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Nội dung

to pronounce the words beginning with Ff (20’) - Use a card with letter Ff (or write on the board the letter Ff ) to introduce to the students the new lesson.. - Instruct stu[r]


Week 13

Date of planning: 27/11/2016 Period 49


LESSON 1: Listen and tick - Look and write - Let’s sing

Class Date of planning Absent 4A

4B 4C

29/11/2016 28/11/2016 30/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: : ask and answer questions about school subjects, using what subjects you have? I have…

II Language focus:

Sentence patterns: Revision Vocabulary: Revision

III Resources:

1.Teacher’s:student’s and teacher’s book,pictures, CD,cassette,. 2.Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1 Warm up: (5’)

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson Call a few pairs to the front of the class to ask and answer the question What subjects you have today? Using the actual subjects


2 Listen and tick (10’)

- Ask Ps to look at the pictures on page 53

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to

Key: 1- b


the three dialogues about school subjects and tick the correct pictures - Have them look at the pictures Ask them what these subjects are called in English Have ps point to the pictures and say aloud the names of the subjects in English Check understanding

- Play the recording more than once, if necessary Ask ps to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures Tell them to focus on the subjects - Play the recording again for them to check their answers

- Get Ps to swap their answers before you check as a class

2 – a

- c T- WC


Whole class

Whole class


3 Look and write ( 10’)

- Ask ss to look at the pictures on page 53

- Tell Ps that they are going to fill the gaps of the sentences with different days of the week and the subjects they have

- Have they look at the pictures to identify the days of the week and the subjects they have on each day Tell them that the days and subjects are written in Vietnamese Ask them what these days and subjects are called in English Check understanding

- Ask ps to find approprivate words to complete the sentence under each picture

- Give them time to the task independently Go around offering help, if necessary

- Get them to swap their answers


1 Monday, Vietnamese, Science and English.

2 Wednesday, has Maths, IT and Music 3 Friday, have Maths, Science and Art

Whole class T- WC


Whole class



before checking as a class If there is enough time, call some ps to read aloud the complete sentences

4 Let’s sing: (10’)

- Tell ss that they are going to sing the song What day is it today? Teach the song, following the produre in teaching the unit components in Introduction - Have them read each line of the lyrics aloud Check comprehension

- Play the recording all the way through Ask ss to choral and individual repetition of the song line by line until they get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the tune of the song

- Play the recording again and get Ps to sing along with the recording

- Divide the class into two groupss, one sings the song and the other t.he actions

Whole class

Whole class Individually Whole class

Whole class


5 Homelink: (5’)

Learn by heart the new words and structures Prepare for new lesson

Whole class


……… ………

********************************************** Period 50


LESSON 2: Look, listen and repeat - Point and say - Let’s talk.


4A 4B 4C

30/11/2016 29/11/2016 1/12/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: ask and answer questions about when someone has a subject, using when you have… ? I have it on …

II Language focus:

Sentence patterns: When you hav Science? I have it on ………

Vocabulary: review III Resources:

1.Teacher’s:student’s and teacher’s book,pictures, CD,cassette,. 2.Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1 Warm up: (5’)

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having the class sing a song What day is it today?

Whole class Groupwork

1 Look, listen and repeat.


- T tell ps that they are going to look a story in which ps ask and answer questions about their timetables

- Ask Ps to open their book on page 54 and look at the pictures

- Have them look at the pictures to understand the context in which the language is used Ask them questions such as: Who are they? Where are they? What are they saying? Check


Whole class



- Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for ss to listen and repeat Do choral and individually repetition, pointing to the characters speaking - Play the recording again for Ps to listen and repeat

Whole class Individually Whole class

2 Point and say (15)

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions

- Let them look at the timetable Ask ps to identify the names of the four ps in the first column and the days when these ps have Science Check comprehension

- Point to the first row of the table and get one ps to ask When you have Science, Sam? And another to answer I have it on Mondays and Thursdays Repeat the procedure with the other rows in the table

- Ask Ps to practise in pairs, one asking the question and the other giving the answer, using the prompt in the bubbles and pictures

- Select some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class Monitor the activity and other help, if necessary

Structure: What you have

Science? I have it on…


Whole class

Whole class Groupwork


Pairwork 3 Let’s talk.


