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english9 exercises tiếng anh 8 dương thị nguyệt trang tư liệu giáo dục thành phố hà tĩnh

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Nội dung

Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences :.. (2) and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.[r]





* Fill in the blanks with vocabulary that you have learnt:

1 Today Peter has to

at home, because he is having a

2 If Mr Brown needs some clothes, she will go to the

3 I can speak English

Can Mary?

4 The film often begins with a


are the most important workers on a farm.

6 The farmers can

weeds by spraying them.

7 A new born cow is called a

8 Alice

living in a farm to living in a big city.

* Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions :

1 They are telling their father

the new workshop.

2 If we fall asleep

the performance, It’s a waste


3 The naughty pupils laugh

the newcomers.

4 We can leave

the ending of the story.

5 Girls burst

tears when the prince killed himself.

* Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the sentences provided :

1 Tom and his friend are talking to

A, everybody

B, both

C, each other

D, everyday

2 It’s a


A, fifty-cents

B, fifty-cent

C, fifty cent

D, fifties cent

3 That toy is made of

A, cloth

B, clothes

C, clothe

D, clothing

4 This shirt is too small


A, for

B, with

C, to

D, by

5 If you get up early, you

time for breakfast.

A, have

B, will have

C, having

D, has

6 This old man is clever

to make fine things from wood.

A, rather

B, enough

C, more

D, too

7 She is not only healthy

also cheerful.

A, and

B, both

C, but

D, with

8 The upper boys

about difficult exercises for several days.

A, complain

B, complained

C, has complained

D, have complained

9 This new bicycle is made


A, of

B, from

C, in

D, to

10 We would

go to the zoo by our shelves

A, not rather

B, rather not

C, eager

D, better


some noise, the little boy was afraid.

A, Heard

B, Hear

C, Hearing

D, To hear

12 This door needs

A, Painted

B, painting

C, to paint

D, to be painting

13 I

go there with you.

A, had better not

B, hadn’t better

C, not would rather

D, wouldn’t rather

14 Tractors, combine harvesters are

equipment for farming.

A, useless

B, use much

C, many

D, useful


players are there in a volleyball team ?


16 They are called mechanics

A, We call them mechanics

B, Mechanics they are called

C, Mechanics are called them

D, They called mechanics

17 Father said he

on a trip to Hue.

A, will go

B, is going to go

C, would go

D, goes

18 You can buy a lot of farm products

sale at the Fair.

A, in

B, for

C, to

D, by

19 School children learn how to make and repair things in the school

A, library

B, canteen

C, workshop

D, class

20 When my mother gets angry, she usually says she’d

have me as her son.

A, not rather

B, rather not

C, doesn’t rather

D, not

* Make questions to the following answers :


? Mother is making cakes in the kitchen.


? No, thank you I can manage.


? Yes, let’s.


? No we shan’t we’ll be on time.


? It’s two inches thick.

* Choose a correct structure and make a cross :

1 I don’t know A, How much I should tell about it B, What the writer is name’s.

C, When began the story.

D, What he thought about the book.

2 I’m afraid of A, crossing the street

B to ride in busy street.

C, climbing up trees.

D, (A) and (C) are right.

3 A, Tom easily falls asleep if the film is not exciting.

B, It’s a waste of time if one fall asleep during the performance.

C, I can not go to the pictures if I will very tired.

D, It’s a good idea if we goes to the pictures.

4 A film is A, more shorter than a play.

B, more interesting than a play.

C, most funny than a play.

D, weller than a play.

5 They are A, the most important workers on a farm B, usefulness animals on a farm.

C, Most useless tools on a farm.

D, more powerful machines on a farm.

6 I did A, me best to win for our class B, my best to learning how to speak Russian.

C, his best to play beautifully.

D, my best to play against the other school.

7 I’ve seen A, many tables made of wood B, many cakes made of flour, eggs, butter, sugar

C, many knives made from steal D, many tyres made from Japan.

8 A, Tom is not enough old to work there.

B, Tom is not enough old to metal work.

C, Tom is not old enough to work with machines D, Tom is not old enough going to school.

9 She has complained about her teeth

A, for last week.

B, for several days

C, since next week.

D, since two months.

10 Must the decaying tooth come out ?

A Yes, It must.

B, No, It mustn’t.

C, Yes, It need.

D, No, It needn’t.

E, (A) and (D) are right.


1 To get good marks is not difficult (It’s + adj + to V).


2 When did Mr Green feed the cows ? ( using He asked me ).


4 No one took Alice to the commercial district ( Change to the passive voice ).


5 Going on a trip is (interesting ) than staying at home (use the correct form of the adj in bracket.)


6 Last Sunday I watched her jumping into the swimming (Change to the passive voice).


7 The boys stood on the hill They watched the farmers.(use present participle V-ing )


8 He is a tractor driver (use “I wish ”)

9 Lan is not clever She can not mend this shirt (use ENOUGH TO)


10 The tooth is very decayed It can not be kept (use TOO TO)



1 He did one’s best to win the match.

2 Mr Green will have Tom to repair things

3 They have an opportunity work with tools.

4 These decaying teeth need filled.

5 The principal said the upper boys will make furniture.



Last Sunday morning, your mother took you to the bookshop Tell that trip with the following cues:

1 morning - bus - bookshop

2 street - neon signs - shop windows - hotel - restaurants

3 Pedestrians - go - pavement

4 Traffic - crowded - we - cross - zebra crossing.

5 We - get in - look at - buy - good books.

6 Everybody - hurry - life - big city - busy.










1 Rubber is not only soft but also

2 My mother put our food in the

to keep it longer.

3 The boys often play football at the


can cut and thresh corn at the same time.

5 There is always crowds in front of the


is all those things needed in a house or an office.

7 Alice’s school has just

a workshop.

8 The calves are in the


1 What’s the trouble

Alice ? She always takes care

her teeth.

2 Tom has just come back

the seaside.

3 The English teacher is very strict

his pupil.

4 You must queue

in a long line before the box-office.



1 To at beautiful pictures is interesting (It + be + adj )


2 What time will she come back ? (Beginning with “He asked me ”)


3 Nobody showed them to their seats (Turn into the passive voice)


4 Sometimes the newcomers were laughed at by the naughty pupils.(Change into the active voice).


5 This is (powerful) machine in our field (use the correct form of the adj in the brackets).


6 Yesterday I saw him cross the road (Turn into the passive voice).


7 Tom looked through the window He saw a beautiful rose (using present participle).


8 I don’t have good marks (using I wish ).

9 That tractor was very powerful It could plough all day long (using “enough to ”).


10 Peter is very young He can’t take part in the club (using “too to ”).



1 We don’t have a good time We wish we

A, have

B, can have

C, had

D, could

2 Must this decaying tooth come out ?

A, No, It mustn’t.

