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+ Standard knowledge: Practice speaking about the programs that they like or dislike and get used to question tag with ordinary verbs. + Advanced knowledge: Write about their friends[r]


Unit 5: the media I.Trọng tâm kiến thức, kỹ năng:

1 Topic: the media 2 Competences:

- Expressing agreement and disagreement - Asking for and giving opinions


- Speaking: Ask for and give opinions; Express agreement and disagreement; Talk about the development and the use of the media, especially the Internet

- Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 130-150 words for general or specific information

- Reading: Read passages within 150-180 words for general or detailed information - Writing: Write a passage within 80-100 words expressing opinions based on a model and guidelines given

4 Grammar: - Tag questions

- Gerunds after some verbs: like doing, enjoy doing 5 Vocabulary:

- Words to talk about the media: history, development, different uses


II Unit plan:

Unit 1: The media (6 periods)

Period : Getting started + Listen and read Period 2: Speak

Period 3: Listen Period 4: Read Period 5: Write

Period 6: Language focus

Date of preparing: 23/11/2019 Period 27 Unit 5: the media

Lesson 1: getting started- listen and read A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Talk about means of media and review gerunds after some verbs

- By the end of the leson, students can be able to talk about means of media and review gerunds after some verbs


+ Advanced knowledge: Answer some questions about the text, Use gerunds after some verbs and write about their friends' activities

+ Basic language:

- Vocabulary: shout, appear, media, variety, channel, means, benefit, interractive - structure: Gerund after some verbs

2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill, listening and speaking skills 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for detalis, doing some exercises

B Teaching- aids:

Book, posters, tape and cassette recorder… C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, Pre-questions, Gap-filling, Brainstorming, Survey

D Procedure : I.Organization: (1')


Class Date of teaching Absent ss 9A 27/11/2019

II.Warmer:+Brainstorming: (4')

? What are your favorite activities? watching TV - T model, divide class into groups

- Ss write their favorite activities on bb reading newspaper in groups with different color chalks

- T get feedback from ss & praise the winner III New lesson:

Step 1: Pre-listening & reading.(10') +

Preteach Picture Picture Realia Action Translation Situation

- T elicit, ss guess the meaning - T model, ss read in chorus then

some individually, T correct pronunciation

T check stress, meaning, kind of words and ask ss to copy down

I Vocabulary

- crier ( n ) người rao tn - viewer ( n ) Khán giả

- remote control ( n ) Điều khiển từ xa - shout ( v ) thong báo, kêu to

- interactve ( adj ) tương tác - beneft ( n ) lợi ích

- variety (n) := many - channel : kênh - appear : xuất

favorite actvites

Người rao



Slap the board

- Which team has more points - > win

- T praise the winner



- T use pictures P.40,41 to set the scene - T give qts, ask ss to answer them without looking at the book

Step 2: While-listening & reading (19')


Activity 1

- Ss listen to the tape to check their answers

- Listen & read again & again to answer


Activity2 : Gap-fill ?Look at exer a P.41

- T run through, ask ss to read the texts

II.Reading: 1 Pre-questios

1 What benefts does TV bring about to people?

2 What was a town crier?

Answer Key:

1 What benefts does TV bring about to people?

- People can get the latest informaton and enjoy interestng and inexpensive local and internatonal programs in a convenient way

2 What was a town crier?

- A town crier was a person whose job was to go through the city streets ringing a bell to shout the latest news as he was walking

2.Exercise a P.41

®điều khiển từ xa


again to complete the table

individually- > compare with partners - T ask ss to call out their letters, ask others to correct


Activity : Comprehension questions

? Look at exer b P.42

- T run through, ask ss to read the texts again to answer the qts in pairs then pairs compare

- T ask some pairs to ask & answer before class, others give feedback & correct

*Look at " B" P 41 & read it again? In Vietnam, What people love?

( Ss pick out the model sentence with gerund )

? How is it formed? meaning? stress? what is it used for?- T elicit some other verbs followed by gerunds

*Activity : Put the verb in to correct form

1- D - B 5- A 2- B 4- C 6- D

3.Exercise b P.42

1 A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the lastest news as he was walking

2 The " Kien thuc nay" is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults

3 People can get the lastest informaton and enjoy interestng and inexpensive local and internatonal programs in a convenient way

4 ss' answer Ss' answer III.Grammar:

People love reading


- ask ss to work in pairs then go to the board to

Step 3: Post-listening & reading (9') + Survey

- T elicit from ss then write on bb - Elicit the qts from ss

- Divide class into groups of 4, ss work in groups asking for information then fill in the survey

? Give the feedback, please?

