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N¨m Häc: 2008- 2009 Preparing: Teaching: Period: 01 «n tËp vµ kiÓm tra I.Objectives: - Help Ss review some main grammar points of English 6. - Give Ss a short test. II. Teaching method : III.Teaching aids: 2 Textbooks, reference books. III.Procedure: A.Class- organization 7: B.New lesson: Teacher's & Ss' activities Time Contents 1.Warm up. -T:'can you remember what you learnt from English 6?' 'What are there in each unit?' -Ss: listen and answer. 2.Presentation. T: introduce: 'Today we'll review some main points of English 6.' Review grammar 5' 25' -Remind some tenses, structures learnt from English 6. I.Review some grammar. 1.The present simple tense. *The use: - used to express a habitual or a repeated action. In each sentence there is always word such as: always, every, usually, often, generally or frequently. Eg: We always go to school on time. - used to express the truth or an evidence. Eg: The earth is round. -Ss: listen and take notes. add examples. Man is mortal. - used to express an event lasting for a long time. Eg: She likes music. - used to express a science or physics law.(mot dinh luat khoa hoc hay vat ly). Eg: Ice melts in the sun.(Bang tan trong anh nang) Everything falls down on the ground. - used to express an event happens in the future following a schedule.(su kien xay ra trong tuong lai theo thoi khoa bieu) Eg: The meeting begins at 7.30 tomorrow. * The form: (+) S + V_e/es + . (-) S + do/ does not + V-infinitive + (?) Do/Does + S + V-infinitive + .? (+) S + am/is/are + . (-) S + am/is/are not + (?) Am/Is/Are + S + .? 2. The present progressive. * The use: -diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở thời điểm nói, trong câu thờng có từ: now, right now, at present, at this/ the moment. Eg:The students are doing the exercises in class now. -một hành động đang diễn tiến bất chợt một hành động khác xảy ra. Eg:When he is studying, his friends comes in. - một hành động xảy ra ở thời gian hiện tại mở rộng.(around now) Eg:Tom's friends are working in a bank. - sự xắp xếp (an arrangement) hay một kế hoạch (a plan) trong tơng lai thờng trong câu có từ chỉ thời gian trong tơng lai. Eg:What are you doing this weekend? *The form: (+) S + am/is/are +V-ing + (-) S + am/is/are not + V-ing . (?) Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing .? 3.The future with 'Going to' 3.A Written test -T: give Ss a short test -Ss: do individually. -T: can correct their tests after finishing or read the keys to have Ss check themselves. 4.Homework: 13' 2' 4.Some structures: + Model verbs: will, shall, can, must. +Wh- questions. +Suggestions. . II.Written test. 1. Put the verbs in the blankets in the correct form or tense: - Nam usually (go) to bed late. - What you (do) this weekend? - They (fly) to HCMC next month. - Hoa (play) tennis every afternoon? 2.Put the letters in the correct order to make meaningful words. -isms -fredin -nefi -lyfaim - ince -htier - Revise all the knowledge reviewed. - Prepare unit one. Preraring: Teaching : Period: 02 unit 1: back to school (5ps) Lesson 1: A. friends (1+2) I.Objectives - After the lesson, Ss can ask and anwser about their information II. Teaching method : IIITeaching aids. - Books, planning, picture, stereo, tape, gap fill chart, drawing IV.Procedure A.Class - organization : 7: B. New lesson. Sts and T’s activities Time Contents 1. Warm up. 5’ T. gives a picture and hangs it on the board. - asks sts to look at the picture and talk about it. - Sts work in pairs - T. Calls some pairs to the board and work. 2. Pre reading. - T. asks sts about some questions about the new school year days. -2 T. asks sts to look at the book (P10) and listen to the tape. -3 Sts listen and repeat. -4 T. asks sts to remind the structure “ Nice to meet you” -5 Sts work in pairs -6 T. asks sts to answer the questions on P11. -7 Sts write the answers in note. 3. While reading. - T. gives a picture and introduces something about the picture. - Sts look at the picture and work in groups, then ask and answer the questions about the picture. - T. calls a st to read the passage before class. - Sts work in pairs 10’ 15’ Look at the picture on the board and work in pairs. Ex: A: Good morning, Ba. B: Good morning, Nam. Nice to meet you again. A: Nice to meet you again. . 1.Listen. Then practice with a partner. * Sts listen and answer the T’s questions. T: Do you have any new friends this school year ? S1: Yes, I do. S2: No. I don’t. . T: What do you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer holiday? S1: Nice to meet you again. S :Nice to see you again. T: Are you happy to be back again? S1: Yes, I am. S2: Yes, I am. * Sts answer the questions on P11. Answer key a, - Her name is Hoa. b, - She is in class 7A. c, - Nam is also in class 7A 2.Read. Then answer the questions. *Questions: from? stay with? Hoa a lot of friends? old school or new school? happy/ unhappy? Why? * Sts read the passage about Hoa and answer the questions. Answer key. a. She is from Hue. b. She stays with her uncle and aunt. -8 T. calls some pairs to work before class. 