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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 10: Recycling - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 8

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a) Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other. Blake asks the students to remember three things: reduce, reuse, recycle... c) Reduce means buyi[r]

UNIT 10 RECYCLING (Total : periods) I Aims : Helping students: -To give and respond to instructions -To talk about feelings -To write a set of instructions II Language contents : Grammar: Passive form Adjective followed by - an infinitive - a noun clause present simple future simple Vocabulary: Nouns Verbs Natural resources compost decompose reuse Deposit fabric reduce contact fertilizer glassware refill metal representative protect III Skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing IV Unit allocation Lesson Getting started Listen and read Lesson Read Reading a dialogue for details about how to protect the environment and save natural resources Practicing in giving and responding to instructions Listening for specific information about making compost Reading the text for details about how things are recycled Lesson Writing Writing a set of instructions on how to recycle used things Lesson Language focus Further practice in Passive form: Adjective followed by - an infinitive - a noun clause Lesson Speak & Listen Week: 22nd Period: 64th UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I./ Objectives: – Educational aims: Make environment clearly By the end of the lesson, students should know about reuse, reduce, recycle – Teaching aims: students can talk about recycle things II./ Language Contents: – Grammar: Adjectives followed by an infinitive or noun clause – Vocabulary: -Representative (n),-Recycle (v), instead of (adv), plastic (n), reuse (v), wrap (v), fertilizer (n), reduce (v), over packaged (adj) III./ Techniques: Eliciting, asking and answering, T/F IV./ Teaching aids: Pictures and flash card, cassette V./ Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: -Asking some questions: -Answer What you with waste paper / empty bottle? Do you always collect them? Presentation: -Guess -Have students work in pairs and think of -Copy the new words the ways we can reuse garbage -Explain new words *New words: -Representative (n) người đại diện -Role-play Recycle (v) tái chế -Read and check instead of (adv) thay -Work in pairs plastic (n) nhựa reuse (v) sử dụng lại wrap (v) gói, bao fertilizer (n) phân bón reduce (v) giảm bớt over packaged (adj) đóng gói nhiều * Structure: Passive form: be+ Vpp -Guides students how to read new words -Have students read the dialogue and show real things such as bottle, sock… - Let students listen to the tape -Explain new structure: Adj + To – infinitive / noun clause Practice: - Have students work in pairs or in groups - Get feedback - Listen and correct the answers a) Reduce means not buying products which are over packaged b) We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, and old plastic bags… c) Recycle means try and find another use -Individuals - Read the dialogue - Answer the questions d) We can contact…friends e) We shouldn’t use plastic bags because when we throw them away they can stay there for a long time Production : * Choose T/ F a) Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other b) Miss Blake asks the students to remember three things: reduce, reuse, recycle c) Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked d) We can’t reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags Homework : -Write sentences about your habits in the past -Do exercises in Workbook -Prepare the part: Speak & Listen * Answer a) F … to help people protect the environment and save natural resources b) T c) F Reduce means not buying … d) F We can reuse things VI Comments:  Week: 22nd Period: 65th UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson SPEAK & LISTEN I Objectives: Practicing in giving and responding to instructions Listening for specific information about making compost II./ Language contents: 1- Vocabulary: leather, compost heap, moisture, condensation 2- Grammar: Review III./ Techniques: Eliciting question and answer, Role play, Guessing game, description IV./ Teaching aids: - Pictures, tape V Procedures: VI Comments: Teacher’s activities Teacher’s activities Warm- up Play Kim’s game -play a game  show the nd picture to the students and ask them Week: 22 to observe it carefully, let them look at the th Period: 66 picture for about 20 second them put it away -divide the class into groups UNIT 10 RECYCLING -ask them to go to