- Tell Ps that they are going to revise what they have learnt in L1 and Get them to work in pairs and ask and answer the three questions Remind them to answer with facts about themselves

- Call a few pairs to act out their conversation


- Encourage ps to observe and give comments in English

4 Homelink: (5’)

Learn by heart the new words and structures Prepare for new lesson

Whole class


……… ………

********************************************** Period: 49


Lesson 1: Listen & tick – Look, read and write – Let’s play Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 29/11/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to listen and use the words and phrases related to the topic School things in order to identify school things

Language focus


Vocabulary: pen, rubber, pencil, pencil case, notebook, schoolbag, pencil sharpener,ruler

Sentence patterns:

a This is my ruler b That is my rubber. It is new It is old

Resources Recording, flashcards, puppets PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1.Warm-up (5’)

- Stick some pictures about school things on the board

- Call some Ss to go to the board in turn, point to the pictures and read loud in English

- Listen and correct their pronunciation if needed

pen, rubber, pencil, pencil case,


schoolbag, pencil sharpener


2.Listen & tick (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen and tick the correct boxes next the pictures

- Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures

- Play the recording times through

Key: b c a

Whole class


for Ss to listen and tick the correct answers

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class

- Call some Ss to read loud their answers

- Listen and give feedback



3.Look, read and write(10’)

- Tell Ss what they are going to fill the gap

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures - Elicit the words filling the gaps - Ask Ss to read individually

silently and complete the sentences - Go around to offer help if


- Get Ss to swap and check their answers with their friends

- Ask Ss to read their answers aloud to the class

Key: ruler, is rubber, It is

Whole class



Individual 4.Let’s play


- Tell Ss that they are going to play the game Slap the board.

- Stick the pictures of school things on the board

- Divide class into groups - Introduce the rule of game and start the game

- Put the scores of the groups on the board

- Congrat the winner group

pen, rubber, pencil, pencil case,


schoolbag, pencil sharpener,ruler


5.Home-link (5’)

- Have Ss learn by heart the school things they have learnt

Whole class Evaluation


Unit 5: LETTER E – Part 6,

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

29/11/2016 30/11/2016

……… ……… I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize and pronounce the letter Ee /i:/ and its sound/e/ correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three EEwords

- Write the letter Ee II Languge focus

1. New words: egg, elephant, elf

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards , photocopies of pages from story books

IV.Organization: V.Proceduce

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I.Warm-up (5’)


Word Picture

Egg Elephant Elf

II,Presentation & Practice 1 Listen and tick () (5’)

- Point to the letters and revise the sounds - Explain the activity

- Play the CD

- Ask students to listen and tick the correct letter sound

- Go around and provide any necessary help Answer: – e 2 – d 3 – c

4 – a 5 – e 6 – b

Activity: Mime the Word (5’) - Ask students to stand at their desks


- Say the word, e.g It’s an elephant

- The students repeat and perform a simple action, e.g Students say It’s an elephant and mime being elephants for a few seconds 2 Listen, point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the e sound Say the e words (Track 34)

*Listen, point and repeat (5)

- Show the students the elbow phonics card Point to it and say: /e/ - elbow Ask them to repeat

- Do action like elbow and say /e/, elbow - Encourage the students to the same - Say the letter and ask students the action - Play the CD

- Ask students listen, point to and repeat the word

*Colour the pictures of the words that start with the e sound Say the e words (10’)

- Point to pictures and have students name them - Name some colours and ask the students to repeat

- Ask the students colour the pictures which have Ee in them

- Give the students minutes to colour in the ‘egg’ and ‘elephant’ that have Ee in them - Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