B, No, It needn’t

C, No, It can’t

D, A and B are right

3 You

not read those magazines.

A, likes

B, prefer

C, would rather

D, had better

4 My mother has me

her clothes.

A, to iron

B, irons

C, iron

D, ironing

5 You needn’t

the ending of the story.

A, To tell

B, tell

C, told

D, telling


the letter sent yesterday ?

A, Did

B, is

C, was

D, when

7 New machines used on this farm now.

A, have

B, are being

C, being

D, was

8 Mai is going to have someone

her blouse.

A, is making

B, is made

C, to make

D, make

9 The tractors plough the field,

the potatoes.

A, to plant

B, planting

C, planted

D, plants

10 This decaying teeth need

A, to pull

B, pull

C, pulling

D, pulled

11 Tom is


drive the car.

A, so / that

B, too / to

C, enough / to

D, not only / but also

12 He doesn’t need

a new shirt.

A, to buy

B, bought

C, buy

D, buying

13 Before

to bed, I turned off the light.

A, to go

B, went

C, going

D, goes


A, than

B, better than

C, to

D, better

15 Which of those milkmaid is the

A, pretty

B, most pretty

C, the prettiest

D, prettiest

16 She was

she never has time to watch T V.

A, so busy that

B, very busy

C, busy enough

D, busy that

17 This is

beautiful garden in the city.

A, the goodest

B, more

C, the most

D, most

18 She is happy

that good news.

A, to hear

B, heard

C, hear

D, hearing

19 Children

play football in the street.

A, must

B, need

C, mustn’t

D, needn’t

20 My grandparents have lived here


A, in

B, on

C, since

D, for


Where did you go during your summer holiday ? Tell that trip with the following cues :

1 spent - my uncle’s farm - Wales.

2 300 miles - from my house.

3 morning - breakfast - field - plant rice

4 afternoon - lunch - take a rest - feed chickens

5 farm animals - lively - lovely

6 plant vegetables - ground - behind

7 weather - farm - cool - pure

8 A holiday - farm - healthy - pleasant











1 Pupils who have just entered school is called

2 The actor acted so well that the

were moved to tears

3 We often go to the theatre to see a new

4 What you often in your

time ?

5 There was not much

in the street yesterday.

6 Remember

the street at the Zebra crossing.


1 The farmer are working

their farm.

2 Let’s have look

the picture book section.

3 We helped

the potatoes planting.

4 Are you fond

reading ?


1 Learning English is very useful (It’s + adj + )

2 Where is Ben Thanh market ? ( use “He asked ”)


4 Were the windows painted ? (Turn in to the active voice)

5 Yesterday I saw him crossing the street (passive voice)

6 When we went across the field, we saw some green hills (using present participle).


7 It doesn’t stop raining (using “I wish ”)

8 The picture is so high that I can’t reach it (using “too to”)


9 They can hardly their work ? (using question tag)



1 He’s here now He has (to go/ gone to/ been to/ went to) London.

2 They are Tom and Peter (All/ Two/ Both) of them are pupils.

3 Have you seen them (play/ played/ playing/ to play) in the garden ?

4 My brother (has/ have/ had/ had had) to leave school when he was sixteen years old.

5 My parents were born in Hue They (live/are living/ living/ lived) there now.

6 (Arrive/ To arrive/ On arriving) at the village fair, I saw many people there.

7 Look ! Jane (wears/ is wearing/ puts on) a strange red hat.


1 I

to London three times this year.

A, was

B, have been

C, went

D, have gone

2 I’ll come to see you before I

for Australia.

A, shall leave

B, leave

C, will leave

D, left

3 Bob and Jack were badly injured in the last match, so

can play in this match.

A, both of them

B, not any of them

C, either of them

D, neither of them

4 Why was the letter returned ?- Because I put a

on it.

A, three-cents stamp

B, stamp of three cents C, three-cent stamp

D, stamp three cents

5 Henry is twenty eight years old, but Alice his sister, is only fourteen.

A, He is old, she is young

B, He is two times old as his sister.

C, He is twice as old as his sister.

D, His sister is younger than him two times.

6 Jane, the girl you

at the party last night,

to my friend next week.

A, meet/ will be married B, met/ will be married C, met/ will get married D, met/ is marrying

7 Martha has a new dress, so I wish


A, have

B, having

C, had

D, have had

8 I was surprised to see

at the concert.

A, that amount of people

B, that number of people

C, those amount of people

D, those number of people

9 When Betty met Sue,

A, she was a student at Cambridge

B, At Cambridge she was a student

C, the latter was a student at Cambridge

D, Sue was a student at Cambridge

10 This dress was made of a beautiful

A, clothing

B, clothes

C, cloth.

D, clothe

11 They must stay at home to study, but I

A, mustn’t

B, needn’t

C, have not

D, must

12 These two boys help

A, both

B, anybody

C, each other

D, one another

13 He says he isn’t afraid of

A, somebody

B, everybody

C, anybody

D, nobody


A, could

B, couldn’t

C, could to

D, can

15 Our summer holidays


A, past

B, passed

C, was past

D, passing

16 Tam has study English

I advised him.

A, when

B, since

C, for

D, during


strange noise, the girl was afraid.

A, Had heard

B, Hearing

C, When hear

D, Hear

18 These shoes are


a small boy.

A, too/ for

B, too/ to

C, very/ for

D, very/ to

19 Be sure to wake

at a.m.

A, us, Paul and I

B, Paul and me

C, we

D, our

21 The teacher as well as his pupils

going on a camping trip.

A, are

B, is

C, will be

D, be


When Henry Ford was a young boy, his father hoped that his son

(will) become a

farmer, but the young man

(not like) the idea and he went to Detroit where he

(work) as a mechanic By the age of twenty nine, in 1892, he


his first car and Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which

(be) cheap, strong and

fast At that time, he was able to sell millions of cars because he mass-produced them, that is, he made a great

many cars of exactly the same type.









