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Tuần 23 Unit 10 B1 3 Unit 11 A1 Unit B1

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- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about sickness, using the simple past, question forms and negative forms... Practice skill:[r]


Date of preparing: Period 64 30/ 3/ 2020

Unit 10 B1,3 (P103-104) A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Know more vocabulary about toothache, dentist’s surgery and toothache feeling - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to understand the dialogue about a visit to the dentist

2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill,writing and speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Understand the dialogue between Minh and Hoa, answer the questions B1, remember the words about toothache and the way to fill a cavity + Advanced knowledge: Write about the last time they had a bad toothache. 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary:

+ Nouns: a toothache, dentist, an appointment, sound, the drill, a cavity, uniform, advice

+ Adjectives: scared, loud, kind

+ Adverbs: afterwards, less, regularly, sensibly

+ Verbs: to look after, to fix, to fill the cavity, to hate, to hurt, to remind, to explain - structure: The past simple tense

5 Attitude:

- Sts will have attitude to take care of their teeth well B Teaching aids:

Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, posters, tapes, pictures Students: Do homeworks, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work, group work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 06/ 4/ 2020

7B2 06/ 4/ 2020

Teacher & students’ activities Contents

II- Warm up (4’) *Hangman

- Ask ss to guess each letter of the following words

- Ss play in two teams

_ _ _ _ _ ( tooth) _ _ _ _ _ ( worry )


_ _ _ _ _ _ ( matter ) III-New lesson (37’):


Step 1: Pre – reading Vocabulary:

( picture) ( trans) ( trans) ( mime)

- Sts listen

- Listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

Checking: R O R T/F Prediction

- Set the scene: Minh is at the dentist He is talking with the dentist

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board Ask Ss predict T of F

- Collect Ss’ ideas and write on the board

Step 2: While – reading Checking prediction

- Ss read the dialogue B1.P103 and correct their predictions

- Give feedback Matching

- Ask ss run through the two columns - Ask ss to work individual to read the dialogue again to match the English words with the Vietnamese meaning

- Ask ss t compare with eacother - T ask some ss to go to the board to match the words

- Teacher corrects - Ss copy down

1 Vocabulary - dentist (n): nha sĩ

- go to the dentist: đến nha sĩ - appointment (n): hẹn - scared (adj): sợ hãi

- (to) hate -> hated : ghét - (to) fill -> filled : hàn,điền - (to)

hurt -> hurt : làm đau

- (to) feel -> felt : cảm thấy

- (to) understand -> understood : hiểu

* T/F Prediction:

1) Minh has a toothache

2) He never goes to the dentist 3) Minh likes to go to the dentist 4) The dentist is kind

5) Hoa’s tooth still hurts her

6) Minh is not scared after talking with Hoa

2 Reading: B1 Answer key:

– T – F – F – T – F – T * Matching

Sound (n) lỗ sâu Drill (n) tiÕng/ ©m Cavity(n) khoan

Afterwards (adv) to (âm thamh ) Loud (adj) sau

* Comprehension questions Answer key:

a) He has a toothache


3 Comprehension questions

- Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions


Step 3: Pre – reading Pre- questions

- Teacher gives the questions and asks sts to guess the answers Step 4: While – reading Checking the prediction

- Ss read the text and answer the pre- questions

2 Answer given

Teacher sticks the poster on the board - Ss work in groups, make questions for the answers

- Give feedback

Step 5: Post – reading Step 5: Post – reading

- Complete the story P104 (individual work)

- Give feedback Recall:

- Ss work in pairs to retell the story ( using the present simple)

c) Because she had a toothache d)He filled a cavity in her tooth 3 Practice, B1

3 Reading, B3 * Answer given

1 He has a small cavity

2 He feels the cavity in his tooth He’s very pleased

4 She advises Minh to brush his teeth regularly


1 What’s wrong with Minh?

2 What does Dr Lai with Minh’s tooth?

3 How does Minh feel?

4 What does Dr Lai advise Minh to do?

Gap filling: Key:

Scared, Smiles, Cavity, Brush, Pleased *Recall:

IV Summary (1’): - Reading a dialogue to understand about the visit to the dentist

V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson

Write it up: Using the information from Find someone who… Eg: Nam has a toothache


Date of preparing: Period 65


Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy- A1 (P107-108) A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Read a text about a medical check up of Hoa and the students of Quang Trung School

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the details of the text and use the structure “ Would you + verb, please?” to practice

2 Practice skill:

- practice reading skill and speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Practice reading the dialogue, understand the dialogue and the exercises after reading the dialogue

+ Advanced knowledge: recount the dialogue; practice the dialogue in the role of Hoa and the nurse

4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: a medical check-up, a medical record, (to) take one's temperature, height,(to) measure, scale

- structure: I need to + verb Would you + verb 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading and speaking skill

B Teaching aids:

Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, pictures, posters, tapes, computer Students: Do homeworks, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work, group work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 07/ 4/ 2020

7B2 07/ 4/ 2020

Teacher & students’ activities Contents

II- Warm up

- Ask some questions + answer

III-New lesson (35’):

* Question:

+ Do you eat much candy? + Do you often eat ice- creams?


