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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 5- Tuần 19

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-Have pupils work in pairs to complete the dialogue by looking at the pictures to fill in the blanksA. -Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the [r]


Date of preparing: 18/1/2019 WEEK 19 – Period 71 UNIT 11: WHAT THE MATTER WITH YOU?

LESSON 1(P1,2,3) I

Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the questions about common health problem

- Skills: reading, speaking

- Attitude: Students pay their attentions to talk about common health problem II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

5A 5B 5C IV Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Words game - T shows the cards on the board and run through them

- Ask Ss to play in groups and say out the rules - Let Ss to come to the board and rewrite

- Check and give them points - Link to the new lesson B New lesson:

1 Look, listen and repeat(20’): a Presentation:

- T uses puppets to introduce the dialogue - Have pupils turn their books to Page

-Ask pupils the names of the characters and what they say

- Explain the meaning of the language practiced: Matter: vấn đề

Feel: cảm thấy Headache: đau đầu Fever: sốt

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books

2 Point and say( 10’) a Set the scene:

1 Look, listen and repeat Tony's mother: Tony, get up! Breakfast's ready Tony: Sorry, I can't have breakfast, Mum

Tony's mother: Why not? What's the matter with you? Tony: I don't feel well I have a headache

Tony's mother: Oh, you have a fever, too

Tony: Yes, Mum I feel very hot

Tony's mother: What's the matter with Tony?

Tony: He has a fever I'll take him to the doctor after breakfast


- Ask Ss to find out the structure: * Model sentences:

What’s the matter with you?(Bạn bị vậy?)

I have .

-Ask pupils about what they fill in the blank -Tell them what they are going to talk about -Teach vocabulary:

Toothache: đau răng Earache:đau tai Sore throat: đau họng Stomachache: đau dày

-Have pupils point and repeat the phrases a few times - Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c, d

-Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures Use flashcards to teach the greetings in the speech bubbles

-Have pupils repeat the phrases a few times

- Ask Ss to pretend the characters in the picture and make a dialogue

-Have the class repeat all the phrases in this section b Production

* Activity: Role play

- Ask Ss to use the suggestion words to make their own dialogue

- Call some pairs to act out before class

- Listen and correct their mistakes and pronunciation - Retell the content of the lesson

3 Let’s talk(10’)

-Run through the requirement and shows the missing sentences

- Set the scene and then model an example - Ask Ss to follow and make small dialogues - Get Ss to work in pairs

- Call some pairs to act in front of class - Listen, check and correct mistakes C Home link

- Learn by heart the new words - Prepare the next lesson

- Toothache: đau răng - Earache:đau tai - Sore throat: đau họng - Stomachache: đau dày b Grammar:

What’s the matter with you? (Bạn bị vậy?)

I have .

3 Let’s talk

What's the matter with you/him/ her/ them? I have an/a She has a/ an They have a/ an

Date of preparing: 18/1/2019 WEEK 19 – Period 72 UNIT 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU?



Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer the questions about common health problem

- Skills: listening, reading, speaking

- Attitude: Students pay their attentions to complete the blank basing on looking at the pictures

II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

5A 5B 5C IV Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’): Chatting - Say out some words in English for Ss to review

- Ask some questions and call Ss to answer - Continue the lesson


New lesson:

1 Listen and tick(10’):

*Set the scene: Ask Ss to open their book and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct answers - T plays the recording for Ss to listen

- T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class - T asks Ss to read out the answer

2 Read and complete(10’)

-Have pupils look at the picture on their books -Ask pupils what they this part

-Tell them that they are going to complete the blank basing on looking at the pictures in each sentences

-Have pupils work in pairs to complete the dialogue by looking at the pictures to fill in the blanks

-Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals -Have pupils trade their answers within in pairs

1 Listen and tick Nam: toothache Peter: stomach ache Linda: headache Tony: sore throat

2 Read and complete 1.toothache 2.fever



for correction

-Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class

Answer key:

1.toothache 2.fever

3.earache 4.stomachache 5.sore throat

3 Let’s sing(5’): What’s the matter with you? - Asks Ss to open their book

- Stick the large – sized sheet of paper with the grid on the board and tells that they are going to sing

- Play the recording for Ss to get familiarized with the pronunciation the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the song

