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English 7 Unit10 Health And Hygiene

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Nội dung

Bố mẹ hy vọng con vẫn khỏe mạnh. Bố mẹ đều khỏe cả, sắp đến mùa gặt nữa rồi và bố mẹ đang làm việc rất căng ở trang trại. Ông của con thường đến làm với bố mẹ. Ông giúp rất nhiều. Ông n[r]



Unit10 Health And Hygiene

Section A – Personal Hygiene

I Vocabulary:

1 Hygiene(n) vệ sinh

2 Harvest (n) mùa gặt to harvest(v) gặt lúa 3 hard (adj) (adv) chăm , vất vả

4 probably (adv) có lẽ

5 to iron (v) , ủi quần áo iron (n) bàn ,

bàn ủi

6 to take /have a shower (bath) : tắm

7 to take /do morning exercises : tập thể dục

buổi sang

8 to take care of ….(myself) : chăm sóc …

(bản thân)

9 to stay up late (v) thức khuya 10 to polish (v) đánh bóng 11 pants (n): quần dài

12 comb (n) lược to comb (n) chải tóc 13 Sandals (n) dép có quai hậu

14 to receive (v) nhận được

II N i dung h c:

1 Read Then answer the questions

+Hướng dẫn dịch:

Hoa thân yêu,

Bố mẹ hy vọng khỏe mạnh Bố mẹ khỏe cả, đến mùa gặt bố mẹ làm việc căng trang trại Ông thường đến làm với bố mẹ Ơng giúp nhiều Ơng nói nhiều mong khỏe mạnh

Mẹ nhận thư cô tuần Cô viết nhiều Vậy tập thể dục buổi sáng phải không, Hoa? Ở Huế chẳng thích dậy sớm Ba mẹ vui nghe dậy sớm

Mẹ hy vọng tự chăm sóc Cơ bận rộn, phải nhớ giặt ủi quần áo con, đừng ăn nhiều kẹo hay thức khuya Những thứ không tốt cho

Mẹ nhớ Bố mẹ hy vọng sớm đến thăm Hà Nội, có lẽ sau mùa gặt Đừng quên viết thư cho mẹ Hoa

Thương, Mẹ

+ Answer the questions:

a) Why are Hoa's parents busy? (Vì cha mẹ Hoa bận rộn?)

=> Because it's nearly the harvest time again

b) Who helps them on the farm? (Ai giúp đỡ họ trang trại?)

=> Her grandfather helps them on the farm

c) When will they go to Ha Noi? (Khi họ Hà Nội?)

=> They will go to Ha Noi after the harvest

d) How is Hoa different now? (Bây Hoa khác trước nào?)

=> She knows how to take care of herself She gets up early and does morning exercises everyday e) What does Hoa's mother want her to do? What does she want Hoa not to do? Write two lists (Mẹ Hoa muốn làm gì? Bà muốn Hoa khơng làm gì? Viết hai danh sách.)

=> Her mother wants her to take care of herself, to wash and iron her own clothes

=> She doesn't want her to eat too much candy or stay up late


3.Read Nam's diary

Write about yourself Complete a diary entry like Nam's Then practice with your partner Ask these

questions (Viết em Hồn thành nhật kí giống Nam Sau luyện tập với bạn học Hỏi câu hỏi này.) Ví dụ có nhật kí sau:

- What you everyday? => I a lot of things everyday - What time you get up? => I usually get up at 5.30

- What time you have breakfast? => I often have breakfast at 6.20 - What you next?

=> I usually go to school - What time you have lunch?

=> I often have lunch at 11.30

- What you usually in the afternoon? => I learn my lessons and homework - What time you have dinner?

=> I have dinner at 5.30 - Do you often watch TV?

=> Yes, I often watch TV at 8.00 - What time you go to bed? => I usually go to bed at 9.30

4 Write Complete Hoa's reply to her mother with suitable verbs. A letter to Mom (Một thư gửi mẹ.)

October 20 Dear Mom,


Don't worry about me, Mom I know how to take care of myself Every day, I get up early to do morning exercises, and I never go to bed late I often wash my clothes and iron them carefully I am not eating much candy now.

I told all of my friends about your visit and they all hope to meet you in Ha Noi It's 9.30 now, so I must go to bed.