1 If you want to look for the tittle of the books, find them in a

(visiting cards, invitation cards, library cards, card catalogue)


is the day when pupils show their gratitude to their teachers and

is the day when children show their love to their mother.

(May Day, Teacher’s Day, New year’s Day, Mother’s Day)


kicked the ball hard into the goal, but caught it exactly.


1 careful :

2 swift :

3 bright :

4 hurry :


1 periodical =

2 to be fond of =

3 nice-looking =

4 pictures =


1 difficult 

2 hope 

3 smokeless 

4 to put on 


1 A person who flies from trapeze to trapeze :

2 The break between the two halves :



2 Is that cake eaten by your child ? (active voice)

3 The clothing becomes dry because of the sun (to make + O + V )


4 Air plane tickets are expensive I don’t fly to Singapore for the weekend.(unreal condition sentence).


5 The room is painted yellow Nobody has slept in the room for years.(relative pronoun).


6 Were they listening to the lecture yesterday evening ? (passive voice)


7 This film is (interesting) than the one you wanted to see (use the correct form of the adjective)


8 The man was getting (angry) (double comparative)

9 We shall learn to speak English in six months (It + take + O + time + to V )


10 Winter is (cold) than summer it is (cold) in all seasons.(use the correct form of the adjective)



1 Mr Johnson

(live) in Washington, but he

(stay) in London at the moment.

2 When I

(get) to the hospital, she was sitting in the waiting room.


(You see) the film on TV last night ?


(You write) to Paul yet ? - I

(write) it all morning.

5 I

(give) it to them when they visit us.


1 My brother prefers coffee more than tea.

2 I have just finished to my test.

3 He went to Nha Trang since last week.

4 Many activities had prepared in our school recently.

5 They have lived here since they have come to HCM city.



Nowadays children’s education

(1) very rapidly In the past, teachers


children sit still for hours They made them remember all sorts of things In other words, the children

(3) go on repeating things

(4) , they

(5) them “by heart” Today, many

teachers wonder if it possible to make children

(6) all things They

(7) you can only

help them learn, you must let children learn and discover things for


1 changed

/ has changed / is changing

5 know / knew / is knowing

2 taked / say / made

6 learn / copy / make

3 must / had to / will have to

7 make / talk / say

4 during / since / until

8 they / themselves / it


1 How has the children’s education changed today ?


2 What did teachers make children for hours ?


3 What did the children have to until they knew them by heart ?


4 What many teachers wonder ?




I Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase given bellow :

(the second half, convenient, reminded, correspondent)



for tourists to take a taxi to their hotel.

The second part of a football match is


The man who writes reports and articles for a newspaper is a

The story

him of his early years in his native village.

II Write the verbs from the following nouns :

1 symbol :

2 drama :

3 apology :

4 critic :

5 emphasis

III Write synonym of the following words :

1 to fascinate =

2 to take part in =

3 tube =

4 moreover =

5 beside =

IV Write opposite of the following words :

1 to set a record 

2 fortunately 

3 comfortable 

4 debtor 

5 expensive 


I Rewrite the sentences as directed in parentheses :


He asked his brother to mail the letter yesterday (use “had” instead of “asked”).


You had better tell me about yourself (change into the negative form).


Lan’s mother gave her a gift Lan’s mother said she wanted to reward Lan for her good marks.(V-ing)


She is very old She can not work hard.(too to)

I can’t go with you because I am very busy.(so that)

Mary comes from a good family She is a clever girl.(not only but also)


The old lady asked the boy to help her to carry a heavy bag.(causative active form)


I am so busy that I have no time to go with you.(too to)

We are advised not to go out alone.(change into active voice)


He worried because of his father’s bad health.(make + O + V )


II Supply the correct verbs in the parentheses :

1 The car isn’t here today because my friend

(use) it.

2 We

(listen) to the radio when it suddenly stopped working.

3 She

(visit) Europe many times since she

(come) there three months ago.

4 How long

(you wait) for me ?- I

(wait) for you for two hours.

5 I

(not send) the parcel until I hear from you.

III correct the grammatical mistakes :


They will go until we shall come.

I enjoy to listen to music every night.

His father is used to taking him to the circus when the family lived in the city.



When has she begun learning French.


Sometimes we say that someone we know is “a square peg in a round hole” This simply means that the

person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing He maybe a book keeper who really wants

to be an actor or a mechanic Unfortunately, many people in the world are “square pegs”, they are not doing

the kind of work they should be doing for one reason or another As a result, they probably are not doing a

very good job and certainly they are not happy.

Choosing the right career is very important Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs For that

reasons we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them We can this through

aptitude tests, interviews with specialists, and study books in our field of interests There are many career

open to each of us Perhaps we like science Then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or

biologists May be our interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel

management or public relations Many people find their place in government service Teaching newspaper

work, medicine, engineering-these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and



1 Why is it important to find the right career ?


2 Name three ways that we can find the right career ?


3 What are some of the career found in the scientific world ?



















Many hundreds years

(1) there were many villages and few towns in England The

villagers liked to go into the forests and the fields when the spring came On first Sunday of May they usually

took a tree back

(2) them and put it

(3) the village The children danced

around it and the men and the women

(4) games around it Late the international working

class made the first of May the day of solidarity The first May Day

(5) in England in 1890,

when the workers decided to fight for an eight-hour working day and an end to the very long hours that they

worked In London the workers

(6) from all places to a meeting in Hyde Park This


(7) their solidarity and unity After that, May Day in England was usually


Day demonstrations The working people showed on those days their solidarity with the progressive people in

other counties.

1 ago / before / ahead / in front of.

celebrated / considered / born / organized.

2 follow / with / by / for.

participated / marched / promoted / symbolized.

3 between / among / in the centre of / in the middle of

marched / prepared / showed / hold.

4 joined / entered / took place / took part in.

are / were / has been / have been.


1 What did the English people on the first Sunday of May ?


2 When was the first May Day celebrated in England ?


3 Where did the workers in London hold a meeting ?


4 What did the working people show on those days ?




I Fill in the blanks with an appropriate words or phrase given below :

1 You can

on the beach It’s very nice today.(swim, go fishing, climb, sunbathe)

2 May Day is celebrated regularly

(on May 1


, in Great Britain, in the United States, in Vietnam).

3 There will be a lot of

on Teacher’s Day.(teachers, marches, beautiful flowers, homework).

4 They used to take a

bicycle trip to the countryside.(rest, recreation, performance, leisurely).

