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Student: Class: _ E6 – REVISION U9+U10 (Học sinh làm tất tập) I Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence

1 He isn’t fat He is…………

A very fat B long C thin D not thin

2 ………are your eyes? They’re black

A What B What color C Which D How old

3 The weight lifter isn’t light He’s………

A heavy B short C full D thin

4 Is ………… nose big? Yes, it is

A she B it C he D her

5 Is Tuan weak or strong? - ………

A Yes, he is B He’s strong C No, he isn’t D He’s thin

6 She is a beautiful girl ……… an oval face

A but B and C with D or

7 What color are his sister’s eyes? ………… are brown

A These B There C We D They

8 Is Miss Lan’s face round ……… oval?

A or B and C with D but

9 Is his nose……… ? No, it isn’t It’s small

A small B fat C big D black

10 My mother has beautiful teeth Her teeth are………

A brown B white C not white D black

11 His hair is short It isn’t …………

A tall B light C heavy D long

12 She has………….oval face

A the B a C her D an

13 What color are these flowers? They’re red, purple………orange

A with B or C and D but

14 Are her lips full or thin? - ………

A Yes, they are full B No, they aren’t full C Her lips are short D They are full 15 Does she have a round face or an oval face?

A Yes, she does B No, she doesn’t

C She has a round face D She doesn’t have a round face 16 What are those? They are his………

A head B teeth C chest D ear

17 My mother has ………… long hair

A the B a C an D Ø

18 What color are your mother’s ……….?

A lips B hair C leg D face

19 A weight lifter must be ………

A weak B strong C light D small

20 What does your sister do? She’s a………

A weight B lift C gym D gymnast

21 I’m ………I’d like some meat and some rice

A tired B thirsty C hungry D full

22 How does she ………… ? She’s cold

A feel B C feels D want

23 Are there any……… ?

A meat B apple juice C apples D fish

24 What is there………? There is some milk

A drink B eat C to eat D to drink

25 I eat an apple every morning It’s my……….fruit


26 Would you like some tea? No, ………I’m not thirsty

A I would B I wouldn’t C I don’t like D I’d like

27 He feels tired He wants………

A to go bed B go bed C go to bed D to go to bed 28 ………like some coffee?

A Would you B Do you would C Would you to D Wouldn’t


29 What are these?……….are potatoes

A It B They C You D There

30 ……….is there for lunch?

A Who B Which C How D What

31 There isn’t………… milk in the jar

A some B any C a D an

32 She’d like………….orange

A some B any C an D a

33 There are………….oranges and bananas

A some B any C an D a

34 There………some water

A aren’t B are C isn’t D is

35 There………any noodles

A is B are C aren’t D isn’t

36 I’m hungry I’d like some noodles What………….you, Ba?

A B about C are D for

37 What’s……… lunch? There is some meat and some rice

A for B at C about D in

38 I’m not hungry, ……… I am thirsty

A and B too C or D but

39 His favorite ……… are tea and orange juice

A drinks B food C drink D foods

40 Do you like carrots? Yes, ………

A I don’t B I like C I D I don’t like

II Fill in the blanks with “a, an, some, any”: There isn’t …… ……… milk

2 No, there aren’t ……… ……noodles I have ……… … orange

4 Do you have …… …….meat? I’m hungry I’d like …… …….chicken

6 I want……… ……apple I’d like … … …… milk That is ……… … onion She wants…… ………… beans 10 Lan has ……… … bike

11 There is ………… … water 12 There isn’t ……… …… butter

13 There are vegetables 14 Is there fruit juice? 15 Are there apples? 16 Is there soup? 17 There isn’t sugar 18 There

aren’t sandwiches 19 There are flowers inthe vase

20 I want oranges

III Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them:

1 I like orange juice Orange juice is……… ……….……

2 I want some bananas I would

like She likes fish Fish is………… ………


5 I would like apple juice I……… ………

6 Iced tea and iced coffee are cold drinks Cold drinks ……… ………

7 My favorite cold drink is milk tea  Milk

tea I like milk and orange juice My favorite……… ………

9 The weight lift is heavy He is……… ………

10 The gymnast is light She is……… … ………

11 Lan has long black hair Lan’s hair…… ……….…… ………

12 Hong has a big red schoolbag Hong’s schoolbag……… ………

13 She has a round face //

Her……… ……… 14 He has a small nose //

His……… ……… 15 The house is beautiful //

It’s 16 The school is big //

It’s 17 I am not weak //  I am……… ……… …………

18 Her eyes are black //

She……… ………… 19 His lips are thin //

He……… … 20 He is heavy // He

isn’t……… … ………… IV Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1 Nga …… …….full lips (have)