Take care, Mom Write again soon. Love,


III Grammar:

1 a/To remember to something : nhớ để làm việc (mang ý tương lai) =Don’t forget to something : đừng qn làm việc

b/ To remember doing something : nhớ làm việc (mang ý q khứ)

2.a/Các cách dùng chủ yếu Imperative

Imperative dùng để đưa mệnh lệnh (Commands), Yêu cầu (requests) đề nghị (suggestions) Don’t +verb.infinitive : đừng làm việc

Ex: - Don't open the door (Đừng có mở cửa) - Don't forget your keys

Do something: làm việc Ex: - Come here! (Đến đây) - Be quiet! (Hãy yên lặng)

b/ Imperative dùng dẫn (instructions and directions):

- Take the first turn on your right; go straight ahead and then turn left

- First put a lump of butter into a frying-pan; second, light the gas burner, then break three eggs into the bowl Đưa lời khuyên (advices) Chúng ta thường dùng từ 'Never' 'always' trước động từ để diễn tả lời khuyên

- Always warm up before you run

- Never touch electrical equipment with wet hand

Chúng ta dùng imperative để diễn tả lời đề xuất thân mật (offer) lời mời (invitations).

- Have a cigarette (offers)

- Come to have lunch with us (invitations)

Diễn tả điều ước wishes, lời chúc.

- Have a nice day! - Enjoy your meal!

Thô lỗ Rudeness:

- Shut up! - Push off! - Get out!

3 THE SIMPLE PAST (QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) : - Diễn tả hành động xảy chấm dứt hốn tồn trong q khứ.


b Advs (Trạng ngữ nhận biết) : - Yesterday, ago, upon a time, in 1945 (in the past….), last… c Một số lưu ý đối với khứ đơn:

* Quy tắc thêm “ed” với động từ thường:

- Hầu hết động từ thêm “ed” để biến thành động từ dạng khứ Ex: work – worked, visit – visited

- Một vài động từ kết thúc bằng phụ âm “y” biến “y” thành “i” thêm ‘ed” để biến thành dạng động từ khứ

Ex: study – studied, carry – carried

- Một vài động từ có dạng 1:1 :1 (1 phụ âm + ngun âm + phụ âm) ta gấp đơi phụ âm cuối thêm “ed”

Ex: plan – planned, fit – fitted

d Cách phát âm đối với động từ có đuôi “ed”:

Đúng nhất: Theo phiên âm quốc tế, –ED đứng sau âm sau phát âm sau: Phát âm –

ED Các âm trước –ED /id/ : /t/ /d/

/t/ : / k / / f / / p / / ∫ / / t∫ / / s / / θ / /d/ : Các nguyên âm phụ âm lại


/id/: Wanted, needed, demanded, suggested, mended, hated, visited, … /t/: walked , liked, stopped, washed, watched, laughed, sentenced, looked, cooked, missed, mixed,…


Section B: A bad toothache

I Vocabulary:

1 Toothache (n): đau , bệnh đau Ex: I have a toothache ( bị đau răng) Dentist (n): nha sĩ

3 Appointment (n) : hẹn

 have an appointment : có hẹn Scared (adj ): sợ , hoảng sợ = afraid (adj)  be scared/ afraid of (sb/ sth/ doing

sth) : sợ (ai/ gì/ làm việc gì)

Ex : she is scared of spiders She is scared of crossing the road To hate (v): ghét

6 Sound (n): âm thanh, tiếng động Hurt

8 Drill (n): khoan

9 To fill (v): lấp , làm đầy , trám (răng) –> filled 10 Cavity (n): lỗ sâu

11 Surgery (n): phòng phẫu thuật, phòng khám 12 To check (v): kiểm tra  checked

13 To smile (at) (v): mỉm cười  smiled Ex: She usually smiles at me 14 Serious (adj): nghiêm trọng

15 Afterwards (adv ) = afterward : sau đó, sau 16 To touch (v): sờ, đụng đến , chạm vào 


17 To explain (v): giải thích , giảng giải  explained

18 To remind (v): nhắc nhở  reminded

II Nội dung học:

A bad toothache (Phần 1-5 trang 103-106 ) 1 Listen Then practice with a partner

a) What is wrong with Minh?

=> Minh has a toothache

b) Does Minh like going to the dentist? How you know?

=> No, he doesn't Because he hates the sound of the drill and he feels scared

c) Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week?

=> Last week, Hoa went to the dentist because her tooth had a cavity

d) What did the dentist do?

=> She filled it

About you

e) What did you the last time you had a bad toothache? (

=> I went to a dentist

f) Are you scared of seeing the dentist?

=> No, I am not

2 Listen and answer a) What is Dr Lai's job?

=> Dr Lai is a dentist

b) What clothes does Dr Lai wear to work?

