet By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the text & the way to have a diet


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2 Warm - up or Revision ( 5M): Brainstorm

- Asks Ss to give what they eat to have a diet

- Corrects and comments

- eat more vegetables

3 New lesson :


PRE-READING 1.Vocabulary: ROR

(to) affect (v); sensibly (adv). diet (n); energy (n); cereals (n);

- Introduces the words by explaining the meaning, using the situation

- Reads the words for the modal (3 times ) Then helps SS to repeat ( times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

Time: 10 M

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


2 Presentation text: B2 – P120.

- Introduces & Helps Ss to read the dialogue

- Asks Ss to read the dialogue in individual & check their prediction & correct the prediction

Time: 15M.

- Reading the dialogue in individual & check their prediction

- Correcting the keys


- Corrects & comments

3 Comprehension questions: B2-P120.

- Introduces the questions & asks Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions

- Asks Ss to give the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Corrects & comments * Questions:

1.Name two advantages of eating sugar ?

2.Is a balanced diet alone enough for a healthy lifestyle ?

3.Do you think your diet is balanced ? Why ? Why not ?

- Working in pairs to ask & answering the questions

- Giving the answer by asking & answering in pairs

- Correcting the answers * Answer keys:

1.It adds taste to food & gives energy. 2.No, it isn’t Because all people need exercise to keep the life healthy.

3.No, she didn’t.

4.I think my diet is balanced / not balanced because….

POST-READING 4 Discussion.

- Introduces the requirement & ask Ss to work in groups to discuss some thing bout the question:

*“Do you think your diet is balanced ? Why ? Why not ?”

- Asks Ss to report their ideals - Comments

Time: 10 M.

- Working in groups to discuss some thing bout their diets

- Reporting the ideals * Example:

“ I think my diet is (not) balanced because… ”

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Study the vocabulary & the content of the dialogue - Exercises: – – P78 workbook

- Prepare the vocabulary & the picture on page 121

Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 77. Unit: 12

Lesson: 5



A.Teaching aims :Helps Ss to listen to a short text to get some details about food & drink By the end of this lesson, Ss will able to get some details of the text

Skill: Listen

B Teaching procedure :

1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English


- Uses the pictures on page 121 – text book & helps Ss to play the game in groups

- Comments the game New lesson :


PRE-LISTENING 1 Open prediction:

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual then in pairs & in groups to predict what Lan, Ba, Hoa, Nga ate & drank

- Asks Ss to compare & give their prediction

- Comments S’s prediction

Time: M

- Working in individual then in pairs & in groups to predict what Lan, Ba, Hoa, Nga ate & drank

- Comparing & give their prediction

Names of food & drink Lan Ba Hoa Nga

Noodles Beef Juice



2 Presentation text: Teacher book. - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue & get the idea

- Asks Ss to check their prediction - Corrects S’s prediction & comments

Time: 15 M.

- Listening to the dialogue & get the idea

- Listening to the dialogue & check the prediction

* Answer keys:

Lan: noodles – vegetable – juice Ba: fish – rice –fruit – water Nga: Rice – vegetable – juice Hoa: noodles – fruit – juice

POST-LISTENING 3 Find someone who.

- Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in groups to ask & answer about what they ate yesterday & fill the information into the table

- Asks Ss to report the information - Corrects & comments

* Example exchange:

Lan: Did you eat fish yesterday ? Hoa: Yes, I did.

Time: 15 M.

- Working in groups to ask & answer about what they ate yesterday & fill the information into the table


Find someone who ate…yesterday Name

Fish Noodles Vegetable

Beef Fruit

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m )

- Asks Ss to summarize the general idea of the lesson Homework( Time: 2m ):

- Write a short text to talk about what you eat & drink - Prepare the exercises for the language focus

Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 78th. Unit: 12

Lesson: 6


I OBJECTIVES: Helps Ss to further practice in using “PAST SIMPLE; A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH; SO – TOO; NEITHER -EITHER” By the end of the lesson, Ss can use these grammars correctly

Skill: speaking


1 Greeting & checking absence ( M ): - Greeting in English

2.Warm - up or Revision ( M ) : Pelmanism.

- Introduces the requirement & helps Ss to play the game in groups

watch go listen play do have

had listened did watched played went

- Comments the game 3.New lesson:



1 Answer the questions: 1-LF4/ P124. - Introduces & asks Ss to practice in pairs & in pairs by asking & answering the questions with “NO”

- Asks Ss to give the answers

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments * Questions:

a Did you eat dinner at home yesterday ?

b Did you go to school yesterday ? c Did you watch a video on the


d Did you play basketball yesterday ?