III Production (5’) Activity: Craftwork

- Ask the students to take out their notebooks - Ask them to choose one word the draw the letter and the picture in their notebooks

- Tell them to colour the letter and the picture The three first students who finish will show their picture to the class

listen and tick

Repeat after T



listen and color

Choose one word the draw the letter and the picture

Colour IV Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the

Activity book


……… ………

********************************************** Period: 26

Unit 6: LETTER F - Part

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

30/11/2016 2/12/2016

……… ……… I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize and pronounce the letter Ff /ef/ and its sound/f/ correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Ffwords

- Write the letter Ff II Languge focus

New words: fox, fish, frog

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards , photocopies of pages from story books


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I.Warm-up (5’)

- Greet students

- Revise the words from the previous unit through ‘Reorder Letter Game’

+Put up the egg, elf, elephant and elbow phonics cards on the board

+Write the letter of each word in jumbled order around the phonics cards

+Ask students to write the words in their notebook

+Ask individual students to come to the board and write the words

II New Lesson

1.Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 35): Introduction of letter Ff , its sound and how


to pronounce the words beginning with Ff (20’) - Use a card with letter Ff (or write on the board the letter Ff) to introduce to the students the new lesson

- Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter Ff /ef/ The letter f says /f/.”

- Play the CD

- Ask students to repeat several times and check their pronunciation (letter Ff /ef/ and its

sound /f/)

- Use the phonics cards with fox, fish, and frog

read the words out loud and ask students to repeat

- Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of the three words - Check students’ understanding: Teacher says the words, all students actions and vice versa

- Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any)

Activity: What is it? (5’)

- Hold up the phonics cards fox, fish, and frog

- Show one by one phonics card, partly hidden by a sheet of paper

- Slowly reveal the phonics card

- The students try to guess what the phonics card is

- Go on the other cards

- Remember to correct the students’ pronunciation

III Production (5’) Writing in the air

Show the letter Ff again, have students write the Ff in air with their fingers

Listen, point and repeat


Repeat after T

Repeat after T




IV Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the Activity book


……… ………



LESSON 2: 4.Listen and number - Look and write - Let’s play.

Class Date of planning Absent 4A

4B 4C

2/12/2016 30/11/2016 2/12/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: listen specific information and write about when someone has a subject

II Language focus:

Sentence patterns: review Vocabulary: review

III Resources:

1.Teacher’s:student’s and teacher’s book,pictures, CD,cassette,. 2.Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1 Warm up: (5’)

Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting the class to play Slap the board, using the days of


the week and the word English Then ask ps When you have English? Remind ps to answer with information from their actual E timetables

2.Listen and number.(10’)

- Ask Ps to look at the pictures on page 55

- Tel Ps that they are going to listen to the four dialogues about different PE timetables and number the correct pictures

- Focus their attention on the pictures so that they can understand how the language is used

Help them to identify who the characters are and what they like doing Check understanding

- Play the recording for ss to number the pictures

- Play the recording again for them to check their answers

- Get Ps to swap their answers before you check as a class

Key: a - b- c- d- 2

Whole class T- WC


Whole class

Whole class

Pairwork 2 Look and

write ( 10’)

- Ask ss to look at the pictures on page 55

- Tell Ps that they are going to complete the sentences, using the given timetable

- Give them a few second to look at the timetable and read the text Then check comprehension by asking When does the ps have E?

- Set a time limit for the task and offer help, if necessary

- Check the answers as a class and call

Key: English, Wednesday, Wednesdays

Whole class T- WC

Whole class


one or two ps to read aloud the completed text


3 Let’s play: (10’)

- Tell Ps that they are going the puzzle by writing the names of the school subjects

- Ask them to look at the word

SUBJECTS and the rows of boxes 1-5 Have ps think about the name of the subjects bearing one letter of the word SUBJECTS and complete the puzzle, using one letter per box

- Ask ps to work in pairs to discuss the possible answers

- Call on some of them to say the answer





4 Homelink: (5’)

Learn by heart the new ords and structures Prepare for new lesson

Whole class


……… ………

********************************************** Period 25

Unit 5: LETTER R – Part 6,

Class Date of planning Absent

2A 2B 2C

30/11/2016 2/12/2016 1/12/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:


II Language focus: - Sentence Partners:

- Vocabulary: rabbit, rocket, robot, ring III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s

activities I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Greet students

Activity: What is it?