=> She wears a uniform to work

c) How to most children feel when they come to see Dr Lai?

=> Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai

d) How does Dr Lai help these children?

=> She gives the children some advice, tells them how to look after their teelh and reminds them to clean their teeth regularly

3 Listen and read

Minh is very nervous and Dr Lai notices this She smiles at Minh and tells not to worry She explains one

of his teeth has a cavity He has to clean/ brush them regulariy After Dr Lai fills his tooth, Minh leaves.


4 Ask and answer questions with a partner Use the words to help you.

a Minh’s tooth hurts Why ? - Because he has a cavity b Minh feels nervous Why? - Because he is seeing a dentist c The cavity isn’t serious Why - Because It’s small

d Minh is happy Why ? - Because his teeth are ok

5 Write Complete this poster with a partner.

III Grammar

Why ? – becase : (tại ? )

- Câu hỏi Why thường dùng để hỏi lí hay nguyên nhân

Why + auxiliary verb + S + Verb ?

Auxiliary verb: trợ động từ

Verb ( main verb) : động từ (ln dạng nguyên mẫu)




Section A check-up (Part 1-3 Page 107-109 Student book English 7)

I Vocabulary

1 check-up /´tʃek¸ʌp/ (n): khám tổng thể

2 medical check-up /'medikə tʃek¸ʌp/ (n): khám

sức khỏe tổng quát

3 record /´rekɔ:d/ (n):= form /fɔ:m/ (n): hồ sơ,

mẫu đơn

4 medical record 'medikə rekɔ:d/ (n): hồ sơ bệnh

lí , giấy khám sức khỏe

medicine /medisən /(n): dược phẩm, thuốc

5 follow /'fɔlou/ (v): theo

6 temperature /´temprətʃə/ (n): sốt, nhiệt độ

a 37°C.(37 degrees Celsius ) : 37 độ C b run/have a temperature (v): bị sốt

7 take one's temperature (v): đo nhiệt độ 8 normal /'nɔ:məl/ (adj): bình thường ≠

unnormal : khơng bình thường

9 height /hait/ (n): chiều cao, đỉnh cao  high

/tall (adj) : cao

10 measure /'meʤə/ (v): đo

11 centimetre/centimeter /'senti,mi:tə/ (n):

phân, cm

Ex: You are one meter 45 centimeters tall.

12 weigh /wei/ (v): cân, cân nặng

weigh /weit/ (n) : sức nặng heavy /’hevi/ (adj) : nặng

13 - scale /skeil/ (n): cân 14 - get on /get ɔn/ (v): bước lên 15 - cover /'kʌvə/ (v): điền

16 - missing information /'misiɳ infə'meinʃn/ (n):

thông tin thiếu

17 - forename /´fɔ:¸neim/ (n):= first name : tên

riêng, tên gọi

18 - surname /ˈsɜː.neɪm/ (n): = last name / family

name: Họ

19 - male /meil/ (adj): nam

20 - female /'fi:meil/ (adj): nữ

II Nội dung học:


Structure :

How + Adjective +be + Subject? = What is + Noun ?

Ex1:- What is your weight? = How heavy are you? ( Bạn nặng bao nhiêu?) + I am 40 kilos.( Tôi nặng 30 ký)

Ex2: How tall is Hoa ? = What is Hoa’s height? + She is one meter 45 centimeters tall.

Now answer Number the sentences.(Bây trả lời Đánh số câu)

5 - a) The nurse weighed Hoa

7 - b) Hoa returned to the waiting room - c) Hoa left the waiting room

2 - d) The nurse called Hoa's name - e) The nurse measured Hoa - f) Hoa filled in her medical record - g) The nurse took Hoa's temperature

6 - h) The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room

Translate into Vietnamese (Hướng dẫn dịch)

Các HS trường Quang Trung có kiểm tra sức khỏe tổng quát Hoa, Lan Nga điền vào phiếu sức khỏe họ đưa chúng cho y tá Bây họ đợi để gặp bác sĩ

Y tá: Em Phạm Thị Hoa? Hoa: Có ạ.

Y tá: Hãy theo Trước hết cần đo nhiệt độ em. Hoa: Vâng.

Y tá: Em vui lòng há miệng Cám ơn 37 độ Nhiệt độ bình thường Bây cần biết chiều cao em

Mời em đứng lại để tơi đo em

Hoa: Như phải không? Y tá: Tốt Em cao mét 45.

Hoa: Chà! Năm em cao mét 30.


