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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say the three Bb words correctly, do the actions, read the story and sing letter Bb song.. Skill:.[r]


Date of preparing: 23 2018 WEEK - Period 5 UNIT 2: Bb

LESSON 1: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objective:

1 Language focus:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and pronounce the letter Bb and its sound correctly

- Understand, recognize and say the three Bb words - Write the letter Bb

Vocabulary: ball, bed, bee. Sight words: look

2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids:

- Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant III Method:

- Model – Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedures:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1D Wednesday, September 26th 2018 2 Warm up (5’)

Activity: Touching game

- Put up the ant, apple, alligator, and acrobat cards on the board

- Line up students into teams and call a student from each team to stand 1m from the board

- Read of the words out loud (e.g an ant), the students must run to tap the card of that word

- The student who taps the correct card first will get point for his/her team 3 New lesson

Teacher– Students’ activies Content Ss (Tam) * Activitiy 1: Listen, point and repeat

Colour (7’)

- T introduction of letter B, Its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Bb

- T use a card with letter Bb or write on the board the letter Bb to introduce to the students the new lesson

- Ask students how to pronouce the letter name and the letter sound by saying “ This

1 Listen, point , repeat Colour.

a Vocab ball: bóng bed: giường bee: ong


is the letter Bb /bi:/ The letter N makes the / b/ sound

- Ss listen and repeat

- T ask Ss to repeat several times and check student’s pronunciation(letter Bb /bi: / and its sound

- Ss work in group - Ss work individually

- Ss look the cards and repeat

- T use gestures (hand actions ) to help students to understand the meanings of the three words

- Ss check the meaning and repeat

- T check student’s understanding T says the words,all ss actions and vice versa - T call some Ss to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes

- Ss remember the cards

*Activity: Memory game (4’)

- T put the phonics cards of ball, bed, bee, Bb on the board

- T ask Ss to memorise the order of these cards

- T ask Ss to close their eyes, remove one phonics card radmly and ask individual ss to name it

- Continue changing the other cards - Ss close their eyes and name the card in order

- T remember to correct student’s pronunciation throughout the lesson Activity Listen and point Match (5’) - T asks Ss to look at the screen and listen to the words: a ball, a bee, a bed

- Ss listen and repeat the words for several times

*Activitiy: Touching Game (5’)

- T put the phonics cards on the board in this order: a ball, a bee, a bed

- T divides Ss into teams; call one

student of each team to stand 1m from the board

- T read one of the three words out loud

Play Game

2 Listen and point Match


(e.g.an ant), Ss must run to tap the card of that word

- Student who taps the correct card first will get point for his/her team

- T calls 4- Ss per team to the board Activity Chant and show(5’)

- T use the phonics cards on the board and have Ss sing the chant with ball Do the same with bee and bed

- The whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word

Activity: Writing in the air(3’)

- T show the letter Aa again, have students write the Bb in air with their fingers

3 Chant and show B, ball

B, b, b ,ball Ball, b, b, b! B, baed B, b, b ,baed Bed, b, b, b! B, bee

B, b, b ,bee Bee, b, b, b!


V Summary(1’)

- Pronounce the letter Bb and its sound correctly. VII Evaluation:

……… _

Date of preparing: 24 2018 WEEK - Period 6 UNIT 2: Bb

LESSON 2: Part 4, 5 I Objective:

1 Language focus:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say the three Bb words correctly, the actions, read the story and sing letter Bb song Sight words: look, at, the, with, on

2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids:

- Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant III Method:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV.Procedures:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss


2 Warm up (5’)

- T show the phonics cards, ask ss to say the sound, words and actions e.g Teacher: (Show the ‘ball’ card) Say ‘ball’

Class: (showing their 10 fingers to make a circle like the ball) /b/ ball

3 New lesson

Teacher– Students’ activies Contents Ss (Tam)

Activity Listen Read along(10’)

- T encourage Ss to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

- T play the CD and ask Ss to listen to the story once

- Play the CD again Ss listen, point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- T read the story Ss follow their books - T reads the printed words then let Ss look at the pictures and say the words

- T asks Ss work in pairs One reads while the other checks, then they change roles Or one reads the printed words while the other looks at the pictures and says the words

Activity: JumpUp Game(5’) - T ask Ss to stand at their desks

- T hold up a phonics card from Aa (ant, apple, alligator) orBb (ball, bed, bee) and say a word

- If the word is the same as the phonics card, students jump If it isn’t, they stay standing

Activity Song(10’)

- T put the ant, apple… cards up on the


- T point to the ant and say: “The bee on the bed goes buzz, buzz, buzz” Ss repeat - Follow the same procedure, present the rest of the song

- T plays the CD Ss listen and sing along - T plays the CD again Ss sing and

4 Listen Read along

Play game

5 Song




Activity: Musical Cards (5’)

- T play some lively music (use the unit song)

- Hand out the unit phonics cards(Aa, ant, apple, alligator, Bb, ball, bed, bee) to different Ss around the class

- Ss pass the phonics cards to students next to them around the class while the music is playing

- Stop the music suddenly Ask Ss who are holding phonics card to say the words - Play the music and continue

Play game

V Summary

- What skills have you practiced? VII Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 15:19