- Hold up the phonics cards, one at a time - Partly hidden by a sheet of paper

- Slowly reveal the phonics card

- The students try to guess what the phonics card is - Give feedback


II New lesson

1 Circle the r letters to help the robot go to the rocket (7’) - Show the picture in the book to the students

- Point to the first letter r and ask the students which way the robot should go

E.g: Teacher: “Is this way right/Is it OK?” Students: Yes/No

- Circle the correct letter r

- Continue with the other letters r

- In a limited time, ask the students to finish the activity - Go around and give help as needed

Activity: Speed Race Game (5’) - Put three chairs in front of the board

- Divide the class into teams; call one student of each team to stand up

- Put a phonics card on each chair

- Read one of the three words out loud (e.g robot), students must try to be the first to sit on the chair with the corresponding phonics card

Point to the first letter r



- The student who sits on the chair first will get point for his/her team

- Give feedback

2 Listen, point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the r sound Say the r words (Track 33) (8’)

- Show the students the ring phonics card Point to it and say: // - ring Ask them to repeat.

- Point to your ring finger and say: // - ring Encourage the students to the same

- Ask the students to take out their colour pencils/ crayons

- Point to the pictures, the students corresponding actions and say the words

- Give the students minutes to colour in the pictures of the words that begin with the // sound

- Go around the classroom providing any necessary help III Production

Hunt The Cards Game (10’)

- Divide the class into two teams A and B - Hide the phonics cards around the classroom - Write the following for each team:

1: rabbit, rocket 2: robot, ring

- The students in each team have to ‘hunt’ for the phonics cards of their team

- Play the song (Track 32) from lesson

The first team to find all its words before the end of the song is the winner

Listen and repeat


Play game

III Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the Activity book. Evaluation:

……… ………

********************************************** Period: 50



3D 30/11/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic School things, identify school things, using These/ those are+ school things

Language focus

Vocabulary: pen, rubber, pencil, pencil case, notebook, schoolbag, pencil sharpener, ruler

Sentence patterns:

b. These are my books b Those are my pencils. Are they ? Are they ?

Yes, they are Yes, they are

Resources Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language


Modes 1.Warm-up


-Stick some pictures about school things on the board

- Divide class into groups and have them play the game Slap the board

pen, rubber, pencil, pencil case, notebook, schoolbag, pencil sharpener, ruler


2.Look, listen & repeat (12’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to talk about school things using These/ Those are + school things.

- Give Ss 30 seconds to look at the first picture and read the text

- Check comprehension and give feedback

- Have Ss repeat the text a few times - Repeat the procedure with the second picture

- Do choral and individual repetition - Play the recording through for Ss to listen and say along

- Call some pairs to role-play and repeat the dialogues

Model sentence: A: These are my books. B: Are they? A: Yes, they are

Whole class


3.Point and say (13’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to talk about school things using These/ Those are + school things.

- Point to each school thing , check comprehension and then have Ss to read aloud each school thing


- Use the first picture as an example and put the question and answer on the board

- Have Ss repeat a few times chorally and individually

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call some Ss to practice in front of the class

C, These are my pencil cases

Whole class

Pairs Individual

4.Let’s talk (8’)

- Tell Ss that they are going practise more with their friends

- Give Ss seconds to look at the pictures and elicit the name of each school things

- Ask Ss to predict the information they have to fill in the gaps

- Call some Ss to read loud their prediction

- Have some Ss make their sentences based on these pictures

- Put them on the board and have Ss repeat them a few times

- Do the first picture as example if Ss don’t understand

- Ask Ss work in pairs in mins - Call some pairs to act out the dialogue

- Give comments

Sentence patterns: A These are my books.