- Practicing in pairs & in pairs by asking & answering the questions with “NO”

- Giving the answers

-Correcting the pronunciation * Answers:

a No, I didn’t I … b No, I didn’t I … c No, I didn’t I …

d No, I didn’t I …


2 Complete the dialogue: 2b-LF4– P125. - Introduces the requirement & asks Ss to work in individual to use “A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH” to fill in the dialogue

- Asks Ss to compare & give the keys - Corrects & comments

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue

- Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments

Time: 10 M

- Working in individual to use “A LITTLE – A LOT OF / LOTS OF – TOO MUCH” to fill in the dialogue - Comparing & giving the keys - Working in pairs to practice the dialogue

- Correcting the pronunciation * Answer keys:

a little - a lot of / lots of - a little a lot of / lots of

too much a little


3 Picture drill: 3&4-LF – P126&127. - Introduces the example exchange & the pictures on page 126 & Helps Ss to practice

- Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Practices with Ss & checks S’s practicing in groups & in pairs & Corrects

Time: 10 M

- Repeating in chorus & in individual

- Making sentences for the next cues

- Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation

* Example exchange: Nga: I like mangoes. Minh: I like mangoes, too./ So I.

Nga: I don’t like banana

Minh: I don’t like banana, either/ Neither I

4 Consolidation ( Time: 2m ):


Homework( Time: 2m ): - Study the grammar & the modal sentence - Prepare for the forty-five minute test

Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 79. Unit: 13

Lesson: 1

OUR FOOD – A1-2.



-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details and the main ideas about the most popular sports in the USA

Knowledge: The most popular sports in the USA Skill: Reading skill.

II PROCEDUCE: 1.Greeting "sing a song"

2- Revision: -"Brainstorming"

football Sports

3.New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students'activities


a.Pre teach -"Matching" -skateboarding

-roller-skating -roller blading -athletic

T uses pictures to teach vocabulary - Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes


- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Open prediction


A.football B.volleyball C.skateboarding D.tennis

E.baseball F.swimming G.badminton H.roller-skating K.basketball I.rolleblading

-T asks Ss to predict what sports is the first choice and what sports is the tenth choice of teenagers in the USA

-T ticks the poster on the board


- Copying the words

Ss predict what sports is the first choice and what sports is the tenth choice of teenagers in the USA and give feedback


Activity 1:T asks ss to read A1 P.129 -text book and check their prediction

Activity 2:T asks ss to read A1 again and work in pairs to ask the questions: ?What sport is the third choice - the nineth choice?

- Ss read the text and check their prediction

*Answer key:

baseball: first swiming: tenth - Pairwork

Example exchange:

S1: What sport is the third choice? S2: Roller-skating is the third choice. etc.


-T asks Ss to work individually - in pairs - in groups to list the most popular sports in Viet nam

-T controls and corrects

Ss work individually - in pairs - in groups to list the most popular sports in Viet nam

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :


- Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: A3-5

-Date of planting: /03/2008 *Period: 80. Unit: 13

Lesson: 2

ACTIVITIES. OUR FOOD – A3-5. I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about sporting activities

Skill: Communicative approach. II PROCEDUCE:

1.Greeting "sing a song"

2- Revision -"Guessing game" I play tennis


S1: Do you play soccer? S2: No, I don't

S1: Do you play tennis? S2: Yes, I


3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities PRESENTATION.

a.Pre teach.- "What and Where"

-skillful -slow -safe -careful -careless -(to) cycle

T uses examples and pictures to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words b.Presentation text.

A3 P.131 (text book )

T present the text and pulls out the model sentences

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words


- T models *Model sentences:

S1: He's a good player. S2: he plays well.

T gives the form of an adverd


Example: quick -quickly Slow slowly Bad badly. Note: good –well Fast-fast hard-hard early-early

T asks Ss to give the position of adjectives and adverbs

Ss repeat

Ss copy down

1 Practice. - Picture drill

1) good/well 2) slow/slowly 3) quick/quickly 4) bad/badly Example exchange: She is a slow simmer She swims slowly etc

Ss practice speaking with adj and adv

T models the first one Ss the same fof the rests


- A5 p.132-133 -text book

T asks Ss to read the text A5 P.132-133 and list some of the advice every kid should clearly remember when he/she swims in the swimming pool

-T controls and corrects

Ss to read the text A5 P.132-133 and list some of the advice every kid should clearly remember when he/she swims in the swimming pool

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :



Date of planting: / /2008 *Period: 81. Unit: 13

Lesson: 3


I OBJECTIVES :-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about walking-one of the sports activities

Skill:- Reading skill II PROCEDUCE. 1.Greeting :

2- Revision

-A1 P.82 (work book)

3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities Pre -reading.

a.Pre teach - R.O.R

-(to) take part in -(to) organize -competition -participant -prize


- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words c.Open prediction

T asks Ss to predict two activities of the club children take part in

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss predict two activities of the club children take part in

While -reading. Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:

- Ss read the text and check their prediction

*Answer key:

WFF: walking for fun


.Questions answers:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions a-f ( question c has been answerd in the pre stage)

-T gives a game "Hang man" to ask Ss to practice

-Ss read the text again and answer the questions a-f

Post- reading.