Y tá: Tốt Bây em phòng chờ Bác sĩ khám cho em vài phút nữa. Hoa: Cám ơn cô.

Students practice this structure : ( HS luyện tập cấu trúc này) How + Adjective +be + Subject? = What is + Noun ?

Adjective Noun

tall / high ( cao ) the height ( chiều cao )

heavy ( nặng) the weight ( sức nặng, trọng lượng) deep ( sâu) the depth ( chiều sâu)

wde ( rộng) the width (chiều rộng) old ( tuổi, già ) the age ( tuổi tác) long ( dài ) the length ( chiều dài) thick ( dầy) the thickness ( bề dầy) HOW + ADJECTIVE ?WHAT’S + NOUN ?

Make these questions ( Đặt câu hỏi )

1.That house is 10 meters high  How ? 2.She's twenty years old  What ? 3.The lake is three meters deep. What ? 4.This box is five kilos heavy  How ? 5.That road is ten kilometers long. How ? 6.These students are 1m70 tall  What ? 7.This material is two meters wide  How _? 8.These trees are 20 meters high  How _? 9 Miss Lan is 40 years old  How ? 10.This wall is 30 centimeters thick What _?

2 Listen Then write the missing words (Nghe Sau điền từ thiếu.) To listen:

Đáp án

Doctor : I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa How old are you?

Hoa: Fourteen

Doctor: And your height is one meter 50 centimeters? Hoa: No I think I’m not The nurse measured me. Doctor: Oh How tall are you?

Hoa: One meter 45 centimeters

Doctor: I will ask the nurse t o check your height again How

heavy are you?

Hoa: I think I’m 42 kilos.


3 Ask and answer questions with a partner (Hỏi trả lời câu hỏi với bạn)

One of you is A and the other is B Look at the copy of the medical record and cover the other copy Fill in the missing information (Một người bạn A người B Nhìn phiếu khám sức khỏe bạn che người lại Điền thơng tin cịn thiếu.)

These question forms will help you (Các mẫu câu hỏi sau giúp bạn.)

Which ………?

What is his ……… ? Where does he ……….?How ………is he?

Gợi ý:

A: Which school does he go to? B: He goes to Nguyen Du school. A: What class is he in?

B: He's in class 7A. A: What's his surname? B: His surname is Tran. A: What's his forename? B: They're Van Kien.

A: What's his address?

B: It's 66 Ham Long street, Ha Noi. A: How old is he?

B: He's 12.

A: What's his weight? B: He weighs 41 kilos. A: How tall is he?

B: He's one meter 40 centimeters tall.

Practice: Every student writes a medical record Anh then ask and answer questions with a partner MEDICAL RECORD


Class: _

- - - - - - - FULL NAME:

Forename: Surname:

- - - - - - - - Address:

-Male: Female :

-Age : _

-Weight : _kg

-Height : _cm


Past simple tense

Regular Verbs (Động từ có qui tắc) Irregular Verbs (Động từ bất qui tắc)

call - called fill - filled measure - measured start - started stop - stopped weigh - weighed

be - was/were give - gave have - had keep - kept leave - left take - took

Practice: Put the verbs into the correct form (Điền dạng động từ)

1.She (leave) _ work at 6.00 last Friday

2.Miss Lan (stop) _ by the grocery store on the way home yesterday 3.I (be) _ very hungry, so I (have) lunch in a restaurant yesterday 4.My father ( take) _me to the zoo last week

5.The film (start) at o’clock yesterday afternoon ? 6.He ( give ) her a gift on her birthday last week 7.Mr Hung ( weigh ) 60 kilos last year

8.She (call ) _ police after car accident last night



Section B: What was wrong with you?

I Vocabulary

1 wrong (adj) (with sb/sth): không ổn cold (n): cảm lạnh

3 head (n) → headache (n): đau đầu sick (adj) = ill (adj): ốm, bệnh

→ sickness = illness (n): bệnh inside (adv) ≠ outside (adv): bên ≠


6 sick note (n): giấy xin phép nghỉ bệnh virus (n): vi-rút

8 flu (n): bệnh cúm

9 absent (adj) (from sth): vắng mặt → absence (n): vắng mặt 10 common (adj): phổ biến 11 disease (n): bệnh 12 catch (v): mắc (bệnh) 13 symptom (n): triệu chứng 14 runny nose (n): sổ mũi 15 slight (adj): nhẹ, hơi 16 fever (n): sốt

