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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the benefits of the volunteer work and use linking words “because” to join ideas and give reasons.. TEACHING AIDS:.[r]


Date of preparing: Period 19 UNIT 3: COOMUNITY SERVICE


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about volunteer activities for teenagers in the US, the community service in VietNam and the benefits that each activity may bring to the community

+ Vocabulary: tutor ( n,v), shelter(n), nursing home (n), mural (a), blanket(n) + Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: encourage Ss to take part in more volunteer activities as well as the community service


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector C METHODS:

- Chatting, matching,writing, write-it-up and interviewer D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision(4’) * Chatting

? Have you ever taken part in any volunteer activities ? ? What are they ? / What did you ?

? How often you take part in these activities ? ? What was your feeling at that time ?

? How you think about those activities ?


III New lesson:

Step 1: Vocabulary(10’)

- tutor(n): người dạy kèm ( situation) - nursing home(n): nhà dưỡng lão ( explanation) - shelter(n): mái ấm, nhà tình thương ( translation) - blanket(n): chăn ( picture) - mural(n): tranh khổ lớn vẽ tường( phép) (picture)

+ Checking vocab: Matching

- T asks Ss to match the words with their definitions/ explanations


1 tutor

2 nursing home shelter

4 blanket mural

a Small private hospital, especially for old people b Pictures paitnted on the walls

c Piece of thick clothes used as a warm covering on a bed d Fact of having a place to live or stay

f Private teacher + Answer keys: 1- f; - a; - d; - c; – b Step 2: Activity ( Part 1- p.31) (15’)

- T asks Ss to look at the photos and describe what they see.T numbers the pictures from to

? Picture 1: What are they doing ? Are they allowed to that? Are those pictures useful?

? Picture 2: What are they bringing? Do you think who will receive them? ? Picture 3: What are these teenagers/ Ss going to do?

? Picture 4: What is that in the bowl?Who cooked it? Who received it? ? Picture 5: Where is it? What is the girl doing?

? Picture 6: Who is she? Is she teaching those children/ helping those children with their homework?

* Reading the text.

- T sets the sence, then asks Ss to read the text silently - Let Ss match the pictures with the ideas from the text - T asks Ss to compare their ideas with the text


* Matching.

- T sets the sence , then runs through the sentences by asking Ss to read loudly - T asks Ss what they think the volunteers in the photos are doing- T can draw Ss’ attention to small details in the photos, such as words written on the coupons, or in the poster to help Ss recognize the activities

- Let Ss the matching in the tables - T collects Ss’ ideas, corretcs

+ Answer key: 1- b, 2- c, 3- e, 4- a, 5- d.

- T may ask if Ss know any other actual informationabout those volunteer activities, or if they know any other similiar activities that take place in VietNam

Step 3:Activity ( Part 3- p 31)(12’) * Discussion and writing

- Let Ss work in groups of and discuss the benefits that each activity may bring to the community, then write on the posters in 3’

- T gives the examples- let Ss work G1+ G2: Activity a

G3+G4: Activity b G5 + G6: Acivity c G7 + G8: Activity d G9 + G10: Activity e

- After that, T asks each group to send one person from their group to go to the board , show the poster and report back to class

- T gives some suggestions

“ We think that volunteering to give information in bus stations and railway stations” can bring some benefits to the commmunity.First, it helps people know

- T and WC give feedback * Survey:

- T asks Ss to go round the class, asks randomly classmates about the activity they want to try and why, then take notes

- T models with a student:


A: Which activity you want to try most? B: I want to

A: Why you want to it? B: Because I think it will IV Summary(1’)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: + Volunteer activities in the USA

+ The community service in VietNam and their benefits V Homework(2’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Rewrite the ideas in part 4- p.31

- Retell about your partner’s idea in part 5- p.31: Eg/ Hung wants to because - Do the exercises: 1, in part C in the WB- p.21

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 5: Skills * EVALUATION:

-Date of preparing: Period: 20


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the reading text and know about volunteer work in the United States


- Skills: Practice and develop reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: Ss know the ways to help their community B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector C METHODS:

- Chatting, True or False , work in pairs, work in groups D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision: * Chatting(3’)

? Have you ever done any of volunteer activities ? ? Why you want to them ?