Step 1: Pre - reading Vocabulary: ( explain) ( realia) ( example) ( picture) ( Trans) ( picture) ( trans) - Sts listen

- Listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

Checking : What and where Ordering statements

- Set the scene: The students of Quang Trung school are having a medical check- up Hoa, Lan and Nga filled in the medical records and gave them to the nurse The nurse called Hoa first Here the sentences about the medical check- up of Hoa

- Ask Ss to look at the sentences ( a ->h )A1.P108

- Run through the sentences Ask Ss to order the sentences, then compare with the partners

- Get Ss’ideas and write on board

Step 2: While - reading

Activity 1: Checking the prediction - Ss read the dialogue and check their prediction

- Give feedback

Activity 2: Comprehension questions (Lucky number)

-Teacher shows the questions on the poster

1 Vocabulary

- have a medical check- up: khám bệnh - medical record: phiếu khám bệnh - temperature (n): nhiệt độ

take one’s temperature: đo thân nhiệt - height (n): chiều cao

- measure (v): đo - weight (n): cân nặng

2 Reading

a) The nurse weighed Hoa

b) Hoa returned to the waiting room c) Hoa left the waiting room the waiting room

d) The nurse called Hoa’s name e) The nurse measured Hoa

f) Hoa filled in her medical check up g) The nurse took Hoa’s temperature h) The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room


1) What were the students of Quang Trung school doing? 2) Who was doing the medical check up? 3) Lucky number 4) What did the nurse do?

5) What was Hoa’s temperature? Was it normal?

6) What was her height? 7) Lucky number

8) What was her weight? Answer key


- Ss work in pairs to find out the answers for the questions

- Divide the class into groups - Let Ss play the game

Step 3: Post - reading Noughts and crosses

- The class still work in groups - Name the group ( X; O)

- Teacher models :

S1: Would you open your mouth, please ?

S2: OK/ Yes, of course

=> Would you + V…, please ? - Praise the winners

1) They are having a medical check- up 2) Hoa was doing the medical check up 4) The nurse measured Hoa, took Hoa’s temperature and weighed Hoa

5) It was 37 C

6) It was one meter 45 centimeters 8) Her weight was 40 kilos

Đo thân nhiệt Trở lại vào tuần tới

Cho biết tên

Ngồi xuống Kiểm tra cân nặng

Điền vào phiếu khám Nói “ Ah” Đợi

phịng đợi

Đo chiều cao

IV Summary (2’): - Practice reading skill.

- Practice the structure: Would you + V…, please ? V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson

- Do Ex A1-2 P 67- ( exrcise book)

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 11: A 2-3 E Evaluation:

Date of preparing: Period 66 01/4/2020

Unit 11B1 (P110) A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Ask and answer questions about sickness, using the simple past, question forms and negative forms


2 Practice skill:

- practice speaking skill and writing skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Practice reading and answer questions B1, make similar dialogues

+ Advanced knowledge: Retell the content of the conversation. 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: (to) have a bad cold , (to) have a headache , (to) have a virus , (to) have stomach ache , (to) have flu , (to) write a sick note

- Structure: What's wrong with you? - I have a headache 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice speaking , making some similar dialogues

B Teaching aids:

Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, pictures, tapes, computer Students: Do homeworks, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work, group work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 16/4/2020

7B2 16/4/2020

Teacher & students’ activities Contents

II- Warm up *Interview

- Teacher asks Ss these questions:

III-New lesson (35’): Step 1: Presentation Vocabulary :

( explain) ( mime) ( mime) ( trans) ( realia) - Sts listen

- Listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

- Copy

1.What’s your name/ surname? Which school you go to? Which class are you in? How old are you? Where you live? What’s your height? How heavy are you? 1 Vocabulary

-(to) have a bad cold(v): bị cảm lạnh a headache (v): bị đau đầu

a virus (v): vi rút

stomachache(v): bịđau bơng

-(to) flu (v): bÞ cóm


Checking: Slap the board

2 Presentation Dialogue (B1P110 )

- Set the scene: Yesterday, Lan didn’t go to school because she was ill Today, She goes to school, and now she is talking with her teacher, Mr Tan - Ss read the text and answer the questions (a,e,c,d)

- Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

- Teacher corrects Concept check: Meaning


What verb used in the question? - was

Is the verb at present or in the past? - in the past

What come after the preposition “with“? - a pronoun


When we use the question ? - To ask for problems or sickness

Pronunciation Step 2: Practice Word cue drill

- Teacher runs through the cues

- Teacher models questions then answers - Ss practice in whole class/ halves/ pairs Step 3: Further Practice

Noughts and crosses

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board -Ask Ss to put the verbs in brackets into correct form(simple present or simple past)



2 Dialogue Answer key

a) Because she was sick

c) He tells her to stay inside at recess d) Lan had a virus

e) The doctor wrote the sick note Model sentences :

What was wrong with you ? her ? him ? I had a bad cold She


3 Practice

You/ a bad cold Ba/ stomachache

She/ toothache He/ flu Lan/ a headache Example exchange:

S1: What was wrong with you? S2: I had a bad cold


1 The weather ( be ) awful today Lan (be) sick yesterday

3 She ( not come ) to school yesterday How you (feel ) now ?



- Divide the class into groups (O;X) - Let Ss play the game

- Praise the winners Answer Key:

1.is 2.was 3.didn't come 4.do you feel 5.walks 6.sent 7.worked

8.didn't Lan go 9.went

7 He ( work ) in Hue a few years ago Why Lan ( not go ) to the library last Saturday

9 Hoa (go ) to the dentist last week

IV Summary (2’): - Asking and answering questions about sickness

- Further practice in the simple past, question forms and negative forms V Homework (2’): - Study the lesson

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 09:52

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