- Plays the recording and asks Ss to repeat the song

- Plays the recording once more for Ss to repeat whole the song

- Calls some Ss to sing the song in front of class



- Let Ss free practice speaking about the structure just learned

D Homework

Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures

3 Let’s sing

What’s the matter with you? Come on, get up, get out of bed

It's time to go to school I'm sorry, Mum, I don't feel well I have a headache and a fever, too


What's wrong? What's wrong? What's the matter with you? I'm sorry, Mum, I don't feel well I have a toothache and sore throat,



Evaluation: Date of preparing: 18/1/2019 WEEK 19 – Period 73



Objectives :


- Skills: reading and speaking

- Attitude: Students pay their attentions to give and responding to advice on common health problems

II Teaching aids:

- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

5A 5B 5C IV Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’):

- T using flash cards then involve Ss in the game - T explains how to play this game

- T monitors and prides the winner B

New lesson:

1.Look, listen and repeat(15’): a Presentation

- T uses puppets to introduce the dialogue - Have pupils turn their books to Page

-Ask pupils the names of the characters and what they say

- Explain the meaning of the language practiced Corner: góc

Backache: đau lưng

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books

b Practice

* Activity : Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue

- T monitors

2.Point and say(10’):

- T ask Ss to find out the structure from the text * Model sentences:

You should/shouldn’t _(Bạn nên/không nên )

Yes, I will Thanks Ok, I won’t Thanks

-Ask pupils about what they fill in the blank

-Tell them that they are going to practice giving the advices

1.Look, listen and repeat Corner: góc

Backache: đau lưng

2.Point and say a vocabulary: Dentist: nha sĩ Rest: nghỉ ngơi

Carry heavy thing: mang vác vật nặng

Sweet:kẹo b Grammar

You should/shouldn’t _(Bạn nên/không nên )


-Ask Sts to look at the pictures and identify the characters

- Teach vocabulary: Dentist: nha sĩ Rest: nghỉ ngơi

Carry heavy thing: mang vác vật nặng Sweet:kẹo

-Read the new words and have pupils read in chorus, individuals

-Have pupils point and repeat the phrases a few times

- Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c, d

-Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures Use flashcards to teach the structure in the speech bubbles

-Have pupils repeat the phrases a few times

- Ask Ss to pretend the characters in the picture and make a dialogue

-Have the class repeat all the phrases in this section 3 Let’s talk(10’)

-Run through the requirement and shows the missing sentences

- Set the scene and then model an example - Ask Ss to follow and make small dialogues - Get Ss to work in pairs

- Call some pairs to act in front of class - Listen, check and correct mistakes C


-Do exercise in the work book -Learn by heart the new words

Ok, I won’t Thanks

3 Let’s talk

I have a/ an You should Yes, thanks

You shouldn't Ok, thanks



Date of preparing: 18/1/2019 WEEK 19 – Period 74



Objectives :

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give and responding to advice on common health problems(review)

- Skills: listening and writing


- Student’s book, recording, flash cards, posters, puppets III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

5A 5B 5C IV Procedures:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A Warm up and Review (5’):Chatting - T asks some question and let Ss to answer - Listen and correct their mistakes

- Link to the new lesson B.

New lesson:

1.Listen and complete (15’):

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page of the Student Book Give the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words

-Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and should number the boxes

- Play the recording times pupils to listen and number the boxes

- Check their guess Compare the answer with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers T give the answer

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

2.Read and complete(10’):

-Have pupils look at the picture on their books -Ask pupils what they this part

-Tell them that they are going to complete the blank basing on looking at the pictures in each sentences

-Have pupils work in pairs to complete the dialogue by looking at the pictures to fill in the blanks

-Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals -Have pupils trade their answers within in pairs for correction

-Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class

Answer key:

1 Matter 3.doctor 2 Has 4.stomach

1.Listen and number Quan: go to the doctor Tony: go to school today Phong: eat ice- cream

4 Mrs Green: carry heavy things

2.Read and complete

1 Matter 2 Has


rest 3 Let’s play(10’): Charades - Asks Ss to open their book

- Involve Ss in the game and say out the rule - Call a Student to go to the bb and give some suggestions for the whole class guessing - Listen and monitor the game

- Check the meaning of these words C.Consolidation:


Home link

Do exercise in work book Learn by heart the new words

3 Let’s play



Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 18:50