III New lesson:

Step 1: Pre – Reading(12’) Vocabulary:

one – fifth : 1/5 ( example )

( to ) include : bao gồm ( explanation )

( to ) raise money : quyên góp tiền ( picture ) ( to ) be forced : bị ép buộc ( translation )

Transportation ( n ) : phương tiện giao thông ( picture ) Check : Slap the board

*T/F Prediction:

*True (T) or False (F).


1 According to the text, nearly every American has done volunteer work in his or her life

2 Every year almost one in five Americans works as a volunteer

3 Americans have been volunteering for less than 50 years. Americans volunteer because they are forced to it -Teacher runs through the sentences

-Teacher asks Ss to guess the meaning of the sentences without the book

-Teacher asks Ss to guess the meaning of the sentences.then decide what the sentences are T or F

-Teacher models ( one sentence ) -Let Ss it

-Ss individually first, then compare with the partners -Teacher collects their ideas and writes on the board Step2 : While – Reading(17’)

Activity 1:

1 Read the text about volunteer work in the United States - Ss read the text and checks their guessing

- Ss compare with the partners -Teacher collects and corrects Key:

1 T 2 T

3 F ( The text says Americans have had the tradition of volunteering since the early days of the country The USA was “ born”, or declared its independence , in 1776.)

4.F ( Americans volunteer because they enjoy it , and not because they are forced or paid to it


-T asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions

Which of the activities below are traditional volunteer activities in the United States? Tick in the boxes

1, providing care for animals raising money

3 cooking meals donating blood cleaning streets

6 teaching young children

-Teacher runs through the activities in the table -Teacher models

-Let’s Ss work individually

-Then Ss compare with their partners -Teacher collects and corrects


1, providing care for animals

2 raising money V

3 cooking meals V

4 donating blood

5 cleaning streets V

6 teaching young children V

Step : Post – Reading(8’) Speaking:

Activity1: Exercise 4

Idea bank: Fill in the table with your ideas for volunteer activities. To raise money,

we could…

To provide food, we could…

To help repair things we could

To help people With

transportation, we could…

To tutor young children, we

could… Make postcards

and sell them



-Teacher gives time for Ss to work individually to complete this task

-Teacher encourages Ss to think of all the volunteer activities they have learnt so far in this unit, and any other activities that they know

-Ss only need to write in note form and not full sentences Activity2:

-Divide the class into groups of four or five

-Explain that after each person shares his or her ideas from exercise ,the group will need to choose one idea and develop it in more detail

-Let Ss it -Ss work in groups

-Ss share the ideas in their idea bank with their group members

-Then,Ss use the most interesting ideas to create a new group idea bank and share it with the class

-Teacher calls some students to talk in front of the class ( Ss give their ideas ) Example:

Student A: We could make postcards and sell them to raise money Student B: What types of postcards?

Student C: Who can make the postcards? Student D: What is written on the postcards ? Student E: Where should we sell them? IV Summary(1’)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: + Volunteer work in the United States

\V Homework(2’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Rewrite the ideas in part 4- p.31


- Do the exercises in part C in the WB- p.21 - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 3: Lesson 6: Skills * EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: Period 21



- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the benefits of the volunteer work and use linking words “because” to join ideas and give reasons + Vocabulary: confident ( a ) , ( to ) raise funds, Special ( a ) , Reason ( n ) + Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: Ss know the benefits of the volunteer work and the ways to help their community


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector C METHODS:

- Chatting, answer the questions , fill in the blanks, write it up D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1m) - Greeting



II Warm up(4’) Brainstorming:

