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- Read a passage and answer the questions, write a birthday card - Understand and use the verb “ will” to talk about future actions.. Teaching aids:- Text book, lesson plan, tape, casset[r]




Pesonal Information

I Objectives.

By the end of the unit, ss will be able to :

- Distinguish cardinal and ordinal numbers, how to read and use them - Ask and answer about telephone numbers, date of birth

- Ask and answer about personal information on the phone - Invite someone to something and make arrangements

- Read a passage and answer the questions, write a birthday card - Understand and use the verb “ will” to talk about future actions II Teaching aids:- Text book, lesson plan, tape, cassette.

III Procedure

Period 7: U2L1: A - Period 8: U2L2: A - Period 9: U2L3: A -

Period 10: U2L4: B - Period 11: U2L5: B Period 12: U2L6: B -

Date of preparing: 03/9/2017


Period Lesson 1: A1-3 I Objectives

1.Aims: By the end of this uni, ss will be able to:

- Say their own or relatives’ phone numbers, listen and write their friends’ phone numbers

- Ask and answer about telephone numbers *Knowledges need to get:

+ Standard : Say phone numbers

Ask and answer about telephone numbers Ask and answer about the address

Lis ten and write the telephone numbers

+Advanced : Make dialogues of asking and answering about someone’s personal information

Write a short passage about a new friend in the class after asking him or her about personal information ( A3) and retell before the class

* Vocabulary: cardinal numbers, soon, to call, telephone directory, telephone numbers, address

* Structures : What is your telephone number? 432 235

Where you live? or What is your address?

Skills : - Say phone numbers, ask the phone numbers and answer ( A1, 3)

- Ask and answer about the address

- Drill speaking skill( A1,3) and listening skill ( A2)

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be polite on the phone II Teaching aids.

- Text book, tape, poster… III Methods: PPP

IV Contents.



Warm up ( 2’ )

+ Chatting

Ask Ss some questions: What’s your name? Where you live?

3 Which class / grade are you in? Do you have a telephone?

3.New lesson

*Presentation ( 10’ ) +Preteach

Picture Example Example Translation Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocab + What and Where

- T follow steps of W&W + Presentation dialogue Lan Hoa

? Open book A3P.20, listen to the tape, read the dial and find out what does Lan ask Hoa? How does Hoa answer?

- T read in model, ss read in chorus -> some read individually

? What’s it in Vnese? Sentence stress? Intonation? What is at the beginning/ next…? Do we use it to ask about telephone numbers? ( Yes)

+ How to read telephone numbers - T present the way how to read

telephone numbers (? How we read tele.num )

- Have Ss take notes ?Give example to prove? * Practice ( 20’ )

+Word cue drill

- T run through the telephone directory A1P.19

- T follow steps of the drill + Listening

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and write the telephone number they’ve heard

- Have Ss compare their answers with a


- telephone directory: danh bạ điện thoại - telephone number: số điện thoại

- address (n) : địa

- soon (adv) sớm, chẳng - call sb ( v ) gọi

II Dialogue

S1: What’s your telephone number? S2: 262 019

* Cách đọc số điện thoại.

- Ta dừng , ngắt sau số cốt khu vực (hay mã vùng) và sau mỗi số

- Số đọc là “oh”

- Khi có chữ số giống (gần nhau) ta có thể đọc theo cách:

Ex: 88 {- eight eight {- double eight Example exchange

S1: What’s An’s telephone number? S2: 211 800




- Ss listen again & again to have correct answer

- Ask some Ss to give their answers on bb

- T get feddback from ss * Production ( 11’ ) +Survey

- T run through the table then model - Ask Ss to work in groups of 4/ 5, ask and answer about their address & telephone numbers


Name Address Tele.num

1 Giang


T.Thong 679 142

4.Summary ( 1’ )

What we learn today? 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Write passages about your friends you’ve surveyed ( name, address, tele.number )


……… ……… …………

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Date of preparing: 03/9/2017


Period Lesson 2: A4-5 I.Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to:

- Understand the use of the future simple tense

- Know how to use “will” when talking about future actions - Ask and answer, arrange their plans with “will”

- Review the way to talk on the phone

- Review the way to ask and respond to the invitations * Knowleges need to get:

+ Standard : Understand and use the verb “will” to talk about the actions which will happen

- Ask and answer about the actions which will happen - Invite someone to something and respond

- Write questions and answers in part A4 and A7 in the book

+ Advanced : Make a similar dialogue as A4 , Write a summary of the dialogue in

part A4

*Vocabulary: will, tomorrow, to meet. *Structures :

Will you be free tomorrow evening? Yes,I will I’ ll see you tomorrow

What will they do? ( Wh-question with will) Would you like to see a movie? Sure

Let’s Don’t be late

2 Skills : Practice speaking & writing skills :

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly and helpful II Teaching aids.


IV Contents.


Class: Date of teaching: Absent:

Warm up ( 2’ )

+ Jumbled word ese = see trast = start vomei = movie rehatte = theater

New lesson

* Presentation ( 15’ ) +Preteach

Translation Antonym ( busy ) Synonym ( see ) Antonym ( early ) Example

- T follow steps of teaching vocab + Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR +Presentation dialogue

Tam Phong ( They are talking on the phone )

- Ss listen to the tape twice Listen again then read the dial in pairs to practice +Comprehension Qts

- T run through qts P 21

- Ss work in pairs to read the dial again to answer the qts ( short ans ) -> pairs


- T get feedback from ss ( ask some pairs to present before class, others give

feedback T correct if it’s necessary ) +Presetation Grammar

- Ss read dil again to find out qts & ans about plce they will meet

- T Models, ss repeat

? What’s it in Vnese? What’s at the beginning/ next ? What’s “ will”? What is the part of speech of “ meet”? Does the action happen? Is it in future or present time?