B, These are my pens. C, Those are my pencil cases



5.Home-link (2’)

- Ask Ss to practise asking and answering about school things

Whole class


……… ………


Period: 51



3D 1/12/2016 ……… Objective Ss will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic

School things, identify school things and improve listening and writing skills

Language focus

- Vocabulary: desk - Pattern sentences:

A, These are my books and my pens B, Those are my pens and my rulers Resources Tape, textbook, flashcards, pictures PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language


Modes 1.Warm-up


- Tell Ss that they are going to review the struture:

This/ That is + school thing These/ Those are + school things

- Use the picture cards as prompts. - Call some Ss to go to the board to introduce their school things

-Listen, correct their pronunciation and sentence structure if needed -Give comments

Model: A,This is my pen.

B, These are my pencils


2 Listen and number(10’)

- Ask Ss to pay attention to pictures on page 55 then identify the school things

- Ask Ss to predict the order of these picture

- Write their prediction on the board - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and

choose , number the right picture then write the number in the picture Ss hear

- Play the tape three times to listen - Call some Ss to read loud their

answer with their explanations - Play the tape again to check their

predicts with their answers - Give feedback and comments



Whole class


3 Read and write (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to read the text and fill the gaps


- Read loud the text slowly and ask Ss to pay attention

- Give a few seconds for Ss to read the text in silence again.Check


- Give mins for Ss to the task in pairs

- Go around to offer help if necessary - Get Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class - Write the correct answers on the board

-Call individual Ss to read the sentences aloud

2 small, nice 3 school bag 4 books, notebooks 5 pencil cases, pens

Whole class



4 Let’s write (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to write about their school things

-Give a few minutes for Ss to read the text and look at the pictures

-Check comprehension and give feedback

- Give Ss mins to fill the gaps - Tell Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class - Call two Ss to write their answers on the board

-Read aloud and check with whole class

- Give comments


1 are pens, books

2 are, pencils, rulers

Whole class



5.Home-link (5’)

Have Ss to read the text in activity (page 55) again at home

Whole class


……… ………


Period 26

Unit 6: LETTER S – Part


2A 2B 2C

1/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

- Recognize and pronounce the letter Ss and its sound correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Ss words

Write the letter Ss II Language focus:

- Vocabulary: sun, star, snake - Sight words: look, at, the, help III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s

activities I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Greet students

- Put up the phonics cards from the previous unit on the board - Name the items, one at a time

- The students mime the corresponding action and say the sound of the letter

E.g: Teacher: (pointing to the rabbit phonics card) rabbit Class: (wiggling hands behind head) //

Look and say the sound of the letter

II New lesson

1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 34): Introduction of letter S, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Ss (20’)

- Use a card with letter Ss (or write on board the letter Ss) to introduce to the students the new lesson

- Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter S // The letter S says //.”


- Repeat several times and check students’ pronunciation (letter S // and its sound //)

- Use the phonics cards with sun, star, and snake, read the words out loud and have students repeat

- Use gestures to help students to understand the meanings of the three words

- Stick the cards on board and have students repeat the words chorally several times (in the correct order and then in any order) - Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any)

- Ask the students to colour in the letters Activity: Where’s the Letter? (5’) - Divide the class into groups

- Hand out photocopies of the page from some story books

- Give the students minutes to search for and circle the letter Ss on that page

- Give feedback

Listen and repeat


Listen and repeat


Find and circle III Production (5’)

Activity: Jumping Game

- Put a line of masking tape on the floor - Designate one side True and the other False - Hold up a phonics card (e.g: sun) and say: sun - Jump on the True side

- Hold up another phonics card (e.g: star) and say: snake - Jump on the False side

- Do the same with another phonics card

- The students who end up on the wrong side sit out until the next game

- Give feedback

IV Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the Activity book.

