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Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, textbook. 2.Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks,review the old lesson, prev[r]


Date of preparing: Period 19

Unit - Our past Lesson 3: Listen (P.41) I.Aims:

- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson; listen and

Further practice in the past simple tense

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the main idea of a story by listening

and further practice in the past simple tense - Develop skills ; S, L ,R & W

1.Language contents:

*Grammar: the simple present and simple past

*Vocabulary: foolish, greedy, gold, lay-laid, discover, amazement, die 2.Skills: Listening

3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

1.Teacher's preparation: lesson plan, textbook, cassette & CD, a poster

2.Ss' preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks,review the old lesson, preview vocabularie


Pelmanism, what and where, prediction IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (3’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises

T corrects the mistakes

Teacher's activities Time Ss' activities

Step1.Warm up: Pelmanism

- Give ss some cards One side of the card is number and other is a verb in the simple present or simple past of irregular verb

- Divide the class into two teams and ask ss in each team



to turn cards

run fly ride eat sit come

ran flew rode ate sat came

2.New lesson: *Pre- listening: 1.Vocabulary: - T elicits some new words

+ foolish (a): ngốc, ngu xuẩn (translation) + greedy (a): tham lam (example) + gold (a): vàng (picture) + lay- laid (v): đẻ trứng (example) + discover (v): khám phá, phát (translation) + excited (a): hào hứng, phấn khởi


+ amazement (n):sự ngạc nhiên (translation) + die (v): chết (translation) - Check : What and Where


- Asks to look at four titles and predict which is the most suitable title of the story

a Don’t kill chicken

b Don’t be foolish and greedy c Be happy with what you have d It’s difficult to find gold - Give feedback

*While- listening: Listen and check:

- T asks ss to listen to the tapescript and check their predictions

+Answer key: Don’t be foolish and greedy Answer the questions:

- Asks ss to listen to the tape again and answer the questions

1 Did a farmer live a poor life with his family? What animals did they feed?

3 Did his chickens lay eggs ?

4 One day, what did he discover when he went to





- Listen and repeat in chorus -

individually - Copy down

- Play game in teams

- Individual work

- Listen and check


collect the eggs?

5.What did he decide to when finding a gold egg? What happened after he had finished to cut open all the chickens ?

Find out the verbs in the story: - Asks ss what tense is used in the story

- Have ss listen again and try to write as many verbs as possible

*Post listening: Retell the story:

- T sticks the pictures on the board and asks ss to retell the story

- T gets feedback



5 He decided to cut open all the


6 All the chickens were dead

- Past simple went discovered were laid ran looked shouted wanted finished decided couldn’t

- Individual work

3.Sumarry: (2m)

- T asks ss to repeat what they have learnt; which tense is used - T asks ss to retell the main of the story"A gold eggs"


- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Do exercise (p.22-N.B); ex.3 (p.28-W.B) - Prepare the next lesson



Date of preparing: Period 20

Unit 4: Our past Lesson : Read (P.41- 42) I.Aims:

- Help ss understand and remember the words and phrases given in the lesson; read the

story "The Lost Shoe" for details

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand and retell the story " The Lost


- Develop skills : L, S, R & W 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: the past simple tense

*Vocabulary: fairy, prince, rag, drop, marry, cruel, upset, magically, appear, 2.Skills: Reading

3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1 Teacher's preparation: lesson plan, textbook, pictures. 2 Ss' preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks.


Pelmanism, slap the board, retell story IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises

T corrects the mistakes Steps

Teacher's activities Tim


Ss' activities 1.Warm up:


make hold lose find fall

made held lost found fell



2.New lesson *Pre- reading: *Vocabulary: - T elicits some new words

+ fairy (n): bà tiên (explanation)

+ prince (n): hoàng tử (example) + rag (n): quần áo rách (realia) + drop (v): đánh rơi (mime) + marry (v): cưới, kết hôn (example) + cruel (a): độc ác (antonym) + upset (a): buồn rầu (mime) + magically (adv): kỳ diệu (translation) + appear (v): xuất

- Check : Slap the board T/F statements prediction: - Hang the poster on the wall.

a Little Pea’s father is a poor farmer

b her father got married again after his wife died c Her new mother is beautiful and nice to her d She worked hard all day

e She didn’t have new clothes to take part in the festival

- Asks ss to guess which statement is true and which is false

- Give feedback *While reading: Read and check:

- T asks ss to read the story"The Lost Shoe" to check their prediction

+ Answer key: a T


c F – Her new mother was cruel to her d T

e F – A fairy gave her beautiful clothes *Comprehension questions:

- T shows six questions on the board and asks ss to read them





- Listen and repeat in chorus - individually

- Copy down

-Play game in teams

- Individual work

- Listen and read then check their gueses - Read the questions given

- Work in pairs to find out the answers


- T makes sure ss understand all the questions - T gets ss to play a game : Lucky Number

 Answers:

A - She was a poor farmer's daughter B - She made little Pea chores all day?