II Write the opposite of the following adjectives :

1 happy 

2 narrow 

3 sure 

4 cloudless

5 kind 

III Write the synonym of the following words :

1 to line up =

2 to start =

3 to interested in =

4 a great number of =

IV Find words or phrases which mean :


A person who takes care of a library :


A person who live and work in a big city :


A person who can play with his hands in a football match :


People who come into stadiums to watch matches :


Carefully in spending of money and time :


Public house for homeless people :


The place from which T V programmes are broadcast :


The person who watches television :


The man who is in black uniform and blow the whistle in the football match :


To go out of the country :


Paper for printing newspapers :


A period of ten years :

IV Rewrite these sentences in good English :


He learns English at a Foreign Language Centre at the moment



I wish I was there with you now.


If I have had time, I would have taken a bicycle race.




He asked his brother mail the letter yesterday.


This fence is being painted by Tom at o’clock yesterday morning.



Someone are interviewing Mr John at the moment


How long are you studying English ? - For six months.


When we left the beach, the rain already started.


I shall contact you as soon as they will phone me.

V Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct word for the blanks :

My home-town is Ho Chi Minh City, the

(1) city in Vietnam with

(2) million

people The city traffic is, therefore, very heavy

(3) to the latest statistics, there are over million

bicycles, 800.000 motorbikes and about 100.000 cars moving

(4) the city Meanwhile the streets are

(5) and in poor condition Worse still, the people sense of executing the traffic laws is bad As a

consequence, there happen many accidents

(6) score of people killed and injured everyday To

make the traffic safe and fast, everyone should strictly

(7) the traffic

(8) of the city

1 large / largest / the most large / the largest narrow / wide / large / big.

2 over / on / of / above.

6 doing / causing / harming / decreasing.

3 as / about / according / surrounding.

7 order / ask / apply / obey.

4 surround / around / circle / round.

8 rude / decree / regulations / notes.

* Answer the following questions :

1 What are the streets in Ho Chi Minh City like ?


2 What cause scores of people killed and injured everyday ?


VI Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions :

One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been in the invention of computers They are

already widely used in industry and in universities and the time may come when it will be possible for ordinary

people to use them as well Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of

learning They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order.

These machines can be put to varied uses For instance, they provide information on the best way to prevent

traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times the word “and” has been used in Bible Because they

work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work This whole process by

which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation In the future, automation may enable

human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they today.

1 Tell the capacities of the computers ?



2 Why can computers save research workers years of hard work ?



3 What may automation help human being in the future ?



I Form nouns from the following Adjectives :

1 shy :

2 ready :

3 polite :

4 sick :

5 willing :

6 great :

7 weak :

8 useful :

fierce :


II Form adverbs from the following Adjectives :

1 soft :

2 warm :

3 quiet :

4 beautiful :

5 happy :

6 careful :

7 swift :

8 bright :

9 hurry :

10 good :

11 busy :

12 fast :

III Form nouns from the following Verbs :

1 to celebrate :

2 to punish :



decide :

4 to criticize :

5 to discuss :



cooperate :

7 to entertain :

8 to symbolize :

9 to move :

10 to emphasize :

11 to produce :

12 to collect :

13 to educate :

14 to improve :

15 to treat :

16 to act :

17 to agree :

18 to explose :

19 to apologize :

20 to produce :

IV Write the opposite of the following words :

1 to dress 

2 to set free

3 to tie

4 to fasten 

5 to break a record 

6 various 

7 known (adj)

8 simple

9 better 

10 helpful 

11 to button :

12 to decrease 

13 to lock 

14 to take off 

V Reading the passage carefully and answer the following questions :

Daniel Mendoza.

Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago In those days, boxers fought with

bare fists for prize money Because of this, they were known as “prize-fighters” However boxing was very

crude for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during the match One

of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764 the use of gloves was

not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules Though he was

technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude fighting into a sports, for he brought science to

the game In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity He was adored by the rich and the poor alike.

1 Why could a boxer be seriously injured or even killed during the match two hundred years ago ?



2 Why was Mendoza adored by the rich and the poor alike ?


VI Fill in the gaps with the correct words given below :


homesick, flow, traffic-jam, meadows, weeds, rush-hours,


1 In our highlands there are large

where cattle can come and graze.

2 This part of the river is not good for swimming It is full of

3 When we are away from home for a long time, we usually feel

4 The seven little brooks

gently through green meadows.

5 Most streets in a big city are very crowded during

6 During rush-hours,

usually happen.


I Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences : (2ms)



2 If I had had enough time tonight, I would write a letter to my cousin


3 His English is improving It is getting gooder and gooder.


4 It used to take one hour he drive the car sixty kilometres from home to his office.


5 That house should buy immediately.

II Reading the passage :

Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive You play to win, and the game has little meaning

unless you your utmost to win On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local

patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simple for the fun and exercise: but as soon as the question of pretige

arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage

combative instincts are aroused Anyone who has played even in a school football match know this At the

international level sport is frankly mimic warfare But the significant thing is not the behavour of the players but

the spectators, of the nations who work themselves into furies over these absurd contests, and seriously believe

-at any r-ate for short periods - th-at running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of n-ational virtue.

* Answer the questions : (2ms)

1 When are the most savage combative instincts of players aroused ?



2 Why does the writer say that “football contests are tests of national virtue ?



III Find and correct the errors in the following sentences : (1m)


Her throat was such a sore that she hardly speak.



Many people are said that are homeless after the floods.



Because the shops will be shut, tomorrow is a holiday.



She’s a twenty-year-old woman.


The road in front of your house is preparing.

IV Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences : (1ms)


Peter / take a bath / before / he / have / breakfast.


John / be / not / tall / Tom.


He / wait for / his mother / since / six o’clock.


The teacher / tell / them / read / the / text / carefully.


Streets / crowded / there are / not / traffic jams.


She / watch / a mother bird / feed / her babies.


They / talked / the lion-tamers / they / admired.


He / wish / he / be / beach / last week.


If / I / be / you / I / give / her / some flowers.