- T explains some structures:

*" Would you like to +V(infinitive) ?":

I.Vocabulary - will ( m.v ) - free: ( adj ) rảnh rỗi - meet (v) gặp

- late ( adj ) muộn, trễ

e.g: Don’t be late : Đừng đến muộn (Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định)

- tomorrow ( adv ) ngày mai


a Phong and Tan b see a movie. c at 6: 45

d in front of the movie theater.

+Model sentence

=> "- Where will we meet?

- We'll meet in front of the movie theater."

=> Thì tương lai đơn( The simple Future Tense)

(+) S + will / shall +V (infinitive) (-) S + will / shall not + V



Bắt đầu lời mời cách lịch sự.

Eg: Would you like to come to my house?

* “Let’s + V(infinitive)…… ”

Là lời đề nghị, gợi ý

" Let's meet at 6.00.": làm việc gì. " Don't be late!": đừng đến muộn nhé!

* Practice ( 16’ ) +Substitution Drill - T models:

"Where will we meet?" you What time ? .go? How ? What/ see?"

- T reads modelly Ss repeat

- T call out one word to be changed and point at that word ( T can write down the changed word.)

- Ss make the change and repeat the new sentence

+Word Cue Drill

1 Where/ meet? / in the street, 2.What/ see?/ a film.

3 What time/ meet?/ at 7: 00. 4 How/ go?/ by bike.

- T follow steps of the drill * Production ( 10’ )


Lan Nga - T run through A5P.21

- T play the tape, ss listen twice & fill in the gaps -> compare with partners

- Ss listen again & again to have all right information

- T get feedback from ss ( Tapescript P In T’s book )

- Ss say:

" Where will we meet?" Where will you meet? What time will you meet? What time will you go? How will you go? What will you see?"

Example exchange: S1: Where will we meet? S2: We'll meet in the street


a 545 545 b a movie c Lan's house c bus

4.Summary ( 1’ )

T summarise contents of the lesson 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Learn new words, write Qts & full ans P.21, Prepare A6,7 *Evaluation

……… ……… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



Period Lesson 3: A6-7 I Objectives

1 Aims: By the end of this lesson, ss will be able to: - understand the details of the dialogue

- revise how to make a phone call and answer the phone * Knowleges:

+ Standard :

- Read the dialogue fluently, understand the details.

- Ask and answer the questions without looking at the book

+ Advanced: Retell the content of Han and Phong’s converasion *Vocabulary: moment, again, to tell, to talk about

*Structures : Can I speak to Lan?/ Where should we meet?/ How will you get there? Idioms: take a bus ; at the moment

2 Skills : Practice speaking and reading skills

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and to be friendly and helpful II Teaching aids: Text book, tape, poster….

III Methods: PWP IV Contents.


Class: Date of teaching: Absent:

Warm up* 3.New lesson

* Prereading ( 10’ ) +Preteach

Situation Translation Translation Translation Translation

- T follow steps of teaching vocab + Rub out & remember

- T follow steps of ROR +Presentation dialogue/ Pre-qts - T use Picture P.22 to set the scene ? Read the dial to find out what they are phoning about? Whom does Phong want to call?

* While –reading ( 18’ ) +Correction

- Ss read the dial individually to answer the pre-qts -> compare with partners

- T get feedback from ss +Compre questions - T run through qts P.22

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions in pairs -> pairs

I Vocabulary

- Could/Can I speak to .? làm ơn cho nói chuyện với

- To be out: vắng nhà - To be back: ( nhà ) - to talk about: nói

- moment: chốc lát,


1 Whom does Phong want to call? He wants to call Lan

Questions P.22

a Phong is calling.



- T get feedback from ss

( T elicits Ss to find out sentences with "will" to consolidate the future tense ) +Answers given

- T gives some statements/ answers on bb - T run through & model

- Ask ss to make questions in groups of - T get feedback from ss

a At five thirty.

b We'll eat cakes and sweets. c Till seven or half past. d We'll meet in the street.

- T play the tape and ask Ss to repeat * Production ( 15’ )


- T elicit & model if necessary

- Ss repeat in chorus then some individually - T –Ss -> Ss –Ss -> Pairs ( open -> close pairs )


-What tomorrow morning?

-What watch there?

- V When start? - Where meet? - OK


to the stadium a football match Would come me? 4:30…meet at 4:15! front the stadium

c They are talking about Lan.

d She will be back at about o'clock. e He'll call her again after


a When will the party be? b What will we eat?

c How long will th eparty last? d Where will we meet?

Example exchange

Tan: What will you tomorrow morning?

Nam: I’ll go to the stadium. Tan: What will you watch?

Nam: I’ll watch a football match Would

you like to come with me? Tan: Yes When will it start?

Nam: I’ll start at 4.30 We’ll meet at 4.15.

Tan: Where will we meet?

Nam: We’ll meet infront of the stadium. Tan: OK

4.Summary ( 1’ )

T summarise contents of the lesson 5.Homework ( 1’ )

Learn new words, write the dial again Answer the qts again in notebook *Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:09


