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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 16: Man and the environment - Lesson 4 - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6

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Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how the environment is polluted and what they can do to protect the environment.. Preparations: Text-book, lesson plan[r]


UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 4: B Pollution (B1,2,3)

(Page 169->171)

Aims: Help Ss to improve some skills: listening and reading


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how the environment is polluted and what they can to protect the environment


Language content :

*Vocab: environment, coal, power, land, wild , gas, trash, oceans * Grammar: Present progressive, commands


Preparations: Text-book, lesson plan, cassette, disc

Ways of working: T-WC, individual-work, pair-work

Anticipated problems: D


I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (9')

- Call some Ss to write all the words concern to the environmental problems in the last lesson

water trees

- Introduce new lesson: In this lesson we continue learning some more environmental problems

III/ New lesson(33')

Contents Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Presentation (11')


pollute (v) -> pollution (n): ô nhiễm waste (v): lãng phí coal (n): than đá power (n): điện destroy (v): phá hủy burn (v): đốt cháy wild (a): hoang dã

ocean(n) : biển đại dương

2 Practice (13') B1 Listen and read.

-Ask Ss to look at the picture (p169)

-Introduce vocab by using pictures, translating

-Help Ps to read the vocab

* Check Vo: R & R -Let Ss guess the

-Look at the picture, talk about the


-Guess the meaning of new words and copy down


Then answer the qs.

What are we doing to our ? We are destroying the forests =>Whq + be + S + V-ing ?

S + be + V-ing

a Because we are destroying the forests

b Gases are polluting the air c The pollution comes from gases and trash

d Trash is polluting the land, the rivers and the oceans

B2 Listen and read

1 Guess from context - throw trash

- pick up - damage - keep off - save

- collect paper

ném rác nhặt, hái làm hỏng tránh xa tiết kiệm thu gom giấy Matching

a-c Don’t throw trash on the street

b-f Don’t pick flowers c-a Don’t damage trees d-h Don’t thow trash in the


e-e Keep off the grass f-b Save water g-g Collect paper h-d Collect bottles and cans * Commands:

(+) V + N/pre

(-) Don’t + V + N/pre

3 Production (9') B3 Play with words.

answers of the qs a->d -Play the tape and ask Ss to listen one time -Play the tape again and get Ss to repeat -Remind the

progressive tense -Call some Ss to read the passage again -Ask Ss to give the final answers of the questions a->d

-Give correct answers -Ask Ss to look at the pictures in B2- P.170 and guess the meaning of some words


-Help Ss to listen to the rules

-Let Ss read the rules -Ask Ss to match the rulers with the pictures -Correct and give the keys

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then check their answers

-Help Ss to review commands

-Help Ss to read the content

-Ask Ss to translate the content into


guess the answers -Listen

-Listen and repeat -Listen and take note -Read before class -Ask and answer in pairs


-Work out the meaning of some words from the pictues and fill the Vietnamese meanings -Comment

-Look at the book and listen

-Read before class -Work in groups -Exchange the answers with partner


- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then check their answers -Repeat the rules -Listen and repeat -Read before class -Transtate to


the environment

IV/ Consolidation (1') - Review the main points

V/ Homework (1') - Learn the vocab by heart

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:05

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