-T asks Ss to practice in groups to dicuss the question" What sports activities you like best ? Why?"

Ss practice in groups to dicuss the question" What sports activities you like best ? Why?"

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: B1-2


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 82. Unit: 13

Lesson: 4


COME AND PLAY- B1-2 I OBJECTIVES-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to give advice and futher practice with making an invitation

Skill: Communicative approach. II PROCEDUCE:

.Greeting: "sing a song" 2 Revision

-"Slap the board"

(using pictures P.134-135 -text book) play tennis play badminton play volleyball play chess

3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

Presentation. - B1 P 134:

T uses the text in page 134 to elecit the model verbs and asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

Ba:You must your homework first


Nam:It`ll take me for a few minutes Ba: No problem.I also have to finish this question for math tomorrow

- Comprehension questions a d (P.134- text book)

Model sentences:

You ought to finish it before I play table tennis.

You must your homework first.


S + ought to/must/should/can + V(inf) + O.

T models

Ss complete the comprehension questions in the text book

Pulls out the model sentences from the text

Ss repeat Practice.

"Word cue drill" T runs through vocab

- Models the sentences(2 times)

Asks Ss to repeat chorally- Calls some Ss to repeat the sentences

Open pairs – closed pairs

1) Lan/toothache - She/ought to/see doctor

2) Nam/somehomework - He/must/ do/homework

3) Minh/late/school - He/should/get up/early 4) Ba/eat/too much/meat -



- Listen and repeat chorally- individually

- Work in pairs, using model verbs to make sentences *Example exchange:

Lan has toothache She ought to see a doctor.



- B2 P.135 (text book)

T asks Ss to work individually to change the underlined and then practice with a partner

Ss work individually to change the underlined and then practice with a partner

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson: Unit 13: B3-4


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 83. Unit: 13

Lesson: 5


COME AND PLAY- B3-4. I OBJECTIVE:By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about another kind of sports scuba -diving and futher practice with model verb "can/could"

Skill:- Reading skill.

II PROCEDUCE:1.Greeting "sing a song" 1 Greeting:

2 Revision

-"Matching" 1.besaball 2.skateboarding 3.roller-skating 4.basketball 5.volleyball 6.badminton

3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities 1 Pre-reading.

a.Pre teach - "What and Where"

-(to) stay underwater -(to) invent/invention -(to) explore

-scuba-diving -a diver


T uses pictures and examples to teach vocabulary

Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words

b.T/F prediction. - B3 P.137 (text book)

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation - Copying the words


- T asks Ss to work in groups and predict if the sentences in the text book are T or F

2 While -reading.

Activity 1:Checking predictions: T asks Ss to read the text and check their predictions

Activity 2: " Answer given" a) minutes

b) a long time c) 1997

d) the early 1940s

e) spencial T.V cameras Tgives the answers on the b.b and asks Ss to work in pairs to give the question for each answer

Ss read the text and check their predictions

Ss work in pairs to give the question for each answer


T labels this table on the b.b,Ss work in groups completing the table with verbs and inventions

Invention Verbs Sentences special

breathing equipmen t

-explore the ocean

before spencial breathing equipment we couldn't

explore the ocean, we couldn't learn about the sea electricity -read at


-watch T.V -use

computer -listen to music


electricity, we couldn't read at night



-travel far -get home quickly -visit places

Before the motorbike,we couldn't travel far

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook



Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 84. Unit: 14

Lesson: 1



I Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about freetime activities and expressing preferences, use "like/ prefer + to -infinitive"

Skill: Communicative approach II Proceduce.

1.Greeting: "sing a song"

2- Revision


read friends

play to the movie

have homework

go T.V

listen chess (play chess)

watch dinner

meet books

3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities


a.Presentation dialogue. - A1 P.139

.T has Ss listen to tne dialogue in the text book carefully

b.Comprehension questions. - A1 P.140 (a- e)

T gives a game "hang man" to ask Ss to practice well

c.Model sentences:

T sets a sence to give the model sentences

My aunt and uncle don't like it. They prefer to other thing.

Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

Ss practice

Listen and repeat Copy down



- "word cue drill"

1 He/music - He/play sports

2 She/movies - She/listen to music They/game - They/read book Lan/T.V - Lan/meet friends Example exchange:

He doesn't like music He prefers to play sports etc


-A1 P.141 (text book)

Example:A; would you like to go to the movies this week?

B: That sounds good.What would you like to see?