17 cough (v): ho

→ cough (n): chứng ho

→ coughing (n): hành động ho 18 sneeze (v): hắt

→ sneeze (n): chứng hắt → sneezing (n): hành động hắt

19 unpleasant (adj) ≠ pleasant (adj): khó chịu ≠ dễ chịu

20 cure (v): chữa (bệnh) → cure (n): việc điều trị 21 medicine (n): thuốc

22 relieve (v): làm giảm, làm dịu 23 whatever (pron.): 24 last (v): kéo dài

25 disappear (v) ≠ appear (v): biến ≠ xuất

26 prevent (v): ngăn chặn 27 stomachache (n): đau bụng

II Nội dung học :

 Listen / page 110 Answer the questions: a) Because Lan was sick

b) She had a bad cold and a headache c) Mr Tan tells Lan to stay inside at recess d) Lan had a virus

e) The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note  Listen page 111

Days lost through sickness in class 7A last semester (Số ngày nghỉ học bệnh lớp 7A vào học kì trước)

 Read page 112 Listen to

a) Why we call the cold


=> Because every year millions of people catch it

b) What are the symptoms of the common cold? (Các triệu chứng bệnh cảm thường gì?) => They're running nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing

c) Is there a cure for the common cold? (Có cách chữa bệnh cảm thường khơng?) => No, there isn't

d) Do cold cures work? What they do? (Các phương thuốc trị bệnh cảm lạnh có tác dụng khơng? Chúng có tác dụng gì?) => No, they don't They only relieve the symptoms.

e) How can you help prevent a cold? (Bạn phịng ngừa bệnh cảm lạnh nào?) => We should eat well, exercise

Exercise UNIT 11 I.Multiple Choice

1 They had to fill their medical records

A down B at C in D on How is Nga? - She is 36 kilos

A high B weight C heavy D tall _ you open the door for me, please?

A Would B Should C Do D Are is Hoa's height ? - One meter fifty centimeters

A How B Which C What D When The nurse told Hoa _ to the waiting room

A to return B returning C return D returned We should have a medical every six months

A record B treatment C check – up D problem is a shop where you can buy medicines and a lot of other things

A Bakery B Toy store C Drug store D book-store 8 They went back to Hanoi by train.

A followed B returned C got on D came in She will be back a few minutes

A in B at C about D on 10 What's your surname?

A full name B middle name C family name D first name 11 She is 145 centimeters

A tall B heavy C old D high 12 I need your height

A measuring B to measure C measure D A & B 13 How is Nga? – She is 36 kilos

A high B weight C heavy D much 14 You should your hands before meals

A to wash B washing C wash D B & C

II Verb form ( Chia động từ)

1 Lan (be) _ tired when she (catch) a bad cold yesterday Everybody (wait) for Miss Oanh in the hall now

3 You should (go) to bed early I hope you (feel) _ better soon

5 She needs (eat) _ a lot of vegetables and fruit Mr Nam (not come). to the meeting yesterday

7 My father (be). _ really healthy He never (take) medicine There (be) nobody there when I (arrive) _ last night


1 What is the _ of Eiffel Tower? (high) 2 How _ is the Nile River? (length)

3.Mrs Oanh's daughter is having a _check-up ( medicine ) 4 We need to know your _, Minh (weigh)

5.You should stay _ ( health ) 6.What is your grandfather's _? ( old )

IV Fill in the blanks: (Điền từ vào ô trống)

How How long How wide How deep How far How heavy How tall How often How high How much

1 _are you? - One meter fifty centimeters does he go swimming? - Three times a week

3 _are these buildings? - Over 100 meters high

4 _ is it from here to the post office? - About one kilometer

5 is your brother? - 60 kilos

6 _ you go to school? - By cycle

7 _did you stay in Nha Trang? - Two weeks

8 is it? - It's twenty thousand dong

V MATCH ( Ghép câu hỏi cột A với câu trả lời cột B.)


1 What is his age? What is his full name? What school does he go to? Which class is he in? Where does he live? What is his height? 7.How heavy is he?

A 12 Tran Hung Dao Street B He goes to Le Quy Don School C 40 kilos

D He's fourteen E Nguyen Van Hung F 1,500 meters G Class 7A

1+ _ 2+ _ 3+ _ 4+ _ 5+ _ 6+ _ 7+ _

VI.: Rewrite these sentences ( Viết lại câu này)

1 How tall is your brother?

What _ ?

2 Lan was absent form class yesterday because of her sickness Because Lan

3 What is the weight of the parcel? How ? What is your home address?

Where ? What was your weight last year?

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:23