2 Miss Lan …… …… ……brown eyes (not have) These girls … ……….long black hair (have) 4.……… your brother’s teeth white? (be) I……… …… … many pens (have)

6 Miss White …… ………….black eyes (have)

7.……… … you … …… … any pencils? (have) What color ……… …….her eyes? (be)

9 What ………… …those? They …… …….feet (be) 10 He……… ……… TV every night (watch)

11 My sister …… ……… the dishes every day (wash) 12 She……….… ………any meat (not want)

13 I ………… …apples It’s my favorite fruit (like) 14.They ……… ………a new house (want) 15.I’m tired I’d like… …… ………down (sit) 16 We ……….our lesson now (write) 17 Look! Linh ………… ………(come)

18 Mr and Mrs Binh ……… ……….a new house (want) 19 My sister …… …………a red car (have)

20 I would ……… ……….some iced tea.(like)

21 Mai ………… …… her teeth after every meal (brush) 22 She ……… ………some fish at the moment (eat) 23 It ……… …….very hot now (be)


25 Nam………… … to school every day He……… …………to school now (go) 26 Look! She ……… ……… soccer now (play)

27 She is tired She would like………… ……down (sit) 28.The children ………… …….……… TV now (watch)

29……… … you …… …… any pencils? (have) 30 His friend……… ……….in the country (live) V Read then answer True or False :

Passage 1

Hoa has many friends Lan is her friend She has an oval face Her lips are thin Her eyes are round Her hair is black Lan is thin but she is strong She is a gymnast

1 Lan’s hair is black _

2 She doesn’t have an oval face _

3 She is weak _

4 Her lips aren’t full _

Passage 2

Linh is a gymnast She is tall and thin She is light but she isn’t weak She’s very strong She has an oval face Her lips are full She has a small nose Her teeth are small and white

1 Linh isn’t fat _

2 Her nose is big _

3 She has white teeth _

4 Her face is round _ Passage 3

Hello, my name’s Van I’m a student Every morning I get up at 6:00m and have

breakfast at 6:20 a.m I often eat bread and drink a glass of milk Then I walk to school At 12:00, I have a big lunch with rice, fish or meat, vegetables and soup I often have chicken and vegetables for dinner

1 Van has breakfast at home

2 She has bread and milk for breakfast She has lunch at eleven o’clock

4 She has meat for dinner

Passage 4

I am Nam I study far from my house, so I have lunch at the school’s canteen The food here is very good and cheap I often have some rice with meat and vegetables for lunch My favorite vegetables are potatoes and carrots

1 Nam has lunch at school

2 The food at the school’s canteen is cheap He has some fish and meat for lunch

4 He doesn’t like potatoes

VI Choose the best word to fill in the blank: Passage 1

This is a photo of my (1)……….My mother isn’t tall Her (2)……….is long and black My father isn’t (3)…………He’s fat His nose is big This is my brother He is thin but he is (4)………… His eyes are black This is my sister She is tall and (5)………… a round face And this is me with a (6)…………hat

1 A family B brother C mother D father

2 A body B hair C arm D legs

3 A long B full C thin D heavy

4 A round B long C blue D strong

5 A has B is C have D are

6 A blue B long C short D tall

Passage 2

There are four people in my family My father isn’t (1)………… He is tall with black hair and a big nose My mother is (2)…………tall She is short (3)…………face is oval with round eyes My sister is beautiful Her (4)………….is long and her (5)… … is round I am tall and I (6)………long black hair


2 A no B isn’t C not D

3 A Their B His C My D Her

4 A hair B legs C shoulders D eyes

5 A head B hand C toe D face

6 A has B have C am D is

Passage 3

Nam has breakfast at 6:30 He (1)……….bread and hot milk It’s his favorite drink At 11:30 he has a (2)…… lunch with chicken, vegetables and rice He (3)…………chicken It’s his favorite food (4)……… is at 6:30 in the evening He has some fish, soup and rice He drinks (5)… orange juice for dinner He likes apples It’s his favorite (6)………

1 A has B have C eat D like

2 A round B thin C big D red

3 A likes B doesn’t like C feels D like

4 A Breakfast B Lunch C Meal D Dinner

5 A some B a C any D the

6 A drink B food C fruit D vegetables

Passage 4

I’m David (1)……this is my sister, Lucy My favorite (2)……is chicken and Lucy’s favorite food is fish I am (3)… …now so I would like some (4)…… with chicken Lucy is (5)…… hungry, (6)………she is hot and thirsty , she would like iced tea

1 A with B and C but D too

2 A vegetables B drink C food D fish

3 A thirsty B hot C full D hungry

4 A noodles B fruit C food D drink

5 A not B also C so D very

6 A but B too C and D very



Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 18:24