A: B:

T asks ss to work in pairs change the underlined details using the information in the box P.141 ( text book)

Ss to work in pairs change the underlined details using the information in the box P.141 ( text book)

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: A3


Date: / /08

*Period: 85. Unit: 14

Lesson: 2



I Objectives


Skill:- Reading skill. II Proceduce.

1.Greeting "sing a song" 2- Revision: None

3.New lesson


1 Pre-reading

a.Pre teach."What and where"

-owner -neighbor -(to) gather -(to) spend time -out side # inside

T uses translation and pictures to teach vocab Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses what and where to check vocab b.Check vocab

c.T/F statement prediction

T writes the statements on the b.b

a) Forty years ago in Viet Nam,very few people had T.V sets

b) These T.V owners were very popular

c) All morning poeple watched the black and white programs d) Today, many families have a T.V set

e) Now people spend much time together

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss work in groups to predict if they are true or false


T gives the answers on the b.b Ss work in pairs and give the question for each answer

T cotrols and corrects While-reading

Activity 1:Checking prediction

*Answer key: a) F b) T c) F d) T e) T Activity 2:

- "Answer given"

1) thirty years ago

2) black and white programs 3) in their own living room 4) life is more comfortable Example:

1.How many years ago did people in Viet Nam have sets ?

2 etc

3 Post-reading

- Gap fill A3 P.142 (text book *Answer keys:

Families not TV popular evening sat they now have life spend

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :


- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: B1


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 81 Unit: 14

Lesson: 3


WHAT'S ON ? <B1> I Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk about t.v programs 1.Knowledge.

- Time for T.V

- Practicing with " prefer/like + gerund" 2 Skill

- Communicative approach 3 Teaching aids

- Posters II Proceduce.

1.Greeting "sing a song"

-2- Revision

-" Brainstorming" sports T.V programs


3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities

1 Presentation a.Pre teach - R.O.R

-the wold today -cartoon


-children's corner -early news

-weather forecast.

-T uses realia and examples to teach vocabulary

-Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses R.O.R to check vocab

c.Presentation dialogue. - B1 p.144

T has ss listen to the dialogue in the textbook

d.Comprehension questions. a- e P.14

T asks Ss to work in pairs to give the answers to each question

e.Model sentences:

I don't really like watching sports. I prefer talking part in them. like/prefer + gerund

-.T puls out the model sentences from the dialogue

T models

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

s listen to the dialogue in the textbook


a.No, she doesn`t.Because there are not many good programs for teenagers b.He likes sport shows, cartoons and movies

c.She likes watching programs about teenagers

d.Because they don`t play the kind of music she likes

e.she `s going to listen to the radio.

Ss go to the b.b and give their answers

Ss repeat Practice

- "Substitution drill" 1) Listen to music 2) read book 3) go to the movie 4) meet friends 5) watch cartoon


6) watch sports Example exchange:

I like listening to music show .etc

3 Production. Activity 1:

- "Chain game"

Ex: I prefer watching children's corner Activity 2:

B2 P.90 (work book)

T asks Ss to practice speaking about tV programs they like

Ss exercise in their workbook page 90

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: B2


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 87 Unit: 14

Lesson: 4


WHAT'S ON ? <B2> I Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the main ideas and the details about T.V programs


- T.V programs 2 Skill

- Listening skill 3 Teaching aids - Posters, lab's room

II Proceduce.

1.Greeting "sing a song"


-2- Revision

-"Slap the board"

the wold today cartoon music program children's corner early new weather forecast 3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities Pre-listening

*Open prediction

Orde r

Programs Time

A Children's programs B Early news

C Weather forecast D The world today E Movie"A fistful of

dollars" While-listening

*Answer key:

a) 5:00 b) 6:00 c) 6:10 d) 6:15 e) 7:00 Post-listening Example:


6:00a.m -Early news

6:00 a.m -football match 7:00 a.m


T draws this table on the b.b and asks Ss to predict the time of the TV


T turns on the tape and asks Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

Ss work in groups and list some TV programs they watch every day

Ss go to the b.b and write down their answer

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :


- Preparing new lesson: Unit 14: B3-4 THE END

Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 88 Unit: 14

Lesson: 5


WHAT'S ON ? <B3-4> A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the main ideas and the details about popular T.V programs

Knowledge.- T.V programs Skill:- Reading skill.

B Proceduce.

I.Greeting "sing a song"

II- Revision

-"Guessing game"

I like watching music. Example exchange:


S1: Do you like waching music? S2: Yes, I

etc III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities 1 Pre-reading.

a.Pre teach:-"What and Where"

-pop music -series -report -import -contest -(to) perform

T uses pictures and examples to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses What and Where to check vocab b.Open prediction.