The house / painted white / be / the corner

V Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the cues: (0,5m)

1 Alice saw the new-born calf She looked happy.



The longer

3 It was an excellent show We all enjoyed it

It was such an

4 He could not drive fast The traffic was heavy.


5 Mai’s family was glad to go to Britain The trip was expensive.


VI Write a letter to one of your friends or one of your relatives : (about 150 words) : (2ms)













VII Rewrite the following sentences as directed in the parentheses : (1m)

1 The man is friendly The man’s son is my friend (relative pronoun).


2 Mai will have someone make her blouse (Turn into passive voice)


3 Buses are cheap They have a lot of passengers (double comparative)


4 Susan is so young that she can’t go to the pictures (“too” or “enough”)


5 The clown is very funny He attracts a lot of children (“so that” or “such that”)


6 Did you send her a present yesterday ? (Turn into passive voice)


7 The music is very soft We can’t hear it (“too” or “enough”)


8 The girl doesn’t look happy Today is her birthday (though)


VIII Fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs given below: (0,5m)

Look up, pick out, put aside, turn off.

1 Which book did you

to send to Helen ?

2 I want to

money for my vacation trip.

3 She couldn’t

the switch.

4 He

the new word in a dictionary.


I Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses :

1 What would you if you

(take) part in the meeting ?

2 Up to now, I

(study) my English lesson two times.


4 The school library

(paint) since I

(be) here.

5 When I arrived at the circus, the acrobats

(fly) from trapeze to trapeze.

II Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase given below :


homesick, flow, meadows, weeds


1 In our highlands there are large

where cattle can come and graze.

2 This part of the river is not good for swimming It is full of

3 When we are away from home for a long time, we usually feel

4 The seven litle brooks

gently through green meadows.

III Rewrite the following sentences as directed :

1 Mr Pike designed thet bridge in 1970 (passive voice)


2 The dress is new She is wearing it (relative pronoun)


3 They laughed a lot because of the comedy (make + O + bare inf)


4 Our homework was corrected by my teacher (active voice)


5 Jim doesn’t study hard He doesn’t get better grades (Unreal conditional form “if”)


6 My father can’t give up smoking (I wish)


7 This is the girl she sang a love song yesterday.( using THAT)


8 I come from a country Its history goes back thousands of years (Relative pronoun)


9 The weather here is (cold) at home (using the correct form of the adj in bracket)


10 They will go to the beach in about two hours (It + take + O + time + To inf )


11 Mary will clean the floor in fifteen minutes (It + take + O + time + To inf )


12 Was that book written by Mark Twain ? (active voice)


13 Mr Green will ask his daughter to mend his shirt (Causative active form)


14 The boy went up the hill They look down at the fields (present participle)


15 Who among the is (busy) ? (using the correct form of the adj in bracket)


16 Someone was making coffee when I walked into the kitchen (passive voice)


17 She didn’t remember the small town She had been born and grown up in that town (relative adverb)


18 I’m not flying on a beautiful sunny beach ( I wish)


19 The waitress was friendly She served us dinner (adjective clause)

IV Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses :


2 The school library

(build) two years ago.

3 My father

(be) a teacher for 20 years.

4 When we arrived, he

(read) a newspaper.

5 I can’t go to the seashore this week I wish I


V Rewrite the following sentences in good English :


They’re the people who their shops burned down last week.



If you asked me, I would have lent you my car.


I wish they visited us when they were in town


Her daughter’s behavour is getting bader and bader.


The house has being built of stone and cement.

VI Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences :


He / just / see / the new teacher / hall.


The spectators / watching / the football match / since / two o’clock.



Last night, after / he / / his homework / he / watch / a football game / TV.



The underground / can / use / by most commuters.



The driver / can / pick / them / hotel.


I / tell / him / the truth / if / I / be / you.


Coming / the village common / she / saw / the children / play / football.



These are / the cattle / raise / by Mr Green.


They / not / throw / the crackers.

10 You’d better / not / stay / late.

VII Read the passage and choose the correct words for the gaps :

Public transport in London is expensive The fare

(1) on the length of the journey You

can not buy books of tickets in advance Children

(2) sixteen pay half, and those under five

travel free you usually

(3) bus tickets from a conductor, but on some buses you pay the

driver Most London

(4) are double deckers On the

(5) railway (or

tube) you buy your ticket from a

(6) or a ticket office, and give it up at the

(7) of the journey Not all trains from one

(8) go to the same place, so

watch the signs, the last train leaves at 00:15.

1 depends / depots / departs / depresses.


taxi / plane / car / underground.

2 above / under / inside / outside.


phone box / washing machine / machine / mechanic.

3 send / sell / buy / bring.


ends / end / finally / at last.

4 undergrounds / taxis / trains / buses.


platform / place / stage / station.


Answer the questions :

1 Where you buy your tickets from on the underground railway?


2 Why you have to watch the signs ?


3 What time will the last train leave ?


* Translate the whole paragraph into Vietnamese :


1 I stopped working many times because of the noise (Make + O + bare inf)


2 As soon as it (stop) raining, the workers went on with their work (use the correct form of the verb)


3 That team was presented the cup yesterday morning.(active voice)


4 The car was expensive We couldn’t buy it (“so that” or “such that”)


5 Are you going to ask her to clean your coat ? (causative active form)


6 If they (receive) the news sooner, they’d have written to John (supply the correct form of the verb)


7 My friend was too eager to wait for me (so that)


8 The play was interesting It attracted many people (double comparative)


9 The boy called the police His wallet was stolen (relative pronoun)


10 This book is very difficult I can’t read it (“too” or “enough”)


II Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses :

1 The teacher wishes the boys

(stop) making noise now.

2 The show

(be) interesting if there had been more performing animals.

3 The new TV station

(not build) since last month.

4 After a young athlete

(carry) the Olympic torch into the stadium, the game began.

5 The sun always

(rise) in the East Look ! It

(rise) now.

III Find and correct the errors in the following sentences :


The food was very hot for me to eat.


This coat is not enough warm for me I can’t wear in winter.



I don’t have money enough to borrow you.


I don’t have enough time for eating breakfast.


Although I didn’t eat, I was hungry.

IV Read the text carefully and choose the correct words for the blanks :

Country life

Some people love to live in a

(1) while others prefer town life The choice of each

individual depends on many needs of human beings In a countryside we can live in the midst of

(2) while in a town we are surrounded by buildings, factories and other man-made things In

countryside houses are spread out and there is plenty of greenery Sometimes, green fields or orchards are

found in the neighbourhood The beautiful surroundings with trees and shrubs are pleasing to our eyes.