the board and write as many Lesson READ words showing things in the picture as possible I Objectives: By Speak the end of the lesson, students should know things which can be recycled a Pre-Speaking: and how to protect the environment -Have students Contents: play the game “network” Answer: II./ Language -Get feedback Vocabulary: b While -Speaking: garbage dung(n) -pipe(n),refill(v), melt (v), glassware(n), law(n), deposit (n), compost(n), - Divide class into groups Grammar: passive form -III./ Have students base on the game above and Techniques: call the names the things with belong to each Eliciting, Q & A of , multiple choice group IV./ Teaching aids: Hand out V Procedures: plastics Glasses Teacher’s activities papers Warm up: Describing tow pictures: “clean street and street with the garbage” and ask some questions - Give new words and explain * Which you prefer? - Get feedback What people to have clean streets? c Post – Speaking: What people with things collected? - Give instruction: Pre-Reading: T – Ss: Which group… ? Put -Introduce the situation “Now we are going to them in………… read a newspaper Whatnamed can we“The … ? Green We Grazette” can………………… It tells us some ways towe… protect What will ? the environment We -Have student read silently the text and find new make …………… words - Have Ss practice by pairs work + Explain some new words - Get feedback - Pipe, refill, glassware, deposit, compost, dung, Listen law, melt… a Pre-Listening: Have students read the text eliciting by chorus or - Have Ss answers some questions individual “Is it easy to make compost ?/ what you use -Teaching the structures: + V.pp to make compost ? / whereTobe you keep the Example: The glass is recycled compost ? ” While-Reading: - Have Ss answers some questions above Answer -Introduce new word and help Ss read new -Have Students readheap, the text again then find out words: compost moisture, answers condensation,… a) What people with empty milk bottle? b While-Listening: Set up the task: b) What -Havehappens Ss guessto the glass when it is sent to the- factories? play the tape - Have Student listen to the tape again -> Teacher correction * Have Ss listen and stick the information you Teacher’s activitites - Look atin the pictures and -Work groups describe -Individuals - Answer the question -Work in pairs Groups work Picture / minimizing -Read silently -Give out the new words -Listen - Read the text again and notice - Answer how to pronunciation new words -Listen and repeat new words -Read the new words -Work in pairs - Answer the questions a people - Work cleaned in pairs and refilled empty bottles b the glass is broken up, melted and make into glassware -Compare in new group c -Listen The Oregon government and check Then make a new lawthe that there must write answer on theon drink cans The deposit is returned when board they bring the cans back for recycling c) What did the Oregon government to prevent people from throwing drink cans away? d) What is compost made from? d compost is make from household and garden waste e if we have a recycling store to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5265456 e) If you have a recycling story to share, how can you share it? -work in pairs - Have students give the answers and teacher correct the mistakes Complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things -do the exercises Draw the grid on the board and have them copy it Ask them to read the text again Ask them to work in pair to make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text Call on them to write the information in the grid on the board -Give the answer: Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings Milk bottle are cleaned and refilled (with milk) Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware Drink cans are brought back for recycling Household and garden waste is make into compost Post-Reading : - Have students choose T/ F a Tires can be recycled to make shoes and floor covering b Every milk bottles can be reused once c In the USA, thousands of car tires are thrown away d Glass is reused and make into glassware Homework:-Do exercises : (Workbook) -Prepare the next lesson (Writing) VI Comments: Week: 23rd Period: 67th UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson WRITE I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students know how to reuse waste things Developing writing skill and know how to write a paragraph to recycle some things II./ Language Contents: – Vocabulary: soak; place; press; scatter – Grammar: Imperative III./ Techniques: Question and answer, gap filling IV./ Teaching aids: Chart V Procedures: Teacher’s activities Teacher’s