C - Because he was very upset and he soon died of a

broken heart

D - Little Pea got new clothes from a fairy E - The prince decided to marry the girl who owned the

shoes F - Ss' answers

*Complete the sentences with words from the story.

- T asks ss to read all the sentences given - T asks ss to work individually and then pair -compared

- T gets feedback : a farmer

b died

c had to / again d choose / marry e new clothes f lost

*Post reading: Retell the story

- T asks ss to look at the pictures and retell the story "The lost shoes"

- T gives good marks if they well




- Copy the answers

- Read

- Work individually - Pair - compared - Copy the answers

- Individual work - Pair work

- Individual work to retell the story: 1 Once a poor farmer had a daughter named Little Pea.

2 After his wife died, the farmer married again.




made Little Pea’s father very upset He soon died of a broken heart

4 Summer came and went In the fall, the village held its harvest festival That year, everyone was excited as the prince wanted to choose his wife from the village. 5 Stout Nut’s mother made new clothes for her, but poor Little Pea had none 6 However, before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed Little Pea’s rags into beautiful clothes. 7 As Little Pea ran to the festival, she dropped one of her shoes and lost it 8 When the prince found the shoe, he decided to marry the girl who owned it Of course the shoe fitted Little Pea

9 The prince immediately fell in love with her. 3.Sumarry: (2m)

- T asks ss what they have learnt - T asks ss to sum up the story 4.Homework:


- Do exercise (p.23- N.B) - Prepare the next lesson V.Evaluation:

Date of preparing: Period 21

Unit 4: Our past Lesson : Write (P.42- 43) I.Aims:

- Help ss learn how to write a short imaginary story

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use the simple past tense to write a folktale

1.Language content:

*Grammar:the simple past tense

*Vocabulary: wisdom, stripe, straw, servent, escape, tie, graze, burn, 2.Skills: Develop skills : L , S , R & W

3.Attitude : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, textbook.

2.Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks,review the old lesson, preview vocabularies


Chatting, gap fill, role play IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises

T corrects the mistakes *Step:

Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities

Step1.Warm up: Chatting

- Asks ss some questions about imaginary story  Do you want to read imaginary stories? Name



some of them?

 Which story you like best?

 Have you ever read the story “How the tiger got his stripes?”

Step2.New lesson: *Pre- writing:

Pre- teach vocab: -T elicits some new words:

+ wisdom( n): trí khơn ( translation) + stripe (n): sọc, viền ( visual)

+ straw (n): rơm, rạ ( realia)

+ servant (n): đày tớ ( explanation) + escape (v): trốn thoát ( translation) + tie (v): trói chặt ( mime)

+ gzace (v): gặm cỏ ( visual) + burn (v): đốt cháy ( translation) -Check : Ro and Rm

Complete the story: Use the verbs in the box - T sets the scene :

- T makes sure ss understand all the words given - T asks ss to work in pairs

- T gets feedback *While-writing:

Answer the questions

- T asks ss to work in pairs to answer the questions a Where was the man?

b What did the buffalo when the tiger appeared? c What did the tiger want to know?

d What did he before going home?Why ? e What did he when he returned ?

-T gets feedback: a In the field b It grazed nearby

c Why the strong buffalo… d He tied the tiger to …

e He lit the straw to burn the tiger




- Listen and repeat in chorus-individually - Copy down

- Rewrite words

- Listen - Pair work 1- appeared tied

2- was 7- lit 3- said 8-

burned 4- left 9-


5- went

- Work in pairs


*Post writing Write the story

Imagine you are the man Use the words to write the story (p.43) (exhibition)

- T asks ss to work in groups Each group does or sentences

*Note :

Change ; the man I ; his my Eg: One day as I was in the field -T gets feedback:


- Group work

-Ss exhibite their writings on board Sumarry: (2m)

-T asks ss to repeat what they have learnt 4.Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary

-T asks ss to exercise (p.25- N.B) - Prepare the next lesson

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:27

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