Moreover the air is

(3) and cool, which is good

(4) a healthy living A

country life is full

(5) charms The ripping rivers, the grazing cows and the chirping birds give

us great pleasures in life Country life is

(6) than town life The people who live in a country

are a contented community because they have few desires We should not forget that there are some

disadvantages in living in a countryside The country folks not have school nearby or

(7) for

any emergency in life Some countryside residents have to depend on rivers or wells for drinking water.

(8) inspite of theses problems it is healthier and more peaceful to live in a country than in a


1 countryside / city / foreign country.

5 from / of / in.

2 natural / nature / nation.

6 more cheap / cheapest / cheaper.

3 cold / new / fresh.

7 hospitals / schools / factories.

4 for / at / of

8 beside / moreover / however.

* Answer the following questions :


What are the attractions of country life ?



What is country life different from town life ?


* Translate the whole text into Vietnamese :

PAPER 11 :

I Fill in the blanks with words given below :

( economically, pulp, recycled, public )


Soft mass of material used for making paper is called


Waste paper can be used again after being


Members of a community are called


He is careful in spending his money He spends money

II Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions :


Paper bags and newspapers are often screwed and thrown


They could see hens and ducks run

the farm.


After checking

at the hotel, they had a porter take their suitcases to the room.


They recycled paper by taking

the ink and making it into pulp again.

III Do as directed in parentheses :

1 They met the acrobat They saw him in the circus last night.(relative pronoun)


2 People buy tickets from the ticket booth (passive voice)


3 Tom is very weak He can’t carry suitcases upstairs.(Replacing weak to strong and rewrite)


4 This book is interesting enough for you to read many times.(so that).


5 I will ask my teacher to translate a letter into Vietnamese.(causative passive form)


6 He (already go) by the time we arrived.(supply the correct form of the verb in brackets)


7 We save many paper A lot of wood pulp is preserved (double comparative)


8 The underground is cheap It is faster than the bus.(using “however” or “besides”).


9 The sun is high The shadow is short.(double comparative).


10 Prices have gone up Things are not cheap They used to be cheap.(using “as as”)


IV Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the parentheses :

1 My uncle was watering the flowers when I


2 She

(learn) English since she was ten.

3 The children kept

(talk) about the film they had seen.


V Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the cues :

1 To find the notice board in the hall is easy.


2 You practise English a lot You’ll speak fast.

The more

3 Mai is good She can pass the examination.

Mai is good enough

4 I own a very small house.

I wish

5 She was lazy She didn’t pass the examination.


6 The tooth is very decayed It can not be kept.

The tooth is too

7 They have to give book reports in class.

I want them

8 My father asked me to repair the electric cooker.

My father had me

9 I stopped many times because of the noise.

The noise made me

10 Tell me the way to Trafalgar square.

Would you mind

PAPER 12 :

I Find words or phrases which mean :


Paper for printing newspapers :


Not wasteful :


A television programme that help us see events at the same time as they are happening :


A person who watches television :


A period of ten years :

II Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions :

1 Jack is very good

repairing things.

2 When it rains, I go to school


3 We are fighting

independence and unity.

4 I don’t like to borrow money

my friends.

III Do as directed in parentheses :


I have just gone back to the town I was born there.(relative adverb)



The floor was being cleaned by Anne (active voice)



I wish I (have) enough money to buy a car.(supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses)



They asked the workers to whitewash the ceiling (causative active form)



He run fast (double comparative)


The test is so easy that they can it (using “too” or “enough”)



David has many friends He can’t remember their names (“so that” or “such that”)



My sister decided to accept that work it was difficult (fill in the gap with a correct conjunction)



My bicycle is not as (expensive) as yours (supply the correct form of the adjective in parentheses)


IV Supply the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses :

1 He never did his homework If he

(do) his homework, he

(not worry) about his examination.

2 They saw the birds

(fly) up from bushes.

3 They

(talk) about their weekend since o’clock.

4 I wish I

(travel) around the world last summer.

5 She earns her living by

(sell) fruit.

V Find and correct the errors in the following sentences :


The match has been going on since two hours


Since it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.



We are reading David Copperfield, wrote by Charles Dickens.



Mr Micawber is said that is a picture of Dickens’s father.



We called this machine is a bulldozer.

VI Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences :


would you mind / look for / the knife / kitchen.



Rubber / not only / soft / elastic


Mr Green / used to / take / children / the circus.


He / is / used to / live / big city.


He / wish / he / be / beach / last week.


When / we / come / the circus / the show / already / begin.



The teams / playing / an hour.


The stands / being / fill / when / they arrived.

VII reading the passage carefully then choose the correct words for the blanks :

Television is one of man’s most important

(1) of communication It brings

(2) and sounds from around the world into millions of homes A person with a TV set

can sit in his house and watch the president

(3) a speech or visit a foreign country He

can see a war being fought and watch statesmen try to bring about peace

(4) television.

Home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things far away lands TV even takes its viewers

(5) of this world It brings them coverage of astronauts as the astronauts explore outer

(6) In addition to all this things, TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programs

(7) are designed to entertain In fact, TV provides many


entertainment programs than any other kinds The programs include action packed dramas, light comdies,

sporting events and motion pictures.

1 transports / means / measures / mean.

5 outer / out / inside / beside.

2 films / cinemas / pictures / movies.

6 place / surface / space / face.

3 did / made / / make.

7 whose / who / whom / that.

4 through / pass / by / from.

8 more / much / the most / most.

* answer the following questions :


2 TV even takes its viewers out of this world, doesn’t it ?


3 In addition to all those things what does TV bring its viewers ?


* Translate the whole passage into Vietnamese :

PAPER 13 :

I Do as directed in parentheses :

1 The boy will be punished He threw that stone (relative pronoun)


2 I can’t these exercises quickly (passive voice)


3 Are you going to have John repair your bicycle ? (causative active form)


4 He runs quickly He feel tired (double comparative)


5 The weather was very bad We couldn’t go out (“too” or “enough”)


6 It was too hot We couldn’t sleep last night (“so that” or “such that”)


7 My father was too sick to go to work (so that)


8 They save money They can buy a television set (so that)


9 The live torch represents the patriotism.(Write the basic pattern)


10 He didn’t go to school He was sick (use “although” or “because”)

II Supply the correct forms of the verbs in the parentheses :

1 The play

(already begin) by the time we arrived at the theatre.

2 What you

(do) if you

(have) a day off last week ?

3 My father had the door

(paint) green.

4 Nobody did homework in class,

(supply question tag)

5 Mr Pike

(live) here for twenty-five years.