Play game


……… ………

********************************************** Period: 52



Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 2/12/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to pronunciate the sound r, th in the words ruler and these respectively

Language focus

Phonics: ruler, these  / r/ and /th/

Resources Recording


Steps Learning activities Language


Modes 1 Warm up


-Have Ss sing the song This is the way we go to school

Whole class

2.Listen and repeat (10’)

- Have Ss open the book page 56, look at the words ruler, these and notice the letter coloured differently in both words

- Produce the sound of the letter r in the word ruler and th in the word these

r: ruler Those are rulers th: these These are pens

- Read loud the sounds and ask Ss to repeat chorally

- Call some Ss repeat individually - Correct their pronunciation

Phonics: /r/ and /th/

Whole class


3 Listen and write (10’)

- Ask Ss to pay attention to exercise on page 56

- Ask Ss to read sentences and guess the missing information

- Play the tape times and ask Ss to listen carefully

- Ask Ss to write the words they hear then exchange the information with their partner

- Call some Ss to write their answers on the board

- Play the tape again and check with whole class

- Check and give feedback

Modes: These are my rulers

2 Are these

your books?





(10’) for Ss to listen while they are reading the chant in their books

- Call on a group of six: three of them to repeat each line of the chant

- Show Ss how to say the chant and the actions

- Play the recording a few times for Ss to choral and individual repetition - Have Ss practice the chant in groups

and clap the syllables

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors

- Call on a group to recite the chant The others clap the syllables

- Listen and give comments


5.Home-link (5’)

Have Ss to practise chanting “Look! Look! Look!”” at home

Whole class


……… ………

********************************************** Period 52


LESSON 3: 1.Listen and repeat - Listen and circle Then write …

3 Let’s chant.

Class Date of planning Absent 4A

4B 4C

2/12/2016 2/12/2016 6/12/2016

……… ……… ………


At the end of the period, pupils will be able to: pronounce the sounds of the letters ct and cts in the words subject and subjects respectively

II Language focus:

Sentence patterns: review Vocabulary:review

III Resources:

1.Teacher’s:student’s and teacher’s book,pictures, CD,cassette,. 2.Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Steps Learning activities Language

focus Modes

1 Warm up: (5’)

Spending a few minutes revising the previous lesson by organising a slap the board game using the words for school subjects


2 Listen and repeat (12’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise saying the sounds of the lettes ct and cts in the word subject and subjects respectively

- First, put the letters ct and cts on the board Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few time Then put the word subject and subjects on the board, play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few more times After that, write the sentences Englih is my favourite subject and What subjects you have today? Play the recording a few more times and let Ps say the sentences , paying attention to the target sounds - Do choral and individual repetition of the sounds, words and sentences until Ps feel confident


T- WC Individually Groupwork


- Get some Ps to perform in front of the class Check as a class and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

Pairwork/ Groupwork

3 Listen and circle Then write and say aloud (8’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the recording, circle the correct options and then write the words in the blanks - Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silience and guess the words to fill in the gaps

- Have P listen to the recording and circle the appropriate options Allow them time to the task independently If necessary, have Ps listen to the recording more than once

- Give them time to write the words in the gaps independently

- Get Ps to swap their answers before you check as a class Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary - Ask Ps to say the sentences aloud



Whole class Individually



4 Let’s chant (10’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to say the chant Follow the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction.

- Have them read the chant and check comprehension

- Play the recording more than once, if necessary, for Ps to choral and individual repetition until they get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the chant Show Ps how to chant and actions

- Divide the class into groups of four and call two groups to give a



Whole class

Whole class


demonstration: one group chants the questions , the other chants the anwers - Get groups to sit opposite of each other and practise chanting and doing acting Go around offering help, if necessary

- Call three groups to front of the class to chant and actions The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm



5 Homelink: (5’)

Learn by heart the new words and structures Prepare for new lesson

Whole class


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Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 10:39

