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- Read, pronounce correctly the words in the text and answer teacher’s questions - Find out the necessary words in the text to fill in the invitation card3. - Review the future simple te[r]


Date of preparing: 16/9/2017


Period 12 Lesson 6: B6-7 I Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able

- Read, pronounce correctly the words in the text and answer teacher’s questions - Find out the necessary words in the text to fill in the invitation card

- Review the future simple tense to answer the questions (B7): speak and write - Write their own invitation card by English

* Knowleges:

+ Standard: Read, pronounce correctly the words in the text (B6), Write their own invitation card

+ Advanced: Write a passage about themselves and their partners Write some questions for the invitation card to ask others *Vocabulary: to invite, to join, party, to hope

*Structures : She will be 13 on her next birthday./ I hope you will come * Idioms : a party for , some of

2 Skills: Practice reading, writing and speaking skills ( pronunciation)

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to care about their friends’ birthdays II Teaching aids.

- Text book, tape, poster… III Methods: PWP

IV Contents.


Class: B Date of teaching: Absent:

Warm up* 3.New lesson * Pre-writing ( 12’ ) +Preteach

Picture Example Example Realia Translation Picture Translation

T follow steps of teaching vocab + Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR

+Presentation text/ Com.Qts - T use pic P.26 to set the scene

- T hang a poster with qts -> run through qts -> ask ss to read the text to answer the qts in pairs -> pairs compare

- T ask some pairs to ask & answer before class, others give feedback T correct if necessary

I Vocabulary - party (n) : bữa tiệc - invite (v): mời

-> invitation(n): lời mời -> invitation card : thiệp mời - join (v) : tham dự

- fun (n) : niềm vui - hope ( v ) hi vọng

II.The text.

1 How old is she now? She is 12 now

2 How old will she be on her next birthday? She will be 13

3 When’s her birthday? May 25th

4 Where will the party be? At her house


* While-writing ( 18’ ) +Gap-fill

? Look at the card P.27?

- T run through the card & model

- Ss use the information from the answers to complete the invitation card individually -> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss +Question & Answer - T run through B7

- Ss work in pairs to ask & answer the qts in full answers then join them to form a


- T model, go round to help & monitor *Post-writing ( 13’ )

+Write it up

- Ss individually write an invitation to their birthday party ( use invitation card P.27 as model )

- T go round to help & monitor - T collect ss’writing for test

24 Ly Thuong Kiet street How long will the party last? From p.m to p.m

B6 P 27 Ha may 25th

3 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street p.m

5 p.m Lan B7 P.27

a I’ll give Lan a doll

b I’ll get to her home by bike c I’ll sing the songs…

d I’ll eat cakes and candy, fruits e I’ll drink coca cola, soft drink f I’ll leave at about /…

Dear ,

I am having

Love, 4.Summary ( 1’ )

T summarise contents of the lesson 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Learn new words, read the text again then write the ans in notebook Write the invitation card in your notebook





At home

I Objectives.

- Talk about things in the rooms, kitchen and describe their house and apartment - Use the exclamations to give compliments or complaints

- Tell about their work and family

- Use comparative sentences to describe things, apartments II Teaching aids.

- Text book, lesson plan, tape, cassette, posters III Procedure


UNIT Period 13 Lesson 1: A1 I Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of this lsson, ss will be able to - Name household objects

- Know how to make and use exclamations * Knowleges:

+ Standard : - Remember the new words about the things in the home -Ask the questions from a- d, describe their house ( e,f)

- Realize the exclamations in the dialogue and read correctly the intonation + Advanced: - Describe Hoa’ house

- Write a short passage ( 3-5 sentences) to describe their house

* Vocabulary: awful, lovely, bright, convenient, amazing, sink, tub, washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, electric stove

* Structures : What an awful day!/ What a bright room!/ What nice colors! * Idioms: Have a seat; I’d love some ( explain only)

2 Skills : Practice pronuncing, speaking, listening, reading and writing Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to stay clean and tidy

II Teaching aids.

- Text book, tape, poster… III Methods: PPP

IV Contents.