T gives a question to ask Ss to predict the answer news

What are popular T.v programs?

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss predict what TV programs are popular

2 While-reading Activity 1:*Reading

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity :Comprehension questions -T asks ss to read the text again and answer the following questions

1.) What do

teenagers like to hear and see?

2.) What bands and singers perform on T.V?

3.) LN

- Ss read the text and check their prediction


4.) What contests are these on T.V? 5.) Who are the contesttants in contest programs? 6.) Can T.V viewers join in the contests

and answer


7.) What imports usually include? 8.) Why T,V staions all over the world show these programs?

9.) List some foreign series you have known?

10.)Ln Post-reading

- B4 P.146 (text book)

- *Answers: around watch listen series show like station have cities possible

Ss work in pairs to fill in the blank with suitable word

IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Written test 45 minutes THE END

Date of planting: / /08 Date of planting: / /08 Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 91 Unit: 15

Lesson: 1 VIDEO GAMES <A1>




Knowledge: - Video gamesand their effects - Practicing with "should/ shouldn't" Skill:- Communicative approach.


1.Greeting:"sing a song" 2 Revision 3.New lesson:


1 Presentation

a.Pre teach: - R.O.R

-amusement center -addictive


T uses translation to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation

- Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses ROR to check vocab

b.Presentation dialogue. - A1 P.147

T has Ss listen to the dialogue and practice it

c.Model sentences:

T pulls out the model sentences from the dialogue

T models

*Video games can be addictive.

*You shouldn't spend too much of your time in the arcade

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Listen the dialogue Pairwork

Ss repeat

2 Practice. "Word cue drill"

T runs through vocab

T models the first cues and asks Ss to repeat chorally – individually

Asks Ss to make sentence with model sentence

a) pla

Ss listen and repeat chorally – individually

Ss work individually, making sentences with ‘should and shouldn`t”


y video game for a short time. b) spe nd lot of money on video games. c) go to the amuce ment center often. spend little time in video game.

-You should play video game for a short time.

-You shouldn't spend lot of money on video games.


3 Production. - Exercise P.94 ( work book)

T asks Ss to work in groups to write full sentences

-T corrects

Ss work in groups to write full sentences

IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: A2-3 THE END

*Period: 92 Unit: 15

Lesson: 2 VIDEO GAMES <A2-3>



-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about video game

Knowledge: - Video games. Skill:- Reading skill.


I.Greeting "sing a song"

II- Revision or warm up: -"Slap the board" addictive amusement center

spend arcade play outdoors

III.New lesson



a.Pre teach: -"What and Where"

-inventor -dizzy -social skill -(to) protect -(to) develop

T uses translation and examples to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T writes the statements on a poster and labels it on the b.b

b.T/F statements prediction.

T asks Ss to work in groups and predict if they are true or false

1) All children play video game in arcade 2) Children shouldn't spend much time on video game for a long time because they become dizzy and tired.

3) Children should play outdoors.

Children mustn't forget to other things.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss work in groups and predict if they are true or false

2 While -reading.


T asks Ss to read the text and check their predictions

Activity 2: A2 (a - d)-text book P.148 T asks Ss to work in groups to choose the correct answer for each sentence


Ss work in groups to choose the correct answer for each sentence

*Answer: a,D

b,A c,D d,B.

3 Post-reading.

- A3 P.149-text book

T asks Ss to complete the passage (149-text book) by using the given words in the box

T corrects

Ss read and complete the passage (149-text book) by using the given words in the box

Answer:be have is identify are use can will buy show

IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B1-2 THE END

Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 93 Unit: 15

Lesson: 3




-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about life in the city and copare city and village life styles

Knowledge: - life in the city and compare city and village life styles. Skill:- Reading skill.

II PROCEDURE: 1.Greeting "sing a song"

2- Revision-"Jumbled words"


pedevelo =? ycoutrn =? snoie =? ictraff =? 3.New lesson


1 Pre-reading

a.Pre teach: - "Slap the board"

-(to) scare -(to) hate

-(to) keep sb awake -(to) get used to

T uses guesstures and examples to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses slap the boad to check vocab c.T/F statements prediction"

T writes the statements on the b.b and asks Ss to predict if they are true or false

1) Hoa goes to the school theater club twice a week.

2) When Hoa lived in the village, she knew all the people in her neighborhood.

3) Lan lived near quiet road.

4) The noise never keep Lan awake at night.

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss read and predict if they are true or false

Ss work in groups to complete T`s requirement

2 While-reading Activity 1:Reading

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Ss read the text and check their prediction


Activity 2:Comprehension questions T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions a-f P.151 (text book

2) T 3) F 4) F

Ss read the text again and answer the questions a-f P.151 (text book

3 Post - reading *Disscusion:

T asks Ss to work in groups and discuss about “the advantages and disadvantages of Living in the country and living in the city”

Ss work in groups and disscuss about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and living in the city

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B3


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 94 Unit: 15

Lesson: 4 IN THE CITY <B3>



-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about Hoa's life in the city

Knowledge: - Hoa's life in the city Skill:- Reading skill.