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down the benefits of volunteer work ( one student one word )

- T models the first one

Help the poor people

- T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute - T calls Ss to go to the board and write down - One student one word

- T corrects then praises III New lesson:

Step 1: Listening ( 17’) Vocabulary:

Confident ( a ) : tự tin ( explanation ) ( to ) raise funds: gây quĩ ( picture ) Special ( a ) : đặc biệt ( translation ) Reason ( n ) : lý ( explanation ) Check : rub out and remember *Discuss the following questions

- Who you think benefits from volunteer work? The benefits of Volunteer work


- How people benefit from volunteer work? -T gives the questions

-Tasks Ss to discuss the questions and answer the questions -Ss work in groups

-T asks some Ss to talk in front of the class T’correction

Activity : Ss listen to the recording and answer the questions Why does Phuc volunteer work?

2 Why does Phuc feel more self-confident? Why does the reporter think Phuc is confident? Why does Mai think volunteering is special? -T shows the questions

-T runs through the questions -T plays the recording

-Let Ss listen to the recording and answer the questions -Ss individually, then compare with the partners -T collects and corrects

Key :

1 Phuc does volunteer work because he thinks it makes a difference in the community

2 Phuc feels more self – confident because he has made many friends

3 The reporter thinks Phuc is confident because Phuc has answered the interview questionsvery well

4 Mai thinks volunteering is special because she can help others , and because she can see how happy the street children are when they learn



Phuc : I volunteer because it makes a difference in our community We can encourage pepple to protect the environment and our community will be a better place

Reporter : Do you think volunteering is good for yourself too ?

Phuc : Oh yes, I’ve made many new friends, and I feel much more self – confident Reporter : I agree You’ve answered the interview very well And you Mai ?

Mai : Volunteering is special to me because I can help others It’s special because I can see how happy the children are when they learn.

Activity 2

Listen again and fill in the blanks.

1 I because I can make a difference in our community

2 I've made many new friends, and I _much more self-confident Volunteering is special to me _I can help others

4 It's special _I can see how happy the are when they learn

-T runs through the sentences -T models

-T plays the recording and let Ss listen and fill in the blanks -Ss individually

-Then compare with the partners -T collects and corrects


1.volunteer 2.feel 3.because because , children Step 2: Writing(20’)


-T goes through the Study Skill box with the class.

-T explains that ‘because’ is used to introduce the reason for something , and it can be put at the beginning of the sentences or in the middle


Giving reasons for your ideas and opinions makes your speaking and writing more interesting and convincing

Example: I volunteer because it makes a difference in our community.


-T runs through the Remember box with the class

-T asks Ss to take note and remember the way to use ‘because’

We can use linking words (e.g because) to join ideas and give reasons. Clause + because + Clause (reason)

I like her because she's kind.

Because + Clause (reason), + Clause Because she's kind, I like her.

-Let Ss exercise

-Ss individually , then compare with the partner -T calls Ss to in front of the class


Exercise Combine the two sentences using because. Key:

1 Because he didn't wear enough warm clothes, he's had a cold for two days. 2 I stayed home because it rained.

3 Because the lake is full of rubbish, they've decided to clean it up.

4.Because she works in that small town, she's lived in that small town for three years. 5 They think they should move there because the neighbourhood is nice and quiet Activity 2:

Exercise 5

-Task Ss to look at their volunteer ideas in Speaking - Ss choose one idea and write a short paragraph about it. - What you want to do?


- How are you going to it? Example:

I want to raise funds for street children I want to it because we will be able to provide them with food and 6oohs They will no longer be hungry They will be able to read will ask my friends to help me We will make postcards and sell them.

-Let Ss it.( work in groups ; write on the posters ) -Tcollects and corrects

IV Summary(1’)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: + The benefits of the volunteer work

V Homework(2’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary - Do exercise , 5- p.33

- Do the exercises in part D in the WB- p.24- 25

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:33


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