4. Post reading. T. asks sts to ask and answer each other about themselves. -9 T. calls some pairs to practice before class. 5. Homework. 10’ 4’ c. No, she doesn’t have any friend in Hanoi. d. Her new school is bigger than her old school. e. She is unhappy because she misses her parents and friends. S1: Where are you from? S2: I’m from Dalat. S1: Who do you stay with? S2: I . - Do exercise in workbook. - Prepare new lesson A3, A4. Preparing: Teaching: Period: 03 unit 1: back to school Lesson 2: A. friends (3+4) I. Objectives - After the lesson, Ss can ask and anwser about their information II. Contents 10 Vocabulary: just fine, not bad, Pretty good 10 Structure: Structure with “so” and “too” III. Teaching aids. - Books, planning, picture, stereo, tape, gap fill chart, drawing IV.Procedure A.Class - organization : 7: B. New lesson. Sts and T’s activities Time Contents 1. Warm up. - Play a game: Noughts and crosses. T. draws a table with words in the lesson. - Divides class into two teams. One team is Noughts(O) and the other is Crosses(X). - Two teams choose the words in the boxes in turns. If the sentence is correct, they will get two marks. - The team which has 3 noughts or 3 crosses on a line will win the game. 2. Pre- listening T. reminds some answers about the healthy. - T. asks sts listen and repeat. - T. calls some sts to read before class. * Structure. T. asks sts to remind structure with “ so” and “too” and give example. 8' 15' * Noughts and crosses 1. meet 2.name 3. 7A 4.stay 5. how 6.from 7.live 8.friend 9.fine Ex: G1: 1/ Nice to meet you again. G2: 5/ How are you? . 3.Listen. Then practice with a partner. * Vocabulary Just fine : tot T. asks sts to listen to the tape A3- P12 ( 3 times) 3. While reading. - T. asks sts to work in pairs as A3. T. asks sts to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks the correct words. - T. asks sts to listen to A5-P13 and write the letters of the dialogues in order you hear. 4. Post-listening T. asks sts to work in pairs 5. Homework. 17' 4' 1' Not bad : khong toi Pretty good : kha tot OK : duoc, dong y * Structure. Ex: A: I am a student. B: I am a student, too. C: So am I. + “so” and “too” mean “còng”. “So” is used before Subject, “too” is used at the end of the sentence. 4.Listen. Complete these dialogues. * Sts listen to the tape. Ex: S1: Good morning, A. S2: Good morning. How are you? S1: I’m very well. Thank you. How are you? S2: Not bad, thanks. Good bye, see you late. S1: See you later. a) MrT: How are you? Miss L: OK, . How are you, Mr T? Mr T: Not bad . Miss L: Me, too. b) N: How is everything? Ng: OK, How are you today, .? N: Just fine, . Ng: I’m going to the lunchroom. N: Yes. So am I. * Listen to A5- P13 Answer key c – b – d – a. Sts make conversations to ask each other after you meet again. - Do exercises in Workbook. Preparing: 05-09 Teaching: Period: unit 1: back to school. Lesson 3: B. Names and addresses (1+2+3) I. Objectives - After the lesson, Ss can ask and anwser about their information II.Contents 12 Vocabulary: family name, middle name, street. 12 Grammar: Review “Wh- questions” III.Teaching aids. - Books, planning, picture, stereo, tape, gap fill chart, drawing IV.Procedure A.Class - organization : 7: B. New lesson. Sts and T’s activities Time Contents 1. Warm up. Play lucky number 9' Lucky number T. divides class into two groups Each group chooses a number and answer the T’s question. The group which has the correct answer will win. 2. Pre- listening * Pre- listen - T. write a fullname on the board and ask sts guess. - T. uses picture Rub out and remember. * T. asks sts to look at the picture on P15 and ask some questions about it. - Sts work in groups and guess the answers. 3. While listening - Sts listen to the tape (B1) 3 times. - T. asks sts listen B1 and repeat. - Sts Work in pairs and answer the questions. -T: give Ss time to work with B2. -Ss: work individually then in pairs to practice the dialogue. -T: give feedback if necessary. 10' 14' 8' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Questions 1. How are you today? 2,7. Lucky number 2. What’s your name? 3. Where do you live? 4. How old are you? 5. Are you a teacher? 6. What time is it? 1.Listen.Then practice with a partner. *Vocabulary - Family name(n): Hä - middle name(n): Tªn ®Öm. - street(n): §êng phè * Look at the picture and answer the questions 1. Who are they in the picture? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? 4. What is the teacher doing? 5. What are the sts doing? 6. What are they talking about? * Listen and repeat B1- P15. - Answer key a. She is talking to Mrs Lien. b. Her family name is Pham c. Her middle name is Thi 4. Post-listening - Sts work in groups. Complete the form in B3-P16. -14 Work in pairs: ask and answer questions about the information in the form. -15 T. calls some pairs to the board and practice. 