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Unit 10. Sources of Energy. Lesson 1. Getting started

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 OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson sts can; use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Sources of energy’; use the vocabulary and structures to describe energy sources..  Skills[r]


Week 27

Period 79


Preparation date: 02 /03/2019 Teaching date : 06/03/2019

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson sts can; use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Sources of energy’; use the vocabulary and structures to describe energy sources

Skills: Training listening, reading, speaking, writing skills.

Attitude: Remember and use what they have learnt during the lesson to protect and save energy

Competence: Identify sources of energy( renewable and non-renewable) and make skills of reading and confirmation information


1 Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic ‘Sources of energy’. 2 Grammar: The future continuous and the future simple passive.

II. TECHNIQUES: Chatting, Pre-questions, Comprehension questions, Pair - speaking, complete the network and the table

III. TEACHING AIDS: Text book, picture, board, colored chalks, laptop, and speaker


A Classroom procedures: 1/ Greetings

2/ Checking attendance

B New lesson :



-Show sts three pictures about ‘Sources of energy’

-Ask sts “What are they? What types of energy you know?”.

II Presentation

- Ask sts to look at the picture and answer the questions

How many people are there? (Two people) Who are they?(Nam and Mai)

What are they talking about? Any other ideas?( Sources of energy/ Carbon footprint, )

-Set the sense

-Lead to the new lesson *Pre-teach some new words:

-Elicit some new words from situations, realias

-Ask sts listen and repeat new words


-Sts listen and read the conversation with partner

III Practice Exercise 1: 1a

- Ask sts to work in groups to discuss and answer the questions

- Ask sts to go to the board and write down their answers

-T corrects the answers


-Have sts read the conversation again and find the words/phrases that can be put in the network

-Call some sts to go to the board to complete the network

-T gives feedback and correct

Exercise 2:

- Ask sts to look at the table, listen and repeat the words/phrases

- Ask them to read aloud the words/phrases as a class T corrects the pronunciation if


Exercise 3:

-T divides class into groups

-Work in groups and two members of group go to the board and write down answers If which group has more correct answers, they will be winner

IV.Production Exercise 4:

Unit 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY 1 Listen and read.

* Vocabulary:

-energy(n)/ /'enədʤi/: lượng -source(n) /sɔ:s/: nguồn

source of energy’: nguồn lượng -biogas (n) /'baiou,gæs/: khí sinh học -footprint (n) / 'fʊtprɪnt /: dấu vết, vết chân -hydro (n) / 'haidrou /: thuộc nước

-non-renewable (adj) / ,nɔn ri'nju:əbl /: không phục hồi, không tái tạo được><renewable

-carbon dioxide (n) / 'kɑːrbən daɪˈɑːksaɪd /: khí CO2 -negative effect (adj) / 'neɡətɪv /: xấu, tiêu cực

* Answer key:

1a.Answer the question.

1 It’s about the negative effect we have on the

environment “Non-renewable” means that it will run out if we use it Sunlight is a renewable energy because we can’t use it all up, it will last forever Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike The products we use that are bad for the environment or the energy we use that produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint

1b.Complete the network


-Have sts play a game “ perfect couple” - Divide sts into big groups One group makes question and another one make answer about renewable and non-renewable and write down into a piece of paper

-Call some sts go to the board and take turns to ask and answer in front of class

- Class and T give feedback If any couple has a perfect sentence, they will win

VI Homework:

- Learn by heart new words - Prepare A closer look

-Find the meaning of the new words in the next lesson

-Do exercises in workbook

3.Complete the table.

Renewable Wind Hydro Solar Biomass Nuclear

6. Geothermal

Non- Renewable Coal Natural gas Oil



Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 13:59

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