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+ Standard knowledge: Read a text for details about American teenagers’ favourite leisure activities.. + Advanced knowledge: 4.[r]


Date of preparing: Oct 25th 2017 Period 35 UNIT : AFTER SCHOOL

LESSON : B2 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

to read a text about American teenagers’ favourite leisure activities 2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read a text for details about American teenagers’ favourite leisure activities

+ Advanced knowledge: 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: teenager, musical instruments, model, scout, guide, atte- organization.

- Structure: The way to tell the names of the most favorite activities What you like doing in your free time?

I often go shopping with my friends 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details B Teaching- aids:

text books, posters, picture C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used: Pelmanism, Open- prediction, Comprehension questions, Discussion

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7C

7D 7E

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (4 minutes) Pelmanizm

- Teacher sticks the cards with number side on the board

Why don’t


- Divide the class into groups - Give instructions

- Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners III NEW LESSON

Step : Pre Reading (12ms) : 1 Vocabulary :

( definition ) ( example ) ( realia ) (translation ) ( synonym )

* Check ing voc : Slap the board

2 Open- prediction

- Set the scence : There is a survey of 13-year- old children about their favourite activities in their free time You should write 10 activities that you think they are the most popular

- Ask Ss to guess what American teenagers like doing in their free time

- Write in their notebooks - Compare with their partners - Each student writes 10 activities Step : While Reading (17ms) : Checking prediction ( 10)

- Ask Ss to read ( B2.P 65 ) and check their predictions

- Give feedback

Let’s collect stamps What


we study in the library ? play the game

1 Vocabulary :

- teenager (n) : thiếu niên

- musical instruments (n):nhạc cụ

- model (n) : mơ hình - organization (n) : tổ chức - attend (v) : tham gia Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy

Reading : predict

Watch TV

read ( B2.P 65 ) and check their predictions

* Answer key: Top ten activities

1 Eat in fast food restaurant Attend Youth organization Learn to play a musical

instruments such as the guitar Go shopping

American students activities


2 Comprehension questions - Give students some questions

- Get ss to work in pairsto find out the answers Answer key

1 They are watching TV , listening to music, going to the movies, helping old people

2 They are Youth Pioneers and some clubs for teenagers

3 They are

Step : Post Reading(8ms) : Discussion

- Set the class in groups of

- Ss ask each other what they like doing in their free time

- Each student makes their own list of leisure activities

- Ask ss to make an exhibition

– Get ss to go round and read the posters of all the groups

- Have ss give their ideas - Give feedback

IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Read the text about teeagers in America in free time - Compare with Vietname students

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) Do exercise B1,2( exercise book )

5 Watch TV

6 Go to the movies Listen to music

8 Collect things such as stamps or coins

9 Make models of things such as cars or planes

10 Help old people with their shopping or cleaning

find out the answers Questions

1 Which of the activities Vietnamese teenagers and American teenagers the same?

2 What organizations are there for teenagers in Vietnam? Are there many kinds of entertainment for teenagers in Vietnam ? What are they ? go round and read the posters of all the groups

give their ideas

Homework :


Date of preparing: Oct 25th 2017 Period


LESSON : B3 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- to make invitations with “ Would you like ? " 2 Practice skill:

- practice and remember the dialogue, the comprehension reading skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: to know how to invitation and remember structure + Advanced knowledge: Do the same the dialogue and change information 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: join,invite,wedding

- Structure: Would you like to come to my house for lunch? Yes, I’d love to I’m not sure I’ll call you tomorrow

I’d love to, but I can’t come

Thanks for inviting me – It’s my pleasure Thanks anyway – You’re welcome


- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice read for detalis, know the way to invite

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Lucky number, Presentation dialogue, Word cues drill

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7C

7D 7E

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes) Lucky number


- Tell ss each number is for a question but of them are lucky, they not need to answer any question s but they get points and they continue to choose another number

- Divide the class into two teams The teams take turn to choose the numbers

- Tell ss that they have to answer the teacher’s questions

Questions :

1 What you like doing in your free time ? 2 LN !

3 Name the most popular activity American students like doing in their free time ?

4 Name an organization for teenagers in Vietnamese 5 LN!

6 Name popular activities American students like doing in their free time ?

7 Which activities teenagers in Vietname really do? 8 LN !

9 LN!

10 Name popular activities Vietnamese students like doing in their free time


Step : Presentation (12ms): Vocabulary :

( Synonym ) ( translation ) ( picture ) ( translation ) ( translation )

Check voc : Rub out and remember

2 Presentation dialogue ( B3 66 )

- Let Ss listen to the dialogue and practice the dialogue in open pairs then close pairs

- Give ss some questions to make sure they understand the dialogue

* Question

1 When’s Nga’s birthday ?


6 10

choose the numbers

answer the teacher’s questions


- join (v) : Tham gia - invite (v) : Mời

- wedding (n) : Đám cưới - You ‘re wellcome : khơng có chi (lịch đáp lại lời cảm ơn )

- pleasure( n ) : niềm vui sướng, hài lòng

Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy



3 What does Nga want to after lunch ? What does Nga want Lan to ?

4 Does Hoa come to Nga’s house for lunch ? Why ?

* Model sentences

- Nga wants to invite Lan to her house How does she say ?