III Find and correct the errors in the following sentences :

1.When I was a young man, I used to living in the quiet countryside and now I am used to live in a big city.


2 It was so an excellent show that we all enjoyed it


There isn’t time enough for the pupils to this test.


Mr Green had a porter carried their luggage.


Lan told Tom not to take reference books out of the library.


IV Use the following sets of the words and phrases to write complete sentences :


The pupils / learn / their / lesson / when / the principal / come.



We / wait / school gate / until / you / come back.



The acrobat / we / see / TV / last night / be / Tom / uncle.



We / take / you / Dalat / we / can / enjoy / pure air.



Teachers’ Day / be / the day / pupils / show / their gratitude / their teachers.



She / send / him / letter / after / she / get / his address.



I / know / the boy / bicycle / be / over there.


Peter / run / faster / faster.


If / he / go / London / yesterday / he / meet / his old friend.


V Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the cues :


I learn English a lot I like it a lot.

The more


The film was very good We saw it through

The film was good enough


The performing is very long They can’t broadcast it.

The programme is too


Mr Green told them about Charles Dickens.

They asked Mr Green


They did their homework at o’clock They watched the football game on TV at o’clock.




She is both intelligent and beautiful

She is not only


They produce a lot of paper They need a lot of wood pulp.

The more paper


The school girls will needlework at home.

The principal said that


Last year I got many bad marks

I wished I


Where was the dentist’s office ?

She showed me

PAPER 14 :

I Complete the following sentences with words from the given list :

(allowance, constantly, consequently, retired)

1 Mr Micawber was in debt all the time He was

in debt.

2 He could not pay his debt;

he was imprisoned.

3 On his release, he retired and lived on a small annual

4 My grandfather is too old to work He

quite a long time ago.

II Find the word which means :


A child who has lost his parents :


Place where orphans are bred :


Public house for homeless people :


The last meal of the day :

III Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs :

1 Charles Dickens was born

a poor clerk family Portsmouth,

the south coast of


February 17




2 Twelve-year-old Charles, who had been taken

school eleven, was sent to work

a factory labeling bottles

six shillings a week.

IV Do as directed in parentheses :


May Day is the day Marches and celebrations are held on that day (relative adverb)



I had told my brother to close the door before I went to school.(Causative active form)



The house is large It is expensive (double comparative)



The policeman ran fast He could catch the thief (“too” or “enough”)



The question was easy enough for me to answer (so that)



He is a very lazy pupil He never does his homework.(“so that” or “such that”)



I can not that work.(use I wish )


My friend gave a gift to her They are telling about their trip.(write the basic pattern for them)



I took my uncle to the airport last Saturday They have elected him president (write the basic pattern)


V Supply the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses :

1 Tom is used to

(ride) his bicycle to school every morning.

2 Have you ever seen a mother bird

(feed) her babies ?

3 If I

(have) time, I would come to see you.

4 I couldn’t buy that dress because when I came the clothing store, it


5 He

(sleep) soundly when the rain started.

VI Rewrite the following sentences in correct English :


I had my luggage carry to the train.


The country air is fresh, however it is not polluted.


The more dark it is, the more cold it gets.


They could see smoke to rise up from the cottages.


The more he eats, he becomes fatter.

VII Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences :


I / often / buy / the products / make / this factory.


She / too / angry / speak / a word.


Ride / a wooden horse / children / be / happy.


Tea / be / hot / too / us / drink.


Alice / speak / English / well / Tom.


She / be / clever / smart.


He / be / a tractor driver / a mechanic ?


They / be / eager / start / the new school year.


He / say / that / he / come / here / early.


Jack / / best / win / our team.

VIII Read the text carefully then answer the questions and translate it into Vietnamese :

Forest are useful for man in many ways They are the home of wild animals In the forest there are many

kinds of rare plants Forests supply materials for producing medicines and wood for making everything We

always need wood for building, cooking and heating Forests help us prevent heavy rain from washing the earth

away, especially on mountains Saving forests has become an urgent problem for all nations in the world.


What forests supply us ?



What forests help us prevent ?

* Translate the whole paragraph into Vietnamese :


I Complete the following sentences with words from the given list :

( patriotism, retreat, defeat, heroes )

1 In the history of our country, there have been a lot of

They are respected by

our people for their courage, admirable qualities.

2 The image of the live torch today represents the

of Vietnamese youth.

II Give words which mean :


Play a trick on someone :


Boy or man respected for his bravery :


Small groups of persons :


Go back, withdraw :

III Do as directed in parentheses :

1 At times, we can enjoy a live programme on our TV.(Turn into passive voice)


2 Cattles are being sold by farmers at the fair.(Turn into active voice)


3 They have just asked Mr John to tell him about Charles Dickens (Use causative active form)


4 The old lady asked the boy to carry a heavy bag upstairs (Use causative passive form)


5 People save a lot of paper Wood pulp are preserved (double comparative)


6 The film is interesting enough for us to hear it twice.(Using “so that”)


7 He’s too stupid to understand this matter.(Using “so that”)


8 The girl is not clever She can not mend this shirt.(Using “too” or “enough”)


9 My brother is sorry that he was not there yesterday.(Use “wish” instead of “sorry”)


10 It is raining Nam is a good pupil.(Write the basic pattern for the sentence)


IV Supply the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses :

1 Mr Brown used to

(play) football when he

(be) young.

2 I

(not hear) from him since we last


3 He

(buy) a new house last year, but he

(not sell)

his old house yet, so at the moment he has two houses.

4 It

(say) that he was a famous doctor.

5 Hamlet

(write) by Shakespeare, is a famous tragedy.

V Correct grammatical mistakes :


She is too late for her to go to the cinema.


The teacher notices pupils to make noisy.


The boy ran as fatter as he could.


Would you mind to give me a book ?


They’ve finished to work on their report.

VI Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences :



This book / enough / interesting / you / read / it.


The fruit / green / too / be eaten.


I / want / her / perform / this play.


They / had / porter / carry / their / luggage / the hotel.


They / had / their luggage / carry / the hotel.


I / saw / the goalkeeper / catch / the ball / beautifully.


There are / two decayed teeth / need / pull out.

VII Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the cues :

1 Alice saw a new-born calf She looked happy.


2 She waited long She became impatient.

The longer

3 The readers must have library cards They want to borrow books.

The readers who

4 The books are for reference They are on the shelf near the librarian.

The books which

5 The signs were very bright We could see them from a long distance.

The signs were so


It was an excellent show We all enjoyed it.