II PROCEDUCE: 1.Greeting "sing a song"

2 Revision: -"Matching"

a.the traffic from every direction b.the road busy

c.the noise too many d.the neighbors expensive e.cars, motorbikes,bikes noisy and busy

e.eating out keep people awake at night 3.New lesson


1 Pre-reading a.Pre teach: - R.O.R

-(to) socialize -(to) cost -public library

T uses translation and example to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps SS to repeat (2times )

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation - Corrects & asks Ss to copy the words T uses R.O.R to check vocab

b.Open prediction.

Asks Ss to work in pairs and predict what Hoa did in the evening

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss work in pairs and predict what Hoa did in the evening

2 While-reading Activity 1: Reading

Asks Ss to read the text and check their predictions

Activity 2: "Answer given".

T gives the answers on the b.b and asks Ss to make questions for answers:

1) bike

2) table tennis 3) playing chess 4) with her friends 5) thousands of book

Ss read the text and check their predictions

Ss work in pairs and give the answer for each question

Answer key :

1) What did Hoa's uncle buy her?

2) What did they sometimes in their free time?

3) What did she like to play?

4) Who did she prefer to socialize with?

5) How any books did the library in the city have?.


- B1 + B2 (work book) P.96 .*Writing:

T asks Ss to work in groups to write full sentences and then copare city and village lifestyle



-In the city the traffic is busy, but in the country it is not busy

4.Consolidation :

Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson:Unit 15: B4


Date of planting: / /08 *Period: 95 Unit: 15

Lesson: 5


IN THE CITY <B4> I Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about activities students did yesterday

Knowledge: - Activities students did yesterday Skill:- Listening skill.II Proceduce

1.Greeting "sing a song"-2- Revision

-"Slap the board"

(using pictures B4 P.152 -text book ) 3.New lesson


1 Pre-listening * Open prediction:

-T asks Ss to predict and match the names to the pictures (B4 P.152)


- Ss predict and match the names to the pictures (B4 P.152)

2 While-listening

T gives Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions

- T calls some Ss to give feedback

*Answer key:

Ba play table tennis (Ba-b) Nga saw a movie (Nga-d) Lan went to a restaurant (Lan-f) Hoa played chess (Hoa-a) Nam litened to CDs (Nam-c) An watched a soccer match (An-e)

Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions


3 Post-listening - B3 P.97 (work book) *Writing:

T asks Ss to check the things in the evening then make sentences with adverbs of frequency

Example:I always listen to music I never play a musical

Ss check the things in the evening then make sentences with adverbs of frequency

4.Consolidation :

1.Use the given words to make sentences

a.The amusement park closes at 6.30 pm (6.30/ always) b.I get up very late (normally/ on Sunday and Saturday) c.They watch T.V (hardly ever/ at home/ I the evening) 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: A1-2 THE END


Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 96th. Unit: 16

Lesson: 1



I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to talk

about names of the coutries in Asia and their capital cities, using "Where is that?/ It's in "

Skill: Reading, speaking II PROCEDURE: 1.Greeting: "sing a song" 2- Revision


(A2-P.155 -text book )

Bangkok Chine Beijing Laos Kuala Lumpur Thailand Phnom Penh Myanmar Vientiane Indonesia Yangon Cambodia Jakarta Malaysia

3.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities



-postcard -capital -pilot -region -(to) fly

T uses pictures and exaples to teach vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2times)

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation & copy

b.Presentation dialogue. - A1 P.

T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue from the tape

- Matching:(1P155 text book)

T gives a game "Hang man" to asks Ss to match the half sentences into one

*Model sentences:

S1: Where does ba's uncle fly to? S2: he flies to Bangkok

S1: Where is that? S2: It's in Thailand.

T uses pictures to elecit the model sentences

T modals

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss listen to the dialogue from the tape

Ss look at the map and match the name of the city with their country Answers:

a)-D d)-C b)-F e)-A c)-B f)E

Ss listen and repeat Copy down


"Word cue drill"

6) Bongkok/ Thailand 7) Vientiane/Lao 8) Jakarta/ Indonesia 9) Beijing/chine 10) Kuala


Ss use the cues to make dialogue using “Where is that? /

It`s ”

Example exchange:

S1: Where does Ba's uncle fly to? S2: he flies to Phnompenh.