5. Homework. 4' d. She lives at 12 THD street. 2.Write. Complete this dialogue. Who, who, which, where, where, How. 3.Complete the form B3-P16. Name: Age: Grade: School: Home address: Make some conversations Do exercises in work book. [...]... your books *Keys: a.8 251 654 e.8 2 37 041 d.8 351 79 3 c.8 251 936 b.8 250 514 f .7 821 652 3.Listen *Word Cue Drill Ngoc/890546 Tuan/09 873 45234 Bang/ 88936 470 Ba /7 836 873 *Example exchange: S1: What's his telephone number? S2: 7 836 873 word cue -Ss: practice in close- open pairs 7' 821 173 6 6 N.Cong Tru Cong -T: give feedback if nessesary 13 Hang Bong Bich/ 02118 678 73 34 Tran Phu 4.Production: -T: let... feedback if neccesary play the tape of B9 -Ss: listen and repeat practice speaking if the time allowed -May: -June: -July: -August: -September: -October: -November: -December: Tháng 1 Tháng 4 Tháng 9 Tháng 2 Tháng 6 Tháng 11 Tháng 3 Tháng 8 2.Listen and write the dates: a.the first of July b.the nineteenth c.the six d.the fourteenth e.the seventeenth e.the thirty-first 3.Write the months in order from first... Crosses Thanh Ba/0912835466 Bao/8 876 345 Hong 2' -Make your own dialogue as A3 -Do A1+2 page 8 in Workbook Period: 08 unit two: personal information A.Telephone numbers(4+5) I.Objectives: - The 'WILL' future positive statements and 'WH' questions to talk about sure events in the future II.Teaching points: - Textbooks, stereo and tape III.Procedure: *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New... important.) -twenty- first: 21st -T: hang a poster of the -thirtieth: 30th months on the board -thirty- first: 31st -Ss: guess the new words by matching 15' 7D: *Matching: months of the year -January: Tháng 10 -February: Tháng 7 -March: Tháng 5 -April: Tháng 12 3.Practice: -T: play the tape twice B1 page 24 -Ss: listen and repeat work individually to practice some individuals say before class -T: play the... about the distance -Do B4+5 in Workbook pages: 6 +7 Preparing: Teaching: Period: 07 unit two: personal information A.Telephone numbers (1+2+3) I.Objectives: - Asking for and giving telephone numbers and further practice in addresses II.Teaching aids: - Textbooks, stereo and tape, pictures if any III.Procedure: *Greeeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D *New lesson Teacher's & Ss' activities Time... invitation to a party II.Teaching aids: -Textbooks, worksheets III.Procedure: *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New lesson: Teacher's & Ss' Time Contents activities 10' 1.Warm up: *Lucky Numbers -T: let Ss play a game -Ss: work in two teams each team one asks1 another 2 answers 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2.Presentation: -T: pre teach some words: -Ss: listen, repeat and take notes -T: check understanding... vocabulary - Making complains with 'What + a/an + adj + noun!' II.Teaching aids: -Textbooks, stereo-tape, picture if any III.Procedure: *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New lesson: Teacher's & Ss' activities Time Contents 7' *Networks 1.Warm up: -T: let Ss play a game -Ss: work in small groups to play -T: give remark and marks for the quicker with more accurate words 13' 2.Presentation:... personal information B.My birthday(4+5) I.Objectives: -Listening for factual information II.Teaching aids: - Textbooks, stereo-tape, sub-boards III.Procedure: *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New lesson: Teacher's & Ss' activities Time Contents 6' *Networks 1.Warm up: January -T: let Ss play a game -Ss: work in groups to play -T: correct after 2.Presentation: -T: pre teach some words... distance II Content 30 Vocabulary: 30 Grammar: Using How - questions III.Teaching aids - Books, planning, picture, stereo, tape, gap fill chart, drawing IV.Procedure *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New lesson Sts and Ts activities 1.Warm up: -T: have Ss look at the picture and introduce: Lan' house, school, post office, market, theater -Ss: listen and look at their books 2.Presentation:... vocabulary - Giving compliments with 'What + a/an + adj + noun!' to talk about the house II.Teaching aids: -Textbooks, stereo-tape, picture if any III.Procedure: *Greeting and checking attendance: 7A: 7B: 7C: 7D: *New lesson: Teacher's & Ss' activities Ti Contents me 5' 1.Warm up: *Shark attack -T: let Ss play a game television, chair, picture stove, table -Ss: work individually to find the words 2.Presentation: . 654 e.8 2 37 041 d.8 351 79 3 c.8 251 936 b.8 250 514 f .7 821 652 3.Listen. *Word Cue Drill Ngoc/890546 Tuan/09 873 45234 Bang/ 88936 470 Ba /7 836 873 *Example. 5.Homework: 7& apos; 2' *Nought and Crosses 821 173 6 6 N.Cong Tru Cong 13 Hang Bong Bich/ 02118 678 73 34 Tran Phu Thanh Ba/0912835466 Bao/8 876 345 Hong

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2013, 01:26