It was such an


He could not drive fast The traffic was heavy.



Mai’s family was glad to go to Britain The trip was expensive.



Many readers use this card catalogue.

This card catalogue


She sell many goods She’ll make many profits.

The more

PAPER 16 :

I Complete the following sentences with words from the given list :

(memorial, scientific, contrast, memories)

1 During our visit to Ha noi, we all admire Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum It is a splendid monument, a

to a great man.

2 London contained two worlds, the world of the rich and the world of the poor workers There is a big

between them.

3 With

methods, the land has put out more products.

4 School girls often like to keep diaries in which they write all the

of their childhood.

II Give the antonym of :

1 pure air 

2 quickly 

3 quiet 

4 successful 

III Read the passage carefully then choose the proper words for these gaps :

Environmental pollution is a term that

(1) to all the way by which man pollutes his

surroundings Man dirties the air with gases and smoke,

(2) the water with chemicals and other

substances, and damages the soil with

(3) many fertilizers and pesticides Man also pollutes his


(4) various other ways.


(5) people ruin natural beauty by scattering

litter on the land and in water They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing


facing mankind today Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things Badly-polluted air

can cause illness, and

(8) death Polluted water kills fish and other marine life Pollution of soil

reduces the amount of land for growing food Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally

beautiful world.

1 refers / offers / prefers / prepares.

5 however / for example / because / such as.

2 flows / poisons / pours / floods.

6 shout / cry / noise / noisy.

3 so / such / enough / too.

7 problems / products / probable / projects.

4 by / with / in / on.

8 although / ever / even if / even.

* Answer the following questions :

1 What does man always to pollute his surroundings ?


2 What can badly-polluted air cause ?


3 How about polluted water and soil ?


IV Read the paragraph carefully and translate it into Vietnamese :

The most serious problem of modern time is that man is destroying the earth’s natural resources and

transforming huge areas into waste land As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough food to

feed Another problem is the air pollution which is a cause of ill-health in human beings In a lot of countries

there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Although there isn’t enough

information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that the air pollution cause lung


V Combine the following sentences by using present participle :

1 I have been abroad, so I missed the election


2 They took off their shoes and crept cautiously along the passage.


3 He rode away and whistled as he went.


4 He fell and stroke his head against the door.


5 He has to study English because he is a student.


VI Rewrite the sentences with an inversion:


He rarely spoke about the difficulties in his work.



He knows little about the news.


She seldom goes to the cinema with her friends.


Tom not only gave me a book but he also told me the content.



I could hardly understand what he was saying.

VII Rewrite the following sentences in correct verb forms :


We’ll get cold in the desert when winter will come.


It’s important that money was collected for the cause.


Bill cut his hair last month, but now it grows again.


Since 1976, he lived in Brazil.


The restaurant suggested that we arrived on time for our reservation.


PAPER 17 :

I Rewrite the sentences by using Present participle :


I was lost, so I had to ask someone the way.


I am out of work, so I spend a lot of time at home.



There was so much noise I could not hear what was going on.



It was a holiday, so there were thousands of cars on the roads.



They were in no mood for jokes because they had been up all night.


II Rewrite the following sentences by using past participle :

1 The painting was lost for many years It turned up at an auction.


2 Although the meet was cooked for several hours It was still tough.


3 The vegetables which are sold in this shop are grown without chemical.


4 If you are accepted for the job, you’ll be informed soon.


5 When it was viewed from a distance, it resembled a cloud.


III Translate the texts into Vietnamese :

A China said today that there was heavy lost of life in the earthquake which struck Tangshan city yesterday.

Survious said that Tangshan, an Industrial city of one million people, 160 kilometres east of Peking, was

completely devastated Observers living in Peking said it appeared that only a small part of the one million

inhabitants escaped death or injury Many of the man of Tangshan were working in the mines deep under the

earth’s surface when the earthquake occurred Unfortunately, few of those miners have survived.

B During world war II, a group people in Oxford, England, organized Oxfam to send money to Greece.

When the war was over, they continued to give money, food and clothing to other countries It wanted to prevent

problems instead of trying to solve them after they start However, it continues to provide food to the hungry,

sick and homeless.

C London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest city in the world It is situated on the both banks

of the river Thames The west end is the business heart of London This is the Britain’s commercial and banking

centre The East end, which lies on the left bank of the Thames, sprawls out into upon row of flow, dark houses

making up the slumps inhabited by working people Many of them have to toil away day and night to drag out

their miserable existence.

IV Combine the following sentences by using Relative clause :


I’ve seen only a few They were all black.(Begin the combination with “the few”)



Bring me the cigarettes I left them on the table.(Combine into one sentence)



What was the name of the girl ? She came here last night.



Who would stay away from home as he does ? He has such a charming wife



V Turn the following sentences into Passive form :


It astonished us to hear that you had not received our letter.



They say that John is the cleverest student in the class.



The president had suffered a heart attack.


It’s time someone told him to be polite.


They ought to repair their bicycle.

VI Rewrite the following sentences with appropriate verb-form tense :

1 So far, no real progress

(make), have it ?

- It two months now since they

(start) complaining.



(hear) from Mac Donald ? - Not since he

(settle) in Wales in 1990.

3 Their style came as a revolution, nothing like it

(grow) again.

4 Bill had his hair cut last month, but now it

(grow) again.

5 When I got home, I

(feel) very tired, so I

(go) to bed.

6 He was feeling very tired He

(study) all day.

VII Supply the tag-questions :


Let’s go for a walk,




I am too fat,


He had his hair cut last month,


You have to get a ticket,

VIII Rewrite the following sentences as directed :

1 We can’t exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale.(turn into passive voice)


2 This work is so heavy that it can’t be done by one man (using the structure “too to” or “enough to”)


3 It’s important to be polite to other people.(Change into Gerund subject)


4 I suggest (telephone) the hospital before (ask) the police(look) for him (using the correct forms of the

verbs in parentheses)


5 School children should their homework.(using “It + adj + to V”)


6 She was named Sarah by her Godparents.(change into active voice)


7 There was no one in, so I left a message (Rewrite into participle phrase)


8 They were both tired and hungry (Rewrite with the structure “not only but also”)


9 I was tired because of the hard work yesterday (make + O + V )


10 They asked the boy to their homework.(turn into the passive voice)



Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 05:22