T gives the cues

T runs through vocab T models the sentences


1 Pre -listening *Open prediction:

T draws his table on the b.b and asks Ss to predict and fill In information about a pilot`s achedule in the table

Days Places

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Ss predict and fill In information about a pilot`s achedule in the table *Answer key:

Days Places

Monday Bangkok and

Singapore Tuesday Singapore Wednesday Jakarta Thursday Bali Friday Bali

Saturday Hongkong Sunday Back to Ha Noi 4 Consolidation : *Speaking:

A:My farther is a pilot B:Where does he fly to? A:He fly to Bangkok B:Where is it?

A: It`s in Thailand 5 Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: A3



Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 97th. Unit: 16

Lesson: 2




-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about tourist attractions in South- East Asia

Knowledge:-Tourist attractions in South- East Asia. Skill:- Reading, speaking



2- Revision – warm up: *"Jumbled words"

sianedoin =? dthailan =? Jartaka =? diacambo =? sialayma =? 3.New lesson:


1 Pre -reading. Pre teach.

True/ False.statements prediction :

T labels this poster on the b.b and asks them to predict if they are true or false

1) South east Asia has many attractions.

2) We could visit many new monuments.

3) We can see shadow puppet shows in Thailand. 4) There are thousands of kilometers of beaches.

Ss predict if they are true or false

2 While-reading. Activity 1: Reading

T asks Ss to read the text and check their predictions

Ss go to the b.b and give answers T gives feedback

Activity 2:"Wh-questions"

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

1) The passaga mentions three kinds of tourist attractions What are they? 2) What is the famous ancient temple in Jave?

3) Where can you see shadow puppet shows?

Ss read the text and check their predictions

Ss go to the b.b and give answers *Answer key:

1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T


4) Where can you see famous traditional dances?

5) What can you see in the ocean?

4 Post -reading

- List some kinds of attractions in Viet Nam you may prefer

-T corrects

Ss list some kind of attractions they may prefer


I may prefer the beaches. I may prefer the food. etc.

4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content 5.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: B1-2 THE END

Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 98th. Unit: 16

Lesson: 3





-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about famous people and events in Viet Nam and practice with " I

prefer /because "

Knowledge:-Practicing with " I prefer /because ". - Famous people and events in Viet Nam Skill:- Reading skill


1 Greeting: "sing a song"

2- Revision – warm up: -"Brainstorming"

Famous peolpe in Viet Nam


3.New lesson:


1 Pre -reading. a.Pre teach: - R.O.R

-general -battle -(to) lead -(to) defeat -powerful -kind

T uses examples and translation to teavh vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2times)

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation & copy

b.T/F statements prediction.

T writes the sentences in the text book on the b.b

T asks Ss to work in groups and predict if they are true or false

- a) – f) B1 P.158

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss work in groups and predict if they are true or false

2 While-reading

Asks Ss to read the dialogue and check their prediction

*Answer key:

a) F b) F c) T d) F e) T f) F

Ss read the text and check their predictions

2 Post -reading * Dialouge completing - B2 (a- b) P.158 -text book

T asks Ss to work in pairs , completing the dialogue with the words in the box then practice with the partner

Ss work in pairs , completing the dialogue with the words in the box then practice with the partner



T asks Ss to make their own dialogue about famous people they know

Work in pairs to practise speaking 4.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: B4


Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 99th. Unit: 16

Lesson: 4




A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about famous people and their biography

Knowledge:- Famous people and their biography. Skill:- Reading skill

B Proceduce.

1 Greeting "sing a song" 2 Revision – warm up:

-B1 P.102 (work book) 3.New lesson:


1 Pre-reading

a.Pre teach.- "What and Where"


-fairy tale

T uses examples and translation to teavh vocab

- Reads the words for the modal (3times) Then helps Ss to repeat (2times)

- Checks S’s reading in individual & corrects the mistakes

- Writes the words on the Bb & checks the meaning & the pronunciation & copy

c.Open prediction.

-T gives two questions and asks Ss to give the answer

1) Who is Thomas Edison? 2) Who is Hans Christian Andersen?

- Listening to the words

- Repeating the words in chorus & in individual

- Correcting the mistakes

- Giving the meaning & the pronunciation

- Copying the words

Ss predict and answer the questions

2 While-reading Activity 1:

-T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

Activity 2:Comprehension question:

-T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

1) When and where was Thomas Edition born?

2) What is his famous invention?

3) What did he establish in New York city?

4) How many things did he invent?

5) When did he die?

6) When and where was Hans Christian Andersen born? 7) Who did he want to be ? 8) What did he write?

9) What did he become most famous for?

-T gives a game "Nooughts and Crosses" to ask ss to practice well

Ss read the text and check their prediction

1. H

e is a famou s invent or 2. He is a Danish author

Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

1. H

e was born in 1847 in the USA

2. H

is famou s


electri c light bulb.