1.I spent most of tme on ( learn) I don’t like (borrow) money from my friends

3.Would you mind ( help) me to move this chair?

4 I am looking forward to ( hear) from you

5 People love (read) books 6.I hate( go) out at night IV.Practice:

Name What like doing?

How many hours ? Ha watching TV 2-3 hours


S1: What you like doing in your free tme?

S2: I like watching TV

S1: How many hours a week you spend watching TV?

S2: Eg:


She spends or hours a week to watching TV

IV Summary:(1')

- What you learn today? Are TVs and newspapers useful? Why? V Homework:(1')

- Do all exer again, learn new words

- Write a short passage about one of the friends you've surveyed - Prepare Lesson 2- Speaking


Date of preparing: 25/11/2019 Period 28 Unit 5: the media

Lesson 2: speak A.Objectives:


- Practice speaking about the programs that they like or dislike and get used to question tag with ordinary verbs

- By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to speak about the programs that they like or dislike and get used to question tag with ordinary verbs

+ Standard knowledge: Practice speaking about the programs that they like or dislike and get used to question tag with ordinary verbs

+ Advanced knowledge: Write about their friends. + Basic language:

- Structure: Question tag

- Vocabulary: documentary, violent, major, informative 2 Practice skill:

- practice speaking skill and writing skill 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have attitude to find the suitable ways to learn English best for themselves

B Teaching- aids: - Book, posters … C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work


D Procedure: I.Organization: (1')

- Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

9A 30/11/2019 II.Warmer:(3')

? Read “Listen and Read” again and answer the questions? ( Page 40, 41, 42)

III New lesson:

Step 1: Pre-speaking: (11') +Preteach

Situaton Example Translaton

- T follow steps of teaching vocab


Rub out & remember - T follow steps of ROR +

Presentation grammar/o Dialogue built

I Vocabulary

- violent ( adj ): bạo lực

- documentary ( n ): Phim tài liệu - informative ( adj ): giàu thông tin - major (adj) : chủ yếu

- boring (adj) : buồn

- foreign film (n): phim nước

II Grammar *Tag questions


Lien Trung L: You like watching sports, ?

T: No, I don't I like documentaries You don't like them, ?

L: Yes, I I prefer documentaries T: You watch the news, ?

L: Yes, everyday It's very informatve T: I enjoy it too You don't like foreign flms

.? L: No, I don't

- T elicit, ss guess, T model, ss read afer - T - Ss - > ss- ss - > pairs

- Ask ss to fll in the gaps

? Look at " you/ don't you"? What is it? stress? What is it in Vietnamese? Do we write it in full form? When we raise/ fall the voice? Can we use personal name here?

- Look at the dial P 42? When T/ L agrees or disagrees, what does he/ she say?

Step 2: While-speaking: (18') +

Activity : Word- cue-drill - T run through cues & model

- câu phủ định, đuôi phủ định : không thực muốn hỏi, muốn nghe đồng ý

: câu hỏi

- in tags: use personal pronoun, not names


- I prefer documentaries - I love watching sports - I enjoy it too

+ Disagreement - Not really

- I don't like watching sports - I'm the opposite

III Speaking Example exchange

S1: Lan enjoys walking, doesn't she? S2: Yes, she does


-T-ss, ss-ss  pairs ( open- close ) use tag qts to practse

Lan/ enjoy walking ( v ) You/ hate cooking ( x ) Hai/ like watching flms ( v ) They/ love cartoons ( x ) I/ watch the News now ( v ) +Activity 2:

- T run through the Daily Television Guide

- T model with a ss, ask some pairs to work in open - > ss work in close pairs - T go round to help & monitor

Step 3: Post-speaking ( 10' ) +Write it up

? Write what TV programs your friend likes or dislikes

S2: Yes, you are

IV.Writing Eg:

Tam likes watching cartoons

because they are interesting She doesn't like films because they make her sleepy

IV Summary: (1')

When we use tag questions? What we notice when using tag qts? V Homework:(1')

Write one dialogue you' ve made in your notebook Revise all the lessons you have learned



Ngày đăng: 09/02/2021, 05:23