activities Warm up: Ask students some questions -Answers -“What is paper make from ? Can we recycle old paper? How we recycle - (Individual) them?” Pre-Writing: - Work in groups - Explain some new words from the - Share and compare with other lesson Soap (n), place (n), press (n), group scatter… - Ask students the form of the letter -Work in pairs Guide the students How to complete the passage - Have students read the passage and -Read the verbs given in silently to get details and fill in the gaps with correct tense forms - Check and correct * Answer 1) use 2)mix 3)Place 4) -Write (Individual) press 5)Wrap 6) Wait 7) dry - Work in pairs While-Writing: Task 1: -Have students look at the pictures and -Give feedback (self-correct / make instruction with words given teacher corrects) Task : -Write homework - Compare with a partner then go to the board and write down - Call them to say the sentences from -Read the recycle instruction memory First……………………………………………… ………… Then, …………………………………………………… Next, …………………………………………………… After that, …………………………………………… Finally, …………………………………………………… - Get them to write the text in brief using the sequencing Answer key Answer First, soak old newspaper in a bucket a) First, take the used tea leaves overnight Then, mash the paper by a wooden spoon Next, mix the mashed paper with water After that, use a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the cloth and press it down firmly Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth and dry it in the sun - Ask them to write the instructions Post-Writing Task 3: - Have students reread the recycle instruction “How to recycle waste paper and how to prepare the tea leaves” -Get feedback / Correct mistakes Homework: -Do exercise: in workbook -Prepare the next lesson from the tea pot b) Next, scatter the tea leaves on the tray c) Then dry the leave in the sun d) Finally, put the dry leaves for future use VI Comments  Week: 23rd Period: 68th UNIT 10 RECYCLING Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives: Students can know how to change from active into passive Adjective followed by an infinitive or a noun clause II./ Language Contents: Vocabulary: detergent, blow, stir, relieved Grammar: Passive voice; Adj + To infinitive; Adj + noun clause III./ Techniques: Ordering, matching, eliciting, Q & A IV Teaching aids: pictures, posters, sub boards V Procedures: Teacher’s activities Act 1: Passive forms a) Passive form with the present perfect -Explain how to use “ Passive voice” ( S + Be + V(pp) + By + O) Ex: He breaks the glass into small pieces (active voice) -> The glass is broken into small pieces by him.(passive voice) -Have students read example - Do the exercise change into passive voice Answer: b Then the glass is washed with a detergent liquid c The glass pieces are dried completely d The mixture is melted until becomes a liquid f A long pipe is used It is dipped into the liquid, then the liquid is blown into intended shapes -Check and correct - Call some students to match sentence with pictures - Call some pairs to answer - Correct * Answers: a – 1, b – 4, c – 3, d – 5, e – 2, f - b) Passive form with simple future (L F 2) - Help students how to use passive form with future simple S + WILL + BE + Vpp EX: The project will be started on time - Have students read instruction - Have students work in pairs to complete the dialogue - Call some pairs to read - Listen and correct * Answer It will be shown … Will it be built … it will be finished … Will it be made … Act 2: Adjectives followed by an infinitive/ a noun clause -Explain the structure “Adj + To_infinitive/ Adj + noun clause” Ex: it is difficult to learn English -Have Ss work in pairs Teacher’s activities -Read -Work in pairs -Listen and remember -Work in pairs - Work individual - Answer -Listen - Write -Work in pairs -Call some pairs it again -Listen and correct some mistakes Homework : -Do all exercises in Workbook -Learn by heart the structures -Prepare the next lesson: Unit 11 Getting Started Listen and read VI Comments ... activitites - Look atin the pictures and -Work groups describe -Individuals - Answer the question -Work in pairs Groups work Picture / minimizing -Read silently -Give out the new words -Listen - Read... -Work in pairs - Work individual - Answer -Listen - Write -Work in pairs -Call some pairs it again -Listen and correct some mistakes Homework : -Do all exercises in Workbook -Learn by heart... some questions -Answers -? ??What is paper make from ? Can we recycle old paper? How we recycle - (Individual) them?” Pre-Writing: - Work in groups - Explain some new words from the - Share and compare

Ngày đăng: 13/01/2021, 02:50