3. H

e establi shed the first central power station

4. o

ver 1,300 things

5. H

e died in 1931

6. H

e was in 1805 in Denm ark

7. H

e wante dto be an actor

8. H

e wroten ovels, plays, poetry and travl books

9 H


e most famou s for the fairy tales 2. Post-reading.

- "Role play"

-T asks Ss to work in closed pairs to practise speaking

Example exchange:

Interviewer: Where was you born? Interviewee: I was born in 1977 etc.

-T corrects

Ss work in closed pairs to practise speaking

IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook - Preparing new lesson:Unit 16: B5


Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 100th. Unit: 16

Lesson: 5




-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the details about the biography of Uncle Ho

Knowledge:-The biography of Uncle Ho. Skill:- Listening skill.

II PROCEDUCE: 1.Greeting: "sing a song"

2 Revision – Warm up: -"Matching"


spend moved New lesson:

Teacher's activities Students'activities

1 Pre-listening a.Pre teach - ROR

-(to) found -(to) form -(to) declare

-indochinese Communist Party -independence

b.Open prediction

Year Place Date of birth 1980 Kim Lien Left Viet Nam

Worked in hotel 1900s Went to another country

Moved again 1923 Moscow Founded Vietnamese

communisr Party

1930 Formed Viet Minh

Front Viet Nam Became President


2 While -listening

-T turns on the tape to ask Ss to listen carefully and check their prediction

Ss listen carefully and check their prediction

*Answer key:

Year Place Date of birth 1980 Kim Lien Left Viet Nam 21 years


Worked in hotel 1900s London Went to another


1917 Paris Moved again 1923 Moscow Founded

Vietnamese communisr Party

1930 Guangzho u

Formed Viet

Minh Front 1941 Viet Nam Became President 1945 Viet Nam Died 1969 Ha Noi

3 Post-listening - "gap fill"

T asks Ss to fill the gaps to complete the story about Uncle Ho

Ho Chi Minh .(1) born in 1890 in Nghe An province,in the village

Ss fill the gaps to complete the story about Uncle Ho

*Answer key:


of Kim Lien.When he 21 years old,he (2) VietNam and (3) to Africa,England and America After this,he (4) in a hotel in London in the early 1900s then moved to Paris in1917 He (5) six years in Paris,one year in Moscow and then (6) to Guangzhou He (7) the Indochinese communist Party when he was living in Guangzhou During the 1930s Ho chi Minh continued to travel and after his return to Viet Nam he (8) the Viet Minh in 1941 Four years late,he (9) President of th Democratic Republic of Viet Nam after Viet Nam (10) its independence Ho Chi Minh (11) in Ha Noi on 1969, but he will alway be remembered by the Vietnamsese people

-T corrects

3 traveled 4.work 5.spent 6.moved 7.founded 8.formed 9.became 10.declared 11.died

IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Review( from unit to unit 16) THE END

Date of planting: / /2008

*Period: 101 Unit: 16


A Objectives

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review I.Knowledge.

-The biography of Uncle Ho II Skill

- Listening skill III Teaching aids - Poster

B Proceduce.

I.Greeting "sing a song"

-II- Revision

III.New lesson

Teacher's activities Students'activities IV.Consolidation :

- Teacher asks students to speak again the main of this content V.Homework :

- Learning by heart all content - Doing exercises in workbook

- Preparing new lesson:Review( from unit to unit 16) THE END

Date of planting: / /2008

Period 102:



-After the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammartical structures and the vocabulary that they learnt in grade

-To drill Ss reading, writing, and listening skills II TEACHING PROCEDURE

Organization: Oral test:

- Ask Ss to make sentences with the simple past tense? Presentation:

A Warm up.


1.the simple future

S + will / shall + V + O 2.The simple past

S + V-ed + O

3 The structure with :

either / neither / so / too Modal verbs:

Can / must/ ought to / should + V-infi Adjective and adverb

- Good, well , quick, quickly The express like and dislike To prefer/like+ V- ing To – V. 7.Why- because

8 The structure with :

get used to + V-ing. C Practice.

-Ask ss to work in pairs to the exercises. Ex1: Correct the mistake

Hoa prefers reading books to play video games A B C D

2 After each lesson we often have a ten – minutes rest A B C D Million of foreign visitors come to Vietnam every year A B C D

4 Would you like going to the movies with us tonight? A B C D

5 My sister likes badminton but she doesn't play it very good A B C D Ex 2:Rewrite the following sentences:

1 Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert

I prefer

2 You shouldn’t eat too much candies

You ‘d

3 My mother cooks well

My mother is a

4.We didn’t enjoy the trip because of the heavy rain

The heavy rain prevented

4 Consolidation:

Ask ss to retell the structures that they learnt in grade Home work:

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 11:25