Class: B Date of teaching: Absent:

Warm up ( 3’ ) + Shark attack

- T follow steps of the game


T E L E V I S I O N Chair ( - - - )

Table ( - - - ) 3.New lesson

* Presentation ( 15’ ) +Preteach

Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture Picture Translation Picture Situation

I vocabulary. - sink (n) chậu rửa

- washing machine (n) máy giặt - dishwasher (n) máy rửa bát đĩa - dryer (n) máy sấy

- tub (n) bồn tắm

- refrigerator (n) = fridge ( n ) tủ lạnh - electric stove ( n ) bếp điện

- awful ( adj ) kinh khủng, tồi tệ - lovely ( adj ) đáng yêu


Picture Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocabulary + Networks

- Ask students to think of things in the kitchen & in the bathroom

- T model, ask ss to work in teams to write on bb what there are in the kitchen & in the bathroom

- Give feedback, & praise the winner

Stove Tub +Presentation Dialogue/ Comp.Qts Hoa Lan - T run through the qts

- Ss listen to the tape, read the dial to answer the qts in pairs

-> compare

- T get feedback from ss * Practice ( 15 )


- T introduces some new structures:

+ Exclamations:

" Câu cảm thán Tiếng Anh đợc chia làm hai loại:

- Lêi phµn nµn( Complaints): VD: What an awful day!

- Lêi khen ngỵi ( Compliments): VD: What a bright room!

- Would you like lêi mêi lịch sự - To be at work: làm việc. - To go shopping: mua sắm

+T/F Repetition drill

- T read some sentences describing pic A1 Ss listen & repeat if it’s true and keep silent if it’s false

1 There’s a television .sink

3 refrigerator There are some chairs pictures

* Production ( 10’ )

+Chain game

- T model, ask ss to present before class - Ss work in groups of 4/5 saying what there is/ are in Hoa’s kitchen/ bathroom

- T go round to help & monitor

- convenient ( adj ) thuận tiện

- amazing ( adj ) kinh ngạc, ngạc nhiên - comfortable ( adj ) thoải mái

II Dialogue

a.They talk about the living room, Hoa's bed room, and the kitchen

b Because it is bright and it has nice colors: pink and white

c A sink, a tub and a shower

d a washing machine, a dryer, a refrigerator, a dish washer, and an electric stove


S1: There’s a stove in Hoa’s kitchen S2: & a sink S3: , a & S4: HOUSE


+Write it up

- T model, ss write what there is/ are in their bathroom/ kitchen

4.Summary ( 1’ )

T summarise contents of the lesson 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Learn new words, read the text again then write the ans in notebook Complete the writing



Date of preparing: 16/9/2017

UNIT Period 14 Lesson 2: A2 I Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to

- Give out the exclamations about compliments or complaints - Describe the positions of the things in the living room


+ Standard :- Give out the exclamations (A2)

- Describe at least things in the picture(A3) and one thing in their home + Advanced: - Free- practice to give out the exclamations (A2)

- Write a short passage using the picture (A3) to describe the things * Vocabulary: wet, delicious, expensive, closet

Review the prepositions of position: on, in, under * Structures : What an expensive dress!

Where is the coach? It’s under the picture Skills : Practice speaking & listening skills

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to stay clean and tidy II Teaching aids.

- Text book, tape, poster,pictures … III Methods: PPP

IV Contents.


Class: 7B Date of teaching: Absent:

Warm up ( 3’ ) +Brainstorming

stove fridge sink tub

Your house


- T model, ask ss to work in teams going to bb to write what there is/ are in the kitchen or in the living room

- T get feedback from ss then praise the winner 3.New lesson

* Presentation ( 10’ ) +Preteach

Translation Realia Situation Situation Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocab +Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR +Presentation

? Read Dial P29-30 again? Find out some new sentence structures?

- T ask ss to read in chorus -> ask some ss to read individually

Concept check: ? What’s it in Vnese? What is at the beginning/ next of the sentence? Sentence stress? Raising or falling? Do we use it to make exclamations? When is it a complaint/ compliment?

* Practice ( 20’ ) +Wordcue drill

- T follow steps of the drill Kitchen/ amazing

2 Armchair/ comfortable Living room/ bright Dinner/ delicious Story/ interesting +Noughts & Crosses

- Ask ss to retell the rules of the game - Ask ss to work in teams to make exclamations with “ What (a/an) + adj +N !”

- T praise the winner Production ( 10’ ) +Write it up

- T run through A2 & model

- Ss write complaints/ compliments individually -> swap their writings to friends to corrects mistakes

- T go round to help & monitor

I Vocabulary

-delicious ( adj) ngon

-expensive (adj) đắt >< cheap ( adj ) rẻ -bad (adj) tồi, xấu

-boring (adj) buồn tẻ -wet (adj) ẩm ướt


What an awful day!

a lovely living-room! a bright room!

nice colors!

a beautiful bathroom! What + ( a/an ) + adj + N !

 to make exclamations III.Practice

Example exchange

S1: The dress is expensive

S2: Yes What an expensive dress!

dinner movie restaurant

boy shirts rooms

girls house party

E.g: What an awful day!

4.Summary ( 1’ )


Learn new words, Complete the writing *Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:10