Concept check :

+ Is the sentence an invitation or a command ? ( an invitation ) + What does the sentence start with ? (Would you like )

+ What comes after that ? ( A verb ) + Is the verb infinitive or gerund ? (To infinitive ) + How does Lan answer ? (Yes, I’d love to ) + Does she accept or refuse ? (Accept )

+ What is Hoa’s answer ? (I’m sorry, I can’t ) + Does she agree ? (No, she doesn’t ) =>Form


Meaning : - How you understand these sentences?


Step : Practice (17ms): Word cues drill

- SS run through the cues

- T models - Would you like to join our English speaking club ?

- Yes I’d love to - T- WC

- H-H

- open pairs => closed pairs

Step : Further Practice (7ms): ( P.71 ) - Ask ss to look at their books on page 71 - Ask ss to practice the dialouge

- Tell them the structure used to make suggestions Let’s….

Should we…… ?

Would you like to………?


1 It’s on Sunday

2 She wants to go to the movie

3 She wants Lan to go to her house for lunch

4 No, she doesn’t Because she’s going to a wedding

* Would you like to come to my

house ?

Yes I’d love to.

Form :

Would you like + N / to V(inf) ?

- Yes, I’d love to - I’m sorry, I can’t - I’d love to , but…

Use : making an invitation Practice :

Join our English speaking club / 

Listen to music/ X

Watch a soccer match on TV / 

Go to the circus/ X

Rehearse a play with us / X Play computer game/  Language Focus : P.71 * Answer


- Ask them to look the table on page 71 and write down possible dialogues

IV SUMMARY (1 minute) - Making suggestions

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Do Language focus : (6 P.71)

2 Should we play table tennis?

I’m sorry I can’t Would you like to play basketall ?

I’d love to

4 Let’s watch movies OK

5 Should we play volleyball ? I’d love to

6 Would you like to play soccer ?

Sorry I can’t

7 Should we come to my house ?

Sorry I can’t


Date of preparing: Oct 31st 2017 Period 37 LANGUAGE FOCUS (LESSON 1)

A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

to futher practice in school subjects and the present progressive 2 Practice skill:

to futher practice in school subjects and the present progressive. 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Remember school subjects and the way to use the present progressive

+ Advanced knowledge: : 4 Basic language:

- Tenses: the present progressive 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to further practice in school subjects

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used: Mime game , Gap fill, Matching, Lucky numbers D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7C

7D 7E

Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes) Mime game

- Have ss revise the present progress tese using recess activities vocabulary

- Call on one student to mime one of recess activities infront of the class and get another students to guess by saying sentences

- The students having correct sentences will take


place the last chosen student and mimes another activity and the rest of the class continue to guess - The game continues with sentences:

He is playing marbles She is talking to her friends He is playing blindman’s bluff. III NEW LESSON

Activity : (8minutes) Gap fill: (p69)

- T asks ss to read the Language focus (p69) and complete the paragraph using the present progressive tense

- Give feedback

Activity : (5minutes) Matching

- Ask ss to look at six pictures on page 70 ansd match the subjects to the suitable pictures

- Give feedback

Activity : (10minutes) Lucky numbers

- Write 12 numbers on the boards, from to 12 - Tell ss each number is for a question but of them are lucky numbers If ss choose a lucky number , they not need to answer any questions but they get points and choose another number

- Divide the class into two teams

- Ask the reams to take turns to choose the numbers Questions :

1) What you learn in a history lesson ?

2) What subject you learn about books and writers ?

3) Lucky number !

4) Do you learn about different countries in Geography ?

5) How often you have English class ? 6) Lucky number!

7) Lucky number !

8) What you in a computer science class ? 9) Lucky number!

10) What subject you need pencils, paints,

mime one of recess activities infront of the class and other students guess by saying sentences

1 Present progress tense (p69)

Answer key

is doing are plaing is writing is kicking is reading is running is cooking

2 Subjects at school Keys:

a Physical Education b Chemistry

c Math d Geography

e English f History


papers ?

Activity : Exercises (13minutes)

- T give ss some exercise to revise the grammar Ex1 : Match the subjects in column A with the things students learn in each class in column


1 Geography class

2 Physics class Computer science class Electronics class

5 Math class History Literature Language class

a) Study past and present events

b) Learn how to use a computer c) Study maps and learn about differnt countries

d) Learn about books and write essay

e) some experiments f) Learn to repair household appliances

g) study numbers and math problems

h)Study English

Ex2: Open the brackets with the form of present progress tense of the verbs

He always ( talk) a lot when he is at home

We ( ) our homework at the moment They ( read ) books in the library

4.What your father (do) now? My sister ( not stay) here now

Lan and I ( go ) to the cinena tonight Look! She (dance) very well

He ( swim ) in the river IV SUMMARY (1 minutes) Subjects at school

Present progressive tense V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Prepare Langue focus 2,3

Answer key

1 - c - e - b – f

5 - g - a - d 8- h

Answer key

1) is always talking 2) are doing

3) are reading 4) is doing 5) isn’t staying 6) are going 7) is dancing 8) is swimming

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 09:35
